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A list of all Abilities. See [[Abilities|this]] page for what their Types mean.
Welcome to MassiveCraft! This is the New Roleplayers' Guide. Do not be afraid to ask questions in the [ Discord]. Other players or staff members should be able to help clear up any confusion.

Aesthetics for Abilities may be dictated by the players, as long as the Ability Name is mentioned in the Emote, which is mandatory for Ability use. Aesthetics are fairly free to determine unless otherwise specified. For example, if an Ability states that it has only a limited number of Aesthetics mentioned by name, options are limited. If however no specific aesthetics are mentioned, or they are left open-ended, then player has complete freedom. For example, Astral Being I never specifies what the ghostly version of the user looks like beyond the fact that they are see-through and ghostly. They might for example have long flowing robes and angel wings, or a crown, or horns, that do not exist on their body in reality. Minor, non combat, non functional or useable aesthetic additions to abilities are also fine: as long as they do nothing but look cool or fun. When Emoting an Ability, the Emote should always start with the exact Ability name, only then followed by an aesthetic description to the player for what it looks like. Aesthetic descriptions may also be ignored altogether, and a Player may simply Emote "Bob uses Dark Curse II on Harry, giving him a Target Curse". If the player asks for an explanation of the Ability, you may give it, or redirect them to this page.
==The World==
MassiveCraft's lore is set in a universe called Aloria, a late medieval universe on the cusp of advancing. It is a world where knights in heavy armor, barbarian wildlings in thick fur, haughty Elven Mages, and caped French musketeers freely mingle. Aloria is a story of great Empires, the marks they have left on history, and the people they leave behind when they collapse. Most information about the world is held on Heritage pages, which explain how Characters from different parts of the world feel about culture, religion, Magic, and one another. All Heritages can be found on the [[Races]] page, but a neat summary of each is below. These summaries include physical form as well as lore information, and are grouped by shared story.
==Passive Abilities==
Aloria's population is broken down into various Heritages, each with their own designs, histories, and themes. For organization, Heritages are broken down into the following lineages, which have common themes.

