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Common Nicknames
  • Plant-People (derogatory)
  • Forest Child (endearing)
  • Vasilta (Elven)
LanguagesModern Altalar, Nātl, Common
Naming CustomsSee Language section
Racial Traits
DistinctionsPlant-like humanoids with a mysterious past and open future
Maximum Age500 years.
Heightfrom short to tall, depending on Floral Shift.

A syncretic Race that once lived alongside the Elves in the Allorn Empire as one of its many non-Elven minorities, the Yanar are a Race of plant-like humanoids that have been around for about as long as the Elves have, but have since Cataclysm detached their entwined fate from the legacy of the collapsed Elven Empire. Many still foster good relations with the many offshoot Elves, but others have ventured into the wide world in search of new purpose, new allies, and new friends. The Yanar are truly undefined by history, their role in the Allorn Empire was so small that they do not face the same scrutiny as other Elves might, and for many, a Yanar is a unique and rare sight that invited curiosity. Inherently interested in nature, and also intrinsically a part of it, the Yanar go wherever mother nature has spread her roots, intent on preservation and harmony or to live as freely as they please.

Core Concept

The Yanar are roughly split between three distinct population groups that aren't really subraces, rather more like subcultures. The most commonly found in an urban setting are the Ferlon who have spread out in the world whether for curiosity or purpose. The Senlon have remained close at home and to their roots, still finding their way into cities, but living on the peripheries where nature can be felt all around. The Dulon are a rare sight, once unfortunately trapped on the wrong side of the Kathar-Allorn divide, but now having adopted a distinct culture of control over nature rather than subjection to it. Each subculture represents a different aesthetic, but also different reasons for why they might appear in Regalia, with different allies and different friends to make.


The exact origins of the Yanar are murky, because they existed in a somewhat uncivilized state by the time the Elves first unified under Talea and formed the very first Allorn Empire. The Allorn Empire subjugated many minority Races (and purged a few as well), though the Yanar had a somewhat unique and privilege position. While most minority Races were demoted to class-less citizens of the magical Elven Empire, the Yanar had the blessings and protections of the Estelley gods. Their intervention, when the Allorn Empire expanded and impeded on the Senlionn Forests (the Yanar homeland, now part of the Allorn Empire), made the Elves respect the Yanar as different from all other Empire minorities, granting them great freedoms and exemption from the military or service and the Elves seeing themselves as their protectors. The Yanar formed communities in and around Estelley Temples as a result, and as the Allorn Empire descended in mania and decadence, history mostly passed the Yanar by who were very politically unengaged, and uninterested in the carnal delights that the Elves had started lusting after. In many ways, because of this non-engagement and disinterest, as well as their community isolation, the Yanar could ethically avoid blame for the Allorn Empire's greater crimes like genocide (against the Dewamenet). The Yanar finally became politically active several centuries before the collapse of the Allorn Empire, as agents of the Goddess Mana, using diplomacy, subterfuge and even violence to try and turn the tide of Void corruption among the Elves. They were far too few to change the tide when they finally did act, making only drops worth of change in an ocean of social decay. The Yanar suffered severely during the Night of the Weeping Stars, when pre-Kathar Elves took axe and torch to the Estelley temples, burning down the Va'sil Trees and proto-Mana Trees, killing many Yanar in the process who desperately tried to defend them. As the Empire collapsed, many Yanar fled the Empire's boundaries for lands beyond, or retreated deeper into the forests, or in the case of the Dulon, were caught behind enemy lines. The Yanar diaspora that fled the continents of the Allorn would end up in places like Ashaven and Regalia, international ports of which rumor was spreading far and wide. The Senlon Yanar who retreated deep into the forests eventually re-emerged, making alliances with the Xotik Maquixtl, preaching for the need of a stronger connection with nature and a detachment from the corruption of urban culture. The Dulon were unfortunate enough at first to become corrupted with Void Essences in the Dread Empire, but later would come to praise this circumstance, becoming fervent supporters of various darker gods and spreading their dominion over nature far and wide. Yanar society unlike that of many other Races is very divided in the modern era, with many Yanar choosing their own destiny away from the memories of the fallen Allorn Empire, while others try to stay true to their origins and rebuild the respect they once held in the eyes of the Estelley faithful.

