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{{Info organizations
This Page is prone to Shrodinger's Tangerine.
|image        = ImpCrest.png
''"Can we call speculating over unreleased content Schrodinger's Tangerine" - Okadoka 4/20/21''
|leader        = Imperial Marshal Carl II von Treppewitz
Keep in mind, content on this page will shift and change.
|headquarters  = Imperial Marshalry, [[City of Regalia]]
|origins      = [[Five Family Rebellion]]
|symbols      = Dragons, Anchors, Swords
|colors        = Purple, Blue, Gold
|magicusage    = Restricted
|subdivisions  = * Imperial Army
* Imperial Navy
The Regalian Military is the apparatus of the [[Regalian Empire]] responsible for managing, deploying, supplying, and commanding the tens of thousands of Soldiers across [[Aloria]]. With origins during the [[Five Family Rebellion]], it has remained ever present since the dawn of the Empire, growing and adapting as the need arises. Today, the Regalian Military is seen as a symbol of Imperial glory and stability, and considered an extension of the Emperor’s might over all Regalian adversaries. Many citizens look favorably on the military, both for its career prospects and meritocratic basis, but also as a familiar organization in an ever-changing world.

Knighthood is a concept of elite warriors created by [[Julian de Montverrat]] in the early days of the [[Regalian Empire]]. The term "Knight" comes from the [[Proto-Regalian]] "knecht," which in turn derives from the [[Old Ceardian Dialect]] term "kniucht," meaning elite warrior. In the days before the Regalian Empire, proto-knights were warlords who ruled smaller fiefs, and waged wars against one another throughout [[Ailor]] civilization. de Montverrat, influenced by the [[Altalar]] Royal Guards in the waning days of the [[Allorn Empire]], took the concept of prestigious fighters to the [[Regalian Archipelago]], where he soon put his military skills to the test in the [[Five Family Rebellion]], being the commander that seized the Regalian city gates and assaulted the Royal Palace.
Military Characters should be designed in line with a hierarchy-based organization. Following orders is expected at all times, and not when found convenient. Similar to [[Knighthood]], characters should have a sense of professionalism about them. But where Knights derive their expectations from a code of honor, Soldiers do so out of loyalty to the Emperor and for the well-being of one's fellow Soldier. A disloyal Soldier is likely to either get themselves or others killed. Designing a character that is compliant with the Regalian Military is fairly straightforward, with the following key points to be made.
*Any Regalian Citizen of any heritage or gender may be part of the Military, with the following exceptions:
**[[Marken]] are barred from enlistment, even those with Legal reprieve, as the battlefield is chaotic and could cause even the most disciplined Marken to lose control. Characters may attempt to hide their status, but should be advised that this is illegal.
**[[Spirit]]s, [[Undead]], [[Vampire]]s, [[Geist]]s, and all other illegal occult are barred from the Military, as they are hostile to Regalia’s interests. Characters may attempt to hide their status, but should be advised that this is difficult and very illegal.
**[[Mystech]] are barred from the Military, as most are illegal within the empire, and the ones that are legal are not counted as citizens, which is a prerequisite for service.
*[[Suvial]] cannot summon Spirits, as their legal provision is only to deal with the Spirit infestation in Regalia, not to use them in battle.
*[[Arkenborn]], [[Godborn]], [[Archon]], and Mages may enlist, but are assigned to specialized “Battle Mage” units which are separated from the regular mundane units (which still make up the vast majority of soldiers). Historically, Magic was banned in the military, with this ban being reversed recently under Emperor Alexander’s reign.
*Petty Criminals (like pickpockets and debtors) can be press-ganged into the Regalian Military (most often the Navy) in lieu of other punishments, as they are seen as a lower risk compared to murderers and arsonists. However, they are treated with scrutiny due to their criminal background.  

Nearly two centuries later, the Heron-Knight [[Yvrize Clair-vois-blanc]] revolutionized the concept of knighthood as Primae of the Viridian Order by writing several treatises on the concepts of chivalry and nobility. Derived from the [[d'Ithanie]] word "chevalerie" and phrase "noblesse oblige," Yvrize remarked that the wealth and social status needed in order to own a horse also came with a duty to be generous and respectful to those of lower privilege. As a result, knights of today are known for both their martial prowess, but also their virtuous hearts dictated by codes of honor that are rigidly maintained. Still, all Knights are a social class apart, and have special laws applied to them through [[Regalian_Law#Regalian_Knight_Law|Regalian Knight Law]].
===Becoming a Soldier===
Joining the Regalian Military as a common Soldier is very simple. Every major settlement in the Regalian Empire has a recruitment office which allows any citizen over 18 years old to sign-up for military service. During the enlistment process, the recruit chooses whether to join the Imperial Army or Navy. If they join the Army, they are given directions to the nearest Tenpenny Headquarters, where they will spend a few months training in various weaponry before being given a specialty which reflects their performance. If they join the Navy, they are sent to the nearest port to join one of the many warships, then begin service immediately.

==Becoming a Knight==
===Becoming an Officer===
Unlike other professions or education, knighthood is a life commitment, and joining the ranks of one of the many Orders is a decision not for the faint of heart. Once a Knight, a person remains a Knight until death or expulsion, the latter which brings about a lifetime of shame and disgrace. Due to the demands of being a Knight, it is impossible for any character to have any form of [[Schooling]] on top of knighthood, as all Knightly Orders think taking a sabbatical for several years to a boarding school to learn more is a desertion of duty, and dereliction of missions and demands of the Knightly Order. While these demands of knighthood are high, they come with an elevated position in society, which afford certain rights and privileges that place them between the nobility and the commoner classes of the Regalian Empire.
Unlike Soldiers, joining the Regalian Military as an Officer requires more investment, either in time or money. As there are multiple tracks to becoming an Officer, they will be presented in a list format below.
*Promotion from Soldier: Soldiers who exceed 10 years of military service may be promoted to Junior Officer as a reward for their experience, a meritocratic practice which is appealing to prospective recruits. These types of Officers are by far the most competent, as their skill comes from field experience alone.
*Military Academy: The most common way of becoming an Officer is by attending one of Regalia's many Military Academies to fast-track their military career. This has the advantage of not risking one's life for ten years as a Soldier but has the disadvantage of skipping past the merit-based system using one's personal wealth. However, the Regalian Military permits this because the risk of a few incompetent Aristocratic Officers is outweighed by the benefit of having capable commanders whose families have proven themselves over generations.
**Anyone 16 years or older may attend a Military Academy for 5 years to qualify as a Junior Officer, or 10 years to qualify as a Senior Officer.
*Foreign Officers: In rare circumstances, the Regalian Military recognizes the credentials of foreign nations who seek out the Regalian Empire as refugees. These Foreign Officers slowly learn Regalian Military Doctrine (ensuring they are not a spy), and contribute to military advancements by sharing foreign tactics from their homeland. In doing so, the Foreign Officer demonstrates their loyalty to the Regalian Military and is rewarded with their experience being recognized.

