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- To see an explanation of general Rules, Terminology, and Mechanics used on this page, read the Abilities page.
- To see a broader explanation of the Abilities and Rules used on this page, read the Proficiency Page.
- To see an indexed list of all Abilities, read the Ability List Page.
This page involves the Abilities and Proficiency system, which is a core part of how Combat Roleplay and "Competitive" Roleplay works on Massivecraft. To see an explanation of general Rules, Terminology, and Mechanics used on this page, read the Abilities page. To see a broader explanation of the Abilities and Rules used on this page, read the Proficiency Page. To see an indexed list of all Abilities, read the Ability List Page. }} The Ability Manual is a resource page to explain common terms, functions, and base-line rules for Ability usage. If you play D&D, this should be as familiar as a Players Handbook. An indexed list of all Abilities can be found on the Ability List Page.
Combat Roleplay
Combat Roleplay on MassiveCraft is done in two ways: System Combat, and Loose Combat. System Combat is to rules-bound interactions that make Combat Roleplay organized and reduces the risk of Power-Gaming. Everyone wants to win in Combat Roleplay, so System Combat helps assuage OOC frustration by giving everyone a fair chance. Loose Combat without Systemized Abilities and rules can be used to make Characters look cool, especially when both sides do not care about who wins, and is recommended for non-competitive settings. Loose Combat is sometimes also preferred during some Events or Private Roleplay, when the focus is more on the experience rather than the outcome. During System Combat, characters have Turns where they can use Proficiency based Ability or Attack Emote that do Damage, and everyone has a Health Pool that causes them to lose if they hit 0. Abilities are divided into Powers (always Magical) and Techniques (never Magical). MassiveCraft has a Plugin that allows Abilities to be Linked in Chat, by using (a:Ability Name) in your emote (with parenthesis). For more on System Combat, refer to the Proficiency Page.
Combat Sheet
Massivecraft has a free to use "Combat Sheet," that helps keep a Character's Abilities, HP, and relevant Combat Stats in one place for ease of use with CRP. We encourage you to make a copy of this Sheet, and utilize it. A link to the Combat Sheet can be found Here. In addition to the Sheet, we also have a "Combat Board," which is for use in large group CRP's. When there are many Characters all fighting at once, it can be very hard to keep track of who has what, so the "Combat Board" exists to plug in your Combat Sheet and see the statuses of everyone in a fight. We encourage players to create Combat Boards and share them via Discord (or link them in-game if you have Supremium), so that everyone in a scene can have it. The Combat Board can be found Here. Both of these are made by Booette, and you can contact him for feedback/issues via our Ticket Bot. More information can be found Here.
Combat Terms
Combat Terms are Terms that are frequently used in Combat Roleplay (CRP). You will refer back to these terms often so they should be memorized. They are also crucial to know in understanding Ability Descriptions.
- Once Per Combat / X times Per Combat: “Combat” is defined on Massive as a continuous fight in the same location in a localized period of time with roughly the same group of people. Combat “ends” when all willing fighters have been KO’d or fled. A “New Combat Scene” with the same characters is not started until either: an hour has passed, or the location of the fight has markedly changed, whichever comes first.
- Health Stage: Health Stage is determined by what your current HP is. This is relevant for Abilities. There are 3 stages: Stage 1, Stage 2, and Stage 3.
- Health Stage 3: HP 10, 9, 8, 7.
- Health Stage 2: HP 6, 5, 4, 3
- Health Stage 1: HP 2, 1
- Attack Stat: Attack Stat is a Number based on Proficiency used for Basic Attacks on Targets. This is determined by the Abilities and Combat Style the Player is using.
- Defense Stat: Defense Stat is a Number based on Proficiency used for Defending against Attacks. This is determined by the Abilities and Combat Style the Player is using.
- Armored: Whether by wearing an Armor Minecraft Skin, or using a Summon Armor Ability, this automatically grants 1 Block Token, which is automatically refreshed when Combat Ends.
- Block Token: A Block Token is a Resource that, if you take 2HP or more Damage from Enemy Abilities or Attacks, automatically triggers to reduce the Damage by 2HP, and then destroy the Block Token.