Yanar Sub-Cultures

Ferlon Yanar

The Ferlon are urban city dwelling Yanar, preferring to live in housing made by other Races, surrounded by literally anyone and everyone, and trying to be friends or allies with as many as possible. Ferlon are most accustomed to the ways of living among other Races, and as such try to appear more like them (including humanoid skin tones), by wearing silk clothing or having jobs as business owners. Ferlon Yanar often come to Regalia to experience the jewel of the world, where anything can be seen, anything can be tried, and any mistake can be made, to have it their way.

Senlon Yanar

The Senlon are nature adoring Yanar, who try to live in or as close to wild unkempt nature as possible, preferring the company of Maquixtl and Estelley faithful. Senlon remain very true to their original roots, appearing more plant and flower like with vibrant dazzling colors and scents. The Senlon live more in tune with nature, taking and using only what they need and giving back by preserving the health of flora. Senlon often come to Regalia to be with their migrant Maquixtl allies, or to help the cause of environment preservation, a burgeoning cause in the capital.

Dulon Yanar

Once caught behind enemy lines, the best way to describe Dulon Yanar is to call them "Void Yanar". The Dulon have abandoned their Estelley worship origins to join the Kathar in their worship of darker faiths. Their ideology dictates that Nature is not a force to be respected and lived under, but one to use their unique skills and command of to control and subjugate. Dulon are inherently antagonistic to Senlon and Ferlon, seeking to usurp power over nature, and aligning with other Evolism and Kathar allies. They seek power in Regalia, often at the expense of other Yanar.

Physical & Mental Characteristics

Many Yanar use their control over the plants and flowers on their body to approximate clothing

Yanar have a very flexible physical appearance, because of their natural ability to Floral-shift, making them effectively shapeshifters though with obvious plant themes. Yanar (and half-Yanar) should always look recognizably plant-like with floral, bark, or other plant matter covering their body parts, hair, etc. Their skin tone can be that of vibrant flowers, however they are also able to mimic the skin-tone of other Races, and even reduce the amount of plants and vines and flowers on their body so they fit in more (or do the exact opposite and become more or less indistinguishable from a walking bark-person). Yanar appearances aren't always grounded in the same appearance, with many of them changing frequently. Yanar can also be encountered in many shapes and sizes, with a body that approximates a muscular form, a slender one, or a very burlesque one. They can be tall or short, have natural eye colors or funky combinations (though efforts should be taken to avoid eye color combinations common in Afflictions or Affinities). Yanar also inherently intersex, and can swap between any gender presentation or identity. Yanar are capable of reproducing with other Races, which always results in Half-Yanar, who have the same general appearance, though have noticeably less plant matter on their body, even less than those full Yanar who try to adapt to Regalian society by toning down the amount of flowers in their hair. Personality wise, Yanar are never grounded in any one particular personality. There are kind, generous, skittish, brave, and cruel Yanar, all products of their environment and a process called Wildbirth. Yanar when either choosing to do so, or undergoing a large deal of stress, can cocoon themselves, after which they are reborn they have a completely different personality better suited for their new situation or the stress they are dealing with. They retain all their memories, Abilities and connections, but may also shapeshift their appearance to look very different (though this does not extend their max age).