{| class="wikitable"
[[File:Ailorrace.png|frameless|20px]] '''Cerkind Heritages''' are standard humanoids.
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
*Ailor are standard humans, and the average of all Heritages.
! Ability Name
*Skyborn are technology people focused on innovation.
! Ability Type
*Sihai are an East-Asian inspired group of Dragon supporters distant from the world.
! Ability Range
*Dwarves are standard dwarves fighting for their homeland.
! Ability Description
*Eronidas are Orc-like philosopher warriors and poets
| Abyssal Body 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Crimson Witch’s appearance changes depending on if they are the Altalar or Kathar variant, which cannot be hidden or overwritten by mutations or abilities, except ones that hide afflictions or specifically mention this Ability. They can safely subsist off blood or regular food, and have significantly delayed aging upon infection. Their racial max-age no longer applies, and they age at a rate of 1/10th, so 10 years would be 1 year for them physically. For Characters using this Ability older than 200 years in total, long periods of hibernation may be required to sustain themselves. Additionally, when using a Magic Spell from the Crimson Witch Base kit (excluding Arcane Mastery 1), the Crimson Witch’s eyes glow red.
| Abyssal Body 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Crimson Witch can create a single alternate appearance, which can be of any race, sex, and any combination of possible visual traits that race can have. This appearance masks any visual changes from Abyssal Body 1, making them look completely mundane. This appearance must be defined on the Character Application, and once decided upon, cannot be changed. Specific features can be altered by other Abilities, but the appearance defined in this ability is set. They can instantaneously toggle this appearance on and off. The Crimson Witch is immune to any Afflictions.
| Afflicted Life 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| From the moment that the Character is affected by the Affliction, their body ceases to age, and their Racial max-age no longer applies. If the Character is cured, they will age to their appropriate age within 2 weeks. If they are re-infected, their body will age backwards to when it was first affected by the Affliction. If the person has already lived past their Racial Max age, they die at the end of the 2 week period instead. For Characters using this Ability older than 200 years in total, long periods of hibernation may be required to sustain themselves.
| Affliction Hunter 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The Character must choose either Sun or Moon (this choice can only be made on a 72 hour cooldown). Once chosen the effects are permanent until a new choice is made. When Sun is chosen, a sun-shaped tattoo of any color forms on the skin in between the clavicles, with additional flame-like shapes fanning out towards the neck. If Moon is chosen, a moon-shaped tattoo of any color forms on the skin in between the clavicles, with additional cloud-like shapes fanning out towards the neck. While Sun is active, the Character is immune to all effects and harm from Abilities caused by any Ability used as part of a Vampiric Bloodline or Vampiric Base kit. When Moon is active, the Character is immune to all effects and harm from Abilities caused by any Ability used as part of a Cahal Bloodline or Cahal Base kit. Collateral effects, like the cut from an Ability summoned weapon, or the blunt trauma from rocks thrown up with some Ability, still apply damage like normal, but direct damage or effect Abilities like or Servile Collar 1. There is only one exception to this Ability: Any Abilities that allow Vampires or Cahal to feed on the Character still work, including all of their effects.
| Allar Biology 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Als-Allar can, as long as they do not fully ingest the substance and only taste it on their tongue, detect the ingredients of any edible or drinkable substance. This detection is specific and comprehensive, allowing them to know every ingredient used-- but not what they do, and not how much of each. In addition, they do not know the specific nature of ingredients, only their generic name. For example, if Vampire Blood was included, the Als-Allar would only know that there is some Blood inside the concoction, and nothing else.
| Allar Biology 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Maz-Allar has sharpened Talons, which are as hard as steel, and treated as the equivalent of Steel Daggers. They utilize Unarmed Combat Proficiency. Additionally, the Maz-Allar can activate an enhanced healing factor if they are still alive, allowing them to nearly instantly regenerate a single lost Limb or Organ, as long as it was lost within the past hour. This Ability has a 3 day cooldown.
| Allar Biology 3
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Mai-Allar has webbed feet and hands, causing them to be the fastest Underwater Swimmers. They can breathe underwater indefinitely, and can create bubbles of air that allows up to one additional person to breathe safely underwater as long as that person is next to the Mai-Allar. The Mai-Allar can ‘speak’ to other Mai-Allar via a Sonar-Like language that only works Underwater.
| Altalar Master 1
| Trigger Passive
| Emote Distance
| The user may, once per hour instantly Cancel any Ability used by another Altalar that is part of their standard Racial Ability set, while also forcing it to go on a 10 minute cooldown, unless it already had a cooldown that is longer than 10 minutes, in which case that one applies.
| Arken Speculate 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The user is aware of and can utilize a specific occult ritual to contact an Arken. The user must specifically choose a singular Arken by name, and inquire into if the Arken either approves or dissaproves of a specific idea, action, or thing. This can be a person, or generally anything, but the answer will always either be between the binary of "The Arken likes this" or "The Arken dislikes this." The question, Arken, and asker should be sent in a Discord Ticket for a response. While there is no cooldown on this Ability, it should be used with understanding and care to not over-crowd Lore staff by excessively asking for even minor or "joke" things.
| Armor Flux 1
| Trigger Passive
| Self
| The user has a constant proportional Armor effect. This proportional armor inverts the amount of armor worn by the individual and optimizes mobility and agility. Simpler put, the less armor the user is wearing, the stronger their skin and body becomes. Wearing only a set of pants and shirt is the equivalent of their skin being as strong as Plate Armor, where-as wearing a set of actual Plate-armor causes the body to be as strong as if they were only wearing a set of pants and shirt (though they are of course still wearing armor). The protection effect is only skin deep, and blunt force trauma still translates like normal, as well as Artifacts of any make.
| Armor Rend 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The user can extend claws on their hands that, while used in Unarmed Combat Proficiency, ignore Mundane Armor and can even shred through Plate or Half-Plate Armor as if it was cloth (though it does not affect Artifacts). If used on Magical Armor, any hitpoint-based durability applies, otherwise it causes the same effect. These claws can also be used to aesthetically rip through things like wood or cloth or slice into stone.
| Asha Agility 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The user will always outclass any other Race in the realm of running or sprinting, even if they are using Living Metal as armor, be it a competition, a chase, or pure recreation. The user will always run faster than anything else, unless this creature or person specifically has a mutation or Ability making it “as fast as an Asha”.
| Battle Dress 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The user may wear any type of armor regardless of whether it has been adjusted to fit their body, and it will automatically re-adjust to fit their body contours. Additionally, if they are wearing armor that has somehow been damaged or destroyed by Abilities, they may choose to instantly auto-mend every piece of armor worn by them into a pristine state before any damage was applied. This specific part of the Ability can only be used once per day.
| Belliard Horror 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character is completely immune to all Puretek uses. Furthermore, the Character is also immune to Exorcism 1, 2, 3 and Primal Cleansing, meaning if they have an Affliction, this Affliction can only be removed in a Sakrosankt.
| Blood Curse 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Firstly, the Character can still consume food and drinks, but achieves no satisfaction from their taste, as it all tastes like ash to them (except enchanted food made by other Vampiric Abilities). Secondly, The Vampire can reproduce with non-Vampires and Vampires alike, however the child will always result in a Vampire Brood of their Bloodline. Thirdly, if the Vampire does not feed within a week, they become physically frail. If they do not feed within two weeks, they become unable to engage in combat. After three weeks, they lose the ability to walk and become bed-bound. Vampires are unable to feed from other Vampires, and receive no satisfaction from feeding off of animals, except domesticated Sewer Rats, though the taste is revolting and makes the Vampires feel ill.
| Blood Curse 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Firstly, the Character can still consume food and drinks, and achieves satisfaction from the taste, but not sustenance. Secondly, The Vampire can reproduce with non-Vampires and Vampires alike, and can choose to have a normal child or a Vampire Brood of their Bloodline. Thirdly, if the Vampire does not feed within a week, they become physically frail. If they do not feed within two weeks, they become unable to engage in combat. After three weeks, they lose the ability to walk and become bed-bound. Vampires are unable to feed from other Vampires, and receive no satisfaction from feeding off of animals, except domesticated Sewer Rats, though the taste is revolting and makes the Vampires feel ill.
| Blood Dance 1
| Trigger Passive
| Self
| Each wound drawing blood the Character applies with a weapon can be immediately used to undo an equivalent wound inflicted by that specific Target on the user themselves, as long as the wound was inflicted within the last 30 minutes. If there is no equivalent wound to undo, this Ability does nothing. If the user has no wounds, this Ability also does nothing. This ability has no Cooldown, however each wound inflicted cannot be “saved up”. It must be used in 10 seconds or it expires. 
| Blood Dance 2
| Trigger Passive
| Self
| The Character is able to summon a mist of Blood that quickly suctions onto their body, forming Steel plate armor on their chest, head, and forearms colored in crimson blood. This armor can be summoned and un-summoned instantly, and there is no Cooldown to this Ability. If Armor breaking Abilities or Mundane Techniques are used, and a single piece breaks, the whole Ability is Cancelled and put on a 30 minute Cooldown.
| Blood Dance 3
| Trigger Passive
| Self
| The Character is able to summon a mist of Blood that quickly suctions into the shape of a melee weapon of their desire in their hand. This Weapon can be un-summoned instantly, but takes a few seconds to summon (preventing attacking with it in the same emote), and there is no Cooldown to this Ability. The Weapon cannot leave the user's hand, and cannot be handed off to others. If Weapon degrading Abilities or Mundane Techniques are used, and the weapon would break or be destroyed, the whole Ability is Cancelled and put on a 30 minute Cooldown.
| Blood Eyes 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character has normal eyes, though their eye-sockets are somewhat reddened and darkened. When using any Ability from their Bloodline Ability Kit or Vampire Base Kit, their irises become solid red, with a small black pupil. This overrules any other Mutations or effects. Additionally, the Character has Night-Vision, and is able to see through Mundane Darkness. If the Player wants the Vampire's eyes to be solid red at all times, this is possible.
| Blood Eyes 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character permanently has reddened and darkened eye-sockets, and irises that are solid red, with a small black pupil. This overrules any other Mutations or effects unless that effect specifically mentions hiding Blood Eyes 2. Additionally, the Character has Night-Vision, and is able to see through Mundane Darkness.
| Blood Eyes 3
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character permanently has reddened and darkened eye-sockets, and irises that are solid red, with a small black pupil. This overrules any other Mutations or effects unless that effect specifically mentions hiding Blood Eyes 3. Additionally, the Character has Night-Vision, and is able to see through Mundane Darkness, and Ability-Created Darkness.
| Blood Eyes 4
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character permanently has red irises, a black slitted pupil, and a black limbal ring in their iris, while the eye-whites remain white. This overrules any other Mutations or effects unless that effect specifically mentions hiding Blood Eyes 4. Additionally, the Character has Night-Vision, and is able to see through Mundane Darkness. Finally, the Character’s Vampiric teeth are always extended and cannot be filed shorter, though they are no longer functional.
| Blood Eyes 5
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character has normal eyes, though their eye-sockets are somewhat darkened. When using any Ability from their Bloodline Ability Kit or Cahal Base Kit, their irises become solid icy-blue and glowing, with a small black pupil. This overrules any other Mutations or effects. If the Player wants the Cahal’s eyes to be solid icy-blue and glowing at all times, this is possible.
| Blood Eyes 6
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character permanently has darkened eye-sockets, and irises that are solid icy-blue and glowing, with a small black pupil. This overrules any other Mutations or effects unless that effect specifically mentions hiding Blood Eyes 6.
| Blood Eyes 7
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character permanently has reddened and darkened eye-sockets, and irises that are solid red, with a small black pupil. This overrules any other Mutations or effects unless that effect specifically mentions hiding Blood Eyes 7.
| Body Mend 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Any body part the Character loses, excluding the Head, is replaced over the course of 2 days by slowly forming substances determined by the source of this Ability. Any scars the character has also glows a color determined by the source of this Ability. The Character can choose to not recover a lost limb, or choose to have non-glowing scars that heal, but once activated, this Ability cannot be reverted. If the Character loses this Ability, the lost body parts will wither away, leaving them unharmed (Unless that body part was mandatory for survival), but without it. Body parts lost before gaining this Ability will re-grow.
| Body Mend 2
| Trigger Passive
| Self
| The Character, as long as their head is still attached to their torso and their heart is still beating, will naturally regrow and heal any lost limbs or organs over the course of 6 days. This time frame is consistent regardless of the degree of damage, and multiple wounds can be healed at the same time. The Character can choose if scars remain when healed. This ability is automatic.
| Body Tail 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The user possesses a single prehensile tail which can be used in both Combat Roleplay and to hold items or people. This tail has half the strength of the arm, meaning that all actions derive 50% of the Proficiency Points or the Physical Stat of the user when using the tail.
| Body Tail 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The user possesses a large non-prehensile tail that is shaped like a shark’s. The user can use it to swim with a high efficiency and faster than anyone, except for Mai-Allar or Mai-Allar equivalent swimmers.
| Brawn Power 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The user is able to shrug off any Harming effects caused by Any Ability from any Kit except Racial Ability Kits. When such an Ability affects the user, they are Staggered, their attacks and movement interrupted and any Channeling effects disabled, however they take no damage and can resume immediately after. All other effects accompanying these Abilities (such as for example Knockback or Rooting) still apply.
| Brawn Power 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| For every 2 Physical Stat gained from Proficiency Point Investment, the user gains +1 Physical Stat on top. This Boost does not breach Physical Stat Limit. If for some reason this Ability is lost or disabled, the total Physical Stat gained is removed. Additionally, the Character has less physical reactions from Alcohol than normal people would, requiring twice as much Alcohol to get drunk.
| Bunker Down 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| If wielding a shield, the Character can choose to “Bunker down”, requiring them in a kneeling position with a shield down in front of them (using a shield if mundane, if not mundane, a shield is not be required). While this stance is upheld, they become immune to any Mundane or Ability based harm effects from a 180 degree angle in front of them (Ability based effects besides damage still apply). There is enough room behind the user for 1 additional person to gain the benefit, with the user counting as an Obstacle. The user of this Ability cannot do anything but talk while bunkering down (they cannot even see past their shield), but the person behind them (if there is one) can move and use Abilities, Weapons, or Items.
| Cahalic Familiar 1
| Toggle Passive
| Emote Distance
| The Character has a permanent Cahalic Familiar called the Featherlight, a Falcon with butterfly wings, a stone-like masked falcon face, and a long tail that appears like long peacock feathers that give off light at the ends. The Featherlight is purely aesthetic, as soon as Combat begins, it flies high up in the air and won’t come down until Combat is over. The Featherlight cannot perform any tasks, or leave the user. It can only play with the user or others in Emote Distance, or perch on the user’s shoulder and make aesthetic gestures or noises. The Featherlight can be summoned or un-summoned at will. This Familiar is immune to Spirit Curse 1.
| Control Counter 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The user is completely immune to Control Powers (unless specified to circumvent immunity on the Ability itself). This is a toggle state, meaning that the user may choose to be affected by Control Powers, or not.
| Corvaic Will 1
| Trigger Passive
| Self
| The Character has a preemptive strike aura. Any first-of-the-day harming Ability or Mundane attack or Mundane Technique that is used on them (with the exception of the Techniques gained at the full 20 Proficiency Point investment) is intercepted by a flock of Crows that suddenly appears before the attack impacts the user, instead being Countered and doing no damage to the user, and also not imparting any additional effects. This Ability can only trigger once per day.
| Crimson Power 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Vampire cannot be detected by any Abberant or Vampire Detection Mechanism. Additionally, the Vampire gains a constant +5 Theatre Arts and +5 Dancing Arts Proficiency boost, but any Combat Proficiency Category Proficiencies they have are set to 0 while they are not in their Vampiric Form, where their Combat Proficiencies remain as is.
| Crimson Power 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| For any Character the Vampire uses Blood Feeding 1 on, the Vampire will leave no bite marks, and inflict no pain. The targeted character will, additionally, forget that they were fed on at all and any information that would lead to them recalling that they were fed upon. Additionally, the Vampire’s blood gains an amnesiac effect when fed to others. When a splash of fresh Alais-Blood is force-fed to a victim, they will be unable to recall locations, voices, or faces they saw or heard for the last 24 hours. They can remember the general chain of events that happened to them, and remember what was spoken about, but will be incapable of remembering any identifying features at all. This effect cannot stack, and the blood cannot be stored and saved for later use, it must be fed fresh from the wound.
| Cursed Soul 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| While the character has an Affliction that includes this Ability, they are unable to use any Abilities found in Sorcery, Magic, and Faith Manifest. While having this Affliction, no other Affliction can be acquired. Proficiency Points are not refunded for Abilities lost. When the Affliction is removed (and this Ability), all normal use of Abilities is restored, and the Character can be Afflicted again.
| Destined Body 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The user while Mundane gains +5 Physical Stat that does not break Cap. If the user is Aberrant, they may instead purchase one Sorcery Spell without the 3 Proficiency Point Cost. If the user then becomes Mundane again, this Ability is lost and the Physical Stat is gained instead. There is one exception: Primal and Ordial Aberrants still gain +5 Physical Stat. For the purpose of this Ability, neither are considered Aberrant.
| Destined Body 2
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The user has greater control over their own emotional capacity, which can do a couple of things. Firstly, the user can disable all their own emotions and re-enable them at will. Secondly, the user can choose to compartmentalize certain feelings or memories, thus completely disabling themselves from feeling/remembering them until another person with Destined Body 2 re-connects them with their disabled feeling or memory in meditation. Finally, the user can disable their sense of guilt or conscience altogether. The user is still entirely affected by Control Powers however, and any emotions they have disabled can also still be emulated by Control Powers to make them feel them anyway.
| Destined Body 3
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The user is able to turn any single action made in a Non-Hostile Combat Roleplay (friendly duels or competition combat roleplay are permitted for example) such as for example a song they are performing, a dueling strike they are performing, or a painting they are presenting, into a "Dazzling Display". Dazzling Displays force everyone in Emote Distance who is not currently engaged in non-hostile Combat Roleplay to look at the person using this Ability, and to keep looking at them until their action is done, so long as it completes within a minute. This Ability can only be used once a day.
| Dead Shell 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character is inhabiting a corpse which is able to be in any state of decay from entirely skeletal to freshly-dead, though it can only decay further over time and never be restored and is always recognizable as being a dead cadaver. The character does not have to breathe, does not need to eat or drink, does not require sleep and is immune to Gas, Toxins, ingested Alchemical Substances and Diseases. They have a dulled sense of physical pain, though cannot ignore the actual debilitation that being tangibly wounded results in. They cannot utilize Racial Abilities, have Sorcery, use Engineering or be infected by Afflictions. The character can only be killed through complete destruction of the head (or other mechanics that specifically target Undead or Ordial Afflicted), and can be freely maimed.
| Dead Shell 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character is inhabiting a possessed, inorganic vessel. They are always treated as if their whole body is composed of plate armor no matter the material they are made of, but due to their hollow nature they are more vulnerable to blunt force trauma. The character does not have to breathe, does not need to eat or drink, does not require sleep and is immune to Gas, Toxins, ingested Alchemical Substances and Diseases. They have a dulled sense of physical pain, though cannot ignore the actual debilitation that being tangibly wounded results in. They cannot utilize Racial Abilities, have Sorcery, use Engineering or be infected by Afflictions. The character can only be killed through complete destruction of the head (or other mechanics that specifically target Undead or Ordial Afflicted), and can be freely maimed.
| Dead Shell 3
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character possesses an incorporeal form which can only interact with the physical world through non-combative touch. They can interact with objects and touch people, but lack the strength or ability at all to harm people with physical contact or throw objects at them. They cannot be harmed by mundane physical attacks, but can still be affected by Abilities and affect others with them. The character does not have to breathe, does not need to eat or drink, does not require sleep and is immune to Gas, Toxins, ingested Alchemical Substances and Diseases. They cannot utilize Racial Abilities, have Sorcery, use Engineering or be infected by Afflictions. The character can only be killed by using Exorcism 4 on them (which causes them to be locked into place throughout the duration of the ritual and unable to use Abilities) or three successive shots from a Puretek weapon fired into them (or other mechanics that specifically target Undead or Ordial Afflicted).
| Dravinda Gift 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Once every 3 days, the user may call upon Dravinda’s wisdom and the spices of the Avela lands to produce a banquet worth 15 Culinary Arts in Proficiency Points. While under the influence of this Ability, the user will complete the whole dish in a Mundane manner, requiring only the base ingredients, and the knowledge provided by the Ability.
| Dravinda Gift 2
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The user can toggle a state of Void Spell immunity which prevents them from being affected by one of the following categories of abilities: Void Spell, Any Ability gained from Sorcery from a Void Sorcerer. Activating this toggle after an Ability has landed does not remove its effects, only future Abilities. This toggle has no cooldown, and can be toggled indefinitely. This only affects Abilities used by others, not by Abilities cast by themselves on themselves.
| Elder Form 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The user is able to manifest a black scaled tail that drags slightly on the floor. The tail can also be bound or hidden under a belt around the waist and then revealed at a later point in time. The tail is prehensile and can aesthetically hold items and move as the user wishes.
| Elder Form 2
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The user is able to change areas of their skin anywhere on their body (except the head) in any quantity and near-instantly. When applied anywhere on the skin, the area becomes as tough as Chainmail. The scale quantity can cover whole limbs, partial limbs, parts of the torso or only the back. If either the hands or feet are covered in scales, the nails turn into aesthetic claws. Additionally, the character can manifest or de-manifest a set of horns. These can either be just two horns, or multiple horns close together. These horns can have any shape or length, but must never be larger than the head, and can only ever bend backwards. Their color can range from ivory to dark gray-brown. These horns are purely aesthetic. The design and shape must always be the same for each individual user and cannot change in their lifetime.
| Elder Form 3
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The user is able to heavily adjust the appearance of their head between two alternatives that cannot be active together at the same time. The first is their capability to change their entire head to look like a Black Desert Dragon, complete with scales down to the shoulders, slitted orange eyes, and ivory horns. The face must always look the same, but can act as a disguise for those who have not identified the Dragon head yet. The horns on the Dragon head must always be the same. With this head, the user can still speak normally. The second option is the ability to change their head hair or facial hair or both into orange flames. These flames move slower than real flames, and respect the rough outline of the Songaskian's hair, while also being considerably more orange in color and cold to the touch.
| Empath Sense 1
| Trigger Passive
| Direct Touch
| The Character is able to absorb all of the pain of the Target person and feel it themselves instead, for as long as Direct Touch is maintained. The target whose pain is being absorbed may not be in combat, otherwise this effect does not work. Additionally, the Character becomes immune to passing out from pain or going into shock.
| Empath Sense 2
| Trigger Passive
| Emote Distance
| The Character may blank their own emotional state while focusing on a single person within Emote Distance. As long as focus and a stare is maintained, the Character will duplicate the emotions and feelings of the Target and feel them, themselves. For example, extreme grief or joy, or heartache and melancholy. This does not explain why they feel that way, it simply copies the feeling to the user without altering the feelings of the Target.
| Empath Sense 3
| Constant Passive
| City Wide
| The Character has an enduring mood-effect based on the psyche-empathy of the society they exist in. While the Character lives and works in Regalia, they feel a radiant effect on their mood depending on Server Progressions (Forum Progression Posts and in-game Events). If good things happen to Regalia, the Character feels more joy or calmness, and if bad things happen to Regalia, the Character feels more sorrow or anger. These are not strict moodlets, but more like hints and flavor.
| Empath Sense 4
| Constant Passive
| Emote Distance
| While the Character is within Emote Distance of corrupted nature or destroyed Flora, they experience a heightened sense of rage and sadness. If the corruption is very profound, it may cause them to go berserk, even attacking allies until they can be drawn or lured away from the corruption, or the corruption is removed. If the Character is affected by Vile Vine 1, they instead go into a permanent berserk state, even attacking allies and unable to reason and speak, until Exorcism 1 is used on them.
| Empath Sense 5
| Constant Passive
| Emote Distance
| While in any area that major events took place in the past or repeated emotions were felt, for example battle-fields, graveyards, burial sites, hospitals, celebration halls, throne rooms, etc, the Character is able to detect the lingering emotions that were felt in these areas. They are not strong enough to affect the Character’s own psyche, they are just able to feel the lingering emotions of centuries past. This is only felt in areas where lots of people come together to do a similar thing, or hundreds of people felt a similar thing at the same time.
| Empath Sense 6
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| If any Abilities are used on the Character that would read their emotional state, the Character becomes immediately aware of who is prying into their mind, as long as they are within Emote Distance. Additionally, any such information retrieval is blocked, thus making the Character’s emotional state unreadable, though the user may toggle this on and off at will. The only Ability this does not work on is Empath Sense 2, which always breaks through Empath Sense 6 and is also immune to its detection mechanism.
| Empath Sense 7
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The user can generally sense remnant emotional energy in an area that is not dependent on the amount of emotions felt near it. For example, a graveyard might allow them to sense the remnant grief of someone who died years ago, or a river might send them a sudden feeling or happiness like a child fishing with their parent from a few weeks prior. Additionally, the user is also able to sense emotional residue of great events having occurred in general areas or big buildings in Progressions, if they specifically go looking for them, but won't get great details on what exactly happened while trying to perceive the emotional residue.
| Exist Counter 1
| Trigger Passive
| Emote Distance
| Once per day, the Character can entirely Counter a single Ability from an Exist Based Non-Racial Ability Kit. This prevents an ability from being used, stops an ongoing ability, and cancels and removes any effects it may have imparted as long as it is used within 10 seconds of the Ability being used, and as long as it was specifically targeting the Character.
| Exist Counter 2
| Trigger Passive
| Self
| The Character is completely immune to Abilities gained from Exist-Based Sorcery, Exist Magic Kit, or Cahal Kits. They cannot affect them negatively, or positively, and they are not target-able.
| Exist Gift 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| This Ability allows the user to learn and use Exist based Sorcery & Magic, even if they have an affliction that prevents them from using Sorcery. Additionally, they may choose 1 free Sorcery Spell. If this ability is somehow lost, that Sorcery Ability is also no longer usable and no Proficiency refund is given. If the Character already had Void Sorcery before this Ability was gained, all those Spells are converted into their Exist Essence equivalent (which does not alter their functions, only their aesthetics)
| Eye Mutation 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The eye of the User is changed in some way, either by changing the eye whites, or the iris, or the pupil. Eye Mutation I cannot be hidden or obscured by any Ability or Mutation except by a higher Eye Mutation (2, 3). Color rules are recorded on the Ability itself.
| Frisit Gift 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character can hear and use Wyrmtongue, the Dragon language, and can hear Dragons speak Wyrmtongue from miles away. Additionally, the Character can see Soul Rivers, materialize them to others to see, and steer them around aesthetically.
| Frisit Gift 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character is able to summon and unsummon either two identical melee weapons or one ranged weapon into their hands at will made of Soul Essence. Ranged weapons summoned through this ability have infinite ammunition, but can only use the default ranged attack. The Weapon cannot leave the user's hand, and cannot be handed off to others. If Weapon degrading Abilities or Mundane Techniques are used, and the weapon would break or be destroyed, the whole Ability is Cancelled and put on a 30 minute Cooldown. Proficiency in the specified type of weapon is required to utilize any abilities listed.
| Gate Smash 1
| Trigger Passive
| Direct Touch
| The Character can muster all their strength and smash through a metal or wooden gate or door that is locked or barred. '''This Ability also works on cell gates in the Regalian Prison.''' This Ability can be used once per day. And produces a lot of noise, thus requiring the actual Ability usage to be done in announce emote (+h). Because of the size and bulkiness of the Character however, they are also permanently incapable of dodging or side-stepping any Mundane or Ability based Projectile attacks.  
| Great Force 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| If at any point within 7 blocks of the user heavy objects are falling (for example, a collapsing roof or beam, or a large boulder) the character can brace the falling objects and hold them up long enough for nearby others to escape or not be harmed, and also create an escape for themselves. This Ability cannot be used for any Combat advantage.
| Honed Skill 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Choose Metallurgy, Arcanology, or Linguistics. If at least 3 points are invested in the chosen Proficiency, choose a single 3 Proficiency costing “Pack” for free additionally. This Pack does not contribute to the maximum Packs possible for this Proficiency at max Point investment. If none of these are chosen, nothing is gained.
| Honed Skill 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Choose any Hobby Group Proficiency. As long as 5 Proficiency points are invested in this Proficiency, gain another +5 for free. If this Ability were somehow removed from the Character, the Proficiency Point bonus is also removed. This Boost does not break the Proficiency Cap. If the chosen Proficiency is already boosted from any other source, it cannot be boosted by this Ability.
| Honed Skill 3
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The user can hide messages inside anything they physically produce from the Hobby Group Proficiencies, hiding a message that can only show up under certain conditions (through the technique the information was hidden). If anyone is told these conditions, they can read the message from all the user’s crafts, for the ones this specific technique for hiding messages was applied. Once created, messages cannot be edited or removed.
| Honed Skill 4
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Any item created by the user at a certain Proficiency Point investment for the skill, the item is always made as if it had +5 Proficiency invested (pertaining to Hobby Group Proficiencies Visual Art, Craft Art, Threads Art and Culinary Art). This +5 boost can break the 15 Proficiency limit for these Hobby Group Proficiencies. Additionally, any item made by the user within the Metallurgy Point-Buy system is always of superior quality than other crafters who do not have this Ability. (Metallurgy does not have a Quality=Proficiency investment system, superiority is dictated by this Ability only).
| Hunt Sense 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The Character has permanent Night-Vision in dark or night-time locations, thus being able to see through Mundane Darkness, but not Ability based Darkness. Additionally, if the Character has tasted or smelled freshly drawn blood of an individual within the last 30 minutes, are able to track their location wherever they are in Regalia proper. If the target leaves to a Clandestine Base or Noble Estate however, the tracking ends. While tracking, it's not allowed to use fast travel or sprint, the distance must be walked.
| Inth Gift 3
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The user has a perfect recall memory through a Memory Phylactery. This is not a physical object, but more a metaphysical abstract concept that causes the user to be immune to any memory alteration, or any Ability that would otherwise make them forget memories, or have them stored elsewhere, altered, added, or diminished. If any memory is forgotten, the user needs simply call upon the Memory Phylactery to restore the memory in full detail. Any Memory Sense I used on the user will result in more clear and perfect imagery than for anyone else.
| Kathar Binding 1
| Constant Passive
| Emote Distance
| The Kathar can infuse a specific accessory item with a single feeling. If the item is accepted as a gift, it will cause the target’s personality to change with the imparted feeling for 5 days. For example, a ring can cause a person to become more slothful, or to become less kind, or to become more lustful. After the time is over, the item becomes mundane. Items cursed by this ability are considered an Object Curse. Additionally, the Kathar can target another person and touch them, linking them together. This causes any physical sensation felt by either person to be also copied and transferred to the other. This is not only limited to pleasant feelings (such as the mouth-watering in anticipation of good food, or the butterfly stomach feeling of a passionate kiss) but also unpleasant feelings such as pain from being struck with a weapon. This connection can be removed any time by the caster, or broken with any Exorcism or Possession removing Ability on the victim. Only one link can be active for the caster, and after it has broken, this aspect of the Ability goes on a 24 hour cooldown, and the same target cannot be targeted for another week.
| Kathar Binding 2
| Constant Passive
| Emote Distance
| This ritual allows the Kathar to produce a 7 day lasting Target Curse totem (which can be an object of any kind that can be worn or kept on a person) that when accepted by a person as a gift (or forced on a person), gives them visual similarities to the Kathar who gifted them the totem (skin, hair color, eye color, Body Build). They can additionally also graft mentality changes onto the gift receiver, particularly making them more favorable to the Kathar for the duration of the totem’s effects. After the effects wear off, a new totem can be applied. Additionally, the Curse also gives the target loyalty to the Kathar who made the totem. If the Kathar has the aid of 2 other Kathar, they can perform a ritual on a Nelfin or Half-Nelfin, allowing them to transform the person into a Kathar. The transformation is temporary for 3 days, and if the target was unwilling, it will revert after 3 days. Players who are consenting however may also make it permanent. This Ability can be reused on those who have had it used once on them already, but it can never be used on Manathar.
| Keen Mind 1
| Trigger Passive
| Emote Distance
| Whenever any Control Power is used on the user that has some sort of Emotion, Feelings, Opinion or Perception reading element, the user immediately becomes aware that their mind is being prodded, and can send back whatever signal they want, thus effectively faking any attempt to read them and manipulate the person trying to read them on top.
| Keen Mind 2
| Trigger Passive
| Emote Distance
| The Character is immune to the Sleight of Hand Pack of Roguery, and will always notice when someone is attempting to Pick-Pocket them.
| Keen Mind 3
| Trigger Passive
| Emote Distance
| If the Character spots someone in a Roleplay Scene, that person cannot use Rogue Gift 5.
| Keen Mind 4
| Trigger Passive
| Emote Distance
| The Character always hears the footsteps and actions of Characters with Rogue Gift 4.
| Legion Body 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Manathar loses all access to their prior racial kit, and can no longer be afflicted. They are bound to one Legion, which is chosen upon transformation and cannot be altered from thereon. They possess horns which can be altered in size and shape, however, cannot be removed. The Manathar’s skin upon transformation shifts from its usual hue, becoming whatever color fits within their chosen Legion. The Manathar can change their skin color at will, as long as it remains within the palette of their Legion.
| Living Metal 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Any user will have a quantity of Living Metal that is naturally produced by their body. It is the side of a fist in its inert state, and can be suspended around the user’s neck as a necklace, on the tail for decoration, or on the forearm as a decorative bracelet. Living Metal can have any single color, as long as it looks metallic. Living Metal is always smooth (no jagged edges, rivets or bolts), but has a wavy pattern, similar to folded Steel that shows some reflective difference. Living Metal cannot be stolen, and can turn into a liquid form at the will of the user. In its natural state however, Living Metal is inert and serves no function, unless a Stance is active. Without any Stance active, Living Metal is purely decorative, like jewelry or clothing.
| Living Metal 2
| Trigger Passive
| Self
| Any body parts lost by the user are automatically replaced after a week by Living Metal, unless they choose not to replace that body part. This decision can be re-made at any time after the limb is lost. Any replaced limbs made out of Living Metal will mimic body flesh in every sense, giving no additional sturdiness against weapons, having the same sensations, and being warm to the touch, yet metallic in appearance.
| Living Metal 3
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The user gains two Living Metal Functions. These functions cannot be active at the same time together. The first function allows the user to turn their Living Metal into a single Melee Combat Category weapon of choice, two smaller Melee Combat Category weapons of choice, or a shield. The weapon or shield can be handed off to others, but only one can be produced, and it can be “melted” and returned to the user from Emote Distance. The second function allows the user to turn their Living Metal into plate-like metal armor for themselves, covering only one of the following parts: Legs, Torso+Waist, Arms or Head+Neck. This Ability takes several seconds to form, so it cannot be summoned to block an incoming attack.
| Living Metal 4
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The user can transform their Living Metal, as long as it is not being actively used by another Living Metal Ability,  into a substitute for wound treatment, but only on themselves. This allows them to cover up 5 cuts and bruises, OR 1 deep gash/internal wound. This negates the wound, removes the pain, and prevents a lethal attack from killing the user. Removing the Living Metal returns the wound to its previous state. Living Metal does not heal, it is a stop-gap measure until a healer can be found. Additionally, the user can turn their Living Metal into any utility tool, like a walking cane, a hammer, or a screwdriver. This includes tools that require a basic resource to function (such as ink in a pen), as it will fulfill this function without requiring the resource. The Living Metal can also be used to form utility objects, like plates, carafes, wine goblets, a horse saddle, as well as be used for artistic endeavors, be that a statuette or simply juggled fluidically through the air before the user.
| Magic Sight 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The user is able to activate this Ability, causing their eyes to glow an intense solid color. While active, the user is Immune to any Ability or Mundane based Darkness or Blindness. They can even see through blindfolds and Ability-created substances covering their eyes, and if any of these effects was applied before the Ability was Toggled on, the effects are removed. This Ability has no Cooldown and can be Toggled on and off as many times as the user pleases.
| Magic Sight 2
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The user is able to summon a Magical lantern or candle in their hand that emanates a warm light in a 10x10 block area around them. Any Ability based Darkness that is cast in a wider area will be Nullified (the Darkness is still there, Magic Sight 2 merely temporarily removes the effect in the radius). Beyond the 10x10 radius however, everything remains in Darkness. Additionally, this Ability gives a few optional aesthetics. Users may passively have glowing eyes (that glow less bright than in Magic Sight 1), have a glimmer, or light sparkle on their skin, have sun-ray like tattoos that light up from the hands to the elbows, a sundisk of light projection behind their head, or glowing luminescent blood.
| Magic Sight 3
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The user is Immune to Ability or Mundane based Darkness (not Blindness) and also has Night Vision, giving them perfect sight at night and in dark places. This Ability can be toggled on and off.
| Meraic Will 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The user is capable of using crystal magic to change the color of their skin and hair within the racial palette of their race. They can change it instantaneously and independently, but cannot ever be used to change their eye color.
| Meraic Will 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The user's hair is lustrous, long, and capable of being maneuvered at the will of the wearer to perform minor tasks. The hair can pick up objects no heavier than five pounds, and will be formed into two “limbs” when in this utility state. However, when the user wishes, they can engage an alteration that will split their hair into eight limbs that will harden into a leather-like consistency resistant to easy cutting. In this state, the hair can support a user’s weight to drag them along the ground and can perform up to eight minor aesthetic tasks.
| Meraic Will 3
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The user is capable of summoning a Remnant Crystal, which is a solid grey pentagonal prism crystal with Meraic text written within it. When squeezed in one hand and peered through, the user can read and understand any Language that is written in text form in front of them. This does not work for any code-speech or ciphers. This Crystal can be summoned or unsummoned at will, and cannot be handed off to others.
| Mind Wall 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The Character has Target Illusion immunity, and can perceive that a Target Illusion is being used on them. They may turn on or off this Illusion at will from their perception.
| Mind Wall 2
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The Character has Control Power immunity (except Exorcism 1 & 2, and Peace Reign 1), and can perceive that a Control Power is being used on them. They may turn on or off this Control Power at will from their mind.
| Mind Wall 3
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The Character has the Ability to hijack a Target Illusion being used on them. They can hijack it by changing how it is perceived, and then taking control from the original user, thus denying them the Ability to remove the Illusion or change it. While this occurs, the Ability is classified as Illuviation 1, and the Target whose illusions were hijacked is unable to use any Abilities that create Target Illusions. Additionally, if the Target that the Illusion was hijacked from has Target Illusion immunity, this immunity is broken for the duration during which the Illusion was hijacked. First hijacker always takes precedence.
| Mind Wall 4
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The Character has the Ability to hijack a Control Power (except Exorcism 1 & 2, and Peace Reign 1) being used on them. They can hijack it by turning the effect from themselves onto the Target who used the Control Power on them. While this occurs, this Ability is classified as a Control Power, and the Target becomes unable to use the Control Power that was used on the Character, while Control Power Immunity is also removed from them if they have it, for the duration of this reflected Control Power. The reflected Control Power follows the exact same rules as the Target using it on the Character would have, if it hadn't been hijacked.
| Moon Transform 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character is able to change Dynasties. On the first day of each month, they are able to declare themselves as part of a new Dynasty, changing visual details, Racial Abilities, and all information on their Character Application.
| Moon Transform 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| If Frivolous Dynasty, the Sihai can take on the visual characteristics of a humanoid Red Panda. If New Dynasty, the Sihai can take on canine visual characteristics. If Greater Dynasty, the Sihai can take on owl-like visual characteristics. All are described on their Race page.
| Nature Gift 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| While outside the City, thus nowhere near conventional rental housing, the Character moves “as fast as an Asha” (thus giving the Character Asha Agility). This Ability ceases the moment the Character returns to the urban landscape.
| Omniaware 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The user cannot be taken by surprise from behind, below, the sides, above or from far away. If any (Mundane) attack or harming Ability is used on them, a sixth sense will trigger making them aware of an attack that would otherwise take them by surprise. This does not grant additional dodging or avoiding mechanisms or guarantees, so standard Combat Roleplay Logic must still apply to dictate whether or not the user would be able to fairly block or avoid an incoming attack. This Ability purely gives the knowledge of such an incoming attack.
| Ordial Horror 1
| Toggle Passive
| Emote Distance
| The Character can scan an area for the Ordial touched, be it Undead, Ordial Mages, Ordial Archblood, Death aligned Ezekiel etc. This Ability functions with pinpoint accuracy, even through walls. This Ability is telegraphed by the user raising up a white ghostly lantern, that causes a white tether to appear with anything Ordial. This does mean that the Targets know they are being identified and located. Additionally, while any Ordial touched person within Emote Distance of the user is unable to be healed or be affected by healing Abilities or mechanics while in Emote Distance. Finally, any mundane weapon wound applied by Moon Vault Isldar cannot be healed at all by Ordial touched persons, this wound festering with Isldar magics until the victim visits the Ordial Temple / Hellvalt Temple where anyone who taps into Ordial Essence can heal the wound(s).
| Power Howl 1
| Trigger Passive
| Emote Distance
| The Character can unleash a loud blood curdling echoing scream or melodious angelic song that reverberates in Emote Distance. Anyone who is Channelling an Ability or about to Channel has the Channel forcibly interrupted, regardless of what interruption rules this Ability has. If this Channel Ability has a cooldown shorter than 5 minutes, it is set to a 5 minute cooldown. If longer, the Ability’s own cooldown is used. Additionally, anyone within 2 blocks of the user that was mid-swing with an attack, has their attack Staggered, meaning it automatically misses or is interrupted. This Ability has a 30 minute cooldown.
| Primal Horror 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| This Ability has a number of functions. Firstly, the Character is simply able to walk through Primal Shield 1, ignoring it as a physical barrier. Secondly, Primal Divination 1 does not work on them. Thirdly, Attacks or Abilities made by this Character cannot trigger Primal Defense 1 when used by someone else. Finally, the Character can sense any Dragon Warden, Dragonsoul, or Archblood within Emote Distance, even through walls, to pinpoint accuracy. This Ability and all its effects have no Cooldown.
| style="width: 10%;" | Primal Sight 1
| style="width: 8%;" | Toggle Passive
| style="width: 8%;" | Emote Distance
| The user is able to detect a Dragon Soulcore, Dragonsoul, or Dragon Powercore, if it is present within Emote Distance. This Ability is not constant, and must be activated to sense, but has also no cooldown and is instant.
| Pure Body 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character is immune to Afflictions. Any type of Affliction simply fails to infect them, even if it would come at the end of an Ability. Some Event Characters like Arken may have the Ability to negate this effect. Additionally, the Character is unable to learn or use Sorcery, if a Character gains Pure Body 1 at a later point in time, they lose their Sorcery or Magic and do not get Proficiency refunds.
| Pure Body 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character is unable to use Magic or Sorcery, with the exception of Ordial Magic. Other Afflictions can still affect the Character however. Some Event Characters like Dragons may have the Ability to negate this effect.
| Rogue Gift 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Should the character fail a dice roll for pickpocketing another character, they may roll a second time. This effect may only apply once per person being pickpocketed per day, but if a different person is targeted each time, it has no upper limit. The failed attempt is simply retconned.
| Rogue Gift 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character can, once a day, if attempting an Proficiency or Ability action that requires a roll, dictate in OOC chat with the use of this Ability what the roll outcome would be without rolling. This is in essence a once-a-day luck-of-the-draw where the character has an instant-success on their /dice roll.
| Rogue Gift 3
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character can, if they have seen any writing from a specific person, perfectly imitate that person’s writing and signature on any piece of writing.
| Rogue Gift 4
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| Items held (like Clockwork or weapons) and stationary items used (like doors and hatches) do not produce any sound when used by the Character, and the character no longer makes noise when attempting to remain silent. Additionally, the character does not produce audible footsteps on any surface. This Ability cannot be used while wearing armor heavier than a gambeson.
| Rogue Gift 5
| Trigger Passive
| Self
| The user may, if they are spotted by another character while attempting to hide, re-position to another place within Emote Distance, voiding the initial instance of spotting. This allows them to remain hidden, but can only be done once per RP scene.
| Rotting Bite 1
| Trigger Passive
| Direct Touch
| The Character can bite another person. If their teeth hit exposed flesh, they inflict the victim with a rapidly-spreading magical malady that reduces their Physical Stat by 10 for the next hour. This ability has a four hour cooldown. The effects of this ability do not stack, even if used by another source.
| Sacrifice Curse 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Firstly, the Character can still consume food and drinks, but becomes revolted by the taste of greenery, vegetables, and herbs unless they know for certain it was sustainably harvested with respect for nature (except enchanted food made by Food Enchantments). Secondly, The Cahal can reproduce with non-Cahal and Cahal alike, however the child will always result in a Cahal Brood of their Bloodline. Thirdly, if the Cahal does not feed within a week of losing fed status, they become physically frail. If they do not feed within two weeks, they become unable to engage in combat. After three weeks, they lose the ability to walk and become bed-bound.
| Sariyd Gift 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character is immune to Servile Collar 1, Inth Gift 1, Inth Gift 2, Mind Surge 1, and Mind Surge 2. Additionally, the Character can construct a Clockwork Mem Bank, allowing them to store individual memories into the Mem Bank for safe-keeping, but not backup their whole memory.
| Sariyd Gift 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| This Ability allows the user to read and write in Qasr Script. Qasr Script is a form of hole/dented writing. If the Character is blind, this Ability still works, as Qasr script can be read while blind or blindfolded. Qasr script is not a language, and as such cannot be learned through Linguistics, only this Ability.
| Sariyd Gift 3
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The user is immune to Engineering Pack Eight: Hacking. If the user has purchased at least two Engineering Packs with Proficiency Points, they gain another pack for free.
| Sariyd Gift 4
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The user has exceptional sharp and detail-focused eyesight, discovering abnormalities in things and places. Anything produced with Roguery Packs Government Forgery, Guard Forgery, or Art Forgery, is revealed to be a forgery to the user. Additionally, anything produced with Honed Skill 3 has the secret embedded message revealed to the user. Finally, the user is immune to any damage or constraining effects caused by any Region Enchant, such as Home Upgrade 1’s burgling trap.
| Sariyd Gift 5
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character has access to a Clockwork familiar constructed of any metal alloy that can also be edited and modified further. This familiar may appear spider-like, or a floating head with a small heli-blade, or even a centipede, or a domestic dog, so long as it is never larger than a domestic dog. This Familiar may speak in any language the user speaks, and have a mimic of their personality, or parts of the personality of the owner that the owner does not want to have, offloaded into the familiar. For example, if the owner does not wish to be cowardly, they can offload their cowardice personality trait into the familiar, who will then speak with a lot of cowardice. This familiar cannot fight, but also cannot be destroyed and will simply bunker down to avoid damage. This familiar may carry items, but will drop them the moment it is attacked, and cannot ever leave Emote Range of the user.
| Sihndar Hunter 1
| Trigger Passive
| Emote Distance
| The user can, if any unarmed Nelfin is within Emote Distance, and they are being attacked or targeted by an Attack or harming Ability, instantly leap towards them and intercept the Attack or harming Ability. This Ability does not work if there is a physical barrier between the user and the target that the user cannot pass, and while the user can be harmed while intercepting, they cannot be stopped by any mundane means.  If the Ability has an Area of Effect or some sort of splash damage, the target also becomes immune to this radius damage, all of it transferring to the user instead. This Ability can only target one person per day, however after the first use on that person, this Ability can be reused up to 4 times within a 24 hour timespan on that person only, before it is reset and can be used on anyone again.
| Sihndar Hunter 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character negates all effects and harm from Abilities caused by any Ability used as part of a Vampiric Bloodline or Vampiric Base kit, or a Cahal Bloodline or Base kit. Additionally, the Sihndar is immune to any damage from weapons summoned or created by Abilities when utilized by a Vampire or Cahal. The Exceptions for Any Abilities that allow Vampires or Cahal to feed on the Character do not apply to Sihndar. They are completely immune to feeding.
| Sihndar Hunter 2
| Constant Passive
| Direct Touch
| The Sihndar loses all access to their prior Racial kit, but maintains their prior general appearance, with updated hair, skin, and eye color. The Character cannot invest points into Caster Ranged Combat. The Character can, through a ritual, transform another individual (of any Nelfin race) into a Sihndar. The target Character must be fully willing, aware, and can be of any Aberrancy, except Primal, Draconic, or Ordial. This process is irreversible. The Transformation takes 24 hours to complete. Aesthetics for the process of this ritual should involve unique Flora from Drowda.
| Sorcery Skill 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
|  If the Character has purchased at least 1 [[Sorcery]] Ability, they may gain an additional Sorcery Ability from any Category for free. This Ability can only trigger once, and if this Ability is somehow removed from the owner, the chosen Sorcery Ability is lost.
| Sorcery Skill 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character may choose 2 Sorcery Abilities for free from any Category. This Ability can only trigger once, and if this Ability is somehow removed from the owner, the chosen Sorcery Ability is lost. This Ability also does not count as “purchasing” Sorcery Abilities for Sorcery Skill 1, or any other Abilities that require “purchasing” sorcery, so these Abilities do not stack.
| Sorcery Skill 3
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character may purchase up to 3 Sorcery Abilities without being considered an Aberrant. These Abilities are still counterable like normal Sorcery Abilities. They receive 1 Sorcery Ability for free.
| Soul Bond 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| When the user is born, a Domestic Dog, Domestic Cat, or (reasonably sized) Bird species juvenile joins them as a life-long companion. This life-long companion can die (but does not grant kill-perms), can carry a single object on them but may never attack. The life-long companion can intercept a single Mundane Attack for its owner, without harming the attacker, and becomes disabled for 24 hours. The life-long companion has unnatural long life, but this is never questioned, as Mundane societies have accepted the Soul Bonds as messengers from their Gods or kindred soul sent by the Everwatcher. The life-long companion can be mutated with every normal mutation from the [[Mutations]] page. The Soul Bonded creature cannot leave Emote Distance of the user.
| Spirit Familiar 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The user must choose an animal from the [[Animals]] Page (barring Magus or Dragon species). This choice is permanent, and must be mentioned on the Character Application. Once chosen, the user may choose to manifest and remove smaller visual and aesthetic changes to their body from the animal chosen, but never so thoroughly that it mimics a Cahal, Allar, or Asha. Secondly, they may summon a magical looking familiar of the animal chosen that may never be larger than a domestic cat regardless of original size of the animal, but may also be smaller depending on the preference of the user. This familiar can carry a single object on them, but may never enter combat, and is disabled for 1 hour if hit by any Ability or Attack. If a Magical aesthetic is not desired, a Mundane creature can also appear to the Character in their childhood and stay with them, with this Ability applying to them, with all other rules. The Mundane creature gains a lifespan as long as the user.
| Spirit Familiar 2
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The user must choose an animal from the [[Animals]] Page (barring Magus or Dragon species). This choice is permanent, and must be mentioned on the Character Application.  The familiar cannot inflict harm, be permanently harmed, or interfere with combat in any manner. If killed, the familiar will disappear in a puff of white smoke, and reappear next to the User instantly. The familiar can never fully replace the sight or hearing of the User to its prior state, and will only supplement it enough to allow the User to return to base functioning, not adequate use in combat or scenarios that require quick reaction time. Regardless of whether or not the User has lost their voice, they can choose to speak through their Familiar at any point, but cannot speak at the same time the familiar is speaking. The Familiar can be unsummoned or re-summoned via a ten-second ritual.
| Super Self 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| Upon being physically harmed by any Mundane Attack or Ability, or upon hitting another person with any of these, the Character triggers a battle-state. When battle-state is activated, anyone within 2 blocks of the person is knocked over, while the person’s appearance may change with a wide variety of non-identity altering aesthetics including but not limited to: steaming skin, flaming eyes, electrified hair, increased vascularity, darkening of the eyes and sockets, shreddings skin, colored glow, and other visuals of rage and battle. While Super Self is active, the Character gains +5 Physical Stat.
| Super Self 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The user can use Super Self 2 to instantly shift or move their feet or legs or ankles by either contorting, phasing, ghosting or re-shaping in such a way that any Rooting, Trapping or Snaring that is applied on them is instantly cancelled the moment it hits (all other effects of those Abilities or Mundane Techniques still apply). This Ability does not affect Abilities that apply Disabling effects to specific limbs or Paralysis.
| Super Self 3
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The user can use Super Self 3 to instantly filter (or prevent themselves from breathing/ingesting) and nullify any Gas, Toxin, or ingested Alchemical Substance, making them immune to it. This Ability only affects Ability-Created Gases that have a tangible visual effect. This process is automatic, meaning they cannot pick and choose, except in the case of drinking Alcohol.
| Super Self 4
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character is immune to any Alchemy, Mundane Techniques or Abilities that would cause a loss or gain, change, exchange or transferral of Proficiency Points or Physical Stat, both positively and negatively.
| Super Self 5
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character is immune to any Ranged Combat Proficiency Mundane Techniques, with the exception of the Techniques gained at the full 20 Proficiency Point investment. The aesthetics for how these projectiles miss is up to the player, but it is recommended to simply pass through them as if they were a shadow.
| Super Self 6
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character is immune to hypothermia and cold temperatures, and is completely unaffected by any naturally occurring or Ability based Ice, snow, or frost on themselves or on the ground. Additionally, the user is immune to Element Brand 1.
| Super Self 7
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character is immune to burning and hot temperatures, and is completely unaffected by any naturally occurring or Ability based fire, lava, or steam on themselves or on the ground. Additionally, the user is immune to Element Brand 3.
| Symbiosis 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The Character is able to change the head shape they have as Urlan within the compliant clades and animal heads held there-in. This Ability does not count as disguise. Even if logic would dictate that an Urlan who once had a Buffalo-head now has a Deer-head and should thus not be recognizable, they can still be identified as the original appearance. Additionally, the Character can change between normal plantigrade legs and feet with Human skin, or hooves on digitigrade legs with fur up to the knees. They can also choose to keep the fur at the knees, or raise the fur up to the waist. They may also choose to have a cow-like furred tail that is controllable, but not capable of holding things and does not reach to the ground. Finally, the Character may use /trait add Jump2, as Urlan are able to jump twice as high as all other Races, and is immune to Mutations.
| True Path 1
| Toggle Passive
| Travel Length
| The user is able to begin a charge or running speed in a particular direction. Once reaching a particular block, they may activate True Path 1 to scatter their body into a large cloud of non-harmful smaller objects, or flora, or critters, and continue traveling in the same direction as they were running. This allows them to continue moving for up to 10 blocks at sprinting speed, allowing them to pass through any hole, crack or opening. This can be to for example, float through a guard formation, a door, a wall of spikes, etc. After traveling 10 blocks, the character re-manifests, this Ability cannot be ended early, unless met with a solid wall without openings. This Ability has a 15 minute cooldown.
| Undead Mend 1
| Trigger Passive
| Self
| While out of combat, the character can physically consume the flesh of either living or dead people or animals in order to heal their body up to the original point of their decay as an Undead. They must eat for ten minutes to restore wounds and surface level damage to the flesh, and must eat for an hour to repair any maims inflicted upon them. Severed pieces do not have to be recovered, and any regenerated flesh will appear as if it was the original piece of their body.
| Undead Mend 2
| Trigger Passive
| Self
| While out of combat, the character can enter a state of self-repair by replacing any lost parts and restoring damage done to their vessel with scraps of whatever material they are composed of. They must spend 10 minutes grafting material on to repair simple injuries, and must spend an hour replacing maimed parts. Severed pieces do not have to be recovered, and any replaced parts will appear as if they were original portions of their vessel.
| Vampiric Form 3
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Character does not have access to a Vampiric Form. However, the Character can use Abilities from the Bloodline Ability Kit outside of a Vampiric Form. This Ability is always active.
| Vampire Master 1
| Toggle Passive
| Emote Distance
| The user is immune to any Abilities used on them by Vampires (Excluding Rokhaal Vampires) that is part of their Vampiric Base and Bloodline kit. This is a toggle state, meaning that the user may choose to be affected, or not, but they cannot target specific Abilities and are either blanket immune or not immune.
| Vampiric Familiar 1
| Toggle Passive
| Emote Distance
| The Vampire gains a Vampiric Familiar that they can summon, which must be either a: Bat, a Gargoyle, or corrupted Bird of Prey. This Familiar must be the size of a household cat, and can fly. The Vampiric Familiar must remain on the Vampire at all times, except when sent out for a single task. The task can be retrieving a single free small object (i.e. not being carried on a person, held, or tied down), or using a Single Ability on a person with the range of “Direct Touch.” (Excluding Servile Collar 1 & 2 and Blood Feeding 1) The Ability will then be cast through the Familiar, who must still be able to touch the Target. The Familiar will disappear and cannot be re-summoned for 30 minutes if hit by any Ability or Attack. The Familiar can be un-summoned and re-summoned, but if the Familiar is un-summoned, it cannot be re-summoned for 10 minutes. This Familiar cannot leave Emote Distance of the Vampire. This Familiar is immune to Spirit Curse 1.
| Vampiric Familiar 2
| Toggle Passive
| Emote Distance
| The Character has a permanent Vampiric Familiar called the Bloodfalcon, a Falcon with bat ears, bat wings and a long tail that appears like squid arms with blood sucking mouths at the ends. The Bloodfalcon is purely aesthetic, as soon as Combat begins, it flies high up in the air and won’t come down until Combat is over. The Bloodfalcon cannot perform any tasks, or leave the user. It can only play with the user or others in Emote Distance, or perch on the user’s shoulder and make aesthetic gestures or noises. The Bloodfalcon can be summoned or un-summoned at will. This Familiar is immune to Spirit Curse 1.
| Varlord Will 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Vampire can gain more bat-like anatomical features in their Vampiric Form, and additionally can choose to have functional claws in their Vampiric Form on their original hands only. These claws are as hard as steel, and are treated equivalently as if they were steel daggers. They utilize Unarmed Combat Proficiency. Additionally, the Vampire can open Dorkarth Moratoriums, which only characters with this Ability can access. 
| Vintar Born 1
| Toggle Passive
| Event Venue
| This Ability activates only during and at Server-Announced Events (player or Staff hosted, but announced by Staff / recorded on the calendar). While active, all other Vampires (even of other Bloodlines) including the Character themselves have all their Vampiric appearances hidden with an illusion (such as Blood Eyes 1 & 2), and become undetectable by Aberrant or Vampire Detection Mechanisms. The Ability remains active while the Character is at the Event Venue, and up to 5 minutes after final conclusion of the Event. Target Illusion immunity does not grant immunity to this Ability. This Ability can be used once per day
| Vintar Born 2
| Toggle Passive
| Player Region
| This Ability activates only when the Character is inside their own Player Region, Noble Estate, or Clandestine Base. While inside, all the Character’s Vampiric appearances are hidden (such as Blood Eyes 1 & 2), and the Character becomes undetectable by Aberrant or Vampire Detection Mechanisms. The Character may also bestow this effect to one additional Vampire (of any Bloodline) but can only switch this to another person after the first has left the building. This Ability deactivates as soon as either the Character or the enchanted guest leave exactly the region+10 blocks (the region includes any attached gardens). Target Illusion immunity does not grant immunity to this Ability. This ability has no Cooldown.
| Wall Climb 1
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The user can climb up or down any vertical surface with walking speed, and hold onto the wall with one hand stopping and resuming at any spot. The movement can only be directly up or down, not diagonal or sideways. This Ability does not grant any lethal falling damage mitigation, though it is possible for climbers to jump from a suspended position halfway up the wall.
| Wall Climb 2
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The user can climb up or down any vertical surface with walking speed, and hold onto the wall with one hand stopping and resuming at any spot. The movement can only be directly up or down, not diagonal or sideways. This Ability includes a falling-damage mitigation, meaning that regardless of height, the character does not receive falling damage, and can jump from a suspended position halfway up the wall.
| Wall Climb 3
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The user is able to near-instantly scale a vertical wall or barricade as long as it has a landing position at the top that is reasonably horizontal, thus allowing them to hop over walls and fortifications. This requires the user to be standing at the base of the vertical wall and be thrown up, landing safely at the top. This Ability can be used four times every 12 hours. This Ability can also be used to safely travel down a wall, but it does also take a charge each time downwards travel is used.
| Wall Climb 4
| Toggle Passive
| Self
| The user can climb up, down, or sideways (but not diagonally) on any vertical surface with walking speed, and hold onto the wall with one hand stopping and resuming at any spot. This Ability does not grant any lethal falling damage mitigation, though it is possible for climbers to jump from a suspended position halfway up the wall. Channel Abilities cannot be utilized while Climbing with Wall Climb 4.
| Weapon Song 1
| Toggle Passive
| Emote Distance
| The user may activate Weapon Song 1 on any Melee Weapon that they are wielding in combat, causing it to levitate in the air, and allowing them to control it as if they were wielding it, except further removed from the actual weapon. This must be their own weapon, and not a weapon they’ve taken or stolen from another. The only thing this does, is create distance between the opponent and the user, thus allowing them more time to respond to moves the opponent makes. The weapon can still be parried and even knocked out of the user’s hand, as it is only displaced. The distance can however be anywhere in Emote Distance, as long as where it is levitating is within view.
| Yanar Biology 1
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Yanar is composed primarily of plant matter. When the Yanar dies, or goes through the Wyldbirth Cycle, they shed their body as fertilizer and are reborn after 48 hours. This new body can have a completely different appearance, be of a different Yanera subspecies, have a different personality, different Body Shape, but must always have the same Proficiencies. For more specifics, read the Wyldbirth section above under Physical Characteristics. A Yanar can only go through Wyldbirth 4 times a year, based on the 4 seasons. Additionally, the Yanar is able to exert minor influence on the flora around them, causing them to sway with a wave of the character’s hand.
| Yanar Biology 2
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Yanar can, while in a region or area affected by Home Enchant 7, meditate while holding hands with as many other characters with Yanar Biology 2, and up to one character without Yanar Biology 2, drawing them into a communal dream-realm. While in this realm, they can talk and share photo-like images of memories to others in dream. Anyone can leave the realm at will, or be forced out of it if their meditation is disturbed. Additionally, the Yanar can forcibly bring anyone who is fully restrained or incapacitated into the dream realm as well. This is not voluntary, and the target cannot leave on their own. The target cannot close their eyes, allowing the Yanar to bombard them with flash-like photos of memories, sounds, and smells in rapid succession. This can only be used on one target at a time, and can  only be disrupted by the Yanar ending it, or being forced away from the Target.
| Yanar Biology 3
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Yanar can summon a plant or bark stave between 5 to 6 feet long that is as tough as steel. It can be freely given to others, but will rot after 48 hours. The Yanar can re-absorb the Stave at will by touching it, and can only summon one stave at a time. It can be stolen from the Yanar. Additionally, the Yanar can plant a piece of fruit in a region affected by Home Enchant 7, growing a domestic-cat sized familiar called a Yattil that takes on features of the fruit and a certain kind of animal. The Yattil is purely aesthetic, and can interact with their Yanar owner in friendly ways, but cannot be hurt or assist in any functional capacity. Only one Yattil can exist at any given time, though the Yanar can re-plant the Yattil to change its fruit or animal type.
| Yanar Biology 4
| Constant Passive
| Self
| The Yanar can target one person within Emote Distance, and alter the aesthetic visuals of their body via plants and petals to suit the person’s interests. For example, the person’s favorite color, or flower, or hair length might appear or re-appear on the Yanar’s body. Additionally, these Yanar always produce an Emote Range wide floral scent that smells different to each person that smells it, always representing their favorite floral or fruity smell.

