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{{Info geography
This page is a sub-page of the [[Geography]] page which records all major regions of the Alorian world, and explains roughly what each Nation or area is like. Corontium in particular is also called the Regalian Archipelago, or the heartland of the Regalian Empire which contains its capital, This is one single state, that is to say, this is the heartland of the Regalian Empire, wich each of the smaller parts being more like provinces than actual nations, though autonomy does exist here and there, and some are considered more like smaller states within a state. Below is a piece of the Geography map cut out to show the relation between all the nations geographically.
|image = ArchipelagoV6.png
|fullname = The Regalian Archipelago
|pronunciation = Reh-Gall-ean Ark-apel-ago
|demonym = [[Regalian]]
{| class="wikitable"
|area = 3,900,000 mi²
{| style="background-color:#4A8757; width: 75%;" align="center"
|languages = Various
|- style="text-align:center;"
|population = 111,700,000
! style="background-color:#C9D8CC; width:170px;" | Name
! colspan="2" style="background-color:#C9D8CC;" | Description
The Regalian Archipelago is considered, in many ways, to be the center of [[Aloria]]. Because the archipelago is the capital of the [[Regalian Empire]], it has experienced many changes and turns over the years, leading to an influx of migration into the continent. People from [[Daen]], [[Essalonia]], [[The North Belt]] and [[Oldt Era]], and more all flock to Regalia's lucrative wealth and security, all eager for a piece of the plentiful pie. From its inception to its current status as home to perhaps the most powerful empire of Aloria, [[Regalia]] is home to many, whether they are advocates for the empire or criminals hiding in plain sight.  
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Regalia is the Imperial crown of the [[Regalian Empire]], the capital of capitals, the City of Light, and the epicenter of all imperial ambition and politics. It is a city of over 4 million inhabitants, supported with daily shipments from the surrounding provinces, where wealth and class gaps are the strongest across the Empire. From the poorest of poor citizens in Crookback to the wealthiest of citizens in the Imperial District and the Holy Seat where the Emperor's Palace resides, Regalia is both a city where one can find anything that the heart desires, but also the deepest and most profound miseries. This is where most roleplay on the server takes place. The whole island (also sometimes called the Crown Isle) is one massive artificial oddity in the world, a city carefully balancing on the edge of famine and unrest, with wildlife long extinct, and many ancient ruins that still emit power into the imagination of the citizens.
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Kintyr is the land of castles, the land of chivalry, and the land of forever tournaments. Kintyr was one of the pivotal regions that supported the [[Five Family Rebellion]] and helped found the Regalian Empire (which upon founding, only covered Anglia, parts of Rosendale, Solleria, and Kintyr, having to conquer the rest). Kintyr is home to the [[Breizh]] [[Ailor]], as well as the [[Aelrrigan]] Knight Order. It is a land of immense cultural cohesion, but political divisions, with the local petty kings and dukes constantly fighting over scraps of land, despite the Iron Truce denying the nobility the right to go to war with one another. Kintyr has the highest density of castles, with many more abandoned and razed during sieges. Kintyr stone masons are renowned across the Empire for building the most durable and solid castles, having weathered many assaults to learn the right structural techniques.
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'''Clannadh Alba'''
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Clannadh Alba is one of the last regions in the Regalian Archipelago that still houses its own native tribes, such as the Gamorr people, an ancient pagan Ailor people who largely avoid contact with the Empire. Clannadh Alba itself is a rugged land of fjords and mountains, with internal conflict as much of the population was turned into [[Urlan]], with the few Ailor holdouts resisting further Urlan Symbiosis, a fragile truce keeping the two races apart from one another. Clannadh Alba is often ignored in the bigger picture of Imperial politics, lacking any real importance to the Empire at large and also providing very little to the march of progress. Rural tribes such as the Gamorr live in relative peace here, unbothered by the relentless industrialization that occurs elsewhere in the Empire, and far out of the reach of Unionist missionaries.
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Anglia is the breadbasket of the Empire as well as its founding place of origins. Through both skillful use of political privileges as well as its exceptionally mild climate, Anglia has become the place that provides food for nearly the entire empire and especially the capital which receives daily shipments from its grain stores. Anglia is an ancient land with ties to the [[Dragon]]s and pre-Empire history, with some of its easternmost territory also making up part of the old [[Regalian Kingdom]] before the Five Family Rebellion. Anglia is ruled nearly in its entirety by [[House Kade]], the Imperial royal family, who spent the last 300 years using a vast network of political marriages to partially unify Anglia in a patchwork of feudal contracts and land ownership deeds. Anglia remains also a very bigoted land, the locals not looking kindly on non-Unionist, non-Dragon-worshiping Ailor, or even just other provincial outsiders as strangers.
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Pannor, once called the islands of Medway, is a grant of land given to the [[Eronidas]] upon their arrival in the Archipelago centuries ago. Medway was once considered a very poor land, mostly barren salt flats and mineral poor mountains, though the hardy Eronidas have made a living on Pannor and greatly increased the region's soil quality alongside its population numbers. Pannor has a harmonious mixed population of Ailor and Eronidas that results in also plenty of religious overlap. Many Half-Eronidas come from Pannor to Regalia in search of their culture or a future legacy. Many Eronidas from Pannor itself make up the bulk of the Regalian frontline soldiers, first to jump into any war that the Emperor points his scepter towards.
* For more on the history of the Eronidas in Corontium, read [[Eronidas-Anglian Relations]].
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Eidda is a strange land, once entirely uninhabited, now largely colonized by [[Gallovian]] Ailor settlers, specifically from [[Westwynd|Èriu-Innis]]. Eidda is rocky, wet, and difficult to approach on account of the very jagged and sharp cliffs on the coastlines, with few natural harbors that give way to calm waves. Eidda is, despite its location surrounded by more urbanized lands, incredibly isolated from the Regalian Empire precisely because of the logistical difficulty of actually reaching it. Many of the locals thus live a life of relative autonomy by circumstance, not paying much if anything in taxes. Eidda as such has also become known as the land where brigands and criminals go to stay within the Empire to lay low, avoiding the authorities to not end up in jail.
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Gallovia is the homeland of the kiltach, the vielt, and all other things Gallovian Ailor. It is a land of extreme contrast, between the highly urbanized Kinwry capital of the region, and the extremely sparsely populated Talahm Gall regions, where legend has it Marken roam free in worship of their old Pagan gods. Gallovia is the home of the Gallovian Ailor, who would eventually settle Eriu Innis, Eidda, and Clannadh Alba, and remains the most numerous of all these places. Between the rocky glens, the deep snowy mountains and the rough coasts, it is a poor land, but on the periphery of the Empire, its people appreciate their relative independence and apathy to the politics of the capital, and is as such seen as a land of tradition and old customs. 
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Mineria is one of the more recently populated regions in the archipelago with a very unique architectural style quite unlike anything else in the world. Its predominantly [[Fin'ullen]] and [[Kathar]] populations as well as Anglian immigrants have developed so-called Naut-Cities, which are cities perfectly blending with the sea, where some roads end up into the water, and carts give way for boats. Many of these cities are inhabited by semi-aquatic Fin'ullen, but more notably, it is a place where [[Evolism]] is very common and often seen as the dominant religion in the region. It is one of the few places in the Empire where Kathar can exist without any discrimination and scrutiny from higher authorities.
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Solleria is the land of forever mists and home to the [[Solvaan]] [[Elves]] who so long ago settled these lands during the waning millennia of the Allorn Empire. When the Allorn Empire fell, the Solvaan under the guidance of their goddess Sinnavei joined forces with the forces of the Five Family Rebellion, and founded the Regalian Empire, becoming its vanguard. Solleria itself is a land deeply shrouded in eternal mists, both magically summoned and natural. Many monsters lurk in these mists, protecting the cities, archives, and training grounds of the mist-wardens of Sinnavei, who herself remains at her temple-complex the High Chair of Windwhere, high up in the mountains. Solvaan Elves from Solleria make up another sizeable part of the Regalian Army.
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'''The Rim Isles'''
