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Archon is an Alorian based Affinity that recruits mortals of any Heritage to become frontline soldiers for the Dragons within the Draconism Religion, fighting against what the Dragons see as Corruption of the world. For every civilization since the dawn of time, Heritages have contributed their mortals to the Immortal War, and countless Archon have laid down their lives to try and save the world from ultimate Magical destruction. Eventually the Immortal War came to an end, leaving the Archon aimless and in control of their own Fate. While Archon are an Affinity, it considered almost universally beneficial to those who are it, even if signs them up, potentially against their will, to be recruited into the war of Dragons.
Archon have existed since the dawn of time, or for as long as historical records go back. The earliest proven Archon were Meraic warriors empowered by Dragon Magic to fight the Demon horde as it was already invading their Empire, and since their fall, Archon have existed in the Allorn Empire's greatness days, and the rise of the Regalian Empire. When Dragons committed the Denial of Immortality and ended the Immortal War in a draw, the Archon all collectively suddenly lost their purpose. The Dragons died or disappeared in the century leading up to Cataclysm, and without any leaders to call out orders or send them to die on the front lines, the Archon were mostly left to their own devices. Some Archon forgot their historical purpose or actively rebelled against the Dragons that had left them. When the Dragons returned 300 years later, many Archon refused to return to the fold with the Dragons, while some cautiously rejoined the faithful in resurrecting the Draconism faith. To this day, Archon are seen as Draconic warriors and protectors of the world, though their method of protection is often very questionable. Some are apathetic and do not contribute to positive developments, while others engage in excessive violence and extrajudicial killing that leaves the Archon sometimes perceived with suspicion, as an unaccountable cult of know-it-all's.
Why play an Archon
Archon, similarly to Knights, are a quick and easy way to get involved in pre-existing groups and activities. It guarantees Roleplay (whether for good or bad) because opinions on Archon are very polarized, and there is always some kind of somewhat active group of Archon around Draconism worship that tries to get involved in a lot of things in Regalia. Archon is also the closest proximity to something like spiritual world-defenders, though it should be noted that this is not their exact role, many of them do a lot of questionable things and generally there is a lot of flexibility in how to play an Archon. It is even possible to play an Archon who rejects Draconism and works with non-Dragon forces, though there are some design limitations to Archon.
Becoming an Archon
To become Archon, one either has to be born one from an Archon Parent or be converted to one. Any Archon can convert any willing person to an Archon of their chosen Lineage at the Dragon Temple, though it's always fun to include any Draconism faith priests in case they are around. Dragons can also directly make people Archon if they are summoned with Divinium, and some Mechanics in Heritage Traits might cause a Character to become an Archon. It is important to note that as an Affinity, being an Archon is not curable. It is a permanent condition and prevents the Archon from becoming Afflicted or having another Affinity, though they can become Marken. Finally, Mages can also be cleansed into Archon, but any connection they have to any other Dimensions or Powers is cut off, meaning Archon can only ever have God Magic (Dragon). The only exception to this is Archon who have been touched by Ifrit, who can also have Void Magic, but only ever Void Magic. All Archon have purple irises, though the exact shade can range from light lavender to darker royal purple. They may also opt for additional Draconic aesthetics (scales, black sclera, claws, dragon tail, etc.). Finally, even if Archon Lineages seem hard coded to specific Dragons, they are not. Hunters can belong to Regulus, and Phantoms can belong to Severena, what matters is the context of how those powers are used.
Archon Mechanics
All Archon regardless of Lineage have a set of Mechanics. Mechanics change the way an Affinity functions in Roleplay through subtle, and usually out-of-combat ways. In essence, Mechanics just add aesthetic flair that invest in the Dragon Niche. Because Archonism is considered a lawful affliction/affinity, their Mechanics will always be weaker than those of Afflictions who have to deal with persecution and repression in day to day Roleplay.