==Control Powers==
[[File:Elfkind.png|frameless|20px]] '''Elfkind Heritages''' are the various elf themes.
{| class="wikitable"
*Teledden are standard elves with an ancient history.
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
*Lanlath are mystical high elves from a sealed-away realm.
! Ability Name
*Suvial are fire elves with skills in Demon-taming.
! Ability Type
*Solvaan are mercenary wind elves from misty isles.
! Ability Range
*Isldar are ice elves exiled and facing a cold war within.
! Ability Description
*Sihndar are frugal dark elves fighting against Demons.
*Kathar are cultist dark elves seeking greater power from dark entities.
| style="width: 10%;" | Emotion Sense 1
*Maquixtl are geneticist elves dwelling in ancient jungles and rural plains.
| style="width: 8%;" | Control Power
*Abismaï are probably the cave elves, but I have no idea lol.
| style="width: 8%;" | Emote Distance
*Selvath are wood elves who fiercely guard their forest realms.
| The user can summon a hologram of the target’s current greatest desire in front of them to show them their inner desire, the target does not need to be willing, but only the target and the user can see the hologram. This hologram must be unmoving and see-through, but can reflect for example a Character sitting on a throne, an object they desire, the death of another person, etc. The desire is based on the Character’s ambitions and hopes, not necessarily their in-the moment wants. If the target has at least 10 Theatre Arts, this Ability does not work on them.
| Memory Sense 1
| Control Power
| Direct Touch
| The user can, while putting their hand anywhere on the target’s body (shoulder, holding hand, on top of head, etc.), and if the target is willing or restrained, transmit the target’s memory they are recalling into an animated wall-painting that will display that memory from the target’s memory and through the target’s eyes on the wall, without any sound, but in perfect color and shape. If the target does not fully remember parts of it, these areas will be vague or blurry. Fake or implanted memories will appear as if they are real memories, but the target cannot fake it themselves. This Ability has no cooldown, but is broken as soon as the user breaks hand-contact. The target can also cause a different memory to appear by recalling a different memory altogether.
| Pain Sense 1
| Control Power
| Direct Touch
| The user can, while putting their hand anywhere on another person (does not need to be willing) apply a Target Curse. While this Target Curse is active, if the target experiences either emotional or physical pain or anguish, the user will telepathically know they are in pain from any distance, but not know where they are. This Target Curse is indefinite, until removed through Exorcism 1, or by will of the user (who can do it even beyond Emote Distance), or by having the user apply it to a new person. Only one Pain Sense can be active at all times.
| Exorcism 1
| Control Power
| Emote Distance
| The user can perform the cleansing ritual on any person, lasting 5 minutes, causing any Target Curse or Target Illusion that is actively affecting them to disappear. Once cleansed, a target cannot be re-cleansed for another 10 minutes. This process is painless, but the target may still be confused or hostile. The target leaving Emote Distance cancels this Power.
| Exorcism 2
| Control Power
| Direct Touch
| The user can perform the cleansing ritual on any person, as long as they are restrained, lasting 5 minutes, causing any Possession or Control Power that is actively affecting them to disappear. Once cleansed, a target cannot be re-cleansed for another 24 hours. This process is painless, but the target may still be confused or hostile. The target becoming unrestrained cancels this Power. Additionally, the user can cleanse Void or Exist Corruption from Plants and other matter in a 5x5 area via the same ritual.
| Exorcism 3
| Control Power
| Direct Touch
| The User can instantly Cancel any single Target Curse, Target Illusion, or Magic Spell currently affecting someone by touching them. This Ability only Cancels the most recently used Ability. Additionally, the Target cannot be affected by the same Target Curse, Target Illusion, or Magic Spell again for the next minute. This Ability cannot be used on Self. This Ability can only be used once every 10 minutes.
| Exorcism 4
| Control Power
| Direct Touch
|  The user can perform a passing ritual on NPC Poltergeists or dead bodies (only if they have died within the last 24 hours), lasting 5 minutes, which allows their Soul to properly pass on (thus preventing them from becoming Archblood or Undead) into the afterlife as is intended by the laws of Souls. It additionally obliterates the persons memories, preventing the creation of a Shade.
|Servile Collar 1
| Control Power
| Direct Touch
| The user can target either a willing or fully restrained unwilling person to apply a Control Power on them. Once applied, the target goes catatonic, their eyes become solid milky white, and they are no longer conscious of their surroundings. The user then has 10 minutes to give instructions to the Servile, after which the Servile must attempt to complete the instructions immediately (if the instructions are not completed, this Ability goes on Cooldown and ends). Serviles can be given multiple stages leading up to the final command (such as, for example go there, disguise as this, then stab this person), but cannot be given multiple commands (such as, stab this person, fake this document, and burn this house down). Once the Servile is either restrained, knocked unconscious, has Exorcism 2 applied to them, completes the objective, or cannot complete the objective within 24 hours, the Control Power is removed. Either way the Control Power ends, the Servile has no memory of the instructions given or any of their actions taken after instructions to before the removal of its effects. All the while the Control Power is active, the Target is catatonic but still functions like a zombie, they will continue to go about trying to complete their mission but look as if they are in a daze, their eyes milky white and will not speak or respond to any prompting. Serviles will move around obstacles and will defend themselves, and cannot be instructed to harm themselves. The Servile can never be instructed to speak or reveal things, it can only do things. This Ability has a 48 hour Cooldown.
| Servile Collar 2
| Control Power
| Direct Touch
| The user can target either a willing or fully restrained unwilling person to apply a Control Power on them, as long as the target is not a Vampire. Note, while this Ability is not an express consent Ability, this Ability does not work if the Player targeted does not want to roleplay out the function of this Ability. Once applied, the Vampire produces a Blood-Mimic that manifests out of shadows and Blood next to them, that is an identical copy of the person targeted, except that they have red irises and dark-gray sclera (other Vampire-colored aesthetics may apply, ask in a ticket for more). The Mimic's red eyes and dark-grey sclera cannot, under any circumstances or abilities, be hidden or obfuscated. This Blood-Mimic has the same Memories, Proficiencies, Skills, and Abilities, as the original Target, and cannot be altered or afflicted. (I.E. They stay exactly the same as the character when copied, and cannot be infected or taught different things). Their personality however is untethered to conscience, and they must obey the commands of the Vampire that made them. There is no such thing as Kill Perms for Blood-Mimics, anyone can strike to kill, and the Vampire that created the Blood-Mimic can destroy them at any time. The Mimic can only be removed by being killed. This Ability has no Cooldown. Due to gameplay fairness, the Blood-Mimic can never reveal incriminating memories or any knowledge that the Vampire does not already have, despite having all the same memories as the victim, and being under the command of the Vampire. The Blood Mimic can only be played by the player of the character copied, unless that player gives express consent for another person to play it. Only one Blood Mimic can exist of the same person at any given time, but, a single Vampire can create multiple Blood Mimics.  
| Shrewd Insight 1
| Control Power
| Emote Distance
| When conversing with a person, the user can, once a day, detect the true disposition of a person towards them. This may be done either by detecting how much the target likes or dislikes the user, or by more specifically detecting how they perceive the user. This may need to be updated from time to time, as people change their minds about others all the time. A character with at least 10 Proficiency Points in Theatre Arts is immune to this Ability. They simply send back blank results.
| Battle Sense 1
| Control Power
| Emote Distance
| The user may activate this Control Power on anyone in range, attaching to them like a Mobile Channel. While it is maintained, the user may choose one of the target’s Melee Combat Proficiencies and increase it by +5 Proficiency Points that may break the Cap for Proficiency. The user may only move at walking speed, must have the target within viewing distance, and the user may also not be attacked themselves. Knocking over or otherwise removing the focus from the user on the target cancels the effect. Additionally, the user gains the Constant Passive Omniaware 1 while this Ability remains active. While Battle Sense 1 is active, the user may not use other Abilities. A character can only benefit from one iteration of this Ability, regardless of source.
| Inth Gift 1
| Control Power
| Emote Distance
| The user may target any person within Emote Distance to mark them with this Control Power, and any number of individuals may be marked. For those marked, if the user or the target leaves Emote Distance, the target(s) will forget the appearance, name and the sound of the voice of the user. They will still remember the conversation and what was said, but they will only remember a blur of a figure for the user, a warped voice, or their name.  
| Inth Gift 2
| Control Power
| Direct Touch
| The user may, with Direct Touch and once per 48 hours, absorb a person’s entire memory of the last 24 hours and congeal them into a Memory Pearl. This Memory Pearl will appear in the user’s hand, and has to be put into a Memory Pearl pouch somewhere on the person. This Memory Pearl pouch is immune to being pickpocketed, but must always be on the user at all times. Inside are all Memory Pearls, which they will be able to recognize belonging to who. If any of these Memory Pearls are crushed, from anywhere, the memories that were taken will return to the target. If the Memory Pearl also goes beyond 2 blocks away from the user, it will break by itself.
| Peace Reign 1
| Control Power
| Event Venue
| The user may choose to, at any Event Venue either from a hosted event as found on the Calendar, or for a social gathering in their own home, apply a Control Power to diffuse anger in a character and soothe their frustration or anger if they experience it during the social gathering or event, while still on the venue. The effect is indefinite, causing the target to be more calmed, and will endure even if they leave, but will not prevent it from triggering again in the future. This has no cooldown, and may be applied to as many targets as desired, but only during the event/gathering and on venue/in home.
| Peace Reign 2
| Control Power
| Event Venue
| The Character is able to Target one specific person within Emote Distance, and make them more tolerant and accepting. This ability is not telegraphed in any way, and causes the Target to be unable to distinguish between races, including their own, and have no racial bias, preference, or prejudice. The target additionally cannot express classist, religiously intolerant, or otherwise sexist/sex or gender based intolerance. The person is still capable of being offended and is still capable of violence, but will no longer be able to have bigoted thoughts. This can affect up to 2 people at any given time. This ability lasts until the Character leaves Emote Distance of the Target, but can last indefinitely until exorcised if the Target consents OOCly. The person is also not aware that they have been altered by this ability. Additionally, as long as the character has no one currently altered by this ability, they can cast this Ability over an Event Venue, removing innate racial bias and racism (but only racial bias and racism) from all guests for the duration of the Event. When a person has had this ability removed, they cannot be re-cursed for another week.
| Mind Surge 1
| Control Power
| Emote Distance
| This Ability allows the user to target any Character without Control Power Immunity to transmit a strong desire to the subject. This Ability does not force them to comply, it merely gives them a strong urge to do what the Character is suggesting they do. The target is unaware that they are being Emotion Surged, and the Character using this Ability also gives off no telltale signs that they are using an Ability. This Ability can only be used to encourage a Target to do something, it cannot make them change their beliefs or alter things they consider truth. This Ability has no Cooldown, but players are expected not to spam it to every person. <span style="color:red">'''It is not permitted to engage in unprompted Romance-RP Emotion Surging without discussion with the Target beforehand.'''</span>
| Mind Surge 2
| Control Power
| Emote Distance
| This Ability allows the user to change another target’s feelings about another person. For example, the Target may love their sibling, but the user may use Perception Surge to convince them that instead they hate this person, or they may convince someone who despises another person to like them instead. This Ability fabricates a fake event in the mind of the Target that would have made them change their mind. After use, this effect remains in the target as Possession, and as such can be removed by Exorcism mechanics and Abilities. The effect can also be broken when the Target has been undeniably convinced that the event in their mind did in fact not happen, but remain unaware of it otherwise. This Ability can only target other Characters, and cannot be used by the user to make other Characters like or dislike them. The targeted person must also be known by name for the user. This Ability can be used once per day. Control Power Immunity makes the Target immune to the effects of this Ability.
| Mind Surge 3
| Control Power
| Emote Distance
| This Ability allows the user to decipher the “ideal partner” appearance of a Target person as long as they are within Emote Distance. They may then store this as a “Template” in their memory for future use, and will be perfectly able to recall this Template if needed. If the Character has Flux Shift 1 and Flux Shift 2 as Abilities, they are also able to perfectly mimic this Template by using these Abilities, immediately, or any time later. It is best to request Template descriptions in Direct Messaging. If a player is refusing to cooperate, or states their Template is a specific other Character, contact Lore Staff.
| Mind Surge 4
| Control Power
| Direct Touch
| This Ability allows the user to, through Direct Touch, apply a Control Power that creates a bi-directional telepathic communication link. This Ability remains active indefinitely, unless some form of Exorcism or Possession removal mechanic or Ability is used on the target, or the user breaks the communication link voluntarily. The user is also able to mute the Target from speaking back, thus subjecting them only to their telepathic communication. This Telepathic communication can be done from any distance, but both players must be Online for it to be used. After the link is broken, this Ability cannot be used for another 24 hours. Any Target can only have one active Mind Surge 4 on them, and anyone who has access to the Ability Mind Surge 4 also cannot be the Target of Mind Surge 4 from someone else. A maximum of one Telepathic link can be active at any time.
| Mind Surge 5
| Control Power
| Self
| The user is completely immune to Mind Surge 1, 2, 3, and 4. It also gives them Immunity to Puppet Control 1.
| World Shift 1
| Control Power
| Self
| The user is able to Song-bend any unliving materials (dead wood, stone, metal, glass, bone, etc) into other shapes or a desired shape. This involves the act of singing, and then using one’s hands to bend the material as if it is made of a clay-like substance. This can never result in sharp edges or strong surface that Metallurgy can produce, and is only decorative. Objects cannot decrease or increase in size, and this Ability does not allow the Song-bending of objects that consist of many smaller objects, such as a wall consisting of hundreds of bricks, but does allow the Song-bending of a single wooden pillar in a palisade wall.
| Mind Shield 1
| Control Power
| Self
| The user is able to enchant any piece of jewelry with the Mind Shield 1 Enchant which only works if worn by the user. If the wearer is being targeted by any Target Illusion Ability or Object Illusion, the jewelry starts loudly ringing, while also making the user immune to the Illusion for 10 minutes, after which the jewelry must recharge for 12 hours before it can work again. It is important to note that the Illusion itself is not Countered or Cancelled, it is only made unperceivable by the user, meaning if the Illusion lasts longer than 10 minutes, it will start affecting them.
| Blood Feeding 1
| Control Power
| Direct Touch
| The Character can extend their Vampiric teeth and sink anywhere on a target’s body to begin drinking blood. While drinking, the victim is paralyzed and unable to react, but is still aware and can still speak. A full drink takes up to 10 minutes. As soon as the Character releases the Target, they have lingering paralysis for 30 seconds before the effect is removed. This Ability cannot be used during combat or to initiate combat, and the target may also not be restrained by other means during the feeding. This Ability has a 30 second cooldown after feeding is complete. If the Target has Control Power Immunity, they are only immune to the Paralysis effect, and can still be fed on.
| Blood Feeding 2
| Control Power
| Self
| When Blood Feeding 1 is used by another Vampire within Emote Distance, the Character gains full satisfaction and fed-status from that feeding, if it was completed, as if the Character used Blood Feeding 1 themselves. This Ability ignores immunity to Control Powers.
| Blood Feeding 3
| Control Power
| Self
| The Character does not gain sustenance or “fed” status from drinking normal blood, rather, the Character can only attain fed status if they defeat a Cahal or a Vampire in a fight, either by wounding them or knocking them out. It is also possible to acquire fed status from a Vampire or Cahal who submits to the Character, this would involve the victim willingly kneeling, after which the Character drains a mist of blood from the target to their hand and consumes it, this process being very painful for the victim and humiliating, though at least combat is avoided. Finally, Characters with this Ability have utterly delicious Blood (to Vampiric taste), which if drunk (fresh) through Blood Feeding 1 refreshes all Ability cooldowns of that Vampire and makes them feel immensely refreshed (a single Character can only trigger this once on a single Vampire per 24 hours). Characters with this Ability cannot feed from other Characters who also have Blood Feeding 3.  This Ability ignores immunity to Control Powers.

