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{{Info races
{{Info races
|image = Allarsplashy.png
|image = Hb42hb42h.jpg
|pronunciation = Al-lar
|pronunciation = All-lar
|classification = [[Gorr]]
|classification = Gorr
|subraces = Al-Allar, Mu-Allar, Sa-Allar, Zu-Allar, Es-Allar, Cro-Allar
|subraces = Many
|nicknames = Slimeskins, Scalies, Scaleskins, Lizards
|nicknames =  
|languages = [[Zasta]]
*Slimescales (derogatory)
|naming = Varying vowels with double L,S and Z
*Wisescales (praising)
|distinction = Humanoid lizard people with a knack for alchemy
*Clawgnashers (Elven)
|maxage = 130 years
|languages = [[Pidato]]
|body = Varying per subspecies
|naming = Indonesian, not including Muslim/Arab names
|height = 3' - 8’ (Depends on subrace)
|distinction =  
|weight = Depends on subrace
|maxage = 200 years
|eye = Slitted pupil (some also round) with a bright yellow iris and white sclera
|height =  
|hair = Not applicable
|eye = Slitted pupil (some also round) with a yellow/orange/blue/green iris and white or dark-gray sclera
|skin = Depends on subrace, mostly scales varying browns, greens and some grayish blue.
|skin =  
Originating from the mysterious and unmapped jungles of [[Sendras]], the Allar are a diverse and varied race of reptilian humanoids known for their towering intellect and scientific capacity,  their long-term defiance of the [[Regalian Empire]], and their world-renowned glassworking skills. A lesser point of renown for the Allar is their ability to bounce back; even after facing centuries of attacks and being misled by other races. Despite this, the Allar have weathered these setbacks, surviving that which would have crushed any other race into oblivion, and turned detriment to their advantage. The most recent of these setbacks occurred during the [[Chrysant War]], in which the [[Humans]] of [[Regalia]] attempted to inflict genocide upon the Allar. In only fifteen years, the Allar became first-class citizens of the Regalian Empire, in spite of the fact that the Humans wanted to utterly wipe them out earlier. While many other races still have disdain for the foreign looking Allar, their influence on global events as shrewd, capable and flexible people cannot be denied. With their diverse cultural caste system and specialized sub species all fulfilling a specific role in their society, Allar have quickly risen to become an intricate race rivalling even the complexity of Human society in the Regalian Empire and eclipsing the [[Elves]] in their unity and recovery of past glory.
[[File:Greve.jpg|260px|thumb|right|Allar make excellent Jungle Warriors.]]
==Physical and Mental Characteristics==
[[File:Hw34j453wn.png|260px|thumb|right|Ksat Caste Allar are ferocious Ring fighters.]]
Allar, as a people, are the least homogenous on Aloria; they are diversified among many subspecies that look very different from one another. Even though the differences between Allar subspecies is more defined than those of the [[Songaskian]] race, they are all still classified as Allar and are born from the same lineage. Allar live a long time, nearly 130 years, but rarely reproduce over this period. A couple of Allar may only lay eggs once every ten years, though when they do, a female Allar can produce anywhere between five and thirteen eggs after a carrying period of about a month. These eggs aren’t ever the same subspecies; there is no pattern in the eggs they lay, and a female Allar of any subspecies may randomly lay an egg that belongs to another subspecies. These subspecies all have their role in Allar society, as their bodies and minds are uniquely suited for specific tasks and specializations. Below are the various subspecies of Allar and their Physical and Mental Characteristics combined into one segment to make an easy differentiation between the subspecies. There are also some common traits shared by all Allar species, which are mentioned further below.
