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{{Info races
{{Info Lineage
|name = Bralona
|test = Basalo (in Brix)
|test2 = [[File:Baloneyflag.png|80px]]
|test3 = '''Motto:''' "Hundreds of years Lost, but new Lives Found."
|image = Bralonsplash.png
|image = Bralonsplash.png
|pronunciation = Bra-loan-a
|state = N/A
|nicknames =  
|ruler = N/A
*Slimers (derogatory)
|suzerain = N/A
*Clankers (derogatory)
|languages = [[Brix]], [[Common]]
*Iconoclasts (Dragon Worship)
|religion = Varies
|languages = Dragon Speech and Common
|first_recorded = 310 AC
|distinction = Curious and invasive scholars without boundaries
|demonym = Bralonic
|maxage = Unknown
|height = Varies based on Shaping
|eye = Any Color, with a faint glow
[[File:New Canvasjyhgkhg.png|260px|thumb|right|Bronn often have ear-like plates that appear Nelfin-like, even if they don't have actual ears.]]
[[File:New Canvasjyhgkhg.png|295px|thumb|right|Bronn often have ear-like plates that appear Nelfin-like, even if they don't have actual ears.]]
[[File:Slimeygurl.png|260px|thumb|right|Despite being made of viscous fluid, the Bralla (just like the Bronn) wear fancy clothes. On their homeland, they are summoned with Primal Magic.]]
[[File:Slimeygurl.png|295px|thumb|right|Despite being made of viscous fluid, the Bralla (just like the Bronn) wear fancy clothes. On their homeland, they are made by Draconic Ley Technology.]]
[[File:New Canvasfghshbfd.png|260px|thumb|right|Bronn head shapes often resemble helmets, curiously, of a variety of cultural designs despite never having had contact with them.]]
[[File:New Canvasfghshbfd.png|295px|thumb|right|Bronn head shapes often resemble helmets, curiously, of a variety of cultural designs despite never having had contact with them.]]
'''Foreword:''' ''The Bralona will release at the beginning of the Summer Occupation Event. We are publishing this page in advance to give a picture of the upcoming lore. Our hope is that players will make Characters to fight for both the Bralla-Bronn High Command (the Occupiers) and the dissenters (rebels who will come in later to help the Regalians resist). Bralona cannot be played until the Occupation Event begins.''
Bralona are an isolated and deeply Alien and misunderstood [[Race]], owing to their inorganic nature and relative absence in recorded history. While they are often confused for Automata, or [[Spirit]]s and Demons, due to their metallic or slime body types, they are fully sentient people. They are most notable for their incredible physical durability, and, while small in numbers, have spread throughout the world since they were freed from their isolated lives in [[Justinia]] (called Justinia by [[Regalian]] explorers, but Basalon in the Bralona Language). The Bralona were made by the Dragon [[Draconism|Marik]], but much of their history is lost and forgotten, due to widespread amnesia in the elder Bralona population. They have no formal society, as there are so few of them, and they nearly all left their homeland of Basalon to explore and catch up on a world that has lived without them for thousands of years.
Bralona have a unique design and appearance, with few limitations on the possibilities of their physical appearance, with the sole exception that they are always bipedal. They can be tall, or short, wide, or lithe, and usually change freely based on their self-perception. Personality wise, Bralona tend to be split down the middle between “First Generation” and “Second Generation” Bralona. First Generation Bralona are the elders, who remember (or don’t remember) the Bralona’s time in Basalon, and suddenly waking up one day with no memories, but faint, fleeting glimpses of a life once lived. Second Generation Bralona were born shortly before or after the Bralona escaped to the wider world, and treat it as their oyster: searching for meaning, belonging, and companionship with others. Bralona have a lifespan of around six to seven hundred years, and tend to not really “show their age.”
===Why Bralona in Regalia===
Why Bralona in Regalia is a section designed to give (new) Players some idea for why a character might want to be in Regalia, as opposed to their homeland, as some peoples  are heavily homeland-coded and may need some contrivances to actually Roleplay in Regalia, where all the on-server activity takes place. While you can usually extrapolate other reasons from the Lore on this page, this section provides a few easy-access suggestions.
*'''Center of Opportunity:''' Because the Bralona are so “new” to the world, many places don’t acknowledge them, or trust them, with notably Regalia (and its Heartlands) and Hadar being the only places that offer them full citizenship rights.  In the worst cases, some people may kidnap and experiment on Bralona, treating them as not human.  Regalia, and its capital, is a place that will be most accepting of Bralona (but they will likely still face prejudice and trouble).
*'''Center of Knowledge:''' The Bralona spent the past eight hundred or so years trapped and isolated in Justinia/Basalon. Now that they’ve been freed into the wider world, they’re desperately playing “catch up” on everything that has happened. Regalia has some of the most cutting edge knowledge, technology, and scholars that is accessible to people. It is the best place for a Bralona to go, if they want to learn about the world and how they’ll live in it.
*'''Bralona “Invasion”:''' Because the Bralona harnessed Draconic technology to teleport a large number of them through the ley-lines to Regalia proper, many willing (and unwilling) Bralona who got caught up in their “invasion” were left stranded in Regalia. They could be Bralona who willingly took part in the “invasion,” and are seeking forgiveness, or those who got taken along for the ride, and are just trying to live in the strange place they were brought to. Regalia has the largest number of Bralona concentrated in one place, for this reason.
*'''Living Life:''' The modern world has an unfathomable number of things that are completely alien to the Bralona who lived in Justinia/Basalon. Food, entertainment, even things like animals and plants are all new and fun experiences for Bralona. Regalia has the widest selection of modern niceties for Bralona to enjoy.
*'''Seeking Answers:''' There are still a number of things the Bralona don’t understand about themselves, and their history, but they know at least it has something to do with the Dragons and their technology. Regalia is a hot-spot of Draconic activity, and Draconism Worshippers and Scholars, who may hold some answers and solutions for the Bralona’s biggest collective problems: their cultural amnesia, and dangerously low fertility rate.
===Types of Bralona===
Bralona are separated into three sub-groups, determined by their “family” history and physical makeup. These are Bralla, Bronn, and Brakin. There are a relatively equal number of Bralla and Bronn in the world, but very few Brakin, as they are the result of a Bralona ‘fusing’ with another non-Bralona person. It is important to note that up until the Bralona were taught bigotry by [[Ailor]] and [[Elves]] around 300 AC, the Bralona made functionally no distinction between Bralla and Bronn, and lived together without making negative note of these differences for hundreds of years. The Bralona are in fact not even sure why they were created with two such dissonant designs.
*'''Bralla:'''Bralla are the “slime people” of the Bralona. They are mostly amorphous, but still humanoid, with no internal organs and shape that is entirely self-determined. Bralla can be made of thinner, or thicker, viscous slime, of any color, or combination of colors (but they usually only have a maximum of three to four colors).
*'''Bronn:''' Bronn are the “robot people” of the Bralona. They are usually made of rigid metallic plates, with soft contours, and lights of varying luminosity underneath. They have no internal organs, and also do not really have internal “machinery,” either. Bronn are made up of metallic parts that are held together by magical magnetism, and are sometimes made of a few large bits of metal, or many interlocking smaller ones. Their plating is usually a muted base color, such as black, grey, or white, with accents of up to three or four colors, with the same pattern for lights. Bronn can even manifest patterning, or allow “tattoos” of script to be painted onto their bodies.
*'''Brakin:''' Brakin are the “fused” people of the Bralona. They are what happens when a Bralona, and a non-Bralona (such as an Ailor) fuse to create one new person. This process can be willing or unwilling, and is usually done when the non-Bralona is on the brink of death, with the Bralona using their body parts to replace and save the dying person. Visually, Brakin always have some of the Bralona body parts visible and openly fused with their non-Bralona parts. For example, a Brakin that is an Ailor and a Bronn may have their arm or half their face appear metallic and Bronn-like. Brakin can have either many exposed Bralona “parts” or few, as long as there is at least some apparent identifier, such as in the eyes. Becoming a Brakin is not very well understood, and can sometimes lead to the non-Bralona being the man ‘driver’ with the Bralona as just a secondary passenger, the Bralona supplanting the non-Bralona’s personality entirely (with some after effects), or a combination of the two’s personality being made to become a whole new person. Becoming a Brakin is considered irreversible, and any attempts to separate the two just kills both of them.
==Heritage Traits==
When designing a Character, Proficiency Points allow for a limited Ability selection with Point Buy Packs. Heritage Traits adds free Packs and Mechanics on top of that to help with cultural themes. Free Packs grant Abilities usually, while Mechanics change the way a character functions in Roleplay through subtle, and usually out of Combat ways. In essence, Mechanics just add aesthetic flair that invest in the niche of each culture. Free Packs never raise Proficiency Points, but the character must be able to purchase them normally. (ex. if a character is a certain Affinity that locks them out of a category, they cannot take that specific free pack and must choose the alternative option.) If a Free Pack grants Magic of some type, that Magic can be of any Alignment the character can normally choose, or limited to a select alignment, which will always be written in the Free Pack description. Note, Bralona are not organic in the same way that other people of Aloria are. As a result, they cannot become [[Afflicted]] (though they can become Spirits after death), nor can they become any [[Affinity]], or be fed on by [[Vampire]] or [[Geist]] Afflicted.