- Block Rules: Block Tokens can Stack, never more than 3 per Person, don't prevent Effects (like Displaced/Status Effects), and must be tracked in Nicknames (/nick use Harry 10 HP 3 BT)
- Action: Something your Character does that takes up their whole Emote (use an Ability, Attack, etc), that prevents you from using other Actions in the same Emote, or immediately one after the other without someone else doing something.
- Target: A Target is always a Character in a Roleplay Scene. If you can see at least half the Minecraft Character in-Game, and have Line of Sight, you are able to Target the person in question.
- Line of Sight: Line of Sight, or LOS, is an exception for Targeting. Allied Player Characters never block Line of Sight. Enemy Player Characters only block Line of Sight if they are further than 5 Blocks Away.
- Adjacency: You are considered Adjacent to a Character if you are standing on a block directly next to them.
- Move: Abilities will sometimes reference Move or Moving. This includes both Move Actions and Movement Abilities.
- Move Action: A Move Action is when you Walk/Run in a particular direction during a Turn. This never consumes your Action, you can Move a max of 10 Blocks (but not diagonally), but, it cannot be used in the same Turn as a Movement Ability.
- Movement Abilities: A Movement Ability is when an Ability (Technique or Power) makes you walk/run/teleport in a particular direction as part of the Ability. The number of blocks moved is determined by the Ability, but, it cannot be used in the same Turn as a Movement Action or another Movement Ability.
- Max Move Distance: By default most Moves are 10 Blocks or less. Some Abilities can increase this, but a single Move cannot exceed 20 Blocks.
- Move Reaction: You cannot move through Enemies. While using Move to go around an Enemy, if you go within 2 Blocks of a Person, they get an Attack Emote (never an Ability) on you out of Turn without using an Action. This Attack Emote is known as an "Opportunity Attack."
- Displaced: If you are Displaced, it means your Character is forcibly being moved from where they are, to somewhere else. After being Displaced, the next Move you make has its max distance reduced by half the Displacement. (ex. Displaced 8 blocks, next Move, only move 6 (10 (default move) - 4(½ 8 block displacement) =6 (final max move))
- Impact: When you are Displaced, if you would pass through another Character, or a Solid Object/Obstruction, you stop moving at that point. This is called an Impact.
- Stance Ability: A Stance Ability is a kind of Battle-Mode which grants specific Effects or gives access to new Abilities, they are usually indefinite.
- Stance Rules: Only one Stance can be active at any time. Entering a Stance does not use an action, but exiting a stance does consume the user's action, preventing them from doing anything else.
- Link Abilities: Link Abilities are specific kinds of Abilities that create a Link: Link Powers and Link Techniques.
- Links: Links are a specific function created by Link Abilities, which connect you to another Character. Links are usually Emote Range, but sometimes can be larger or shorter. Meaning, if you and the Character you’re linked to leave the Range of the Link, it stops conferring any benefit until you re-enter the range. Links end once Combat ends.
- Link Break: Link Break is an effect that breaks links applied to or applied by the specified Target. Link Breaks are always effects of Abilities, never Abilities themselves.
- Movement Abilities: Movement Abilities are specific kinds of Abilities: Movement Powers and Movement Techniques. Abilities that move you, but are not one of these two types, do not count.
- Max HP Reduction: If an Ability would reduce a Character's maximum HP, their Current HP would also be reduced by the same amount.
Combat Rules
Combat Rules are loose Rules that did not fit in any other section, but dictate some niche situations or circumstances that don't happen often, yet were necessary enough to be recorded on this page. This is still recommended reading.
- Weapon Swapping: When entering combat and drawing weapons or activating magic, doing so does not consume a Turn. However, changing Weapons does consume a whole Turn.
- Duplicate Abilities: Having/Point Buying Abilities with the same name, even from different Packs, does not grant a less Cooldown, or extra uses. It is inefficient Character Creation.
- Unwalkable Blocks: In any and all circumstances a Character cannot stand the following Blocks: Wool Blocks, Leaf Blocks, Barrier Blocks, Candles, Roots, Chains, Lanterns, Grindstones, Trapdoors without Walkable Blocks beneath them.
- Walkable Places: You can only CRP in places your Minecraft Model can reach either by walking or with the Jump 1 Trait, and without moving on Unwalkable Blocks.
