Extinct Races

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Aloria has beheld many Races over the millennia of civilizations that have risen and fallen across its many diverse lands. Some have reigned long while others lasted only for a very short time, but all of these civilizations have left some level of impact on the world.

Ancient Extinct Races


The Seraph were an all-powerful civilization with many wondrous constructs and powers at their fingertips. Their architecture ranged from great complexes and high towers to long-sealed vaults, all built with white stones and minerals such as Seraphalo and marble. They also made use of extensive wall murals that revealed their many acts and communions with animals, energies, and each other. While no Seraph remains have ever been discovered, their murals clearly show them to be tall and slim beings with narrow eyes, some form of pointed ears, and simple robed clothing. Little else is known about this society as their sites are often guarded by powerful Construct creatures which defend the ancient ruins that somehow generate the energies to form them.

Second Civilization Race

The Second Civilization Race is curiously the most mysterious of all the extinct Races in Aloria, as there is very little evidence of their existence. The only indication of their presence comes in the form of scattered ruins across the east of Aloria, often made of dark-toned stone and rarely more complete than a few columns and walls. There is no example of the Second Civilization's physical appearance as their ruins possess limited art and decoration.

Third Civilization Race

The Third Civilization Race is less mysterious than the Second Civilization Race, but their ruins are equally as rare as their predecessors'. Their only known remains are located on the lethal jungle island of Solangeria, where they are protected by the savage Temple Orphans and other dangers. While these ruins have rarely been explored, it is clear they were a sophisticated people. They built grand temples, walls, and at least one large multi-limbed statue (which was likely a religious figure) using Lazurite tiling to decorate them. As a result, many assume that the people of the Third Civilization had multiple limbs (two sets of arms), but this is not confirmed in any of their ruins. As a result, until more information is uncovered, only the barest speculations can be made about their appearance or any other details of their lives.


The Meraic, also known as the Fourth Civilization, are generally more well known than the Seraph due to their unique history. They were an advanced society that greatly expanded their empire from the south of Aloria to eventually cover much of the known world, save perhaps the faraway lands of Jadeheart or Westafar. The Meraic were great engineers, building fantastical devices of crystal and metal that are barely understood even all these millennia later. However, they were as flawed as those that came before them. Some of their Race eventually turned to Magic despite the strong inclination against it by their society, triggering the Fourth Void Invasion. The Dragons, long rejected by Meraic society, then came to the Race offering aid. While the unity of the Races broke down, those who followed the suggestions of the Dragons would come to build great Vaults to store a mere fraction of their populace in safety. In the end, the Meraic fell after 120 or so years of warfare, and were made to slumber. However, for unknown reasons, the Dragons left them asleep far longer than the Meraic believed they would be. When they emerged again, the Vaults breaking down rather than naturally releasing them, the Meraic became the Maraya in the new world that surrounded them. Broadly, the Meraic looked visually identical to the Maraya, but Genos manipulation by the Race granted members of their populace additional features.

  • For more information on the history of the Meraic, click HERE

Old Extinct Races


Little remains in the records of the Allorn Empire as to the nature, appearance, or specifics of the Ïliamen, but their fall is deeply connected to the narrative of the Lanlath Elves who broke away from the Allorn Empire. A species of humanoids, reportedly with butterfly wings, and capable of flight, their society was rustic and gentle. They survived in homes nestled into the branches of huge trees located in the southern forests of Altaleï, far enough from the coastline to avoid any notable contact with the Fin’ullen. They were officially discovered during the early years of the Allorn Empire, a short time after the Allorn’s devastating war with the Dewamenent, and soon faced obliteration at the hands of the Empire’s early military. Their swift, brutal annihilation to gain access to valuable mineral deposits located beneath their forests proved a pivotal moment in Allorn history. Thousands of proto-Lanlath flocked to the Leyon Temples and poured out their grief, beginning a series of events that birthed the Lanlath. Presently, nothing remains of the Ïliamen but some scholars have postulated they were perhaps of the same insectoid stock as the Narim and several other now-extinct Races which all originated from ancient Meraic Genos creations.


