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{{Info races
{{Info Lineage
|image = Ailorsplash3.png
|name = Ailor
|pronunciation = Ay-lor
|test = Ailor (in Common)
|classification = [[Human]]
|test2 = [[File:Qolorth.png|80px]]  
|subraces = None
|test3 = '''Motto:''' "March, march to the glory of progress"
|nicknames = Humies, Humans, pink-skins, paleskins
|image = GKdc6 UXIAAOUe4.jpg
|languages = [[Common]], [[Alt-Regalian]], [[D'Ithanie]], [[Daendroque]], [[Dressolini]] and various [[Northerne]] languages
|state = Many
|naming = Varied based on cultures; see [[Ailor Cultures]]
|ruler = Varied
|languages = Primarily Common
|religion = [[Unionism]], [[Fornoss]], [[Draconism]]
|first_recorded = Unclear
|demonym = Ailor
Ailor is a term that describes a vast range of people with no clear single heritage origin, but who all developed around the same time. Aloria's analog for Humans, the Ailor are Aloria's most numerous people by sheer virtue of populating the majority of the world's landmasses, and their comparatively shorter lives to those of other heritage, causing their population numbers to explode in short periods. To many other societies, the Ailor were barely on the radar for thousands of years. Despite their huge numbers, for most of history, they were the uncounted footnote, often an entity to be acted upon, rather than setting the stage for the global empires of old. The world-altering event that was the Cataclysm changed the global foodchain, propelling the Ailor to the top with the newly established Regalian Empire, which would grow to become the world's greatest superpower. The majority of the Roleplay occurs in the capital of the Ailor people, Regalia.

|distinction = The standard Human race currently ruling the [[Regalian Empire]]
|maxage = 110 years (rarely over 100 though)
[[File:Earlytribe.jpg|268px|thumb|right|Because of their historical newcomer status to geopolitics, some other peoples of Aloria still look down on Ailor as crude tribals.]]
|eye = Brown, green, grey, blue
[[File:Kniththood.jpg|268px|thumb|right|Knighthood is a concept developed by Ailor, mostly to legitimize and uphold their power structures.]]
|hair = blond, ginger, brown, black, grey
[[File:Historyoberser.jpg|268px|thumb|right|Most of the world's history is recorded through the eyes of the Ailor, who show a more erudite work-ethic to chronicling than others.]]
|skin = Naturally pale with the ability to tan
[[File:Religionpiety.jpg|268px|thumb|right|The Ailor are exceptionally pious, capable of great acts of self-sacrifice or evil in the name of faith.]]
[[File:Strongmages.jpg|268px|thumb|right|While most of Ailor society is anti-Magic, some of the world's most powerful Mages can be found among them.]]
From the warm coastlines of [[Daendroc]] to the icy ranges of [[Ellador]], the Ailor [[Human|Humans]] are the most numerous on Aloria. Known for developing a large variety of government forms and sprawling bureaucracies, Ailors consider themselves the height of civilized life in Aloria, and measure all others by their standards, often to the disdain of the other races. Ailors once began as the fiercely barbarian and tribal people of [[Ceardia]], eventually giving rise to many states and above all, the [[Regalian Empire]]. Proving to be both resourceful and aggressive, Ailors have conquered much of the known world under the banner of their various Kingdoms. While also being incredibly numerous, the Ailors are perhaps also the most divided people on Aloria, more so than even the [[Elf|Elves]]. The Ailor state of Regalia now exists as the largest sovereign entity, competing with the [[Qadir]] Sultanate over power in the known world.
[[File:Autocracy.jpg|268px|thumb|right|Autocracy, hierarchy, and feudalism are some of the cornerstone pillars of Ailor society.]]
[[File:Fassshion.jpg|268px|thumb|right|While most other people have consistent fashion styles, the Ailor are at the foreground of fashionable advancements.]]
[[File:Courtplottin.jpg|268px|thumb|right|The amount of plotting and scheming at Ailor courts would sometimes put Elven intrigue to shame, given it moves much faster and much more deadly.]]
Ailor, being the closest analog to a "Human" as seen in other lore universes, are considered the jack-of-all-trades. They do nothing quite as exceptional as the other peoples of Aloria. While they can learn Magic, rarely does an Ailor become as good a Mage as a Lanlath Elf. While Ailor use technology often, rarely do they have the unique technological gift of the Skyborn. While Ailor fleets command the high seas with military power, an Ailor could not compete with a Fin'ullen Elf while fighting submerged in water. They are the average middle ground between all people, capable of all things but having no specific gift for anything but court politics and intrigue, and an uncanny ability to create further divisions among themselves. It should be noted that Ailor can have any visual appearance real-world people can have independent of their parentage or ethnicity. Genetics work differently in Aloria, with inherited traits often being more about demeanor, rather than skin/hair/eye color or ethnic grouping.

'''It is important to note that the Ailor Page is a skeleton page, containing very little information. This is because the Ailor are inherently divided into many different cultures which each have their own unique take on the race. As such, it may be important to understand the base concept of the Ailor, but then to deepen your knowledge in one of the Human [[Cultures]].'''
==Heritage Traits==
In Character Design, [[Proficiency]] allows for the buying of Packs, which give Combat Abilities. Heritage Traits add free Packs and Mechanics to a Character, fit around cultural themes. Mechanics are flair and roleplay opportunities Characters have outside of Combat, while Packs are Combat Power. Free [[Magic]] Packs can always be defined as any Alignment. Mixed Heritage Characters (characters of two different culture parents) choose one set of Free Packs, and can mix and match Mechanics from both parents up to a maximum of 5 Mechanics.
===Free Packs===
* Ailor can choose 1 Pack from any Category for free. If any magic is chosen, the player may choose Alignment between God Magic, Exist, Ordial, Void, and Dragon Magic.
* Ailor can choose 1 Pack from [[Mounted Point Buy]] or [[Training Point Buy]] Categories for free.