The Al-Allar are what could be considered the “default” Allar; their plain scales and horns help differentiate them from their perhaps more eccentric counterparts. They have tall necks, long fingers with sharp nails, and digitigrade legs ,standing roughly 5 feet and 6 inches tall. Their head is lizard-shaped with a snout. Adorning their skulls, jaws, and brows are smooth, ivory-colored spike-like horns of varying sizes that stick out of the scaled skin, though there is no real common trend for the quantity of the horns and spikes, and they vary greatly from Al-Allar to Al-Allar. Their irises are slitted (though round irises sometimes also occur), and are always a vibrant yellow color with a darker eye white. Al-Allar bodies are always on the frail side, weaker than even that of a [[Cielothar]]. They lack strong muscle definition or density, and their ribcage can occasionally be seen through their scales. Al-Allar also have a prehensile tail, meaning they can control it with the same fine motoric degree as their arms, essentially using their tail as a third arm with some capacity to grab things. What the Al-Allar lose in physical prowess is easily made up by their towering intellect. Al-Allar think fast, concisely, and decisively, capable of completing complex calculations in their head within mere moments, and storing a vast collection of memories that they can recall much faster than other races can. It should come as no surprise that the Al-Allar often work as the brain of the Allar species, and fulfill most intellectual roles within their society. Their small stature is also paired with their rather skittish persona: Al-Allar are considered cowards by the standards of other races, riddled with anxiety and insecurity. Al-Allar are calculated, and while capable of emotions, often end up reasoning them away with logic and calculations. It can often be said that Al-Allar are submissive and have a servant mindset, and strictly speaking this is true, but largely because Al-Allar thrive when protected by a larger more capable species and race. The Al-Allar certainly are not bottom feeders, as they represent the foundations of Allar society and ingenuity, and larger groups of Al-Allar are capable of overcoming their fear complexities and collectivizing for a common goal. Finally, one of the more curious skills Al-Allar have is their acute substance smell. If they have identified a smell of a substance before, they can smell it again, anywhere and anytime, almost akin to the ability of a hunting dog. This means that for example, if an Al-Allar has smelled a certain poison before, which has then been inserted into a rootbeer, they are capable of both identifying the root beer ingredients, but also the poison mixed within, no matter how miniscule the fragrance is. This has led to Ailor nobility enlisting some Al-Allar as cupbearers and has drastically reduced the number of assassinations via poisoning.
[[File:Raptorallor.png|260px|thumb|right|The Mu-Allar are the soldier caste of Allar society.]]
The Mu-Allar represent the second most numerous subspecies of the Allar, and look very similar to the Al-Allar. Mu-Allar represent the warrior caste of Allar society, or what they call the hunters. They are taller (on average by about two inches) than the Al-Allar, and possess a more muscular frame that ranges on the [[Athletic]] side. Their claws are larger and stronger, and they also possess a large claw on each foot that is frequently used in combat to great shredding effect. Mu-Allar have a prehensile tail like the Al-Allar, though it is far less flexible, used only to slap foes with in combat. Mu-Allar snouts also tend to be longer, their eyes smaller and their horns smaller and aimed backwards away from their face. Perhaps the most obvious difference between the Mu-Allar and the Al-Allar are the feathers that Mu-Allar have, ranging from the crown of their head down to their neck and some on their back also. These feathers are flexible and often come in very vibrant color hues, though avoiding pastel colors. Mu-Allar are not typically less intelligent than Al-Allar, but rather tend to have a shorter attention span and are a lot more physically active. They are boisterous, daring, and competitive, but always retain a very strong sense of camaraderie, making them excellent friends and drinking partners to carous with. While the Mu-Allar serve the Cro-Allar, their identity as the hunter caste has led them to develop a sense of righteous superiority over the other Allar, like they are what stands between their destruction and survival, and hold an innate sense of honor and self value. Mu-Allar as such tend not to heed the warnings and caution of the Al-Allar and jump into action unprepared, often to their own detriment unless tempered by the wisdom of the Es-Allar and the leadership of the Cro-Allar. Within their families, Mu-Allar are very passionate, and are known to have a convoluted mating dance involving the grooming of their feathers and displaying them in all their wild color ranges. While Al-Allar possess an acute smell for substances, Mu-Allar possess that same smell, but for drawn blood. Mu-Allar can smell blood from several streets away, making escaping from a Mu-Allar while bleeding exceptionally difficult, almost as difficult as escaping a shark.
