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Aloria is brimming with a plethora of races scattered all about the lands and seas alike. Alorian races are all incredibly diverse and individually unique, spanning from the prosperous Humans and their excellent ability to expand, the Maiar that rise to the surface or dwell deep beneath the water, and the Mekett, whose strong culture has only recently surfaced from the deepest pits underground. What makes a race different from any other beast is primarily its sentience; a race has the ability to think, communicate, and is able to be aware of itself, while a beast cannot always do that. Races are playable on MassiveCraft while beasts are typically not, and when referenced, race names are capitalized and beast names are left lowercase. For example, a troll is a beast, while an Orc is a race.
<div class="racesbox">
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| header1    = Races
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From the warm coastlines of [[Daendroc]] to the icy ranges of [[New Ceardia]], the Ailor Humans rule supreme in Aloria. Peaking the social, political, and economic ladder, the Ailor, often referred to as Humans, consider themselves to be the height of society (to the disdain of the other civilized races). In the beginning, they existed as barbaric peoples in [[Ceardia]]. To their eventual rise and expansion outward, the Ailor Humans have proven to be the most progressive and aggressive people of Aloria, having conquered an assortment of populations and nations. The most prominent of these conquerors are those of the [[Regalian Empire]], perhaps one of the largest ruling bodies in Aloria. Sometimes considered the inheritor realm after the fall of the [[Elven Empire]], the Regalian Empire proves to essentially be the center of Alorian life and activity, the empire’s capital sitting as a cultural, political, and economic center. While maintaining a similar build to the other Human races of Aloria, the Ailor tend to be the most diverse. Ranging from paler complexions to dark tans, Ailor Humans feature a wide spectrum of physical appearances and culture, having been a widespread people throughout Aloria. Along with their unique physical aspects, the Ailor’s culture, customs, and traditions vary even more.
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*[[Ailor History]]
| headerstyle = background: #658a6c; width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 25px georgia; font-weight: bolder; font-variant: small-caps; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;
*[[Ailor Culture]]
| datastyle = width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 16px georgia; font-variant: small-caps;
| header1    = [[ailor]]

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Quiet and elusive, the Ch’ien-Ji are no new people to the world of Aloria. These seafaring folk are masters of the sail, using their unique prowess in magical arts to help with their maritime efforts. Proud, peaceful, and wise, the Ch’ien-Ji grew rapidly from their homeland of the [[Yang-Tzu Isles]], going onwards to establish an early trade empire. However, their progression into what could’ve been a magnificent society has been stunted by the aggressive [[Wulong]], a beastly people who shared the isles with the Chi’en-Ji. Many years of bloody war and conflict polluted the isles, and copious amounts of Chi’en-Ji fled their homeland in pursuit of better lives. Being a beacon of opportunity and a fresh start, the city of [[Regalia]] houses the shorter Humans, regardless of their peculiar culture and their distant native land. Typically, Regalians treat them as first class citizens, despite their unfamiliar oriental culture. The rituals and habits of these people tend to be endearing to those who are native to Regalia, though they tolerate the behavior as a cultural anomaly. Chi’en-Ji typically have olive or tan skin tones, with black hair and golden eyes to compliment it. Their language and naming patterns are usually based off real-world Korean, Chinese, or Japanese.
*[[Ch'ien-Ji History]]
*[[Ch'ien-Ji Culture]]

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Qadir hail from the vast, expansive deserts of [[Farah'deen]], and their worship of the sun and its presence is predominant though most of their culture as their main religion. Despite being a sub-race of Humans, many Qadir are genetically closer to the mysterious and extinct [[Seraph]], often seen with golden eyes and, for Azir Qadir in particular, hair whiter than any quartz. These desert dwellers hold a range of darker toned skins, and their homelands host an impressively guarded [[Sultanate]], ruled by a monarch style system of government. Many Qadir are more inclined to skills with [[magic]] while others are naturally adept fighters, often attributed to long limbs and natural athletic forms. Skillful [[pirates]] and [[slave traders]], Qadir have mastered the trade of other races, and slaves make up a large part of Qadir society because of this. Despite disagreements existing between the [[Regalian]] government and the Sultanate, Qadir can be seen on the streets of Regalia as both visitors and Citizens.
*[[Qadir History]]
*[[Qadir Culture]]