==Physical Characteristics==
The best way to describe Ailors is to simply call them average. Over the past centuries, it has become apparent that using the Ailors as a standard point of view when analyzing the other races is easiest. This is caused by the fact that Ailor have no exaggerated proportions and are generally seen as the middle point between all other races. Ailors are of an average height between Elves and Dwarves. They are less strongly built than Qadir, but are larger and more well built than Common Dynasty Sihai. The fact that perhaps does set them apart is their wide diversity in looks and aesthetic presentation. Ailors often accuse other races of all looking alike, with their limited physical characteristics and generally uniform appearance. Ailors can have a wide variety of eye colors, ranging from any green hue to blue, brown, and all mixtures in between. Their hair can be as brightly blonde as the light of the sun or as pitch black as the darkest abyss. Their skin colors range from soft olive creamy tones to harsh, bleak pinks.
* Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divides. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.
* Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.
* Ailor make for excellent negotiators. Ailor gain +2 on top of every Persuasion Dice roll result, and their Persuasion Cap is also increased by +2 for every Dice Roll. These effects only apply to non-Afflicted, non-Mystech individuals, as their speech and habits are entirely fine-tuned to the more mundane aspects of global society, they must venture beyond their comfort zone to be able to reach Magic things.
* Ailor whether by divine intervention or by sheer dump cosmic luck, always somehow end up on the right side of history. Ailor Characters when participating in Events, may sometimes stumble into an extreme luck roll that drops an additional loot item for one of the participants. This loot can be physical items, or intangible things like Divinium or an Artifactspark. Chances are higher for non-Magic using Ailor than Magic using Ailor.
* Ailor when using [[Syncretism]] can worship up to 3 Gods of their sub-dominant Religion, instead of just 1 or 2. Additionally, when Syncretizing, they gain the Mechanic of the sub-dominant Religion (except for Evolism, where only one of the Mechanics can be chosen). If your Character does not Syncretize, they gain +1 Attack Stat (Breaking Cap up to 11) against Characters that have Syncretized their mono-faith.
* '''[[Unionism]]:''' Unionism is the most common Religion followed by the Ailor, and it is also the most recent one, only being 300 years or so old. Unionism is a Religion that proposes that global paradise will arrive when the Regalian Empire dominates the whole world, and because most Ailor live in the borders of the Regalian Empire, the two connect well.
* '''[[Draconism]]:''' Draconism is one of the smallest minority Religions among the Ailor, but still one that is going strong. Draconism is exceptionally hard to root out among the Ailor, because the Dragons always seem to have treated them more preferentially than other peoples of Aloria, guiding and helping the development of many of their cultures over the centuries.
* '''[[Estelley]]:''' Following Estelley as a Religion is a bit strange for an Ailor because it is mostly an Elf ethno-Religion, and because the Elves spent millennia terrorizing Ailor countries with repeat raids for wealth and power. Still, Estelley brings a strong message about inner perfection that some Ailor who live among a lot of Elves may find appealing.
* '''[[Fornoss]]:''' Fornoss is the second (and once largest) Religion of the Ailor. The Fornoss Religion continues to be strong especially in the north, as the original Fornoss believers were the first Ailor to truly venture far beyond their native homelands and colonized many corners of the world. It continues to have a strong presence even in the mostly Unionist Regalian Empire.
* '''[[Evolism]]:''' Evolism is an unusually popular minority Religion among the Ailor. As the Regalian Empire grows and expands, the individual becomes more of a faceless nameless gray entity in a crowd, indistinguishable from the other averages. The Dark Gods answer, allowing an Ailor to become exceptional, powerful, famous and feared, at the expense of their obedience.
* '''[[Khama]]:''' While Khama was largely an ethno-Religion for most of its existence, it has recently become more open to outsiders, and so some non-Asha are converting to it. The numbers are still minuscule, but with a more articulated central message, Khama is capable of competing for converts with the other minority Religions.
* '''[[Minor Faiths]]:''' Due to the cultural and historical variance among the Ailor, Pagan Cultism is alive and well especially in the more isolated corners of the Empire. Ailor make up the bulk of most of the smaller Pagan Faiths and Cults that exist around the world, just because of difficulty other major world Religions have at inspiring the hinterlands to follow their dogma.

==Mental Characteristics==
[[File:Leutzicoiz.png|260px|thumb|right|Ailor are strongly aristocratic]]
Ailor naming customs are extremely varied, and even within societies or cultures that have common habits, Ailor tend to name children all manner of names sometimes even from other cultures. If a player chooses to make their Character of a particular culture (cultures are outlined below), then a quick google search can quickly explain naming conventions, and give name examples. Some unique naming conventions within the lore do not exist in real-life, so it may always be relevant to source the culture pages below to see if any special naming conventions are mentioned.  
Ailors are commonly known for their tendency to categorize everything, and have extreme conflict-oriented views of everything that isn’t part of their own group. This grouping mentality has caused severe fracturing of the cultures as well as inherently making Ailors aggressive beings often resorting to violence to get their way. However, it should also be noted that Ailor are capable of great feats of diplomacy and ingenuity. Ailors generally are inquisitive, progressive and intelligent, giving them great capability to reason or devise the most unspeakable things that would even make the decadent Elves seem tame in comparison. Ailors generally believe they are the greatest race in the world, which is further reinforced by the growing religion of Regalian [[Unionism]]. This makes them generally known as arrogant and self-serving to other races.  

