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From MassiveCraft Wiki
SubracesMakara, Devata, Mauli, Aksunna, and Anindriya
Common Nicknames
  • Snake People (derogatory)
  • Shapeshifters (sort of praising)
  • Puppeteers (praising)
LanguagesZoram, based on real-life Sanskrit
Naming CustomsSanskrit
Racial Traits
DistinctionsSerpent-folk shapeshifters
Maximum Age1000 years

Perhaps the oldest Race to have continuously existed on Aloria, the Slizzar are of serpent-like shapeshifters that are rarely seen in their natural form, mingling with other societies for both benign and nefarious purposes. Some claim that the Slizzar have been around since before even the fall of the Seraph, though it is hard to prove. For centuries, and sometimes even millennia, the Slizzar closed their holy city-state Sassrakkand off from the outside world, content to exist in luxury and ignore the woes of others. Following the last Void Invasion, the Slizzar have once again spread into the wider world, shape shifting among the locals to fit in. Some assist with research, others taste the delights of other cultures, and some yet quietly nudge decisions made in high positions of authority to their benefit.

Core Identity


Slizzar are proud of their dragon-purple eyes, and frequently let it shine through despite shapeshifting. They do hide it when they want to avoid being identified as a Slizzar however.
Most Slizzar have a dominant and subdominant color scheme beyond their dark gray or black scales. These colors are usually very vibrant and consistent with their "hair".
Some Slizzar make their Birth Shape more humanoid to ward off accusations of being a literal snake, and reduce bigotry towards them, though it rarely works.
Scales are considered beautiful by the Devata Slizzar, who frequently incorporate them into their appearance, even while shapeshifted because they don't need to hide.
Many Devata Slizzar work as courtesans, keeping their purple eyes which usually guarantees that a client is going to have a great time and be fully understood.
Due to a lack of gender or sex expectations, Slizzar just pick whatever trait they like the look of (or need in the moment) to compose their appearance.
Despite being able to combine any race's traits together, Devata and Mauli generally stick to what looks realistic for the race they are mimicking.
A Mauli's true appearance is regal and refined-- but few ever see it.

To be a Slizzar is to be a shapeshifter that is always highly keen on understanding the world and the people around them, but to inversely be extremely misunderstood by that world and those people. The Slizzar have a terrible reputation due to their natural ability to shapeshift, and the actions of some of their number. While many Slizzar enjoy the luxuries of life over politics, a few of them have steered global politics to such a degree that it caused great trouble to even the Regalian Empire, resulting in generational hate and fear for this seductive and sometimes subversive Race. Slizzar in Regalia should expect to experience extreme opposites, both to be ridiculed and spat on, but also to be desired and a frequent party invitee. They have great potential for fun and debauchery, but also great evil and manipulation.


The Slizzar are by nature isolationist, at least within their holy city Sassrakkand. Slizzar do not settle other regions, their race numbers are always roughly the same (never becoming higher than a few dozen thousand), and they make no colonies. When the world goes through a period of great chaos, the Slizzar perform their Great Recall, during which the Slizzar around the world have limited time to return (with any non-Slizzar family they want to take with), before the shield of Sassrakkand is closed, and the city closes off to the outside. This risk and flight response carries over to the Slizzar. If a Slizzar’s identity has been Burned as they call it, they abandon that identity and shapeshift into another to leave their problems behind.

Birth Shape vs Shapeshifting

To the Slizzar, the concept of Birth Shape (the body they were born with) versus shapeshifted body is a hot topic for debate. To many of the non-politically involved Slizzar, showing one’s Birth Shape is not that big of a deal, because there is no inherent risk towards it besides a negative reaction from bigots in Regalia. Among the more politically active Slizzar, especially the manipulators, showing one’s Birth Shape is considered a great weakness and personal risk. They believe that when their potential enemies know what their Birth Shape looks like, they will be easily discovered, as their foes will be able to sample their behavior traits that are difficult to mask between appearances. As such, among the more subterfuge focused Slizzar, showing one’s Birth Shape is considered very personal and a carelessness that they cannot afford.

The Great Game

To the politically active Slizzar, controlling, manipulating, and steering events to their benefit through political manipulation is called The Great Game. Many Slizzar participate in The Great Game, attempting to climb political ladders to try and reach close to the top. A Slizzar would never draw so much attention to themselves as to seize the actual highest position, and are most content in the background of actual authority, always gently nudging them into a direction of their liking without even being noticed. There is never truly a great plan of scheme behind this, especially with the disappearance of Zaalaanzaal, the Slizzar patron Dragon, the Slizzar simply do the Great Game because it’s a great deal of fun, and to many of them, a good kind of stress that gets the blood pumping with excitement. There are however plenty of Slizzar who also think The Great Game is a waste of time or even just evil. This approval is especially noted among the Devata Slizzar who would prefer to live harmoniously with other Races, and more often receive negative experiences because of hate-mongering over what the Mauli Slizzar did. Despite all this however, and despite all the disapproval, they would never reveal a Mauli’s actions on purpose, or out another Slizzar to non-Slizzar.