| data3 = the dominant cultures of the world
Stocky and short, and practical and innovative, the Dwarves that most commonly inhabit the surface of [[Ellador]] are a proud race with a talent for battle, metalworking, and invention—this is often boasted by the Dwarven [[airships]] that bumble about Ellador’s skies. Upon being forced to the surface by the [[Dakkar]] invasion, Dwarves have begun to work their way into other societies, and are not an uncommon sight in [[Regalia]]. Since arriving, Dwarves have become recognised as second-class citizens of the Regalian Empire, and crimes against them are expected to be punished properly. While Dwarves are generally accepted among most Humans, nicknames such as “Stout Folk” are not uncommon, as even the tallest Dwarf will likely fail to reach five feet in height. However, Dwarves are typically not much lighter than a human, despite what one would expect. They often boast a wider, more built physique, which can make them even heavier than your average Human. With a strong Elladorian heritage, their skin tone is as one would expect: a pale to a fair complexion. Hair colors are similar to that of humans, with red, black, brown and occasionally blonde being the most common.
*[[Dwarf History]]
*[[Dwarf Culture]]

Depending on your perspective, the ape-like Wulong are either the cruelest of savages or the embodiment of uninhibited, natural thought and action. They are made fearsome by their physical presence and more exotic because of their tails and thick tufts of hair, but it is the mind of the Wulong that makes them truly dangerous: they are emphatically blind to the suffering of other races and motivated only by the pursuit of that which pleases them. Much taller and stronger than Ailor, they move with the same raw and unrestrained power that characterizes every facet of their life. Wulong hunt, dance, fight, and even appreciate the natural world with an unmatched, if somewhat scattershot, enthusiasm. On the rocky and barren islands of the northern [[Yang-Tzu]] archipelago this subrace of Humans lived in primitive isolation until they encountered their southern neighbors, the [[Ch'ien-Ji]]. Centuries of war have followed those first bloody territorial disputes, affecting every area of Wulong tribal life and even driving some of their numbers beyond the archipelago. Those who have found their way to [[Regalia]] may find themselves unsuited to a place where restraint and reason secures one’s place in society. At best, citizens and guards will keep a close and suspicious watch, but the reaction of any Ch'ien-Ji may be far more explosive.
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*[[Wulong History]]
| bodystyle = background-color: #C9D8CC; margin: auto;
*[[Wulong Culture]]
| headerstyle = background: #658a6c; width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 25px georgia; font-weight: bolder; font-variant: small-caps; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;
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| header1    = [[skyborn]]

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''To be added.''
*[[Yanar History]]
*[[Yanar Culture]]

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Upon a first glance at the husks of the great city of [[Rie]], one would hardly think that only four hundred years ago, it was occupied by nearly one million Talar. This sub-race of the Nelfin, while predominantly ruling the Elven population, also held two sub-cultures that began to develop in the waning days of the [[Elven Empire]], known as the Unquale and the Lothar. The Talar, the most common Nelfin sub-race, tend to have blonde or brown hair. Coupled with these are blue, green, or brown eyes, and tan skin. This is all accompanied by the typical angular face with pointed ears. Talar with a close proximity to the [[Seraph]] hold golden or silver eyes with silver hair, and a paler hue of skin. While the Talar sub-cultures differ from this generalization, most Nelfin of the cities enjoy more intellectual provocation, taking scholarship, arcane arts, and politics to the next level. Rather than fighting or caring for nature, the Elves of the city enjoy a life of decadence, delving into personal pleasures rather than bettering the world around them. The Nelfin originally started out as nature-dwellers, however soon turned to decadence within the Elven Empire. This Empire survived until the most recent [[Void Invasion]], where nearly most of the population would be wiped out, after which the Lothar and Unquale sub-cultures would emerge. Following this event, the [[Orc]] invasion began, lowering the number of Elves to their current average today. The Talar of [[Regalia]] begrudgingly acknowledge the [[Ailor]] supremacy. They shun most other races, but recognize that humans are indeed more powerful for the time being. This doesn’t stop the Talar from holding the belief that the Nelfin will rise again and retake the title of Aloria’s superpower from Regalia. But until then, they shall sulk as second class citizens while Regalia’s nobles retain their opulence.
*[[Talar History]]
*[[Talar Culture]]

| data3 = tech-masters and inventive collectors
''To be added.''
*[[Isldar History]]
*[[Isldar Culture]]

