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* Lothar Knights are expected to hunt down Vampire or Cahal sympathizers, even if they are Mundane, and teach them a lesson about supporting that which is irredeemable.
* Lothar Knights are expected to hunt down Vampire or Cahal sympathizers, even if they are Mundane, and teach them a lesson about supporting that which is irredeemable.
* Lothar Knights are expected to be obstructionist in nearly every intention or function of the Aelrrigan Order. Sabotage them. Get in their way. Ruin their work for they are evil.
* Lothar Knights are expected to be obstructionist in nearly every intention or function of the Aelrrigan Order. Sabotage them. Get in their way. Ruin their work for they are evil.
* Lothar Knights are expected to assist the Villiers Order, but only in the protection of Unionist Temples and Holy sites, even if they do not want the help or are actively fighting Lothar Knights.
* Lothar Knights are expected to assist the [[Reliquary Order]], but only in the protection of Unionist Temples and Holy sites, even if they do not want the help or are actively fighting Lothar Knights.
* Lothar Knights are expected to track down Arken/Void God/Exist worship sites (not Estellon temples) and destroy them, or make them inaccessible to their worshipers.  
* Lothar Knights are expected to track down Arken/Void God/Exist worship sites (not Estellon temples) and destroy them, or make them inaccessible to their worshipers.  
* Lothar Knights are expected to remove bodily corruption from the mutated (mutations), whether that means amputation or burning them away with sword and fire.
* Lothar Knights are expected to remove bodily corruption from the mutated (mutations), whether that means amputation or burning them away with sword and fire.

Revision as of 13:35, 10 February 2023

Lothar Order
GrandmasterLothar III Tyrmont zu Tirgunn
SymbolsUnionist eye, Crossbow, Black Eagle with White eyes
ColorsBlack, Dark-Blue, White, Burgundy.
Race LimitsNone, though any Race that can use Magical abilities as Specials are not permitted.
Magic UsageNone at all, execution worthy (exception provided in Grauwald, see below)

The Lothar Order is a Knightly Order that is perhaps the youngest Knight Order in the Regalian Empire, but one with a very colorful and troubled history through the ages. Originally starting as the Darkwald Order, the Knights belonging to this Order signed an unbreakable bond to form a front against the slow but steady encroachment of the Occult in the Regalian Empire, but more specifically Vampirism. As the Darkwald Order, the Knights traveled the lands to cleanse Vampires and later Cahal, and became famous for this and much in demand. However, their cruelty and strict no-mercy policy eventually fell out of favor, and they had to resort to more clandestine behavior to get their will done. The Darkwald Order was later joined by the Grauwald Brothers, and the Krsnik Union to form the Lothar Order.

Core Identity

The Lothar Order is a Knightly Order of uncompromising Occult haters and hunters. They serve the Regalian Empire at large, and are nominally obedient to the Emperor, but also act often in the shadows to enforce their will on society and the Occult, often in contradiction to the Emperor’s progressive policies towards the Occult, and the freedoms that Magic users have. While the Viridians rehabilitate and the Aelrrigans seek to teach and control, the Lothar Order purely demands extermination of the Afflicted, and severe neutering if not outright expulsion of all that is Magical and tainted by the non-mundane. This makes the Lothar Order a very controversial one, that despite their often contradictory actions towards Imperial Policy, are as of yet supported by the government and the Crown. It is important to note that the Lothar Order is “Dimension Blind”. This means that no matter Void, Exist, Ordial, Primal, anyone who is not mundane is evil and to be dealt with. While most other Organizations in the Empire are ambivalent to supportive of Primal/Dragon Magic and Archon, the Lothar Order considers them the same evil-ness as Demon-spawn (Silven). There is only one exception to this: Lothar Knights are considered allies of Red Hunter Archon, and are permitted to work with them.

Public View

The Lothar Order occupies a societal view of only extremes, either the pro-Occult people consider them the most vile and tyrannical entities in the Regalian state, a symbol for all its internal corruption and evil-ness, or the anti-Occult see them as the last bastion that enforces a mundane superiority that they feel many in society have given up on. Many of the so called Purists (especially Unionists, but not exclusively Unionists since a decent portion of anti-Aesir Old Gods also support them) harbor either open or private support for the Lothar Order, though Lothar Knights understand that they are always in the minority support lane, and will frequently be attacked in the streets just for who they are and what they represent.