===Will of Faith===
The Ailor have an ability called Will of Faith. This ability is native to all Ailor, but functions entirely different depending on what religion they follow. Will of Faith manifests itself as an inner ability to project one's faith onto the world through sheer will of spiritual force. Essentially, Ailor believe so strongly and so en-masse in their religions, that through the sheer number of faithful willing a faith to be real, this massive collective belief starts manifesting abilities and traits into the faithful. Each faith has its own unique trait and ability, and while it is possible for Ailor to change faiths, generally speaking a Will of Faith will only manifest in someone who has at least 7/10 religiosity towards a particular faith, and does not doubt their faith or have moments of weak faith. They must strictly believe in the core tenets and follow the worship of this faith, and not be a "lazy worshiper" who does only the bare minimum. Only when someone is "devout" will they gain the Will of Faith. The exact abilities of the Will of Faith are outlined below in a table. Any form of non-mundane Ailor does not have access to Will of Faith, including but not limited to Soul Shards, Witchbloods, Silven, Abberants etc.
Ailor more than any other people sub-divide their cultues perpetually, and sometimes for no real discernable reason other than to engage in an othering of groups of people from the home-group. While most other peoples of Aloria are fairly homogenous when it comes to culture, the Ailor have dozens of cultures, and among them even dozens of dialects and customs. Ailor love create an "us and them" mentality with ever smaller groupings with niche customs and habits. To give access to a wide variety of cultural expressions, we use real-world culture analogs that are easy to understand and express for Players. Below is a listing of all the Cultures that are currently playable.
{| class="wikitable"
* The '''[[Ailor_Cultures#Velheim|Velheim Culture]]''' is a varied Scandinavian-like Culture with elements of Viking militarism and Norse Pagan mysticism.
! style="font-weight:bold; background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Faith
* The '''[[Not Ready Yet|Wirtem Culture (to be written)]]''' is a varied Germanic-like culture with elements of Prussian militarism and Bavarian agrarianism.
! style="font-weight:bold; background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Effect / Ability
* The '''[[Not Ready Yet|Anglian Culture (to be written)]]''' is a varied Netherlandish culture with elements of Dutch agrarianism and old Germanic mysticism.
* The '''[[Not Ready Yet|Breizh Culture (to be written)]]''' is a varied Welsh/Breton/Cornish-like culture with elements of chivalric knighthood and Arthurian legends.
| Unionism
* The '''[[Not Ready Yet|Cearden Culture (to be written)]]''' is a varied English/Anglosaxon/Gaelic-like culture with elements of English manorialism and the Scottish highlands.
| Those who believe in the will of the Spirit are able to assume a praying stance to grant blessings to their next actions from the Spirit. In order to assume this praying stance, they must either drop to their knees or sit behind a table or desk, and assume the praying pose for Unionism. Praying takes at least a minute, in which they mutter their requests for blessings to the Spirit, after which they declare “Oratio Paien”. When this statement is made, the Unionist is blessed with +5 [[Proficiency]] in their skill of choice for the next 5 minutes (except Sorcery and Special Race Proficiency). This can only be used once a day, cannot be used during progressions, and cannot be used mid-combat (only right before combat).
* The '''[[Ailor_Cultures#Ithanian|Ithanian Culture]]''' is a varied French-like culture with elements of Versailles court-intrigue and belle-epoque high fashion.
* The '''[[Not Ready Yet|Tierravera Culture (to be written)]]''' is a varied Spanish/Latin America-like culture with elements of hacienda estates and guerrilla-style independence.
| Old Gods + Oldt Fayth + Draoidh Feya + Old Pagan Faiths
* The '''[[Not Ready Yet|Slovenin Culture (to be written)]]''' is a varied Slavic/Balkan-like culture with elements of orthodox piety to faith and east-European customs.
| Those who believe in any of the old Ailor faiths are able to manifest the Eyes of the Auld Hunt, which is a spiritual [[Owl]] that appears on their shoulder in a ghostly blue form. This Owl cannot be interacted with or move away, but grants the person using them +10 [[Perception Training]] and +10 [[Hunting Knowledge]] Proficiencies for 5 minutes after summoning. This effect can only be used once a day. The Proficiency boosts do not break racial cap or non-racial cap limitations.
* The '''[[Not Ready Yet|Aetosian Culture (to be written)]]''' is a varied Byzantine/Armenian/Georgian-like culture with elements of intellectualism and the enlightenment.
* The '''[[Not Ready Yet|Cantaluna Culture (to be written)]]''' is a varied Italian-like culture with elements of musical/orchestral expression and educational prowess.
| Faith of Estel
* The '''[[Ailor_Cultures#Pre-Empire|Pre-Empire Culture (to be written)]]''' is a collection of mostly extinct fantasy cultures that add some unique flair to Ailor.
| Those who believe in the Faith of Estel are, though the Will of Faith, able to manifest the Power of the 9th unofficial Ailor God of the Estel Pantheon: Calvannis, the chosen slave of the Talea. Outer Court Calvannis, the Leader of the Chosen, allows the wielder to summon a fiery lasso, which while appearing as if made of fire, does not hurt anyone unless they are somehow [[Void]] tainted or Void empowered, causing them searing pain while the lasso is latched onto any part of their body. This lasso extends to Emote Distance and breaks if the target leaves this distance, or the user is rendered unconscious or breaks the lasso themselves. One free hand must always be had to use the lasso. Unlike other lasso abilities, this ability is not auto-hit, and requires the proper space and skill for efficient usage.
* The '''[[Not Ready Yet|Regal Culture (to be written)]]''' has no real-world analog, it is an artificial "patriotic" culture that tries to blend other cultures together.  
While we generally recommend sticking to these Cultures as written into Lore, you are able to carry forward your own culture or a real-world culture not mentioned on this page into Roleplay without much issue. Keep in mind however that some specific cultures do belong to other heritages of people, so if you would like to express a particular real-world culture in Roleplay that is not on this list, please make a Lore Staff Ticket on the Community Discord to discuss.
| Dragon Worship + Loong Worship + Isldarrin Dogma
| Those who believe in any of the Dragon related faiths are able to use the Will of Denial to shroud themselves in an anti-Magic field. This takes the form of a purple liquid-like shield rapidly enveloping them and acting like a barrier to any type of Magic. Magic that is already having an effect on them immediately ceases (except for [[Mind Magic]] & Curses), while any future Magic is absorbed by the shield. While this shield is active, the person can only move with the speed of a crawling pace, if they want to move faster, they have to cancel the shield. The shield cannot be flickered on and off constantly. When disabled, it takes a full minute before it can be reused, but it can be summoned instantly when it is ready. The anti-Magic field can be maintained practically forever, but it also disables the user from interacting with the world outside of the shield besides walking at a crawling pace and talking.  
| Orc Faith
| Those who believe in the Orc Faith have the Will of Power manifested in them. This gives them a natural +10 [[Physical Stat]] that factors into [[Body Shape]], while also allowing them to transform at will into an [[Orc]] version of themselves. This transformation does not grant them Orc Proficiencies, but does allow them to break the Body Shape cap for Ailor.
| Void Worship
| Those who worship the Void and truly surrender their mind to the Void gain the Will of the Void. The Will of the Void is more of a passive effect that blunts their fear, heightens their vices and dulls their virtues, while making their mind free of guilt, conscience and goodness. It doesn't strictly make them evil, just less affected by second-guessing and self-doubt. Furthermore, it also makes them immune to most negative effects of Void-borne diseases and afflictions such as Dulo Disease, becoming immune to the weakening effects but still having the infectiousness and other non-harmful effects to the host.
| Muz'havel + Ibadet
| Those who are devoted believers in the belief system of Muz’havel, and its subsect of Ibadet, have the ability to cleanse water through their physical touch and then convert it into what Regalians call [[Holy Water]]. After submerging their fingers or entire hand in a pool of water, they need only speak the first verse of the Chant of Cleansing to purity that body of liquid. All diseases, sickness, dirtiness and foulness will be cleared from the pool and, after speaking the second verse of the Chant of Cleansing, converts the liquid into Holy Water. The ability is ineffective in a portion of water larger than 1 liter.