There exist several Slizzar subraces, each of them having varying skills and Abilities that affect how they interact with the world. Each Subrace acts and looks slightly differently, explanations are outlined in the next sections. The following Subraces exist:

  • Makara Slizzar are the craftsmen, workers, and soldiers of the Slizzar Race. Makara Slizzar have no shapeshifting Abilities save for their tail. Makara Slizzar in Regalia roam around in their birth shape, as they cannot shapeshift away from it.
  • Devata Slizzar are the artists, socialites, administrators and adventurers of the Slizzar Race. The Devata Slizzar have extensive shapeshifting Abilities. Debata Slizzar in Regalia roam both in their birth shape and shapeshifted forms. Some even combine the two, showing their Slizzar eyes and some patches of scales to show that they are Slizzar underneath a Race’s appearance.
  • Mauli Slizzar are the commanders, spies, manipulators and saboteurs of the Slizzar Race. Mauli Slizzar have extensive shapeshifting Abilities and more. Mauli Slizzar rarely show their birth shape to anyone, even other fellow Slizzar, as among them, showing one’s birth shape is considered a weakness and vulnerability. Only the closest of confidantes will ever witness a true Mauli’s appearance.
  • Aksunna Slizzar are a non-Serpent Slizzar subrace. Aksunna Slizzar have some shapeshifting Abilities, and are essentially Half-Slizzar (Half-Slizzar don’t exist). Aksunna Slizzar are not able to shapeshift away from their birth shape as they were born, however frequently use their limited shapeshifting to change their own appearance.
  • Anindriya Slizzar are a technical fifth subrace with iridescent glowing scales, however the Anindriya Slizzar are unplayable, as there are only ever six of them, and they are part of server deep-lore actors in Progressions. While other Slizzar can shapeshift, they are somehow incapable of imitating Anindriya Slizzar scales, no matter how much they try.

Slizzar reproduction

Slizzar are by nature a gender-less and biological sex-less Race. Even though they understand the concept of gender presentation through the social constructs of other Races, it has never applied to them. Furthermore, Slizzar are incapable of reproducing with their own Race, requiring members of their Race to shapeshift into that of another Race, and reproduce through a female member of that Race. When they do a couple of things happen:

  • Slizzar gestation is extremely short, 10 days in fact. Slizzar can however artificially cause this period to take much longer, as long as a normal gestation period for that Race would take, to mask the fact that the children would be Slizzar.
  • Slizzar always produce twins. One of the twins is always Aksunna Slizzar, while the other can be either Makara, Devata, or Mauli Slizzar. They are however born entirely based on the mother and father’s genetic makeup, and do not appear as Slizzar.
  • When both twins become 18 years old, their Slizzar identity manifests through a series of dreams and visions that also teach them how to use their powers. The Makara, Debata, or Mauli Slizzar never has a choice in the matter, they always become Slizzar and shed their non-Slizzar appearance to become their true Slizzar self.
  • The Aksunna Slizzar has a choice however. If the Aksunna accepts and embraces Slizzar society, they remain Aksunna Slizzar and have their Slizzar Racial Abilities and Specials. If within a month however they reject Slizzar society and identity, they will no longer be Aksunna Slizzar, and become of the Race of their mother, and gain that Race’s Abilities and Specials as if a full member of that Race.
  • This growing up process can be sped up in certain scenarios, but the shapeshifting Abilities never manifest before age 18. In order to read more about how Slizzar families work and understand the speed-up process, refer to the Family Views section of this article.

Mental Characteristics

  • Makara Slizzar are a very mixed bag. Generally speaking, Makara Slizzar are disciplined and hard workers. Especially the soldier Makara take their task very seriously, and they are also very nationalistic. It is hard to find a Makara Slizzar that does not have superior allegiance to Sassrakkand. Makara Slizzar often assist the Mauli Slizzar, but don’t partake in their political games.
  • Devata Slizzar are generally more laid back. Devata just enjoy life and try to enjoy the other Races and Cultures around the world. They just want to have fun, and try to squeeze out of any hostile situations they encounter, preferring to avoid negativity. Devata generally love other people, and avoid Mauli games of power when they can, though respect their craft.
  • Mauli Slizzar are the Slizzar to watch out for. They are manipulative, secretive, and above all, love being in control of others and playing mind games with others. Mauli are suspicious, don’t like trusting others, and keep their identity well hidden, even from (pretend) friends and loved ones. Mauli Slizzar sometimes look down on the other subraces, but still want to protect their brethren.
  • Aksunna Slizzar are a mixed bag, just like the Makara Slizzar, but more notably because they often inherit the personality traits of the Race of their mother. Aksunna Slizzar are generally more detached from Slizzar society, but the ones that are around Slizzar society tend to support the Mauli Slizzar in much the same way the Makara Slizzar do without getting overly involved.

