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Food and Drink

From MassiveCraft Wiki

Of all the interesting and unique people on Aloria, not one would be there were it not for the culinary arts, and the production of food for the massive populations that circle the world. Food surplus has waxed and waned for countless millennia, but overall, the world has recovered well from the culling it underwent 300-odd years ago in the Cataclysm. The diversity of food has never been greater as well, as a myriad of Cultures and Races have emerged in the past several centuries to join the ancient Races. Each group has their own specializations, techniques and favored dishes, drawing from each other, or zealously isolating their creations to keep them as unchanged as possible. All of this variety means that from the tallest sandwiches and the sweetest cakes, to the warmest Kaffees and the coldest beers, there is a food or drink for any occasion. OOC NOTE: This list represents a number of unique, different, or interesting foods and drinks that exist in the lore. Many of them have real world counterparts, and any food not on this list from the real world is welcome to appear In-Game. Highly modern food is not recommended to appear in RP, save a few notable exceptions outlined in these lists.

Ailor Cuisine


  • Sneið: A yogurt-like dish created many years ago by the more pastoral Velheim living in the north of Corontium, Sneið has a mild flavor and is broadly appreciated as a healthy food. It has grown in popularity recently due to interest from certain elements of Regal Culture.
  • Ostepai: A cheese pie created in recent decades by Velheim bordering Wirtem lands in Corontium, Ostepai has a varied flavor profile based on the varied toppings or seasonings that can be added to the dish.
  • Lekzatrip: This spicy tripe-focused stew was created in the southeast of Corontium. While said to possess the ability to cure hangovers, this is a questionable claim and many more simply enjoy Lekzatrip for the heat it generates.
  • Pix Castellois: This Ithanian dish originating in Corontium makes use of unconventional ingredients, such as a fox liver and sheep tongue, with a mix of unique seasonings for a truly Ithanian culinary creation.
  • Tarator: A blending of different ingredients to create a flavorful yogurt-focused dish that first emerged in the Aetosian lands of Corontium, Tarator is tanged with citrus and also contains crisp vegetables.
  • Nuevo-Uso Empanar: This staple Daendroque soup is a mix of flavors and uses a base of day-old bread to cut through the garlic and spice added afterward.
  • Pinteel: A savory bean and tea-leaf pie created by the upper-class of Gallovian society in Corontium, Pinteel is a unique savory dish that does not match its place of origin. However, it is still enjoyed by many there, and elsewhere.
  • Tocha Iesso: A polenta local to one region of Cantaluna territory, Tocha Iesso is a rich creation due to the copious amount of butter and cheese used to create it.
  • Sgŭnetorta: A layered savory or sweet cheese cake baked with several golden charms meant to symbolize an array of meanings, Sgŭnetorta is a historic Întuneric delicacy which has been reproduced and slightly altered by many nearby Cultures.
  • Fromboule: These savory balls of fried cheese seasoned with nutmeg or pepper are a creation of Ithanians living in Corontium. They used local cheeses, imported from high quality sources, and this practice has continued into the modern dish.

Main Courses

  • Herzsuppe: A hearty asparagus-based stew originally created for use by Wirtem warriors, Herzsuppe survived the fall of the Wirtemcaller Kingdom and remains popular in Wirtem society. It is a common menu item in the Regalian Military.
  • Veniard d’Estaing: A creation that results in complexly seasoned venison, Veniard d’Estaing was created for the Ivrae Imperial Family over a century ago and is now a commonly enjoyed upper-class meal.
  • Auringonian Stew: This rich and flavorful stew, made using reindeer meat, comes from the reindeer herding Velheim of northern Corontium. Auringonian Stew is sometimes hard to make as a result of its ingredients, but it is a taste worth seeking out at least once during a lifetime.
  • Cacolet: A complex casserole made with different meats and other ingredients, Cacolet hails from rural and island Ithanian territories in Westwynd and can take as much as three days to make.
  • Kartoffelpan: This Leutz-Vixe dish, a form of potato-onion-slaw pancake, was created in lean times. However, Kartoffelpan can be easily enhanced into a fancier dish and has gained popularity with a broader group than just commoners.
  • Sótano Soup: This cold vegetable soup is often placed in opposition to its fellow Daendroque creation, Nuevo-Uso Empanar. In reality, they compliment each other quite well, Nuevo-Uso is thicker and generally hotter while Sótano is thinner and cool.
  • Zürcher Geschnetzeltes: A veal and mushroom ragout, Zürcher Geschnetzeltes was created among the mountains of Genevaud in central Corontium, and serves as one of their most notable culinary exports in recent decades.
  • Drägar Shinken: The height of Cearden cuisine, Drägar Shinken was created just before the Drachenwald Crisis for the Van Sherburne family. While this richly seasoned smoked ham was barely eaten by that now fallen family, it has remained popular with a wider aristocratic audience in recent years.
  • Schwarz Pudding: Another Cearden creation, this blood pudding is an ancient dish dating back to the earliest Ailor settlements in Corontium and their desire to use every bit of the animal.
  • Calemburger: A modern creation by a Wirtem cafe owner in the City of Regalia, the Calemburger is a sandwich of cooked meat and other toppings between a divided bun and has proved rather popular in the years since.