For those who still desire to join the knightly class, entrance into a Knightly Order follows a standard process, with small changes based on the Order in question. In all cases, knighthood begins at the age of seven, usually after completing an entrance examination and/or paying a tuition fee. Once enrolled, a child is given the rank of Page and begins their training to become a Knight. During the first few years at a Knightly Order’s headquarters, Pages will remain within the confines of the castle where they will be often taught courtly lessons, their Order’s Code of Honor, martial training, and formal discipline by Elders and graduated Knights. The idea is to cultivate a perfect soldier for as far as that is possible within the Regalian Empire: obedient, organized, loyal, independent, and extremely skilled. Sometimes children undergoing education may return home over the weekend or for certain weeks leave, but these only occur during family death or when the trainee goes through a period of severe illness and is required to quarantine away from the others.
A Commission is a formal document which empowers an individual to command members of the Regalian Military (which is ultimately derived from the Emperor). In order to lead troops or command a ship, one must be a commissioned Officer. There are several types of Commissions with differing levels of authority.
*'''Junior Commissions''' are granted to Junior Officers, who are tasked with commanding small groups of Soldiers or commanding a singular warship. Junior Commissions are often granted by Senior Officers, though may also be granted by the Marshalry when it concerns regular appointments (such as a colonial garrison or the aforementioned recruitment offices).
*'''Senior Commissions''' are granted to Senior Officers, who are tasked with commanding entire armies and fleets. Senior Commissions are often granted by Grand Marshals/Admirals, though may be granted by the Marshalry when it concerns regular appointments (such as a patrol fleet). In rare circumstances, the Palace may grant Senior Commissions directly.
*'''Imperial Commissions''' are granted to those in charge of overseeing a military campaign and are given the rank of Grand Marshal/Admiral for the campaign. Imperial Commissions may also be granted to Imperial Marshals/Admirals, who oversee the overall functions of the Regalian Military and sit on the Marshal’s Cabinet. Imperial Commissions are granted by the Palace, often the Emperor personally.
**For the sake of current events regarding the Emperor’s disappearance, the Princes/Regent are able to grant Imperial Commissions, usually during an Assembly. The Assembly may cast a vote of no confidence in a Grand Marshal, which may convince the Palace to rescind the Commission and appoint a replacement.

After a few years undergoing instruction in a classroom style, Pages are paired with a graduated Knight, who becomes the Page’s Mentor for the rest of their training. During these next few years, Pages spend their time running messages, cleaning equipment, and dressing and armoring their Mentors in order to learn humility. As a reward for these services, Mentors continue to instruct their Page on the subjects taught in the classroom, but also prepare them for the next half of their training through physical activities and training weapon spars. In this way the Page begins to create a personal relationship with their Mentor, to the point where they may leave the confines of their headquarters in order to accompany their senior Knight on small missions nearby. When the Page reaches the age of 14, they are promoted to the rank of Squire, and begin the next stage of their education.
The Regalian Military is broken down into two major branches: the Imperial Army and the Imperial Navy. As mentioned above, an individual who enlists in the military chooses between one and the other. While it is possible to change branches later on, doing so causes a complete career reset, as the experience gained from commanding Soldiers on the battlefield cannot fully replicate to commanding sailors on a warship, and vice versa.
<table style="width: 100%;"><tr><td style="width: 50%; vertical-align: top; text-align: left;">
<span style="font-size:150%;><center>'''Imperial Army'''</center></span>
The Imperial Army is the oldest branch of the Regalian Military, dating back to the Five Family Rebellion. Of the two branches, the Army has seen the most changes over the past few centuries. While originally a feudal based levy-system commanded by nobility, advancements in technology and knowledge have since transitioned it to a professional career-based system commanded by educated Officers. The Imperial Army is the most visible of the two branches, as veteran Soldiers often transition to related professions such as city guards in peacetime. It is also the largest branch, as the era of Alorian history still prioritizes land-based engagements between rival forces. The Regalian Army is inspired by 15th and 16th century European mixed-arms militaries, featuring mounted cavalry, artillery, muskets, and swords all on the same battlefield.

Squires carry out much of the same duties as they did as a Page, such as taking care of their Mentor’s equipment, running messages, and the like. However, Squires are also responsible for carrying their Mentor’s standard in battle when applicable, acting as a bodyguard and assistant. This allows Squires to gain invaluable first hand experience in martial activities, something which cannot be fully understood through books and lectures. It is also during this time in training when a Squire is able to purchase their own equipment to use, instead of relying on borrowed equipment from the Order or their Mentor. Squires also accompany their Mentor on missions which may last for months if not years away from their headquarters, allowing the Squire to continue to gain hands-on experience of the knightly life, while also teaching them to be self-reliant and capable in executing missions on behalf of the Order.
Below is a list of all Army Ranks. In general, Soldiers become Junior Officers after 10 years and rise in rank every 5 years. Colonels often take 10 years to become Senior Officers, with the ideal time between ranks being 10 years. However, the Imperial Army does not need a hundred Field Marshals, so Senior Officers often retain the same rank until they replace one of their superiors due to retirement or death.

Finally, when a Squire reaches the age of 21, their Mentor may petition their respective Elder Council to vouch for the Squire’s abilities, and request for their graduation. Following the approval of the Mentor’s request, a Squire returns to the headquarters of their Knightly Order, and awaits the annual knighting ceremony. During the ceremony, the Leader of the Knightly Order has the Squire recite the Code of Honor and swear an oath of loyalty to the Order, after which the Leader taps both of the Squire’s shoulders with a sword. After a few final words, the Squire officially graduates from their training, becoming a fully-fledged Knight.
*'''Junior Officers''': Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Colonel
*'''Senior Officers''': Division General, Lieutenant General, Field General, Field Marshal

==Imperial Respect==
</td><td style="vertical-align: top; width: 50%;">
Over the centuries, the amount of Knightly Orders expanded, making a difference between Knights enjoying Imperial Respect, and those operating outside of Imperial Respect. Imperial Respect is an honor available to any Order-aligned Knight from the Imperial Court, granting them even greater privileges than their comrades-in-arms. Some of these privileges include entry to noble-exclusive areas, but also entrance to the courts of various nobles across the Regalian Archipelago. Lastly, Knights with Imperial Respect are granted the right to a personal Knightly Title (such as the Lion of Algavarvistas, or the Pentacle Protector).
<span style="font-size:150%;><center>'''Imperial Navy'''</center></span>
The Imperial Navy is the pride of the Regalian Empire, as it is the branch responsible for projecting Imperial power across the oceans of Aloria. The Navy has seen less drastic changes since its creation during the conquests of Corontium, but each development has come with the advent of the latest in military engineering. The modern Imperial Navy is inspired by the various European Navies during the Age of Sail, such as the British Navy during the Napoleonic Era, featuring massive wooden warships sporting dozens of cannons.

Despite any Knight having the ability to gain Imperial Respect regardless of Knightly Order, earning it requires doing something that impresses the Imperial Court (ie, the Emperor). Imperial Respect Knights are examples of true devotion to their Knightly Order, adhering to their Code of Honor with absolute devotion, holding unwavering loyalty to the Crown, and acting as a paragon of virtue to those around them. Imperial Respect may be applied for on the [https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/special-permission-readme.85712/ Special Permission forum thread.]
Below is a list of all Naval Ranks. In general, Sailors become Junior Officers after 10 years and rise in rank every 5 years. Commodores often take 10 years to become Senior Officers, with the ideal time between ranks being 10 years. However, the Imperial Navy does not need a hundred Fleet Admirals, so Senior Officers often retain the same rank until they replace one of their superiors due to retirement or death.