The Zu-Allar are a relatively rare sight among the Allar, not only because of their low birthrate, but also because of their stoic, isolated and solemn characteristics. The Zu-Allar are taller than both the Al-Allar and Mu-Allar, yet shorter than an average Ailor (around 5 feet and 10 inches). They have a stubbier snout than either Mu-Allar and Al-Allar and have no feathers, spikes, or horns anywhere on their body. Instead, their skin is covered in thick, armored scales that deflect most cutting and slicing weaponry to the point where they can receive a surprising amount of physical punishment before feeling any pain. Their tail is even less flexible than that of the Mu-Allar, remaining mostly rigid, but also being armored and having a single rounded bone protrusion at the end that they use to slam into the ground when they are angry, but severely restricts combat use. Despite their defensive capacity, Zu-Allar are not particularly strong (they range just around an average Ailor), superbly intelligent or fast (they move slowly due to the inflexibility of their scales). Their natural defensive capacity means they are the often unsung defensive troops of the Allar military, though frequently also labor in harsh conditions that would otherwise be too dangerous for Al-Allar such as quarries and mines. Zu-Allar personalities are very stoic and silent, often preferring to remain quiet and solemn, a stark contrast from the Mu-Allar that flank them in military formations and thirst for battle. Zu-Allar, outside of the military, can often be found in libraries or places of knowledge. While they lack the towering intellect of the Al-Allar, they love listening to Al-Allar ramble about scientific theories, and find comfort in the bustle of the quick-tempered Al-Allar around them, to contrast their own rather sluggish demeanor. Zu-Allar often don’t form relations of companionship with other Allar because they find such attachments to give them anxiety. In many ways, Zu-Allar have both a physical and figurative armor that they feel keeps them safe, but makes them fear exposing themselves to the outside world.
[[File:Saallar.png|260px|thumb|right|Sa-Allar, despite their bulk, are considered gentle giant lizards.]]
The Sa-Allar are an equally rare sight to the Zu-Allar, and can best be described as the dumb muscle of the Allar species. Sa-Allar are slightly taller than an average Ailor (usually at 6 feet and two inches), and possess a muscular body frame, though completely lack a tail. Their heads are often more pointier and angular than that of the Al- and Mu-Allar, featuring a head that is reminiscent of [[Dragons]], while they usually only have two horns. Their teeth are larger, and practically all Sa-Allar have an underbite that gives them a perpetual silly and rather fierce appearance. Sa-Allar can best be described as gentle giants, being by far the least intelligent of the Allar species and often lacking the capacity to even stop themselves from being distracted by a near butterfly. They appear in a constant state of wonder about the world around them, whether it is the first time witnessing snow (and then suffering hypothermia as they forget about their cold weakness) or seeing a waterfall and wanting to swim in it (subsequently nearly drowning as they forget how to swim). Despite their predisposition to comical neglect for their own wellbeing, Sa-Allar can become strong and loyal defenders of the Allar species in the blink of an eye if they sense that any of them are at risk. Sa-Allar turn seemingly abruptly and completely unexpectedly in a difference that is like night and day from a gentle giant to a rampaging bulk of anger. It should thus come to no surprise that Sa-Allar are fiercely loyal to all of the other Allar subspecies and set aside their generally distracted and neglectful behavior to ensuring the safety of those they consider friends. Sa-Allar are also easy to befriend as such, mostly to other Allar, since even the remotest of Al-Allar is a friend in their eyes. In daily life, the Sa-Allar don’t really serve a purpose, but are often used as bodyguards to the Es-Allar whom they consider “cute”, or the Cro-Allar, to who they look up to and admire. Sa-Allar can sometimes also be witnessed acting as the dumb muscle sidekick of a Mu-Allar, or a protective friend of an Al-Allar. While alone, Sa-Allar usually wander aimlessly, being distracted by the color of flowers or the smell of a freshly baked bread, instilling hunger before naptime.