The Barlona are an enigmatic Race from a series of islands to the far south-east of the known world, filled with rose-quartz statues of Dragons. The Bralona have had little to no interaction with the wider world for presumably thousands of years, and spent most of their history in a never-ending civil war between subraces, of which the origin is lost to time. Having only recently learned that the rest of the world is filled with sentient Races and mysteries to solve, both the Bralla and Bronn subraces of the Bralona Race ventured forth into the world to meet, explore, and dissect all things unfamiliar to them, and to learn what can be learned from the world beyond while potentially even subjugating part of it, or demanding it change to their whims and views.
Mixed Heritage characters (i.e. characters born from two parents of different Cultures) may take one parent's 'Free Packs' and mix and match up to 5 Mechanics from both parents, although some Peoples cannot produce Mixed Heritage children (due to Magical/Fantasy reasons). Bralona cannot be included in Mixed Heritage Characters, but an additional rule applies to Bralona of the Brakin sub-type. They can choose either the Heritage Traits of the Bralona Race, or the Heritage Traits of the of the fused person's Race, or can function like a Mixed Heritage Character, choosing the Free Packs from one, and up to 5 mechanics from both (Bralona and the fused person).
==Core Identity==
===Free Packs===
To be a Bralona is, at its core, to be ever curious and on the move to see, feel, taste, hear, observe and experience new things, and to foster a deep understanding for them while completely disregarding social convention and ethics. While other Races have a level of legal and moral constraint to their scientific pursuits, the Bralona care not for such trivialities, and engage in rampant research and discovery without concerns for the collateral damage. The Bralona are ever amazed at all the wild and extraordinary things that the other Races have developed, from concepts like burials, births, charity, government, social norms, religion, hierarchy, relationships and money. Going from a world where the Bralona just did whatever they felt like and nobody bothered them, to a world where every action they perform has consequences, they are quite literally a fish out of water.
* Bralona choose one free pack from the [[Training Point Buy]] or [[Tech Point Buy]] Categories.
* Bralona choose one free pack from the [[Tech Point Buy]] or [[Athletic Point Buy]] Categories.
The Bralona have no religion, though it is not exactly correct to simply call them Atheist. They are more specifically anti-theist, meaning they find all concepts of religion completely abhorrent and try to show other Races that religion is folly, the Gods aren’t really divine, and they won’t help them. The Bralona claim that they once killed their Gods, and that the other Races can do this too to unlock their true potential by being lords and masters over their own destiny. There is a heavy-handed implication that the Gods they killed were Dragons.
===Bodily Autonomy===
Each Bralona is an autonomous and self-reliant body. While the Bralona do have souls, their bodies are so vastly different that they bear no comparison. Both the Bralla and Bronn don’t have traditional organs, a nervous system, blood circulation or indeed even a brain. Their soul is the sole part of cohesion, and their body is shaped as whatever they like it at any given time. This is different from Slizzar however, as a Bralla might attempt to look like an Eronidas, however still look distinctly slime-like (while a Slizzar can never imitate a Bralla). Equally however, their bodily composition allows for a great deal of sensory information transfer. A Bralla or Bronn can envelop around an object and understand a great deal about it, which is also the main way of them interacting with things.  
* Bralona can, outside of combat, squeeze through walls, gates, and doors, allowing access to otherwise locked areas (stay away from private RP, please).  
===Pointless Ethics===
* Bralona do not need to breathe, eat, drink, or sleep. They cannot be poisoned, nor can they become ill, but they can be affected by [[Magic]] Diseases.
Many Bralona work as scientists, and believe that progress and invention are the first priority. They are often willing to watch thousands die if it means inventing a single disease cure, or collapse an entire ecosystem to learn the mystery of predator cross-breeding. Not only this, but they also enjoy research that has no purpose. Hypotheses such as: setting sad people on fire does not make them happier, playing with bricks does not cure alcoholism, and making others homeless is bad for their health, are considered valid study topics among the Bralona. For the Bralona, the reward or the conclusion of the research itself is not the value, the value is in the research journey and the satiation of their curiosity, they will just as quickly abandon their ongoing research to start something new.
* Bralona, when killed, turn into an orb-shaped mass or small cube. It will auto-revive them after 72 Hours, or immediately with 1 [[Divinium]] or [[Artifactspark]].  
* Bralona can automatically gain Leytech [[Technology Branches|Technology Branch]], when using Tech, which does not contribute to their maximum Tech Branches.
The Bralona have an inexplicable hatred for Dragons and all things Dragon related, which is related to their history with their creators, the Rose Pink Dragons. The Bralona are not secretive about the fact they are an artificial Race and that they were created by the Rose Pink Dragons, who they slew before turning on each other for unknown reasons. While a Bralona won’t outright attack an Archon in the street, it would require a serious amount of convincing or statistical data to turn a Bralona’s opinion of Dragon matters around.
* Bralona can physically invade Dragon Site machinery, or Soul Cores, and force them to operate certain functions against their will (within reason Dm judgement).
Bralona are split into the Bralla and Bronn subraces. The Bralla can best be described as humanoids made out of partially or wholly see-through viscous fluid, almost akin to slime or goo. The Bronn can best be described as humanoids made out of mechanical parts and metal, though it appears they function more like a clump of metal welded together without individual moving parts, than an actual Automata which is powered by gears and moving mechanical parts like Engineers produce. Both subraces are mentally identical, and have similar physical characteristics beyond the obvious fact that one is slime-like, and the other is metal-like. As a result, this section will discuss the Race’s characteristics as a whole.
Compared to other cultures and civilizations, Bralona have only ‘appeared’ relatively recently in history, but this is not because they have only existed for a short period of time, but rather because the Bralona lived the vast majority of their lives in isolation from the outside world. Scholars and Bralona now somewhat understand the connection between themselves and the Dragon Marik, believing with the small amount of clues they have that they were used as soldiers in the Draconic War with the [[Sariyd]], but the exact context of why and how is totally lost; all Sariyd are dead, their records mostly buried, and no Bralona remembers as their memories were erased. Whatever lives they lived during that time is totally forgotten, as recent Bralona History begins at exactly 192 BC, a time called the “Forced Reset.” First Generation Bralona remember this as a moment where all the living Bralona were standing in a massive field in Basalon, with large Draconic Ley-Stone constructs, buildings, and cores around them. They were faced with the Dragon Regulus, who they all generally understood was the cause of their amnesia. Regulus at the time refused to answer any of their questions, and made vague allusions to “living until it is time,” before flying away and sealing them in Basalon in an impenetrable shield. The period following this involved much confusion, sadness, and collective trauma for the Bralona, who had to go about remembering how they lived their lives, and why they were even there, and in some cases, why some of them weren’t as the Sariyd war, as far as they recall, had no casualties. The Bralona generally remembered their names and relationships with other Bralona, but these were very scarce, and they had no concept of society, jobs, or even things like recreation. Under the guidance of the Ley-Cores (automated Dragon Machines that inhabit Dragon Sites), the Bralona slowly began to occupy and entertain themselves, settling into Basalon after the shock faded. While there was sadness and trauma from loss of recollection, it is too simple to assume that there was not also happiness and optimism.
===Mental Characteristics===
Bralona are intensely curious and exploratory. They have to experience new things: like the food, drinks, activities, art, and philosophies of the world around them. Always willing to see new places, the Bralona bounce with energy, only truly put off and sad when told off for their excitement, or denied a chance to learn. This curiosity makes them seem harmless, which is far from the truth. The Bralona have lived for millennia without a concept of morality–an idea they are discovering for the first time. While they can obey moral codes to make their lives easier, they are equally capable of committing every kind of tyranny and terror with a smile. Bralona, besides their curious, exploratory and energetic nature, don’t have strictly set personalities. Unlike other Races, their personalities can change from month to month beyond those basic traits, either from outside factors, experiences, or just randomly because they feel like it.
Bralona society developed into one just as complex as any other Race, even if some concepts remained foreign to them because they lacked the context of cross-Race Relations to fully explore them, being that they thought they were the only sentient beings in the world besides Dragons. The Bralona lived in absolute isolation in Basalon like this all the way up until 300 AC. In this period, the Bralona had some children, who were generally called “Second Generation” Bralona, meaning that there are even Bralona alive to whom the trauma of memory has completely passed by. Even the Cataclysm passed by the Bralona without them even really noticing: the shield over Basalon protected them from any ill effects of it; though the Ley-Cores shut down entirely during this period, and did not return as a result of the Denial of Immortality, when the Dragons perished and many of their Sites went into Stand-by or Lockdown. Around 306 AC, the Ley-Tech shield surrounding the Bralona finally failed, and they were free to depart to the outside world: whether this was it simply turning off and running out of “power” or not being cared for, or an intentional act by the Dragons, is known only to the latter. Some Bralona immediately took this opportunity to make rudimentary boats and rafts to depart to the outside world, in groups, or alone, but most of the Bralona did not depart immediately, attempting to decide collectively what should be done, while there were certainly those who had divined godly intentions from the Dragons to keep them there. Basalon had not gone unnoticed by the outside world, however, and when it was discovered that the shield had fallen, a group of intrepid Regalian Adventurers and Explorers landed on the newly dubbed Justinia, and immediately made themselves known to the Bralona. These Regalians are generally considered to be the source of many of the Bralona’s misunderstandings and misconceptions about the world and how to initially behave in it. They wasted no time in barging into any “private” areas in Basalon on the assumption the Bralona were pre-civilization or barbaric, attempting to re-activate and interface with the Ley-Tech there as if the Bralona had no claim to what was on their land, and unceasingly questioned the Bralona about themselves and their situation as if they were lab rats in an experiment.  
===Physical Characteristics===
The Bralona defy any sort of categorization with other Races. While the Bralla and Bronn look dissimilar, they are identical, just made with different substances. Bralona don’t have organs: they are made of pure substance (slime or metal), though have a great deal of functional control over their body. While they for example lack a digestive system or circulatory system from which they can become intoxicated, they are able to control their body in such a way that it produces these functions and simulates their features. Bralona (unless they create one) don’t have reproductive systems and don’t reproduce - their Race was created with a finite number of members, each one individually immortal. Bralona have a great deal of control over their bodily functions, they can become see-through, squishy or hard, change orientation of limbs, substance colors and glow. It is important to note that the Bronn never appear mechanical. Their bodies are not made out of pumps and gears, but just clumps of metal or shapes of metal held together by extreme magnetics. As such, they should always have more organic looking shapes with curves and rounds as opposed to hard lines, though contours can be used here and there (see art for reference). Bralla equally look more rounded and soft because their fluid mass doesn’t allow for extreme fine-detail, though in some places where hardened the slime can become more detailed.  
Their most damaging “lesson” to the Bralona was their insistence on pointing out the visual differences between Bronn and Bralla as Ailor are so prone to creating social constructs of division among themselves, which created a then completely absent divide between the peoples based on such prejudices. In essence, the Bralla and Bronn never acknowledged the design differences between them, and the insistence of the Regalians to point it out, caused a culminating self awareness that caused problems. Eventually these misconceptions boiled to a head into a short and metaphorically bloody “Civil War” between the Bralona, where the Bronn and the Bralla sides collectively blamed one another for why Regulus wiped their memories and kept them trapped there. Most of the Adventurers departed when the fighting began, but a few remained behind to help the Bralona who did not take “sides” quell the conflict, feeling guilt and responsibility for not taking more care with how they spoke to the Bralona and what they introduced them to. While it remains true that Regalian explorers are generally careless about first contact protocols, it is incorrect to assume they happily and greedily trample on other cultures, and that most of the issues arose from mutual ignorance. It took less than a year for the Bralona to eventually stop fighting, as they collectively realized their difficulty with having children meant they risked killing their entire peoples off. The Bralona collectively united under a singular banner again, having learned that Regulus was (as they thought) alive and well in the world, and would have answers for them, and more importantly be able to return their memories.  
===Bralona in Regalia===
Bralona will arrive as this summer’s Occupiers. Their subraces have temporarily unified into the Bralla-Bronn High Command, and together will invade the isle of Regalia, looking to put it under occupation and tap it for knowledge. However, not all the Bralona agree with this–their society lacks Kings, Empresses, or any such central figure. It is expected that those of them who don’t agree with the High Command’s ruthless ways will arrive at some point in the future, and make things more complicated. While the truce of the High Command endures, Bralla and Bronn can still be venomous to each other with snippy comments and expletives. When the Occupation is over, this section will be rewritten to reflect up to date place in Regalia.