==List of Knightly Orders==
===Viridian Order===
*'''Junior Officers''': Deck Officer, First-Mate, Vice Captain, Captain, Commodore
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*'''Senior Officers''': Rear Admiral, Vice Admiral, Admiral, Fleet Admiral
! colspan="3" style="background-color:#daefd9;" | [[Viridian Order]] (click for more information)
| rowspan="7" style="background-color:#efefef; width:15%;"  | [[File:Viridisssan.png|center|border|caption]]
| style="background-color:#efefef; width:8%;"  | Theme
| Viridian Knights are the Classical Chivalrous Knight, highly respected, but also highly constrained by an honor code. The Viridian Knights are the most well known and widely recognized of the Knights, considered elite and prestigious with a long and venerable history as the first Knightly Order. Viridian Knights defend Honor and act as Teachers and Mentors to others, while protecting the poor and helpless.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Magic Usage
| Magic Usage is completely banned in the Viridian Order, anyone practicing to be expelled. They also cannot be any type of Aberrant.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Race Limits
| Only Unionist Ailor may become Viridian Knights.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Symbols
| The Viridian Order uses: Horses, Swords, Vines, as symbols.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Colors
| The Viridian Order primarily uses Green, with accents of white and black.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Knightly Code
* Your character cannot be disloyal to the Imperial Family or Empire
* Your character cannot attack defenceless or unarmed people
* Your character cannot engage in deception or lying
* Your character cannot be disloyal to other Viridian Knights
* Your character cannot complain about anything
* Your character cannot be vain and must self improve always
* Your character cannot verbally attack or insult others
* Your character must uphold principles over safety and self
* Your character cannot join the City Guard, but can advise and teach it
* Your character can become a Junker (houseguard) but only to honorable Nobles
* Your character cannot become a Mercenary
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Combat Style
| Viridian Knights primarily use swords and shields and ride on horseback. They also train in ceremonial halberd usage.