==Primal Powers==
[[File:Beastrace.png|frameless|20px]] '''Beskind Heritages''' are anthropomorphic peoples.
{| class="wikitable"
*Asha are animal-folk seafarers and adventurers.
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
*Urlan are minotaur hunters fused with a symbiote.
! Ability Name
*Narim are insectoids who dwell in the undercity.
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="width: 10%;" | Primal Realm 1
| style="width: 8%;" | Primal Power
| style="width: 8%;" | Direct Touch
| Allows the user to transport themselves or one additional person while holding hands into the Conclave Realm, an alternate dimension. This requires a 10 Second Channel while holding the hand of the person. If they are knocked over or attacked, the Channel is cancelled. This Realm follows the same rules as normal reality, and wounds are transferred between them. Anyone can leave the Conclave Realm through the return portal, which transports them to the Dragon Temple. The teleport to the Conclave Realm is /tp PrimalRealm. It is not permitted to wander around OOC in the Conclave Realm.
| Primal Specter 1
| Primal Power
| Self
| Instead of being killed, the user’s physical form disintegrates to a visible ghost. This ghost cannot interact with the world besides speaking and hovering around. After 2 hours, the ghost re-materializes its body. After the body has rematerialized, the user cannot use any Abilities for 22 hours. The Character can still be killed by Disease, Artifacts, or old age.
| Primal Shield 1
| Primal Power
| Emote Distance
| The user can summon a Primal Shield the size of 3x3x3 (box, pyramid or dome), at target location within range, capable of containing up to 9 people closely pressed together. This shield blocks all Exist, Void, or Ordial Abilities (including Mundane objects affected by Abilities) from passing through to the people inside. Any person walking through the shield from the outside (not inside), breaks it, including the user themselves. This shield can be held up indefinitely, but breaks if leaving Emote Distance, or by will from the user. After the shield is broken through any means, this Ability is on a 2 minute cooldown.
| Primal Reversal 1
| Primal Power
| Emote Distance
| While within Emote Distance of a target, the user can revert only the damage from one single (Mundane) attack or harming Ability that was inflicted on the target (or self), as long as the target was harmed by that attack or Ability, or as a direct consequence of that Ability (for example being knocked off a wall by an Ability and breaking an arm). Any additional effects (or non-harm effects like debuffs) are not removed or mitigated. The damage must have been applied in the last 24 hours. This Ability can be used twice per 24 hours. This Ability can be used on self.
| Primal Reversal 2
| Primal Power
| Direct Touch
| While within Direct Touch, the user can heal wounds on a target through a Primal Power that counts as a Immobile Channel. Surface tissue wounds like cuts and bruises can be fixed within 30 seconds of continued channeling with the target standing still, while deeper cuts and gashes take up to two minutes. Greater wounds like internal damage or severe bleeding require the target to be laying down, with the user healing deeper wounds over the timespan of 15 minutes. This Ability cannot be used on self.
| Primal Divination 1
| Primal Power
| Self
| The user can, once per day, summon the location of a target, and keep that in mind so they can proceed in their direction. This divination will not give an exact location, but will give a rough distance and direction where the target is, and count the person as Tracked for just a second (in case they have Tracking Immunity, which will Counter this Ability). In order to divine someone, the user can only target Characters with Primal Powers (Primal oriented Abilities), and they must have seen that person within Emote Distance at least once. The target can still move after being divined, and the location will not update. This Ability can be used once per day, but does not telegraph its usage either on the user or target.
| Primal Defense 1
| Primal Power
| Emote Distance
| The user can, if any Dragon Intendant, Dragon Benefactor, or the Matron of the Glass Spire is within Emote Distance, and they are being attacked or targeted by a (Mundane) attack or harming Ability, instantly leap towards them and intercept the (Mundane) attack or harming Ability. If the Ability has an Area of Effect or some sort of splash damage, the target also becomes immune to this radius damage, all of it transferring to the user instead. This Ability can only target one person per day, however after the first use on that person, this Ability can be reused up to 4 times within a 24 hour timespan on that person only, before it is reset and can be used on anyone again.
| Founders Gift 1
| Primal Power
| Direct Touch
| Any Artifact owned by this Character can be skillfully duplicated into a single mimic Artifact, including its powers. The user may then give the Artifact to another person. This mimic Artifact is in all aspects an identical copy, except that it cannot be given to a third party or taken from the person that the user gave it to. If for whatever reason the gifted person loses the mimic Artifact, it disintegrates. Additionally, the mimic Artifact is not immune to item degrading Abilities, and can be destroyed. It is required to report who owns a mimic Artifact to Lore Staff through the usual process of Artifacts changing ownership. The user cannot destroy or take back the mimic Artifact remotely, it must be destroyed while worn by the owner. This Ability has no cooldown, however a mimic Artifact can only be produced in a forge. If the user loses their Artifact, the mimic Artifact also disintegrates. Mimic Artifacts cannot be given to alts or inactive players, and an Artifact owned by an inactive player will disintegrate the mimic also.
| Founders Gift 2
| Primal Power
| Self
| This Ability grants several effects. Firstly, any infection process that would cause the user to be infected with an Affliction, is halved. If for example for infection you must roll “/dice 0 20” and infection occurs when rolling above 10, infection instead only occurs when rolling above 15. Additionally, the user is immune to the ambient damage of heat and frost, meaning they can resist extreme temperatures, but not fire or magma itself, or being flash frozen in freezing water. Finally, the user is immune to any Knock-over or Knock-back effect from any Abilities or Mundane Techniques. The Character can still be staggered, but their position cannot be affected by these mechanics.
| Founders Gift 3
| Primal Power
| Self
| This Ability grants several effects. Firstly, the user is immune to any toxins, venoms or acidic substances that would cause damage to their body from Mundane sources only, regardless of being inhaled, applied or drunk. Secondly, the user never becomes ill from rotten foods or copious amounts of alcohol, they still receive the mind dulling effects, but are unable to become sick or go unconscious from overdrinking.
| Founders Gift 4
| Primal Power
| Self
| This Ability grants several effects. Firstly, the user is able to always see through certain illusions but only in hyper specific circumstances. The only illusions the user can see through, are illusions pertaining to earth metals (such as fake Regal coins) and earth gems (such as illusioned diamonds). Secondly, the user is able to always see through forgeries made with the Art Forgery Pack, for any forgery made in the Craft Art category. Finally, in Progressions, the user is able to identify structural weak points in buildings. This does not aid in finding structural weak points in walls, but can help in securing an easy exit, or an easy demolition job from other buildings.
| Founders Gift 5
| Primal Power
| Self
| This ability grants several effects. Firstly, the user is immune to mind control by Dragons. Secondly, the user is immune to: Emotion Sense 1, Shrewd Insight 1, Peace Reign 2, Mind Surge 1, Mind Surge 2, Mind Surge 3, and Mind Surge 4.