With a cloud cast over them by the Archdemon [[Behesael]], the Shadow Elves, or Shendar, were once normal Elves who fought alongside the goddess [[Estel]] in the third [[Void Invasion]]. As they succumbed to evil, they soon grew to be their own distinct sub-race. When they began to change, they turned into outcasts, and most gravitated toward their [[Shadow Council]] in [[Void Worship]] and heresy. But the instability in [[Daendroc]] eventually crippled them. The [[Orcs]] invaded, the council fell, and Shadow Elves spread far across the continent. With their distinction from Talar, their appearances changed. Their skin turned an ashy gray or a charcoal black, and their normally healthy hair faded to a shocking white. While Shendar are capable of having all the eye colors a normal elf may have, a Shendar’s eyes are typically red—a sign of demonic possession. Nowadays, Shendar are usually possessed by demons at birth, and live in heretical tribes scattered about Daendroc. Their culture is steeped in tradition and [[magic]]. In [[Regalia]], they are outlawed for their deep history in Void Worship, but a rare Shendar who has not been possessed will have a chance of safely walking the streets lawfully. Unfortunately, tolerance is low for these fair-haired Elves, and Shendar will often find themselves victims to hate crimes, hardly controlled by Regalian guards because of their deep disdain for the race. A Shendar must be charismatic and make good friends if they want to survive the streets of Regalia. Otherwise, they may simply disappear.
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*[[Shendar History]]
| bodystyle = background-color: #C9D8CC; margin: auto;
*[[Shendar Culture]]
| headerstyle = background: #658a6c; width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 25px georgia; font-weight: bolder; font-variant: small-caps; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;
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| header1    = [[dragonkin]]

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''To be added.''
*[[Drowdar History]]
*[[Drowdar Culture]]

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''To be added.''
*[[Dargon History]]
*[[Dargon Culture]]

| data3 = life from the death of dragons
One is likely to mistake an Ur for a bear standing upright, more so if seen through the falling snow on some frozen plain. Their ursine bodies are typically muscular and bulky, often with layers of insulation that keep them safe in climates that could kill a [[Human]] even when wrapped in furs. However, that same observer might also notice the totems and jewelry that speak of reverence for their ancestors and of the great spirit [[Svelarun]]. And while the incorporation of their belief system into everyday life has helped earn them a somewhat unfounded reputation as gentle giants, the Ur have been engaged in a religious and territorial, species-wide war with the [[Thylan]]. That conflict has shaped nearly all of Ur history over the past few centuries, driving them to form large tribal confederacies where they’d previously traveled nomadic routes alone or in small groups. Some have gone further, spreading out across Aloria in search of allies that may help turn the war in their favor. An Ur traveling as far as [[Regalia]] should always wear clothing, lest they actually be mistaken for a wild bear. And while capable of defending themselves, they should watch their backs—their furs are still worth quite a lot in Regalia.
*[[Ur History]]
{{ infobox
*[[Ur Culture]]
| bodystyle = background-color: #C9D8CC; margin: auto;
| headerstyle = background: #658a6c; width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 25px georgia; font-weight: bolder; font-variant: small-caps; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;
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| header1    = [[sihai]]

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There was a time when all animals, races, and even plants dreamed together in the [[Great Sleep]] until they each woke into creation. At least, that’s what the canine Thylan race believes, and that idea of universality can be seen in the way they work cooperatively or even in the compassion they often show towards other races. Together, packs of Thylan survive in tribal villages or painted caves, and the call of their wind instruments carries far on the currents blowing across the cold hills and plains. Those who have been lost are honored with offerings and totems in sacred catacombs, but ever since the race migrated north to escape the ravages of the [[cataclysm]], those sites have been desecrated and repeatedly gutted by their enemies. The thinner coats of the Thylan push them southward to escape the unimaginably cold winters of [[Jorrhildr]], but the Ur remain and hibernate within the holy places of the Thylan. Centuries of war have ensued. The unimaginable loss of life, as well as the scarcity of resources that so often follows prolonged conflict, has pushed some Thylan to seek refuge within [[Regalia]]. There they do not enjoy citizenship, nor the rights that would accompany it, but relative safety for themselves and their pack mates may be found. 
*[[Thylan History]]
*[[Thylan Culture]]