Winged Flight |
You can use Wings (of any Fae/Draconic/Mechanical design), while while out of COmbat, allows Elytra flight, including the use of Rockets to gain more height and speed. Combat or Ability usage immediately disables flight and prevents flight until end of Combat. |
Leytech Conduit |
You may choose up to 2 Packs from Magic Point Buy, or Invoke Point Buy, and re-classify them as Ley Point Buy Packs. These Mechanics/Abilities will not be classified as Magic, or make you Magical, instead, they will be fueled by the Leyline Elderlaw. |
Long Living |
You live much longer than the average life span of your heritage. You can live up to three times as long, and you can visually stop aging at a chosen age (must be at least 21). Additionally, you are immune to non-magical diseases. |
There are some additional conditional aesthetic flair that Archon gain access to that are not necessarily mechanics they have universally, but more like added flair in case they have specific Proficiency Packs. These are listed below, along with their required Proficiency investment.
- If you own the Protocol Rewind Pack from Ley Point Buy, you may see the possible future threads of time as Dragons see them, a chaotic jumbled mess of thousands of possible future realities without a clear outcome or probable correct thread. This may also cause you to go mad.
- If you own any Magic Point Buy Packs that are not re-classified as Ley Point Buy, and thus make you Magical, you can perform a Cleansing Ritual to remove a Magical Alignment from a (willing) Mage, shutting off a specific realm, or all of them. Lost Packs for them are refunded.
Archon exist in distinct Lineages related to the Dragons of Draconism. Note, that all the descriptions are written in the perspective of the Immortal War, which has already ended 300 years ago. What this means, is that while the Archon have a theoretical design function, their war is over, and whatever function they have now in the world is entirely up to them, because they are free from their conscription duty. Not all Dragons have a specific branch of Archon, this is because not all Dragons were equally involved in the Immortal War, and had other obligations to the world.
Tempest Archon of Regulus
Tempest Archon are a relatively new appearance of Archon, produced specifically after the Denial of Immortality, unlike many of the other Archon lineages. The Tempest Archon were created by Regulus with the specific purpose of protecting the Dragon Citadels, newly formed city-temple complexes that branched away from being solely places of worship, and acted more like religious cities built into mountains where Dragons would reside. As such the Tempest hold some reputation of being the personal guardians of the Dragons. Away from these Dragon Citadels however, they guard Draconist priests and other Religious figures. Tempest Archon are comparable to D&D Barbarians, often fighting with large weapons with high endurance and damage.
Phantom Archon of Triton
Phantom Archon are the saboteurs, assassins, rogues and cutthroats of the Draconic Forces, specifically used to get dirty work done that other Archon balk at, or get their morals in a twist about. Phantoms were not historically part of the Immortal War, rather they came about through Triton's impatience with the other Dragons' slowness to act, and indecision when it came to more pivotal moments in history. The Phantom Archon often consider themselves separate from the other Lineages, and rage against their centrism or apathy. Phantom Archon are particularly popular among the Drakon Cult Kathar, called Darkscales, who blend Vampiric culture with Archon Culture to produce a potent mixture in any fight.
Artisan Archon of Marik
Artisan Archon fulfill a role somewhere in between being soldiers of the Immortal War, and more like supporting forces. The Leystone Network is vast, spanning the globe, and constantly under attack from small little incursions. Artisans both mend and strengthen the Leystone network from attacks, and use Leytech to fuel Technology and creations to aid in the Immortal War. Artisan Archohn are like Engineer Archon, a function dreamed up by Marik to help with the ever increasing threats to the network upon which Dragon Sites are dependent. Artisan Archon are valued both within the Dragon Cult and outside, given that their knowledge of Dragon Sites makes them one of the few venues through which Unicores can be used to their benefit.
Envoy Archon of Gaia
Envoy go in a completely different direction from the more combat-oriented Archon lineages existing elsewhere, focusing instead on the recruitment of allies from outside the Draconism and Draconic fold. Envoys seek to maintain relations with non-Dragon aligned and those who reject or don't believe in the actual mission of the Draconic Immortal War, to aid in their work regardless of this apathy. Envoys came about with the idea, that those who worshiped the Dragons as Gods would not be sufficient to stem the tide of the Demonic and the infection in the world. Envoys tend to be more cooperative and compromising both within the Dragon Cult, seeking to get the Archon to work better together, while also recruiting outsiders and making them feel at home in the cause.