==Void Spells==
[[File:Yanarrace.png|frameless|20px]] '''Auldkin Heritages''' are ancient peoples.
{| class="wikitable"
*Maraya are fae- and tiefling-like vault-dwellers from a technologically advanced past.
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
*Allar are lizardfolk alchemists and educators.
! Ability Name
*Slizzar are snake-like shapshifters who can blend into any society.
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="width: 10%;" | Morrlond Gift 1
| style="width: 8%;" | Void Spell
| style="width: 8%;" | Self
| The user can use this Ability to cause their eyes to turn ink black, with ink streaks running from their eye sockets. While Morrlond’s Gift 1 is active, the Character has night vision, thus being able to see in low-light situations, while also being immune to any Ability or Mundane based Darkness or Blindness effects. This Ability acts like a Toggle Passive, meaning it can be enabled and disabled, with a 10 second cooldown after being disabled. Activating Morrlond’s Gift after Darkness or Blindness has been applied does not remove it. Morrlond’s Gift 1, 2 and 3 may be active at the same time.
| Morrlond Gift 2
| Void Spell
| Self
| The user can use this Ability to transform themselves, giving them webbed feet and fingers, as well as gills in their neck (also giving the ability to speak normally underwater), while hair is replaced by fins, with fins also appearing on arms and legs. While Morrlond’s Gift 2 is active, the user can breathe underwater, and swim equally as fast as Mai-Allar underwater. This Ability can be maintained indefinitely, but after cancelling it, has a 24 hour cooldown. Morrlond Gift 1, 2 and 3 may be active at the same time.
| Morrlond Gift 3
| Void Spell
| Self
| The user may summon a melee weapon from any body of water (including a hip-flask). This weapon will materialize and still appear like rapidly flowing water, but be as tough as steel, even under water. The user may choose to make the weapon pass through certain people and not through others. This weapon may not leave the user’s hand, or be handed off to others. After the weapon has been Countered or un-summoned, it has a 10 second cooldown. If no open body of water is nearby, the user may as a last resort cut open their own hand and summon a weapon from their blood, otherwise it does not work. Morrlond Gift 1, 2 and 3 may be active at the same time.
| Ifritti Infection 1
| Void Spell
| Direct Touch
| The Character can plunge their Vampiric Teeth into a victim (only if they are a Vampire). This does not actually commence feeding, as Blood Eyes 6 and Blood Feeding 3 prevent the Character from feeding on the blood, however it injects an (unwilling) victim with an Ifritti poison, that if not cleansed by a Vampire of any other Bloodline within an hour (by giving them some clean Vampire Blood), results in the Character changing Bloodline from whatever they were previously to a Rokhaal Vampire, changing out kits and mentalities. No Ability can be used to revert this, however as soon as a Vampire of a different Bloodline successfully feeds on a Rokhaal Vampire, they are reverted back to their pre-Rokhaal Bloodline. If they did not previously have a Vampiric Bloodline, the infecting Vampire’s Bloodline is chosen.
| Void Storage 1
| Void Spell
| Self
| The Character has a pocket dimension called the Maw of the Void, in which they can store items up to a closet’s worth of space. The Maw opens up next to them, where they must physically put things in/take them out. Things inside do not rot or decay or experience time, and a single person can be trapped or hidden in the Maw for up to 10 minutes, after which they will be ejected (but not items). A person can only be placed inside of the Maw if the creator physically puts them there like any other tangible object they would be storing, and only if they are fully restrained and incapacitated (or willing). The same person can only be trapped once in the Maw every 24 hours.

==Exist Spells==
[[File:Ancientraces.png|frameless|20px]] '''Unique Heritages''' are miscellaneous peoples.
{| class="wikitable"
*Dragonkin are humanoids descended from the souls of dragons.
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
*Bralona are inorganic slime and metal people created by dragons.
! Ability Name
*Yanar are plan people with an affinity for nature.
! Ability Type
*Orion are star-people from the skies curious about the world.
! Ability Range
*Mystech are a group of Spirits, Robots, and Homunculi
! Ability Description
| style="width: 10%;" | Dravinda Gift 3
| style="width: 8%;" | Exist Spell
| style="width: 8%;" | Self
| The user can summon a fire-lash (a whip that appears like normal fire but in the shape of a long lash) from their hand that has a range of 4 blocks. This fire-lash causes painful reddened spots when hit on bare skin, and makes metal armor heated and uncomfortable to wear, but does not cause permanent damage, or have the ability to ignite anything. The weapon derives Proficiency from the highest Melee Combat Proficiency had by the user. The weapon may be rolled up and attached to the hip, or unsummoned, it has indefinite use. Unsummoning however, sets it on a 10 second cooldown. Additionally, the user may throw the lash on the floor in front of them, causing a 1 block deep and 3 block wide wall of fire to erupt for 1 minute that cannot be passed through without setting the person on fire. If this ground-throw is used, the fire-lash cannot be re-summoned for 24 hours.  
| Predator Leap 1
| Exist Spell
| Emote Distance
| The user can leap from anywhere (also Wall Climb 1-4, even if these Abilities state no other Abilities can be used while suspended), causing them to instantly leap towards their target. This attack is a guaranteed hit, always causing the target to fall on their back to the ground, with the user on top pinning them down with their arms. This does not count as keeping the target restrained, as they can still fight back. This Ability can be used once every 15 minutes.
| Sollerian Mist 1
| Exist Spell
| 10x10 Blocks
| The user can deploy a low-hanging Sollerian Mist field in a 10 by 10 block area around their casting position. This mist is about knee high, and will not obscure vision, but gently dance around the movements of those inside of it. It does not affect others at all, however any Solvaan Altalar that is inside the Mist moves at the speed of an Asha, thus having the greatest running speed only matched by those just as fast as Asha, and not being weighed down by any armor worn. While Sollerian Mist 1 is active in a 10x10 area after being cast, it cannot be re-cast until the last Mist dissipates in an area of 100x100 around the casting point. Additionally, this Ability can only be used once per day. The mist will remain for 1 hour, except if there are no Solvaan Altalar within Emote Distance of it, in which case it instantly dissipates.
| Cahalic Field 1
| Exist Spell
| 10x10 Blocks
| The user can deploy a field of some clearly visible substance (be it webbing, leaves, strange colored mist, etc) in a 10 by 10 block area around their casting position. This field cannot obscure vision, and has the effect of slowing down any Non-Cahal within the area. The Cahal within the area are not weighed down by any armor worn, and are always faster than any non-Cahal, only matched by those just as fast as Asha. While Cahalic Field 1 is active in a 10x10 area after being cast, it cannot be re-cast until the last Field dissipates in an area of 100x100 around the casting point. Additionally, this Ability can only be used once per day. The Field will remain for 1 hour, except if there are no Cahal within Emote Distance of it, in which case it instantly dissipates.

==Full Shifts==
==Extra Reading==
'''These Abilities are major transformations. Users can only have one active at a time.'''
{| class="wikitable"
Magic is strongly woven into the history of Aloria as both an uplifting and dangerous force that has started as many civilizations as it has ended them. Different Heritages, Cultures, and Religions have very strong opinions about Magic and its use that can often become polarizing. This section will not go into the nuances of Magic in detail. However, it's a generally good rule of thumb that people and civilizations who have had bad experiences with Magical enemies like Vampires and Demons are more likely to be suspicious of even normal Mages who aren't hurting anybody, while the more familiar a Culture is with Magic, the less likely it is they fear it. Certain Religions impose that only their type of Magic is valid, such as Draconism that only favors Magic from the Dragons. More information about this can be found on Heritage, Culture and Religion pages, as well as the [[Magic]] page.
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| Cahalic Form 1
| Full Shift
| Self
| The Character is able to Mythic Shift into their Cahalic Form. While in Cahalic Form, the Character has access to all Abilities from the Abilities from their Soul Line Ability Kit. Shifting in and out of Cahalic Form is instant, cannot be Cancelled or Countered, and the player may design the Cahalic Form, with some ground rules. For the Ground Rules, refer to the Bloodline page, which will have an outline on the limitations and design choices for Cahalic Form. This Ability has no Cooldown.
| Cahalic Form 2
| Full Shift
| Self
| This Ability grants the exact same functions as Cahalic Form 1, thus allowing the Character to transform into a Cahalic Form, additionally, the Character is also able to use all of their Abilities from their Soul Line Ability Kit while outside of Cahalic Form, which is not possible for Vampiric Form 1. This Ability has no Cooldown.
| style="width: 10%;" | Disguised Form 1
| style="width: 8%;" | Full Shift
| style="width: 8%;" | Self
| The Character is capable of producing a shift state in which they create an alternative Nelfin appearance for themselves, where they can appear like any Nelfin race or sub-race, change gender, or change their height and Body Shape freely. Usage of this Ability can only be detected by those who have had repeated and prolonged personal contact with the individual, such as friends, lovers, and family. This Ability cannot hide visual effects and mutations caused by Afflictions. This appearance can only be changed once a month.
| Genos Master 1
| Full Shift
| Self
| The user is able to activate and de-activate this shift instantaneously. While shifted, the Avanthar gains increased muscularity and body hair, with furred digitigrade legs with goat hooves. They additionally gain antlers or goat horns. While shifted in this form, the Avanthar becomes immune to any Mundane or Ability-based Tracking, and gains Super Self 2.
| Vampiric Form 1
| Full Shift
| Self
| The Character is able to Full Shift into their Vampiric Form. While in Vampiric Form, the Character has access to all Abilities from the Abilities from their Bloodline Ability Kit. Shifting in and out of Vampiric Form is instant, cannot be Cancelled or Countered, and the player may design the Vampiric Form, with some ground rules. For the Ground Rules, refer to the Bloodline page, which will have an outline on the limitations and design choices for Vampiric Form. This Ability has no Cooldown.
| Vampiric Form 2
| Full Shift
| Self
| This Ability grants the exact same functions as Vampiric Form 1, thus allowing the Character to transform into a Vampiric Form, additionally, the Character is also able to use all of their Abilities from their Bloodline Ability Kit while outside of Vampiric Form, which is not possible for Vampiric Form 1. This Ability has no Cooldown.
| Scale Shift 1
| Full Shift
| Self
| The Character can activate this Full Shift anytime near-instantly and without any feelings to have a number of effects. Firstly, their upper body, neck, arms and sides of their head can become partially or wholly covered in dragon-like scales which are either ebony-black (black with a slight tint of brown) or maroon red. These scales are as hard as plate-mail and count as if the character is wearing half-plate, though only on the parts covered (thus not the legs). The character may also optionally manifest a non-combat usable prehensile tail with the same scale color as the upper body, as well as horns with that same color. Their hair may also optionally turn white or black, while their hands may optionally become more draconic claw-like (not impeding their ability to wield weapons)

==Body Alters==
===Affinities and Afflictions===
'''These Abilities are toggle-able or removable changes to the body. Any user can have as many active as they wish at any time.'''
Besides Heritages, '''Affinities and Afflictions''' can be optional reading for designing a Character in the world of Aloria. These are unique conditions a Character can have that lock them into a certain design niche.
{| class="wikitable"
* The [[Arkenborn]] Affinity is for Characters born as the children of the Arken, some of the world's most powerful Demons, worshiped as Gods in some religions. Arkenborn are powerful but mentally unstable and caustic Mages.
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
* The [[Godborn]] Affinity is for Characters born as children of the Gods, entities venerated by millions of faithful. Godborn follow the story and archetype of their Godly parents, in search of their divine purpose.
! Ability Name
* The [[Archon]] Affinity is for Characters who swear fealty to the Dragons, ancient architects of the world and the living, and pledge to join their war against the Demonic and otherworldly as foot soldiers, spies, or strategists.
! Ability Type
* The [[Marken]] Affinity is the Alorian word for Werewolves who can lose control over themselves and change forms at strong emotions or the turning of the moon.
! Ability Range
* The [[Vampire]] Affliction is as it says, a famed and feared curse that lurks in the corner of every realm, promising sweet gifts of immortality and power at the cost of one's soul.
! Ability Description
* The [[Mortisphage]] Affliction is a lesser understood curse sowed by the Dead Gods that lends those struck with it the desire to feed on the memories of others for their fell masters.
* The [[Undead]] Affliction is a blanket term for those who died and came back to life, considered sacred warriors in some religions and accursed to be slain in others.
| style="width: 10%;" | Age Control 1
| style="width: 8%;" | Body Alters
| style="width: 8%;" | Self
| The user is able to change their visual appearance to be of any age within the adult age ranges at any time. This transition is near-instant and may affect wrinkles, skin, hair graying, and more. After toggling an age appearance, any Counters do not revert changes, they only prevent further changes until the Counter is removed.
| Body Claws 1
| Body Alters
| Self
| The Character can retract or manifest sharp claws that ignore any type of armor that is not plate-tier, and can tear up even chainmail and cured leather. These claws utilize Unarmed Proficiency for combat, but cannot be used in conjunction with any Melee or Ranged Weapons, and must be fully retracted to wield them.  
| Body Morph 1
| Body Alters
| Self
| The Character can activate internal body processes to rapidly grow or reduce muscle-mass over the span of several seconds. This allows the Character to change their Body Shape at will, while also granting access to the “Musclegod” Body Shape, a Body Shape that can only be used through this Ability and is not innately available in the Proficiency System. Musclegod is classified as above Strongman, but with such muscle-size that is so large, one would think the person has trouble moving around in an efficient manner. This Ability has no Cooldown and can be used mid-combat.
| Body Morph 2
| Body Alters
| Self
| The Character can self-change Physical Stat in a matter of seconds. Taking the Physical Stat derived from Character Application, the Character can increase or decrease their own Physical Stat by -20 or +20. These changes do not break the Physical Stat Limit for the Character. This Ability can also be used with Body Morph 1 (if available) at the same time for visual telegraphing of the Ability. Additionally, the character can down-scale themselves to any size smaller than their natural height, limited to 5 feet and 8 inches. This Ability has no Cooldown and can be used mid-combat.
| Body Scripture 1
| Body Alters
| Self
| Grants the user the ability to manifest a form of Scripture in any quantity anywhere on their body, which appear like tattoos of glowing lines. Color rules are recorded on the Ability itself. The color will never glow enough to produce light in a dark room.
| Elder Form 1
| Body Alters
| Self
| The user is able to manifest a black scaled tail that drags slightly on the floor. The tail can also be bound or hidden under a belt around the waist and then revealed at a later point in time. The tail is prehensile and can aesthetically hold items and move as the user wishes.
| Elder Form 2
| Body Alters
| Self
| The user is able to change areas of their skin anywhere on their body (except the head) in any quantity and near-instantly. When applied anywhere on the skin, the area becomes as tough as Chainmail. The scale quantity can cover whole limbs, partial limbs, parts of the torso or only the back. If either the hands or feet are covered in scales, the nails turn into aesthetic claws. Additionally, the character can manifest or de-manifest a set of horns. These can either be just two horns, or multiple horns close together. These horns can have any shape or length, but must never be larger than the head, and can only ever bend backwards. Their color can range from ivory to dark gray-brown. These horns are purely aesthetic. The design and shape must always be the same for each individual user and cannot change in their lifetime.
| Elder Form 3
| Body Alters
| Self
| The user is able to heavily adjust the appearance of their head between two alternatives that cannot be active together at the same time. The first is their capability to change their entire head to look like a Black Desert Dragon, complete with scales down to the shoulders, slitted orange eyes, and ivory horns. The face must always look the same, but can act as a disguise for those who have not identified the Dragon head yet. The horns on the Dragon head must always be the same. With this head, the user can still speak normally. The second option is the ability to change their head hair or facial hair or both into orange flames. These flames move slower than real flames, and respect the rough outline of the Songaskian's hair, while also being considerably more orange in color and cold to the touch.
| Flux Shift 1
| Body Alters
| Self
| This Ability allows the user to seamlessly mimic the features of any Race, changing their own appearance to exactly match any Race, or even combine various visual aspects of races in a combination. This Ability cannot be used to create a copy of another person visually, they will always look off or distinguishably different from the original. This Ability has no Cooldown.
| Flux Shift 2
| Body Alters
| Self
| This Ability allows the user to change all visual aspects about themselves besides Race. This Includes: Sex-Coding, Hair Color, Eye Color, Skin Color, Body Shape, Body Fat, Body Height, Age Appearance. Hair Length, Hair Texture, Skin Markings, Tattoos, Scars, and Face Shape. Any of these changes occur instantaneously and seamlessly. This Ability has no Cooldown. <span style="color:red">'''This Ability cannot be used to appear younger than 18 years old, and can only be used at the age of 18 and onwards.'''</span>
| Flux Shift 3
| Body Alters
| Self
| This Ability allows the user to create a perfect imitation of a target person, down to voice and even missing limbs. In order for this Ability to work, the user must be able to see the target within Emote Distance. This leaves the change in effect for 1 hour, after which it expires. If instead the user goes to an Event venue for a Calender-marked Event, the Ability will remain active for as long as the Event lasts and the user is at the Event. 5 minutes after leaving, the Ability will cease and they will return to normal. It is not possible to Body Alter or Full Shift out of Flux Shift 3, after use, it cannot be removed in any way besides letting it time out. This Ability can only be used once per day.
| Flux Shift 4
| Body Alters
| Self
| This Ability allows the user to visually mimic any quantity of Mutations on their own body without actually acquiring these Mutations, or being infected with any Planar Essence that would manifest these Mutations. They can also be removed seamlessly and instantaneously. This Ability has no Cooldown.
| Flux Shift 5
| Body Alters
| Self
| This Ability does two things. Firstly, with this Ability, a Constant Passive is active for the user, that allows their clothes to perfectly resize and change to fit whatever Body Alter of Full Shift they engage in except if they would somehow become quadrupedal or no longer humanoid, while also returning magically after Shifting back from any such non-humanoid Shifts. Secondly, with this Ability, the user is able to magically change the color, shape, material and appearance as well as layering of their clothing and foot and head wear, including removing and adding new pieces on the fly. This Ability acts instantly and seamlessly with no Cooldown. This Ability cannot create or emulate armor or any tough materials that add extra armoring, and materials cannot consist out of rare materials that require Abilities or Progressions to produce.
| Flux Shift 6
| Body Alters
| Self
| The user is able to change their Body Shape, Body Fat, Sex and Body Hair (including top hair and facial hair: color, texture, shape and consistency) at any point, seamlessly and instantaneously. Even if they change these features, they are still recognizable.
| Flux Shift 7
| Body Alters
| Self
| The user is able to shift races on themselves. Unlike Flux Shift 1 however, there is no flexibility to change individual aspects. Flux Shift 7 simply translates the exact person as they look in their original race, to whatever race they have chosen, with all visual features that make them recognizable translating over to the new race’s equivalent features. Even if logic would dictate that a race shift from Ailor to Urlan would become unrecognizable, they still are. Their voice also remains the same.
| Mutation Manifest 1
| Body Alters
| Self
| The Character can naturally manifest any Mutations from any Mutations Category (except Mutations with specific rules, unless they follow those rules), and can additionally shed them while sleeping, should they choose. Mutations manifested with this Ability do not count as Mutations for the purposes of determining Aberrancy.
| Skin Purge 1
| Body Alters
| Self
| The user can toggle this Passive to remove choice or any and all scars, Mutations, tattoos or other blemishes that affect only their skin. Skin mutations may include pigments, scriptures, textures, but for example not horns, despite them being covered in skin and sticking out of the skull. Mutations stay gone forever, but scars may be caused to re-appear at will, and may also be removed again at will.
| Slizzar Shift 1
| Body Alters
| Self
| The Slizzar has no legs, and a lower body in the shape of a snake tail that is 3 times as long as their body. With the snake tail, the Slizzar can at most run at jogging speed, but can swim faster than all races, except Mai-Allar. They can form pseudo-gills, allowing them to breathe underwater for up to 48 hours. They can un-fuse the snake-tail to gain humanoid legs to run, but can no longer swim at high speeds. This change can occur instantaneously, unless the Slizzar is being pursued. They can adjust various visual features in this form, but can never change the colors they were born with. Slizzar can also manifest some of their aesthetics in other Body Alters, such as their Snake-like Lower Body, as well as patches of scales, Slizzar Eyes, and Hair.