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''To be added.''
*[[Allar History]]
*[[Allar Culture]]

| data3 = eastern mystics and world guardians
From the depths of [[Gana-Isha]], the lizard-like Dakkar rose in a blaze of violence and righteousness. For thousands of years they stayed within their fiery realm, content with bleeding and killing amongst themselves in the name of their war-like god [[Hael]]. This changed when the [[Dwarves]] dug into a temple devoted to Hael while their most sacred of ceremonies, the [[Rashpur]], was taking place. The result was a holy crusade against the Dwarves that very nearly wiped them from the depths of Aloria. When the Dwarves fled to the surface, the Dakkar followed. But when they met the barrier between earth and sky, they found this new land most agreeable to them. What followed was a splintering in the belief system of the Dakkar, causing civil war and strife within. Their crusade against the Dwarves forgotten, small amounts Dakkar fled, intent on escaping their more zealous brothers and finding a new life upon the surface. To the races already living there, these strong, warrior like lizard people with their seemingly stone skin are often met with adversity or fear due to their natural and religious inclinations towards violence. While somewhat of a rare sight, within [[Regalia]] they are tolerated as much as their cousins, the [[Allar]] and [[Slizar]]. Beatings from impassioned Dwarves as the [[Violet Order]] standby pretending to see nothing is commonplace for any Dakkar living there. Regardless, the Dakkar continue to surface from the depths below, intent on discovering a new life or hunting heretics that dare to diverge from the 'true' way of Hael.
*[[Dakkar History]]
*[[Dakkar Culture]]

''To be added.''
*[[Slizar History]]
*[[Slizar Culture]]

| data3 =
The Mekett have awoken to a world that has moved on, a place where the thriving civilization their ancestors built has been forgotten. Lost too is the physical form of the [[Meriac]] of old, for the Mekett who emerged from the earth in their stead have been transformed by their time in stasis into an insect-like species with features alien to the other inhabitants of Aloria. Much like some of the creatures they resemble, the Mekett are born into one of three forms: the ruling Circci—spinners of [[Chrysalis Magic]], the Torrps—warrior backbone of the military, and the worker Vissi—expendable and obedient. Together they serve the [[Great Purpose]], a mission left to them by their ancestors on tablets and scriptures. While less than twenty years have passed, the invasive Mekett have already secured a foothold, forming new hives in the ruins of the recently fallen Naylar empire. Even in [[Regalia]] they may be found, often in a delegation of Circci accompanied by servants and bodyguards. Their position within that Human empire is fragile at best. Barely tolerated, often feared, and physically disturbing, Mekett must remain very cautious, for now.
*[[Mekett History]]
*[[Mekett Culture]]

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Blessed by the [[Virtues]], Q’urebo were once regular Kleinfolk who originated on the island of [[Eroki]]. Thanks to their blessing, these Kleinfolk bear many features akin to various small woodland animals, resulting in a variety of sub-races: M’tyaka (felines), D’aevola (canines), T’oree (ungulates), and A’rafa (rodents). Frequently small, Q’urebo at their tallest reach the height of a human shoulder and at their shortest barely reach two feet. Naturally, their diminutive size makes some sub-races of Q’urebo flighty while others feel safe in large groups of their own kin. For many years, Q’urebo lived in peace and isolation on the island of Eroki; this changed abruptly with the emergence of another, cave-dwelling, Kleinfolk known as [[Crelin]]. Due to the violent cannibalistic nature of the Crelin, the Q’urebo were shortly threatened. Before long they became hunted as prey and many were forced to flee Eroki shortly after their discovery by [[Regalian]] explorers. Regalia has now become the refuge for many Q’urebo, much to the delight and despair of its citizens. Within Regalia, Q’urebo are drawn to taverns, bakeries, and homes where sources of food are most common; this often results in them being viewed as pests. Despite this, many Q’urebo are often found as pets taken in by various families from the lowest of commoners to the highest of nobility.
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*[[Q'urebo History]]
| headerstyle = background: #658a6c; width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 25px georgia; font-weight: bolder; font-variant: small-caps; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;
*[[Q'urebo Culture]]
| datastyle = width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 16px georgia; font-variant: small-caps;
| header1    = [[dwarves]]