===Villiers-Eclaire Order===
==Recommended Military Protocol==
As mentioned in the Design Section, military characters have a tendency towards hierarchy-based rules and common conduct between each other. While not as strict as Knightly Codes, the Regalian Military expects a sense of decorum between its members, as a Soldier’s actions reflect back on their Officers and eventually back to the Emperor, who is the model of dignified conduct in Aloria.
Below is a list of recommended protocols for characters to follow to show they are part of the Regalian Military.
*Characters should salute or nod to superiors as a sign of respect for the rank. Even if one hates the Officer, they still offer respect as the rank is a proxy to the Emperor’s authority.
*Active duty Soldiers should be addressed as Rank + Surname. For example, Vice Admiral John Doe would be referred to as “Vice Admiral Doe.”
*Criticism of Officers, losses, etc, should be done in private and with tact. In public, the Regalian Military should show a unified front in support of its achievements. Even if the war effort is going poorly, Soldiers and Officers should back each other up to maintain morale on the frontlines and at home.
*Characters should behave in a way which doesn’t embarrass the military. Cowardice, vulgarity, and brutishness should be kept to a minimum.
*Characters should take care with revealing information about the military. Remember, loose lips sink ships.
In general, a character who is respectful to others and does what they are told is a model member of the military. Those who tend to skirt the lines on what is/isn’t permissible, or engage in criminal activities, may face a Court Martial and be disciplined for their actions. A Court Martial is a military court which is separated from the civil Judiciary, but performs similar functions. The key differences are that the Court Martial only applies to members of the military, and Senior Officers preside over cases rather than Justicars (judges). Court Martials are also known to be far harsher than the Judiciary, as soldiers may face corporal punishment or execution depending on the severity of the charges.
===Additional Guidelines===
To help avoid confusion in roleplay, the following guidelines should be observed to make Military Roleplay an inclusive experience, while still recognizing the complexity behind the Regalian Military:
*Use the terms Soldier, Junior Officer, and Senior Officer in everyday roleplay as opposed to specific ranks. Three terms are easier for players to understand.
*The recommended age per flavor rank is provided in the table below, which is based on an Ailor lifespan. Most Ailor retire between 60-65, meaning some ranks are unattainable to them without going through Military Academies.
**For the sake of roleplay inclusivity, players commissioned IC can ignore the lowest age in each column, so long as they stick to the lowest rank in each tier (eg, a 24 year old commissioned as a Senior Officer can be a Rear Admiral, but not a Fleet Admiral)
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{| class="wikitable"  
|- style="font-weight:bold;"
! colspan="3" style="background-color:#e8cfd9;" | [[Villiers-Eclaire Order]] (click for more information)
! Army Rank
! Navy Rank
| rowspan="7" style="background-color:#efefef; width:15%;"  | [[File:Villiers.png|center|border|caption]]
! Age
| style="background-color:#efefef; width:8%;"  | Theme
! w/ Jr. Academy
| Villiers-Eclaire are religious protectors of the clergy, and spreaders of their faith. They are staunch Unionist warriors who bring honor and virtue to the Spirit through tournaments, and protecting Unionists who cannot protect themselves, while teaching others of their faith, and engaging in religious debate.
! w. Sr. Academy
|- style="background-color:#ffffff;"
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Magic Usage
| Soldier
| Magic Usage is completely banned in the Villiers Order, anyone practicing to be expelled. They also cannot be any type of Aberrant.
| Sailor
| 18
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Race Limits
| Only Unionist Ailor may become Villiers Knights.  
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Symbols
| The Villiers Order uses: Roses, the Unionist-eye, Fleur-de-Lis as symbols.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Colors
| The Villiers Order primarily uses burgundy, with accents of magenta and pink.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Knightly Code
* Your character may not waver from the Unionist Faith
|- style="background-color:#efefef;"
* Your character must obey commands from Unionist clerics
| Sergeant
* Your character must not lie or engage in deceit
| Deck Officer
* Your character must never be social with Void Worshipers
| 28
* Your character must give alms and care for the poor
| 21
* Your character must never verbally insult the downtrodden
* Your character cannot join the City Guard, but can be its chaplain
* Your character can become a Houseguard, but only to devout Unionist Nobles
* Your character cannot become a Mercenary
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Combat Style
| Villiers-Eclaire Knights primarily use two-handed blades, flails and maces and go on foot or on horseback.
===Great Oak Order===
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="3" style="background-color:#cfe8e2;" | [[Great Oak Order]] (click for more information)
| rowspan="7" style="background-color:#efefef; width:15%;"  | [[File:Greatoak.png|center|border|caption]]
| style="background-color:#efefef; width:8%;"  | Theme
| Knights of the Great Oak are Knights who favor fame above all, seeking great and glorious hunts by going after legendary beasts, and boasting about their victories during celebratory feasts. Oak Knights generally don’t get involved in humanoid matters, but may occasionally veer sideways when it concerns Werebeasts, who they enjoy hunting and defeating (but not necessarily killing)
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Magic Usage
| Oak Knights permit the usage of Magic and Sorcery and Ritualism. Aberrancy is permitted in their ranks.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Race Limits
| Any Race or Religion can become an Oak Knight.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Symbols
| The Oak Order uses: trees, boar heads, axes, as symbols.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Colors
| The Oak Order primarily uses teal, with accents of gray and brown.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Knightly Code
* Your character must always aspire to some ambition, always
|- style="background-color:#efefef;"
* Your character must treat all religions equally
| Lieutenant
* Your character must never deny a duel challenge
| First-Mate
* Your character must never fight dirty during a duel
| 33
* Your character must never attack from behind
| 26
* Your character must never attack unarmed individuals
* Your character must never attack Yanar or Groves or trees
* Your character can join the City Guard
* Your character can become a Houseguard
* Your character can become a Mercenary
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Combat Style
| Great Oak Knights have no set Combat Style, except that they always wield some type of round shield or axe with another weapon, and only fight on foot.
===Lion Pelt Order===
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="3" style="background-color:#ededed;" | [[Lion Pelt Order]] (click for more information)
| rowspan="7" style="background-color:#efefef; width:15%;"  | [[File:Pelter.png|center|border|caption]]
| style="background-color:#efefef; width:8%;"  | Theme
| Lion Pelt Knights are the typical bodyguard Knight, hired to the wealthiest of patrons for their protection and chaperone. Lion Knights are known to be the most dazzling of Knights, dressing in the best and most expensive clothing, the most ornate designed armor, and wielding the most expensive weapons. Lion Pelt Knights don’t frequently join on the frontlines, instead preferring to remain behind with their charge or patron.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Magic Usage
| Magic Usage is completely banned in the Lion Order, anyone practicing to be expelled. They also cannot be any type of Aberrant.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Race Limits
| Only Ailor or Half-Ailor may become Lion Knights, but no religious restrictions. Altalar are also permitted, but are classified as race traitors by other Altalar.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Symbols
| The Lion Pelt Order uses: Ullaren Lions, rose thorns, flags, as symbols.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Colors
| The Lion Pelt Order primarily uses White, with accents of any other color.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Knightly Code
* Your character must always serve a patron to protect
|- style="background-color:#efefef;"
* Your character must never insult or attack a fellow Pelter
| Captain
* Your character must never use insult or verbally attack to anyone
| Vice Captain
* Your character must give alms and money away to others
| 38
* Your character must endeavor to look beautiful always
| 31
* Your character must not leave the patron’s side during battle
* Your character cannot join the City Guard, but may protect a Lord Commander
* Your character can become a Houseguard, but only to their Patron
* Your character cannot become a Mercenary
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Combat Style
| Lion Pelt Knights fight only with Beorl Axes and no shields, and only fight on foot.
===Darkwald Order===
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="3" style="background-color:#cfcfcf;" | [[Darkwald Order]] (click for more information)
| rowspan="7" style="background-color:#efefef; width:15%;"  | [[File:Darkwald.png|center|border|caption]]
| style="background-color:#efefef; width:8%;"  | Theme
| Darkwald Knights are in essence Demon and Vampire hunters, stalking their prey and taking on missions for anyone who is being harassed or threatened by an aberrant. The Darkwald Knights are an oddity in that they are the only order besided Monzon using ranged weapons, primarily to close the gap with stronger Vampires. Darkwald Knights are commonly seen as extremist fanatics, with a burning hatred of anything Aberrant.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Magic Usage
| Magic Usage is completely banned in the Darkwald Order, anyone practicing to be expelled. They also cannot be any type of Aberrant.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Race Limits
| Only Unionist Ailor may become Darkwald Knights.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Symbols
| The Darkwald Order uses: Crossbows, Ravens, Whips, as symbols.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Colors
| The Darkwald Order primarily uses gray, with accents of dark blue and black.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Knightly Code
* Your character cannot be any form of Aberrancy Type, with the exception of Union Blessings
|- style="background-color:#efefef;"
* Your character can never be social with Aberrants or Aberrant-sympathizers
| Major
* Your character must never decline an opportunity to hunt an Aberrant that is causing pain to Mundanes
| Captain
* Your character must always destroy Void effigies they come across
| 43
* Your character must remain celibate and focused on purpose
| 36
* Your character must avoid jewelry and vain accessories
* Your character must never tolerate a Fae Knight nearby
* Your character cannot join the City Guard, for it is filled with mutants and freaks
* Your character can become a Houseguard, but only to Purity Conservatives
* Your character cannot become a Mercenary
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Combat Style
| Darkwald Knights switch between Crossbows and short blades in combat, going either on foot or on horseback.
===Bloodcast Order===
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="3" style="background-color:#edd1d1;" | [[Bloodcast Order]] (click for more information)
| rowspan="7" style="background-color:#efefef; width:15%;"  | [[File:Bloodcast.png|center|border|caption]]
| style="background-color:#efefef; width:8%;"  | Theme
| Bloodcast Knights are in essence Hedge Knights, Knights without a formal school, hierarchy, or code of honor to maintain, often making their own. In the view of all other Knightly Orders, Bloodcast Knights are amateur knights who fail to uphold any sense of discipline. Indeed, Bloodcast Knights roam the land freely without purpose, doing odd jobs here and there. That being said, to many commoners, they are as such also the only free knights who might give a damn about a cat stuck in a tree or a dog fallen down a well, something the other Knightly orders feel too good and pridely for.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Magic Usage
| Bloodcast Knights permit the usage of Magic and Sorcery and Ritualism. They can be any type of Aberrant.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Race Limits
| Any Race or Religion can become a Bloodcast Knight.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Symbols
| The Bloodcast Order uses: crossed swords, ships, clouds as Symbols.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Colors
| The Bloodcast Order primarily uses Red, with accents of white and black
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Knightly Code
* Your character can do whatever they want, anywhere, always
|- style="background-color:#efefef;"
* Your character is encouraged to make their own code
| Colonel
* Your character can join the City Guard but is encouraged not to, for roaming freedom
| Commodore
* Your character can become a Houseguard
| 48
* Your character can become a Mercenary
| 41
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Combat Style
| Bloodcast Knights can use whatever weapons or styles they like.
===Wards of Fae Order===
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="3" style="background-color:#d5f3f5;" | [[Wards of Fae Order]] (click for more information)
| rowspan="7" style="background-color:#efefef; width:15%;"  | [[File:Faeknight.png|center|border|caption]]
| style="background-color:#efefef; width:8%;"  | Theme
| The Wards of the Fae, or Fae Knights, are a Knight Order primarily concerned with the protection of Fae Sepulchres, holy sites which incorporate a mixture of Ailor Pagan, Kintyr Fae, Kintyr Angel and Unionist beliefs for the safeguarding of holy relics. Such holy relics often end up being Artifacts, believed to be gifts from the various gods and the Spirit. Fae Knights travel the land in search for Artifacts to bring back to the Sepulchre for safekeeping, and only to be used in the greatest of apocalypses that affect the world, or from attacks against the Sepulchre itself. Fae Knights are also commonly called Magical Knights, on account of nearly every one of their members having some form of Magic or Sorcery.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Magic Usage
| Fae Knights encourage the usage of Magic and Sorcery and Ritualism. Nearly every Fae Knight has some form of Aberrancy.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Race Limits
| Only Ailor and Nelfin (except Kathar) may become Fae Knights.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Symbols
| The Fae Order uses: angels, white flames, sunlight, as symbols.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Colors
| The Fae Order primarily uses Cyan, with accents of white and silver.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Knightly Code
* Your character must seek out Artifacts to safeguard but never keep
|- style="background-color:#c0c0c0;"
* Your character must protect Aberrants from Darkwald Knights
| Division General
* Your character must speak out for the better treatment of Aberrants
| Rear Admiral
* Your character must never judge others on their religion
| 58
* Your character must never take or steal something from someone, except for Artifacts
| 51
* Your character must capture those changed by rituals to be of another race, and change them back
| 26
* Your character cannot join the City Guard, for it obstructs their Artifact collecting work
|- style="background-color:#c0c0c0;"
* Your character can become a Houseguard
| Lieutenant General
* Your character can become a Mercenary
| Vice Admiral
| 68
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Combat Style
| 61
| Fae Knights primarily use swords, flails and shields, and only fight on foot.
| 36
|- style="background-color:#c0c0c0;"
| Field General
| Admiral
| 78
| 71
| 46
|- style="background-color:#c0c0c0;"
| Field Marshal
| Fleet Admiral
| 88
| 81
| 56