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The Rim Isles are an alien landscape that is sparsely populated. Many of the landmasses as well as the ocean parts are covered in huge craters of some kind of celestial event that took place millennia ago. Many of the craters in the Rim Isles produce curious and sometimes even magical phenomena that are still not understood to this day. The oddities as well as some of the rare algae that live in the region have attracted large numbers of [[Allar]] who have settled in the area, and produced some of the first Digmaan realms away from [[Hadaria]]. The most notable of the Rim Isles's craters is the Jaykhart Crater, which turns entirely pink during the summer as the lagoon's unique algae oversaturate the waters.
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Basta is one of the so-called Imperial pearls, one of the regions where the wealthy and aristocracy reside and engage in the game of politics. Basta is predominantly inhabited by [[Ithanian]] Ailor, though many of them have abandoned their classical cultural roots and embraced Regal traditions, becoming more one with the visions of Empire than their old native homeland. Basta is a major exporter of high art and philosophy, with its wealthy cities being home to many of the Empire's great thinkers. Basta is sometimes also called the land without poverty, because the local governors quite literally shipped all the poor people off the land to Anglia, demolishing their old town homes to build more palaces. The only poor that remain on Basta now are in the service industry.
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Vixhall is very similar to Basta, though is more of what Basta aspires to be, which is the land of forever partying. Basta is inherently tied to the fames and fortunes of [[House Ivrae de Sange]], the previous Imperial Royal house which ruled the Regalian Empire, before they ran out of heirs and the throne passed to a Kade. In the settlement, House Ivrae de Sange received Vixhall as a royal commission, and has since ruled from there with a level of benign neglect, preferring a life of luxury and opulence over actual rule. Vixhall is /the/ place to be for the hottest trends, parties, and gossip. It is also filled with immense vineyards and plantations, all to produce high-society goods for the ruling classes and the Empire at large, making ample use of Ithanian craft skills.
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Bragacão was once a very poor region that saw immigration waves from [[Westwynd]], mostly poor migrants wanting to avoid the political chaos in the governorates, but also seeking a better life closer to the Empire. For better or worse, they never made it to the city, but brought with them the nautical skills of the [[Tierravera]] crafts. What was otherwise a fairly poor region, quickly became the gateway to the west, where all shipping from the western realms arrives, before it is shipped up the Shoenn River to the capital and the surrounding lands. Bragacão is home to the largest shipping and merchant fleets, with any well to do shipping guild having their head office in the capital of Olispão.
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Girobalda is the land of the unbound personal liberties, that as of yet still has issues letting go of its oppressive past. Girobalda remains the land of plantations of cotton, hemp, and all manner of exotic fruit and spice production, but still grapples with a labor rights problem. It was originally just large forest lands, which were skillfully cut and burnt by Tierravera immigrants, and turned into vast manned plantations. Girobalda was the first region that faced industrialization in the agricultural sector, forcing thousands of laborers into unemployment which continues to generate a lot of crime. One of its largest issues though was solved in 311 AC, when the Herebrand Order successfully extinguished [[Unionist]] blasphemers hiding in the deep jungles that still populate the deepest points inland.
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'''Vultaro & Montania'''
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Vultaro and Montania were two formerly separated regions now united under the rule of the Iron Duke Lampero from the capital Lampeport at the foot of three massive volcanoes. Montania, otherwise known as the land of fire, and Vultaro otherwise known as the land of mineral wealth, are the major mining hubs of the Regalian Empire, feeding the Empire's huge coal and iron ore needs to keep the technicians and artificers in the capital supplied. Vultaro is also the home of the Supremoclast rebellion, a group of priests who abandoned Dogmatic Unionism in the second schism and formed their own religious community, eventually merging with [[Unionism|Guided Unionism]]. Vultaro and Montania remain the home of high-culture music and song, with some of the most renowned composers and mining magnates coming from this region. Most cities in Vultaro are built out of the unique and distinct yellow volcanic tuff that is also becoming more popular in the capital.
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There is not much to be said about Mandu bereft of modern happenings. For hundreds of years, Mandu was not inhabited, both because its climate was unpleasantly humid and the land itself unpleasantly rocky. For some reason, despite the massive rainforests growing on it, the soil itself is incredibly stone-like, and jagged, strangely jagged even. In recent years, Mandu has become a prime colonizing location for [[Asha]] and [[Maquixtl]] immigrants, who are more prone to accepting harsh living conditions that they can either adapt to, or shape to their own whims with Asha terraforming. Mandu was once intensely isolated because the surrounding regions were barely populated, but more and more ferry services are being established.
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'''The Volcanic Rim'''
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The Volcanic Rim has many names, but all of them are usually labels defined by immigrant groups, many of them conflicting the next group's definition, and as such, the Volcanic Rim remains the most commonly used. The Volcanic Rim does not exist on any old pre-Empire maps, because the Volcanic Rim only formed through volcanic eruptions in the past few centuries. It is now home to some [[Songaskian]] and [[Sihai]] immigrants who find all the other provinces too alien to tolerate migrating or integrating into. As such it is a weird place where one can find native [[Farahdeen]] and [[Jadeheart]] architecture existing in a cultural capsule away from Regalia's general architectural styles. It is also a land devoid of any nobility, because the lands have not been formally partitioned for noble rights yet.
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'''The Hellatian States'''
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The Hellatian States are a relatively modern invention of mass-[[Aetosian]] re-immigration to the Regalian Archipelago following a series of reproachments and peaceful resolutions between the Dogmatic Unionists and [[Evintarian]] Unionists. The Hellatian province is incredibly inhospitable, as it is mainly barren mountain land, but the Aetosians created several prosperous city-states. Unlike Etosil which is ruled by the Aetosian patriarch and the Bone King however, the Hellatian States lack a central authority to keep the local cities in check. As a result, many of the city-states are on conflict with one another, never to the point of violence, but certain to such degree that an unusual level of regional competitiveness exists between the otherwise communal Aetosian Ailor.
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Aetolia is another one of the Regalian frontier lands that is sparsely populated, though this is entirely by the design of the locals. Aetolia isn't uniquely unhospitable like Hellatia, but unlike Hellatia, the Aetosian Ailor prefer a countryside living style here, with strong undercurrents of monasticism. Many of the citizens in the Hellatian States pay for extensive mausoleums and tombs in Aetolia, making it one of the major burial provinces of the Evintarian Unionists, filled with embalming houses, cloisters, and extensive graveyards. In fact, the mortuary business in Aetolia has been so successful, that even some non-Evintarian nobles and many citizens from Etosil have started buying up tombs in Aetolia due to its peaceful environs.
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Tirgunn is an unstable province, largely due to the eternal struggle between the dark forces that lurk in its swampy pine forests, and the [[Lothar Order|Darkwald Lothar]] Knights who seek to purge the land of the Afflicted. Routinely cities in Tirgunn get torched by [[Vampire]] attacks and Lothar in turn execute whole villages who are suspected of [[Vampirism|Vampiric]] infection. Still, the [[Leutz-Vixe]] Ailor in Tirgunn are a hardy people, many of the small forest communities having created extensive defensive fortifications. Tirgunn crossbowmen are renowned across the Empire as some of the most skilled ranged warriors available, many of them having been recruited as retainers for the Lothar Knights to continue the struggle against the Vampires and [[Marken]] in the region.
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Lorhaus is the most peaceful of the three Leutz-Vixe provinces together with Osteiermark the political one, and Tirgunn the violent one. Lorhaus is settled at the foot of the Genevaud Alps, and mostly has peaceful valleys, artsy towns, and extensive fruit plantations. Lorhaus perfume and fruit jellies are famous across the Empire, just as famous as the small lake-side towns where artists come to paint the scenery. Lorhaus is one of the provinces with the largest [[Teledden]] minorities present, outside of Solleria which is where most of the Elves live, and Girobalda which has a sizeable [[Suvial]] population on its eastern shores. Lorhaus is also rich in fine crafts like glass-blowing and crystal cutting, making it a popular location for the wealthy to spend their money.