At this time, the remaining Adventurers, and a new group of Draconism Scholars, arrived and managed to re-activate the Ley-Tech in Basalon. This activation was monumental, but short lived, and essentially only allowed for a one-way teleportation for themselves and the Bralona to Regalia proper: where Regulus was known to be, as Imperial Prince Cedromar. This incident became known as the “Bralona Invasion of Regalia,” which has its nuances (as well as why it ended) explained later on this page. It was from here that the Bralona formally introduced themselves to the world, and spread to various places, integrating themselves with the people and cultures there, though mostly only Regalia as it is the only place directly connected to Basalon, and close to the Dragons. Bralona have no formal state, or leadership, instead relying on collective cooperation and trust between the small number of them left. A number of Bralona now have found a place, culture, and family to call “home,” but many more are still searching for where they belong.
==Racial Abilities & Specials==
==Language & Naming==
Racial Abilities are generally a set of unique powers and effects that all peoples of that Race all innately have, while Specials are more passive, aesthetic focused capabilities. Specials are defined per-page, while Abilities can be searched on the Ability List page to determine their generic function. Bralona have a mix of Abilities and Specials themed around their substance bodies and being able to change it. There are no Half Bralona as Bralona cannot reproduce. Bralona Abilities are complicated, and as such, the Bralona Race is not recommended for new players.
The Bralona almost exclusively speak Common and their language developed on Basalon, [[Brix]], or whatever other language they learned depending on where they lived. It is understood that at one point, Bralona spoke Dragon Speech, but this knowledge was lost to them with the rest of their memories. Bralona are inherently non-gendered, and as such all Bralona names can be used interchangeably. Bronn names must always include two n’s, while Bralla names must always include two l’s, both following each other. Brakin have no naming conventions, and often just choose new names for themselves. Bralona don’t usually have surnames or even family names. Examples of Bralla names include: Ellara, Delliev, Qallon, Palla, Zellmaar, or Fallun. Examples of Bronn names include: Fanna, Ennas, Xeinnia, Pennor, Nnala, or Qannir.
Note: Bralona by default have all of the "Bralona Modifiers", but, get only 1 of the two modifiers between "Bronn" and "Bralla" modifiers, based on their subrace.
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A lot of MassiveCraft's lore is constructed around conflicts that are based on religious, historical, or societal grievances. This section aims to set out the various conflict points for Bralona, while also attaching some nuance, so that there is wiggle-room for players to not get stuck in endless loops of arguing the basics of societal conflict without clear Character Development or Resolution.
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*'''Draconism Worshippers / [[Archon]]:''' This point of conflict is only for the specific Bralona, usually First Generation Bralona, who feel as though (rightfully) that their lives and memories were taken away by the Dragons for completely unknown reasons. They hold the Dragons accountable for their Amnesia, and challenge Draconism worshippers on why their Gods were so controlling of the Bralona’s lives and kept them away from the world intentionally. It is often the case that Bralona do not entirely fault the worshippers and Archon themselves, as they may be equally unaware of the machinations of the Dragons.
! Ability Name
*'''Murderers:''' This conflict point can be for generally anyone who murders others, but is predominantly for those who murder Bralona. While this is usually a generally understood dislike for most people in the world (obviously), because of the Bralona’s infertility, a vast majority of Bralona treat it as a grave sin to kill a Bralona, especially if the murderer is aware of the Bralona’s plight. This is an especially complicated situation in Regalia, where the Bralona “invasion” led to many Regalians attacking, and killing, Bralona in self defense. This poses a conundrum for the other Bralona, who have to contend with the fact that they technically attacked first, but also conversely only really did it because it was what Regalians taught them to do when they first met in Basalon, and because of the situation they were put into by "High Command."
! Ability Type
==Bralona “Invasion”==
! Ability Range
The Bralona “Invasion” has been referenced multiple times on this page, and always with quotation marks around the word invasion, because the historical event colloquially referred to as the “Bralona Invasion of Regalia” is steeped in controversy and misunderstanding. This event alone perfectly encapsulates the difficult and alien-ness of Bralona understanding in the world, and how deeply things can go wrong without the necessary information to judge. The Regalian Isle had frequently in the past been invaded and occupied by outside forces, usually magical ones, and with varying degrees of severity and danger. The Bralona “Invasion” is, by educated scholars, not really considered an invasion of notable scale at all, though to dismiss damage done to Regalia’s psyche and population would dismiss the real harm it did. The Bralona did not cause perhaps as many casualties as the Songaskian Wars in the city, but many of them still inflicted intentional and unintentional harm on the locals. From the onset in 310 AC they appeared in large numbers and aggressively demanded to know where Regulus was, poorly mimicking the Regalian Adventurers they had met in Basalon. A small number of Bralona (who named themselves “High Command”) decided to assist the Regalian Adventurers in hi-jacking and using the last remaining Ley-Tech in Basalon to teleport a large portion of the Bralona population to Regalia, even those who were not in line with their more aggressive intentions towards Regulus. Because the Bralona are so hardy, and because none of the Soldiers or Imperial Guards in Regalia had ever seen them before, it was extremely difficult to fight them at first, meaning the city was completely caught off guard and overwhelmed. While the bralona did not come with the intention to kill, they did not understand sovereignty, law, and self-defense, and Regalia’s first response was to try and hurt them, so they hurt Regalia back. Upon reaching the Imperial Chamber, the Bralona were faced with the figure that all Regalians had spoken of with extreme importance, reverence, and awe: the Emperor. The Bralona were entirely interested in Regulus, however, and when their demands were not met, they acted drastically, (mostly goaded on by the terrified couriers speculating as to what they’d do) and attacked the Emperor with intent to kill. For the Bralona, this action was not taken strictly with malice on all of their behalf, just desperation and the consequences of hundreds of years of  isolation, but also it is important to note that they had no understanding of the gravity of their actions, as they did not understand hierarchy, religion, or deferential authority and diplomatic immunity. The Emperor and the Palace denied them the one thing they wanted: Regulus, and they lashed out for it. For Regalia, though, this action turned immediately from a potentially horrible tragedy into a “boon:” the Emperor was revealed to be a [[Slizzar]] imposter. In the chaos and confusion, the Bralona dispersed into the City and sought out Draconic Tech, seeking answers in the Central Junction. Along the way they engaged in destruction of property, attacks on Temples (mistaking many of them for being Dragon Temples), and imprisoning and even torture of Regalians and their own. It is important to harken back to the fact that High Command even brought in Bralona who did not agree with their sentiment, assuming that eventually they would go along just as they had to end the Civil War. Some of these Bralona actively sided with the Regalians, and became hostile towards the High Command, while some went into hiding in the countryside and were accused of keeping secrets to themselves. Discovering that Regulus had long since died and that the current incarnation was basically an entirely different person, the Bralona took a huge hit to their morale, and more importantly, faith in High Command. Even worse, the conflict, though short lived, was devastating for the Bralona, as the actions taken and suffered through this conflict were but a taste of the concept of warfare. Many Bralona, even High Command supporters, started actively questioning if knowing the past was a blessing or a curse, and if this was a mere flash of the experiences they had endured during the war, whether having all those memories would truly make them better off. From this point, the Bralona “Invasion” petered out, as “High Command" was eventually killed off, and the remaining Bralona mostly stopped fighting, while those that sided with Regalia campaigned hard for the remainders to be forgiven, and to help Regalia understand that this was all a terrible misunderstanding. For the Regalian Crown and State, the missing Emperor was far more important than the Bralona in the City, and with advisory from the [[Hadaria]]n Embassy, the Bralona were partially pardoned for the “Invasion”. This mostly fostered a close connection between the Bralona and the Allar, who took up the task of convincing the Ailor that this Race was an unknown caught in a (to them) alien world, and that they were in fact a potentially useful ally if endeared to the Empire, owing to their extreme durability in battle. Also, if it weren’t for the Bralona, the Crown may have never discovered that the Emperor was missing, and this fact alone meant that City Authorities wanted to immediately wash their hands of the Bralona and focus on that more pressing matter. For many Regalians, however, the sudden appearance of the Bralona and the story of their “Invasion” took on a life of its own, creating wildly embellished tales of the Bralona as an alien and highly advanced invasion force with nefarious purposes. The Bralona still face prejudice in Regalia because of this, and especially xenophobic Regalians act with extreme hostility towards them, as many of them try to reinforce their good natured intentions, or apologize and make amends for their crimes.
! Ability Description
! Modifiers
| style="background-color:#f3cded;" | Bralona Endurance
| Trigger Passive
| {{#simple-tooltip: Self | Self Range means that it applies to the user themselves, or something they can directly touch after casting it.}}
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Bralona Endurance | Bralona cannot die in the traditional sense, and have a unique (enforced) “Health-Pool” system. They cannot feel pain, or bleed, or be traditionally wounded, but their physical cohesion take damage. If the Bralona is hit 4 times by unique attacks or Abilities or Mundane Techniques, their body disintegrates into a singular mass. Only Abilities and Mundane Techniques that specifically cause physical damage count for this. Their mass can be moved, but their eventual re-generation cannot be stopped, and they are conscious, but can’t do anything but observe. After 30 minutes, the Bralona completely regenerates and reforms with a full health pool. Their health pool does not naturally re-generate, it only resets to full at server restart, or when they respawn.
| {{#simple-tooltip: Bralla Modifier | The Bralla, when ‘killed,’ collapses into a pile of goo. While regenerating, they cannot be moved. Additionally, the Bralla can, once per day, stimulate a healing factor in their body. This automatically recovers 2 of their “Health Points.” This cannot be used re-actively to an attack. }}-{{#simple-tooltip: Bronn Modifier |The Bronn, when ‘killed’, folds up into a small geometric shape on the ground (square, sphere, dodecahedron, etc.) Additionally, the Bronn can, once per day, quickly re-assemble themselves. When they are ‘killed’, they can reduce their re-spawn timer from 30 minutes to 10.}}
| style="background-color:#f3cded;" | Bralona Envelopment
| Vehicle Power
| {{#simple-tooltip: Self | Self Range means that it applies to the user themselves, or something they can directly touch after casting it.}}
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Bralona Envelopment | The Bralona can choose one voluntary target to envelop with their body. While enveloped, the Bralona cannot use any Abilities, Attacks, or Mundane Techniques, except ones specified in this Ability. Their target is considered their ‘Host’ and gains extra benefits based on the Bralona’s type. While enveloped, the Host gains half of the Bralona’s current Health Pool as Block Counters (rounded down). These counters are counted per Bralona, so if the Bralona swaps hosts, and already used their counters, they don’t get new ones. Counters re-set on Server Restart. This Ability has no cooldown, and the Bralona can freely exit/re-envelop at will.}}
| {{#simple-tooltip: Bralla Modifier | The Bralla partially fuses with the Host, forming a goo-layer around their body. The Bralla can form their mass into a solid Melee weapon or Shield for the Host to use, but can only form one of these at any given time, and can only change their shape once they’ve re-eneveloped a new person.}}-{{#simple-tooltip: Bronn Modifier |The Bronn layers their mechanical body over the Host. The Host is considered fully armored while the Bronn is enveloping them, and they gain one additional Block Counter (that follows all internal rules.)}}
| style="background-color:#f3cded;" | Body Ranged
| Constant Passive
| {{#simple-tooltip: Self | Self Range means that it applies to the user themselves, or something they can directly touch after casting it.}}
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Body Ranged | The user is capable of using their own body as a ‘weapon’ for the use of Basic Attack and Mundane Techniques from Ranged Point Buy. They do not need to use an actual ranged weapon, or even summon a weapon from their body for this (but they could if they want to), but they cannot quick-swap between using a Melee weapon they have in hand, and are expected to treat it with fairness in mind.}}
| N/A
| style="background-color:#f3cded;" | Control Immune
| Constant Passive
|{{#simple-tooltip: Self | Self Range means that it applies to the user themselves, or something they can directly touch after casting it.}}
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Control Immune | The user is immune to any Control Abilities that would be applied to them. They can however choose to permit the Control Ability to work if they are aware it is being used on them beforehand and want the effect to apply.}}
| {{#simple-tooltip: Bralona Modifier | Bralona are additionally immune to any Abilities or Specials that would read their mind, or interfere with their memories or 'minds' due to their lack of traditional brains, or bodies. They are still susceptible to anything that 'reads' based on Souls.)}}
| Subjugation Immune
|  style="background-color:#f3cded;" | Constant Passive
|{{#simple-tooltip: Self | Self Range means that it applies to the user themselves, or something they can directly touch after casting it.}}
|  Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip: Subjugation Immune | The user is immune to any Specials that would involve establishing mind control or command control over them.}}
| {{#simple-tooltip: Bralona Modifier | Bralona cannot have their body possessed or invaded in the traditional sense, due to their (either) high viscosity or density. They are immune to Vehicle Powers, as the target either starts to suffocate, or is forcibly ejected. This immunity cannot be ignored/turned off under any circumstances (except by Higher Powers).}}
| style="background-color:#f3cded;" | Omniaware
| Constant Passive
| {{#simple-tooltip: Self | Self Range means that it applies to the user themselves, or something they can directly touch after casting it.}}
| Grants the user {{#simple-tooltip:  Omniaware | The user cannot be taken by surprise from any direction, even if they cannot see the direction from which an attack or Ability is coming from. While this is a constant effect, once per day the user can also use this Omniawareness to guarantee a dodge or counter attack. This does not work on Mundane Techniques or Abilities.}}
| N/A