===Oranjen Order===
{| class="wikitable"
The Regalian Military’s earliest origins began during the [[Five Family Rebellion]], when the families of Ivraan, Kade, Llynwig, Calontir, and Brunig alongside [[Regalian_Eronidas_History|Anglian-Eronidas]] levies, [[Solvaan]] Mercenaries, and [[Breizh]] Knights overthrew the Regalian Kingdom to form the Regalian Empire. In the aftermath, the task of military oversight fell to House Brunig, with its patriarch Otto being appointed the first Grand Marshal of Regalia. Under Otto, the [[Viridian Order]] was founded to serve as elite Knights who would command the various feudal levies under the feudal nobility, a command structure which saw much success in early military campaigns against the neighboring kingdoms.
! colspan="3" style="background-color:#f5e8d5;" | [[Oranjen Order]] (click for more information)
As the Empire continued to expand across the Regalian Empire, it became apparent that reforms were necessary. As conquests moved further south, geographic obstacles such as rivers and mountains slowed logistical supply lines and caused delays in communications. Furthermore, the seafaring nations of [[Corontium]] were unable to be conquered by land-based levy armies, which could not effectively control the waterways. As a result, Emperor [[Henri I]] approved the creation of the Imperial Navy, overseen by Erberhard I Brunig, who became the first Grand Admiral of Regalia. With the ability to move quickly through the waterways, the Regalian Military began to subjugate the various island states in the southwest of the Archipelago, which quickly grew the Empire’s territory.
| rowspan="7" style="background-color:#efefef; width:15%;"  | [[File:Oranjen.png|center|border|caption]]
The next major event to affect the Regalian Military was the Viridian Coup Attempt, which was foiled in 122 AC. As the Viridian Knights previously acted as Officers over the feudal levies, the question arose over how to reduce their influence in the military, and to replace any Viridians who proved treasonous in the future. Fortunately, the Grand Marshal at the time, Erberhard II Brunig, was recently elected as King of the Wirtemcaller, and soon filled in various officer positions with [[Wirtem]] tacticians. As allies alongside the Regalian Empire against the [[Skagger Horde]] for several years previously, and having a military tradition spanning back before the Five Family Rebellion, the Wirtem nobility offered exactly what was needed to keep the remaining Viridian Knights in check. These tacticians would go on to greatly influence the Regalian Military in the coming decades.
| style="background-color:#efefef; width:8%;"  | Theme
| Oranjen Knights are very similar to Villiers-Eclaire Knights, but have an entirely different focus. Primarily, Oranjen Knights are defenders and protectors of the religious, but they do not take orders from Unionist Clergy, and can be of any faith. Oranjen Knights primarily protect holy sites, temples, and religious buildings, regardless of what faith they belong to, or what faith they belong to. Unionist Oranjen Knights might for example protect a Dragon Temple or Exist Shrine, and protect the faithful on pilgrimage and travel to and from holy sites. Oranjen Knights are more commonly Dragon Worshipers, but also have smaller chapters belonging to Unionists, Old Gods worshipers, Void Cultists, Estel Worshipers, and more.  
After the Regalian Empire conquered the rest of Corontium, and after years of successful diplomatic missions under Arch-Chancellor Nicholas, the Regalian Military was once again reviewed during the reign of Emperor [[Allestrain I]], who intended to launch campaigns of foreign conquest during his reign. Using the Wirtemcaller, now Calemberg, model of leadership as a baseline, Allestrain alongside Grand Marshal Heinrich II Brunig would create the Marshalry system of command. Under this system, the Regalian Military created a hierarchical authority comprised of Junior and Senior Officers who could carry out campaigns independent of one another, allowing the Empire to project its military agenda across various theaters of Aloria.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Magic Usage
Following Emperor Allestrain’s death in battle, the Regalian Empire began to suffer a financial downturn. This culminated in the [[Purple Bleeding]], which saw the Regalian Military brutally suppress revolts over Emperor [[Handorein II]]’s debt erasure. In the aftermath, many Senior Officers became ennobled due to the extinction of several noble houses during the crisis. One of these families was the House von Treppewitz, which would go on to succeed the Brunig Grand Marshals after the death of the last Queen of Calemberg, Marie-Anne II, in 251 AC. While the fall of House Brunig was heavily felt in the eastern provinces of the Archipelago, the seamless transition of power in the Regalian Military demonstrated resilience that allowed it to weather the coming decades.
| Magic Usage is completely banned in the Oranjen Order, anyone practicing to be expelled. They also cannot be any type of Aberrant, except for Dragon Warriors and Archbloods, which are permitted.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Race Limits
| Any Race or Religion can become an Oranjen Knight, but a strong preference for Ailor
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Symbols
| The Oranjen Order uses: shields, dragons, lillies, as symbols.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Colors
| The Oranjen Order primarily uses orange, with accents of white and light blue.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Knightly Code
* Your character must protect holy sites but not take their orders
* Your character must never attack a cleric or priest of any kind
* Your character must attack any individual wielding a weapon in any holy site or prayer location
* Your character must never reveal their faith when asked
* Your character must never criticize anyone for their faith
* Your character must always play the devil’s advocate in faith debates
* Your character must never attack the defenceless and unarmed
* Your character must try to verbally sway Aberrants away from their Aberrancy
* Your character must remain loyal to the Imperial Family and Empire
* Your character must not engage in deception or lying
* Your character must decline noble titleage and self-disinherit if entering a noble family
* Your character cannot join the City Guard
* Your character cannot become a Houseguard
* Your character cannot become a Mercenary
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Combat Style
| Oranjen Knights primarily fight with halberds and spears or any stave-like weapon, and only fight on foot.
===Monzon Order===
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="3" style="background-color:#d9ceca;" | [[Monzon Order]] (click for more information)
| rowspan="7" style="background-color:#efefef; width:15%;"  | [[File:Monzon.png|center|border|caption]]
| style="background-color:#efefef; width:8%;"  | Theme
| Monzon Knights, also more commonly called the Golden Knights, are a fairly distrusted Knightly Order that specializes in the protection and execution of missions for underworld elements. Monzon Knights, in contrast to Lion Pelt Knights, enjoy working more with criminal elements such as kingpins, smugglers and racketeers, profiting from their wealth while doing their bidding. Monzon Knights care only for fame and fortune, and have lower moral standards in terms of how to acquire them. In many ways, Monzon Knights like Bloodcast Knights are seen as Knights without code, but this is not entirely true, as they do retain some semblance of fairness and honorability.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Magic Usage
| Monzon Knights permit the usage of Magic and Sorcery and Ritualism. Aberrants are also permitted into their ranks.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Race Limits
| Any Race or Religion can become a Monzon Knight.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Symbols
| The Monzon Order uses: tears of gold, coins, orchids, as symbols.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Colors
| The Monzon Order primarily uses Brown, with accents of orange and gold.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Knightly Code
* Your character must never decline a mission for gold, unless other codes are violated
* Your character must never attack unarmed or defenceless individuals
* Your character must try to outdo any Lion Pelt Knight in style and wealth
* Your character must create scenarios where Lion Pelt Knights seem incompetent
* Your character must always be beautiful and stylishly dressed and armored
* Your character may never attack someone from behind
* Your character may never lie or deceive anyone (plead the 5th)
* Your character must be loyal to fellow Monzon Knights
* Your character must value gold above all else
* Your character cannot join the City Guard, too much law abiding
* Your character cannot become a Houseguard, nobles are too goodly
* Your character can become a Mercenary
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Combat Style
| Monzon Knights fight primarily with arming sword and dagger, or any other short weapon, light bow, and small shield, and fight only on foot.  

