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==Gods and Goddesses==
Welcome to MassiveCraft! This is the New Roleplayers' Guide. Do not be afraid to ask questions in the [ Discord]. Other players or staff members should be able to help clear up any confusion.
Unionism has a concept referred to as Trans-Divinity. Trans-Divinity means that whatever their faith understands to be divine, is fluid and constantly changes based on interpretations. By standard, the Everwatcher is always the indisputably most important entity in Unionism. The Living Emperor is also a living Divine Being who should be worshiped as a god, though it is not illegal to acknowledge his sin of creation flaws from time to time. Below the Emperor and the Everwatcher are the God-Emperors and God-Empresses. When an Emperor or Empress dies, they are no longer divine, as the Vessel passes on to the next heir, but some Emperors or Empresses are raised up in the afterlife by the Everwatcher and sent back to Aloria to guide the people, during which process they are made Divine Beings. Finally, on the lower end of the spectrum are the Heroes of Unionism, which are also considered Divine Beings. Heroes are raised to divinity by the Concilly Council even while they are still alive, and continue to be worshiped after death. This all means that Unionism, as time goes by, gains more and more Gods and Goddesses, while other religions are fairly stagnant. Furthermore, it also means that it’s theoretically possible for other religions to merge into Unionism if their Gods and Goddesses can be proven to be real, and prove their divinity or past divinity. Unionists can combine a variety of Divine Entity worship. By default, all Unionists worship the Everwatcher, however, whoever else is worshiped additionally is up to the individual. Some worshipers choose only a single patron deity, while others choose a collection, or leave just a few out. There are no hard rules to Divine Being worship, in general they exist more as examples to live by, instead of a strict pantheon that demands worship.

===The Everwatcher===
==The World==
MassiveCraft's lore is set in a universe called Aloria, a late medieval universe on the cusp of advancing. It is a world where knights in heavy armor, barbarian wildlings in thick fur, haughty Elven Mages, and caped French musketeers freely mingle. Aloria is a story of great Empires, the marks they have left on history, and the people they leave behind when they collapse. Most information about the world is held on Heritage pages, which explain how Characters from different parts of the world feel about culture, religion, Magic, and one another. All Heritages can be found on the [[Races]] page, but a neat summary of each is below. These summaries include physical form as well as lore information, and are grouped by shared story.
Aloria's population is broken down into various Heritages, each with their own designs, histories, and themes. For organization, Heritages are broken down into the following lineages, which have common themes.
*'''Worship House:'''

===Theomos, Prophet of All===
[[File:Ailorrace.png|frameless|20px]] '''Cerkind Heritages''' are standard humanoids.
*Ailor are standard humans, and the average of all Heritages.
*Skyborn are technology people focused on innovation.
*Sihai are an East-Asian inspired group of Dragon supporters distant from the world.
*'''Identity:''' God Emperor Theomos, nicknamed the Sun-Father, first Emperor of the Regalian Empire and Prophet of Unionism.
*Dwarves are standard dwarves fighting for their homeland.
*'''Themes:''' Theomos represents fatherhood, leadership, ambition, devotion and piety. He is remembered for his exceptional charisma and as a loving father who founded an imperial dynasty.
*Eronidas are Orc-like philosopher warriors and poets
*'''Depictions:''' Theomos is often depicted holding up his hand, with the palm to the viewer. He is always depicted very dignified, and clothed in his royal purple and cream yellow robes, his favorite colors in life.
*'''Worship:''' Worship to Theomos is performed by writing prayers of good health and good fortune for children/employees/followers on pieces of paper and burning them in golden bowls.
*'''Manifestation:''' Theomos has manifested only during very significant events of religious importance, when the continued existence of Unionism hung by a thread, or when the power and influence of the other God Emperors or Empresses would simply not suffice for a task given by the Everwatcher.
*'''Individual:''' Theomos has never appeared to sole individuals, but rather during pivotal moments of the Empire’s history to provide blessings of protection and reinvigorated power.
*'''Worship House:''' Theomos’s main Temple is the Arch Temple of the All-Beacon in Regalia, buried beneath the shrine known as the Dias of Faith.