  • Mousse Puille: A relatively recent creation, this decadent dark chocolate cake is a worthy addition to the world of Ithanian cuisine. It is notable for its versatility, and has reached beyond the noble class it was originally created to be eaten by.
  • Brenner Tristan: A lime-flavored custard pie, Brenner Tristan is a Cantaluna political statement against their former ruler, Tristan Kade (then Lampero), as the dessert is finished by being set alight before serving, something a great many people wanted to do to the man in the early 300s AC.
  • Lefse & Svele: This pair of pancake-like treats are both staples of the Velheim world, and are often made together. Lefse is a wetter creation, topped with a special sweetened butter, while Svele is drier, and is topped with sugar syrup.
  • Savaş Delight: An exotic dish, Savaş Delight are cubes of sweet red gelatin covered in powder, and sometimes contain nuts suspended within the gelatin.
  • Glastra Cake: This chocolate cake is considered the peak of its entire class of dessert. Marked out for its often lavish decoration with candy pearls and edible gold or silver, Glastra Cake is also well known for being surrounded in a reflective coating that lets it gleam in the light.
  • Breizh Tarte: This open-faced caramelized apple pie with almonds sprinkled on top is a delish dish from the apple capital of the Regalian Empire, the lands of the Breizh Ailor. The Tartes are popularly shrunk for use at fairs in wider Aloria and as offerings at small shrines.
  • Clafotis: This flan-like open-faced pastry is a staple of tropical Westwynd, where grapes, cherries, or pears can be added to cover the golden top. Some whisper though that the dish is the favorite of poisoners.
  • Galis Veleto: A Cantaluna dish of colored and flavored shaved ice, Galis Veleto has remained popular with the Eronidas population who has moved into that region of Corontium due to its sweetness and easy combination with toppings of fruit.
  • Grösglockner: This deep-fried dish of airy dough is often covered in powdered sugar, drizzles of chocolate, or other sweets. Grösglockner originated as a modern Wirtem invention, and has since expanded to a common street treat.
  • Haggelslaage: An Anglian dish of shredded dark chocolate on a buttered piece of plain bread, Haggelslaage chocolate is often made and left to cool in cellars before being placed atop the bread.


A rich herbal remedy, Dorinn Herbal hails from a notable region of Anglia.
  • Dorinn Herbal: A deep brown, fragrant rum-like alcohol of Anglian origin, Dorinn Herbal has been a popular commoner drink for over two centuries. While claimed to invigorate a tired mind, it is more likely to cloud it instead.
  • Kaffee: A drink first created by the eastern Ailor to stimulate the mind, Kaffee has since expanded across the entirety of Aloria where it has undergone immense changes, and now exists in countless variations.
  • Dovrinik Viksfjord: This sea-tossed foaming ale is a legendary product of brewmasters from Nordskag. Even non-Velheim beer-lovers often admit Dovrinik Viksfjor is well enjoyed, while the Velheim elite eagerly imbibe this rare beverage as they are able.
  • Casilleroablo: This intensely complex Daendroque drink, created in Corontium, is well known for its spicy start, sweet middle, and sharp finish. Casilleroablo’s recipe is secret, but is said to contain as much as 42 ingredients.
  • Loiree Cognac: A smooth but sweet citrus alcohol, Loiree Cognac makes use of natural sweeteners in the form of raspberries, blackberries, vanilla and the aforementioned citrus to create a well-regarded taste. It is created along the banks of the Loiree River in the Ithanian region of Corontium.

