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Revision as of 13:22, 22 September 2024 by MonMarty (talk | contribs)
Yseldaar (in Altalar)
Motto: "Truth Abides no Weakness."
Nation StateHighwatch
RulerTower Councils
Other PresentVaried
First Recorded100 BC

Dwellers of the high mountains and the wind-still valleys, the Isldar are a heritage of Elves. Once part of the collapsing Allorn Empire, the forerunners of the Isldar named Dregodar fled the heartland of their corrupt homeland to flee the murder of the Dragons. With their Dragon patrons leading them, the Dregodar fled far north, eventually settling in Ellador and creating a watchful state built on secrecy and isolation. War eventually came for them through the Dwarves and Velheim Ailor who the Allorn Elves manipulated to covet the Dregodar cities, which culminated in a string of disastrous wars. Beset by powerful Magical events, the Dregodar became the Isldar, wiping both their opposition and memory of their existence from the world. After a long period of isolation, Isldar society collapsed into a brutal civil war when dark secrets were revealed, only having become more of a cold war in recent times.


The Isldar are identical to many of the other Elven heritages. While many of them have snow-white hair, this is by no means a requirement, as many Isldar also have black, brown, blonde, or red hair. The only true way to tell an Isldar apart from all other Elves is that their eyes no matter what their color is, have a pupil texture that appears like reflective shards of ice. Body-modding also occurs among the Isldar, though it tends to be more common in specific Factions. For example, the Evolvers combine their blood with Urlan and Wyvern genes, becoming a form of hybrid, while those of the Pilgrims faction accept dragon scales and horns on their body to appear more Draconic. Finally, among the Truebloods, their skin is often turned blue or frost-like, with ice formations on their skin and hair to make them look permanently frozen but alive. Isldar are generally secretive, and secluded, with a frozen demeanor that hides a deep and sincere poetic culture. Though, Isldar have traveled all over the world, and it is just as possible for Isldar to have picked up habits from other people.


The Isldar civil war has ground to a halt. While officially there are still frontlines between the Draconism worshiping and the Evolism worshiping Isldar, these boundaries are fluid and are not hard-set. What this means is that Isldar society is rather fluid, since the end of the civil war, various factions that have no clear allegiance are present in both Vixit (Draconism Isldar) and Rexit (Evolism Isldar) societies, causing both societies to be split yet connected. Every Isldar is a member of a Faction, which dictates their life philosophy and role in the civil war.



The Stalwarts are a faction of Isldar present both among Vixit and Rexit, who prioritize what they consider the real threat for all Isldar: the Vampire Queendom of Dorkarth. The Stalwarts consider themselves above the civil war, want no further conflict between the two sides, and want instead to focus all efforts on combating the Vampires from the west, and other foreign incursions on Isldar soil. They directly oppose anyone who would work with the Afflicted or those who would limit the autonomy of the Isldar. In Regalia, Stalwarts work to send supplies and military expertise to the homeland.



The Truebloods are a faction of Isldar present both among Vixit and Rexit, who descend from the great Imperial houses of the Allorn Empire, and have a long history with leading the Isldar people during their flight from the Allorn Empire. The Truebloods are traditionalists and autocrats, who believe the true enemy is not the Vampires to the west or the conflict among the Isldar, but the Allorn Empire. They remember the Cold March (their flight), and those that find themselves in Regalia agitate the Regalian Empire against the Allorn Empire, trying to turn the game of politics on their former enemy.



The Menders are a faction of Isldar present both among Vixit and Rexit, who initially took sides in the civil war, but eventually came to despise it for the destruction of common history and culture it represented. The Menders primary objective is to create a lasting peace between the Rexit and Vixit, and to find ways to reduce the friction between the two Religions and their cultural beliefs, and repair Isldar society to what it once was after the Cold March. Menders in Regalia often act to expand their diplomatic repertoire, hoping to later turn social credit to the benefit of peace in their homeland.



The Frostlanders are a faction of Isldar present both among Vixit and Rexit, who have rejected any form of conflict and more specifically the civil war on a fundamental level. The Frostlanders have abandoned the secretive mountain holds and dark fortresses to build settlements in collaboration with the Ailor colonists, Dwarven reclaimers, and peaceful Urlan who live on the land. The Frostlanders seek to show a better way than the constant running and fighting, by creating communities of multicultural acceptance and freedom. Those in Regalia have simply come there to express this sentiment in the most multicultural city.



The Shrouded are a faction of exclusively Rexit Evolism believers who veer close to being Death Cultists, but reject the Death Gods outright. They have an obsession with the concept of death, and are often the most beautiful and skilled dealers of it. The Shrouded meddle with Ordial powers, rejecting the authority of the Malefica, but trying to make bargains with the Consigner and Machinist to their benefit. The Civil war to them is a means to an end, and they see benefit in its resumption to provide them with the souls they need to bargain for power from the Death Gods. In Regalia, the Shrouded feel closest to their ambitions.



The Icebloods are a faction of exclusively Rexit Evolism believers who flirt with the powers of the Afflicted, and see the Dorkarthi Vampires as potential allies. The Icebloods either are or sympathize with Vampires and consider themselves to be the true inheritors of the crown of Ellador. The Icebloods have a strong power-based ideology where they reject the weak and recruit the strong. They insist the civil war must restart so that they can cleanse the weak both from Vixit and Rexit society, and force the rest to see their ways. In Regalia, the Icebloods seek allies among the Vampires and to undermine the other factions.



The Pilgrims are a faction of exclusively Vixit Draconism believers who hold onto strong principles of piety and virtue in the eyes of Draconism, and preach the original dogma of isolated watching of the world's events without interfering. The Pilgrims establish great houses of prayer and traveled the land administering religious services. To them, the civil war is a necessary evil, to cleanse Ellador of the corruption brought by the Rexit and their betrayal of the Dragon Gods, though they often do not do the fighting themselves, instead coming to Regalia to recruit other Draconists of other cultures and societies.



The Evolvers are a faction of exclusively Vixit Draconism believers who believe that the flaws of the civil war and Isldar society at large were caused by the inherited Elven heritage. To them, the Isldar are a people out of place and out of time, and the key to adapting to their new environment and world is right there in Draconic wisdom. They use Magic to unlock the secrets of Wyverns and Urlan, becoming Elf-Wyvern-Urlan hybrids of sorts. They favor starting up the civil war as quickly as possible, showcasing their evolved superiority to remove the blemish of the Void Gods from the pristineness of the Dragons's Craters of Creation.

Last EditorMonMarty on 09/22/2024.

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