===Nes, Lady of Forgiveness===
[[File:Elfkind.png|frameless|20px]] '''Elfkind Heritages''' are the various elf themes.
*Teledden are standard elves with an ancient history.
*Lanlath are mystical high elves from a sealed-away realm.
*Suvial are fire elves with skills in Demon-taming.
*'''Identity:''' God Empress Nes, nicknamed the All-Mother, was the wife of Emperor Henri I, Nessaria van Sherburne
*Solvaan are mercenary wind elves from misty isles.
*'''Themes:''' Nes represents Forgiveness, Acceptance, Repentance, Absolution, but also the Downtrodden, the Forgotten, the non-Ailor, and the Half-Ailor who feel abandoned.
*Isldar are ice elves exiled and facing a cold war within.
*'''Depictions:''' Nes is always depicted in her mourning dress with her signature butterfly eye-covers worn after she was blinded for her unfaithfulness to her husband, carrying a golden Unionist Eye chain, along with a golden rose and two sets of rose-thorn stalks. Sometimes her statue has three infants around her pedestal to signify motherhood, and sometimes it has three chained criminals to signify the forgiveness she gave.
*Sihndar are frugal dark elves fighting against Demons.
*'''Worship:''' Worship to Nes is done by lighting candles in silent vigil, or by seeking priests to find forgiveness for wronging others.
*Kathar are cultist dark elves seeking greater power from dark entities.
*'''Manifestation:''' Nes frequently manifests to those who believe in Unionism, but need the strongest forgiveness or cannot go on without help to learn to live with their grief, guilt, or torment
*Maquixtl are geneticist elves dwelling in ancient jungles and rural plains.
*'''Individual:''' Nes appears to individuals relatively often, even seen walking the streets of Regalia seemingly going nowhere.
*Abismaï are probably the cave elves, but I have no idea lol.
*'''Worship House:''' Nes's main Temple is the Arch Temple of Salvation in Regalia. She is buried alongside her children: Emperors Bartholomeaux, Carvallais, Maxelle, and Leomar (the former three having been victims of assassination), and Arch-Chancellor Maenarra.
*Selvath are wood elves who fiercely guard their forest realms.

===Tzarvin, Oracle of Knowledge===
[[File:Beastrace.png|frameless|20px]] '''Beskind Heritages''' are anthropomorphic peoples.
*Asha are animal-folk seafarers and adventurers.
*Urlan are minotaur hunters fused with a symbiote.
*Narim are insectoids who dwell in the undercity.
*'''Identity:''' God Emperor Tzarvin, nicknamed the All-Knower, was the 11th Emperor of the Regalian Empire, Henri III Ivrae de Sange.
*'''Themes:''' Tzarvin represents piety and virtue, the perfection of learning, and thinkers.
*'''Depictions:''' Tzarvin is often depicted in simple garb with only minimal decorations and dull colors, bowing, kneeling or in some form of submissive stance. He is depicted tall and frail, with a bald head and a long robe that may sometimes also contain several scrolls and items that intellectuals use to ply their crafts.
*'''Worship:''' Worship to Tzarvin is done by lighting candles to his will in front of a shrine inside a bookshelf, while incense is lit to absorb the knowledge of the books, in the hopes that Juvin will give the worshipper the means to learn faster.
*'''Manifestation:''' Tzarvin rarely manifests, but all appearances have been reported in libraries or other places of learning.
*'''Individual:''' Tzarvin rarely appears to individuals, handing them exactly the one book they were looking for to embark on their journey, while that book was not even in the library to begin with.
*'''Worship House:''' Tzarvin's main Temple is the Arch Temple of Greater Understanding, where he is buried within the Inner Faith Chamber.