Physical Characteristics

  • Makara Slizzar are true to nature, and can best be described as Snake-people. The Makara Slizzar are covered head to toe in black scales, with various colored patches on their forehead, cranium, nose, neck, and shoulders. They appear strongly snake-like, with a forked tongue, and a double-hinged jaw and a wide mouth. The most notable aspect of the Makara Slizzar is that many of them go through life with the lower body of a snake, as they lack traditional legs. While the Makara can shapeshift their snake-tail into legs and feet, many of them choose to go through life purely in the snake form. Another trait of the Slizzar is their hair, which appears like a bundle of tendrils colored similarly to the patches of scales, which they can move around with the same flexibility as fingers. Makara Slizzar, like all other subraces in their natural form (excluding Aksunna) have purple snake-like pupils.
  • Devata Slizzar have a natural appearance that is identical to the Makara Slizzar, but there are a few subtle changes. Devata Slizzar have extensive colored scaly patches on their stomach and chest area, while their cranial and chin bone protrusions tend to be longer and more exaggerated than those of the Makara Slizzar. Obviously however, Devata Slizzar make frequent use of their shapeshifting, and as such can practically look like anything.
  • Mauli Slizzar have a natural appearance that is rarely seen, and some would say that is a great shame. Mauli Slizzar look identical to Devata Slizzar, except for one point. While Devata Slizzar have black scales, Mauli Slizzar have shimmering silver scales and a pair of Silver-Dragon horns protruding from their skull to the back. Mauli Slizzar spend 99% of their time shape shifting however, so a Mauli will rarely if ever show their natural self to anyone.
  • Aksunna Slizzar have no Racial appearance. Their physical characteristics are dictated by the Race of their mother. Aksunna Slizzar, despite being a Slizzar subrace, have normal eye-colors of their mother’s Race. They can however manifest snake-like pupils.

Racial Abilities and Specials



Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Modifiers
Slizzar Immune Constant Passive Self Grants the user Slizzar Immune

Forced Restraint Restraint Power Self Grants the user Forced Restraint

Slizzar Modifier


  • Slizzar Aging: Most Slizzar are capable of reaching an exceedingly high age, nearly 1000 years. While aging, in their natural form, Slizzar also do not visually age beyond what they look like at age 18. Due to superstitions and paranoia towards Slizzar however, few Slizzar actually reach this age. Additionally, All Slizzar can detect whether a person is a Slizzar or not, merely by looking at them. This works on all Slizzar sub-races, with the exception of Mauli Slizzar, who are able to hide their Slizzar identity even from their own Race.
  • Makara Shapeshifting: Makara Slizzar only have access to partial shapeshifting. The limits of their shapeshifting are confined to their tail. Normally, Makara Slizzar have the lower body of a snake, and the upper body of a humanoid. They can however shift this snake's lower body into two separate legs, or two separate legs and a thinner snake-like tail.
  • Serpentine Head: Makara Slizzar are more serpent-like than the other subraces of Slizzar. Their (normally) tendril hair is capable of being shifted into snake-like hair, making each tendril strand an actual snake with a snake-head that can move independently. These heads cannot attack, but can be interacted with aesthetically, and spit (non venom) at others.
  • Makara Bonding: All Slizzar seek to bond themselves to non-Slizzar in some way. For each subrace, the nature of this Bonding is slightly different. For Makara Slizzar, Bonding means “To have a great friend, an ally, and an indispensable partner in work and battle”. Every first day of the month, the Slizzar may choose a Bonded Partner. This Bonded Partner receives +1 Dexterity while the Slizzar is within Emote Distance of them. (does not need to be recorded on the Character Application).
  • Tail powered swimming: Makara Slizzar are more naturally in-tune with their snake-physiology than the other subraces of Slizzar. As such, Makara Slizzar are capable of moving at the speed of Mai-Allar while underwater. This means that they can out-swim any other Race that does not also have the same swimming speed as Mai-Allar.
  • Makara Tongue: Makara Slizzar may choose two additional languages (not Ancient Languages) to speak and understand for free from the [Table]. They can use these languages outside of having the Point Buy invested for that Pack.



Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Modifiers
Slizzar Immune Constant Passive Self Grants the user Slizzar Immune