The Ailor have an unknown past, often believed to have come from Ceardia. They were once called Humans, a term comes from the Elven word Humwë, which is generally invoked when speaking to a dumb person. However, when other Races like the Qadir wer discovered, the Altalar determined that there must have been a people before both, proto-Humans, who helped create the Qadir and Ailor (and later, perhaps also the Dwarves). It is unknown when or how the Ailor distinctly developed from the proto-Humans, but it is generally accepted that the Ailor are physically closest to the common Human ancestor. Ailor have an incredibly slow developing history. For nearly ten centuries, Humans did nothing but live in huts, fight each other, and die from disease and other calamities. The catalyst that caused explosive growth among Ailor was the collapse of the Elven Empire following the Cataclysm.
===The Homeland Era===
The Homeland Era is a period that refers to when the Ailor largely lived on Ceardia and other immediately adjacent land masses. This period was likely either shortly after the fall of the Meraic Empire or some millennia before the rise of the Allorn Empire. Ailor have likely been around for some time longer than most people of Aloria in the present era, however their initial progress was extremely slow due to their short (comparative) life spans, and their extremely violent culture. The Homeland Era is sometimes also referred to as the Warlord Era, as this was a period in which most of Ailor society was perpetually stuck in never-ending border conflicts with regional warlords and petty despots. There are an uncountable amount of cultures that rose and perished in this period, until the sudden arrival of the Proto-Velheim who would later form the core of the Fornoss worshiping people. At around the same time, the ancestors of the Skyborn diversified from their common Ailor ancestor, and became the first founders on Ard-al-Nur, thus no longer being Ailor.  
The Void Invasion wrecked the northern hemisphere of Aloria, but it spared most of the areas where the largest concentration of Ailor kingdoms found themselves. This event caused many of them to reconsider their past habits and decide that future cooperation would suit them best in the rapidly emerging new world order. Additionally, the Elven Empire collapsed in its wake, allowing the Ailor to expand with virtually no obstacles. The newly created Regalian Empire was the first to rise from the ashes, and it quickly assimilated the other almost defenseless Ailor groups around it. Over a period of 100 years after the Void Invasion, Regalia consolidated its power on the Regalian Archipelago and spent the next two centuries expanding beyond. As Ailors multiplied in large numbers, so did their statehoods and philosophies. As population groups became isolated from one another or simply developed differently, the large collection of cultures was born that we know today.
===The Pearl Wars===
After the Proto-Velheim started mass-colonizing the world, a long period that coincides with Elven and Asha history referred to as the Pearl Wars or the Elven Terror. This was a period spanning some millennia after the Dewamenet-Allorn War, and the subsequent defeat of the Asha. As the Pearl Wars accelerated against the Asha, fleeing Asha populations moved into Ailor territories, which in turn put the Ailor in contact with the Elves. There is a shared tragedy between the Ailor and the Asha, in that many of the same areas where Asha were repeatedly attacked with vile Oblation Magics, the Ailor who lived close by and sometimes even intermingled also became a target. While Oblation Magic required specific conditions to be met to work on the souls of the Asha, it was easier to apply to the Ailor, who had such varied Religions that they sometimes just did not have afterlives, or were some version of early agnostic, thus not having any faith at all. It should be expressed that the Asha by far suffered greater under this historical event than the Ailor, as the campaign by the Elves was designed to exterminate their people and culture, but Ailor often were caught up in the crossfire, and faced raids just as well. For every three raids on Asha population centers, Ailor also faced a raid on theirs, with Elven fleets ranging as far as Ceardia, Ard-al-Nur, and the landmass that would later become the Regalian Archipelago. During this period, large migratory movements of people also occurred, which is why the Ailor are so genetically diverse in the modern era. While originally skintone and hair color and eye color defined where someone came from, over time the mixing of these people made visual traits effectively universal. There remain legends of "the arrival of the black-haired people from the south", millennia ago, a point after which those populations mixed, and henceforth any Ailor could have black hair. The Pearl Wars did not invoke a historical trauma for the Ailor like it did for the Asha, notably because their average life span in this period was four times as short as an average Asha who could survive the Pearl Wars, so the events were quickly forgotten, though a communal distrust of Elves remained. When the Pearl Wars ended, Ailor population counts recovered fairly quickly, and exploded after the Cataclysm.
===The Regalian Era===
[[File:Northernwild.jpg|260px|thumb|right|Not all Ailor are civilized, many live barbaric ways.]]
The Cataclysm defines the 0 year dating event during which much of the world's geography was changed due a series of natural calamities. These earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis were the consequence of a massive Magical event at the end of a failed Void Invasion elsewhere in the world, and it utterly wrecked most of the western world's surface (sparing the Sihai lands). The Allorn Empire was destroyed, and with their most prominent obstacle to glory being eliminated, the Ailor were free to expand and form larger contiguous states. In the year 5 AC the Regalian Empire was founded after the Five Family Rebellion against a local Elven state, during which Solvaan Elves. Eronidas, Ailor, and Narim came together to defeat the local tyrants and found the Regalian Empire under the leadership of the Ailor. Regalia continued to grow for the coming 3 centuries into the world's largest but often at times unstable Empire and the central focus point of world politics. This era is largely defined for each state by whether or not they are part of the Empire, subject to it, or fight against it.  
[[File:Plotslash.png|260px|thumb|right|A predisposition to scheming and plotting is frequent among Ailor.]]
==Expanded Lore==
Ailor Society is mostly known for being systematic, bureaucratic, and adhering to a strong sense of hierarchy, at least in most cases. Additionally, it is also known for being incredibly diverse, giving birth to many different cultures which put the race in stark contrast to other races which often have only a single culture. Ailor society is generally seen as ruthless, serving only the upper echelons of society. They are incredibly xenophobic and racist, particularly towards what they consider “Non-Humans." The societies of the Ailor states differ wildly from state to state, so it is difficult to truly identify a single Ailor society. Still, trends and cultural similarities are present.
Expanded Lore exists to apply more content and deep-lore exploration. This section is optional reading that is not needed for a good experience, though if you play a Scholar of a kind, reading this is encouraged.
===Regalia the City===
Regalia is the capital of the Regalian Empire. Why the city and the Empire are named the way they are is unknown, though it was likely a happenstance, as most of the Regalian Empire at the time of its founding was either trival or in early stages of developing a feudal agrarian society. Regalia, or the capital more specifically, was the place where everyone traveled to "the Regal place" as it were. The capital is what defined much of the early rise of the Empire, and is the central focal point in a way that no other capital of any other people could be. As a result, it is speculated that the locals just eventually called Regalia the Regal City, and that the Empire was defined by what this capital was called. Regalia is a metropolitan the likes of which only the most cosmopolitan melting pot cities in the real world could compare. Even though it only has 4 million inhabitants (which is small compared to real-world metropolises), it is the most densely inhabited city in Aloria, with every culture, every belief, every cult, every heritage and every ethnicity represented. For all the major religions there are vast temples, for all the foreign kingdoms there are embassies, and each people effectively has a district or neighborhood to call their own. Every taste, every sensation, every thought and everything that is present in the world is sampled in this city, which is why inevitably all roads lead back to Regalia, and every person longs to visit this city one day. The city however also has a dark side. While much of it is covered in wealth and splendor, crime is high in the poor areas and state saboteurs and terrorists actively blend into the vast population that the state apparatus is often unable to control. For all the gilded roofs and poetic prose about the beauty of the Palace, it only masks the misery of the homeless in the alley ways, falling victim to Vampires and other dark forces alike. Regalia is a city of extremes, and thus the focus point of the Roleplay universe.
Ailor cannot be attributed to any single political flow or government form. In general, Ailor are greedy, power-lusting, and selfish, or so history would dictate. This makes Ailor more inclined to create monarchies or dictatorships, but Ailor democracies also exist, as do anarchic societies. In the northern lands inhabited by Ailor, monarchies are the preferred type of governance. In Regalia, the imperial administration is popular, and in the east, strong aristocratic societies with hints of democracy are prevalent. The biggest factor that all Ailor governments share however, is a strong sense of aristocracy. Ailor are excellent at elevating one social class over the other, resulting in a clear distinction between poor and rich in Ailor governance.
Ailor culture is extremely diverse, more so than any other race due to the heavy splintering this race has undergone over the centuries. Most cultures can however be found to be derived from other cultures, so all cultures are generally grouped under: Regalian, Ceardian, Ithanian, Daendroque, or Northerne. Regalian culture consists of a very strongly aristocratic culture that predominantly glorifies chivalry, honor, warfare and patriarchy. Regalian society often looks down on the others as barbaric or uncivilized. Ceardian culture is predominantly serf based, meaning it is heavily focused on exploiting the weak and poor in a feudal system. It is often seen as less developed than Regalian, though it maintains a few large differences, in that the Ceardians tend to value autonomy, family-oriented living, and honesty. Daendroque culture is often seen as exotic, where food, dance, and parties are central interests. Daendroque is seen as the laughing stock of the other cultures, as it seen as unserious and too jovial. Ithanian is mostly similar to Regalian, except that it supports gender equality where Regalian does not. Those of Ithania are also fiercely anti-confrontational and anti-conflict, which is coupled nicely with their immensely materialistic personalities and surrounding. Central to them are fashion, jewelry and grandeur, all children of Ithanian richness and self-proclaimed ideas of sophistication. Finally, Northerne is seen as the most barbaric and uncivilized of Ailor culture. It is a culture that glorifies hunting, strength, and the wild life. It does not have a strong sense of social hierarchy, instead focusing on the power of those who have the means to take it.