===Almaros, Jester of Justice===
[[File:Yanarrace.png|frameless|20px]] '''Auldkin Heritages''' are ancient peoples.
*Maraya are fae- and tiefling-like vault-dwellers from a technologically advanced past.
*Allar are lizardfolk alchemists and educators.
*Slizzar are snake-like shapshifters who can blend into any society.
*'''Identity:''' God Emperor Almaros, nicknamed the Blind Jester, was the 13th Emperor of the Regalian Empire, Allamaria Ivrae Heiligenblut (surname different as he was culturally Wirtem).
*'''Themes:''' Almaros represents Justice, Law, Honesty, but also of Leisure, Entertainment, Vanity, and Ego.
*'''Depictions:''' Almaros is often depicted as a suave and handsome young man, always with either a blindfold or some kind of unraveling cloth disappearing from his eyes. He is also always depicted with a scale that weighs the value of crime and punishment for those who are subject to Almar’s laws.
*'''Worship:''' Worship to Almar is done by writing one's plan or thought on a piece of paper, and weighing it against a golden feather to determine if it is lawful and righteous (lighter) or unlawful and sinful (heavier).
*'''Manifestation:''' Almaros is not known to manifest, but the Silent Council still acknowledges him.
*'''Individual:''' Almaros has never appeared to individuals.
*'''Worship House:''' Almaros's main Temple is the Arch Temple of Eternal Justice, where the Inner Faith chamber holds his sarcophagus with his favorite scales resting on top that are said to weight the heaviness of a soul as they enter the chamber.

===Allestos, Lord of Domination===
[[File:Ancientraces.png|frameless|20px]] '''Unique Heritages''' are miscellaneous peoples.
*Dragonkin are humanoids descended from the souls of dragons.
*Bralona are inorganic slime and metal people created by dragons.
*Yanar are plan people with an affinity for nature.
*'''Identity:''' God Emperor Allestos, nicknamed the Bear-Claw, was the 15th Emperor of the Regalian Empire, Allestrain I Ivrae de Sange.
*Orion are star-people from the skies curious about the world.
*'''Themes:''' Allestos represents Conquest, Rule, Brotherhood, and Fame.
*Mystech are a group of Spirits, Robots, and Homunculi
*'''Depictions:''' Allestos is depicted either in his massive bulky armor, or in some state of removal of this armor, in a victorious or intimidating stance. He is depicted tall and glorious with two large claymores, or scabbards holding his favorite swords: Blutkraft and [[Sangria]], weapons that passed into Artifact Legend after his death.
*'''Worship:''' Worship to Allestos is done by invoking his name before battle, and by ritually placing a weapon over a cloth soaked in an alcoholic beverage.
*'''Manifestation:''' Allestos has manifested after the end of major battles, not to fight, but to mourn the losses on the battlefield with the survivors.
*'''Individual:''' Allestos has never appear to the individual, though occasionally those who have lost lovers to the battlefield swear he has appeared in dreams for comfort.
*'''Worship House:''' Allestos's main Temple is the Arch Temple of Perpetual Glory, where the Inner Faith Chamber contains his battle armor (as he was killed in battle and his body was never recovered).

===Ellis, Mistress of Victory===
==Extra Reading==
Magic is strongly woven into the history of Aloria as both an uplifting and dangerous force that has started as many civilizations as it has ended them. Different Heritages, Cultures, and Religions have very strong opinions about Magic and its use that can often become polarizing. This section will not go into the nuances of Magic in detail. However, it's a generally good rule of thumb that people and civilizations who have had bad experiences with Magical enemies like Vampires and Demons are more likely to be suspicious of even normal Mages who aren't hurting anybody, while the more familiar a Culture is with Magic, the less likely it is they fear it. Certain Religions impose that only their type of Magic is valid, such as Draconism that only favors Magic from the Dragons. More information about this can be found on Heritage, Culture and Religion pages, as well as the [[Magic]] page.
*'''Identity:''' God Empress Ellis, nicknamed the Brass Fist, was the Empress-Consort of Emperor Allestrain I, Eolaria Cadar.
*'''Themes:''' Ellis represents fighting, combat, warfare, victory, love, and loss.
*'''Depictions:''' Ellis is often depicted with her fist up, sometimes with or without her spiked war-glove Porcelain-Face, but always with her shield Draackenbuster by her side. She always wears a muscle-fitting bronze armor with a long crimson dress (which she did not wear into battle) complementing her crimson hair.
*'''Worship:''' Worship to Ellis is to hold a diary, and to write down secrets and worries and lock it away into the stronghold-lockbox, a religious item that Unionists consider a great sin to steal from.
*'''Manifestation:''' Ellis has never manifested, though many claim that she has appeared on select battlefields while the Empire was expanding, leading a divine charge.
*'''Individual:''' EliaEllis has never appeared to individuals, though she left behind several holy Artifacts, most in the Imperial Palace.
*'''Worship House:''' Ellis's main Temple is the Arch Temple of Unyielding Perseverance in Regalia, though the sarcophagus next to hers is empty, reserved for Emperor Allestrain I whose body remains missing to this day.