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From the island of Eroki, the Ersin Kleinfolk have thrived in towns with tightly-knit cultures surrounding the praise of [[Estel]]; a colorful but simple society, this race is known for its cheer and welcoming nature. Due to [[Nelfin]] origins, Ersin bear similar hair and eye colors to that of their ancestors; unlike Nelfin, however, Ersin are very short and have large oval heads with relatively stubby limbs. While this makes some of their daily tasks a bit more difficult, it does not stop them from full immersion into a rich culture. As the Ersin hold a firm belief in Estel, their cultural customs surround paying respect to the goddess and it is not uncommon to see celebrations thrown in her honor. Beyond essential beliefs, education is often family-centric with knowledge being passed down from elders; as a result, family trades are very common in Ersin society. If not for the emergence of the [[Crelin]] Kleinfolk, life on Eroki would have remained a peaceful bliss for the Ersin. Due to their intense love for and desire to protect their home, few Ersin have chosen to leave Eroki; the small number of Ersin to venture to [[Regalia]] insofar have either been adventurous or felt their safety was too much at risk with the increasing Crelin attacks upon their villages. Within Regalia, Ersin can be found trying to integrate themselves into Regalian society as best they can. However, their firm cultural beliefs may always present a barrier between themselves and the foreign cultures of Regalian citizens.
*[[Ersin History]]
*[[Ersin Culture]]

{{{!}} style="width: 100%;"
Banished to the caves deep within the island of Eroki, Crelin were once an [[Ersin]] faction known as Cret’eth. Cast out by the Ers’eth faction for their desire to cut down the forests of Eroki, the Crelin lived a life of exile with a diet consisting primarily of rats and bats, then preying upon the weakest Crelin. Their time underground tinted the sub-race’s skin a green-grey hue and transformed their features to bear elongated noses, ears, and teeth. Crelin told stories fed with hate for the Ersin that had taken their land from them—stories that lost all track and became more and more twisted with time due to the unhinged minds and imaginations. The hatred the Crelin felt for the Ersin was hence all the more pungent when they finally managed to escape the cave systems and rallied to the surfaces. Disgusted with the [[Q’urebo]] that now roamed the forests, they set out to slaughter as many other Kleinfolk as possible in a swathe of vengeance for the banishment they had led. The few Crelin that found their way onto Regalian ships did so in search of fresh lands with feasts aplenty, due to their dwindling food supplies on Eroki thanks to their vicious attacks. Their reception in Regalia has not been too kind, the Crelin viewed as vermin and unacceptable as pets; they often are found lurking in sewers and abandoned burrows, much as they had lurked in caves back on Eroki.
*[[Crelin History]]
*[[Crelin Culture]]

| data3 = delvers beneath the world's mountains
Large, hostile, and in possession of tusks capable of goring an enemy, Orcs have earned their reputation as fierce and intimidating warriors. Even their young are left to fight it out in ‘pits’ where litters are reduced to only the strongest few survivors. Throughout their lives such strength and ability in battle will always determine their social status. Not surprisingly, tribes tend to maintain distance from one another, and even then, infighting has always limited the growth of any large scale Orcish empire. Physically, they are sometimes called grotesque, perhaps due to their gray or green skin, imposing musculature, and less than sunny disposition, but that hasn’t deterred other races, such as the [[Humans]], from employing them to do the heavy, dangerous work in battle. But whether recruited into war or self-motivated, theirs is a history defined by conflict. In particular, Orcs have been engaged with the [[Elves]] ever since first fleeing the increasingly poisoned air of their homeland, [[Guldar]]. Once they even brought the [[Elven Empire]] to its knees in a war culminating with the ‘Big Boom’ that wiped the capital of [[Ríë]] off of the map. Currently, Orcs enjoy second class citizenship in [[Regalia]], arguably even held in higher favor than Elves and [[Dwarves]]. However, that likely has much more to do with tactical advantages than it does any particular affection.
{{ infobox
*[[Orc History]]
| bodystyle = background-color: #C9D8CC; margin: auto;
*[[Orc Culture]]
| headerstyle = background: #658a6c; width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 25px georgia; font-weight: bolder; font-variant: small-caps; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;
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| header1    = [[isldar]]