Primal Teaching Constant Passive Self Grants the user Primal Teaching

Slizzar Modifier


  • Slizzar Aging: Most Slizzar are capable of reaching an exceedingly high age, nearly 1000 years. While aging, in their natural form, Slizzar also do not visually age beyond what they look like at age 18. Due to superstitions and paranoia towards Slizzar however, few Slizzar actually reach this age. Additionally, All Slizzar can detect whether a person is a Slizzar or not, merely by looking at them. This works on all Slizzar sub-races, with the exception of Mauli Slizzar, who are able to hide their Slizzar identity even from their own Race.
  • Deveta Shapeshifting: Devata Slizzar have access to complete shapeshifting that allows them to change a great deal of things about their body, and also doubles as a disguise, allowing them to change their appearance and become unrecognizable. They are able to change Race, sex, gender presentation, Body Shape, Body Fat, and every visual aspect about themselves by combining aspects of different Races. They can change Body Height, Age appearance, Hair length and texture and color, Skin markings and Tattoos and Scars, and most bone structures. It is not possible for them to add extra limbs or become quadrupedal however, as they must retain a humanoid appearance, though they can mimic any (non-glowing) mutation without actually being mutated.
  • Social Progress: While on mission in Progressions, Devata Slizzar are naturally more successful when engaging in social interactions, or interactions that require seduction and social infiltration. When submitting orders, ensure that the processor is aware that the character is a Devata Slizzar even without reading the Character Application, and be sure to also mention under which name the Character is going, if they are hiding their identity.
  • Mind Surging: A Devata Slizzar can target another person and telepathically pry their mind for what their ideal romantic partner would look like. This Special immediately fails to work if the target is already actively romancing another person. If they are not, however, the data can be asked in DM, after which the other person should respond with a rough description.
  • Deveta Bonding: All Slizzar seek to bond themselves to non-Slizzar in some way. For each subrace, the nature of this Bonding is slightly different. For Devata Slizzar, Bonding means “To have a devoted lover, a faithful spouse, or a devoted fan that is smitten with one’s work”. Every first day of the month, the Slizzar may choose a Bonded Partner. This Bonded Partner receives +1 Charisma while the Slizzar is within Emote Distance of them. (does not need to be recorded on the Character Application).
  • Deveta Tongue: Deveta Slizzar, when shapeshifted into the base (meaning, the majority of their body is of that Race) of another Race, have an automatic translating ability even if they do not speak that language. For example, if a Slizzar shapeshifts to look mostly like a Songaskian, they can suddenly understand Sofaal, and speak it perfectly, even if they did not know Sofaal prior, and it also all still sounds like their native tongue in their head. When they shapeshift away, this understanding and speaking of Sofaal also disappears. This also extends to Ailor cultures, whatever the main spoken tongue of the thing is they try to imitate.



Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Modifiers
Slizzar Immune Constant Passive Self Grants the user Slizzar Immune

Bonded Telepathy Info Power N/A Grants the user Bonded Telepathy



  • Slizzar Aging: Most Slizzar are capable of reaching an exceedingly high age, nearly 1000 years. While aging, in their natural form, Slizzar also do not visually age beyond what they look like at age 18. Due to superstitions and paranoia towards Slizzar however, few Slizzar actually reach this age. Additionally, All Slizzar can detect whether a person is a Slizzar or not, merely by looking at them. This works on all Slizzar sub-races, with the exception of Mauli Slizzar, who are able to hide their Slizzar identity even from their own Race.
  • Mauli Shapeshifting: Mauli Slizzar have access to complete shapeshifting that allows them to change a great deal of things about their body, and also doubles as a disguise, allowing them to change their appearance and become unrecognizable. They are able to change Race, sex, gender presentation, Body Shape, Body Fat, and every visual aspect about themselves by combining aspects of different Races. They can change Body Height, Age appearance, Hair length and texture and color, Skin markings and Tattoos and Scars, and most bone structures. It is not possible for them to add extra limbs or become quadrupedal however, as they must retain a humanoid appearance, though they can mimic any (non-glowing) mutation without actually being mutated.
  • Master Spies: While on mission in Progressions, Mauli Slizzar are naturally more successful when engaging in espionage interactions, or interactions that require roguery or subterfuge of some kind. When submitting orders, ensure that the processor is aware that the character is a Mauli Slizzar even without reading the Character Application, and be sure to also mention under which name the Character is going, if they are hiding their identity.
  • Serpentine Puppeteer: Mauli Slizzar are masters of manipulation and puppeteering. If another player gives strict OOC consent to have their Character mind-controlled, a Mauli Slizzar can establish a mind-enslavement on another person that gives them complete control. The target is still aware of the world around them and the Slizzar cannot affect their perception of reality, but any command that the Slizzar issues must be obeyed by the target. This mind enslavement can only be removed by any Exorcism-like mechanic or Ability. If a player revokes consent, the mind-control is off-screen cured. Players have the freedom to discuss additional limitations on mind control.
  • Mauli Bonding: All Slizzar seek to bond themselves to non-Slizzar in some way. For each subrace, the nature of this Bonding is slightly different. For Mauli Slizzar, Bonding means “To have a loyal subject, a puppet to control, or a minion to command for one’s bidding”. Every first day of the month, the Slizzar may choose a Bonded Partner. This Bonded Partner receives +1 Charisma while the Slizzar is within Emote Distance of them. (does not need to be recorded on the Character Application).
  • Mauli Tongue: Mauli Slizzar, when shapeshifted into the base (meaning, the majority of their body is of that Race) of another Race, have an automatic translating ability even if they do not speak that language. For example, if a Slizzar shapeshifts to look mostly like a Songaskian, they can suddenly understand Sofaal, and speak it perfectly, even if they did not know Sofaal prior, and it also all still sounds like their native tongue in their head. When they shapeshift away, this understanding and speaking of Sofaal also disappears. This also extends to Ailor cultures, whatever the main spoken tongue of the thing is they try to imitate.



Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Modifiers
Slizzar Immune Constant Passive Self Grants the user Slizzar Immune

Primed Defense Constant Passive Self Grants the user Primed Defense

Slizzar Modifier


  • Aksunna Aging: Aksunna do not enjoy the 1000 year aging of the Slizzar, but do have their aging affected somewhat. Their aging is the same as their mother’s aging speed, however they look forever young, stopping their visual aging anywhere between 18 and 27 years old. This also means that at more advanced age, their body does not start deteriorating, and they can still move around as dexterously as they did when they were young. Additionally, All Slizzar can detect whether a person is a Slizzar or not, merely by looking at them. This works on all Slizzar sub-races, with the exception of Mauli Slizzar, who are able to hide their Slizzar identity even from their own Race.
  • Aksunna Shapeshifting: Aksunna Slizzar only have very limited shapeshifting. They are unable to shapeshift away from the race of their mother, and whatever shapeshifting they do, it never counts as a disguise, meaning they are always recognizable. Within these constraints however, they can change the following aspects about themselves: Body shape, Body Fat, Body Height, Hair color and length and texture, Skin markings and tattoos and scars, eye color, facial hair length and color and texture and masculine or feminine body shape traits, but not so far as to change sex.
  • Aksuna Bonding: All Slizzar seek to bond themselves to non-Slizzar in some way. For each subrace, the nature of this Bonding is slightly different. For Aksunna Slizzar, Bonding means “To have someone to see the world with, to experience everything, and go far”. Every first day of the month, the Slizzar may choose a Bonded Partner. This Bonded Partner receives +1 Wisdom while the Slizzar is within Emote Distance of them. (does not need to be recorded on the Character Application).
  • Aksuna Folelsa: Aksunna Slizzar can choose a person and try to telepathically force a pseudo friendship with this person. Using this Special on a person requires consent. You should send this person a DM on Discord or in-game asking them if your Character can fake a friendship between your Characters, explaining why you would like to do this and for what story/rp reasons. If they player accepts, then the Aksunna Slizzar will appear to this person like an old friend. The person will have vague memories of them growing up together or going to the same school together, whatever needs to exist to make it believable. This effect remains permanent either until the friendship has enough meat on bones to become “real”, or the Slizzar attacks the Target after which the effect is instantly broken. This Special exists in a realm of “Fair Use”, meaning there is no real limit, but going overboard may result in Lore Staff putting a hard limit on a Character’s use of this Special. It should primarily be used to encourage roleplay involvement with consent for people who have a hard time making friends, not to cheat and manipulate information.
  • Aksunna Tongue: Aksunna Slizzar may choose two additional languages (not Ancient Languages) to speak and understand for free from the [Table]. They can use these languages outside of having the Point Buy invested for that Pack.


The Slizzar language is Zoram, which is based on real-like Sanskrit. Many other Races accuse the Slizzar of speaking with a lisp, but this is generally just bigotry. In fact, Slizzar are very articulate, and their language has a lot of strong consonants, meaning they hardly make noises that one would expect a snake to make. Slizzar are however capable of producing a rattle-snake like sound at the back of their throat, which they frequently produce when in combat, or when they are about to attack someone, or as a way of warning others that they are annoyed or feel threatened. Slizzar naming customs also use real-life Sanskrit. It is very rare for Slizzar to have a surname, most Slizzar in fact only carry a single name, though they can sometimes adopt a surname for ease of use to the non-Slizzar members in their family. When they do, this surname is always from another culture or Race’s language. Here follows a list of example names for the Slizzar (they are all non-gendered, because sex and gender don’t exist in Slizzar psyche).

  • Achyut, Advait, Bhavin, Chittin, Girivar, Jatasya, Jaitra, Kush, Manav, Nandish, Parth, Prayag, Sambhav, Shivansh, Udit, Vibodh, Yug, Bhoomi, Chetaki, Gatha, Kaveri, Namasya, Paridhi, Shloka, Swara, Tavishi, Udita.


Religious adherence among the Slizzar is truly a mixed bag. While other Races tend to be strongly religious or a-religious, the split in Slizzar society is 50-50. Even among the religious, there is a wide gap between the pious and the merely observing faithful. The Slizzar religion is called Nihsereya, or the faith or belief of many. Nihsereya as a religion is an off-shoot of Dragon Worship, however it is quite distinct from Mussaktu and Loong Virtue in that it does not acknowledge the other Dragons at all. While for example in Loong Virtue, Dragons are acknowledged as Divine Entities but not actively worshiped or merely praised in words only, in Nihsereya, other Dragons are entirely disregarded as worthless.

Nihsereya is a monotheistic religion that nonetheless recognizes a more extensive throne of divine entities. At the very top of authority stands the Silver Scale Dragon Zaalaanzaal, who is the god-ruler of all Slizzar. It is said in Nihsereya that the city of Sassrakkand was built ten thousand years ago by Zaalaanzaal, and that this Dragon created the first Slizzar, a Race in this Dragon’s image to act as the secret stewards. In Nihsereya it is believed that while the other Dragons created other creatures and Races, Zaalaanzaal hid the Slizzar and their city-state of Sassrakkand with powerful Dragon-Magic from the other Dragons, so that the Slizzar could quietly observe and influence the world on the Dragon’s instructions. The Dragon believed after all that the other Dragons were fools for giving their creations free will and then letting them proliferate out of control and without restraint.