Heritage Traits

When designing a Character, Proficiency Points allow for a limited Ability selection with Point Buy Packs. Heritage Traits adds free Packs and Mechanics on top of that to help with cultural themes. Free Packs grant Abilities usually, while Mechanics change the way a character functions in Roleplay through subtle, and usually out of Combat ways. In essence, Mechanics just add aesthetic flair that invest in the niche of each culture. Free Packs never raise Proficiency Points, but the character must be able to purchase them normally. (ex. if a character is a certain Affinity that locks them out of a category, they cannot take that specific free pack and must choose the alternative option.) If a Free Pack grants Magic of some type, that Magic can be of any Alignment the character can normally choose, or limited to a select alignment, which will always be written in the Free Pack description.

Mixed Heritage characters (i.e. characters born from two parents of different Cultures) may take one parent's 'Free Packs' and mix and match up to 5 Mechanics from both parents, although some Peoples cannot produce Mixed Heritage children (due to Magical/Fantasy reasons).

Free Packs


  • Yanar can regrow or re-attach lost limbs over the span of 24 hours after they were lost, they cannot become Undead unless an Ordial Entity intervenes.
  • Yanar can become Marken/Urlan, but if so, the fur is replaced with plant-fibers/leaves/roots/flowers.
  • Yanar can manifest a dream realm where anyone who sleeps in their Region/Base/Estate can travel to.
  • Yanar can speak to plants and trees, and even encourage them to grow faster or hide, or change their appearance.
  • Yanar can even create new plants altogether in their own Region/Base/Estate, complete with fruits and flowers.



The Yanar have their own language called the Silmaan, but this language cannot really be used in Roleplay because it is a near-telepathic communication method that Yanar use with pheromones. It is not capable of transferring simple concepts like "I like this" or "I want that", and is certainly not useful to have whole conversations in, though other Races can pick up these concepts, even if they have never experienced it before. Their language in general lacks a vocabulary or translation, and as such, they often speak the languages of other Races like Elven languages or even Common in Regalia so all other Races can understand them. Yanar names are non-gendered and they often do not have surnames, only taking a spiritual clan-name in case they align with a Maquixtl family:

Example Yanar names: Taethor, Critha, Aphelor, Leitha, Ram, Saegra, Aew, Caph, Merilin, Gwaun, Gail, Erist, Niid, Caan, Iach, Rusta, Hithu, Telia, Millia, Senila, Talia.

Yanar do however have a so-called "Wild-name", but are very picky with who gets to know this name. There is a cultural understanding among the Yanar that handing out a real name grants a person power over them, and there have been some historical cases that imply this is more fact than reality, with Spirits seeking to discover the real name of Yanar and then invading them, secrecy being their only defense. Wild-names are normally created with a combination of Silmaan scents, but they can be roughly translated to three-word compounds:

Example Tanar Wild-names: Resplended Autumn Mother, Verdant Valley Herald, Blessed Orchid Beauty, Eternity Lavender Matron, Greatest Daffodil Knight, Treasured Lilac Trophy.


By far and large, most Yanar are avid Estelley worshipers (except the Dulon, who often follow Evolism and other faiths the Kathar do), with a particular reverence for Mana in the modern day. That being said, other Gods and Goddesses may equally be worshiped, Estel herself is also considered important, while most other Races who worship Estelley leave Estel largely to the sidelines as the slumbering arch-goddess. Even when Yanar are not faithful, they still have a positive perception of Mana as their modern protector and patron (excepting the Dulon again). Because of the historical relation between Yanar and Mana, as well as the wider Estelley temples, other Elven Races tend to see Yanar as heralds of Mana, or the wider pantheon. They are considered in a higher statue of virtue, though this is largely historical revisionism, as Yanar are more than capable of committing sin, and frequently acting outside of the bounds of what is expected of the faithful. In many ways, this is a furtherance of the general perception among Elves that Yanar are weak, simple-minded, lacking in culture and in need of protection. Only those who have spent a lot of time around Yanar, and the Maquixtl, have a genuine deep respect for them as equals, seeing them less as heralds of the Gods, and more as just fellow faithful.