==Enchant Abilities==
===The Setting===
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The actual Roleplay is set in the city of Regalia, the capital of the Regalian Empire. As the Imperial capital, it is host to all walks of society, and generally speaking any concept available works (though more extreme options, like being a Vampire or Undead, might draw hostility and limit Roleplay options unless the player is careful about disguising). Regalia is divided into four areas: the Town, Crookback, the Sewers, and Gloomrot. Most Roleplay happens in the Town proper, where businesses open and people gather. Crossing the bridge into Crookback takes the Character into a space that is more open to the Afflicted, heavily Mutated, and the obviously very Magical, while following the stairs down into the Sewers brings them into contact with the more utterly illegal, such anti-state agents and violent criminals, who need a place to hide. Gloomrot is the dark, shadowy forest in the countryside of Regalia dotted with a few little cottages and taverns, where mysterious creatures lurk and small parties of travelers can frequently be found.
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="width: 10%;" | Home Enchant 1
| style="width: 8%;" | Region Enchant
| style="width: 8%;" | Player Region
| The user is able to use Home Enchant 1 inside any Player Region such as Rental House Region or Clandestine Base, to rapidly grow plants and flowers inside the boundaries of this base, creating the perfect environment also to grow any plant in any environment within the confines of this place. Additionally, aesthetic sounds of such an environment would follow, for example, many flowers and plants from a savannah would cause cricket sounds to be heard, while jungle trees evoke the songs of paradise birds. Finally, if the door or front gate of such a Region with Home Enchant 1 is knocked down, broken, or burned down, and the user of this Enchant is present, they may instantly regrow the door or gateway with roots and vines, but only once per 24 hours. Only one Region may be Enchanted by the user, and they must be allied or the owner of that Region. In order to represent this Enchant, the region should be filled with lots of plants and flowers.
| Home Enchant 2
| Region Enchant
| Player Region
| The user is able to Home Enchant 2 inside any Player Region such as Rental House Region or Clandestine Base, to shield it from certain actions. While this Region Enchant is active, the Region is immune to Vandalism and is also immune from catching ablaze, if there is a fire in the area or district. Only one Region may be Enchanted by the user, and they must be allied or the owner of that Region. In order to represent this Enchant, the block upon which the front door or gate rests, should be made of Emerald Block.
| Home Enchant 3
| Region Enchant
| Player Region
| The user is able to Home Enchant 3 inside any Player Region such as Rental House Region or Clandestine Base, adding certain effects to certain Proficiencies used by the user inside the Region (and only the user). While inside the region where this Enchant is active, the user gains +5 Proficiency Points for the use of any Musical Skill, Visual Art, Craft Art, Household Art, or Culinary Art Proficiencies actively being used. Additionally, various items in the household will proceed to come alive, and visualize this effect by assisting the user, for example, potted plants might aid in seasoning a stew while flying books might blow extra air into a glass-blower to aid with crafting. If, however, the user is doing one of these activities together with 1 other person, that person is also aided, and gains the same boost. No visualization is needed for this Enchant, but the user may only have one active at any given time.
| Home Enchant 4
| Region Enchant
| Player Region
| The user is able to Home Enchant 4 inside any Player Region such as Rental House Region or Clandestine Base, adding certain effects. While the region is Enchanted, floating candles, orbs of light, or a general gaze of light may fill the building. This has a number of effects. Firstly, the building itself and all rooms there-in are completely immune to any Darkness being cast into it with an Ability, or being cast from inside of it. Secondly, anyone with the Ability Light Mend 3 can use the interior as if they are standing outside with an uninterrupted line to the sky. Thirdly, the building or region denies entry to Mindless Dimenthist Creatures, such as Void Ghasts, and other Lesser Void Demons that are commonly seen during Events where monsters appear through Veil tears, creating a safehouse of sorts. Only one Region may be Enchanted by the user, and they must be allied or the owner of that Region. In order to represent this Enchant, the region’s ceiling should have several glowstone blocks on it, or floating in the air.
| Home Enchant 5
| Region Enchant
| Player Region
| The user is able to Home Enchant 5 inside any Player Region such as Rental House Region or Clandestine Base, adding certain effects. Within the Region, the user may infuse certain creepy or horror elements into the house. These may include but are not limited to random footsteps on upper floors while nobody is there, eyes on paintings that seem to follow people across rooms, shadows shifting in peripheral view, clothing hangers that appear like people, a dreadful feeling of being watched, doors that close on themselves, et cetera, anything that can be thought of to make the house feel like a haunted house. Only one Region may be Enchanted by the user, and they must be allied or the owner of that Region. No visualization is needed for this Enchant, however users are encouraged to place signs to help others immerse into the creep factor of the Region.
| Home Enchant 6
| Region Enchant
| Player Region
| The user is able to use Home Enchant 6 inside any Player Region such as Rental House Region or Clandestine Base, to allow any plants to grow within it, but automatically Void-Corrupt them when planted or moved into the Region. Aesthetic sounds and other purely aesthetic effects associated with a Void-Corrupted plant environment would follow. Additionally, Sewer Rats can live in the region and flock to it regardless of where the Region is. Only one Region may be Enchanted by the user, and they must be allied or the owner of that Region. In order to represent this Enchant, the region should be filled with Soul Sand or Soul Soil.
| Home Enchant 7
| Region Enchant
| Player Region
| The user is able to use Home Enchant 7 inside any Player Region such as Rental House Region or Clandestine Base, or a 10x10 area of greenery, to transform it into a Solur Garden. This Garden allows any plants to be grown within them, and protects them from Corruption or Fungus, even from Abilities such as Vile Vine 1. In addition, the Garden can have any number of small Solur Companions, which are mostly aesthetic acorn-sized familiars that cannot leave the confines of the garden. If the Garden is attacked or intruded upon, these Solur companions will jump at the assailants, one per intruder. From there, they will explode and reduce all Combat Proficiencies of the user by 25%. This effect remains for as long as the intruders are in the garden, or up to an hour maximum. If the Garden is burned, this Region Enchant ends, and the same area cannot be re-enchanted for 24 hours. Only one Region or area may be Enchanted by the user, and they must be allied or the owner of that Region. In order to represent this Enchant, the region should be filled with Sunflowers.
| Home Enchant 8
| Region Enchant
| Player Region
| The user is able to use Home Enchant 8 inside any Player Region such as Rental House Region or Clandestine Base. When a break-in occurs in this Player Region, the Character who placed this Enchant will immediately be sent a magical missive informing them that someone has entered the premises, though not the identity of the intruders or how they entered. This ping will be sent through in-game PMs if the Player is online, or over the Discord Ticket Bot if they are not, including the rough time of when the break-in occurred. In order to represent this Enchant, the block upon which the front door or gate rests, should be made of Gold Blocks.
| Home Enchant 9
| Region Enchant
| Player Region
| The user is able to Home Enchant 9 inside any Player Region such as Rental House Region, Shop Region, or Clandestine Base, adding unique effects to a player character’s crafting, creation, and profession work conducted by the user inside the Region (and also any understudies or apprentices sharing the space). While inside the region where this Enchant is active, the user gains numerous aesthetical options to their work such as superheating metal with their hands, or mystically summoning materials from a tiny portal storage, and much more. There are many various concepts and aesthetical needs the sorcerer may wish to utilize and may do so as long as they bring no harm to another or involve acquiring something they didn’t have already gathered prior. No visualization is needed for this Enchant, but the user may only have one active at any given time.
| Home Upgrade 1
| Region Enchant
| Player Region
| This (Mundane) Region Enchant is always active on the user’s primary residence and cannot be disabled. While active in a region, it becomes immune to fire damage due to sprinkler irrigation systems. Additionally, if a metal block is placed behind the front door or any entrance, if the Region is burgled, any burglars have one of their legs broken due to a trap activating, and can no longer continue to burgle. This effect cannot be Dodged, Prevented or Countered.
| Element Brand 1
| Object Enchant
| Self
| This Ability allows the user to Enchant their melee weapon with an Ice or Water enchant that makes the weapon watery and dripping or dusting with frost and white. Additionally, anyone struck with this weapon becomes unable to move at a speed greater than walking speed. Parrying does not count as being hit, while being hit on the armor does. The effect lasts for 1 minute, and while being hit multiple times does not stack this effect, it does refresh every time the opponent is hit. The Enchant lasts for 30 minutes and can only be used by the user, if they hand the weapon off or attempt to Enchant anyone else’s weapon, the Ability simply does not work. This Ability has no Cooldown.
| Element Brand 2
| Object Enchant
| Self
| This Ability allows the user to Enchant their melee weapon with a Nature or Wind enchant that makes the weapon either root-like or ethereal like a gust of mist. While this Enchant is active the user becomes immune to all Ranged Combat Category Mundane Techniques, except Power Shot, Percussion Shot and Overload Shot. Additionally, the weapon also becomes immune to any Ability that would decay, destroy or diminish the weapon’s quality. The Enchant lasts for 30 minutes and can only be used by the user, if they hand the weapon off or attempt to Enchant anyone else’s weapon, the Ability simply does not work. This Ability has no Cooldown.
| Element Brand 3
| Object Enchant
| Self
| This Ability allows the user to Enchant their melee weapon with a Fire or Storm enchant that makes the weapon either ablaze, or giving off sparks of lightning while appearing white-hot from the forge. Hits with this Enchant do additional harm to the target, causing greater pain, such as searing edges and longer lasting sharp pain that can compound to make combat more difficult, though it does not actually do more damage. This Enchant also cannot set anything on fire and feels cold to the touch to the user. The Enchant lasts for 30 minutes and can only be used by the user, if they hand the weapon off or attempt to Enchant anyone else’s weapon, the Ability simply does not work. This Ability has no Cooldown.
| Element Brand 4
| Object Enchant
| Self
| This Ability allows the user to Enchant their melee weapon with an Earth or Magma enchant that makes the weapon either out of stone, or dripping magma. Firstly, while this Enchant is active, the user is immune to any Ability that would remove their weapon from their hand, or displace it. Additionally, the weapon may be wielded from a distance of 3 blocks to slash and shoot a hail or pebbles or magma pumice at a person, which does a fraction of the damage of an actual hit, but is still painful and causing various cuts to exposed skin like a hail of razor blades would. The Enchant lasts for 30 minutes and can only be used by the user, if they hand the weapon off or attempt to Enchant anyone else’s weapon, the Ability simply does not work. This Ability has no Cooldown.
| Element Brand 5
| Object Enchant
| Self
| This Ability allows the user to Enchant their melee weapon with a Metal or Flesh enchant that makes the weapon either have small shards of metal floating around it, or made of flesh and meat. Deflecting, Blocking or Parrying any attack made by a weapon with this Enchant unless done with a Shield, becomes less effective. When Deflected, Blocked or Parried, this weapon causes a hail or metal shards or flesh tendrils whipping out at the target, thus doing a small amount of damage each time an actual hit fails to land. Full hits however do normal damage. The Enchant lasts for 30 minutes and can only be used by the user, if they hand the weapon off or attempt to Enchant anyone else’s weapon, the Ability simply does not work. This Ability has no Cooldown.
| Order Brand 1
| Object Enchant
| Self
| This Ability allows the user to Enchant their melee weapon with the Order Brand Enchant. While active, the weapon glows a faint color. When striking any weapon that has any number of active Enchants on it, all those Enchants are instantly Cancelled, and any additional effects the user would receive from the Enchant hitting them or being Deflected or Parried or Blocked by the user are Prevented. This Enchant lasts for 30 minutes, or until it cleanses its first weapon after which it is disabled. If it cleanses a weapon within the 30 minute duration, Order Brand I can be used a second time with a mere slap on the blade, though it still respects the same 30 minute timer of the first Enchant. After the second Enchant does its job, or the original 30 minutes expire, this Ability goes on a 10 minute cooldown. This Enchant can only be used by the user, if they hand the weapon off or attempt to Enchant anyone else’s weapon, the Ability simply does not work. While Order Brand 1 is used on a weapon with a pre-existing Object Enchant that is not another type of Order Brand (2 or 3 for example), this Enchant is Cancelled, and any future application made impossible so long as Order Brand 1 remains active.
| Dueling Brand 1
| Object Enchant
| Self
| The user can use the Dueling Brand 1 Enchant on their melee weapon to enhance their dueling experiences. Dueling Brand 1 Enchant disables all previously placed Enchants, and prevents any other Enchants from being placed on the same weapon for the duration. This Ability can be used at the beginning or before a Duel, and remains active for however long the Duel lasts, and has no Cooldown beyond that. Firstly, when applied, any hits that this weapon lands on will be automatically healed in a matter of seconds, even deep cuts and dismemberment, quickly re-stitching body parts back together before they even have a chance to hit the ground. This still causes all the pain, but none of the long term damage as even scars disappear in a matter of minutes. Additionally, attacks made by this weapon into the arena itself (such as the walls or floor) cause exaggerated effects, like splitting the earth open or causing a large rock to jut out of the ground to jump from. These dramatic effects are limited to whatever the Dueling Arena is, and will instantly revert when the Duel is over. Additionally, the weapon can change into any other type of melee weapon, translating the user’s Proficiency along with it to that weapon, and finally, gravity can be optionally ignored when jumping, thus allowing much greater jumps and feats. The user may enchant two weapons, and hand one off to another duelist, however duels involving more than two duelists require more than one user of this Ability. The Enchant effects only occur when the Enchant is able to detect a Duel with another person wielding a weapon with the same Enchant, the moment a third party enters, the Enchants all disable.
| Sustenance Gift 1
| Object Enchant
| Self
| The Character is able to enchant a single dinner table or food-shop stall, once per day. When used, all foods and drinks on this table taste and provide satisfaction to a similar degree as 10 Points in Culinary Arts Proficiency would. If the food and drinks were made with someone who has equal to or more than 10 Culinary Arts, the quality would instead be 20 Points in Culinary Arts (even if the limit is 15, thus tasting ecstatic). Additionally, anyone who has consumed these food or drinks, will be unable to detect the Vampire feeding on them for 1 hour after their first bite or sip from the food or drinks. If the Vampire were to feed on them, their awareness and memory would simply lapse and not record the event, leaving them with a vague interaction memory, but nothing hostile or strange having happened. This Enchant is not telegraphed, meaning that the Character’s eyes will not turn red, and the Enchant on the table and its food and drinks only lasts for 2 hours, with a 24 hour Cooldown. This qualifies as enchanted food in reference to Blood Curse 1.