==Infertility & Immortality==
====Bralona Substance====
While reproduction is not usually covered in close detail, the Bralona have a specific relationship to it that it is important to make note of. Bralona reproduce asexually, meaning any Bralona can decide they want to have a child, and begin the process of splitting off into a new Bralona. Bronn usually create more Bronn, and Bralla more Bralla, but there have been cases recorded where a Bronn has produced a Bralla, and vice versa. The Bralona “born” is usually of a completely randomized appearance, but may share some patterning and colors with their “parent.” What is notable about the Bralona, however, is that this process has an extremely low success rate. Almost all attempts by most Bralona to reproduce stall before they even begin, for reasons the Bralona do not understand. Worryingly, the number of Bralona in Aloria is unusually low, meaning that if enough Bralona die, they may become an extinct people. This is the primary driving fear of the Bralona’s most prominent figures, who call for unity and the protection of all Bralona, regardless of personal relationships. Many First Generation Bralona also remember a period in time wherein Draconic Ley-Cores impressed upon them the knowledge that they were once an immortal people, but now can die (even if it is difficult). Most Bralona who do die pass of old age, or are murdered intentionally, as most accidents or things that would usually kill a person, do not kill Bralona. When killed, Bralona revert to small indestructible masses of metal or slime, which are fiercely guarded by other Bralona, if they can get their hands on them.  
Bralona use their own slime/robot body parts to use Abilities. Their aesthetics center around this: even when they use Magic, it doesn’t look like real Magic, but an extension of their bodies. Additionally, the Bralla and Bronn both are completely immune to all Afflictions (both transmitted such as Vampires and Cahal, and born such as Silven), and cannot be fed on for sustenance.  
====Permuting Mass====
Bralona “fashion” from Basalon mostly involves simple loose-fitting robes and wrappings that draw on clothing from Ancient Sumer. The clothes that they wore there were entirely “printed” by Draconic Ley-Tech, but slowly over time this technology stopped working, and they had to learn to repair and make the clothes on their own. These robes generally had very few colors, and did not offer much protection from the elements, because Bralona mostly didn’t need it, and the weather and climate on Basalon was unremarkable, because of the Draconic Shield and Tech managing it. Modern Bralona fashion involves wearing clothes from many other Cultures and People, combining what they like and prefer, as Bralona don’t really wear clothing for its function.  
The Bralona may modify their bodies into whatever configuration they like, as long as they stay roughly the same size. They can sacrifice an arm to produce two smaller arms, or their “hair” to make their shoulders wider. Their face shape can change, and small details like nails and fingers are editable as well. Color, textures, shapes and patterns can change, they can become see-through or solid, squishy and bendable, taller and shorter, imitate the appearance of other Races, and more: all of this at will, and instantly. However, they must always look either goo-like (Bralla) or metal-like (Bronn), and no matter how much they change, are never considered disguised.
==World view==
====Mass Interfacing====
*Bralona have a somewhat complicated relationship with [[Songaskian]]s and [[Qadir]], who they have recently learned are very closely tied to their creator, the Dragon Marik. The Bralona harbor some hurt that Marik abandoned them, and kept them locked away, but most cannot really fault either of them for this, and even find some kinship with the Qadir who similarly have trauma at being “used” by the Dragons. However, some Qadir who understand the Bralona’s role in the Sariyd war may hold it against them, while others understand the Bralona were not really acting of their own free will but on orders of the Dragons as a freshly made people.
The Bralona can use any Engineering Branch, even if it has religious or racial lock-outs. Additionally, the Bralona can also choose any Engineering Branch, regardless of religious or racial lock-outs. Even ancient technology is no match for the Bralona, capable of invading complex machine parts from the inside with their bodily mass to gain a deeper understanding of the internal functions and even operate it without permission. The only exception to this is Dragon-Cores and Dragon Sites, which use a manner of non-physical operating power that the Bralona have not yet been able to understand. Finally, the Bralona lack Magic in their homeland, but they aren’t incapable of using it. Bralona must always learn Magic outside of their homeland and may as such never have more than 2 Proficiency Points invested in Magic, and are always fairly novice at Magic usage, unless they are Primal Mages with a Custom Kit Permission.
*Bralona make fast friends with [[Maraya]] and [[Allar]], and are most commonly integrated into their families and groups. The Allar are the most accepting of the Bralona, due to the extensive research in Hadar, and their efforts to help Bralona integrate into Regalia. Many Maraya, meanwhile, feel that Bralona are kindred spirits of sorts, as both were kept locked away from the world by the Dragons.
====Primal Threads====
*Most Bralona have very little knowledge of [[Magic]], or its effects on the world. Basalon was entirely shielded from the [[Cataclysm]], and was devoid of Magic. Bralona themselves are shielded from some of the more dangerous types of magics, and cannot really be infected or mutated. They tend to form their own opinions, usually deferring to what those around them think.
Both Bralla and Bronn have the ability to summon clothes for themselves using Primal Magic, and also to change texture, color, shape and form of the clothes they are already wearing, so long as they were Primal summoned. These Clothes do not count as Abilities, so they cannot be Countered or removed from the Bralona without them doing so. This Special is also innate, meaning the Bralona are not Aberrant or Occult while using it, or just having it.
*While Bralona don’t need to eat or drink, they can enjoy it if they choose to, and even simulate getting drunk, a pastime many of Bralona enjoy when spending long nights in Taverns and Bars.
* Bralona, especially older ones from Basalon, tend to struggle with the concept of “labor” and “money,” two things that did not really exist in Basalon at all. The work done on Basalon was whatever the Ley-Cores told the Bralona to do, to maintain Basalon, and then eventually when those shut down, the Bralona just started doing whatever they wanted for leisure.  
The Bralona speak pure Dragon Speech, though mysteriously, also speak perfectly enunciated Common. Their society has developed with both languages, and as such, all Bralona speak them perfectly. Bralona are inherently non-gendered but do have a gendered presentation, and as such all Bralona names can be used interchangeably. The Bronn and Bralla do have slightly different naming rules however. Bronn names must always include two n’s, while Bralla names must always include two l’s, both following each other. Bralona don’t have surnames or even family names, as they don’t acknowledge familial relations. The only times when Bralona adopt additional names, is when multiple Bronn or Bralla join a single Bronn or Bralla as their leader. Then this leader names their group, always with extremely short names with a single l or n, for example: Ral, Ran, Ton, Qal, Pel, Hen, etc.
*Basalon is a place mired by many horrible memories for the Bralona, so many often do not return to it. Geographically, it is moderately mountainous, with an artificially flat area in the center where the Bralona lived. The Bralona’s “home city” had no formal name, and was made entirely of Ley-Tech and Stone. The City was a number of homes, warehouses, and buildings all surrounding a large empty yard where the Bralona often gathered, which housed the main Ley-Tech consoles in the absolute center of it. Architecturally, Basalon was very simple, with square houses with no roofing or doors, and some windows. The Bralona did not really need protection from the elements, as the climate in Basalon was artificial, and thus very mild. Basalon had no native wildlife, but did have a number of animal creatures made of inorganic materials by Marik, and very minimal flora. The most notable structure, outside the main “courtyard,” was a shrine built by the Bralona overlooking their city. This shrine was built shortly after Regulus’ departure, in his image, and used to pray for his return and their freedom. Eventually, it led to resentment in many Bralona over their perceived abandonment by the Gods. When the Bralona departed Basalon, this “Shrine Atop the Mountain” was wholly abandoned, and partially destroyed, appearing only as four prongs of rocky pillars jutting upwards.