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Genevaud as a region has largely remained unchanged for the past five hundred years, exactly the way the locals like it. The Genevaud Cantons are a unique element in the Regalian Archipelago in that there are no nobles, rather the Cantons are ruled by republican councils. Genevaud covers most of the Genevaud Alps, a large mountain range with some of them extending west into Vixhall, and east into Lorhaus and Osteiermark. The Genevaud Ailor are an isolationist people, having joined the Empire with promises of autonomy that have lasted to this day, and mostly defying immigration from any stranger, outsider, or non Dogmatic Unionist. The Genevaud Alps are full of small villages and cottages all over the mountains where the locals rear cattle.
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Nordmark is one of the Imperial provinces together with Basta and Calemberg where many of the ruling noble families and politically active actors come from. Nordmark is considered a bulwark of conservatism, where some of the old money nobility own estates in the dark forests that hug the northern side of the Genevaud Alps and Osteiermark. Nordmark was once part of Rosendale, but the increasingly [[Wirtem]]-leaning population eventually split away from the larger Rosendale, and formed their own regional identity. Nowadays, Nordmark competes with Calemberg for the role of pre-eminent military-themed and conservative thought leaders of the Empire, but more often than not do the politicians of Nordmark stick to their isolated countryside estates, dreaming of a world that has largely already passed them by through industrialization, trying to keep a semblance of old nobility alive where the anachronisms of the modern age cannot break the illusion. 
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Calderliga is the trade-capital cousin of Bragacão, where Bragacão manages the trade from the west, Calderliga manages the trade from the east but also the internal network of trade. Calderliga traders for example pick up merchandise from the outer provinces and ship it across the Archipelago, while also dominating the trade through the Shoenn River, the only way to actually reach the capital by boat (as Kintyr's waters are too treacherous and frozen half the year). The Calder province itself is very small, but has a very high population density of wealthy bourgeois, its cities being artistic renditions of the modern age, buildings in elegant palatial styles, interwoven with metal industrial bridges and river barges transporting goods around. The Calder people are Wirtem Ailor, but considered far more progressive than their Calemberg cousins.
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Calemberg, named after its capital Calemberg (pictured), also known as the second holiest land outside of the Regalian capital itself, is the former Wirtem frontline with Drixagh, and where the [[Skagger Wars]] ended and peace was settled. The Calemberg people are fanatically pious and loyal to the Empire, and the homeland of Regalian conservatism, even if recent politics involve fighting with Nordmark over who gets to lead that political current. Calemberg is home to the idea of performative Unionism, where all the wealthy aristocrats try to garner religious and political favor by outdoing each other with increasingly more lavish Unionist Temples as patrons. Calemberg is also where the vast majority of Regalia's military leaders come from, as it is filled with prestigious military academies and schools.
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'''Hinter Calem'''
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Hinter Calem is in many ways the little brother province of Calemberg, one part of the Greater Calemberg region, but having been split off because of an administrative rework of the provinces to accommodate for new population numbers. Hinter Calem is similar to Nordmark in that it is filled with extensive black pine forests where small castles and communities reside. The Wirtem Ailor living in this land are considered rugged frontiersmen, still harboring a lot of hate towards the [[Velheim]] Ailor for the Skagger Wars, and generally looking unfavorable to outsiders. Hinter Calem spearmen and swordsmen are some of the most famed warriors of the Empire, and make up the bulk of the Calemberg led armies of the Empire.
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Baldmark is a strange province, in that it seems relatively unremarkable at first. It has large cities, a wealthy population and sizeable peasant class, with both pious Unionist centers like the Temple cities of Tirgoviste and Vargoviste, but is also home to the pagan tribes still native to the area, least of all the [[Szabadok]]. Yet, in Baldmark, there is a permanent struggle between the forces of good and evil. Sizeable violent and cruel Evolism circles hide in the undercities, hunted by the Lothar Knights, while Vampires are rumored to rule whole cities while hiding their identity. Baldmark is generally avoided by outsiders, largely because the province is very dangerous, and because that danger is not very obvious on first inspection, but lurks around every corner. There is always some plague or calamity terrorizing Baldmark.
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'''Zemlya Obitovana'''
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Zemlya Obitovana is the homeland of the [[Krainivaya]] Ailor. Zemlya Obitovana was once called Surrostland by the Skaggers, but the region was conquered in the final Skagger War and given to the Krainivaya people when they fled from their homeland in [[Eastwynd]] to the Archipelago to avoid magical persecution. Zemlya Obitovana is a poor land, with few fertile soil and mineral riches, but the people are known as the Emperor's most fanatical supporters, having converted to Unionism when they arrived and being some of the most fundamentalist faithful within the Empire. Zemlya Obitovana is known as incredibly unsafe for the Occult, even the legal Mages and Elves, who have a habit of disappearing at the hands of the Oprichnny, or the anti-Magic police that is technically in contravention of the law that protects Mages, but still acts with impunity because of the support of the locals.
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Osteiermark is a densely populated region and the homeland of the Leutz-Vixe people. This region, like Basta, Nordmark and Calemberg, is politically very active, with many of the noble families frequently traveling between its capital Ivenna and Regalia to engage in courtly performances. Osteiermark is a province with many different environments in it, the dark forests of the Carrais du Lion region, the swampy Hinterlands, and the mountainous regions of western Zellbrücke. Local folklore is immensely rich due to the many tribes that once lived in this area but were displaced by the Ithanians and Wirtem who later mixed and became Leutz-Vixe Ailor. The province is also known as the Empire's workshop for clothing, with many of its internationally renowned designers and clothiers generating vast amounts of wealth from silk and brocade. Osteiermark is also known as a bulwark of monarchism, die-hard supporters of the Imperial administration.
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Drixagh (actually called Driksenrik or Skaggerrik in Velheim) is the old homeland of the Skaggers, the legendary Velheim axe warriors which many Regalians still consider dangerous fanatical Old Gods pagans. Drixagh was the scene of successive Skagger wars where the early Regalian Empire struggled in its path of expansion from the reactionary Velheim Ailor. Drixagh was once the most powerful Velheim state in the world, but has since passed its zenith. Following peace with the Regalian Empire and the final defeat of the Skagger lodges, many of the Skaggers emigrated and formed nations like [[Northbelt|Nordskag]], [[Northbelt|Middeskag]] and [[Northbelt|Hvitskag]] north of [[Ithania]], all of them more powerful and autonomous than Drixagh is nowadays, which has largely been reduced to a province of the Empire, constantly having to fend off attempts from the centralized administration to urbanize them and change their way of life. Drixaghers are known to be some of the most stubborn people in the Empire, proudly defying it in name, but still cowering to the heavy hand of the military and paying taxes.
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Norrland is the northern most region of the Regalian Archipelago (the map above is shown at an angle, north is actually the top right) and it is seen as one of the poorest regions of the Archipelago. The locals have to survive on subsistence, with many of the outlaying islands being completely uninhabited, with only the local wildlife residing there. Dwarves have started settling on the western islands of Norrland, discovering that even the soil is incredibly poor, and there is nothing of intrinsic value there. The Norrland region was once the scene of heavy fighting between the Skaggers and the Gallovian people from Gallovia during the Skagger Wars. This is why many of the islands are now covered in Helbolwen (Velheim tombs) or Cairns (Gallovian tombs) where the warriors were buried where they fell. As such, Norrland has, while being materially poor, become a spiritually important place for Fornoss Velheim and Fornoss Gallovians to resolve historical trauma.
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Rosendale was once known as Dragenthal and Draghe, but the region was renamed to reflect its Commonization and cultural osmosis with Heartland [[Cearden]] Ailor, as opposed to the Wirtem Ailor who once lived there. Rosendale is known as the Empire's workshop. The Shoenn River that cuts through it is the main trade artery of the inner Archipelago, but also the scene of hundreds if not thousands of workshops converting raw resources like wool into textiles, which is then shipped further to regions like Osteiermark to be turned into clothing. Every industrial chain of production begins in the workshops and factories of Rosendale, making it the most urban and industrialized province in the Empire, though not necessarily the most peaceful and prosperous one. Many workers live in abject poverty, and the region is still scarred by the conflicts of the Baron uprisings in the past 30 years.