==Magic Spells==
{| class="wikitable"
All of MassiveCraft's mechanical systems are explained on the [[Proficiency]] page.
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="width: 10%;" | Arcane Mastery 1
| style="width: 8%;" | Magic Spell
| style="width: 8%;" | Emote Distance
| The user is able to control aesthetic Arcane functions, such as letting a broom brush the floor by itself, letting dishes wash themselves, opening curtains with the wave of a hand, lighting candles with the flick of a finger, opening (unlocked) doors with the flick of a wrist and more. None of these functions may be involved in Combat Roleplay, but there is no limit to the amount that may be running at any given time, and there is no cooldown.
| Element Control 1
| Magic Spell
| Self
| The user gains a number of utility functions. They may remove all water from their clothing and themselves, instantly drying them. They may walk on water as if it is merely the road. They may also use the Water as a trampoline, allowing them to jump 6 blocks high while standing on the water. They may also super-cool any lukewarm or warmed up drink and become immune to the slowing (but not rooting) effects of any Ability that uses frost, snow or ice to slow down movement. None of these smaller functions have Cooldowns.
| Element Control 2
| Magic Spell
| Emote Distance
| The user gains a number of utility functions. They may use localized gusts of wind to push people (though never so far to Knockback them or Knock them over) or prank their clothing or hair. They may have plants, twigs and flowers growing from their body or clothing (though never so far to look like a Yanar). They may move while levitating half a foot off the ground, and become completely immune to any Knockback or Knockover effects from any Ability (though other damage or effects besides those are still applied). None of these smaller functions have Cooldowns.
| Element Control 3
| Magic Spell
| Emote Distance
| The user gains a number of utility functions. They may clap their hands to produce Emote Range wide sounding thunder claps, they may use fire or lightning in their hand to light up an Emote wide area and become Immune to Darkness effects caused by Abilities. They may snap their fingers to ignite or douse candles, torches and fire places, and can Channel while inside a building to either remove or prevent fire from spreading into it. None of these smaller functions have Cooldowns.
| Element Control 4
| Magic Spell
| Direct Touch
| The user gains a number of utility functions. Their hands (and hands only) become immune to damage, meaning normal weapons can no longer cut, pierce or slash them (Artifacts and Mythics still can). Additionally, they may grab hold of a weapon and Curse the weapon with brittle-ness or melt the sharp edges, which only has the effect of halving the damage done. This is an Object Curse that will last for 30 seconds and cannot be stacked but can be refreshed. None of these smaller functions have Cooldowns.
| Element Control 5
| Magic Spell
| Direct Touch
| The user gains a number of utility functions. They may reshape their own arm from the elbow down into any weapon or tool shape desired, whether it be made of metal or flesh, and using it will not hurt the user. They may also remove any rusting that has occurred on metallic objects, as well as removing any rotting or putrefaction that has occurred on any flesh or organic matter. None of these smaller functions have Cooldowns.
| Element Control 6
| Magic Spell
| Direct Touch
| The user can enchant any person’s outfit (not armor) with the Element Control 6 Enchant that lasts for up to an hour. When cast on an outfit, this counts as an Enchant on the outfit. While enchanted, the clothing may manifest any elemental aesthetic including but not limited to: frayed singing edges, sashes made of watery silk, frost crystalline formations in cotton, magmous seams or gently flickering static, or any combination and frequency of these and more. All these visual changes are merely aesthetic though and add no functions. Additionally, while their clothes have this Enchant on them, they will gently float and never fall at terminal velocity while moving downwards, thus never falling to their death. The user may Enchant up to 10 outfits per day, but removal of even a single piece of clothing after the Enchant is made will break the Enchant. If the Enchant is used on the user’s own clothing, it instead lasts for 24 hours, instead of 1 hour, but they can also end it prematurely.
| Element Control 7
| Magic Spell
| Self
| The user is able to turn themselves into a magical barrier by holding their arm wide. For as wide as their arms go, and as tall as they are, they produce a rectangular see-through magical shield made out of any element. This Shield is maintained for as long as the user maintains their stance. It is wide enough for others to hide behind them, and be covered by the shield also, and should be large enough to cover a single door sized doorway while standing inside of it. This shield blocks all Magical and Mundane projectiles and acts as an Impassable Obstacle for other Abilities that are stopped by obstacles. This Ability has a 10 second cooldown after it is cancelled, either by moving the user or the user dropping their arms. The user can still talk and turn their head, but not do anything else while using this Ability.
| Light Mend 1
| Magic Spell
| Emote Distance
| While within Emote Distance of a target, the user can utilize healing light to heal only the damage from one single (Mundane) attack or harming Ability that was inflicted on the target (or self), as long as the target was harmed by that attack or Ability, or as a direct consequence of that Ability (for example being knocked off a wall by an Ability and breaking an arm). Any additional effects (or non-harm effects like debuffs) are not removed or mitigated. The damage must have been applied in the last 24 hours. This Ability can be used twice per 24 hours. This Ability can be used on self.
| Light Mend 2
| Magic Spell
| Direct Touch
| While within Direct Touch, the user can heal wounds on a target through this Magic Spell that counts as a Immobile Channel, using healing light. Surface tissue wounds like cuts and bruises can be fixed within 30 seconds of continued channeling with the target standing still, while deeper cuts and gashes take up to two minutes. Greater wounds like internal damage or severe bleeding require the target to be laying down, with the user healing deeper wounds over the timespan of 15 minutes. This Ability cannot be used on self. Maims classified as Aesthetic maims can be healed with this Ability through the Greater wounds specification. Regular maims such as removed limbs or eyes, maims that detriment a character cannot be recovered through this Ability.
| Light Mend 3
| Magic Spell
| Self
| The user feeds and gains strength from sunlight or moonlight. Either moonlight or sunlight are capable of feeding the user much like normal food would, thus making drinking and eating redundant for them (though they still can). Additionally, while standing outside (with no block that interrupts a direct line from the player model to the open sky, including leaf blocks), the Character has +5 Physical Stat, and can choose to absorb strength from the moon or sun and increase Body Shape by one additional step.
| Casting Light 1
| Magic Spell
| Emote Distance
| This Ability only affects Vampires, Void Mages, Void Sorcerers, Void Silven, and Crimson Witches. The user is able to hold up one hand with the palm facing a person, causing a blinding light and orchestral song to erupt on the Target. This has two effects. Firstly, the Target can only Slow-walk towards the user. They can still run back, or sideways, but moving towards the user becomes a struggle. Secondly, they cannot physically see the user because of the light, thus any Ability that requires line of sight of the Target cannot be used on them. The user also cannot run, but can use their other arm and the rest of their body to do any action, as only the single hand must be upheld. This Ability has no Cooldown, though if knocked out of it by being knocked over, gains a 10 second Cooldown.
| Cursing Light 1
| Magic Spell
| Emote Distance
| This Ability only affects Cahal, Exist Mages, Exist Sorcerers, and Exist Silven. The user is able to hold up one hand with the palm facing a person, causing an agonizing eye-pain when gazing at the user and cacophony of agony screams to erupt on the Target. This has two effects. Firstly, the Target can only Slow-walk towards the user. They can still run back, or sideways, but moving towards the user becomes a struggle. Secondly, they cannot physically see the user because of the pain in their eyes, thus any Ability that requires line of sight of the Target cannot be used on them. The user also cannot run, but can use their other arm and the rest of their body to do any action, as only the single hand must be upheld. This Ability has no Cooldown, though if knocked out of it by being knocked over, gains a 10 second Cooldown.
| Darkness 1
| Magic Spell
| Emote Distance
| The user can use this Magic Spell to summon three orbs of darkness in their hand. They may then choose up to three persons within Emote Distance, after which these Darkness orbs shoot towards them as long as they have line of sight. These orbs cannot be dodged or deflected, and will cause the Target to be affected by Darkness. Darkness makes these Targets unable to see beyond 2 blocks away from them, but does not inhibit them in any other way. The effect lasts for 10 minutes, and if the same person is targeted twice or three times, it does not stack the Orbs, and they also cannot be saved up for later use. This Ability can be used once every 12 hours, and if cast, cannot be re-cast by another for a full hour, within the same Emote Distance.
| Darkness 2
| Magic Spell
| Emote Distance
| The user can cast this Magic spell at a Target with a projectile that is a guaranteed hit as long as there is line of sight. When hit, the Target becomes affected with Magical Blindness (requiring the player to use /trait add Blindness) for the duration of 30 minutes. Only one Darkness II may be active at any time, and when the effect is broken on the first target, only then does the Ability go on a 2 hour cooldown. If Darkness 2 was cast, another user may not cast Darkness 2 in the same Emote Area as the first for a full hour.
| Darkness 3
| Magic Spell
| Emote Distance
| The user can cast this Magic spell at a Target with a projectile that is a guaranteed hit as long as there is line of sight. The Target will sink to their knees into the ground into a 2x2 puddle of Darkness that forms around their feet, and travels with them as they wade around, thus not allowing them to step out of it. The Target can still use their upper body outside of the puddle, however they cannot move faster than a slow walking pace. This Ability starts tapering off after having been in effect for 5 minutes, during which the person can step out of the pond slowly as it stops moving. This Ability can only be used once every 5 minutes, and the same person can only be affected with this Ability (even from different sources) once per hour.
| Darkness 4
| Magic Spell
| 10 Blocks
| The user can cast this spell at a target area they can see within 10 blocks of them. Their body is enveloped in shadows, and they immediately teleport to the chosen location. The user cannot carry anyone else with them when using this Ability, and only objects that fit on their person travel with them. This Ability can be used to teleport horizontally, diagonally, or vertically as long as it is still within the 10 blocks range, and as long as the target area is a flat surface the user can stand on. This Ability can only be used once every 3 hours.
| Darkness 5
| Magic Spell
| Self
| The user may summon up to two melee weapons from their shadows. The weapons are made of materialized shadows and are tough as steel. The summoned weapons must be identical copies of each other, cannot leave the user’s hand, or be handed off to others. The user may choose to make the weapons pass through certain people and not through others. If this Ability is Countered, or if the weapons are un-summoned, it has a 30 second cooldown.
| Darkness 6
| Magic Spell
| Self
| When this Ability is gained, the user chooses one of the following Ranged Combat Categories: Light Ranged Combat, Heavy Ranged Combat, or Utility Ranged Combat. This cannot be changed. When chosen, the user gains the Ability to summon a single ranged weapon made of shadows that follows all the rules of the chosen Category. Proficiency investment is still required to utilize the techniques of the chosen category. Projectiles fired from this weapon are corporeal, and disappear after 24 hours. If this weapon is Countered or un-summoned, it has a 5 minute cooldown. If this weapon is destroyed, this Ability goes on a 12 hour cooldown.
| Glitter Control 1
| Magic Spell
| Emote Distance
| The user is able to eject streams, puffs or balls of non-harmful colored and/or glowing glitter up to Emote Distance. Once shot out, they can also steer this glitter through the air like a cloud anywhere in Emote Distance. The aesthetic effects of this Spell have no limitations in terms of quantity of glitter or Cooldowns. It can also get into people’s clothing, hair, or dust onto them like snowflakes. Additionally, users of this Ability may Object Curse an object to act like a glitter bomb, expelling forth a plume of glitter, though it will only remain functional while the user is within Emote Distance. Finally, the user may congest all their Glitter Magic between their hands and push it violently into the ground, causing an Emote wide massive explosion of glitter and colored chalk dust that not only colors everything in the area, but also makes visibility impossible for 10 seconds while all the glitter drifts to the ground. If this glitter bomb is used, the ability goes on a 24 hour cooldown.
| Restoration 1
| Magic Spell
| Direct Touch
| The User can restore simple objects and liquids to their most clean and functional state by holding their hand over the object or liquid, causing their hand and the target to glow with faint white light. This Ability does not apply to weapons, armor, or complex machinery (like clockwork) but can be used on any other object to fully repair it and clean it of any grime, dirt, or damage. If used on an object that had writing on it prior (such as a book), the pages will be restored, but any writing will not remain. If used on liquids, the User can cleanse it of any additives or poisons, making it clean and safe for their consumption. This Ability cannot be used on an object larger than 2x2x2 blocks in dimension, or on more than a pitcher’s worth of liquid at the same time.
| Moon Assault 1
| Magic Spell
| Emote Distance
| The Character can use this Ability while wielding any type of melee weapon (or their fists poised for combat). When activated, they instantly blink to a Target person, 2 blocks away from them, in whatever position that would most closely align to the direction they came from. This Ability also gives initiative on the Target, meaning the Target will always be caught by surprise. This Ability can only be used on a Target the user intends to immediately attack, and cannot be used to teleport to allies. This Ability has a 1 Hour cooldown.
| Moon Assault 2
| Magic Spell
| Self
| The user can enhance their defensive capacity to brace an incoming Mundane Ranged Combat Projectile (except the 20 Point investment). The user has to specifically stop what they are doing otherwise (like attacking someone), cross their arms in front of them, to brace the impact. This Ability can be used to Counter a Ranged Combat projectile that was already emoted, however they must self-Stagger. If the user cannot brace themselves (because their arms are restrained for example), then this Ability cannot be used. Additionally, any effects from either Abilities or Mundane Techniques that would paralyze the user's arms does not work on them.
| Moon Assault 3
| Magic Spell
| Varied
| The user can charge up their fists for several seconds before unleashing a mighty punch upwards that will launch them into the air by 30 feet. Then, while momentum slows down, they choose a location within Emote Distance to land, before speeding these and crashing down to the ground with a ferocious slam. This slam does no direct damage, but causes anyone at the landing location and in a 3 Block radius around them to be knocked off their feet while the user remains standing. Additionally, there is an alternate way to use this Ability. If the user is standing within 2 Blocks of another Character, they can "drag" this character along with the punch into the sky, before choosing a location to land, pummeling the Target into the ground. In case a person is dragged along, upon landing, no knockdown or harm effect is applied to anyone, except the Target, who receives the equivalent damage of several punches to the chest. This Ability ignores rooting on both the user and the Target, and restraint immunity for the Target. This Ability ignores armor, and has a 24 Hour cooldown.
| Moon Assault 4
| Magic Spell
| Emote Distance
| The user can summon a sharp ice-shard in their hand or levitating in the air, after which they can send it with great velocity at a Target. The user must do a "/dice 0 20", with any roll above 5 causing a hit to land. Each shot has a 1 minute Cooldown, and if hit, causes the equivalent of a deep gash like a sword slice, or a puncture wound if the Target is wearing armor. The ice shards disappear the moment they impale or slice the Target, fading into crystalline ice-dust.

==Target Curses==
==Getting Started==
{| class="wikitable"
* First, join the [ Discord].
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
* Next, make a forum account. You have to have logged on for that, so log onto MassiveCraft at the IP, and then log back off.  
! Ability Name
* Then, go to the [ forums] and make an account with the same name as your Minecraft username.
! Ability Type
* After, go to the [ Character Sheets] section and read the [ template].  
! Ability Range
* Hit Post New Thread in the Character Sheets section and fill out a copy of the template for your Character.
! Ability Description
* That’s all! Get on and roleplay.
* Please use the Ticket Bot in the Discord if you have any questions at all or need a skin. We’ll get you sorted.  
| style="width: 10%;" | Power Curse 1
| style="width: 8%;" | Target Curse
| style="width: 8%;" | Emote Distance
| The user is able to apply a curse on one person that they can see every 12 hours that exchanges their Physical Stat and Body Shape. This applies to both reducing and increasing the Physical Stat of the user of this Ability. This Curse lasts for 1 hour, unless Target Curses can be cleansed, in which case the change is reverted for both parties.  
| Power Curse 2
| Target Curse
| Emote Distance
| The user has the Power Curse 2 enabled on themselves permanently, however it has only one charge every 12 hours. The charge is triggered when any Knockdown or Knockback effect is imparted on the user. The effect is instead Countered, and the Character that used an Ability or Technique that caused the Knockdown or Knockback is affected by the effect instead. Other effects, damage and mechanics from Abilities causing Knockback and Knockdown still apply to the user.
| Power Curse 3
| Target Curse
| Emote Distance
| The user can cast Power Curse 3 once per hour on a single individual. When affected, the Target’s left or right arm (depending on the choice of the user) becomes constricted by some form of constraint. This constraint lasts for 30 seconds, and completely disables the use of that limb for the duration as it remains rigid and unmoveable. After the 30 seconds are over, the limb is usable again and the constraints melt away.
| Astral Being 1
| Target Curse
| Direct Touch
| The user can curse a Target with the Astral Being 1 Curse that marks them with a glyph on the back of their neck. This Target Curse grants the target immunity to Tracking Abilities. Additionally, the user can manifest a see-through ghost-like astral projection of themselves that can be seen by all but not interact with anything within 5 blocks of the Target at any point in time, and may converse and observe the area around them, but only move proportional to the movement of the person who was Cursed. These astral projections may only last for up to 5 minutes, and may only be done thrice per day. This Curse lasts for 72 hours, and may only be used on one person at a time, and if prematurely ended, must still obey the 72 hour cooldown. While astrally projecting, the real body of the user goes catatonic.
| Astral Being 2
| Target Curse
| Direct Touch
| The user can curse a Target with the Astral Being 2 Curse that marks them with a glyph on the front of their neck. This Target Curse grants the target the ability to telepathically call out to the user, though this calling never contains words, only a mental alert that they are being called. The user may also mute this alert, if they so desire. While called, the user may answer the call by manifesting an astral projection of themselves, a ghost-like see through version in front of the caller. Unlike Astral Being 1, the user cannot move while astrally projecting to the Target, and is stuck in place, there is no time limit to how long they may astrally project, though they may only use it once per day. This Curse lasts for 1 week but may also be active on up to 3 Characters at any given time. It cannot be ended prematurely, though as long as slots are available, has no cooldown.
| Spirit Curse 1
| Target Curse
| Emote Distance
| The user can curse a Target with Spirit Curse 1 only if they have an Ability that manifests a familiar, or some type of non-Player Character pet. Once Cursed, the pet is freed from the Target’s control and goes berserk, attacking the original owner for 30 seconds. While attacked, the Target is unable to flee or use Abilities or dismiss the Familiar, but can still use Mundane Attacks, speak and perceive things around them, albeit while constantly being clawed or bit or stung. After 30 seconds, the Familiar dissipates, and goes on whatever Cooldown is native to that Familiar’s Ability Source as if it was killed.  
| Spirit Curse 2
| Target Curse
| Emote Distance
| The Character can, once per day, if another Character that they can see attempts any Proficiency or Ability action that requires a roll, dictate in OOC chat with the use of this Ability what the roll outcome would be without rolling, as long as that dictation counts as a failure for the Ability. This allows the Character to guarantee failure of a roll for another Character. This Ability has no visual telegraph.
| Dark Curse 1
| Target Curse
| Direct Touch
| The user can Curse a person with Dark Curse 1 to make them forget the faces and voices of people they have heard for the past 24 hours. In order to use this Ability, the Target must be restrained or knocked out, and be unable to resist or fight back. Once applied, for a full 24 hours (or shorter, if desired by the user), the Target will forget all faces and voices of the people they interacted with before the use of the Ability. If they try to remember, all the silhouettes and faces of the people they interacted with will appear like black shadows, and their voices will sound monstrous and warped, though they will still remember what was said, what the areas they visited looked like, and other visual aspects. Even though this is a Curse, its effect is applied immediately, and cannot be reversed afterwards in any way. Those with Target Curse Immunity or Memory Altering Prevention are Immune to the effects of this Ability.
| Dark Curse 2
| Target Curse
| Emote Distance
| The user can Target any individual in Emote Distance, causing the Target Curse to take instant effect. The Target’s mouth becomes filled with shadows, leaking out of the corners of their mouth and their nose if they try to open their mouth. This Curse makes them unable to speak, only garbled noises and warped sounds will come from their mouth. This Curse remains active for 24 hours, and has a 24 hour Cooldown also.
| Soul Burden 1
| Target Curse
| City-Wide
| The Character is able to curse two non-Affliction affected individuals with the Bodyswap curse. This requires any amount of fresh blood from either person before using. When used, both will be Target Cursed to swap bodies, their souls transferring into each other’s body. This Curse lasts for 5 days and cannot be repeated in the same month on the same victims. Proficiencies transfer between body swaps, but Abilities do not, and the characters may only use Racial Abilities of the body they have. Damage inflicted during body swap also transfers back to the soul’s proper body upon the end of the Curse. This Target Curse can only be removed if both Targets are Exorcized at the same time within Emote Distance of each other.
| Vile Vine 1
| Target Curse
| Emote Distance
| The Character can throw or whip a Vile Vine from their arm or hand at a target once per day, which will wrap around any body part of the Target, and then sink into skin, through clothes and armor. While Vile Vine 1 is active on a person, despite not having any Abilities or Affliction status, the person gives off Aberrant status to any Aberrant Detection mechanisms or Abilities available. This Curse lasts for a week, unless removed with Exorcism 1. Additionally, if Vile Vine 1 is used on non-sentient Plant Matter, it will Void or Exist Corrupt the plant and anything within a 5-Block Radius of the initial targeted plant, depending on the Character's Planar alignment.

==Object Curses==
==The Chat System==
{| class="wikitable"
* Run /rpmode to leave non-roleplay channels. You are now in Local Chat.
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
* Run /nick use CHARACTERNAME. Your dialogue will now show up with your character’s name.
! Ability Name
** Typing and entering '''Hello.''' will print '''~CHARACTERNAME says: "Hello."'''
! Ability Type
** Typing and entering '''jumped.+''' will print '''~CHARACTERNAME jumped.'''
! Ability Range
** Typing and entering '''jumped. "Woah!"+''' will print '''~CHARACTERNAME jumped. "Woah!"'''
! Ability Description
** Typing and entering '''Hello.$''' will print '''~CHARACTERNAME mutters: "Hello."''' This has a shorter range than normal.
** Typing and entering '''Hello.*''' will print '''~CHARACTERNAME whispers: "Hello."''' This has a very short range.
| style="width: 10%;" | Shadow Curse 1
** Typing and entering '''Hello.))''' will print '''Hello.''' in local Out Of Character chat.
| style="width: 8%;" | Object Curse
| style="width: 8%;" |  Direct Touch
| The user can Curse an object with the Shadow Curse 1 to swallow it into Shadows. While this Curse is active, the object is entirely shrouded in shadows, only its outline still being visible with wispy shadows leaking from it. This Object will remain cursed indefinitely until the Object Curse is removed. The user may Curse one object per day, but there is no upper limit to the amount of objects cursed. The user can still see through the Curse, meaning, if a book was cursed, all pages will appear ink black with shadows, but the user can still read the book. While moved, the object also leaves behind a trail of shadowy smoke, and this Ability can also be used on articles of clothing.  
| Binge Curse 1
| Object Curse
| Direct Touch
| The user can Target Curse any article of food or drink with the Binge Curse 1. Binge Curse 1 requires the user to envisage or recall a memory, which is then inserted into the Object Curse and placed on the object. After this, if the object is drunk or eaten, the person eating or drinking it will experience a vivid hallucination of the person’s memory that was inserted, in complete color and sound, as if they are there themselves, except through the eyes of the user.