===Esper, Liberator of Chains===
===Affinities and Afflictions===
Besides Heritages, '''Affinities and Afflictions''' can be optional reading for designing a Character in the world of Aloria. These are unique conditions a Character can have that lock them into a certain design niche.
* The [[Arkenborn]] Affinity is for Characters born as the children of the Arken, some of the world's most powerful Demons, worshiped as Gods in some religions. Arkenborn are powerful but mentally unstable and caustic Mages.
* The [[Godborn]] Affinity is for Characters born as children of the Gods, entities venerated by millions of faithful. Godborn follow the story and archetype of their Godly parents, in search of their divine purpose.
*'''Identity:''' God Emperor Esper, nicknamed the Freedom-Maker, was the 26th Emperor of the Regalian Empire, Vilgemar Ivrae de Sange.
* The [[Archon]] Affinity is for Characters who swear fealty to the Dragons, ancient architects of the world and the living, and pledge to join their war against the Demonic and otherworldly as foot soldiers, spies, or strategists.
*'''Themes:''' Esper represents  happiness, liberty, liberation, freedom, and emancipation.
* The [[Marken]] Affinity is the Alorian word for Werewolves who can lose control over themselves and change forms at strong emotions or the turning of the moon.
*'''Depictions:''' Esper is always depicted as a very youthful looking young man, wearing the traditional garb of the palace entertainers, and is always standing in some sort of playful position or pose that elicits some sense of playfulness or youthfulness.
* The [[Vampire]] Affliction is as it says, a famed and feared curse that lurks in the corner of every realm, promising sweet gifts of immortality and power at the cost of one's soul.
*'''Worship:''' Worship to Esper is done by releasing wishes and prayers into budding flowers, and then placing said flower into a body of water to be released into the world.
* The [[Mortisphage]] Affliction is a lesser understood curse sowed by the Dead Gods that lends those struck with it the desire to feed on the memories of others for their fell masters.
*'''Manifestation:''' Esper has rarely manifested, though every time has been to smash the chains of a group of slaves, or freeing them from a burning barn or barrack.
* The [[Undead]] Affliction is a blanket term for those who died and came back to life, considered sacred warriors in some religions and accursed to be slain in others.
*'''Individual:''' Esper has rarely appeared to enslaved individuals, offering them the keys needed to escape from their chains.
*'''Worship House:''' Esper's main Temple is the Arch Temple of Joyous Everwatch, where the Inner Faith Chamber contains his sarcophagus surrounded by a sea of broken chains, each belong to a slave he helped free.

===Alexandros, Mentor of Compromise===
===The Setting===
The actual Roleplay is set in the city of Regalia, the capital of the Regalian Empire. As the Imperial capital, it is host to all walks of society, and generally speaking any concept available works (though more extreme options, like being a Vampire or Undead, might draw hostility and limit Roleplay options unless the player is careful about disguising). Regalia is divided into four areas: the Town, Crookback, the Sewers, and Gloomrot. Most Roleplay happens in the Town proper, where businesses open and people gather. Crossing the bridge into Crookback takes the Character into a space that is more open to the Afflicted, heavily Mutated, and the obviously very Magical, while following the stairs down into the Sewers brings them into contact with the more utterly illegal, such anti-state agents and violent criminals, who need a place to hide. Gloomrot is the dark, shadowy forest in the countryside of Regalia dotted with a few little cottages and taverns, where mysterious creatures lurk and small parties of travelers can frequently be found.
*'''Identity:''' Divine Vessel Alexandros is the current Emperor of the Regalian Empire, Alexander Kade Alltmeister.
*'''Themes:''' Emperor Alexandros is the Divine Vessel of change, reform, compassion, compromise and mentorship.
*'''Depictions:''' Alexandros is depicted in his full imperial regalia, with every government institute and office having a large life-size or greater painting or statue of Him.
*'''Worship:''' As the Vessel, Alexandros is not worshipped directly, but rather through service to the Regalian Empire or by praying to the Everwatcher for his health and wellbeing.
*'''Manifestation:''' Alexandros is still alive, and is frequently seen when holding Audiences at the Imperial Palace.
*'''Individual:''' As the Emperor, Alexandros rarely interacts with individuals outside of public settings, though some nobles and faithful have been able to secure a personal audience with Him.
*'''Worship House:''' Alexandros has no official Temples to Him personally, but the Temple of the Vessel-Vigil in Etosil is the dedicated Evintarian Worship House to any living Emperor.