==Greater Angelland==
Anglia is considered the Empire's grain barn, a source of all major food shipments which are used to feed the far-flung regions of the Empire, as well as the source of the [[Anglian Culture]]. In addition to being where the [[Five Family Rebellion]] started, Anglia has always styled itself as a loyal and faithful core region of the Empire, yet the locals have always retained a higher loyalty to their long-ruling noble families as opposed to full devotion to the Crown. [[House Kade]] rules supreme here from their capital at [[Axford]], with many thousands of troops at their command. The region has undergone few changes in the three centuries since the [[Cataclysm]], with its society still largely peasant-filled plying the same trades their forefathers did generations ago. The region is open and filled with plains, with the Nort Beesterwald forest in its northern lands. It is also crossed by various famous local rivers like the Axel River.
Lokinge is an urbanizing and Anglian-cultured region that exists almost in a border capacity between the traditional Anglian lands and the other-cultured regions of Dragenthal and Vixhall. The region is largely controlled by [[House Harhold]].
===The Veer===
The Veer are islands off the southwestern coastline of Anglia and the western coastline of  Lokinge. It is controlled by a myriad of small Houses with lands which are mostly a peaceful mix of [[Unionists]] and [[Old Gods]], which has drawn the ire of Lokinge in recent years. Their attempts to end such a mix have, however, ended in humiliating failure thus far. These aggressions against the Veer were also one of the reasons various northern regions and nations left the Empire in 306 AC, wishing better treatment for those of their faith and their [[Culture]]. The region is largely sheltered by the Westwall Forest found along the western coastlines and is primarily populated by Anglian [[Ailor]].
==Crown Isle==
The Crown Isle, while the smallest of all the lordships in the Regalian Archipelago, is by far the most significant. Resting at the very heart of the Archipelago, the Crown Ise has been a seat to leadership for centuries, going back into the days of the [[Regalian Kingdom]] which existed before the Regalian Empire we know today. As a result, while the island does possess farms and other minor industries across much of its surface, it has largely geared itself toward the [[City of Regalia]], the core of the entire Empire which rivals most [[Altalar]] cities in Daen with its sheer size and massive population. Vast and advanced works of technology have been constructed and now sit maintained to help fuel this city and ensure the majority of its inhabitants live in amicable conditions to help facilitate their service to the Empire’s capital. People of every [[Race]] and Culture fill this city and occasionally filter out into the surrounding countryside, all there for some reason, some purpose, whether it is aiding one of the most powerful nations of Aloria or hindering it.
Kintyr is a region located just north of the Crown Isle. It is the homeland of the [[Breizh Culture]].
==High Gallovia==
High Gallovia is synonymous with the [[Highland Ceardians]], a group which has survived there for many generations isolated from the rest of the world. They also fended off the Velheim on their own, though it did take time. Currently, the region is absolutely dominated by [[House Howlester]], with little to no territory outside of their sphere thus granting them the title of Lords, on par with nearby Anglian lands controlled entirely by House Kade. The House is heavily involved in the military and in mercenary forces who go on a variety of missions both for the Empire and for the highest Ailor bidder. The region itself is made up of chains of islands (known as Pachs by the locals) and several larger island landmasses. All of these are mountainous and rough, with mist rolling off of them and adding to the level of danger on certain harsh terrains.
Dragenthal is a heavily divided and dangerous region of the Regalian Archipelago for a number of reasons. Politically, it has been divided for over a century with various flare-ups over the years between the many barons and leaders across its vastness. The most well known of these events of instability was the [[Drachenwald Crisis]] which collapsed one of the Five Families and forced the [[Regalian Senate]] onto the Empire. Geographically, the region is massive and contains the second-largest population in the Archipelago behind the Anglian regions. This population is a mix of [[New Regalians]] and [[Heartland Ceardians]], which further adds to political tensions. Much of eastern Dragenthal is forested, and sometimes so dense that whole villages can be swallowed up and they are forgotten to exist or difficult to reach for long periods of time. This dark forest, Drachenwald, is punctured with large mountain ranges and many rivers. The north of Dragenthal is also home to a forest, the Danecap. The western half of Dragenthal is more lightly forested and home to the most important river in the Archipelago, the Schön River, which serves as a major transportation highway right to the capital from the southern Archipelago. It is supported by many other often-traveled trade routes which exist across the nearby lands. It is the homeland of the Heartland Ceardian and the [[Burdigala]] Cultures.
Calleria is a region that stands on the border of Dragenthal and Greater Calemberg. A hub of mercantile activity across the region, it is the homeland of the [[Calderliga Culture]].
The Lordship of Genevaud is a heavily mountainous region at the crossroads of several other Lordships. It has a unique system of rule, which is allowed by the Regalian Empire so long as fealty to the Empire is also observed. It is the homeland of the [[Genevaud Culture]].
Osteiermark is a geographically diverse region of dense forests, plains, and mountains. Some of the most notable people of the last decade have come from the region, like [[House Ravenstad]] out of the Duchy of the Hinterlands. It also holds within it the region of Tirgunn. The Lordship is the homeland of the [[Leutz-Vixe Culture]].
Lorenthaus is a Lordship that has recently split away from the Lordship of Ostyria. They are still largely populated by the same Culture, Leutz-Vixe, but many of their issues are economic and politically based.
Vixhall is synonymous with [[House Ivrae]], the former Imperial Family, who carved out a rich and [[Ithanian]]-cultured heartland for themselves once the land was conquered early into the life of the Regalian Empire. With the Kade Settlement now releasing the Ivrae from their obligations of the Imperial Seat, they have largely retreated inward to quietly live out their lives in their territory. War has not come to this region in years, not since the Regalian Empire conquered the kingdom found there and, as a result, it is highly developed and very wealthy. Multiple palatial estates, vineyards, and manors exist while quaint provincial towns help keep these large structures and their lands staffed and maintained. It is a common holiday destination for Ithanians and their allies. It is home to those of Ithanian Culture, but a number of migrant [[Tolonne]] Ailor have also come in recent years to the southeastern half of the Lordship.
==Greater Magnais==
Basta-Irvelle is the Unionist Synod controlled landmass of the Regalian Archipelago. Ironically located next to the more pagan-leaning Angle Veer, the entire local population is strongly Unionist with multiple facilities set up on the three islands to facilitate the continued training and education of various Unionist religious and military orders. As a result, the nobility of the region are extremely passionate and militaristic Unionists, the most prominent of these being Duke Florent de Gosselin who has seized [[Ithania]] and has become its king. His lands back in Basta, however, were seized by his regional opponents and are largely in new hands. The church remains largely out of these affairs, though they did originally endorse the Duke. Basta itself is fairly raised above the sea level, with steep terrain leading to peaked crags or small mountains scattered throughout the region. What areas are inhabited are densely populated, with multiple churches, seminaries, and monasteries spread out across the entire region as well. The region was once Ithanian in Culture, but the tenants of [[Imperial Culture]] have swept over the entire population, even the commoners.