The Volphilia are possibly one of the most alien Races to ever inhabit Aloria. They were discovered shortly after Allorn ships reached southern Corontium when Fin’ullen and Teledden explorers came upon the Volphilia in various small colonies known as Edenna dotted around what is now the region of Mandu. Initial interactions were unnerving to the Elven Races, who found the Race too foreign to allow into their Empire, but also difficult to combat due to strange characteristics native to the people. The Allorn vessels left, and Elves later founded Solleria in the western lands of Corontium. However, when a Solvaan party returned in force to Mandu around 1800 BC, intent on using their greatly expanded powers to bring some Volphilia with them willingly or unwillingly, they found all Edenna abandoned, overgrown with natural life, and no sign of the strange people. The sole remnant of their kind was the disturbing site found near the remains of Edenna Rossas, known as the Cave of Statues, in which dozens of statues of Volphilia, rendered in extreme detail from white marble, were found alongside similar artwork of dozens of others; some Ailor, Elves, and even some of Aloria’s other Races were present. They were also each perfectly ringed by gray-colored flowers, some growths having spread to wrap around the statues. The Elves left and never returned, the Edenna eventually fading from the map while the Cave of Statues grew in infamy, being actively feared by what few colonists the Regalian Empire sent there. However, the Cave is now apparently lost, and efforts by the local Maquixtl migrants have not been able to re-locate the site. The Volphilia were of equal height to the Teledden, but often hunched themselves forward, with hands drawn behind their pale, near-translucent bodies. Their faces had no features, instead being ovals of horizontally wrinkled skin and faint patterns of pale purple or pale blue along their bodies. The sole feature that remained alike to other Races were ears, but while these were pointed, their broader structure was connected to the species' head and led to a seamless blend against the skull. The final feature of note was most distinct, a third "limb" which was prehensile, extremely thin, and emerged from their upper backs to hover around them. The end of this "limb" held their only eye, a throbbing sphere of shifting colors which was said to be entrancing, surrounded by three fleshy digits which could shield the eye, though it also had a lid for this purpose.



The Grul, sometimes called the Grul-Yanar, are mentioned only in conspiratorial tones and fringe texts in the modern day. While they were certainly a Race who existed within the Allorn Empire’s sphere, an enormous loss of information since that time has rendered them almost a myth. Where the Yanar are floral and covered in living vegetation or at least aesthetic approximations of it, the Grul were broadly described as being made of bark, their bodies lanky, stiff and lacking vegetation. Their eyes were universally green, and some report a brilliant gemstone on the center of their forehead, though this may have also been a decoration among the leaders of their society. They were best known as enchanters, specifically related to objects, granting minor effects and aesthetics onto these items which were said to last just as long as any Teledden Archmage’s effort. Unlike with those Teldden efforts, the act was almost effortless for the Grul. Their numbers dwindled with time as the Elves encroached on their natural habitat, and they are believed to have been rendered extinct by the Cataclysm. However, the role of elderly men and women of the forest giving enchanted weapons or objects to heroes in Ailor and modern Teledden fables from the regions that once made up the Allorn Empire is believed to have descended from their memory.


Mythologized as the cyclops in most Ailor coastal folklore, the Ar'Ima were a species of one-eyed humanoids native to the islands of Westwynd, chiefly the Silerian Chain and Etosil. Their origin is unknown, but their unique appearance as well as coastal location soon attracted much attention from the Allorn Empire. Like most contact with foreign Races in their earliest times, the Allorn were friendly, but the Ar'Ima suffered at the hands the Allorn far earlier than other groups. Whether it was their easily raided homeland, or some other reason, it came to pass that within three centuries from their day of contact, the Ar'Ima entirely disappeared from the region. They also suffered the quickest depopulation of any Allorn border people, their population of approximately 30,000 narrowed to a few dozen by 5000 BC. Their main visual trait of a single large eye in their heads was enhanced by both men and women having black, thick heads of hair that clearly framed this large pupil. Their single eye could also come in a range of exotic colors. While many myths would later claim they were the size of Giants, the Ar'Ima were merely tall, standing at seven feet on average and likely towering over the Ailor who originally interacted with them. While it is commonly claimed some unique members of their species survived the Cataclysm, no modern evidence of such people exist, as most stories tell of them being slain by Ailor heroes decades if not nearly three centuries ago.