- Teleportation: You can use Abilities that allow you to Teleport up vertically during CRP, but only if the target location is a Walkable Place. Outside of CRP scenarios, you can teleport anywhere that isn’t an Unwalkable Block. If CRP begins, you must move to the nearest Walkable Place.
- Falling Damage: Characters don’t take Fall Damage if they choose to Jump off. Flavor this as Magic, Climbing, or a controlled fall. Characters only take Fall Damage if Displaced off.
- Forced Falling: Abilities can Displace Characters off of Ledges. If a character is forced off a ledge, and falls more than 6 Blocks, take 2 HP Damage. If more than 15 Blocks, take 4 HP Damage.
- Identity Reveal: Having or not having Abilities, functioning or not functioning of Abilities, cannot reveal hidden traits like Afflictions or a person's Disguised Identity.
- Water Penalty: If a Character is fully submerged in water, without an Ability or Mechanic that negates this, they suffer -5 Movement Speed, cannot use Abilities, and -7 Attack Stat.
- Water Boundary: Abilities that Displace can never force you to fall into or out of Water. If a Knock Back would force you to the water's edge, stop at the nearest land Block.
- Ability Use Conflict: If two Abilities are used at the same time, that do the same thing or a similar thing, and conflict with each other, an Ability used on Self goes first.
- Counter Abilities: You cannot use Counter Abilities (Counter Techniques) on other Counter Abilities.
- Leaf Movement: If a leaf block is ground level and has a solid block beneath it, you can move through it at double movement cost. If there are no solid blocks underneath, you fall through. Displacements ignore this rule.
- Ranges Plugin: Massivecraft has an in-game plugin that allows players to check how far away they are from another player, which is useful for Abilities. /rpa range help offers more detailed commands.
- Ability Plugin: Massivecraft has an in-game plugin that allows players to reference Abilities in their emotes. Sending (a:AbilityName) or (ability:AbilityName) in any chat will create a hoverable tooltip with the Ability’s full description. This text will always be white, no matter what chat it is in, so it will stand out in emotes. /rpa help offers more detailed commands.
- Minecraft Model Mods: Massivecraft’s Ability System judges Line of Sight and character models based on default Minecraft models. If a Player has a Mod that makes their Model look larger or wider, this does not count for the purpose of this system.
Status Effects
These Combat Effects stick with a Character between Turns. Some have a time limit, or require additional action. Status Effects of the same type cannot Stack. Additional Rules may be written in the Abilities themselves.
Ability Types
Ability Types are different ways Abilities are called or described that may affect how they interact with other Abilities. This is recommended reading for additional Ability context.
Status Identity
Status Identity is how a Character can be identified by specific in-Lore/OOC Terms. Status Identity does not confer moral correctness of any kind. Characters are always defined by their actions not what they are.
- Mundane: If you are Mundane, you have no Magic or Powers of any kind.
- Magical/Occult: If you are Magical, you have Magic or Powers. Including Affinities, and Afflictions.
- Disguised: Disguised means that a Character cannot be recognized, even if they look similar. This is always only because of Abilities, and cannot be stacked on top of itself.
- Hidden: Hidden means that any Abilities or Mechanics a Character uses cannot be recognized, and are totally unnoticeable, or "hidden." Event NPCs, especially the Imperial Palace, Arken, and Gods, ignore this status.
- Important Note on Hidden Abilities Please remember, that while Abilities themselves may be hidden, using them to have other Characters take actions that are out of the ordinary for them, may still result in suspicion.
- Monstrous Transformation: A Monstrous Transformation is a specific kind of Shift/Appearance that Characters take on, that make them look notably inhuman and scary. This matters for certain Mechanics and Abiliites.
- Statuses with Monstrous Transformations: Marken, Vampire, Godborn, Arkenborn, Solvaan, Isldar, Mystech, Monster Invocation and some Custom Kits.
Disguise Credibility
A character with a shapeshifting or magical disguise mechanic is able to replicate the appearance of any Affliction or Affinity. Any attempt to disguise as Knights would immediately fail however, due to an official registry being kept between each organization. Characters are allowed to be suspicious of a character if they do not act in accordance with the behaviors typical of the group they're disguising as (a character refusing to drink blood whilst disguised as a Vampire, for example). It's possible in some private roleplay scenes for a character to pass off as a Knight, but this is only if everyone in the scene grants their OOC consent.