| data2 =  
Under the oceans of Aloria, the various types of Maiar make their homes in towns and cities built by the numerous castes of Maiar society under the waves. With the higher rings of the Maiar socioeconomic ladder going as far as to cannibalize their slower and unintelligent cousins, Maiar have very unique and interesting histories of evolution and devolution with changes in intelligence and social status crossing as quick as just a few generations. Despite their awkward inability to stay above water for more than a day for any of their castes, Maiar are found in almost every region of ocean in the world, and Maiar cities are growing slowly into larger and more grandiose proportions. Resembling many sorts of fish and ocean life, Maiar are slowly becoming a more known presence in Regalia and other parts of the world. While most opinions of Maiar from other races is a bit poor, Maiar are free to walk the streets of Regalia and even have a small pool in the tavern for their visitations considering the shortcomings that accompany being a water-based race. Some Maiar have gone as far as to serve high ranking nobility, making themselves useful in naval tactics and espionage. The average Maiar won’t find themselves going this far, due to the riots that typically ensue when a non-human gains land. However, opportunities for advancement are abound for the crafty or more intelligent of their species.
{{{!}} style="width: 100%;"
*[[Maiar History]]
*[[Maiar Culture]]
| data3 = snow elven guardians of life and death
{{ infobox
| bodystyle = background-color: #C9D8CC; margin: auto;
| headerstyle = background: #658a6c; width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 25px georgia; font-weight: bolder; font-variant: small-caps; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;
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| header1    = [[lanlath]]
| data2 =  
{{{!}} style="width: 100%;"
| data3 = magnificent and poised elven dreamers
{{ infobox
| bodystyle = background-color: #C9D8CC; margin: auto;
| headerstyle = background: #658a6c; width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 25px georgia; font-weight: bolder; font-variant: small-caps; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;
| datastyle = width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 16px georgia; font-variant: small-caps;
| header1    = [[finullen]]
| data2 =
{{{!}} style="width: 100%;"
| data3 = rough and maritime warrior elves
| data4 =
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{{ infobox
| bodystyle = background-color: #C9D8CC; margin: auto;
| headerstyle = background: #658a6c; width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 25px georgia; font-weight: bolder; font-variant: small-caps; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;
| datastyle = width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 16px georgia; font-variant: small-caps;
| header1    = [[solvaan]]
| data2 =
{{{!}} style="width: 100%;"
| data3 = stoic mercenary warrior elves
{{ infobox
| bodystyle = background-color: #C9D8CC; margin: auto;
| headerstyle = background: #658a6c; width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 25px georgia; font-weight: bolder; font-variant: small-caps; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;
| datastyle = width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 16px georgia; font-variant: small-caps;
| header1    = [[suvial]]
| data2 =
{{{!}} style="width: 100%;"
| data3 = elusive fire-wielding sun elves
{{ infobox
| bodystyle = background-color: #C9D8CC; margin: auto;
| headerstyle = background: #658a6c; width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 25px georgia; font-weight: bolder; font-variant: small-caps; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;
| datastyle = width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 16px georgia; font-variant: small-caps;
| header1    = [[kathar]]
| data2 =
{{{!}} style="width: 100%;"
| data3 = debauching cults of dark elves
{{ infobox
| bodystyle = background-color: #C9D8CC; margin: auto;
| headerstyle = background: #658a6c; width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 25px georgia; font-weight: bolder; font-variant: small-caps; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;
| datastyle = width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 16px georgia; font-variant: small-caps;
| header1    = [[sihndar]]
| data2 =
{{{!}} style="width: 100%;"
| data3 = an order of dark elven demon-slayers
| data6 =
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{{ infobox
| bodystyle = background-color: #C9D8CC; margin: auto;
| headerstyle = background: #658a6c; width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 25px georgia; font-weight: bolder; font-variant: small-caps; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;
| datastyle = width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 16px georgia; font-variant: small-caps;
| header1    = [[maquixtl]]
| data2 =
{{{!}} style="width: 100%;"
| data3 = jungle elven society of progress
{{ infobox
| bodystyle = background-color: #C9D8CC; margin: auto;
| headerstyle = background: #658a6c; width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 25px georgia; font-weight: bolder; font-variant: small-caps; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;
| datastyle = width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 16px georgia; font-variant: small-caps;
| header1    = [[yanar]]