'''Example of Bralla names:''' Ellara, Rallon, Ylleria, Fallara, Delliev, Qallon, Palla, Cuellar, Zemllar, Jalla, Fallun
'''Example of Bronn names:''' Gronn, Fanna, Dennvir, Nnala, Ennas, Xeinnia, Wannock, Pennor, Fannial, Qannir.
* It's [ Gup.]
It is unclear whether the Bralona ever worshiped anything. However, they are willing to refer to Dragons as Gods (in the past tense only). This is in light of the fact that even though the Rose Pink Dragons created them, they killed them and usurped mastery of their own destinies. This is what led to their anti-theism, which is discussed in earlier sections. It is possible for a Bralona to adopt a religion when living in Regalia for an extended period of time, but this is exceedingly rare.

'''More to come as the Race is released fully and the Occupation Events are over…'''
|Artists = MonMarty
|Writers = Birdsfoot_Violet, MonMarty
|Processors = Okanara, Finlaggan, Trent_Rouls, Hydralana, FireFan96
[[category:races]] [[category:Magus Races]]

Latest revision as of 07:50, 28 May 2024

Basalo (in Brix)
Motto: "Hundreds of years Lost, but new Lives Found."
Nation State N/A
Ruler N/A
Other Present N/A
Languages Brix, Common
Religion Varies
First Recorded 310 AC
Demonym(s) Bralonic
Bronn often have ear-like plates that appear Nelfin-like, even if they don't have actual ears.
Despite being made of viscous fluid, the Bralla (just like the Bronn) wear fancy clothes. On their homeland, they are made by Draconic Ley Technology.
Bronn head shapes often resemble helmets, curiously, of a variety of cultural designs despite never having had contact with them.