===Freiderikos, Prince of Evolution===
All of MassiveCraft's mechanical systems are explained on the [[Proficiency]] page.
*'''Identity:''' Divine Hero Freiderikos is the second eldest son of Emperor Alexandros, Prince Frederick Kade. He is considered a Divine Being by the Silent Council for reasons that they haven’t been very public about, but they have assured the Arch Celates and Celates that they have evidence of his divine power.
*'''Themes:''' Freiderikos represents sacrifice, obedience to parents, bodily transformation, and forever training.
*'''Depictions:''' Freiderikos is depicted as an Urlan, wearing Regal fashion with various gold decorations, or donning his Viridian Armor.
*'''Worship:''' Worship to Freiderikos is done to ask for protection from injuries during training, for obedient children who do not cause trouble, for strength in body through training, and to bring honor to one’s siblings and family. Some Evintarians have even stopped eating beef due to the close appearance between the Urlan appearance and cattle, though is a relatively new development.
*'''Manifestation:''' Freiderikos is still alive, though he is not much known as a public figure as he mostly keeps to himself and avoids the public eye.
*'''Individual:''' Freiderikos rarely interacts with individuals, though has been known to personally train a few Prospects at the Viridian Castle (mostly his Kade and Ivrae cousins) out of duty to the Order.
*'''Worship House:''' Freiderikos does not have a formal temple, though one of the shrines in the Temple of the Vessel-Vigil dedicated to his father does have a statue and several benches dedicated to him.

===Amandaros, King of Ancestry===
==Getting Started==
* First, join the [ Discord].
* Next, make a forum account. You have to have logged on for that, so log onto MassiveCraft at the IP, and then log back off.  
* Then, go to the [ forums] and make an account with the same name as your Minecraft username.
*'''Identity:''' Divine Being Amandaros is an integrated deity from Void Worship, Armas, adopted in Evintarian Unionism when the Silent Council was approached by Void Mages who had developed some means to reliably summon the blessings of Armas in siring stronger offspring.
* After, go to the [ Character Sheets] section and read the [ template].  
*'''Themes:''' Amandaros represents fertility, life-lust, happiness, celebration, and progeny.
* Hit Post New Thread in the Character Sheets section and fill out a copy of the template for your Character.
*'''Depictions:''' Amandaros is depicted as various masks, through which his blessing can manifest a homonculi of sorts that provides his blessings. Amandaros’s homonculi appears as an attractive male or female, depending on the summoning process.
* That’s all! Get on and roleplay.
*'''Worship:''' Amandaros is worshipped by careful selection of marriage partners to ensure healthy offspring with plenty of genetic skill (as the Evintarians believe that in part, skill and talent is transferred genetically).  
* Please use the Ticket Bot in the Discord if you have any questions at all or need a skin. We’ll get you sorted.  
*'''Manifestation:''' Amandaros does not manifest personally, instead utilizing homonculi summoned through his various masks.
*'''Individual:''' Amandros's homonculi frequently appear to individual who summon them, often with the purpose to sire children. Children born from Amandaros’ blessings tend to be born stronger, healthier, and more energetic and physically active (and attractive), with the same lust for life as Amandaros himself. Children born with Amandaros’s blessings are called “Touamand”, which means born of Amandaros. Amandaros is known to be a very passionate and pleasure-seeking deity, but never acts without consent or express summoning by the faithful, and thus is virtuous in his morality.
*'''Worship House:''' Amandaros has a single temple in Etosil and a single temple in Hellatia called the Temple of Birth. Rather than actually being a temple however, it is a massive maternity ward with hundreds of midwives and surgeons working there to ensure safe and comfortable birth of children. This is a practice centuries ahead of the common child-birth practices of other religions and cultures which can often be quite traumatic or be fraught with error and complications. The Temples of Birth however have large wards and private rooms where rich and poor are afforded the same high quality treatment and counseling to help them through pregnancy.