| data2 =
{{{!}} style="width: 100%;"
| data3 = plantfolk bringing life and nature
{{ infobox
| bodystyle = background-color: #C9D8CC; margin: auto;
| headerstyle = background: #658a6c; width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 25px georgia; font-weight: bolder; font-variant: small-caps; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;
| datastyle = width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 16px georgia; font-variant: small-caps;
| header1    = [[asha]]
| data2 =
{{{!}} style="width: 100%;"
| data3 = beastfolk corsairs freed from slavery
{{ infobox
| bodystyle = background-color: #C9D8CC; margin: auto;
| headerstyle = background: #658a6c; width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 25px georgia; font-weight: bolder; font-variant: small-caps; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;
| datastyle = width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 16px georgia; font-variant: small-caps;
| header1    = [[narim]]
| data2 =
{{{!}} style="width: 100%;"
| data3 = wise guardians of the unknowable
| data7 =
{{{!}} style="margin:auto;"
{{ infobox
| bodystyle = background-color: #C9D8CC; margin: auto;
| headerstyle = background: #658a6c; width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 25px georgia; font-weight: bolder; font-variant: small-caps; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;
| datastyle = width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 16px georgia; font-variant: small-caps;
| header1    = [[eronidas]]
| data2 =
{{{!}} style="width: 100%;"
| data3 = orcs bringing philosophy and war
{{ infobox
| bodystyle = background-color: #C9D8CC; margin: auto;
| headerstyle = background: #658a6c; width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 25px georgia; font-weight: bolder; font-variant: small-caps; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;
| datastyle = width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 16px georgia; font-variant: small-caps;
| header1    = [[urlan]]
| data2 =
{{{!}} style="width: 100%;"
| data3 = gentle giant minotaur hunters
{{ infobox
| bodystyle = background-color: #C9D8CC; margin: auto;
| headerstyle = background: #658a6c; width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 25px georgia; font-weight: bolder; font-variant: small-caps; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;
| datastyle = width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 16px georgia; font-variant: small-caps;
| header1    = [[allar]]
| data2 =
{{{!}} style="width: 100%;"
| data3 = lizardman alchemists and warriors
{{ infobox
| bodystyle = background-color: #C9D8CC; margin: auto;
| headerstyle = background: #658a6c; width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 25px georgia; font-weight: bolder; font-variant: small-caps; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;
| datastyle = width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 16px georgia; font-variant: small-caps;
| header1    = [[slizzar]]
| data2 =
{{{!}} style="width: 100%;"
| data3 = serpentine spies and entertainers
| data8 =
{{{!}} style="margin:auto;"
{{ infobox
| bodystyle = background-color: #C9D8CC; margin: auto;
| headerstyle = background: #658a6c; width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 25px georgia; font-weight: bolder; font-variant: small-caps; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;
| datastyle = width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 16px georgia; font-variant: small-caps;
| header1    = [[maraya]]
| data2 =
{{{!}} style="width: 100%;"
| data3 = futurist vault dwellers from the past
{{ infobox
| bodystyle = background-color: #C9D8CC; margin: auto;
| headerstyle = background: #658a6c; width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 25px georgia; font-weight: bolder; font-variant: small-caps; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;
| datastyle = width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 16px georgia; font-variant: small-caps;
| header1    = [[bralona]]
| data2 =
{{{!}} style="width: 100%;"
| data3 = inorganic people finding their way
{{ infobox
| bodystyle = background-color: #C9D8CC; margin: auto;
| headerstyle = background: #658a6c; width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 25px georgia; font-weight: bolder; font-variant: small-caps; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;
| datastyle = width: 100%; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; font: 16px georgia; font-variant: small-caps;
| header1    = [[Mystech]]
| data2 =
{{{!}} style="width: 100%;"
| data3 = artificial living beings with purpose

Revision as of 21:59, 2 July 2024

the dominant cultures of the world
tech-masters and inventive collectors
life from the death of dragons
eastern mystics and world guardians
delvers beneath the world's mountains
snow elven guardians of life and death
magnificent and poised elven dreamers
rough and maritime warrior elves
stoic mercenary warrior elves
elusive fire-wielding sun elves
debauching cults of dark elves
an order of dark elven demon-slayers
jungle elven society of progress
plantfolk bringing life and nature
beastfolk corsairs freed from slavery
wise guardians of the unknowable
orcs bringing philosophy and war
gentle giant minotaur hunters
lizardman alchemists and warriors
serpentine spies and entertainers
futurist vault dwellers from the past
inorganic people finding their way
artificial living beings with purpose