Bralona are an isolated and deeply Alien and misunderstood Race, owing to their inorganic nature and relative absence in recorded history. While they are often confused for Automata, or Spirits and Demons, due to their metallic or slime body types, they are fully sentient people. They are most notable for their incredible physical durability, and, while small in numbers, have spread throughout the world since they were freed from their isolated lives in Justinia (called Justinia by Regalian explorers, but Basalon in the Bralona Language). The Bralona were made by the Dragon Marik, but much of their history is lost and forgotten, due to widespread amnesia in the elder Bralona population. They have no formal society, as there are so few of them, and they nearly all left their homeland of Basalon to explore and catch up on a world that has lived without them for thousands of years.


Bralona have a unique design and appearance, with few limitations on the possibilities of their physical appearance, with the sole exception that they are always bipedal. They can be tall, or short, wide, or lithe, and usually change freely based on their self-perception. Personality wise, Bralona tend to be split down the middle between “First Generation” and “Second Generation” Bralona. First Generation Bralona are the elders, who remember (or don’t remember) the Bralona’s time in Basalon, and suddenly waking up one day with no memories, but faint, fleeting glimpses of a life once lived. Second Generation Bralona were born shortly before or after the Bralona escaped to the wider world, and treat it as their oyster: searching for meaning, belonging, and companionship with others. Bralona have a lifespan of around six to seven hundred years, and tend to not really “show their age.”

Why Bralona in Regalia

Why Bralona in Regalia is a section designed to give (new) Players some idea for why a character might want to be in Regalia, as opposed to their homeland, as some peoples are heavily homeland-coded and may need some contrivances to actually Roleplay in Regalia, where all the on-server activity takes place. While you can usually extrapolate other reasons from the Lore on this page, this section provides a few easy-access suggestions.

  • Center of Opportunity: Because the Bralona are so “new” to the world, many places don’t acknowledge them, or trust them, with notably Regalia (and its Heartlands) and Hadar being the only places that offer them full citizenship rights. In the worst cases, some people may kidnap and experiment on Bralona, treating them as not human. Regalia, and its capital, is a place that will be most accepting of Bralona (but they will likely still face prejudice and trouble).
  • Center of Knowledge: The Bralona spent the past eight hundred or so years trapped and isolated in Justinia/Basalon. Now that they’ve been freed into the wider world, they’re desperately playing “catch up” on everything that has happened. Regalia has some of the most cutting edge knowledge, technology, and scholars that is accessible to people. It is the best place for a Bralona to go, if they want to learn about the world and how they’ll live in it.
  • Bralona “Invasion”: Because the Bralona harnessed Draconic technology to teleport a large number of them through the ley-lines to Regalia proper, many willing (and unwilling) Bralona who got caught up in their “invasion” were left stranded in Regalia. They could be Bralona who willingly took part in the “invasion,” and are seeking forgiveness, or those who got taken along for the ride, and are just trying to live in the strange place they were brought to. Regalia has the largest number of Bralona concentrated in one place, for this reason.
  • Living Life: The modern world has an unfathomable number of things that are completely alien to the Bralona who lived in Justinia/Basalon. Food, entertainment, even things like animals and plants are all new and fun experiences for Bralona. Regalia has the widest selection of modern niceties for Bralona to enjoy.
  • Seeking Answers: There are still a number of things the Bralona don’t understand about themselves, and their history, but they know at least it has something to do with the Dragons and their technology. Regalia is a hot-spot of Draconic activity, and Draconism Worshippers and Scholars, who may hold some answers and solutions for the Bralona’s biggest collective problems: their cultural amnesia, and dangerously low fertility rate.

Types of Bralona

Bralona are separated into three sub-groups, determined by their “family” history and physical makeup. These are Bralla, Bronn, and Brakin. There are a relatively equal number of Bralla and Bronn in the world, but very few Brakin, as they are the result of a Bralona ‘fusing’ with another non-Bralona person. It is important to note that up until the Bralona were taught bigotry by Ailor and Elves around 300 AC, the Bralona made functionally no distinction between Bralla and Bronn, and lived together without making negative note of these differences for hundreds of years. The Bralona are in fact not even sure why they were created with two such dissonant designs.

  • Bralla:Bralla are the “slime people” of the Bralona. They are mostly amorphous, but still humanoid, with no internal organs and shape that is entirely self-determined. Bralla can be made of thinner, or thicker, viscous slime, of any color, or combination of colors (but they usually only have a maximum of three to four colors).
  • Bronn: Bronn are the “robot people” of the Bralona. They are usually made of rigid metallic plates, with soft contours, and lights of varying luminosity underneath. They have no internal organs, and also do not really have internal “machinery,” either. Bronn are made up of metallic parts that are held together by magical magnetism, and are sometimes made of a few large bits of metal, or many interlocking smaller ones. Their plating is usually a muted base color, such as black, grey, or white, with accents of up to three or four colors, with the same pattern for lights. Bronn can even manifest patterning, or allow “tattoos” of script to be painted onto their bodies.
  • Brakin: Brakin are the “fused” people of the Bralona. They are what happens when a Bralona, and a non-Bralona (such as an Ailor) fuse to create one new person. This process can be willing or unwilling, and is usually done when the non-Bralona is on the brink of death, with the Bralona using their body parts to replace and save the dying person. Visually, Brakin always have some of the Bralona body parts visible and openly fused with their non-Bralona parts. For example, a Brakin that is an Ailor and a Bronn may have their arm or half their face appear metallic and Bronn-like. Brakin can have either many exposed Bralona “parts” or few, as long as there is at least some apparent identifier, such as in the eyes. Becoming a Brakin is not very well understood, and can sometimes lead to the non-Bralona being the man ‘driver’ with the Bralona as just a secondary passenger, the Bralona supplanting the non-Bralona’s personality entirely (with some after effects), or a combination of the two’s personality being made to become a whole new person. Becoming a Brakin is considered irreversible, and any attempts to separate the two just kills both of them.

Heritage Traits

When designing a Character, Proficiency Points allow for a limited Ability selection with Point Buy Packs. Heritage Traits adds free Packs and Mechanics on top of that to help with cultural themes. Free Packs grant Abilities usually, while Mechanics change the way a character functions in Roleplay through subtle, and usually out of Combat ways. In essence, Mechanics just add aesthetic flair that invest in the niche of each culture. Free Packs never raise Proficiency Points, but the character must be able to purchase them normally. (ex. if a character is a certain Affinity that locks them out of a category, they cannot take that specific free pack and must choose the alternative option.) If a Free Pack grants Magic of some type, that Magic can be of any Alignment the character can normally choose, or limited to a select alignment, which will always be written in the Free Pack description. Note, Bralona are not organic in the same way that other people of Aloria are. As a result, they cannot become Afflicted (though they can become Spirits after death), nor can they become any Affinity, or be fed on by Vampire or Geist Afflicted.

Mixed Heritage characters (i.e. characters born from two parents of different Cultures) may take one parent's 'Free Packs' and mix and match up to 5 Mechanics from both parents, although some Peoples cannot produce Mixed Heritage children (due to Magical/Fantasy reasons). Bralona cannot be included in Mixed Heritage Characters, but an additional rule applies to Bralona of the Brakin sub-type. They can choose either the Heritage Traits of the Bralona Race, or the Heritage Traits of the of the fused person's Race, or can function like a Mixed Heritage Character, choosing the Free Packs from one, and up to 5 mechanics from both (Bralona and the fused person).

Free Packs


  • Bralona can, outside of combat, squeeze through walls, gates, and doors, allowing access to otherwise locked areas (stay away from private RP, please).
  • Bralona do not need to breathe, eat, drink, or sleep. They cannot be poisoned, nor can they become ill, but they can be affected by Magic Diseases.
  • Bralona, when killed, turn into an orb-shaped mass or small cube. It will auto-revive them after 72 Hours, or immediately with 1 Divinium or Artifactspark.
  • Bralona can automatically gain Leytech Technology Branch, when using Tech, which does not contribute to their maximum Tech Branches.
  • Bralona can physically invade Dragon Site machinery, or Soul Cores, and force them to operate certain functions against their will (within reason Dm judgement).