===Thoughts on Magic===
Ailor have several religions, the biggest one being Unionism. The Unionists worship the Emperor of Regalia as the supreme being on Aloria, firmly believing in the divine right of Ailor to rule all of Aloria as the supreme race. This religion validates their racism and violent attitude to other races and civilizations. Unionism, however, is also seen as an intensely organized religion, more so than all others. In true Ailor fashion however, Unionism is also diversely split among several sects, cults, and heretical forms that are only mildly tolerated. Another popular religion is the Faith of the Old Gods, a faith based around the allfather Maedin. The Old Gods as a religion is slowly dying out due to successful and strategic conversion tactics by Unionist reverends and missionaries, as well as the fact that it is largely based off of a Human interpretation of the faith of Estel. Especially the last mentioned reason plays strongly, as in modern times The Old Gods is seen as an inferior religion with a false base. Other smaller religions exist: cults worshipping the Void, animals, the moon, and other celestial objects. None of these have as much traction as the aforementioned religions however.
The Ailor are a people with a complicated relationship with Magic. Some cultures absolutely adore and encourage Magical exploration, while many other Ailor cultures absolutely despise it, and would eagerly kill Mages if given the chance. As a result, Ailor leaders and rulers constantly walk a fine balancing act between purism and mage emancipation that often tends to swing back and forth depending on the personal preferences of the person in charge. In Regalian Roleplay, this expresses itself through the "pendulum of rights". Every year or so, a new person comes to power in Regalia who has a different opinion on Magic, and radically alters the laws to fit their preferences. This can sometimes result in extreme emancipation and Magic publicly used in the street, only to be repressed a year later as a new ruler comes to power. It often results in situations where Mages play crucial roles in solving the calamities and chaos that strike Regalia, but end up being punished after the fact as scapegoats, having to be content with the invisibility of their achievement as propaganda wipes their contributions away. The constant struggle between Tech versus Magic is an ongoing topic in Ailor society, and Regalia in particular, that Players are constantly on switching sides of.  

===Combat and Warfare===
===Aristocracy & Hierarchy===
Being a race that lives and thrives off of violence, the Ailor have a very rich history of warfare and a very creative arsenal of ways to kill. Ailor commonly utilize cannons, explosives, and other new century weapons. Ailor are usually quick to adopt new methods of warfare as well, dedicating whole schools and individuals to perfect their method of eradicating their opponents. Ailor often rely on a sort of feudal levy system where nobility press peasantry and citizens into military service for their leader. This often results in very large, poorly equipped armies that simply rely on numbers to do their bidding. Professional armies are known to exist, with Regalia most notably possessing a few. Ailor predominantly use a shield and a sword, supported by bowmen and lancer cavalry. They prefer to defeat their opponent by sea however, and Regalia has a long tradition of naval warfare and naval supremacy.
One very important aspect of Ailor society as a whole is aristocracy, autocracy and the concept of hierarchy. For better or worse, the Ailor always gravitate towards leadership structures and seek strong persons to lead them and to organize them. The Ailor are not exceptional at anything individually, but even the most untrained peasant mob under the right leader can turn the Ailor from disorganized rabble into efficient fighting machine. Each Ailor society eventually structures itself around centralized leaders followed by devolved leadership or authority passed down to subordinates. This usually expresses itself through feudalism and serfdom, and so most of the millions of Ailor who live in the world are tenant farmers or workers subject to some lord or count. Even among the nominally more democratic nations that call themselves republics, only the wealthy vote, or votes are only cast between centralizing families that rule from mighty castles and palaces. Hierarchy is exceptionally important in Ailor society, and the concept of a social class climber is seen as uncouth. Class distinction is important, and while the Ailor do not have a caste system, marrying outside of one's means is considered an offensive vanity for the pauper, and a weak gesture for the wealth-born.  