Pays-Sud is a calm region, and one heavily populated with Ithanians.
Rivellia is a multicultural and multiracial region primarily inhabited by Ithanians, who slowly accepted even [[Songaskians]] and [[Qadir]] into their population alongside a variety of other Races. Rivellia is often considered the foreign immigration hub for non-Ailor attempting to migrate to Regalia. The region has been the site of intense scrutiny in recent years though, as it was here the [[Songaskian Masaya]] landed their Archipelago invasion force with the aid of local agents in the [[First Songaskian War]]. Investigators found a practically polluted bureaucracy filled with corruption and illegal trade which has been rigorously corrected, resulting in many of the old land-holding families losing their power. Rivellia is a humid region with light forests, dry mountains, and low-lying river valleys, a diverse series of landforms to match the diverse inhabitants. As mentioned earlier, it has a population primarily made up of Ithanians, but a number of other Races also call the cluster of islands home.
The Lordship of Bragaco is a heavily urbanized area found in the far southwest of the Regalian Archipelago next to Girobalda. It is home to the Forriesta Jello and a large population of [[Bragacao]] cultured Ailor originally from the [[Kingdom of Lusits]]. It also has significant trade ties to its sister nation.
Girobalda is an important region of the Regalian Archipelago, well known for being the birthplace of [[House Anahera]], a family with a deeply checkered history concerning the Regalian Empire. Since the [[Anahera Occupation]] was instigated by its now dead patriarch, the House has recovered its titles and its mercantile involvement with the [[Poppy]]/Opium trade. However, the region is also known for producing many of the [[Imperial Navy’s]] warships through what has been a slow but continuous peel back of the Forriesta Natal. The region is largely populated by Daendroque Ailor, but various minorities of maritime-inclined Races and Cultures exist.
Montania is the birthplace of the [[Dressolini]] culture up in their high mountains where a mix of Daendroque and Regalian values produced the strategically minded people. The region was also once home to a variety of warring, but their internal strife was curbed first by the Regalian Empire, and then by The Vultarian Hegemony to their east which has since taken over much of the region. Montania is largely an inland territory with multiple mountain ranges holding and helping to cool the Dressolini cities with the mountain breeze. This altitude difference also makes Dressolini dishes very interesting, especially their deserts as they are often cooling and made with mountain ice. It is the homeland to the Dressolini Culture but also possesses a large number of  Daendroque Ailor in the region.
Vultaro has gone through a rapid and violent change over the past several years. Once a region rich in coal and other base minerals useful to the Regalian Empire, it has since fallen from high society due to the actions of its leaders. [[House Lampero]] went from a respected and powerful family to one lacking any suitable male heirs, which resulted in the bastard half-Lampero Tristan (now Kade) rising to lead them. Under his tenure, things went from bad to worse. Vultaro’s coalfields were burned, and thousands died as the region violently rejected Lampero and Imperial control, becoming almost the equivalent of a rogue state. In 306 AC, Tristan’s [[Half-Orc]] son came home with an [[Orc]] army at his back, challenging those from nearby Montania who were establishing control over the region to a combat dual for control of both regions. He then cut them all in half and made the region an Orcish stronghold. The region is now under his strict control and nearby Montania is also largely ruled by figures he has put into place. The region, as a result of all of this, is battle-scarred, and smoke plumes pouring into the sky are a common sight as the Orcs make grand bonfires for their camps. It is home to the Dressolini Ailor while the region of Ascillia, the most southern point of the Regalian Archipelago, is the homeland of the [[Azzizzari]] Culture.
==Greater Calemberg==
Greater Calemberg is a diverse Lordship with an ancient past. Much of it was once the [[Wirtemcaller Kingdom]] of old, a large and impressive state that valued military service and the art of the hunt. However, the [[Skagger Horde]] attacked them during a time of weakness and helped to topple the Kingdom. The Regalian Empire arrived too late to properly help the Kingdom, but they did ally with the former nobles eager to take back their home. The Horde was run out, and Greater Calemberg rose from the ashes of the Wirtemcallers. In addition, the old Wirtemcaller Culture rapidly transformed into the New Regalian Culture, who makes up 95% of the region’s population. The Lordship is also politically dominated by [[House Typhonus]], one of the oldest noble houses, and often cited as an example of the almost extinct [[Alt-Regalian]] culture (though they are in fact closer to New Regalian). The region is also home to the Osterwald and Opperwald Forests along the eastern coastline and throughout much of the interior, the Mittelwald is located in the far southern reaches and the Calderwald, which covers most of its western terrain.
==The South Dukelands==
The South Dukelands is a collection of assorted duchies all with a different Culture. Most prominently, the homeland of the [[Byala Culture]] is found here, in the Duchy of Rumvalia, and there is a sizable population of [[Szabadok]] Ailor in the duchy directly south.
==The Hellatian States==
The Hellatian States represent territory given to the [[Etosian]] Ailor after they were finally allowed to leave their homeland of [[Etosil]]. It is a sparsely settled region, with some fairly harsh terrain, and also possesses a minority of [[Ériunin]] Ailor since their migration from [[Ériu-Innis]].
==Greater Drixagh==
Drixagh is a wild terrain which has suffered much at the hands of the Regalian Empire over its lifetime. First it was home to the invasions of the Regalian Empire seeking to drive the Skagger Horde out or into submission, while in more recent years the [[Burning of the North]] has devastated the local population, their culture and their trust in the Empire. The region has no major house to lead it, though several have tried to over the years. The region is largely made up of tundra, with wide open spaces punctured only by the occasional pine forest, though the large and prosperous Frondenstog lies in the east and the Throatcapstog rests in the west. Additionally, great mountain ranges and powerful rivers criss-cross the landscape. The coastline is rocky and often difficult to access, particularly along the downright hostile stretch of turf known as the Czabri Bone Shores. The region is populated by Velheim Ailor and is the homeland to both the [[Tarkkin]] and [[Fridurfolk]] Cultures.
Norrland is a series of Velheim-dominated islands off the northern coastline of Drixagh with an injection of Anglians as a result of the increased persecution of the Old Faiths in central and western lands. They are sparsely populated and windswept, with limited forests.
Rikeland is a region carved out of former territory of both the Writemcaller Kingdom and the Skagger Horde. This largely mountainous terrain is the homeland of the [[Höglander Culture]], and it exists between Drixagh and Greater Calemberg.
Zavoria is the rural, varied terrain homeland of the [[Zvorun]] Ailor, who have long resisted external conquest and raids by those to the south and north of them.
Volgaria is a region settled by a large population of [[Vladno]] Ailor, and is located along the eastern coastline of the area.
*Archeological evidence suggests the Ailor and even the Altalar may not have been the first people to occupy the Regalian Archipelago.
*The Regalian Archipelago was once covered in other Ailor nations and states which the Regalian Empire conquered. The ruins of these different groups can be found scattered across the Archipelago, particularly in the dense forests.
*The Regalian Archipelago has such a massive population because of its relative stability compared to the wider world. It did not suffer the Cataclysm, the [[Wildering]], the [[Great Storm]], or any other freak world events which all damaged the populations of foreign lands.
|Artists = MonMarty
|Writers = HydraLana
|Processors = Athelois
[[category:Corontium]] [[category:Geography]]

