There are many competing beliefs about who Vasty’naar was. Some say she was born in Daen during the end of the Consolidation, and as the suffocating over-population of the urban landscape took hold during the Floundering, she was driven to seek inspiration for her art. Others contend she was born on the Sundial Isles and remained there all her life, only traveling to the nearby Sunbright Isles (now part of Rokhara) once in her life. But what is certain is that the Vasty’naar Verses, as they are now known, became legendary works of Suvial musical composition and poetry. “Vasty’naar Verses: A Regalian Selection” was compiled in 295 AC as part of a Regal-led knowledge collection mission to the Suvial inhabited areas of the Regalian Archipelago, who selected five works of prominence for inclusion in the final document.
The Epic of Drevooth is an ancient Suvial story set in the Sundial Isles, but modern interpretations, expressed in the epic play form of the Suvial, often reflect modern ideas. Indora is portrayed as a schemer, who is ultimately turned into a Kathar at the play’s end, while Mahavin is herself a Kathar from the very start.
Vasty’naar’s fate is ultimately unknown, though it is said her bloodline eventually blended with that of one of Sinadhäele’s oldest dynasties. Sadly, 90% of this family was lost in one of the earliest Void-outs launched on the Sundial Isles, alongside their records of literature and music, including a number of ancient copies of Vasty’naar Verses.