Nihsereya preaches thus that Zaalaanzaal is the creator and protector and commander of all Slizzar, and that for nearly all those 10,000 years, this Dragon made its throne in the great Monument of Sassrakkand, the Silver Pyramid. Zaalaanzaal preached the need for Slizzar to silently and secretly control the flow of history, nudging certain Empires in certain directions, and generally counteracting the chaotic lack of oversight from the other Dragons on the living. Each time a Void Invasion occured, Zaalaanzaal would summon its Dragon magics again, and protect Sassrakkand while the world around it burned, ready to open the gates once more when the world calmed down, the other Dragons had re-populated it with new races and beings, and return to work. The reason why so many Slizzar no longer believe in Nihsereya is because Zaalaanzaal disappeared without warning around just before Cataclysm, after activating some of Sassrakkand’s greatest magical defenses, making it impenetrable to Aberrants. As their master disappeared and no longer protected or commanded them, more and more Slizzar lost faith.

The Slizzar that remain, however, still observe the old modes of worship and tradition. They praise Zaalaanzaal’s name in their achievements and actions, and perform the rites of mirrors. Faithful Nihsereya believers have a number of mirrors in their homes, one of which is particularly personal to them, as they might spend long times speaking to this mirror. It is believed in Nihsereya that Zaalaanzaal resides behind every mirror, and always listens to anything the mirror can hear. As such, the faithful believe that by having a conversation with a mirror to bring them up to date on their plans or actions, they are keeping Zaalaanzaal personable, and make the Dragon more likely to bless them with success and wit. With the recent return of Dragons, many of the faithful of Nihsereya have turned to the other Dragons, in the hopes of discovering what happened to Zaalaanzaal, or better yet, to help the other Dragons find Zaalaanzaal’s bones, so that he may be revived as so many other Dragons have also, and retake the Silver Pyramid as its home. There existed other Silver Dragons that were also seen in Sassrakkand on occasion, but these were considered more like cousins of Zaalaanzaal, had no name in Nihsereya, and served no religious function, though were sometimes praised in collective worship.

Deep Sea Serpents have some religious relevance also. It is said among the Nihsereya faithful that the Deep Sea Serpents are the children of the Teal Sea Dragons, who are the natural rivals of the Silver Scale Dragons. As a result, many Nihsereya attempt to steer their manipulation and efforts at capturing, enslaving, or subjugating the Deep Sea Serpents for their own purposes. Mananya-Manya was one such Slizzar who managed to subjugate several Sea Serpents through unknown methods, using them against the enemies of the Essa Empire until the Regalian Navy slew the beasts in the final battle over the capital. Since then, the Deep Sea Serpents have been notably absent from the seas around Sassrakkand, though Mai-Allar in the area note their return from the depths, and as such, some Nihsereya followers have reactivated their attempts to enslave them to their will.

Historical Interactions

Because Slizzar live very long, and have been around for so long as a Race, their existence has impacted a variety of Races and Empires through the years. These do not strictly affect Racial interactions, but are relevant to old Characters.

  • The Slizzar supposedly interacted with the Seraph, but next to nothing survives of this era. Zaalaanzaal always made the Slizzar burn all their records when a Void Invasion happened, and never speak of past interactions again, and as such, the information eventually died. Slizzar however will continue to insist that the surviving Seraph wall hieroglyphs are wrong, and that Seraph actually were centaur-like.
  • The Slizzar didn’t interact much with the Second and Third Civilization, as Zaalaanzaal kept Sassrakkand closed off during much of this period. It speaks volumes to the fact that the second and third civilizations were likely very violent periods in the world as the Dragons were attempting to compensate for their mistakes with the Seraph.
  • The Slizzar had more extensive contact with the Maraya, and implications exist that the Maraya and Slizzar actually had very good relations. Much of the context is lost to this day, however it is believed that one of the six Anindriya Slizzar resides within the Homefleet.
  • The Slizzar had extensive interactions with the Allorn Empire, until the Allorn became aware of them, and banned the Slizzar with kill on sight. They attempted to besiege the city of Sassrakkand a number of times, and did massive damage to the outer city on their last attempt. This is part of the reason why Aberrants are banned from entering Sassrakkand (if they could even breach beyond the Dragon shield that surrounds the city). Heavy use of Magic shattered the Magic shield for a moment, allowing the Allorn Mages to lay waste to nearly a third of the city. This part of the city was later allowed to be flooded, and is now the third ring of the city, with flooded ruins remaining in this uninhabited part.
  • The Slizzar extensively interacted with, and were also the principal founders of the Essa Empire among the Allar. Slizzar and Allar interactions go extremely deep, many of the ruling Cro-Allar have their own Slizzar advisor, or are being manipulated by one. Following the destruction of the Essa Empire at the hands of the Regalians, there was a pogrom to kill the Slizzar who were blamed for the loss, but when the Allar started integrating into the Regalian Empire, this hatred cooled, and the Slizzar quickly retook their position.
  • The Slizzar had numerous interactions with the Sariyd and subsequent Qadir, but generally despise them in the present era. The Qadir frequently attempted to abuse the Slizzar Honored Matron tradition to enter Sassrakkand as non-Slizzar, just to try and steal technology. Sassrakkand, while protected by Dragon Magic, has most of this Dragon Magic fueled by machines built by Zaalaanzaal. As such, Sassrakkand is considered the holy grail of Dragon tech to the Qadir, and something that they could use to finally lay waste to the Dragons in Farah’deen if only they could investigate the technology. Slizzar in turn have banned Qadir from entering Sassrakkand (even as Honored Matrons), and are always suspicious of their intentions.
  • The Slizzar have only had recent interactions with the Regalian and Songaskian Empires, while having no contact at all with the reborn Allorn Empire (as Slizzar are banned from it again on the penalty of death) and no contact at all with the Sihai realms to the east (as this is considered too far away). The Slizzar mostly affected the nobility following the Chrysant War, when revanchist Slizzar managed to convince a whole host of Allar and other Slizzar (with a high casualty cost to both also) to assassinate leading nobles across the Empire as a form of revenge. The loss of so many nobles all at once damaged the Empire, but did not cause it to crack in the long term, and as such, the Slizzar have shifted to infiltration.



