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New Roleplayers' Guide

From MassiveCraft Wiki
Revision as of 19:31, 3 February 2024 by OkaDoka (talk | contribs)

Welcome to MassiveCraft! This is the New Roleplayer’s Guide. Do not be afraid to ask questions in the RP Discord. Other players or staff members should be able to help clear up any confusion.

This page is currently undergoing edits (as of 24/01/29).

The World

MassiveCraft's lore is set in a universe called Aloria, a late medieval universe on the cusp of advancing. It is a world where knights in heavy armor, barbarian wildlings in thick fur, haughty Elven Mages, and caped French musketeers freely mingle. Aloria is a story of great Empires, the marks they have left on history, and the people they leave behind when they collapse. Most information about the world is held on Heritage pages, which explain how Characters from different parts of the world feel about culture, religion, Magic, and one another. All Heritages can be found on the Races page, but a neat summary of each is below. These summaries include physical form ("Humans," "Elves," or "Beastfolk") as well as lore information, and are grouped by shared story.

  Imperial Heritages are defined by their strong relationship with the roleplay setting, the Regalian Empire. These Heritages are easy to play and straightforward.

  • Ailor Humans, inspired by a range of European and Near-Eastern cultures, are numerous and diverse. The roleplay setting, the Regalian Empire, was founded and led by Ailor. Strongly recommended for new players.
  • Solvaan Elves, mercenary Wind Elves, turned on their Allorn ancestors to help found Regalia instead. Solvaan lore discusses the dangerous, exciting Mistlands they hail from, and their monopoly on most mercenary work.
  • Sihndar Elves, frugal Dark Elves, wage an eternal war against Demons in the north. With influence from Ailor Scandinavian-inspired cultures and strong Regalian support, the Sihndar are martial but embattled.
  • Urlan Beastfolk, minotaurs from the frozen continents, have a special relationship with Regalia as shock troopers in the Imperial armies. Urlan are excellent hunters and trackers, and are always at home in the wilds.


  • lanlath finullen suvial maquixtl yanar kathar

  Draconic Heritages are defined by their interactions with Dragons, ancient creators of the world, and by the Dragons' war against Demons and hostile Magic.

  • Songaskian Humans, inspired by West African cultures, are physically descended from Dragons. Songaskian lore discusses their wars with the Qadir (another Heritage), their heavy use of Magic, and their hate of Death Gods.
  • Sihai Humans, inspired by East Asian cultures, allied with Dragons long ago. Sihai lore discusses their endless defense against Demons, their faraway Kingdoms, and their attempts to reach out into the wider world.
  • Isldar Elves, stoic Ice Elves, disavowed their Allorn ancestors and fled their Empire with Dragons in tow. Isldar lore discusses their pro- vs. anti-Dragon civil war, their icy spire palaces, and their swordplay and poetry.
  • Slizzar Beastfolk, serpentine shapeshifters, were created as the personal attendants of the Dragon Nox. Slizzar lore discusses their role as excellent spies and watchers of history who live in disguise for millennia.
  • Bralona //,

  Ancient Heritages quest to rediscover their lost Empires' histories of engineering and Technology, turning back the clock to resurrect their legacies. This lore is considered more 'advanced'.

  • qadir dwarves asha narim allar maraya
  • Maraya (visually Tiefling-esque) ....
    • The Meraic Empire was world-spanning before Elves even existed. Destroyed in a climactic century-long war against a Demonic invasion, its cryo-sleeping survivors remember their glorious Meraic History.


  • mystech

Regalia, or the Holy City, is central to the Regalian Empire. It is a melting pot inhabited by nearly every culture in the world; strong with the success of the last century, but uncertain about the future. Regalia is caught between eras: Knighthood clashes with the advent of firearms, while cramped medieval roads give way to brick high-rises. Everyone comes to Regalia for their own reasons. The most common is chasing opportunity— there’s plenty to do. Some flee wars in their homeland, or the consequences of their actions. A character’s background often motivates them.

The Setting

/// Regalia, or the Holy City, is central to the Regalian Empire. It is a melting pot inhabited by nearly every culture in the world; strong with the success of the last century, but uncertain about the future. Regalia is caught between eras: Knighthood clashes with the advent of firearms, while cramped medieval roads give way to brick high-rises. Everyone comes to Regalia for their own reasons. The most common is chasing opportunity— there’s plenty to do. Some flee wars in their homeland, or the consequences of their actions. A character’s background often motivates them.

Getting Started

  • First, join the RP Discord.
  • Next, make a forum account. You have to have logged on for that, so log onto MassiveCraft at the IP, and then log back off.
  • Then, go to the forums and make an account with the same name as your Minecraft username.
  • After, go to the Character Sheets section and read the template.
  • Hit Post New Thread in the Character Sheets section and fill out a copy of the template for your Character.
  • That’s all! Get on and roleplay.
  • Please use the Ticket Bot in the Discord if you have any questions at all or need a skin. We’ll get you sorted.

The Chat System

  • Run /rpmode to leave non-roleplay channels. You are now in Local Chat.
  • Run /nick use CHARACTERNAME. Your dialogue will now show up with your character’s name.
    • Typing and entering Hello. will print ~CHARACTERNAME says: "Hello."
    • Typing and entering jumped.+ will print ~CHARACTERNAME jumped.
    • Typing and entering jumped. "Woah!"+ will print ~CHARACTERNAME jumped. "Woah!"
    • Typing and entering Hello.$ will print ~CHARACTERNAME mutters: "Hello." This has a shorter range than normal.
    • Typing and entering Hello.* will print ~CHARACTERNAME whispers: "Hello." This has a very short range.
    • Typing and entering Hello.)) will print Hello. in local Out Of Character chat.


  • You can revisit the tutorial at spawn.
  • You can use /fav add USERNAME to see when a friend logs on and off.
  • There’s an activity board near spawn (/tp Golden Willow) to show you where players are.
  • /tp WARPNAME will take you around the city. Warp names often match activity board names.
  • If you ever can’t find RP, check #looking-for-rp in the Discord.
  • Ask in a ticket if you’re new and struggling to find anyone.