The Nasha were a Race native to the northern landmasses of Sileria, which is now home to The Suvial Princedoms. They appeared to be shy or at least overly cautious creatures as they actively chose not to engage with the Suvial for some time, keeping to the existing greenery wherever possible. They were described in the works of Vyasa Vyana, an ancient poet of now legendary status, as “gliding through the foliage as nature’s wind might,” “marked by scales and slender features with sincerity of thought,” and “able to vanish at will into the bounty of plenty.” They were also reportedly shorter than the Suvial and had a dark green color to their scales and eyes. Their ultimate fate is a mystery that has abounded to this day, deeply wrapped into the theological and political divide between the Suvial and the Allorn Elves. Almost antithetical to the fire imagery that the Suvial rapidly cultivated, many broadly believe that the Nasha were rendered extinct when the Suvial triggered volcanic eruptions, or forced the Nasha from the forests, reducing them to a servant caste that rapidly withered and died away. However, the Suvial claim the Nasha survived for centuries alongside them and helped them establish their agriculture. Their deaths were a result of an unknown event, unstoppable to the Suvial for how rapidly it overcame this reptilian Race, and they strongly connect it with the efforts of Void worshipers from the mainland trying to corrupt their society. As a result, the Nasha are memorized in Suvial artwork to this day.



The Bollon stand as one of the shortest Races to ever exist in Aloria, rivaling the Dwarves. Stout frog people, supposedly of northwestern Altaleï, their lands were conquered sometime after Talea’s unification of the Teledden. They lived at the shores of what became Lake Talaï, and cultivated an array of arcane-influenced plants for strange rituals they enacted in the swamp mists. They also reared heinously large swamp insects for riding and consumption. The Allorn Empire is said to have never truly conquered this Race, mainly due to their ability to vanish into the seemingly unnatural fog of the area. Coupled with their unique biology, capable of going dormant for sometimes years at a time and their small size, the Allorn lost interest. Despite this, several notable Bollon are known to history, as gardeners, plant-tenders, and to create horticultural wonders. The Bollon eventually faded from records shortly before the collapse of the Allorn Empire’s unity, and there are some who believe they were wiped out by Void Worshipers. However, others believe they were not a true Race to begin with, but creatures, perhaps even Demons, of Eloblina, the Toad Mother, the least offensive of the deities from Void Worship. The region they thrived in remains a terrifying location among the Teledden, filled with the corpses of the ancient dead, thick fogs, and maybe, just maybe, the remains of this long-vanished Race.


The Mazo were found during the greatest years of the Allorn Empire within a chain of underground caves in the east of Westwynd. The Teledden who found them reported their crude state of being and general disinclination to approach the Elves. Eventually, communication was established with an “Elder”, who asked to be left alone. The Teledden then left, and the creatures were indeed left alone for centuries until the Allorn fervor for Oblation pearls demanded they break their word. The Race was reportedly quite stout but well built despite their light weight. They also possessed wings attached to their arms and could use them to fly, while their faces were very similar to that of bats. They had gray skin and were covered in black fur. When the Teledden attacked them, they discovered an unfortunate fact: the Race only lived for at most twenty years and so Oblation Pearls were exceptionally weak or had low value. The Allorn Empire ultimately hunted the Mazo to death within only two centuries, though reports of a few members surviving in the depths of their home cave system remained until the Cataclysm. It was then that the mountains above folded in or separated, likely obliterating the species deep underground as the world changed. At the very least, it destroyed their settlements, and the caves that first held them now hold a variety of other hostile life forms, guarding whatever remains of the Race exist.


The Ochil are a unique case for an Allorn minority people, in that they were already somewhat sophisticated when the Teldden found them living in far northwestern Westwynd, on the Ossola Peninsula. They, too, were initially left alone like the Mazo, but they seemed quickly taken with Teledden society and entered it freely, though rarely, for the next few centuries. But during the slow decay of the Allorn Empire, the Race faced increasing harsh legal impositions, and their peaceful community was eliminated. The Ochil had very distinct features that are still known today, though they were quite humanoid in general. They had skin colors from bright pink to pale purple, with vibrant yellow or grey eyes and similar tones to their often long hair on both women and men. This same tone to their eyes and hair also affected the smattering of freckle-like dots along their nose and on both upper cheekbones. Their faces also featured supposedly prehensile small head crests on either side of their temples, which helped them push their hair back out of their face. The Ochil also had excessively slim, delicate limbs and were highly experienced in the art of love, while also unable to reproduce with any other Race save their own. This made them highly sought after, either as dancers or sophisticated friends, even if they were a minority. The chaos of Cataclysm killed what few Ochil remained, and the Race is now considered extinct. They are curiously also supposedly the source for Maize in Aloria today, as Teledden records speak of the “Corn Culture” that was attached to the Race, with the Teledden explorers taking the plant with them when they left after their initial visits.