===Yvasi, Master of Change===
==The Chat System==
* Run /rpmode to leave non-roleplay channels. You are now in Local Chat.
* Run /nick use CHARACTERNAME. Your dialogue will now show up with your character’s name.
** Typing and entering '''Hello.''' will print '''~CHARACTERNAME says: "Hello."'''
*'''Identity:''' Yvasi, Master of Change, is a Divine Being of Evintarian Unionism that isn’t specifically an integrated Divine Being, but more generally an entity from Bintaar. This entity is not fully understood, but the Silent Council knows for sure that it is not a hostile or death-inducing entity. Yvasi is in fact, a mask, and not a person, that was granted godhood.
** Typing and entering '''jumped.+''' will print '''~CHARACTERNAME jumped.'''
*'''Themes:''' Yvasi represents overcoming change, of bodily change, of a brighter future, and loving one’s self
** Typing and entering '''jumped. "Woah!"+''' will print '''~CHARACTERNAME jumped. "Woah!"'''
*'''Depictions:''' Yvasi is a Szbadok mask that travels around Etosil, it usually chooses a willing host upon which it lives (usually a female) until the host dies of old age, and it is transferred to another host.
** Typing and entering '''Hello.$''' will print '''~CHARACTERNAME mutters: "Hello."''' This has a shorter range than normal.
*'''Worship:''' Worship to Yvasi is not often done, though is invoked by worshippers who are not comfortable with their current identity, be that biological sex, birth-defects, or other physical and mental characteristics.
** Typing and entering '''Hello.*''' will print '''~CHARACTERNAME whispers: "Hello."''' This has a very short range.
*'''Manifestation:''' Yvasi manifests as a mask worn by a mortal host. What exactly happens to the hosts is unknown, it is generally assumed they enter a state of dreaming or pass away and are granted access to the Unionist afterlife for their service to Yvasi.
** Typing and entering '''Hello.))''' will print '''Hello.''' in local Out Of Character chat.
*'''Individual:''' Yvasi frequently appears to individuals gives blessings that change aspects about the body to make the person more comfortable living in it. This does not mean Yvasi is a nilly-willy cosmetic surgeon however, it establishes whether a change is truly desired, or whether it is a matter of social pressure. For example, Yvasi will not ask questions for those with gender dysphoria because it demands that everyone accepts and celebrates that Trans people are valid and deserve love. It will however distinguish someone who has been bullied for their eye color or hair color, and attempt to coach the person to accept and love this about themselves (or truly evaluate why they want it changed) before allowing them to request a change.
*'''Worship House:''' Yvasi has no Temple, because it prefers to move around. There are however a large number of shrines dotted all over Etosil and Hellatia which it travels between, and these shrines have a reliable visitation schedule.  

===Elen, Lady of Rivers===
* You can revisit the tutorial at spawn.
* You can use /fav add USERNAME to see when a friend logs on and off.
* There’s an activity board near spawn (/tp Golden Willow) to show you where players are.
*'''Identity:''' Elen, commonly nicknamed as the Lady of Rivers, is an integrated deity from the old Breizh faith that existed before the Regalian Empire, Ailwen.
* /tp WARPNAME will take you around the city. Warp names often match activity board names.
*'''Themes:''' Elen represents purpose, meaning, destiny, judgement, and burdens. She is specifically considered the patron goddess of Unionist Mages and the Magically tainted, putting her in direct opposition with Taal, Mother of Purity.
* If you ever can’t find RP, check #looking-for-rp in the Discord.
*'''Depictions:''' Elen is always depicted with her feather white wings and her beads of prayer, though may also be depicted with her hands raised high holding the Magica Laws, a book of code of conduct.
* Ask in a ticket if you’re new and struggling to find anyone.
*'''Worship:''' Elen is prayed to for guidance and purpose by the non-Magically inclined, as well as to be protected from evil Occult, as much as she is worshiped by the Occult to give them a purpose and let their burden (their Magic) find a way to bring glory and benefit to the Empire and the Great Way.  
*'''Manifestation:''' Elen does not frequently manifest, though is often seen when the Aelrrigan Order requests that she disable a Renegade's magical connections following a Mage-Trial.
*'''Individual:''' Elen has been known to appear to individuals before those at a pivotal point in life where they feel their purpose is wavering, only for Elen to give them a vision or moral guidance with which to reinvigorate their destiny.
*'''Worship House:''' Elen's Temple is the Temple of Divine Purpose in Kintyr, which is also home to the Unionist Seers, a body of lay-priests who receive visions to help visiting pilgrims with their burdens.