===Blackguard Order===
The last major reforms to the Regalian Military came following the [[Chrysant War]]. During the conflict, it was made clear that the centuries-old levy system that made up the backbone of the Imperial Army was insufficient in combat when compared to the Navy. Furthermore, the earlier [[Dragenthal Crisis]] showed that the State lacked an effective fighting force to handle rebellious nobles should another revolt spring up. To solve these issues, Emperor [[Justinian II]] issued the Tenpenny Act, which implemented the first professional standing armies in the Regalian Empire. Over time, these “Tenpenny Soldiers” would slowly replace the need to call upon large feudal levies from the population, creating a military which was more loyal to the State (and Emperor) than to the nobility (who supplied their levies personally).
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="3" style="background-color:#a8a8a8;" | [[Blackguard Order]] (click for more information)
| rowspan="7" style="background-color:#efefef; width:15%;"  | [[File:Blackguard.png|center|border|caption]]
| style="background-color:#efefef; width:8%;"  | Theme
| The Blackguard Order is the newest Knightly Order, only recently having come about. The Blackguard are primarily heavy defender and guardian Knights, preferring defense over offense, and wielding the heaviest weapons and armor. Blackguard Knights are known to be rough, loud, boisterous and vulgar in their behavior, not having much of a classy semblance of style, but having great skill and endurance in combat to make up for it. Blackguard are the least favored of the Imperially aligned Knightly Orders, only barely scraping by, and generally mistrusted by the other aligned Orders as outsiders.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Magic Usage
| Magic Usage is completely banned in the Blackguard Order, anyone practicing to be expelled. They also cannot be Aberrants, except for Silven, which are allowed.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Race Limits
| Only Ailor, any type of Half-Ailor, and Eronidas may become Blackguard Knights.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Symbols
| The Blackguard Order uses: gauntlet fist, snarling bear, skull, as symbols.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Colors
| The Blackguard Order primarily uses Black, with accents of gold and red.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Knightly Code
* Your character may not insult anyone, ever, either directly or figuratively
* Your character must bow their head in deference to every noble they meet
* Your character must wear (very) short hair, even as females
* Your character cannot be a twink or below Muscular Body Shape
* Your character may never attack someone from behind
* Your character must never tell a lie, or deceive
* Your character must never marry, but does not need to be chaste
* Your character must be loyal to the Imperial Family and Empire
* Your character must be loyal to House Lampero and Vultaro
* Your character must punch anyone that insults them
* Your character must always speak whatever comes to mind
* Your character may never decline a challenge to a duel
* Your character must declare a vendetta against anyone that beats them
* Your character must seek a re-match against anyone with a vendetta
* Your character must always respect the strongest Blackguard among the Order as "Duce"
* Your character cannot join the City Guard
* Your character can become a Houseguard
* Your character can become a Mercenary, and is even encouraged to do so
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Combat Style
| Blackguard Knights only fight in the heaviest of Blacksteel armor, with heavy weapons or maces and always with a shield. They only fight on foot.

===Parthas Order===
Today, the Regalian Military still follows the Tenpenny System, with most soldiers in the Imperial Army now made up of these professional career soldiers, supplemented by Knights and levies in smaller quantities than in the past. On Aloria’s seas, the Imperial Navy continues to demonstrate the latest in naval technology, allowing the Regalian Empire to keep control over its vast territories, while serving as a deterrent to any rivals.
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="3" style="background-color:#f0eee1;" | [[Parthas Order]] (click for more information)
| rowspan="7" style="background-color:#efefef; width:15%;"  | [[File:Parthas.png|center|border|caption]]
| style="background-color:#efefef; width:8%;"  | Theme
| The Parthas Knights are primarily Bounty Hunters, Slavers, Slave-Guards and abductors of persons of interest. As Knights, Parthas Knights have operated from Hellatia since the arrival of the Etosian Church, acting as a military arm to enforce the Saffran Law on the people, but also to act as an extended arm to capture enemies of the church. In the past, the Parthas Order controlled a large part of the Azure Order, many of its members being dual-members, but since the order fell, the Parthas Order has operated on its own. They continue to seek bounties to capture special individuals, earning money and fame through their exploits.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Magic Usage
| Magic Usage is completely banned in the Parthas Order, anyone practicing to be expelled. Aberrants are not permitted among them, but Undead are.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Race Limits
| Any Race or Religion can become a Parthas Knight, except races that can legally be enslaved in Regalia.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Symbols
| The Parthas Order uses: chains, horseshoes, ribbons, as symbols.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Colors
| The Parthas Order primarily uses Yellow, with accents of black and purple.
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Knightly Code
* Your character may never decline a bounty, and must always seek them out
* Your character may never break off a hunt for a bounty until capture
* Your character may never use ranged weapons
* Your character may never kill unless on the battlefield or at war
* Your character may never insult horses, or horse riders
* Your character may never lie, or deceive, unless when hunting
* Your character cannot join the City Guard, except as a contract Bounty Hunter
* Your character can become a Houseguard
* Your character can become a Mercenary, and is even encouraged to do so
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Combat Style
| Parthas Knights often fight with non-lethal weapons, or chains and whips and lassos, and can fight either on foot or on horseback.

*Knightly Orders are unique to the Regalian Empire, the concept of Knighthood not existing anywhere in any other nation or among any other Race.
*The rank of Imperial Marshal/Admiral was also created during the Tenpenny Reforms as an equivalent to the historical Brunig and Treppewitz positions as head of the Regalian Military. The modern day Grand Marshal/Admiral position only refers to the chief authority over a military campaign.
*The vast majority of Knights are [[New Regalian]] and Ithanian, largely because these two cultures strongly encourage the creation of Knights and Knighthood, though both cultures do so for very different reasons.
*Knights are permitted to receive a Junior Commission if they serve under a Senior Officer. If they do so, their Knight rank reflects their Army rank (with Rank-Knights being equivalent to Lieutenants).
*Other races have however joined various Knightly Orders in the past 100 years.
|Artists = MonMarty
|Writers = MonMarty, Firefan96
|Processors = MonMarty, Firefan96

Revision as of 23:48, 21 April 2024

Leader Imperial Marshal Carl II von Treppewitz
Headquarters Imperial Marshalry, City of Regalia
Origins Five Family Rebellion
Symbols Dragons, Anchors, Swords
Colors Purple, Blue, Gold
Magic Usage Restricted
  • Imperial Army
  • Imperial Navy

The Regalian Military is the apparatus of the Regalian Empire responsible for managing, deploying, supplying, and commanding the tens of thousands of Soldiers across Aloria. With origins during the Five Family Rebellion, it has remained ever present since the dawn of the Empire, growing and adapting as the need arises. Today, the Regalian Military is seen as a symbol of Imperial glory and stability, and considered an extension of the Emperor’s might over all Regalian adversaries. Many citizens look favorably on the military, both for its career prospects and meritocratic basis, but also as a familiar organization in an ever-changing world.