Never have a people been so unique in Aloria, and yet so thoroughly forgotten to history as the Vissin. Part of this is the fault of the Cataclysm, which destroyed the remnants of the Race on what became Southwynd in the modern day, though they also had outposts in southern Westwynd. An insectoid Race with beige shells, bright eyes and great communal intellect, they communicated through the use of pheromones and a complex vocal language supplemented with physical gestures. They were capable of great architectural achievements, building their “Horns” of hardened mud which arched into the air and could survive even the harshest rainfall and winds. Their society was also structured in a highly equal manner, and while their species had queens for reproduction, they had adopted family trees and intricate personal styles unique to each family unit. It is known they had contact with the Ar’Ima, and their molded carapaces are believed to have been the source of the Ar’Ima’s “shell armor” which they used to shield their heads. The fall of the Vissin civilization came after the nearby fall of the Dewamenet Empire, as they had the offense of seeking to spread their Race at the expense of lands the Allorn Empire held a nominal claim over. Their queendom was broken, and the Seven Nests were destroyed. Over centuries, these groups died off, one by one, though it is said an eighth, free Nest survived in the remnants of their homeland until close to the Cataclysm. This final group suffered a severe decline at the hands of local Ailor, who turned against the Vissin for various reasons, before the global disaster finished off the last of their kind. It is believed now that the Vissin were likely a sister Race to the still-alive Narim. Some even imagine the Narim had contact with this group, given the proximity of Vissin territory to Corontium, but this remains unconfirmed.


The Drovv are just as mysterious as the most ancient Races of Aloria but suffered an even worse fate as they have left behind almost no proper ruins or knowledge about themselves. All that is known, is what the Sihndar speak of them, and much of that is mythologized. The Sihndar speak of the Drovv as a wise Race with long necks who lived in the northern reaches of Aloria as a client state conquered by the Allorn Empire after their war against the ancient Asha. The Drovv barely fought back and agreed to send tribute south, but they demanded their right to continue an ancient role: as the guardians of the world. They apparently knew exactly what the Void Cycle was (how is unclear), and the Elves were all too happy to let them involve themselves in such a strange, diverting task. Their warriors were unskilled in Magic and instead were prone to using physical force and weapons for rapid attacks against their foes. Some Elves came to idolize the Drovv, and, in the final years of the Allorn Empire, a large part of the military-inclined Cult of Dronnal went north to learn from them. Few got the chance, as the Fifth Void Invasion opened right on top of the Drovv homeland, and so they were slaughtered. Their last act was to warn the Allorn Empire of the coming doom, though others contend it was more likely fleeing Elves from the fringes of their territory who delivered this news to the heartland of the Allorn. No Drovv bodily remains exist today, though the Sihndar honor their teachers not through artistic praise but action, and so their image only exists in limited Sihndar Hold records or orally from the eldest members of Sihndar society.


For most Ailor, Giants are myths of the Velheim or the fables of Old Ceardia. However, they were very much real, even if there is a great deal of mystery surrounding them. When or where they came into being is unknown, as some claim they came from a now-lost continent, destroyed by the Cataclysm, or were perhaps originally from Oldtera but migrated east up through Eastwynd into Ellador and the Northbelt, where they are considered to have lived last. While their common description as “giant Ailor” is rather broad, it is also all that can be certain. Allorn records were just as vague, and while Ailor myths give them very Ailor qualities, surroundings and even names, most suspect that they had below-normal intelligence. They also could clearly mate with Ailor, as there are some particularly tall Ailor who claim to trace their lineage back to the Giants, both in myth and in history. It is also suspected that another offshoot of Giants are Ogres, the crude near-humans of tall heights from Ellador. What ultimately happened to the Giants is unknown, but it is generally assumed they died out some years before the Cataclysm.