Yanar are the only Race that find it comfortable to insert themselves into composite families of other Races, meaning, to be adopted when there is no blood relation. The Yanar population globally is not terribly large (not nearly as small as the Dwarven population, but certainly not sizeable). This is largely because of the fact that it is fairly rare for Yanar to copulate with other Yanar, in fact more commonly pairing and marrying into Maquixtl families, or just being adopted by them. Yanar families do exist, but they often model themselves after other Family units, or adopt non-Yanar into their fold to make sure it's not exclusively Yanar. Dulon Yanar are in fact very prized by the Kathar, and every Kathar family aims to have at least one Dulon Yanar present in their midst, because they bring a great deal of utility value in their nature control skills.

World View

  • Yanar are always a bit ambivalent or negative about the return of the Allorn Empire. While they will vocally support their friends who want a return of the Allorn Empire. Once an Empire has fallen, it can fall again for the exact same urban corruption and decay reasons unless those aspects are removed.
  • Yanar in Regalia are usually either very loyal to the Regalian State, believing it to be more stable and generally well put together than the Allorn Empire once was, or apathetic towards it, just being happy to be in a relatively peaceful place with relatively little repression and freedom of religion and movement.
  • Unionism does not acquire much of a hold on Yanar, due to it strongly contradicting Yanar Estelley sensibilities. Yanar Unionists do exist, but are generally ignored or excluded by the wider Estelley Yanar and Elves.
  • Yanar are inherently ultra-progressive people who appreciate the concept of democracy and honesty, until they are not. Yanar generally lean progressive, but Yanar who are more violent or have a wilder temper, may be more inclined to believe autocracy is more effective, especially after the collective trauma over the inability to avert disaster of the Allorn Empire and how a stronger more centralized government like Regalia might have prevented collapse.
  • Yanar are very uncomfortable around Suvial, because everything they are is drenched in the aesthetic of fire, the very thing that Yanar are wildly afraid of. They don’t outwardly hate the Suvial, they just choose to stay clear of them as much as they can.
  • Despite their fear of fire, fire is not a sure-fire way to scare a Yanar into submission mid-combat. Usually, their bravery and dedication to their convictions triumph in the moment.
  • It is commonly believed that Yanar photosynthesize or only eat plants, but both statements are false. Yanar can also be omnivores or outright carnivores, and in fact have a blood circulatory system and similar organs on the inside.
  • A false theory about Yanar souls circulated for over a decade based on incorrectly interpreted data, that claimed that Yanar did not truly possess a soul of their own and were artificial. Recent research has shown this to be wrong.
  • Yanar can never truly starve, as even the most isolated Yanar in the darkest of dungeons can grow small plants and fruitlings and nuts from the cracks between bricks and stones, even without water and sunlight.
  • Though Yanar are very gregarious and open to others usually, Yanar are extremely sensitive to unwanted touch, and consider uninvited bare-skin contact to be a grave insult.
  • Yanar care deeply about the origins of a person, believing them to intricately affect what they are like in the present day. As such, Yanar will often ask “where are your roots?” so as to act where someone is from, to understand who they are now.
  • Yanar (despite jokes and comedy to the contrary) do not consider eating plants or destruction of plant-life as murder or violence. That being said, they would prefer proper treatment of plants and a level of respect for nature that does not involve senseless destruction of flowers and trees.


  • The Yanar had a special relation with the Va'sil Trees, though their closeness largely faded over time as they become accustomed to Allorn society. When the Va'sil were still around, Yanar would often socialize around and with Va'sil Trees.
  • Yanar have an unexplained discomfort towards insects. Theories claim that it is because of the habits of insects to skitter and crawl, and Yanar over-sensitive skin to gentle touch.
  • Yanar historically had little connection to Manaseia, the being Mana was once part of. Their worship was instead broadly spread between the different Estelley deities, but the rise of nature in the final decades of the Allorn Empire alongside the Wildering, drove the Yanar to largely focus around Mana.

ProcessorsOkadoka, FireFan96, HydraLana
Last EditorHydraLana on 09/29/2024.

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