Playing a Lothar Knight

Playing a Lothar Knight is different from the other Knight Orders. Lothar lore is written not to have longevity, due to the very pro-Magic nature of both the player base and the positive to apathetic leanings of society in canon lore, a Knight Order that represents extreme reactionary violence and repression will receive a lot of push back. Lothar Knights buy into the aesthetics of the Val Helsing type character, but will face almost insurmountable opposition from all the played OC’s on the server. As such, players who play Lothar Knights should be aware that playing one is a constant struggle of making no compromises and being seen as “the bad guy” by the majority of the Characters on the server. It is also strongly discouraged to play a “Fallen Lothar Knight” who abandoned the order. This is not as interesting as it might seem on face value, and a far less skillful or impactful character design than is implied. The Lothar Order also executes traitors, so it would be asking too much leeway from the lore canon to keep an ex-member alive.

Common Knights Code

The Common Knights Code applies to all Regalian Knight Organizations, but is also mentioned specifically on each Order page for reference. This Common Code is additional to the Viridian Knight Functions. It is very important to mention specifically for the Lothar Knight Order however, that the Common Knights Code only applies to the Mundane to the Lothar Knights. While there is an expectation to be “merciful with death, disdain cruelty of torture”, none of the Common Knight Code rules apply when dealing with the Occult.

  • Knights are expected to be loyal to the Emperor and the Empire without complaint. Unionism is not required, but obedience to the Crown is.
  • Knights are expected never to attack the unarmed and defenseless, and to not resort to dirty fighting tricks or attack others from behind.
  • Knights are expected not to complain, moan, or self-deprecate, Knights should never degrade themselves or be an annoying bore.
  • Knights are expected to follow the laws of the land and not become a Criminal. They should assist Guards in apprehending criminals.
  • Knights are expected not to lie, but never express every truth that needn’t be known. Knights should not deceive unless for the greater good.
  • Knights are expected to give alms to the poor and care for the needy, and to protect those who cannot protect themselves, and punish dishonor.

Lothar Order Politics

The Lothar Order is not one giant homogenous group, rather, they are made up of the Osteiermark based Darkwalds, the Calemberg based Grauwalds, and the Krainivaya Krsnik. Each of these Orders has a slightly altered approach to the Occult and the Corrupted, with a range of extremism on part of the Darkwalds, a more nuanced tone on the Krsnik, and a more liberal approach of the Grauwalds. These sub-groups are never allowed to sabotage or attack each other (even if the Grauwalds allow Magic-users in extremely niche situations in their ranks). It is required for each Lothar Knight to be a member of one of these three groups:

  • The Darkwald Group is considered the most radical of the Lothar Knights who accept zero compromise with the Occult and Magical. The Darkwald Group favors extermination over all other options, and actively roams the Regalian Archipelago killing anyone they think has been corrupted, even if the evidence is not water-tight. Darkwald members always favor the most extreme options. Darkwald members are always Dogmatic Unionist, and the majority of the order is male, but women are permitted.
  • The Krsnik Group is considered more moderate within the Lothar Order. While they have the same extremism against the Occult as the Darkwalds, unlike the Darkwalds, they are more fervently loyal to the Emperor’s ever word, even the ones that demand some concessions to the Occult. This means that while they prefer execution and violence against the Occult, the Krsnik members have the freedom to be pragmatic in any situation where they are forced to ally with an Occult temporarily to defeat a bigger and more evil occult. Krsnik members are always Dogmatic Unionist, and the majority of the order is female, but men are permitted.
  • The Grauwald Group is considered the more liberal within the Lothar Order. They have similarly anti-Occult views, but consider fighting fire with fire acceptable in some situations. For example, Dogmatic Unionist Calemberg mages who are self-loathing for their Magic and want to purge the world of Magic, are permitted into the Grauwald Group (where they are protected from the Darkwalds and Krsnik in all but words) so long as they have another Grauwald Knight as their retainer, instructed to behead them if they make one wrong move or show one sign of soul corruption. These Mages are not ever considered full-fledged Knights, but are tools for their Grauwald Knight retainer. The Grauwald Group members are more inclined to work with select Occult which they have deemed “in the better interest of cleansing society of its corruption”, but still favor the same cruelty on the Afflicted.

Throughout all Group interpretations, the functions and guidelines of the Order remain the same, Group Membership just means that sometimes the individual Knights behave a little bit differently (and there can also be verbal conflict among them). While a Darkwald will for example never opt to cure a Vampire, a Krsnik is more likely to cure instead of kill, while a Grauwald will first use the Vampire as bait to find more Vampires. Group membership only changes minor interaction nuances, not whole sweeping ideologies.

Lothar Order Specials

Because playing a Lothar Knight is difficult, and closes a lot of roleplay avenues, playing a Lothar Knight has certain benefits in roleplay and in progressions that are unique to Lothar Knights.