The Avarr, also known as the Rakhvvar, Terror People or Terror Birds, were an ancient avian Race of unknown origin that resided in Guldar at the same time as the Eronidas. Relations between the two were never good, and Eronidas society is very avian-phobic in the modern day, with a negative view on many bird species because of the savage nature of the Avarr. The Avarr were immense, easily standing at eight or nine feet tall, with brilliant flame-colored plumage and great physical strength. They considered themselves superior to the Eronidas, and evidence is rife in Eronidas tales of them sacrificing captive Eronidas alive in honor of a possibly avian god. The fall, and ultimate extinction, of the Avarr on the mortal plane was not known until the Maquixtl traveled to Guldar, finding the ruins of their nation. While most believe that the Eronidas or the toxic gasses which now cloud the continent, are to blame for the death of the Avarr, the Maquixtl themselves believe it to be the fault of the Allorn Empire, though no records exist of any large fleet, invasion, or attack being made against the fiery people. The Avarr do still survive, but in a mutilated form, their souls held in strange devices known as Soul Lockets and frequently engaged with by the Maquixtl who now develop and grow overtop of the ruins of the Avarr people. Unfortunately, these souls lack clear memories of their past lives, barely able to remember their own name, and are instead driven by their personalities. Ultimately, it is likely that the mysteries of the Avarr’s fall will remain as such until such a time that the Marquixtl accept outside inquiry, and provide evidence for their own beliefs on how the avian Race fell.

  • For more information on the role Avarr play in Maquixtl society, click HERE

Recent Extinct Races


The Raav were a Race who once inhabited the northern reaches of southern Sileria and had minimal contact with the Allorn Empire before their extinction at the hands of the Kathar. Early contact with this corvid-based bird people was peaceful, and while Teledden raiders soon made efforts to Oblate members of the Race, the group’s position high in the mountains in addition to protection beneath the wings of powerful Rokha, titan birds worshiped by the Raav who gave the region one of its name, warded off these efforts. As the Allorn Empire began to experience contractions in its power, the Teledden ultimately decided that southern Sileria was too difficult to raid, resulting in the Raav surviving for many years to come. However, this ended with the arrival of the newly born Kathar. The purge of the Skynests, the great mountain cities of the Raav, lasted less than a decade, with the Raav supposedly summoning “wind demons” to their aid, while the Rokha also swooped down to battle the tide of Kathar. However, this ultimately proved futile, and the Raav were the first of Rokhara’s Races to fall, slaughtered alongside many of the titan birds they held in such high regard. The great Skynests were obliterated, and the remains of the bird Race were converted into an array of wearables for the Kathar elite of that era. Nothing remains but modern artwork and stories of their people’s fall, in addition to those prized feather and bone outfits kept safe in many an elite's deep vault.


The strangest of all Sileria’s native Races, the Gra-rassör or “Gorgers” as they are known in Common, came from the great plains in Sileria’s south. However, they all congregated in a single settlement known as the City of Consumption, a vast complex of marble structures with a river at its side, surrounded by agricultural lands. The Race had two subspecies, the An-Gra, and the Ol-Gra. The Ol-Gra were slimmer of form and smaller, doing the manual labor of the Gra-rassör people as a whole, and serving the An-Gra. These larger, taller beings ate voraciously, consuming anything organic placed before them, so long as it was prepared in a certain way and set on opalescent serving trays. In return, the An-Gra excreted a sort of pale pink liquid which, when drunk, provided sheer bliss and boundless energy to any who tasted it. The Race’s visual features are largely lost to the modern world, for they supposedly dressed in uniform gray body shrouds, while white mask-helmets, studded with small black or opalescent stones, denoted their caste in society and hid their faces. They only removed these vestments when engaged in romantic encounters. Despite these difficulties, mentions in Kathar texts from their surprisingly long war with the city and its strange people suggest the Race’s body had tendrils, and that the pink liquid was excreted from a special gland along the An-Gra’s neck. Ultimately, the Gra-rassör were rendered extinct around 25 AC, their great City of Consumption razed to the ground and the last of the pink liquid used by the Kathar in celebration for their victory. The tattered rags that were left of the Race’s soft, masking body shrouds were taken and kept by many a Kathar elite family, similar to the remains of the Raav, while Gra helmet-masks were shattered, and lost to the ages.