Elven Cuisine


  • Asta Meisalia: A creation of edible leaves intricately wrapped around a slightly sticky filling of forage (nuts, seeds, berries, and honey), Asta Meisalia is as close as one can get to street food in Lanlath and Teledden culture and may be one of their oldest recipes as well.
  • Octtissenac: This dish, of battered calamari limbs, is a more recent Fin’ullen creation given their long history. While its exact origin is unclear, and there are many modern iterations, the tales of the food’s creation often involve the relationship of a Ailor lady and a Fin’ullen sailor.
  • Huizayohixca: A relatively simple dish with a base of squash mixed with fruits, vegetables and local seasons of their territory, Huizayohixca is a Maquixtl staple food eagerly enjoyed alongside larger food items.
  • Cuarfa Lannira: A poultry-based snack of the Isldar, Cuarfa Lannira uses a species of mountain nesting bird chopped into smaller pieces, flash-cooked, and then cooled down in a thick, seasoned sauce with toppings of local herbs. It is often eaten with a long, elegant prong.
  • Vaaffon: This thin and dry waffle-like dish was created by the Solvaan for their ancient rugged lifestyle in the mountains. Able to keep for up to three weeks, the Ailor of Corontium came to enjoy Vaaffon as well, but ultimately modified it into the modern waffle.

Main Courses

  • Praeter Stew: This hearty soup made using Praeter Stew Horn and Eluhwa, fungi species native to Drowda, is a key part of the Sihndar diet. When Sihndar are unable to make this soup abroad, they often default to potato soup, since the texture and taste is similar.
  • Ullalonnavaan: Another soup, this one of Teledden origin, Ullalonnavaan is a dish of softened vegetables and a small amount of meat in a flavorful broth. The dish is well known for its reliance on Ullaline, the Teledden replacement for salt.
  • Rivirac: This dish of grilled and seasoned fish is sometimes also known as Bastion Fish given it is a staple of the Azureborn of Solvaan society. It is sometimes claimed to be a Fin’ullen-influenced creation, though the use of local herbs make this unlikely.
  • Saar’karrn Steak: A richly seasoned, prime cut of Shadow Bovine meat, Saar’karrn Steak is often the lynchpin of a Kathar meal. While it can be made with beef from other sources in Aloria, Kathar who eat it often say the substitute isn’t quite the same (though they still finish the meal).
  • Saamosä: A fried Suvial dish of triangular dough pockets with a spicy inside, Saamosäs have many varieties due to the range of fillings that can be added to their creation. Saamosäs made by the Suvial living in Corontium are notable for some interesting fusion flavors as well.


  • Valissilanna: This creation is a rich, though plain, round tart gorgeously topped by fresh fruit in an artisanal fashion. The dish has made a successful transfer to other Cultures, though the Teledden insist their varieties of the dessert are the best.
  • Elotzohualli: A sweet Maquixtl dessert made of maize baked into a ring cake, Elotzohualli is a unique treat made for many a festival or gathering of both Maquixtl families or communities.
  • Paayasäm: This delicious rice pudding of Suvial origin was originally created for their noble class alone. However, with time, the sweet and spicy dish has grown in reach, and is now found among many Suvial of all classes the world over.
  • Tor-Wayl: Also called the Honey Ball Cake, Tor-Wayl is a blue-tinted baked sweet treat that provides a bit of comfort to many a Sihndar far from home, be that on a long patrol or hunt in the Drowda wilds, or beyond the homeland on some mission or travel excursion.
  • Ravat Gaatnor: This black-icing berry-decorated Kathar cake is a staple food of celebration in honor of great victories in combat. It is frequently enjoyed by gladiators, generals, and warriors in the wake of major wins, or on the anniversaries of such events.


  • Faloramt: The bitter Sihndar drink Faloramt, a unique alcohol crafted from the strange vegetation that grows in Drowda, is best known for its bioluminosity and an adrenaline rush activated on the first sip. While some claim it can give a drinker mutations, this has so far proven untrue.
  • Sanra-Valek: More commonly known as “Eastern Blood Wine,” Sanra-Valek is actually made with unique scarlet flowers and contains no blood whatsoever. However, its deep red hue, and sweet scent with a smooth texture, make it popular among less radical Kathar, their allies, and the more daring of Aloria’s wine connoisseurs.
  • Henaaya: This chilled wine is made from a type of magically-influenced berry tended to by the Isldar. Often compared to a blueberry wine (though paler in hue), Henaaya is also known for giving the unprepared brainfreeze.
  • Cirezzia: A potent cherry brandy, Cirezzia has the appearance of a red wine but a stronger smell when first opened. It is also highly intoxicating, and like most Solvaan drinks, causes blackout drunkenness in the unprepared.
  • Sielroca: This form of rum is often described as sharp, and is a favorite of the Fin’ullen. Sielroca has been transmitted to many ports across Aloria as a result of this connection, and so has several non-Elven varieties, though the Fin’ullen enjoy them just the same.

Other Heritages’ Cuisine

Sumaturun is a cool, well-enjoyed soup among the Songaskia.