==Target Illusions==
{| class="wikitable"
* You can revisit the tutorial at spawn.
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
* You can use /fav add USERNAME to see when a friend logs on and off.
! Ability Name
* There’s an activity board near spawn (/tp Golden Willow) to show you where players are.
! Ability Type
* /tp WARPNAME will take you around the city. Warp names often match activity board names.
! Ability Range
* If you ever can’t find RP, check #looking-for-rp in the Discord.
! Ability Description
* Ask in a ticket if you’re new and struggling to find anyone.
| style="width: 10%;" | Illuviation 1
| style="width: 8%;" | Target Illusion
| style="width: 8%;" |  Emote Distance
| This Ability can only be used while outside of combat, the moment the Character is attacked or enters combat, or tries to utilize the illusions in a combat scenario, all Illusions break. This Ability grants the Character far-reaching Illusion capabilities, capable of creating small illusions that are indistinguishable from reality, or large reality-replacing illusions that change the environment the Target is in. Illusions come with sound, smell, taste, sense, sight and hearing, and can even give off warmth or cold to the touch, even if it is not real. The Character can change targets flawlessly, and can also switch from single-Target to group-Target effects, however only a maximum of up to 3 people can be affected at any given time. This Ability does not telegraph, meaning that if the Character is for example a Vampire with Blood Eyes 1, then Blood Eyes 1’s iris color function does not activate on the usage of this Ability. It additionally has no Cooldowns.  
| style="width: 10%;" | Memory Sense 2
| style="width: 8%;" | Target Illusion
| style="width: 8%;" |  Emote Distance
| The Character is able to project a ghostly and holographic image of their memories out into the world around them. The user can rotate, zoom in and out, and make minor aesthetic changes to the holographic memory as they wish. If the user does not fully remember parts of the memory, it will appear fake or blurry. Fake or implanted memories will appear as real, but the user cannot create fake memories themselves. This ability has no cooldown.
==Channel Abilities==
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="width: 10%;" | Body Tether 1
| style="width: 8%;" | Immobile Channel
| style="width: 8%;" |  Emote Distance
| The Character can target another Character they can clearly see within Emote Distance, and attach a ghostly Tether to them. While tethered, the Target cannot leave Emote Distance, but can move freely anywhere within that range. If the Character channeling is attacked, this Ability ends. A Character can only be affected by this Body Tether 1  once every Hour. Body Tether 1 can only be cast once within Emote Distance per 30 minutes.
| Monster Mend 1
| Immobile Channel
| Direct Touch
| With both hands touching the Target, the Character can heal only the damage from one single (Mundane) attack or harming Ability that was inflicted on the target, as long as the target was harmed by that attack or Ability, or as a direct consequence of that Ability (for example being knocked off a wall by an Ability and breaking an arm). Any additional effects (or non-harm effects like debuffs) are not removed or mitigated. The damage must have been applied in the last 24 hours. This Ability can be used twice per 24 hours. The Aesthetics of this Ability are Limited to Blood, Corrupted Plants, Shadows, or Void Light.
| Monster Mend 2
| Immobile Channel
| Direct Touch
| While within Direct Touch, the user can heal wounds on a target. Surface tissue wounds like cuts and bruises can be fixed within 30 seconds of continued channeling with the target standing still, while deeper cuts and gashes take up to two minutes. Greater wounds like internal damage or severe bleeding require the target to be laying down, with the user healing deeper wounds over the timespan of 15 minutes. This Ability cannot be used on self. Maims classified as Aesthetic maims can be healed with this Ability through the Greater wounds specification. Regular maims such as removed limbs or eyes, maims that detriment a character cannot be recovered through this Ability.
| Monster Mend 3
| Immobile Channel
| 1 Block Range
| While standing next to a Target, the Character can take a Limb or Body Part (excluding the head) from a deceased animal or person and attach it to a Vampire who is missing a body part lost via a Maim. This Ability takes 10 minutes to complete. Regardless of the source of the Limb or eye, the body part will transform into a monstrous and corrupted appearance. Mutations and Abilities cannot override this, except in the case of Blood Eyes, which will always appear first. If the Vampire is cured, the Body Part will wither away, leaving them unharmed (unless that body part was mandatory for survival), but without it. This Ability cannot be used in Combat. This Ability cannot be used on Self.
| Summon Wall 1
| Linked Channel
| 5 Block Range
| The Character can stand still and Channel for 30 seconds to summon a 2x3 (of either orientation) sized Wall in an unoccupied space within 5 blocks of them made of material determined by the source of this Ability. This Wall can be made in between doorways, or independent of any other structures, but cannot be placed over existing structures or people. Once created, the Character must remain within 5 Blocks of the Wall, or else it will disappear. The Wall can be broken naturally as if it was made of mundane wooden materials through a minute of uninterrupted effort. Once the Wall is created, the Character is no longer considered as Channeling for the purpose of counters. Summon Wall 1 cannot be cast again within Emote Distance of an already existing Summon Wall 1 wall. In order to place a Wall, use an in-game ticket to ask Lore Staff or World Staff for help. The Wall can be made of any legal blocks, with a sign that states “Summon Wall 1.” This Ability can only be used once every 30 minutes.
| Soul Song 1
| Mobile Channel
| Emote Distance
| The user can perform the Soul Song, while holding up their hand towards any Target that is either Undead or through some other form Ordial touched (Ordial Mage, Ordial Archblood, Death attuned Ezekiel etc.) while either singing, or chanting to expel them. This Ability has a stacking function based on the amount of Isldar using the Ability on the same Target. If a single Isldar uses it, the Target cannot approach them for as long as the Mobile Channel lasts, only move sideways or away from them. If two Isldar use it, the Target is pushed back at walking speed. If three or more Isldar use it, the Target is violently flung to just out of Emote Distance with considerable bruising and scratches. A person who is violently flung is immune to Soul Song 1 for 5 minutes. This Ability has no cooldown, but the Isldar using it cannot use other Abilities or use weapons during usage.
==Faith Powers==
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="width: 10%;" | Holy Crafts 1
| style="width: 8%;" | Faith Power
| style="width: 8%;" | Object Enchant
| The user is able to apply a non-effect giving aesthetic effect onto specific crafts. This Object Enchant does not count towards the “One Object Enchant per Object” rule. This Ability has a number of different effects. For the effects, see the table on [[Ritualism#Holy_Crafts]]. This Ability has no Cooldown and any Holy Crafts 1 Enchant can be removed by the wielder by simply wishing it away, regardless of whether they are the user of this Ability, or the person wielding the Object.
| Holy Manifestation 1
| Faith Power
| Self
| The user may have any number of glowing or non-glowing religious symbols appear anywhere on their body passively. These symbols are not physical and cannot ever emit enough light to light up Darkness, and can be of any color.
| Holy Scriptures 1
| Faith Power
| Direct Touch
| The Character can apply Holy Scriptures in a written holy script onto bodies by a process of hand gestures. This scripture may light up with any color when calling out holy blessings, or other forms of worship RP. These Scriptures can be applied to others and the user themselves. The holy script must always be religious texts or preachings, and cannot ever carry usable messages beyond the gospel of faith. If desired, these Holy Scriptures may also be scenes from the faith’s teachings, or lines and symbols representing the faith. Holy Scriptures can be removed with Exorcism 1, 2 or 3.
| Lady's Benefit 1
| Faith Power
| Self
| The user can enter a kneeling state with any item of prayer, a book or prayer beads or a statuette, reciting a prayer to their deity. While in prayer, a small dome shield is formed around them in any color and gives off a glow, that prevents anything from entering it, Abilities or Mundane otherwise, even people. There is room for one other person under the dome. The dome can be upheld for as long as the user is able to recite the prayer in a loop, the dome cannot be broken any other way. After stopping this Ability, it goes on a 10 second cooldown.
| Martyr's Light 1
| Faith Power
| Emote Distance
| The user can point at a target person after which they are bombarded by Holy Light from the sky above (or any other nearby doorway if underground or inside). When hit, the Target has their physical harm equalized with the user. This means that if the user had several broken bones and a cut on their cheek, the Target now also has several broken bones and a cut on their cheek. Inversely, if the user is in perfect health and the Target has a severe cut on their back, they are set to perfect health when the light dissipates. Maims do not transfer. This Ability can be used once per day.
| Spiritual Will 1
| Faith Power
| Self
| All Ritualists are able to manifest purely aesthetic visual aids to their religious RP, such as sermons, preaching, reading from holy scriptures, blessings, etc. This involves using for example visuals, sounds, illusions, so long as whatever is produced is not physical, does not affect the world, does not aid in combat, does not obstruct in combat, and does not hamper other players in any way that they do not OOCly or ICly consent to. As long as these conditions are met, the scope of these aesthetics are up to the person using them.
==Consent Based Abilities==
<span style="color:red">'''WARNING: These Abilities are powerful, but require absolute OOC written consent from the other party that can be provable by either a screenshot, or by having the player declare their consent on-server chat either in DM or OOC chat the very same day that any of these Abilities are used, as all forms of Consent expire after 24 hours. If you suspect mis-use or there is a conflict, consult Lore Staff immediately. Consent for these Abilities can also be revoked at any time, after which both parties must have the Abilities conclude or be removed in a reasonable way within 24 OOC hours, from an NPC using some form of Ability Removal if need be.'''</span>
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Ability Name
! Ability Type
! Ability Range
! Ability Description
| style="width: 10%;" | Puppet Control 1
| style="width: 8%;" | Control Power
| style="width: 8%;" | Direct Touch
| This Ability allows the user to target another person, and establish complete Control over their actions and thoughts. After Direct Touch, the user creates a Control Power link with the Target that allows them to issue any command, which the Target must explicitly follow to the letter, even if the user of this Ability is no longer within Emote Distance of the Target. This Ability also allows the user to change the thought process or ideas of the target, and make them forget things that happened in the last hour so as to alter their perception. The Target is not incapable of independent actions or thoughts, but can at any point in time from any distance be overridden by the user of the Ability, and have their thoughts altered. The Target is unaware that they are being Controlled, and even after Control is removed, will be unable to fathom why they thought or did certain things. They will also be fiercely defensive of the user of the Ability on them for as long as Control remains, and not engage in any actions that would be detrimental to the user of this Ability. This Ability can be broken by the user at any time from any distance, or removed from the target with any Possession removal or Exorcism mechanic or Ability. While Control Power Immunity blocks this Ability from being used, the user may propose this level of control over the Target, and if the Target consents in Roleplay, then Control Power Immunity no longer applies. After this Ability is broken off, it cannot be re-used within 7 days. A maximum of 3 people can be targeted by this Ability at any time.
| Cursed Draw 1
| Control Power
| Consumption
| This Ability allows the user to add any quantity of their blood into a recipe whether drink or food with the specific intent to make this food Bloodcursed. While Bloodcursed, it can no longer infect someone with Vampirism. However, when consumed fully, it causes an addition in the victim to have more Bloodcursed food or drink from the user. The severity and duration of the addition is completely up to OOC consent between the user and victim, and whether or not a Character becomes addicted to Bloodcursed food or drinks is up to OOC consent from the victim. To cure this addiction, the victim either needs to go without consuming any Bloodcursed food or drinks for a week and go through withdrawal of which the severity can be determined by the victim, or have Exorcism II used on them.
| Symbiosis 2
| Trigger Passive
| Direct Touch
| The Character can force a hostile Symbiosis on a Target as long as both the user and the Target are out of combat, and the Target is restrained and unable to fight back. Hostile Symbiosis turns the Character into an Urlan for at least 5 days. After 5 days or any length of time, the Character can reject the Oorl worm and return to their normal self. While they are Urlan, they gain all Urlan Racial Abilities and lose all their previous Racial Abilities as well as Sorcery or Magic. When returning to normal, all Abilities are returned. If the Target had any missing limbs or body parts, they are reformed during Symbiosis, and lost when Symbiosis is reverted. There is no deadline before which Symbiosis must be rejected before it becomes final, it can be a week, a month, a year, whichever, only the first 5 days are mandatory. Rejecting the Oorl will also not result in this Ability no longer being usable on the Target in the future. Urlan do however look down on people who trivialize Symbiosis and treat Symbiosis like a new fashion topic to own for a week and then discard. Urlan can accept others' rejection of Symbiosis and sympathize to their reasons, as long as they feel the reasons are grounded and valid. Symbiosis II does not work on Characters who have an Affliction present. It does work on all other forms of Aberrancy however.
| Parasitic Control 1
| Control Power
| Direct Touch
| This Ability allows the user to target a willing or fully-restrained person, and grow a Void or Exist-Corrupted plant on their body, establishing complete control over their actions. After Direct Touch, an obvious and visible Plant grows on the Target, forcing them to follow any Verbal Commands the user gives them, which can be multiple commands that persist until removed. If commands conflict, the most recent command will be the one followed. They will also be fiercely defensive of the user of the Ability on them for as long as Control remains, and not engage in any actions that would be detrimental to the user of this Ability. The Target is fully aware while Controlled, and the user can choose to allow them to speak freely or not at will. This Ability can be broken by the user at any time from any distance, and can only be forcibly removed from the target by someone with 10 Medical Arts Surgically, though this process is long and arduous and requires the Target to be fully restrained, as they will fight it. When removed, the Plant turns to ash. While Control Power Immunity blocks this Ability from being used, the user may propose this level of control over the Target, and if the Target consents in Roleplay, then Control Power Immunity no longer applies. After this Ability is broken off, it cannot be re-used within 7 days. A maximum of 3 people can be targeted by this Ability at any time.
| Haunting 1
| Control Power
| Direct Touch
| The Character can touch another person, and establish complete Control over their actions and thoughts by entering their body and possessing them. After Direct Touch, they force themselves inside of their body and create a Control Power link with the Target that allows them physical control over every aspect of their actions. While possessed, the target’s eyes take on an unnatural spectral green glow. This Ability does not allow the user to change the thought process or ideas of the target and just grants them control of their body and speech which can be loosened or tightened as much as the character desires. They cannot use any of the target’s Abilities besides their Racial Abilities while possessing them. While inside the host, the Character contributes all of its Hobby Proficiencies (except Construction Art), but in all contributed Proficiencies, they cannot break the Cap. The Character has access to the Proficiencies of the Target. This Ability can be broken by the user at any time or removed from the target with any Possession removal or Exorcism mechanic or Ability, causing them to immediately eject from their body. While Control Power Immunity blocks this Ability from being used, the user may propose this level of control over the Target, and if the Target consents in Roleplay, then Control Power Immunity no longer applies. After this Ability is broken off, it cannot be re-used within 3 days.

Latest revision as of 01:50, 28 September 2024

Welcome to MassiveCraft! This is the New Roleplayers' Guide. Do not be afraid to ask questions in the Discord. Other players or staff members should be able to help clear up any confusion.

The World

MassiveCraft's lore is set in a universe called Aloria, a late medieval universe on the cusp of advancing. It is a world where knights in heavy armor, barbarian wildlings in thick fur, haughty Elven Mages, and caped French musketeers freely mingle. Aloria is a story of great Empires, the marks they have left on history, and the people they leave behind when they collapse. Most information about the world is held on Heritage pages, which explain how Characters from different parts of the world feel about culture, religion, Magic, and one another. All Heritages can be found on the Races page, but a neat summary of each is below. These summaries include physical form as well as lore information, and are grouped by shared story.


Aloria's population is broken down into various Heritages, each with their own designs, histories, and themes. For organization, Heritages are broken down into the following lineages, which have common themes.

Cerkind Heritages are standard humanoids.

  • Ailor are standard humans, and the average of all Heritages.
  • Skyborn are technology people focused on innovation.
  • Sihai are an East-Asian inspired group of Dragon supporters distant from the world.
  • Dwarves are standard dwarves fighting for their homeland.
  • Eronidas are Orc-like philosopher warriors and poets

Elfkind Heritages are the various elf themes.

  • Teledden are standard elves with an ancient history.
  • Lanlath are mystical high elves from a sealed-away realm.
  • Suvial are fire elves with skills in Demon-taming.
  • Solvaan are mercenary wind elves from misty isles.
  • Isldar are ice elves exiled and facing a cold war within.
  • Sihndar are frugal dark elves fighting against Demons.
  • Kathar are cultist dark elves seeking greater power from dark entities.
  • Maquixtl are geneticist elves dwelling in ancient jungles and rural plains.
  • Abismaï are probably the cave elves, but I have no idea lol.
  • Selvath are wood elves who fiercely guard their forest realms.

Beskind Heritages are anthropomorphic peoples.

  • Asha are animal-folk seafarers and adventurers.
  • Urlan are minotaur hunters fused with a symbiote.
  • Narim are insectoids who dwell in the undercity.

Auldkin Heritages are ancient peoples.

  • Maraya are fae- and tiefling-like vault-dwellers from a technologically advanced past.
  • Allar are lizardfolk alchemists and educators.
  • Slizzar are snake-like shapshifters who can blend into any society.

Unique Heritages are miscellaneous peoples.

  • Dragonkin are humanoids descended from the souls of dragons.
  • Bralona are inorganic slime and metal people created by dragons.
  • Yanar are plan people with an affinity for nature.
  • Orion are star-people from the skies curious about the world.
  • Mystech are a group of Spirits, Robots, and Homunculi

Extra Reading


Magic is strongly woven into the history of Aloria as both an uplifting and dangerous force that has started as many civilizations as it has ended them. Different Heritages, Cultures, and Religions have very strong opinions about Magic and its use that can often become polarizing. This section will not go into the nuances of Magic in detail. However, it's a generally good rule of thumb that people and civilizations who have had bad experiences with Magical enemies like Vampires and Demons are more likely to be suspicious of even normal Mages who aren't hurting anybody, while the more familiar a Culture is with Magic, the less likely it is they fear it. Certain Religions impose that only their type of Magic is valid, such as Draconism that only favors Magic from the Dragons. More information about this can be found on Heritage, Culture and Religion pages, as well as the Magic page.

Affinities and Afflictions

Besides Heritages, Affinities and Afflictions can be optional reading for designing a Character in the world of Aloria. These are unique conditions a Character can have that lock them into a certain design niche.

  • The Arkenborn Affinity is for Characters born as the children of the Arken, some of the world's most powerful Demons, worshiped as Gods in some religions. Arkenborn are powerful but mentally unstable and caustic Mages.
  • The Godborn Affinity is for Characters born as children of the Gods, entities venerated by millions of faithful. Godborn follow the story and archetype of their Godly parents, in search of their divine purpose.
  • The Archon Affinity is for Characters who swear fealty to the Dragons, ancient architects of the world and the living, and pledge to join their war against the Demonic and otherworldly as foot soldiers, spies, or strategists.
  • The Marken Affinity is the Alorian word for Werewolves who can lose control over themselves and change forms at strong emotions or the turning of the moon.
  • The Vampire Affliction is as it says, a famed and feared curse that lurks in the corner of every realm, promising sweet gifts of immortality and power at the cost of one's soul.
  • The Mortisphage Affliction is a lesser understood curse sowed by the Dead Gods that lends those struck with it the desire to feed on the memories of others for their fell masters.
  • The Undead Affliction is a blanket term for those who died and came back to life, considered sacred warriors in some religions and accursed to be slain in others.

The Setting

The actual Roleplay is set in the city of Regalia, the capital of the Regalian Empire. As the Imperial capital, it is host to all walks of society, and generally speaking any concept available works (though more extreme options, like being a Vampire or Undead, might draw hostility and limit Roleplay options unless the player is careful about disguising). Regalia is divided into four areas: the Town, Crookback, the Sewers, and Gloomrot. Most Roleplay happens in the Town proper, where businesses open and people gather. Crossing the bridge into Crookback takes the Character into a space that is more open to the Afflicted, heavily Mutated, and the obviously very Magical, while following the stairs down into the Sewers brings them into contact with the more utterly illegal, such anti-state agents and violent criminals, who need a place to hide. Gloomrot is the dark, shadowy forest in the countryside of Regalia dotted with a few little cottages and taverns, where mysterious creatures lurk and small parties of travelers can frequently be found.


All of MassiveCraft's mechanical systems are explained on the Proficiency page.

Getting Started

  • First, join the Discord.
  • Next, make a forum account. You have to have logged on for that, so log onto MassiveCraft at the IP, and then log back off.
  • Then, go to the forums and make an account with the same name as your Minecraft username.
  • After, go to the Character Sheets section and read the template.
  • Hit Post New Thread in the Character Sheets section and fill out a copy of the template for your Character.
  • That’s all! Get on and roleplay.
  • Please use the Ticket Bot in the Discord if you have any questions at all or need a skin. We’ll get you sorted.

The Chat System

  • Run /rpmode to leave non-roleplay channels. You are now in Local Chat.
  • Run /nick use CHARACTERNAME. Your dialogue will now show up with your character’s name.
    • Typing and entering Hello. will print ~CHARACTERNAME says: "Hello."
    • Typing and entering jumped.+ will print ~CHARACTERNAME jumped.
    • Typing and entering jumped. "Woah!"+ will print ~CHARACTERNAME jumped. "Woah!"
    • Typing and entering Hello.$ will print ~CHARACTERNAME mutters: "Hello." This has a shorter range than normal.
    • Typing and entering Hello.* will print ~CHARACTERNAME whispers: "Hello." This has a very short range.
    • Typing and entering Hello.)) will print Hello. in local Out Of Character chat.


  • You can revisit the tutorial at spawn.
  • You can use /fav add USERNAME to see when a friend logs on and off.
  • There’s an activity board near spawn (/tp Golden Willow) to show you where players are.
  • /tp WARPNAME will take you around the city. Warp names often match activity board names.
  • If you ever can’t find RP, check #looking-for-rp in the Discord.
  • Ask in a ticket if you’re new and struggling to find anyone.