Latest revision as of 18:40, 9 July 2024

This page is a sub-page of the Geography page which records all major regions of the Alorian world, and explains roughly what each Nation or area is like. Corontium in particular is also called the Regalian Archipelago, or the heartland of the Regalian Empire which contains its capital, This is one single state, that is to say, this is the heartland of the Regalian Empire, wich each of the smaller parts being more like provinces than actual nations, though autonomy does exist here and there, and some are considered more like smaller states within a state. Below is a piece of the Geography map cut out to show the relation between all the nations geographically.

Name Description


Regalia is the Imperial crown of the Regalian Empire, the capital of capitals, the City of Light, and the epicenter of all imperial ambition and politics. It is a city of over 4 million inhabitants, supported with daily shipments from the surrounding provinces, where wealth and class gaps are the strongest across the Empire. From the poorest of poor citizens in Crookback to the wealthiest of citizens in the Imperial District and the Holy Seat where the Emperor's Palace resides, Regalia is both a city where one can find anything that the heart desires, but also the deepest and most profound miseries. This is where most roleplay on the server takes place. The whole island (also sometimes called the Crown Isle) is one massive artificial oddity in the world, a city carefully balancing on the edge of famine and unrest, with wildlife long extinct, and many ancient ruins that still emit power into the imagination of the citizens.


Kintyr is the land of castles, the land of chivalry, and the land of forever tournaments. Kintyr was one of the pivotal regions that supported the Five Family Rebellion and helped found the Regalian Empire (which upon founding, only covered Anglia, parts of Rosendale, Solleria, and Kintyr, having to conquer the rest). Kintyr is home to the Breizh Ailor, as well as the Aelrrigan Knight Order. It is a land of immense cultural cohesion, but political divisions, with the local petty kings and dukes constantly fighting over scraps of land, despite the Iron Truce denying the nobility the right to go to war with one another. Kintyr has the highest density of castles, with many more abandoned and razed during sieges. Kintyr stone masons are renowned across the Empire for building the most durable and solid castles, having weathered many assaults to learn the right structural techniques.

Clannadh Alba

Clannadh Alba is one of the last regions in the Regalian Archipelago that still houses its own native tribes, such as the Gamorr people, an ancient pagan Ailor people who largely avoid contact with the Empire. Clannadh Alba itself is a rugged land of fjords and mountains, with internal conflict as much of the population was turned into Urlan, with the few Ailor holdouts resisting further Urlan Symbiosis, a fragile truce keeping the two races apart from one another. Clannadh Alba is often ignored in the bigger picture of Imperial politics, lacking any real importance to the Empire at large and also providing very little to the march of progress. Rural tribes such as the Gamorr live in relative peace here, unbothered by the relentless industrialization that occurs elsewhere in the Empire, and far out of the reach of Unionist missionaries.


Anglia is the breadbasket of the Empire as well as its founding place of origins. Through both skillful use of political privileges as well as its exceptionally mild climate, Anglia has become the place that provides food for nearly the entire empire and especially the capital which receives daily shipments from its grain stores. Anglia is an ancient land with ties to the Dragons and pre-Empire history, with some of its easternmost territory also making up part of the old Regalian Kingdom before the Five Family Rebellion. Anglia is ruled nearly in its entirety by House Kade, the Imperial royal family, who spent the last 300 years using a vast network of political marriages to partially unify Anglia in a patchwork of feudal contracts and land ownership deeds. Anglia remains also a very bigoted land, the locals not looking kindly on non-Unionist, non-Dragon-worshiping Ailor, or even just other provincial outsiders as strangers.


Pannor, once called the islands of Medway, is a grant of land given to the Eronidas upon their arrival in the Archipelago centuries ago. Medway was once considered a very poor land, mostly barren salt flats and mineral poor mountains, though the hardy Eronidas have made a living on Pannor and greatly increased the region's soil quality alongside its population numbers. Pannor has a harmonious mixed population of Ailor and Eronidas that results in also plenty of religious overlap. Many Half-Eronidas come from Pannor to Regalia in search of their culture or a future legacy. Many Eronidas from Pannor itself make up the bulk of the Regalian frontline soldiers, first to jump into any war that the Emperor points his scepter towards.


Eidda is a strange land, once entirely uninhabited, now largely colonized by Gallovian Ailor settlers, specifically from Èriu-Innis. Eidda is rocky, wet, and difficult to approach on account of the very jagged and sharp cliffs on the coastlines, with few natural harbors that give way to calm waves. Eidda is, despite its location surrounded by more urbanized lands, incredibly isolated from the Regalian Empire precisely because of the logistical difficulty of actually reaching it. Many of the locals thus live a life of relative autonomy by circumstance, not paying much if anything in taxes. Eidda as such has also become known as the land where brigands and criminals go to stay within the Empire to lay low, avoiding the authorities to not end up in jail.


Gallovia is the homeland of the kiltach, the vielt, and all other things Gallovian Ailor. It is a land of extreme contrast, between the highly urbanized Kinwry capital of the region, and the extremely sparsely populated Talahm Gall regions, where legend has it Marken roam free in worship of their old Pagan gods. Gallovia is the home of the Gallovian Ailor, who would eventually settle Eriu Innis, Eidda, and Clannadh Alba, and remains the most numerous of all these places. Between the rocky glens, the deep snowy mountains and the rough coasts, it is a poor land, but on the periphery of the Empire, its people appreciate their relative independence and apathy to the politics of the capital, and is as such seen as a land of tradition and old customs.


Mineria is one of the more recently populated regions in the archipelago with a very unique architectural style quite unlike anything else in the world. Its predominantly Fin'ullen and Kathar populations as well as Anglian immigrants have developed so-called Naut-Cities, which are cities perfectly blending with the sea, where some roads end up into the water, and carts give way for boats. Many of these cities are inhabited by semi-aquatic Fin'ullen, but more notably, it is a place where Evolism is very common and often seen as the dominant religion in the region. It is one of the few places in the Empire where Kathar can exist without any discrimination and scrutiny from higher authorities.


Solleria is the land of forever mists and home to the Solvaan Elves who so long ago settled these lands during the waning millennia of the Allorn Empire. When the Allorn Empire fell, the Solvaan under the guidance of their goddess Sinnavei joined forces with the forces of the Five Family Rebellion, and founded the Regalian Empire, becoming its vanguard. Solleria itself is a land deeply shrouded in eternal mists, both magically summoned and natural. Many monsters lurk in these mists, protecting the cities, archives, and training grounds of the mist-wardens of Sinnavei, who herself remains at her temple-complex the High Chair of Windwhere, high up in the mountains. Solvaan Elves from Solleria make up another sizeable part of the Regalian Army.

The Rim Isles

The Rim Isles are an alien landscape that is sparsely populated. Many of the landmasses as well as the ocean parts are covered in huge craters of some kind of celestial event that took place millennia ago. Many of the craters in the Rim Isles produce curious and sometimes even magical phenomena that are still not understood to this day. The oddities as well as some of the rare algae that live in the region have attracted large numbers of Allar who have settled in the area, and produced some of the first Digmaan realms away from Hadaria. The most notable of the Rim Isles's craters is the Jaykhart Crater, which turns entirely pink during the summer as the lagoon's unique algae oversaturate the waters.