Most Slizzar are raised outside of their own society, within the confines and childhood standards of the Race or culture that their non-Slizzar parent birthed them into. It is possible for a non-Slizzar mother to bring their children to Sassrakkand however. When a non-Slizzar gives birth to Slizzar children, and is aware of Slizzar society, the children’s identity, and wishes to immerse herself (or himself, in some cases, such as the Songaskians who are intersex) in Slizzar society and culture, such a “mother” is called “Honored Matron”. Honored Matron allows a non-Slizzar to essentially enter Sassrakkand, as the Slizzar cannot reproduce on their own, and consider a mother who is welcoming to their society and wishes to be included as something worth praising. It is important to note that this doesn't happen often however. Most Slizzar reproduce and then simply abandon their children, assuming that the visions and dreams will eventually lead them back to Sassrakkand, and it usually does. If a child is raised in Sassrakkand however, it usually lands more in a life of luxury and plenty, as Sassrakkand is often described as a paradise with no want.

Romance and Gender Norms

They don’t have them. The supposition of gender experience, expression, or identity is entirely nonexistent, and rules to do with romance are equally nonexistent, as the social constructs relating to these norms were never developed in Slizzar society. It is however possible that a Slizzar learns a gender identity from the Race they were raised as, which can cause a modicum of gender dysphoria as they actualize their Slizzar identity. This is usually what causes Aksunna Slizzar to reject Slizzar society and abandon their Slizzar heritage, being unable to console their old identity with the idea that their identity was merely a temporary fake, and that they are genderless and sexless. Equally, just because there are no gender norms, does not mean a Slizzar cannot prefer monogamy due to learned behavior from their childhood. To some effect, how a Slizzar is raised can affect their future opinions on things.


The Slizzar are formally led by Zaalaanzaal, who acts as both their highest figure of authority akin to the Regalian Emperor, religious entity akin to the Everwatcher (for Unionism) and general supreme being. Zaalaanzaal instructed the Slizzar in general sweeping commands, the details of which were usually hammered out by the Anindriya. The Anindriya Slizzar are a unique subrace of Slizzar, of which there can only ever be six. This is to say, while there are six of them, no Anindriya are born, and if one dies, then a new Anindriya is born somewhere to a Slizzar parent. The Anindriya usually pass their commands down to the Mauli, who in turn pass the orders down to all the other Slizzar. When Zaalaanzaal disappeared, the Anindriya essentially just filled that void by issuing orders of their own through a collective council, though by their claim, they will only hold the throne vacant for Zaalaanzaal’s return. Outside of Sassrakkand however, the Slizzar don’t really acknowledge the hierarchy of the Mauli, and they are freelancers just as much as any other Slizzar.