Latest revision as of 01:50, 28 September 2024

Welcome to MassiveCraft! This is the New Roleplayers' Guide. Do not be afraid to ask questions in the Discord. Other players or staff members should be able to help clear up any confusion.

The World

MassiveCraft's lore is set in a universe called Aloria, a late medieval universe on the cusp of advancing. It is a world where knights in heavy armor, barbarian wildlings in thick fur, haughty Elven Mages, and caped French musketeers freely mingle. Aloria is a story of great Empires, the marks they have left on history, and the people they leave behind when they collapse. Most information about the world is held on Heritage pages, which explain how Characters from different parts of the world feel about culture, religion, Magic, and one another. All Heritages can be found on the Races page, but a neat summary of each is below. These summaries include physical form as well as lore information, and are grouped by shared story.


Aloria's population is broken down into various Heritages, each with their own designs, histories, and themes. For organization, Heritages are broken down into the following lineages, which have common themes.

Cerkind Heritages are standard humanoids.

  • Ailor are standard humans, and the average of all Heritages.
  • Skyborn are technology people focused on innovation.
  • Sihai are an East-Asian inspired group of Dragon supporters distant from the world.
  • Dwarves are standard dwarves fighting for their homeland.
  • Eronidas are Orc-like philosopher warriors and poets

Elfkind Heritages are the various elf themes.

  • Teledden are standard elves with an ancient history.
  • Lanlath are mystical high elves from a sealed-away realm.
  • Suvial are fire elves with skills in Demon-taming.
  • Solvaan are mercenary wind elves from misty isles.
  • Isldar are ice elves exiled and facing a cold war within.
  • Sihndar are frugal dark elves fighting against Demons.
  • Kathar are cultist dark elves seeking greater power from dark entities.
  • Maquixtl are geneticist elves dwelling in ancient jungles and rural plains.
  • Abismaï are probably the cave elves, but I have no idea lol.
  • Selvath are wood elves who fiercely guard their forest realms.

Beskind Heritages are anthropomorphic peoples.

  • Asha are animal-folk seafarers and adventurers.
  • Urlan are minotaur hunters fused with a symbiote.
  • Narim are insectoids who dwell in the undercity.

Auldkin Heritages are ancient peoples.

  • Maraya are fae- and tiefling-like vault-dwellers from a technologically advanced past.
  • Allar are lizardfolk alchemists and educators.
  • Slizzar are snake-like shapshifters who can blend into any society.

Unique Heritages are miscellaneous peoples.

  • Dragonkin are humanoids descended from the souls of dragons.
  • Bralona are inorganic slime and metal people created by dragons.
  • Yanar are plan people with an affinity for nature.
  • Orion are star-people from the skies curious about the world.
  • Mystech are a group of Spirits, Robots, and Homunculi

Extra Reading


Magic is strongly woven into the history of Aloria as both an uplifting and dangerous force that has started as many civilizations as it has ended them. Different Heritages, Cultures, and Religions have very strong opinions about Magic and its use that can often become polarizing. This section will not go into the nuances of Magic in detail. However, it's a generally good rule of thumb that people and civilizations who have had bad experiences with Magical enemies like Vampires and Demons are more likely to be suspicious of even normal Mages who aren't hurting anybody, while the more familiar a Culture is with Magic, the less likely it is they fear it. Certain Religions impose that only their type of Magic is valid, such as Draconism that only favors Magic from the Dragons. More information about this can be found on Heritage, Culture and Religion pages, as well as the Magic page.