Hammer Archon of Silas
Hammer Archon of Silas are the home makers of the Draconic Fold, both spending days in the forge to ensure that all their weapons and armor are up to scratch, but also making the beds and ensuring the pantry of any would be Archon-base is well stocked. Hammer Archon avoid the frontline, but ensure there is a warm hearth and meal to return to after battle, and to tend to the gardens where the dead are buried and the living find peace and solace. Hammer Archon are popular among Silas's own Urlan kind, notably because it gives them a very explicit social purpose that is often robbed from them during Symbiosis or in Urlan society. Hammer Archon rely on the other Archon Lineages for safety, but when provided, they can work for beauty and craft in peace.
Warden Archon of Severena
Warden Archon are protectors and healers and scholars, not necessarily front-line soldiers. Warden Archon were historically sent by the Dragons to heal places where corruption had left the people in misery and damaged the world, or to investigate matters they could not see to themselves. Warden Archon primarily also act as protectors and administrators or support of the Draconism Holy Sites, a very last line of defense against the Infection from damaging the heart of the Draconic Cause. Warden Archon are particular popular in Anglia in the Regalian Archipelago, where they have banded together and called themselves Gray Witches or Anglian Witches, using herbs and tinctures to heal the people of ailments and generally warding off evil in the swamplands.
(No Aurora)
(No Nox)
(No Orion)
(No Julianus)
Aegis Archon of Daiana
Aegis are the frontline warriors and shield-wall of the Draconic Forces, the heart of the army of the Dragons, and the most numerous of the Archon. They are sent in large numbers to fight smaller Demons that Dragons would sneer to face, so that they can fight bigger entities and Gods. Aegis Archon also function as the peacetime protectors of those Wardens who cannot fight themselves, such as the Draconic Scholars and Healers. Aegis Archon are far from dispensable soldiers, treated like the core of the fold upon which everything else is built. Aegis are particularly popular among the Songaskian, called the Siiri Bulwark, who also act as foot soldiers in the Songaskian Masaya's army, commanded by Dragon Priests.
Hunter Archon of Cinerius
Hunters are the lone wolves or shock-troopers of the Draconic Forces, specifically tracking and hunting down notable Occult as specialized warriors. Hunters are sent out in small numbers to make use of hit and run tactics, as well as their ferocity to quickly overwhelm enemies before they even realize they are under attack. Hunters rarely act defensively on the home front, content to spend their entire time on the front lines of the Immortal War and the Draconic goals. Hunters are particularly popular among the Maquixtl, called the Red Hunters, who invoke the elements of the Fire Dragon and manifest Draconic aesthetics like red scale, red skin, a draconic tail, draconic horns, claws, and fire resistance.
Shroud Archon of Umbra
Shroud Archon are less involved in the narration of the Immortal War, and more with the clean-up of any post-battle or calamity that has struck an area. While the other Archon see themselves as heroes and protectors of the world, even the Phantoms and Hunters, Shroud Archon deal more in the unclean work of putting the suffering out of their misery, and giving a decent and dignified death to those robbed by Magic. Shroud Archon travel the land recording the last wills and dreams of the dead and dying, before putting them to rest one way or another, whether by poison, a cut to the throat, or a bullet to the head. Shroud Archon as such are sometimes shunned as death-dealers and cruel by some of the other Archon.
Councilor Archon of Felicula
Councilor Archon are a relatively new appearance, or rather one that has been changed in the modern era. Originally, Councilor Archon served to keep up morale among the Draconic Forces, but since the return of Dragons they have explicitly been re-forced into a force of Magic. Councilor Archon teach the other Archon the proper usage, venting, and application of Magic, proper Magical discipline, and act like general teachers of Magic to even those outside of the Draconist Forces. In many ways, the Councilor Archon are similar to the Aelrrigan Order, except that they do not have an official charter from the government to do what they do. Councilor Archon are as such without exception also Mages.
Prefect Archon of Armina
Prefect Archon are a relatively new appearance, having only started appearing until roughly the disappearance of Avinla and the troubles of the Suvial. Prefect Archon have inherited the functions of the Councilor Archon before their swivel into Magic, acting as therapists, human-relations, or otherwise caretaker of the mental health of those within the Draconist fold and outside of it. Prefect Archon are particularly active among the Suvial in their homeland, having taken it upon themselves to guide the Suvial through the troubles of their pseudo-immortal life, and the mental anguish suffered from repeat dying and reviving in Avinla's flames, and the impending doom of their eventual fate.
- There was once Trivia here.
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