===Economy and Technology===
===States & Regionalism===
Ailor economy is mainly based around commerce and production. Base resources are produced by poorer states or regions, sold by middlemen to richer regions, then developed into goods and then sold once more to the richest regions. This has given birth to a massive system of bureaucracy, with people taking cuts along the way. It allows for a heavily centralized governance of the Ailor, but it also enlarges the gap between the poor and the rich. Most Ailor work in the primary sector, being agriculture and resource harvesting, but a flourishing financial sector exists where money lending, investing, and banking happens to such a degree it puts the other races to shame. Ailors truly have a skill for money management. Ailor are also generally considered the most technologically advanced race on Aloria. While the Dwarves may outdo them with inventions, Ailors are quick to adopt their work, even if they abandon it. High technological standing also allows for greater growth potential, whether in food production or advancements in medicine. Such achievements have stretched the ambitions of the Ailor far and wide, though arguably also caused the constant friction and downright genocidal nature of the Ailors in particular towards the [[Races#Naylar|Naylar]].
An enduring conflict that often plagues Ailor progress, is their habit to further fragment their society into smaller groups to create more exclusionary in-groups and othering those not part of it. This often expresses itself in the conflict between patriotism and regionalism. It is a natural desire of all states and autocratic leaders to seek more centralized power. To break away the legal rights of the smaller regions and to meld everything together into one homogenous loyal state that works towards a common goal. Because Ailor have become very efficient at doing just that, large regional-autonomy movements have risen up to preserve cultural uniqueness, but also to counteract the loss of regional agency. After all, many cultural niches exist in small regional polities, with a history of having fought for their identity's continued survival against for example a common enemy like the Elves. But often, when these enemies would disappear, suddenly the predominant Ailor power would become the new oppressor, or attempt to centralize power even more aggressively than the previous tyrant would. In Regalia, this often expresses itself in subtly disobedient and regionally autonomous politicians. These politicians aren't necessarily disloyal to the Empire, and do not wish to see it do well, but would rather than all taxes and cultural homogeneity is applied anywhere but here. In essence, many of Regalia's politicians are NIMBYs, and the Empire's instability is largely caused by its own politicians engaging in self-sabotaging plots against the crown and the central state to cling to any regional autonomy they can, even if it puts them at severe risk of invasion from outside forces or ouster from their own people.  

*It is generally assumed if all Ailors set their differences aside and decided to prosecute all other races, they would inflict genocides of terrifying proportions. Luckily, as time passes, Ailors continue to divide and split.
* The name Ailor is a somewhat bold claim made by these people that they should be the inheritors of the world (the world being called Aloria, considering themselves the pre-eminent people of it). Other peoples of Aloria sometimes call the Ailor "Nuvalon", which is Elven for "New People" to put them more in their historical context.
*Ailor as a name comes from the name of the world, Aloria. It is not known where the term Ailor came from, most likely some Ailor came up with it to identify themselves with the world they intend to rule.
* The one thing Ailor are deeply skilled at, is adaptation and usurpation. Ailor can take any kind of technology, design, or idea from other people, and further it into one of their own, and then continue to iterate onto it to make it even better. Most Ailor inventions like the musket and the three-decked battleship are based on Dwarven inventions, but now fuel the rise of the Regalian Empire.  
* Ailor are confirmed to be a common ancestor of the Skyborn people (at least the Founders and the Reclaimers). It is also speculated that the Ailor may be a distant common ancestor of the Dwarves. This would explain why Dwarven traits essentially disappear in half or quarter Dwarves.  

|Artists = MonMarty
|Artists = MonMarty
|Writers = MonMarty
|Writers = MonMarty
|Processors = Jared4242, babayonce, Levers
|Processors = MonMarty, FireFan96
[[category:races]] [[category:Humans]] [[category:Human Races]]

Latest revision as of 03:41, 28 September 2024

Ailor (in Common)
Motto: "March, march to the glory of progress"
Nation StateMany
LanguagesPrimarily Common
ReligionUnionism, Fornoss, Draconism
First RecordedUnclear

Ailor is a term that describes a vast range of people with no clear single heritage origin, but who all developed around the same time. Aloria's analog for Humans, the Ailor are Aloria's most numerous people by sheer virtue of populating the majority of the world's landmasses, and their comparatively shorter lives to those of other heritage, causing their population numbers to explode in short periods. To many other societies, the Ailor were barely on the radar for thousands of years. Despite their huge numbers, for most of history, they were the uncounted footnote, often an entity to be acted upon, rather than setting the stage for the global empires of old. The world-altering event that was the Cataclysm changed the global foodchain, propelling the Ailor to the top with the newly established Regalian Empire, which would grow to become the world's greatest superpower. The majority of the Roleplay occurs in the capital of the Ailor people, Regalia.


Because of their historical newcomer status to geopolitics, some other peoples of Aloria still look down on Ailor as crude tribals.
Knighthood is a concept developed by Ailor, mostly to legitimize and uphold their power structures.
Most of the world's history is recorded through the eyes of the Ailor, who show a more erudite work-ethic to chronicling than others.
The Ailor are exceptionally pious, capable of great acts of self-sacrifice or evil in the name of faith.
While most of Ailor society is anti-Magic, some of the world's most powerful Mages can be found among them.
Autocracy, hierarchy, and feudalism are some of the cornerstone pillars of Ailor society.
While most other people have consistent fashion styles, the Ailor are at the foreground of fashionable advancements.
The amount of plotting and scheming at Ailor courts would sometimes put Elven intrigue to shame, given it moves much faster and much more deadly.

Ailor, being the closest analog to a "Human" as seen in other lore universes, are considered the jack-of-all-trades. They do nothing quite as exceptional as the other peoples of Aloria. While they can learn Magic, rarely does an Ailor become as good a Mage as a Lanlath Elf. While Ailor use technology often, rarely do they have the unique technological gift of the Skyborn. While Ailor fleets command the high seas with military power, an Ailor could not compete with a Fin'ullen Elf while fighting submerged in water. They are the average middle ground between all people, capable of all things but having no specific gift for anything but court politics and intrigue, and an uncanny ability to create further divisions among themselves. It should be noted that Ailor can have any visual appearance real-world people can have independent of their parentage or ethnicity. Genetics work differently in Aloria, with inherited traits often being more about demeanor, rather than skin/hair/eye color or ethnic grouping.

Heritage Traits

In Character Design, Proficiency allows for the buying of Packs, which give Combat Abilities. Heritage Traits add free Packs and Mechanics to a Character, fit around cultural themes. Mechanics are flair and roleplay opportunities Characters have outside of Combat, while Packs are Combat Power. Free Magic Packs can always be defined as any Alignment. Mixed Heritage Characters (characters of two different culture parents) choose one set of Free Packs, and can mix and match Mechanics from both parents up to a maximum of 5 Mechanics.

Free Packs

  • Ailor can choose 1 Pack from any Category for free. If any magic is chosen, the player may choose Alignment between God Magic, Exist, Ordial, Void, and Dragon Magic.
  • Ailor can choose 1 Pack from Mounted Point Buy or Training Point Buy Categories for free.


  • Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divides. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.
  • Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.
  • Ailor make for excellent negotiators. Ailor gain +2 on top of every Persuasion Dice roll result, and their Persuasion Cap is also increased by +2 for every Dice Roll. These effects only apply to non-Afflicted, non-Mystech individuals, as their speech and habits are entirely fine-tuned to the more mundane aspects of global society, they must venture beyond their comfort zone to be able to reach Magic things.
  • Ailor whether by divine intervention or by sheer dump cosmic luck, always somehow end up on the right side of history. Ailor Characters when participating in Events, may sometimes stumble into an extreme luck roll that drops an additional loot item for one of the participants. This loot can be physical items, or intangible things like Divinium or an Artifactspark. Chances are higher for non-Magic using Ailor than Magic using Ailor.
  • Ailor when using Syncretism can worship up to 3 Gods of their sub-dominant Religion, instead of just 1 or 2. Additionally, when Syncretizing, they gain the Mechanic of the sub-dominant Religion (except for Evolism, where only one of the Mechanics can be chosen). If your Character does not Syncretize, they gain +1 Attack Stat (Breaking Cap up to 11) against Characters that have Syncretized their mono-faith.