Military Characters should be designed in line with a hierarchy-based organization. Following orders is expected at all times, and not when found convenient. Similar to Knighthood, characters should have a sense of professionalism about them. But where Knights derive their expectations from a code of honor, Soldiers do so out of loyalty to the Emperor and for the well-being of one's fellow Soldier. A disloyal Soldier is likely to either get themselves or others killed. Designing a character that is compliant with the Regalian Military is fairly straightforward, with the following key points to be made.

  • Any Regalian Citizen of any heritage or gender may be part of the Military, with the following exceptions:
    • Marken are barred from enlistment, even those with Legal reprieve, as the battlefield is chaotic and could cause even the most disciplined Marken to lose control. Characters may attempt to hide their status, but should be advised that this is illegal.
    • Spirits, Undead, Vampires, Geists, and all other illegal occult are barred from the Military, as they are hostile to Regalia’s interests. Characters may attempt to hide their status, but should be advised that this is difficult and very illegal.
    • Mystech are barred from the Military, as most are illegal within the empire, and the ones that are legal are not counted as citizens, which is a prerequisite for service.
  • Suvial cannot summon Spirits, as their legal provision is only to deal with the Spirit infestation in Regalia, not to use them in battle.
  • Arkenborn, Godborn, Archon, and Mages may enlist, but are assigned to specialized “Battle Mage” units which are separated from the regular mundane units (which still make up the vast majority of soldiers). Historically, Magic was banned in the military, with this ban being reversed recently under Emperor Alexander’s reign.
  • Petty Criminals (like pickpockets and debtors) can be press-ganged into the Regalian Military (most often the Navy) in lieu of other punishments, as they are seen as a lower risk compared to murderers and arsonists. However, they are treated with scrutiny due to their criminal background.

Becoming a Soldier

Joining the Regalian Military as a common Soldier is very simple. Every major settlement in the Regalian Empire has a recruitment office which allows any citizen over 18 years old to sign-up for military service. During the enlistment process, the recruit chooses whether to join the Imperial Army or Navy. If they join the Army, they are given directions to the nearest Tenpenny Headquarters, where they will spend a few months training in various weaponry before being given a specialty which reflects their performance. If they join the Navy, they are sent to the nearest port to join one of the many warships, then begin service immediately.

Becoming an Officer

Unlike Soldiers, joining the Regalian Military as an Officer requires more investment, either in time or money. As there are multiple tracks to becoming an Officer, they will be presented in a list format below.

  • Promotion from Soldier: Soldiers who exceed 10 years of military service may be promoted to Junior Officer as a reward for their experience, a meritocratic practice which is appealing to prospective recruits. These types of Officers are by far the most competent, as their skill comes from field experience alone.
  • Military Academy: The most common way of becoming an Officer is by attending one of Regalia's many Military Academies to fast-track their military career. This has the advantage of not risking one's life for ten years as a Soldier but has the disadvantage of skipping past the merit-based system using one's personal wealth. However, the Regalian Military permits this because the risk of a few incompetent Aristocratic Officers is outweighed by the benefit of having capable commanders whose families have proven themselves over generations.
    • Anyone 16 years or older may attend a Military Academy for 5 years to qualify as a Junior Officer, or 10 years to qualify as a Senior Officer.
  • Foreign Officers: In rare circumstances, the Regalian Military recognizes the credentials of foreign nations who seek out the Regalian Empire as refugees. These Foreign Officers slowly learn Regalian Military Doctrine (ensuring they are not a spy), and contribute to military advancements by sharing foreign tactics from their homeland. In doing so, the Foreign Officer demonstrates their loyalty to the Regalian Military and is rewarded with their experience being recognized.


A Commission is a formal document which empowers an individual to command members of the Regalian Military (which is ultimately derived from the Emperor). In order to lead troops or command a ship, one must be a commissioned Officer. There are several types of Commissions with differing levels of authority.

  • Junior Commissions are granted to Junior Officers, who are tasked with commanding small groups of Soldiers or commanding a singular warship. Junior Commissions are often granted by Senior Officers, though may also be granted by the Marshalry when it concerns regular appointments (such as a colonial garrison or the aforementioned recruitment offices).
  • Senior Commissions are granted to Senior Officers, who are tasked with commanding entire armies and fleets. Senior Commissions are often granted by Grand Marshals/Admirals, though may be granted by the Marshalry when it concerns regular appointments (such as a patrol fleet). In rare circumstances, the Palace may grant Senior Commissions directly.
  • Imperial Commissions are granted to those in charge of overseeing a military campaign and are given the rank of Grand Marshal/Admiral for the campaign. Imperial Commissions may also be granted to Imperial Marshals/Admirals, who oversee the overall functions of the Regalian Military and sit on the Marshal’s Cabinet. Imperial Commissions are granted by the Palace, often the Emperor personally.
    • For the sake of current events regarding the Emperor’s disappearance, the Princes/Regent are able to grant Imperial Commissions, usually during an Assembly. The Assembly may cast a vote of no confidence in a Grand Marshal, which may convince the Palace to rescind the Commission and appoint a replacement.


The Regalian Military is broken down into two major branches: the Imperial Army and the Imperial Navy. As mentioned above, an individual who enlists in the military chooses between one and the other. While it is possible to change branches later on, doing so causes a complete career reset, as the experience gained from commanding Soldiers on the battlefield cannot fully replicate to commanding sailors on a warship, and vice versa.

Imperial Army

The Imperial Army is the oldest branch of the Regalian Military, dating back to the Five Family Rebellion. Of the two branches, the Army has seen the most changes over the past few centuries. While originally a feudal based levy-system commanded by nobility, advancements in technology and knowledge have since transitioned it to a professional career-based system commanded by educated Officers. The Imperial Army is the most visible of the two branches, as veteran Soldiers often transition to related professions such as city guards in peacetime. It is also the largest branch, as the era of Alorian history still prioritizes land-based engagements between rival forces. The Regalian Army is inspired by 15th and 16th century European mixed-arms militaries, featuring mounted cavalry, artillery, muskets, and swords all on the same battlefield.

Below is a list of all Army Ranks. In general, Soldiers become Junior Officers after 10 years and rise in rank every 5 years. Colonels often take 10 years to become Senior Officers, with the ideal time between ranks being 10 years. However, the Imperial Army does not need a hundred Field Marshals, so Senior Officers often retain the same rank until they replace one of their superiors due to retirement or death.

  • Soldiers
  • Junior Officers: Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Colonel
  • Senior Officers: Division General, Lieutenant General, Field General, Field Marshal
Imperial Navy

The Imperial Navy is the pride of the Regalian Empire, as it is the branch responsible for projecting Imperial power across the oceans of Aloria. The Navy has seen less drastic changes since its creation during the conquests of Corontium, but each development has come with the advent of the latest in military engineering. The modern Imperial Navy is inspired by the various European Navies during the Age of Sail, such as the British Navy during the Napoleonic Era, featuring massive wooden warships sporting dozens of cannons.

Below is a list of all Naval Ranks. In general, Sailors become Junior Officers after 10 years and rise in rank every 5 years. Commodores often take 10 years to become Senior Officers, with the ideal time between ranks being 10 years. However, the Imperial Navy does not need a hundred Fleet Admirals, so Senior Officers often retain the same rank until they replace one of their superiors due to retirement or death.