The Col’kärrab were the longest enemy of the Kathar in their long conquest of southern Sileria. This insectoid species, taking on the form of heavily armored beetle people, existed in six Towers, or main settlements, whose clusters of ultra-dense earth and stone columns rose above the surrounding landscape. Similar to the Raav, they were capable of flight, and so generally avoided Allorn encroachment efforts by first flying into their column homes, and if that failed, proceeding down into a tunnel network beneath each Tower. Many Elves in the Allorn settlements, which sat on Sileria’s three small central islands off the coastline of Rokhara, eventually learned to get along well with the Col’kärrab in the area. Sadly, this did not save the insect Race. The Vermilion Tower of the islands fell to the Kathar in a matter of months, with the Alabaster Tower falling alongside the Ravv in their defeat. The remaining four Towers, Titian, Cattleya, Smalt and Damask, fought an ultimately losing war for nearly half a century against the Kathar before ultimately succumbing to their power. Their shells were transformed into gleaming trophies, while the Towers were annihilated, and the underground tunnel networks extensively explored but overall destroyed or heavily renovated. Ironically, this led the Kathar to discover remains of the Meraic Vault network. It is believed now that the Col’kärrab were likely a sister Race to the still-alive Narim, as the Extinct Race both had ties to the Meraic, who they called the Before-Formers, and a very similar physical appearance.

Sorvaar & Fuvrattaam

The Sorvaar and Fuvrattam are an unfortunate point of education for the Regalian Empire and the wider modern world on the effects of isolated peoples encountering others for the first time. Recently discovered by a Regalian expedition sent into Farsouth, the Sorvaar were a species of reptilian humanoids who also manifested traits from canines and felines in the form of saber teeth, pointed ears, and light patterned fur in areas of their body along with their scales .The Fuvrattam, on the other hand, were a species of short bird people with thin, narrow legs, and wings which had morphed to serve as grasping limbs. Unfortunately, further information about these Races was lost when disease broke out, and swept both small island populations. Determined to have been brought by the Regalians, this miasma foreign to the island ecologies they traveled to, the disease could not be stopped despite the efforts made by the explorers. They ultimately sought to flee after several months of effort. Later, when this group finally returned to the Empire late in 309 AC, a new group was sent to investigate the report, only to find, and then likely fully exterminate, what little was left of the Fuvrattam people. While the true expanse of these populations is unknown, further exploration to the area has been expressly forbidden by State powers intent on not causing any more undue suffering.


  • The bones of extinct Races in many areas of the world are believed by many to be almost impossible to find now thanks to the Bone Horror Crisis. If any did exist in the first place, it is highly likely that they are but shards now, or lost among the thousands of other normal body parts that made up (and still make up) Bone Horrors across Aloria.
  • It is not clear if the Nasha have any ties to the Allar, or even the Slizzar, though a case does exist that a cultural memory remains among those Allar that live in Sendrass. The Naga, a blending of Draconic, serpentine and humanoid features, is the shape several Sarat Void Worship beings take when depicted or described among the local Allar. Others believe the Nasha are a third, lost cousin Race, or that there is no tie, like with the reptilian Dakkar found far away in Ellador not being related to the Allar.
  • It is widely believed by the Maraya of the modern day that the Ochil are an offshoot Race who awoke from their Vault millennia earlier than all others. The many similar physical traits, however, are the only similarities, as the Ochil were not technologically advanced. Their tongue has also been compared with Shalota, and has no commonalities except, strangely, with the language of the Avarr which was altered and is now used by the Maquixtl.
  • The sheer plurality of Extinct Races has shocked many who have come to learn of such ancient beings. It is true that when compared against the events of Meraic History, it appears a true blossoming of life followed the Fourth Void Invasion. Why this happened is unclear, nor is it clear what gave the Elves a distinct advantage.

Writers HydraLana
Processors WaterDruppel
Last Editor MonMarty on 07/9/2024.

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