  • Unionism: Unionism is the most common Religion followed by the Ailor, and it is also the most recent one, only being 300 years or so old. Unionism is a Religion that proposes that global paradise will arrive when the Regalian Empire dominates the whole world, and because most Ailor live in the borders of the Regalian Empire, the two connect well.
  • Draconism: Draconism is one of the smallest minority Religions among the Ailor, but still one that is going strong. Draconism is exceptionally hard to root out among the Ailor, because the Dragons always seem to have treated them more preferentially than other peoples of Aloria, guiding and helping the development of many of their cultures over the centuries.
  • Estelley: Following Estelley as a Religion is a bit strange for an Ailor because it is mostly an Elf ethno-Religion, and because the Elves spent millennia terrorizing Ailor countries with repeat raids for wealth and power. Still, Estelley brings a strong message about inner perfection that some Ailor who live among a lot of Elves may find appealing.
  • Fornoss: Fornoss is the second (and once largest) Religion of the Ailor. The Fornoss Religion continues to be strong especially in the north, as the original Fornoss believers were the first Ailor to truly venture far beyond their native homelands and colonized many corners of the world. It continues to have a strong presence even in the mostly Unionist Regalian Empire.
  • Evolism: Evolism is an unusually popular minority Religion among the Ailor. As the Regalian Empire grows and expands, the individual becomes more of a faceless nameless gray entity in a crowd, indistinguishable from the other averages. The Dark Gods answer, allowing an Ailor to become exceptional, powerful, famous and feared, at the expense of their obedience.
  • Khama: While Khama was largely an ethno-Religion for most of its existence, it has recently become more open to outsiders, and so some non-Asha are converting to it. The numbers are still minuscule, but with a more articulated central message, Khama is capable of competing for converts with the other minority Religions.
  • Minor Faiths: Due to the cultural and historical variance among the Ailor, Pagan Cultism is alive and well especially in the more isolated corners of the Empire. Ailor make up the bulk of most of the smaller Pagan Faiths and Cults that exist around the world, just because of difficulty other major world Religions have at inspiring the hinterlands to follow their dogma.


Ailor naming customs are extremely varied, and even within societies or cultures that have common habits, Ailor tend to name children all manner of names sometimes even from other cultures. If a player chooses to make their Character of a particular culture (cultures are outlined below), then a quick google search can quickly explain naming conventions, and give name examples. Some unique naming conventions within the lore do not exist in real-life, so it may always be relevant to source the culture pages below to see if any special naming conventions are mentioned.


Ailor more than any other people sub-divide their cultues perpetually, and sometimes for no real discernable reason other than to engage in an othering of groups of people from the home-group. While most other peoples of Aloria are fairly homogenous when it comes to culture, the Ailor have dozens of cultures, and among them even dozens of dialects and customs. Ailor love create an "us and them" mentality with ever smaller groupings with niche customs and habits. To give access to a wide variety of cultural expressions, we use real-world culture analogs that are easy to understand and express for Players. Below is a listing of all the Cultures that are currently playable.

While we generally recommend sticking to these Cultures as written into Lore, you are able to carry forward your own culture or a real-world culture not mentioned on this page into Roleplay without much issue. Keep in mind however that some specific cultures do belong to other heritages of people, so if you would like to express a particular real-world culture in Roleplay that is not on this list, please make a Lore Staff Ticket on the Community Discord to discuss.


The Homeland Era

The Homeland Era is a period that refers to when the Ailor largely lived on Ceardia and other immediately adjacent land masses. This period was likely either shortly after the fall of the Meraic Empire or some millennia before the rise of the Allorn Empire. Ailor have likely been around for some time longer than most people of Aloria in the present era, however their initial progress was extremely slow due to their short (comparative) life spans, and their extremely violent culture. The Homeland Era is sometimes also referred to as the Warlord Era, as this was a period in which most of Ailor society was perpetually stuck in never-ending border conflicts with regional warlords and petty despots. There are an uncountable amount of cultures that rose and perished in this period, until the sudden arrival of the Proto-Velheim who would later form the core of the Fornoss worshiping people. At around the same time, the ancestors of the Skyborn diversified from their common Ailor ancestor, and became the first founders on Ard-al-Nur, thus no longer being Ailor.

The Pearl Wars

After the Proto-Velheim started mass-colonizing the world, a long period that coincides with Elven and Asha history referred to as the Pearl Wars or the Elven Terror. This was a period spanning some millennia after the Dewamenet-Allorn War, and the subsequent defeat of the Asha. As the Pearl Wars accelerated against the Asha, fleeing Asha populations moved into Ailor territories, which in turn put the Ailor in contact with the Elves. There is a shared tragedy between the Ailor and the Asha, in that many of the same areas where Asha were repeatedly attacked with vile Oblation Magics, the Ailor who lived close by and sometimes even intermingled also became a target. While Oblation Magic required specific conditions to be met to work on the souls of the Asha, it was easier to apply to the Ailor, who had such varied Religions that they sometimes just did not have afterlives, or were some version of early agnostic, thus not having any faith at all. It should be expressed that the Asha by far suffered greater under this historical event than the Ailor, as the campaign by the Elves was designed to exterminate their people and culture, but Ailor often were caught up in the crossfire, and faced raids just as well. For every three raids on Asha population centers, Ailor also faced a raid on theirs, with Elven fleets ranging as far as Ceardia, Ard-al-Nur, and the landmass that would later become the Regalian Archipelago. During this period, large migratory movements of people also occurred, which is why the Ailor are so genetically diverse in the modern era. While originally skintone and hair color and eye color defined where someone came from, over time the mixing of these people made visual traits effectively universal. There remain legends of "the arrival of the black-haired people from the south", millennia ago, a point after which those populations mixed, and henceforth any Ailor could have black hair. The Pearl Wars did not invoke a historical trauma for the Ailor like it did for the Asha, notably because their average life span in this period was four times as short as an average Asha who could survive the Pearl Wars, so the events were quickly forgotten, though a communal distrust of Elves remained. When the Pearl Wars ended, Ailor population counts recovered fairly quickly, and exploded after the Cataclysm.