  • Sumaturun: A creamy cucumber and mint soup created by the Songaskia of Farahdeen, Sumaturun helps both natives and non-Songaskia to ease the sun’s beating heat on particularly merciless days.
  • Krupuk: A form of cracker created by the Allar, Krupuk has many varieties using meat, vegetables, or a mix of each. They can be sweet, but are often more savory when made the traditional way by the Allar.
  • Channan: This puffy, braided bread is a product of the Narim, created using limited flour given the ancient Narim’s limited resources. However, thanks to Regalian aid, the Narim of today are able to make Channan far more freely.
  • Sjonfiskrafl: This dish of fried and seasoned fish, sided with root vegetables, was created by the Dwarves using the eyeless offerings of the ancient waters their Holds once relied on. They now use conventional fish, but when able, will always seek out those unique creatures their Race once snacked on.
  • Harigenda Salad: This salad of rich Hadar greens and regional flowers is a creation of the Slizzar, who greatly enjoy edible flowers. It helps that Hadar is known for its immense biodiversity of life, helped by the efforts of the Allar.

Main Courses

  • Car-Ki’fo: This dish of cooked meats and an egg with a topping of sauce, herbs and yogurt is uniquely Asha in origin and draws from their broad culinary palette.
  • Allassmm Roqa : A dish of cooked fish seasoned by an array of exotic spices, Allassmm Roqa is sometimes called the “Maraya Culture Fish” as it features three sauces for the fish to be eaten with, sweet, tangy, and spicy. This number corresponds to the number of active Maraya subgroups on Aloria’s surface, and there is often polite debate on which group aligns with each sauce.
  • Hon'nona: This Narim dish was created to suit their lean living centuries ago, making use of limited meat and a collective of other ingredients as stuffing into plant leaves. However, Hon'nona have only grown in size with time, and the diversity of stuffing has also expanded.
  • Tuh’u: A dish of diced lamb meat with a minor element of beets and seasonings, Tuh’u is a well-known Eronidas staple brought over in their departure from the far west. It also includes cooked seeds which adds a hint of dry crunch.
  • Serang-tanah Piring: This well-cooked “loaf” features the sliced body of a grub-like insect species native to Hadar, set alongside regional root vegetables, and is a favorite of the Allar. Ailor who have tried the dish equate it most to smoked ham, but some simply cannot get past imaging the creature it may have originally come from enough to try it.


  • Solfruit Biscuit: This Yanar dessert is a result of their integration with urban populations, first emerging among the Ithanian cities of Westwynd. A pair of cookies with a sweet, fruit-based filling between the two halves, Solfruit Biscuits are usually considered the Yanar answer to the Macaron.
  • Madhumatr: Said to be an ancient dish from a past civilization which the Slizzar have preserved into the modern age, Madhumatr is a mixture of ground nuts with other ingredients to create a sweet, chewy ball of goodness.
  • Akara: A bean-based spicy-sweet fritter of Songaskian origin, Akara is unconventional in its flavor profile as normally clashing tastes are allowed to freely mix in this popular street-born food. The Songaskian elite have been known to fancy their Akara by adding foreign ingredients.
  • Mooncake: This Sihai pastry is a special creation, created yearly to herald the autumn equinox. It has many cultural myths about its creation, but is best known for its detail-rich top commonly featuring Gamiun or Gamiun-like symbols.
  • Polon Cake: A round swirled bun baked with dried fruits and powdered Stoor Root, Polon Cakes are served on a round, multi-leveled platter, adding a bit of culturally-relevant visual symbolism for the Eronidas who enjoy them.


  • Kpotom: A unique palm wine produced by the Songaskia, Kpotom can be a very strong alcohol, taking any drinker off guard. It also has several cultural variations between the different groups of Songaskian society.
  • Kusikas: A golden, rich-tasting beer first crafted centuries ago, this powerful Eronidas drink is exclusively for their own kind. Non-Eronidas who drink even small amounts risk immediate, aggressive intoxication, and even death as a result of their body attempting to cope with the intense substance.
  • Zhujiang: This signature brown, fizzy drink from Goodlife Aleworks located in the lands of the Sihai has gradually grown in popularity over the years in wider Aloria. Its greatest benefit is that it is non-alcoholic.
  • Rotol: A rich Dwarven beer derived from root vegetables, Rotol is known for its strong aftertaste and is often compared to Ailor whiskeys. There are several varieties, and some rare kinds are limited in number since their remaining kegs date to before the fall of the Holds.
  • Haqt: This Asha ale is made with grains native to the Ashal Islands, creating a smooth alcohol which is highly varied in its profile thanks to local variation among the different communities of Asha across Aloria.

Last EditorOkaDoka on 09/28/2024.

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