Affinities and Afflictions

Besides Heritages, Affinities and Afflictions can be optional reading for designing a Character in the world of Aloria. These are unique conditions a Character can have that lock them into a certain design niche.

  • The Arkenborn Affinity is for Characters born as the children of the Arken, some of the world's most powerful Demons, worshiped as Gods in some religions. Arkenborn are powerful but mentally unstable and caustic Mages.
  • The Godborn Affinity is for Characters born as children of the Gods, entities venerated by millions of faithful. Godborn follow the story and archetype of their Godly parents, in search of their divine purpose.
  • The Archon Affinity is for Characters who swear fealty to the Dragons, ancient architects of the world and the living, and pledge to join their war against the Demonic and otherworldly as foot soldiers, spies, or strategists.
  • The Marken Affinity is the Alorian word for Werewolves who can lose control over themselves and change forms at strong emotions or the turning of the moon.
  • The Vampire Affliction is as it says, a famed and feared curse that lurks in the corner of every realm, promising sweet gifts of immortality and power at the cost of one's soul.
  • The Mortisphage Affliction is a lesser understood curse sowed by the Dead Gods that lends those struck with it the desire to feed on the memories of others for their fell masters.
  • The Undead Affliction is a blanket term for those who died and came back to life, considered sacred warriors in some religions and accursed to be slain in others.

The Setting

The actual Roleplay is set in the city of Regalia, the capital of the Regalian Empire. As the Imperial capital, it is host to all walks of society, and generally speaking any concept available works (though more extreme options, like being a Vampire or Undead, might draw hostility and limit Roleplay options unless the player is careful about disguising). Regalia is divided into four areas: the Town, Crookback, the Sewers, and Gloomrot. Most Roleplay happens in the Town proper, where businesses open and people gather. Crossing the bridge into Crookback takes the Character into a space that is more open to the Afflicted, heavily Mutated, and the obviously very Magical, while following the stairs down into the Sewers brings them into contact with the more utterly illegal, such anti-state agents and violent criminals, who need a place to hide. Gloomrot is the dark, shadowy forest in the countryside of Regalia dotted with a few little cottages and taverns, where mysterious creatures lurk and small parties of travelers can frequently be found.


All of MassiveCraft's mechanical systems are explained on the Proficiency page.

Getting Started

  • First, join the Discord.
  • Next, make a forum account. You have to have logged on for that, so log onto MassiveCraft at the IP, and then log back off.
  • Then, go to the forums and make an account with the same name as your Minecraft username.
  • After, go to the Character Sheets section and read the template.
  • Hit Post New Thread in the Character Sheets section and fill out a copy of the template for your Character.
  • That’s all! Get on and roleplay.
  • Please use the Ticket Bot in the Discord if you have any questions at all or need a skin. We’ll get you sorted.

The Chat System

  • Run /rpmode to leave non-roleplay channels. You are now in Local Chat.
  • Run /nick use CHARACTERNAME. Your dialogue will now show up with your character’s name.
    • Typing and entering Hello. will print ~CHARACTERNAME says: "Hello."
    • Typing and entering jumped.+ will print ~CHARACTERNAME jumped.
    • Typing and entering jumped. "Woah!"+ will print ~CHARACTERNAME jumped. "Woah!"
    • Typing and entering Hello.$ will print ~CHARACTERNAME mutters: "Hello." This has a shorter range than normal.
    • Typing and entering Hello.* will print ~CHARACTERNAME whispers: "Hello." This has a very short range.
    • Typing and entering Hello.)) will print Hello. in local Out Of Character chat.


  • You can revisit the tutorial at spawn.
  • You can use /fav add USERNAME to see when a friend logs on and off.
  • There’s an activity board near spawn (/tp Golden Willow) to show you where players are.
  • /tp WARPNAME will take you around the city. Warp names often match activity board names.
  • If you ever can’t find RP, check #looking-for-rp in the Discord.
  • Ask in a ticket if you’re new and struggling to find anyone.