  • Lothar Knights have so-called “Beast-Masters” among them that use special equipment granted to them by Taal, the Unionist Goddess of Purity. This Equipment allows them to collar those who are Marken. Markenism is not considered a curse or Occult by the Lothar Order, though they do recognize that it is uncontrolled violence and a danger to society. When a Lothar Knight succeeds in collaring a Marken (only with express OOC consent), this Marken can no longer involuntarily (or voluntarily) transform into a Marken Beast, but has their agency over their God-Curse lost to the Lothar Knight. The Lothar Knight can force the collared Marken to transform at any time with a command, and will also never be attacked by said collared Marken (due to the effects of the Collar). Beast-Masters are as such Lothar Knights who use Marken to fight on their side, but they are still dangerous because these Marken will only not attack the Lothar Knight, they will still attack the Lothar Knight’s allies, or other Lothar Knights who do not have control over the collar. The Marken in question can also only transform back into non-Marken by command of the Lothar Knight. They will remember everything, but have no control over themselves during that episode. Being a Marken is not permitted among the Grauwald and Darkwald groups, but being a Marken is permitted among the Krsnik. The Krsnik have special equipment so that if they are a Marken, they will always retain their sentience when transforming, and will never mindlessly attack anyone.
  • Lothar Knights wear special equipment granted by God Emperor Allest that prevents mind control or any type of mind enslavement on them. Additionally, it prevents them from being turned into Cahal or Vampires, and prevents them from having their memories affected by Afflicted, and also prevents Blood or Soul Sickness or Lifecurse as a consequence of feeding. This equipment cannot be removed.
  • Lothar Knights generally succeed more in Progressions because they can call upon specialized Darkwald hit-squads with unique technology that can instantly vaporize Vampires. If Lothar Knights are on missions to sabotage the work of others relating to Occult plots or schemes, they are generally more successful even if they lack numbers or financial means.
  • Lothar Knights are completely not bound by weapon requirements. Many of the Darkwalds for example use crossbows or firearms. It is however recommended not to walk around Regalia and just shoot characters from emote range without any sort of roleplay. This is considered a fail-rp and will result in Staff reprimand.

Lothar Knight Functions

Order Functions are a set of roleplay goals and activities that one can engage in while being an Lothar Knight. These are functions more-so than rules, but some rules are implied in the functions. For example, while Lothar Knights are expected to hunt the Occult, a LotharKnight is obviously violating Order conduct if they fraternize and socialize with Vampire lovers, or simply let one of their friends be a Vampire and not do anything about it.

  • Lothar Knights are expected to hunt down and expose any Vampires, Cahal, or Geists that are present in Regalia, communicate this to the rest of the order and publicly expose them, and then hunt them down for killing. While killing is technically the preferred outcome, lacking kill-perms on other player’s characters means that curing must usually suffice. It is recommended to “off-screen” Vampire/Cahal killing in Lore Stories or to imply it happens in dialogue.
  • Lothar Knights are expected to publicly unveil hidden Mages and Magic users or any other type of Occult user, and let their judgment be whatever society deems for them.
  • Lothar Knights are expected to spy, sabotage, or otherwise inform themselves of the Occult plans and plots (particularly to do with Progressions) and do whatever they can to stop them.
  • Lothar Knights are expected to work with the Truth Ministry and act as their military support arm, if they lack the manpower or specialization internally to deal with the Afflicted.
  • Lothar Knights are expected to teach the ignorant the dangers of the Occult, to regale the stories of evil that corruption brings, and the deaths it causes to others around them.
  • Lothar Knights are expected to hunt down Vampire or Cahal sympathizers, even if they are Mundane, and teach them a lesson about supporting that which is irredeemable.
  • Lothar Knights are expected to be obstructionist in nearly every intention or function of the Aelrrigan Order. Sabotage them. Get in their way. Ruin their work for they are evil.
  • Lothar Knights are expected to assist the Reliquary Order, but only in the protection of Unionist Temples and Holy sites, even if they do not want the help or are actively fighting Lothar Knights.
  • Lothar Knights are expected to track down Arken/Void God/Exist worship sites (not Estellon temples) and destroy them, or make them inaccessible to their worshipers.
  • Lothar Knights are expected to remove bodily corruption from the mutated (mutations), whether that means amputation or burning them away with sword and fire.
  • Lothar Knights are expected to hunt down/track Arken and their plots, and get in the way as much as possible, but not to throw one's life away by fighting them directly.
  • Where possible or necessary, State Law trumps Knightly Codes, Functions. If a Knight would be committing a State Crime by following their Code or their Functions, they should refrain and follow State Law instead. There are some exceptions to this expectation, as Lothar Knights play fast and loose with the Law, and Viridians are sometimes compelled to commit Low Law Crimes to protect higher interests like the Princeroyals or the Crown. Where possible, Knights should follow the Law, unless their moral compass dictates that in good faith and good conscience, the Crown will clear them of any blame after the fact. If they cannot be certain the Crown will forgive them, caution is recommended.