The Regalian Era

The Cataclysm defines the 0 year dating event during which much of the world's geography was changed due a series of natural calamities. These earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis were the consequence of a massive Magical event at the end of a failed Void Invasion elsewhere in the world, and it utterly wrecked most of the western world's surface (sparing the Sihai lands). The Allorn Empire was destroyed, and with their most prominent obstacle to glory being eliminated, the Ailor were free to expand and form larger contiguous states. In the year 5 AC the Regalian Empire was founded after the Five Family Rebellion against a local Elven state, during which Solvaan Elves. Eronidas, Ailor, and Narim came together to defeat the local tyrants and found the Regalian Empire under the leadership of the Ailor. Regalia continued to grow for the coming 3 centuries into the world's largest but often at times unstable Empire and the central focus point of world politics. This era is largely defined for each state by whether or not they are part of the Empire, subject to it, or fight against it.

Expanded Lore

Expanded Lore exists to apply more content and deep-lore exploration. This section is optional reading that is not needed for a good experience, though if you play a Scholar of a kind, reading this is encouraged.

Regalia the City

Regalia is the capital of the Regalian Empire. Why the city and the Empire are named the way they are is unknown, though it was likely a happenstance, as most of the Regalian Empire at the time of its founding was either trival or in early stages of developing a feudal agrarian society. Regalia, or the capital more specifically, was the place where everyone traveled to "the Regal place" as it were. The capital is what defined much of the early rise of the Empire, and is the central focal point in a way that no other capital of any other people could be. As a result, it is speculated that the locals just eventually called Regalia the Regal City, and that the Empire was defined by what this capital was called. Regalia is a metropolitan the likes of which only the most cosmopolitan melting pot cities in the real world could compare. Even though it only has 4 million inhabitants (which is small compared to real-world metropolises), it is the most densely inhabited city in Aloria, with every culture, every belief, every cult, every heritage and every ethnicity represented. For all the major religions there are vast temples, for all the foreign kingdoms there are embassies, and each people effectively has a district or neighborhood to call their own. Every taste, every sensation, every thought and everything that is present in the world is sampled in this city, which is why inevitably all roads lead back to Regalia, and every person longs to visit this city one day. The city however also has a dark side. While much of it is covered in wealth and splendor, crime is high in the poor areas and state saboteurs and terrorists actively blend into the vast population that the state apparatus is often unable to control. For all the gilded roofs and poetic prose about the beauty of the Palace, it only masks the misery of the homeless in the alley ways, falling victim to Vampires and other dark forces alike. Regalia is a city of extremes, and thus the focus point of the Roleplay universe.

Thoughts on Magic

The Ailor are a people with a complicated relationship with Magic. Some cultures absolutely adore and encourage Magical exploration, while many other Ailor cultures absolutely despise it, and would eagerly kill Mages if given the chance. As a result, Ailor leaders and rulers constantly walk a fine balancing act between purism and mage emancipation that often tends to swing back and forth depending on the personal preferences of the person in charge. In Regalian Roleplay, this expresses itself through the "pendulum of rights". Every year or so, a new person comes to power in Regalia who has a different opinion on Magic, and radically alters the laws to fit their preferences. This can sometimes result in extreme emancipation and Magic publicly used in the street, only to be repressed a year later as a new ruler comes to power. It often results in situations where Mages play crucial roles in solving the calamities and chaos that strike Regalia, but end up being punished after the fact as scapegoats, having to be content with the invisibility of their achievement as propaganda wipes their contributions away. The constant struggle between Tech versus Magic is an ongoing topic in Ailor society, and Regalia in particular, that Players are constantly on switching sides of.

Aristocracy & Hierarchy

One very important aspect of Ailor society as a whole is aristocracy, autocracy and the concept of hierarchy. For better or worse, the Ailor always gravitate towards leadership structures and seek strong persons to lead them and to organize them. The Ailor are not exceptional at anything individually, but even the most untrained peasant mob under the right leader can turn the Ailor from disorganized rabble into efficient fighting machine. Each Ailor society eventually structures itself around centralized leaders followed by devolved leadership or authority passed down to subordinates. This usually expresses itself through feudalism and serfdom, and so most of the millions of Ailor who live in the world are tenant farmers or workers subject to some lord or count. Even among the nominally more democratic nations that call themselves republics, only the wealthy vote, or votes are only cast between centralizing families that rule from mighty castles and palaces. Hierarchy is exceptionally important in Ailor society, and the concept of a social class climber is seen as uncouth. Class distinction is important, and while the Ailor do not have a caste system, marrying outside of one's means is considered an offensive vanity for the pauper, and a weak gesture for the wealth-born.

States & Regionalism

An enduring conflict that often plagues Ailor progress, is their habit to further fragment their society into smaller groups to create more exclusionary in-groups and othering those not part of it. This often expresses itself in the conflict between patriotism and regionalism. It is a natural desire of all states and autocratic leaders to seek more centralized power. To break away the legal rights of the smaller regions and to meld everything together into one homogenous loyal state that works towards a common goal. Because Ailor have become very efficient at doing just that, large regional-autonomy movements have risen up to preserve cultural uniqueness, but also to counteract the loss of regional agency. After all, many cultural niches exist in small regional polities, with a history of having fought for their identity's continued survival against for example a common enemy like the Elves. But often, when these enemies would disappear, suddenly the predominant Ailor power would become the new oppressor, or attempt to centralize power even more aggressively than the previous tyrant would. In Regalia, this often expresses itself in subtly disobedient and regionally autonomous politicians. These politicians aren't necessarily disloyal to the Empire, and do not wish to see it do well, but would rather than all taxes and cultural homogeneity is applied anywhere but here. In essence, many of Regalia's politicians are NIMBYs, and the Empire's instability is largely caused by its own politicians engaging in self-sabotaging plots against the crown and the central state to cling to any regional autonomy they can, even if it puts them at severe risk of invasion from outside forces or ouster from their own people.


  • The name Ailor is a somewhat bold claim made by these people that they should be the inheritors of the world (the world being called Aloria, considering themselves the pre-eminent people of it). Other peoples of Aloria sometimes call the Ailor "Nuvalon", which is Elven for "New People" to put them more in their historical context.
  • The one thing Ailor are deeply skilled at, is adaptation and usurpation. Ailor can take any kind of technology, design, or idea from other people, and further it into one of their own, and then continue to iterate onto it to make it even better. Most Ailor inventions like the musket and the three-decked battleship are based on Dwarven inventions, but now fuel the rise of the Regalian Empire.
  • Ailor are confirmed to be a common ancestor of the Skyborn people (at least the Founders and the Reclaimers). It is also speculated that the Ailor may be a distant common ancestor of the Dwarves. This would explain why Dwarven traits essentially disappear in half or quarter Dwarves.

ProcessorsMonMarty, FireFan96
Last EditorOcularum on 09/28/2024.

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