Basta is one of the so-called Imperial pearls, one of the regions where the wealthy and aristocracy reside and engage in the game of politics. Basta is predominantly inhabited by Ithanian Ailor, though many of them have abandoned their classical cultural roots and embraced Regal traditions, becoming more one with the visions of Empire than their old native homeland. Basta is a major exporter of high art and philosophy, with its wealthy cities being home to many of the Empire's great thinkers. Basta is sometimes also called the land without poverty, because the local governors quite literally shipped all the poor people off the land to Anglia, demolishing their old town homes to build more palaces. The only poor that remain on Basta now are in the service industry.


Vixhall is very similar to Basta, though is more of what Basta aspires to be, which is the land of forever partying. Basta is inherently tied to the fames and fortunes of House Ivrae de Sange, the previous Imperial Royal house which ruled the Regalian Empire, before they ran out of heirs and the throne passed to a Kade. In the settlement, House Ivrae de Sange received Vixhall as a royal commission, and has since ruled from there with a level of benign neglect, preferring a life of luxury and opulence over actual rule. Vixhall is /the/ place to be for the hottest trends, parties, and gossip. It is also filled with immense vineyards and plantations, all to produce high-society goods for the ruling classes and the Empire at large, making ample use of Ithanian craft skills.


Bragacão was once a very poor region that saw immigration waves from Westwynd, mostly poor migrants wanting to avoid the political chaos in the governorates, but also seeking a better life closer to the Empire. For better or worse, they never made it to the city, but brought with them the nautical skills of the Tierravera crafts. What was otherwise a fairly poor region, quickly became the gateway to the west, where all shipping from the western realms arrives, before it is shipped up the Shoenn River to the capital and the surrounding lands. Bragacão is home to the largest shipping and merchant fleets, with any well to do shipping guild having their head office in the capital of Olispão.


Girobalda is the land of the unbound personal liberties, that as of yet still has issues letting go of its oppressive past. Girobalda remains the land of plantations of cotton, hemp, and all manner of exotic fruit and spice production, but still grapples with a labor rights problem. It was originally just large forest lands, which were skillfully cut and burnt by Tierravera immigrants, and turned into vast manned plantations. Girobalda was the first region that faced industrialization in the agricultural sector, forcing thousands of laborers into unemployment which continues to generate a lot of crime. One of its largest issues though was solved in 311 AC, when the Herebrand Order successfully extinguished Unionist blasphemers hiding in the deep jungles that still populate the deepest points inland.

Vultaro & Montania

Vultaro and Montania were two formerly separated regions now united under the rule of the Iron Duke Lampero from the capital Lampeport at the foot of three massive volcanoes. Montania, otherwise known as the land of fire, and Vultaro otherwise known as the land of mineral wealth, are the major mining hubs of the Regalian Empire, feeding the Empire's huge coal and iron ore needs to keep the technicians and artificers in the capital supplied. Vultaro is also the home of the Supremoclast rebellion, a group of priests who abandoned Dogmatic Unionism in the second schism and formed their own religious community, eventually merging with Guided Unionism. Vultaro and Montania remain the home of high-culture music and song, with some of the most renowned composers and mining magnates coming from this region. Most cities in Vultaro are built out of the unique and distinct yellow volcanic tuff that is also becoming more popular in the capital.


There is not much to be said about Mandu bereft of modern happenings. For hundreds of years, Mandu was not inhabited, both because its climate was unpleasantly humid and the land itself unpleasantly rocky. For some reason, despite the massive rainforests growing on it, the soil itself is incredibly stone-like, and jagged, strangely jagged even. In recent years, Mandu has become a prime colonizing location for Asha and Maquixtl immigrants, who are more prone to accepting harsh living conditions that they can either adapt to, or shape to their own whims with Asha terraforming. Mandu was once intensely isolated because the surrounding regions were barely populated, but more and more ferry services are being established.

The Volcanic Rim

The Volcanic Rim has many names, but all of them are usually labels defined by immigrant groups, many of them conflicting the next group's definition, and as such, the Volcanic Rim remains the most commonly used. The Volcanic Rim does not exist on any old pre-Empire maps, because the Volcanic Rim only formed through volcanic eruptions in the past few centuries. It is now home to some Songaskian and Sihai immigrants who find all the other provinces too alien to tolerate migrating or integrating into. As such it is a weird place where one can find native Farahdeen and Jadeheart architecture existing in a cultural capsule away from Regalia's general architectural styles. It is also a land devoid of any nobility, because the lands have not been formally partitioned for noble rights yet.

The Hellatian States

The Hellatian States are a relatively modern invention of mass-Aetosian re-immigration to the Regalian Archipelago following a series of reproachments and peaceful resolutions between the Dogmatic Unionists and Evintarian Unionists. The Hellatian province is incredibly inhospitable, as it is mainly barren mountain land, but the Aetosians created several prosperous city-states. Unlike Etosil which is ruled by the Aetosian patriarch and the Bone King however, the Hellatian States lack a central authority to keep the local cities in check. As a result, many of the city-states are on conflict with one another, never to the point of violence, but certain to such degree that an unusual level of regional competitiveness exists between the otherwise communal Aetosian Ailor.


Aetolia is another one of the Regalian frontier lands that is sparsely populated, though this is entirely by the design of the locals. Aetolia isn't uniquely unhospitable like Hellatia, but unlike Hellatia, the Aetosian Ailor prefer a countryside living style here, with strong undercurrents of monasticism. Many of the citizens in the Hellatian States pay for extensive mausoleums and tombs in Aetolia, making it one of the major burial provinces of the Evintarian Unionists, filled with embalming houses, cloisters, and extensive graveyards. In fact, the mortuary business in Aetolia has been so successful, that even some non-Evintarian nobles and many citizens from Etosil have started buying up tombs in Aetolia due to its peaceful environs.


Tirgunn is an unstable province, largely due to the eternal struggle between the dark forces that lurk in its swampy pine forests, and the Darkwald Lothar Knights who seek to purge the land of the Afflicted. Routinely cities in Tirgunn get torched by Vampire attacks and Lothar in turn execute whole villages who are suspected of Vampiric infection. Still, the Leutz-Vixe Ailor in Tirgunn are a hardy people, many of the small forest communities having created extensive defensive fortifications. Tirgunn crossbowmen are renowned across the Empire as some of the most skilled ranged warriors available, many of them having been recruited as retainers for the Lothar Knights to continue the struggle against the Vampires and Marken in the region.


Lorhaus is the most peaceful of the three Leutz-Vixe provinces together with Osteiermark the political one, and Tirgunn the violent one. Lorhaus is settled at the foot of the Genevaud Alps, and mostly has peaceful valleys, artsy towns, and extensive fruit plantations. Lorhaus perfume and fruit jellies are famous across the Empire, just as famous as the small lake-side towns where artists come to paint the scenery. Lorhaus is one of the provinces with the largest Teledden minorities present, outside of Solleria which is where most of the Elves live, and Girobalda which has a sizeable Suvial population on its eastern shores. Lorhaus is also rich in fine crafts like glass-blowing and crystal cutting, making it a popular location for the wealthy to spend their money.


Genevaud as a region has largely remained unchanged for the past five hundred years, exactly the way the locals like it. The Genevaud Cantons are a unique element in the Regalian Archipelago in that there are no nobles, rather the Cantons are ruled by republican councils. Genevaud covers most of the Genevaud Alps, a large mountain range with some of them extending west into Vixhall, and east into Lorhaus and Osteiermark. The Genevaud Ailor are an isolationist people, having joined the Empire with promises of autonomy that have lasted to this day, and mostly defying immigration from any stranger, outsider, or non Dogmatic Unionist. The Genevaud Alps are full of small villages and cottages all over the mountains where the locals rear cattle.