Lothar Knights have specific legal privileges that remain active so long as they are not disgraced. You are not permitted to play a disgraced Lothar Knight without express permission from Lore Staff, and characters who are Lothar Knights but become disgraced in the course of RP are expected to be killed off by other Lothar Knights, or leave Regalia.

  • Confidants and up have automatic rights to wear armor up to plate quality in the city.
  • Confidants and up have automatic rights to bear arms of any kind in the city, and even open-carry such weapons. They must however stand down if commanded by Metropolitans.
  • Only Purgers have automatic rights to receive a Knightly Manor in the Noble District. This Estate is not as large as a Noble Estate, but provided for free in Uptown.
  • Only Purgers have automatic access to the Darkwald Libraries in Tirgunn (where in Ticket) they may ask for additional information about specific subjects where applicable.


The Lothar Order has a hierarchical structure that defines the ranks within their Order.

  • The Grand Vigil is the ceremonial leader at the top. This rank is reserved for Event NPC’s.
  • The Lothar Elders are the retired instructors and teachers, they represent each of the three groups equally within the Lothar Order. They are Event NPC.
  • Purger-Knights are the higher ranked Lothars with special privileges in Regalia which requires review.
  • Confidant-Knights are the file and rank of the Lothar Order. This rank can be obtained without review.

The Membership list of the Order can be found here.


The history of the Lothar Order is mostly shrouded in mystery because the Order has traditionally been very secretive to assist in their clandestine tasks and work. The Darkwald Order was founded by Renault Prendegeist, a noble scion of the family Prendegeist in Osteiermark and Tirgunn. This region at the time was suffering from Vampire infestations, as the dark swampy lands could hide many Vampires, motivating the Duke and his followers to start a region-wide Vampire hunting organization. The Order was initially somewhat effective, but the eventual discovery of the artifact Coraveau and Renault’s wielding of it, spelled doom for the early order. Renault went insane from wielding the Artifact and many of the Order died or were hunted down by Void fanatics.

With the death of House Prendegeist, leadership fell to House Tyrmont, a cadet branch, which re-created the order with even more fervent fanaticism to their ideals, believing that they were being watched by the enemies of purity who were actively trying to corrupt their ranks. For a time, the Darkwalds were both supported and loved by the people, but failed to attain reach beyond Osteiermark and the surrounding regions because they were considered too fanatical. An alliance with the Krsnik followed as soon as the Krainivaya arrived in the Regalian Archipelago. The Krsnik were already an arm of the Krainivaya’s secret service, and had experience with hunting Vampires in their homeland, so compatibility was assured.

The Order became very popular in 279 with the death of Justinian II’s three sons at the hands of the Undead. The sudden heavy swivel into Bulwark-style ideology in the Empire and extreme repression of all things Magical saw the Darkwalds and Krsnik spread far and wide. Eventually however, their success in cleansing much of the unwanted Magic and corruption of the Archipelago, was also their downfall once more. When they were needed less and less, their more fanatical and tyrannical ideology became difficult to swallow for the local peasants who more often than not requested mercy for their afflicted loved ones. Public opinion turned on the Darkwalds largely with the succession of Alexander I who was always more ambivalent to positively inclined to Magic users.

To combat this situation, Grandmaster Lothar Tyrmont managed to unify the Darkwalds, Krsnik and Grauwald Order (which had until that point not associated with the Darkwalds) into one single Order, benefiting the Krsnik and Darkwalds from the political connections of the Grauwald Gruppe. With this Order formalized, it was now also much larger and more politically relevant than it had been in the past, which made it all the more difficult to declare it redundant and revoke the rights of the various members. In the modern day their work is made more difficult due to the public prominence of many Occult members of society, but they still perform their work with a great deal of skill in the provinces, hunting down infestation of Afflicted, taming Marken outbreaks, and generally being a nuisance to pro-Magic forces. Their presence is much stronger in the west and north, even in Drixagh, than it is in the south, as the Lothar Knights find no allies among the Daen and Ithanian peoples of the Empire.


  • The Lothar Order takes the inverted crest of House du Briërust as its symbol, both as homage to their origins in Tirgunn but also to mock the last du Briërust Duchess who became a Vampire and was once a Darkwald herself.
  • Lothar members are permitted to be nobles and carry title. Many of the Lothar Knights who are nobles in fact hide their Lothar identity and use their noble connections to discover magical corruption among the peerage.
  • Marken who are collared by Lothar beastmasters are fully legal. There is no legal control or prosecution for Krsnik Marken Lothar Knights, or Marken who are collared by Lothar Knights because the state is satisfied with the level of control applied. Marken who escape Lothar control however, are hunted down as wild animals. Many Marken see submission to the Lothar as a bad thing.

Last EditorHydraLana on 02/10/2023.

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