  • Sailors
  • Junior Officers: Deck Officer, First-Mate, Vice Captain, Captain, Commodore
  • Senior Officers: Rear Admiral, Vice Admiral, Admiral, Fleet Admiral

Recommended Military Protocol

As mentioned in the Design Section, military characters have a tendency towards hierarchy-based rules and common conduct between each other. While not as strict as Knightly Codes, the Regalian Military expects a sense of decorum between its members, as a Soldier’s actions reflect back on their Officers and eventually back to the Emperor, who is the model of dignified conduct in Aloria. Below is a list of recommended protocols for characters to follow to show they are part of the Regalian Military.

  • Characters should salute or nod to superiors as a sign of respect for the rank. Even if one hates the Officer, they still offer respect as the rank is a proxy to the Emperor’s authority.
  • Active duty Soldiers should be addressed as Rank + Surname. For example, Vice Admiral John Doe would be referred to as “Vice Admiral Doe.”
  • Criticism of Officers, losses, etc, should be done in private and with tact. In public, the Regalian Military should show a unified front in support of its achievements. Even if the war effort is going poorly, Soldiers and Officers should back each other up to maintain morale on the frontlines and at home.
  • Characters should behave in a way which doesn’t embarrass the military. Cowardice, vulgarity, and brutishness should be kept to a minimum.
  • Characters should take care with revealing information about the military. Remember, loose lips sink ships.

In general, a character who is respectful to others and does what they are told is a model member of the military. Those who tend to skirt the lines on what is/isn’t permissible, or engage in criminal activities, may face a Court Martial and be disciplined for their actions. A Court Martial is a military court which is separated from the civil Judiciary, but performs similar functions. The key differences are that the Court Martial only applies to members of the military, and Senior Officers preside over cases rather than Justicars (judges). Court Martials are also known to be far harsher than the Judiciary, as soldiers may face corporal punishment or execution depending on the severity of the charges.

Additional Guidelines

To help avoid confusion in roleplay, the following guidelines should be observed to make Military Roleplay an inclusive experience, while still recognizing the complexity behind the Regalian Military:

  • Use the terms Soldier, Junior Officer, and Senior Officer in everyday roleplay as opposed to specific ranks. Three terms are easier for players to understand.
  • The recommended age per flavor rank is provided in the table below, which is based on an Ailor lifespan. Most Ailor retire between 60-65, meaning some ranks are unattainable to them without going through Military Academies.
    • For the sake of roleplay inclusivity, players commissioned IC can ignore the lowest age in each column, so long as they stick to the lowest rank in each tier (eg, a 24 year old commissioned as a Senior Officer can be a Rear Admiral, but not a Fleet Admiral)
Army Rank Navy Rank Age w/ Jr. Academy w. Sr. Academy
Soldier Sailor 18
Sergeant Deck Officer 28 21
Lieutenant First-Mate 33 26
Captain Vice Captain 38 31
Major Captain 43 36
Colonel Commodore 48 41
Division General Rear Admiral 58 51 26
Lieutenant General Vice Admiral 68 61 36
Field General Admiral 78 71 46
Field Marshal Fleet Admiral 88 81 56


The Regalian Military’s earliest origins began during the Five Family Rebellion, when the families of Ivraan, Kade, Llynwig, Calontir, and Brunig alongside Anglian-Eronidas levies, Solvaan Mercenaries, and Breizh Knights overthrew the Regalian Kingdom to form the Regalian Empire. In the aftermath, the task of military oversight fell to House Brunig, with its patriarch Otto being appointed the first Grand Marshal of Regalia. Under Otto, the Viridian Order was founded to serve as elite Knights who would command the various feudal levies under the feudal nobility, a command structure which saw much success in early military campaigns against the neighboring kingdoms.

As the Empire continued to expand across the Regalian Empire, it became apparent that reforms were necessary. As conquests moved further south, geographic obstacles such as rivers and mountains slowed logistical supply lines and caused delays in communications. Furthermore, the seafaring nations of Corontium were unable to be conquered by land-based levy armies, which could not effectively control the waterways. As a result, Emperor Henri I approved the creation of the Imperial Navy, overseen by Erberhard I Brunig, who became the first Grand Admiral of Regalia. With the ability to move quickly through the waterways, the Regalian Military began to subjugate the various island states in the southwest of the Archipelago, which quickly grew the Empire’s territory.

The next major event to affect the Regalian Military was the Viridian Coup Attempt, which was foiled in 122 AC. As the Viridian Knights previously acted as Officers over the feudal levies, the question arose over how to reduce their influence in the military, and to replace any Viridians who proved treasonous in the future. Fortunately, the Grand Marshal at the time, Erberhard II Brunig, was recently elected as King of the Wirtemcaller, and soon filled in various officer positions with Wirtem tacticians. As allies alongside the Regalian Empire against the Skagger Horde for several years previously, and having a military tradition spanning back before the Five Family Rebellion, the Wirtem nobility offered exactly what was needed to keep the remaining Viridian Knights in check. These tacticians would go on to greatly influence the Regalian Military in the coming decades.

After the Regalian Empire conquered the rest of Corontium, and after years of successful diplomatic missions under Arch-Chancellor Nicholas, the Regalian Military was once again reviewed during the reign of Emperor Allestrain I, who intended to launch campaigns of foreign conquest during his reign. Using the Wirtemcaller, now Calemberg, model of leadership as a baseline, Allestrain alongside Grand Marshal Heinrich II Brunig would create the Marshalry system of command. Under this system, the Regalian Military created a hierarchical authority comprised of Junior and Senior Officers who could carry out campaigns independent of one another, allowing the Empire to project its military agenda across various theaters of Aloria.

Following Emperor Allestrain’s death in battle, the Regalian Empire began to suffer a financial downturn. This culminated in the Purple Bleeding, which saw the Regalian Military brutally suppress revolts over Emperor Handorein II’s debt erasure. In the aftermath, many Senior Officers became ennobled due to the extinction of several noble houses during the crisis. One of these families was the House von Treppewitz, which would go on to succeed the Brunig Grand Marshals after the death of the last Queen of Calemberg, Marie-Anne II, in 251 AC. While the fall of House Brunig was heavily felt in the eastern provinces of the Archipelago, the seamless transition of power in the Regalian Military demonstrated resilience that allowed it to weather the coming decades.

The last major reforms to the Regalian Military came following the Chrysant War. During the conflict, it was made clear that the centuries-old levy system that made up the backbone of the Imperial Army was insufficient in combat when compared to the Navy. Furthermore, the earlier Dragenthal Crisis showed that the State lacked an effective fighting force to handle rebellious nobles should another revolt spring up. To solve these issues, Emperor Justinian II issued the Tenpenny Act, which implemented the first professional standing armies in the Regalian Empire. Over time, these “Tenpenny Soldiers” would slowly replace the need to call upon large feudal levies from the population, creating a military which was more loyal to the State (and Emperor) than to the nobility (who supplied their levies personally).

Today, the Regalian Military still follows the Tenpenny System, with most soldiers in the Imperial Army now made up of these professional career soldiers, supplemented by Knights and levies in smaller quantities than in the past. On Aloria’s seas, the Imperial Navy continues to demonstrate the latest in naval technology, allowing the Regalian Empire to keep control over its vast territories, while serving as a deterrent to any rivals.


  • The rank of Imperial Marshal/Admiral was also created during the Tenpenny Reforms as an equivalent to the historical Brunig and Treppewitz positions as head of the Regalian Military. The modern day Grand Marshal/Admiral position only refers to the chief authority over a military campaign.
  • Knights are permitted to receive a Junior Commission if they serve under a Senior Officer. If they do so, their Knight rank reflects their Army rank (with Rank-Knights being equivalent to Lieutenants).