World View

  • Slizzar attitudes towards Magic and the Occult are ambivalent. Slizzar have strictly banned Aberrants and Occult beings from entering Sassrakkand, and look down on any Slizzar who becomes Afflicted or becomes a Mage. That being said, they do appreciate the beauty of Magic, and especially the Devata enjoy the benefits of Magic in their lives of luxury and thrill experiences.
  • One particularly daring Mauli Slizzar was Mananya-Manya that was declared Empress of the Essa Empire, though they were only called Empress by the Allar as the Allar language did not have a non-binary term. Their rule was short and competent, leading to the Allar dotingly calling them “Missa”, however the Chrysant War brought an end to their rule, and they disappeared shortly after the final battle, their memory acting as a deterrent to other Mauli to expose themselves like Mananya-Manya did.
  • Due to the unique structure of Slizzar bodies, they “sit down” on their own coiled tails when the limb dominates the lower part of the body. When it splits into two legs and a tail, however, unique chairs allow for one to easily sit down, their tail put through a broad open area at the base of the chairback.
  • Slizzar warriors often enjoy the use of bows rather than up-front combat weapons, though when they do get one-on-one melees, they engage in the use of the lethal Urumi (Sword whip) and Chakram (razor sharp circular blades), ancient tools used by the Slizzar for millennia.
  • The culinary world of the Slizzar is eclectic, taking bits and pieces from across Aloria, and across time itself, as one of the few things to survive the purging of written records demanded of a Void Invasion was the culinary creations Slizzar learned from the outside world.
  • Slizzar are naturally fond of edible flowers, and floral teas, but also have a heavy preference for seafood. A few more gluttonous Slizzar have been known to use their ability to unhinge their jaws to eat raw fish whole, as an effort of intimidation or to eat more and faster.
  • The Slizzar have terrible relations with the nearby Minoor Nelfin. Not only do they see the Slizzar as offspring of the Deep Sea Serpents, which are the ultimate Demons to their society, but they generally mistrust the Race due to the old Allorn prejudices. There are few Minoor Slizzar, of any subrace, as a result, despite how open the Culture is to incorporating those willing to adapt.
  • Slizzar who are interested in the arts are often well known for their musical ability, playing instruments not unlike those of the Suvial Altalar in most cases, to applause and enjoyment. This continues into the city of Sassrakkan itself, where singing is also key, used in the Mirror Serenade, a blessing upon the Silver Pyramid, and nearby mirrors, with the strange expectation that it will guide their god back to them through the infinitely reflecting realm.
  • The connection between the Nasha of the Sundial Isles, and the modern Slizzar, is extremely unclear. Some Slizzar have made use of their cursory similarity to those beings of Allorn myth and ancient history to establish themselves in Suvial society, though they keep hidden to maintain the mystique.
  • Aksunna Slizzar, born to a Slizzar and Songaskia parent, are still considered Songaskian even if they choose to accept their Slizzar heritage. This has led to a minor population of these unique beings to grow within Farah’deen.
  • Some Slizzar find that a method of seeking revenge or sabotaging the Qadir from stealing technology from them, is to disguise as one themselves, and to seek out Qadir technological secrets. This gambit has yet to prove significant or detrimental to either society.
  • The connection between Sapphires and Zaalaanzaal goes beyond that the gemstone looks good in Silver. Slizzar society claims they are the god’s eyes, and so many Slizzar, even in disguise, will include iconography of an eye featuring a Sapphire in the middle.
  • Ssastfa, a drug crafted decades ago as a result of the vanishing of Zaalaanzaal, is also known as the Mirror Tincture, because it produces a euphoric sensation in the body, and sees a Slizzar user transport into a realm of endless shifting mirrors and shapes, with them at the center. Non-Slizzar users, though, will have the sensation of being trapped in a mirror, and of needing to break the glass holding them within it.
  • Slizzar enjoy being multilingual, not just because of their ability to jump forms between societies, and needing to learn new knowledge to hide, but because it is a point of social pride and bragging rights.
  • The Ghor Ka Bloodscales have a minor colony in the Slizzar holy city, where they serve the purpose of finding and disposing of vermin and pests which haunt the city’s streets and houses. As a result, many Slizzar are very pro-little lizards, and small reptiles are just about the only pet Slizzar keep (Slizzar do not engage in slavery if one ignores mind control).
  • Slizzar do not commonly keep snakes as pets, no matter how many caricatures portray them as doing such. In fact, beyond small lizards, the Qarresh, and other forms of native Hadar life, the Slizzar dislike caring for pets.
  • Slizzar skin, bones, blood, and other body parts are highly sought after by alchemists, both Allar and not, with the only generally accepted donation being of blood. Slizzar who handle the remains of other Slizzar for profit are deeply reviled, and often end up hunted.
  • Slizzar burials can often be tricky affairs. When they die, they revert out of their shifted form over the course of a few days, which can be a shock to friends, or even strangers, who find that the person in their life has suddenly been turned into a snake-person. For this reason, Slizzar bodies and their dead are often returned to Sassrakkand for entombment, even if one has been dead for decades.
  • Deep Sea Serpent motifs exist among the Slizzar, but only ever in a bound manner. Instead of depicting them like a crest animal, they are always depicted with chains or bindings to illustrate their subjugation, which in turn represents Zaalaanzaal’s victory over the Teal Sea Dragons, who Zaalaanzaal reviles for hiding creation under the sea where they cannot go.


  • Slizzar frequently pretend like cutting off their tail or hair tendrils is a big deal. It’s an acceptable form of corporal punishment for them, as while the pain is unpleasant, these body parts regrow within 24 hours.
  • Slizzar tails are remarkably dextrous, especially the tip. Some Slizzar have been known to be able to write calligraphy with their tail, using a special metal ring attached to hold the pencil.
  • Slizzar abhor the usage of ink or paint to cover up the natural colors of their birth form. It is considered a form of self mutilation akin to self amputation.

ProcessorsHydraLana, MonMarty, Okadoka
Last EditorBirdsfoot violet on 04/28/2022.

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