Compared to other cultures and civilizations, Bralona have only ‘appeared’ relatively recently in history, but this is not because they have only existed for a short period of time, but rather because the Bralona lived the vast majority of their lives in isolation from the outside world. Scholars and Bralona now somewhat understand the connection between themselves and the Dragon Marik, believing with the small amount of clues they have that they were used as soldiers in the Draconic War with the Sariyd, but the exact context of why and how is totally lost; all Sariyd are dead, their records mostly buried, and no Bralona remembers as their memories were erased. Whatever lives they lived during that time is totally forgotten, as recent Bralona History begins at exactly 192 BC, a time called the “Forced Reset.” First Generation Bralona remember this as a moment where all the living Bralona were standing in a massive field in Basalon, with large Draconic Ley-Stone constructs, buildings, and cores around them. They were faced with the Dragon Regulus, who they all generally understood was the cause of their amnesia. Regulus at the time refused to answer any of their questions, and made vague allusions to “living until it is time,” before flying away and sealing them in Basalon in an impenetrable shield. The period following this involved much confusion, sadness, and collective trauma for the Bralona, who had to go about remembering how they lived their lives, and why they were even there, and in some cases, why some of them weren’t as the Sariyd war, as far as they recall, had no casualties. The Bralona generally remembered their names and relationships with other Bralona, but these were very scarce, and they had no concept of society, jobs, or even things like recreation. Under the guidance of the Ley-Cores (automated Dragon Machines that inhabit Dragon Sites), the Bralona slowly began to occupy and entertain themselves, settling into Basalon after the shock faded. While there was sadness and trauma from loss of recollection, it is too simple to assume that there was not also happiness and optimism.

Bralona society developed into one just as complex as any other Race, even if some concepts remained foreign to them because they lacked the context of cross-Race Relations to fully explore them, being that they thought they were the only sentient beings in the world besides Dragons. The Bralona lived in absolute isolation in Basalon like this all the way up until 300 AC. In this period, the Bralona had some children, who were generally called “Second Generation” Bralona, meaning that there are even Bralona alive to whom the trauma of memory has completely passed by. Even the Cataclysm passed by the Bralona without them even really noticing: the shield over Basalon protected them from any ill effects of it; though the Ley-Cores shut down entirely during this period, and did not return as a result of the Denial of Immortality, when the Dragons perished and many of their Sites went into Stand-by or Lockdown. Around 306 AC, the Ley-Tech shield surrounding the Bralona finally failed, and they were free to depart to the outside world: whether this was it simply turning off and running out of “power” or not being cared for, or an intentional act by the Dragons, is known only to the latter. Some Bralona immediately took this opportunity to make rudimentary boats and rafts to depart to the outside world, in groups, or alone, but most of the Bralona did not depart immediately, attempting to decide collectively what should be done, while there were certainly those who had divined godly intentions from the Dragons to keep them there. Basalon had not gone unnoticed by the outside world, however, and when it was discovered that the shield had fallen, a group of intrepid Regalian Adventurers and Explorers landed on the newly dubbed Justinia, and immediately made themselves known to the Bralona. These Regalians are generally considered to be the source of many of the Bralona’s misunderstandings and misconceptions about the world and how to initially behave in it. They wasted no time in barging into any “private” areas in Basalon on the assumption the Bralona were pre-civilization or barbaric, attempting to re-activate and interface with the Ley-Tech there as if the Bralona had no claim to what was on their land, and unceasingly questioned the Bralona about themselves and their situation as if they were lab rats in an experiment.

Their most damaging “lesson” to the Bralona was their insistence on pointing out the visual differences between Bronn and Bralla as Ailor are so prone to creating social constructs of division among themselves, which created a then completely absent divide between the peoples based on such prejudices. In essence, the Bralla and Bronn never acknowledged the design differences between them, and the insistence of the Regalians to point it out, caused a culminating self awareness that caused problems. Eventually these misconceptions boiled to a head into a short and metaphorically bloody “Civil War” between the Bralona, where the Bronn and the Bralla sides collectively blamed one another for why Regulus wiped their memories and kept them trapped there. Most of the Adventurers departed when the fighting began, but a few remained behind to help the Bralona who did not take “sides” quell the conflict, feeling guilt and responsibility for not taking more care with how they spoke to the Bralona and what they introduced them to. While it remains true that Regalian explorers are generally careless about first contact protocols, it is incorrect to assume they happily and greedily trample on other cultures, and that most of the issues arose from mutual ignorance. It took less than a year for the Bralona to eventually stop fighting, as they collectively realized their difficulty with having children meant they risked killing their entire peoples off. The Bralona collectively united under a singular banner again, having learned that Regulus was (as they thought) alive and well in the world, and would have answers for them, and more importantly be able to return their memories.

At this time, the remaining Adventurers, and a new group of Draconism Scholars, arrived and managed to re-activate the Ley-Tech in Basalon. This activation was monumental, but short lived, and essentially only allowed for a one-way teleportation for themselves and the Bralona to Regalia proper: where Regulus was known to be, as Imperial Prince Cedromar. This incident became known as the “Bralona Invasion of Regalia,” which has its nuances (as well as why it ended) explained later on this page. It was from here that the Bralona formally introduced themselves to the world, and spread to various places, integrating themselves with the people and cultures there, though mostly only Regalia as it is the only place directly connected to Basalon, and close to the Dragons. Bralona have no formal state, or leadership, instead relying on collective cooperation and trust between the small number of them left. A number of Bralona now have found a place, culture, and family to call “home,” but many more are still searching for where they belong.

Language & Naming

The Bralona almost exclusively speak Common and their language developed on Basalon, Brix, or whatever other language they learned depending on where they lived. It is understood that at one point, Bralona spoke Dragon Speech, but this knowledge was lost to them with the rest of their memories. Bralona are inherently non-gendered, and as such all Bralona names can be used interchangeably. Bronn names must always include two n’s, while Bralla names must always include two l’s, both following each other. Brakin have no naming conventions, and often just choose new names for themselves. Bralona don’t usually have surnames or even family names. Examples of Bralla names include: Ellara, Delliev, Qallon, Palla, Zellmaar, or Fallun. Examples of Bronn names include: Fanna, Ennas, Xeinnia, Pennor, Nnala, or Qannir.


A lot of MassiveCraft's lore is constructed around conflicts that are based on religious, historical, or societal grievances. This section aims to set out the various conflict points for Bralona, while also attaching some nuance, so that there is wiggle-room for players to not get stuck in endless loops of arguing the basics of societal conflict without clear Character Development or Resolution.

  • Draconism Worshippers / Archon: This point of conflict is only for the specific Bralona, usually First Generation Bralona, who feel as though (rightfully) that their lives and memories were taken away by the Dragons for completely unknown reasons. They hold the Dragons accountable for their Amnesia, and challenge Draconism worshippers on why their Gods were so controlling of the Bralona’s lives and kept them away from the world intentionally. It is often the case that Bralona do not entirely fault the worshippers and Archon themselves, as they may be equally unaware of the machinations of the Dragons.
  • Murderers: This conflict point can be for generally anyone who murders others, but is predominantly for those who murder Bralona. While this is usually a generally understood dislike for most people in the world (obviously), because of the Bralona’s infertility, a vast majority of Bralona treat it as a grave sin to kill a Bralona, especially if the murderer is aware of the Bralona’s plight. This is an especially complicated situation in Regalia, where the Bralona “invasion” led to many Regalians attacking, and killing, Bralona in self defense. This poses a conundrum for the other Bralona, who have to contend with the fact that they technically attacked first, but also conversely only really did it because it was what Regalians taught them to do when they first met in Basalon, and because of the situation they were put into by "High Command."