Nordmark is one of the Imperial provinces together with Basta and Calemberg where many of the ruling noble families and politically active actors come from. Nordmark is considered a bulwark of conservatism, where some of the old money nobility own estates in the dark forests that hug the northern side of the Genevaud Alps and Osteiermark. Nordmark was once part of Rosendale, but the increasingly Wirtem-leaning population eventually split away from the larger Rosendale, and formed their own regional identity. Nowadays, Nordmark competes with Calemberg for the role of pre-eminent military-themed and conservative thought leaders of the Empire, but more often than not do the politicians of Nordmark stick to their isolated countryside estates, dreaming of a world that has largely already passed them by through industrialization, trying to keep a semblance of old nobility alive where the anachronisms of the modern age cannot break the illusion.


Calderliga is the trade-capital cousin of Bragacão, where Bragacão manages the trade from the west, Calderliga manages the trade from the east but also the internal network of trade. Calderliga traders for example pick up merchandise from the outer provinces and ship it across the Archipelago, while also dominating the trade through the Shoenn River, the only way to actually reach the capital by boat (as Kintyr's waters are too treacherous and frozen half the year). The Calder province itself is very small, but has a very high population density of wealthy bourgeois, its cities being artistic renditions of the modern age, buildings in elegant palatial styles, interwoven with metal industrial bridges and river barges transporting goods around. The Calder people are Wirtem Ailor, but considered far more progressive than their Calemberg cousins.


Calemberg, named after its capital Calemberg (pictured), also known as the second holiest land outside of the Regalian capital itself, is the former Wirtem frontline with Drixagh, and where the Skagger Wars ended and peace was settled. The Calemberg people are fanatically pious and loyal to the Empire, and the homeland of Regalian conservatism, even if recent politics involve fighting with Nordmark over who gets to lead that political current. Calemberg is home to the idea of performative Unionism, where all the wealthy aristocrats try to garner religious and political favor by outdoing each other with increasingly more lavish Unionist Temples as patrons. Calemberg is also where the vast majority of Regalia's military leaders come from, as it is filled with prestigious military academies and schools.

Hinter Calem

Hinter Calem is in many ways the little brother province of Calemberg, one part of the Greater Calemberg region, but having been split off because of an administrative rework of the provinces to accommodate for new population numbers. Hinter Calem is similar to Nordmark in that it is filled with extensive black pine forests where small castles and communities reside. The Wirtem Ailor living in this land are considered rugged frontiersmen, still harboring a lot of hate towards the Velheim Ailor for the Skagger Wars, and generally looking unfavorable to outsiders. Hinter Calem spearmen and swordsmen are some of the most famed warriors of the Empire, and make up the bulk of the Calemberg led armies of the Empire.


Baldmark is a strange province, in that it seems relatively unremarkable at first. It has large cities, a wealthy population and sizeable peasant class, with both pious Unionist centers like the Temple cities of Tirgoviste and Vargoviste, but is also home to the pagan tribes still native to the area, least of all the Szabadok. Yet, in Baldmark, there is a permanent struggle between the forces of good and evil. Sizeable violent and cruel Evolism circles hide in the undercities, hunted by the Lothar Knights, while Vampires are rumored to rule whole cities while hiding their identity. Baldmark is generally avoided by outsiders, largely because the province is very dangerous, and because that danger is not very obvious on first inspection, but lurks around every corner. There is always some plague or calamity terrorizing Baldmark.

Zemlya Obitovana

Zemlya Obitovana is the homeland of the Krainivaya Ailor. Zemlya Obitovana was once called Surrostland by the Skaggers, but the region was conquered in the final Skagger War and given to the Krainivaya people when they fled from their homeland in Eastwynd to the Archipelago to avoid magical persecution. Zemlya Obitovana is a poor land, with few fertile soil and mineral riches, but the people are known as the Emperor's most fanatical supporters, having converted to Unionism when they arrived and being some of the most fundamentalist faithful within the Empire. Zemlya Obitovana is known as incredibly unsafe for the Occult, even the legal Mages and Elves, who have a habit of disappearing at the hands of the Oprichnny, or the anti-Magic police that is technically in contravention of the law that protects Mages, but still acts with impunity because of the support of the locals.


Osteiermark is a densely populated region and the homeland of the Leutz-Vixe people. This region, like Basta, Nordmark and Calemberg, is politically very active, with many of the noble families frequently traveling between its capital Ivenna and Regalia to engage in courtly performances. Osteiermark is a province with many different environments in it, the dark forests of the Carrais du Lion region, the swampy Hinterlands, and the mountainous regions of western Zellbrücke. Local folklore is immensely rich due to the many tribes that once lived in this area but were displaced by the Ithanians and Wirtem who later mixed and became Leutz-Vixe Ailor. The province is also known as the Empire's workshop for clothing, with many of its internationally renowned designers and clothiers generating vast amounts of wealth from silk and brocade. Osteiermark is also known as a bulwark of monarchism, die-hard supporters of the Imperial administration.


Drixagh (actually called Driksenrik or Skaggerrik in Velheim) is the old homeland of the Skaggers, the legendary Velheim axe warriors which many Regalians still consider dangerous fanatical Old Gods pagans. Drixagh was the scene of successive Skagger wars where the early Regalian Empire struggled in its path of expansion from the reactionary Velheim Ailor. Drixagh was once the most powerful Velheim state in the world, but has since passed its zenith. Following peace with the Regalian Empire and the final defeat of the Skagger lodges, many of the Skaggers emigrated and formed nations like Nordskag, Middeskag and Hvitskag north of Ithania, all of them more powerful and autonomous than Drixagh is nowadays, which has largely been reduced to a province of the Empire, constantly having to fend off attempts from the centralized administration to urbanize them and change their way of life. Drixaghers are known to be some of the most stubborn people in the Empire, proudly defying it in name, but still cowering to the heavy hand of the military and paying taxes.


Norrland is the northern most region of the Regalian Archipelago (the map above is shown at an angle, north is actually the top right) and it is seen as one of the poorest regions of the Archipelago. The locals have to survive on subsistence, with many of the outlaying islands being completely uninhabited, with only the local wildlife residing there. Dwarves have started settling on the western islands of Norrland, discovering that even the soil is incredibly poor, and there is nothing of intrinsic value there. The Norrland region was once the scene of heavy fighting between the Skaggers and the Gallovian people from Gallovia during the Skagger Wars. This is why many of the islands are now covered in Helbolwen (Velheim tombs) or Cairns (Gallovian tombs) where the warriors were buried where they fell. As such, Norrland has, while being materially poor, become a spiritually important place for Fornoss Velheim and Fornoss Gallovians to resolve historical trauma.


Rosendale was once known as Dragenthal and Draghe, but the region was renamed to reflect its Commonization and cultural osmosis with Heartland Cearden Ailor, as opposed to the Wirtem Ailor who once lived there. Rosendale is known as the Empire's workshop. The Shoenn River that cuts through it is the main trade artery of the inner Archipelago, but also the scene of hundreds if not thousands of workshops converting raw resources like wool into textiles, which is then shipped further to regions like Osteiermark to be turned into clothing. Every industrial chain of production begins in the workshops and factories of Rosendale, making it the most urban and industrialized province in the Empire, though not necessarily the most peaceful and prosperous one. Many workers live in abject poverty, and the region is still scarred by the conflicts of the Baron uprisings in the past 30 years.