Bralona “Invasion”

The Bralona “Invasion” has been referenced multiple times on this page, and always with quotation marks around the word invasion, because the historical event colloquially referred to as the “Bralona Invasion of Regalia” is steeped in controversy and misunderstanding. This event alone perfectly encapsulates the difficult and alien-ness of Bralona understanding in the world, and how deeply things can go wrong without the necessary information to judge. The Regalian Isle had frequently in the past been invaded and occupied by outside forces, usually magical ones, and with varying degrees of severity and danger. The Bralona “Invasion” is, by educated scholars, not really considered an invasion of notable scale at all, though to dismiss damage done to Regalia’s psyche and population would dismiss the real harm it did. The Bralona did not cause perhaps as many casualties as the Songaskian Wars in the city, but many of them still inflicted intentional and unintentional harm on the locals. From the onset in 310 AC they appeared in large numbers and aggressively demanded to know where Regulus was, poorly mimicking the Regalian Adventurers they had met in Basalon. A small number of Bralona (who named themselves “High Command”) decided to assist the Regalian Adventurers in hi-jacking and using the last remaining Ley-Tech in Basalon to teleport a large portion of the Bralona population to Regalia, even those who were not in line with their more aggressive intentions towards Regulus. Because the Bralona are so hardy, and because none of the Soldiers or Imperial Guards in Regalia had ever seen them before, it was extremely difficult to fight them at first, meaning the city was completely caught off guard and overwhelmed. While the bralona did not come with the intention to kill, they did not understand sovereignty, law, and self-defense, and Regalia’s first response was to try and hurt them, so they hurt Regalia back. Upon reaching the Imperial Chamber, the Bralona were faced with the figure that all Regalians had spoken of with extreme importance, reverence, and awe: the Emperor. The Bralona were entirely interested in Regulus, however, and when their demands were not met, they acted drastically, (mostly goaded on by the terrified couriers speculating as to what they’d do) and attacked the Emperor with intent to kill. For the Bralona, this action was not taken strictly with malice on all of their behalf, just desperation and the consequences of hundreds of years of isolation, but also it is important to note that they had no understanding of the gravity of their actions, as they did not understand hierarchy, religion, or deferential authority and diplomatic immunity. The Emperor and the Palace denied them the one thing they wanted: Regulus, and they lashed out for it. For Regalia, though, this action turned immediately from a potentially horrible tragedy into a “boon:” the Emperor was revealed to be a Slizzar imposter. In the chaos and confusion, the Bralona dispersed into the City and sought out Draconic Tech, seeking answers in the Central Junction. Along the way they engaged in destruction of property, attacks on Temples (mistaking many of them for being Dragon Temples), and imprisoning and even torture of Regalians and their own. It is important to harken back to the fact that High Command even brought in Bralona who did not agree with their sentiment, assuming that eventually they would go along just as they had to end the Civil War. Some of these Bralona actively sided with the Regalians, and became hostile towards the High Command, while some went into hiding in the countryside and were accused of keeping secrets to themselves. Discovering that Regulus had long since died and that the current incarnation was basically an entirely different person, the Bralona took a huge hit to their morale, and more importantly, faith in High Command. Even worse, the conflict, though short lived, was devastating for the Bralona, as the actions taken and suffered through this conflict were but a taste of the concept of warfare. Many Bralona, even High Command supporters, started actively questioning if knowing the past was a blessing or a curse, and if this was a mere flash of the experiences they had endured during the war, whether having all those memories would truly make them better off. From this point, the Bralona “Invasion” petered out, as “High Command" was eventually killed off, and the remaining Bralona mostly stopped fighting, while those that sided with Regalia campaigned hard for the remainders to be forgiven, and to help Regalia understand that this was all a terrible misunderstanding. For the Regalian Crown and State, the missing Emperor was far more important than the Bralona in the City, and with advisory from the Hadarian Embassy, the Bralona were partially pardoned for the “Invasion”. This mostly fostered a close connection between the Bralona and the Allar, who took up the task of convincing the Ailor that this Race was an unknown caught in a (to them) alien world, and that they were in fact a potentially useful ally if endeared to the Empire, owing to their extreme durability in battle. Also, if it weren’t for the Bralona, the Crown may have never discovered that the Emperor was missing, and this fact alone meant that City Authorities wanted to immediately wash their hands of the Bralona and focus on that more pressing matter. For many Regalians, however, the sudden appearance of the Bralona and the story of their “Invasion” took on a life of its own, creating wildly embellished tales of the Bralona as an alien and highly advanced invasion force with nefarious purposes. The Bralona still face prejudice in Regalia because of this, and especially xenophobic Regalians act with extreme hostility towards them, as many of them try to reinforce their good natured intentions, or apologize and make amends for their crimes.

Infertility & Immortality

While reproduction is not usually covered in close detail, the Bralona have a specific relationship to it that it is important to make note of. Bralona reproduce asexually, meaning any Bralona can decide they want to have a child, and begin the process of splitting off into a new Bralona. Bronn usually create more Bronn, and Bralla more Bralla, but there have been cases recorded where a Bronn has produced a Bralla, and vice versa. The Bralona “born” is usually of a completely randomized appearance, but may share some patterning and colors with their “parent.” What is notable about the Bralona, however, is that this process has an extremely low success rate. Almost all attempts by most Bralona to reproduce stall before they even begin, for reasons the Bralona do not understand. Worryingly, the number of Bralona in Aloria is unusually low, meaning that if enough Bralona die, they may become an extinct people. This is the primary driving fear of the Bralona’s most prominent figures, who call for unity and the protection of all Bralona, regardless of personal relationships. Many First Generation Bralona also remember a period in time wherein Draconic Ley-Cores impressed upon them the knowledge that they were once an immortal people, but now can die (even if it is difficult). Most Bralona who do die pass of old age, or are murdered intentionally, as most accidents or things that would usually kill a person, do not kill Bralona. When killed, Bralona revert to small indestructible masses of metal or slime, which are fiercely guarded by other Bralona, if they can get their hands on them.


Bralona “fashion” from Basalon mostly involves simple loose-fitting robes and wrappings that draw on clothing from Ancient Sumer. The clothes that they wore there were entirely “printed” by Draconic Ley-Tech, but slowly over time this technology stopped working, and they had to learn to repair and make the clothes on their own. These robes generally had very few colors, and did not offer much protection from the elements, because Bralona mostly didn’t need it, and the weather and climate on Basalon was unremarkable, because of the Draconic Shield and Tech managing it. Modern Bralona fashion involves wearing clothes from many other Cultures and People, combining what they like and prefer, as Bralona don’t really wear clothing for its function.

World view

  • Bralona have a somewhat complicated relationship with Songaskians and Qadir, who they have recently learned are very closely tied to their creator, the Dragon Marik. The Bralona harbor some hurt that Marik abandoned them, and kept them locked away, but most cannot really fault either of them for this, and even find some kinship with the Qadir who similarly have trauma at being “used” by the Dragons. However, some Qadir who understand the Bralona’s role in the Sariyd war may hold it against them, while others understand the Bralona were not really acting of their own free will but on orders of the Dragons as a freshly made people.
  • Bralona make fast friends with Maraya and Allar, and are most commonly integrated into their families and groups. The Allar are the most accepting of the Bralona, due to the extensive research in Hadar, and their efforts to help Bralona integrate into Regalia. Many Maraya, meanwhile, feel that Bralona are kindred spirits of sorts, as both were kept locked away from the world by the Dragons.
  • Most Bralona have very little knowledge of Magic, or its effects on the world. Basalon was entirely shielded from the Cataclysm, and was devoid of Magic. Bralona themselves are shielded from some of the more dangerous types of magics, and cannot really be infected or mutated. They tend to form their own opinions, usually deferring to what those around them think.
  • While Bralona don’t need to eat or drink, they can enjoy it if they choose to, and even simulate getting drunk, a pastime many of Bralona enjoy when spending long nights in Taverns and Bars.
  • Bralona, especially older ones from Basalon, tend to struggle with the concept of “labor” and “money,” two things that did not really exist in Basalon at all. The work done on Basalon was whatever the Ley-Cores told the Bralona to do, to maintain Basalon, and then eventually when those shut down, the Bralona just started doing whatever they wanted for leisure.
  • Basalon is a place mired by many horrible memories for the Bralona, so many often do not return to it. Geographically, it is moderately mountainous, with an artificially flat area in the center where the Bralona lived. The Bralona’s “home city” had no formal name, and was made entirely of Ley-Tech and Stone. The City was a number of homes, warehouses, and buildings all surrounding a large empty yard where the Bralona often gathered, which housed the main Ley-Tech consoles in the absolute center of it. Architecturally, Basalon was very simple, with square houses with no roofing or doors, and some windows. The Bralona did not really need protection from the elements, as the climate in Basalon was artificial, and thus very mild. Basalon had no native wildlife, but did have a number of animal creatures made of inorganic materials by Marik, and very minimal flora. The most notable structure, outside the main “courtyard,” was a shrine built by the Bralona overlooking their city. This shrine was built shortly after Regulus’ departure, in his image, and used to pray for his return and their freedom. Eventually, it led to resentment in many Bralona over their perceived abandonment by the Gods. When the Bralona departed Basalon, this “Shrine Atop the Mountain” was wholly abandoned, and partially destroyed, appearing only as four prongs of rocky pillars jutting upwards.


Writers Birdsfoot_Violet, MonMarty
Artists MonMarty
Processors Okanara, Finlaggan, Trent_Rouls, Hydralana, FireFan96
Last Editor Birdsfoot violet on 05/28/2024.

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