The Es-Allar are, together with the Cro-Allar, the rarest sight among Allar, so rare that presumably only a few hundred of them exist at any time around the world. Es-Allar are also the strangest of the Allar species in that they do not conform to the looks of the others at all, and represent a far more amphibian appearance, lacking a tail as well. The most notable aspect about the Es-Allar is that they are short, extremely short, barely being three feet tall. The vast majority of their body is their torso that is somehow set on two stubby legs with webbed feet. They have essentially no neck, meaning their mouth and eyes and nostrils are set on their torso in a way that makes them look like a walking barrel with arms. Their arms are almost as long as their whole body, with hands that seem disproportionately large, are webbed, and usually drag along the floor. Es-Allar eyes are large and black while their facial expression is usually that of a frown, while their skin is completely smooth and their body lacks any kind of bone or spike or horn protrusions. The Es-Allar are generally laughed at by other races, and even among the Allar they are sometimes misunderstood as cute and needing of protection, notably by the Sa-Allar. The fact that they always have a child-like appearance also doesn’t help to that end, though comically enough, Es-Allar are the most sagely and wise species of the Allar. Completely contrary to their cute small appearance, Es-Allar have a deep groggy voice and speak with prose and poetry, laced with wise and insightful words about the world and their own society. What they lack in physical prowess (given that they cannot even run on land due to the stubbiness of their legs), they make up for by being the only Allar subspecies that is able to cast [[Magic]]. In fact, they are often underestimated and mistaken for Allar children, when in reality they are the world’s most proficient spellcasters, capable of learning Magic at twice the rate of any other Alorian race. This makes them dangerous, but not invincible. They are frail and small, and can barely escape from an attacker without the help from others, which is why Es-Allar are often protected by Sa-Allar or squads of Mu-Allar. Es-Allar can often also be found in the company of Cro-Allar, acting as their advisors. Es-Allar are a grumpy species of Allar, having a rather cynical world view, and burying anything they say under layers of sarcasm and passive aggressiveness that would make one think they are perpetually angry at everyone. That being said, when situations get tough, the Es-Allar are capable of offering the most practical and sagely advice, formed from years of engaging in meditation and philosophical thought. Every Es-Allar in Allar society is a mage of some kind, and while the Al-Allar mostly ignore their magical input, they wield considerable power in Allar society due to their proximity to the Cro-Allar, and also act as the social guardians of order and law among the Allar.

'''Note:''' Due to the permission requirement for Magic casters, and because Es-Allar are Mages, in order to play an Es-Allar Mage, a player will need to possess a Trustee Permission. Es-Allar that are not Mages are exceptionally rare but do not require a Trustee Permission.
Originating from the mysterious jungles of [[Hadar|Sendrass]], the Allar are a diverse and varied [[Heritage]] of reptilian humanoids known for their societal flexibility and scientific capacity, and their boundless capacity to thrive in the harshest of conditions. The Allar have weathered many setbacks over the centuries, surviving that which would have crushed any other Race into oblivion, and turned detriment to their advantage. The most recent of these setbacks occurred during the [[Chrysant War]], in which the [[Regalian Empire]] inflicted massive damage on the Allar and reduced their homeland to a backwater colony. In the fifteen years since, the Allar have not only overcome the losses of that war, but turned public opinion on them around, and became one of the founding Races of the Crown Alliance of the Regalian Empire, being some of its most prized and loyal citizens and filling government positions all the way to the top. Allar alchemists are the leading alchemical inventors of the world, having unrivaled skills in the identification, mixing, and application of alchemical substances. Their politicians remain flexible as ever and unburdened by the rigid Caste System that defines their society, allowing them to aid in their public perception unbothered by other duties of governance.  
Cro-Allar represent the pinnacle of Allar power within their society. They are the rarest of Allar species, along with the Es-Allar, and form the Allar nobility and leaders, ranging both from military to civilian leaders. Cro-Allar are large, larger an taller than even average [[Orcs]] with bulk in muscle to compete with them. They stand hunched over due to their large frame, their head set on a short, thick neck. The shapes of their heads resemble those of crocodiles, though they lack the usual Allar horns and spikes. Their large, strong, and meaty hands and arms mean they are not capable of wielding any conventional weapon, not that they would have to since their claws and strong grip are plenty deadly already. They possess sharp rows of teeth in their jaw and strong legs upon which their large frame is supported, with a thick tail that often drags along the floor behind them. Cro-Allar are, by virtue of their deadly size, the leaders of Allar society (and probably the most lethal race on Aloria). Whether this has had any other reason than the fact that they crushed all other species resisting their rule in earlier times is unclear, but all other Allar species in modern times are fiercely loyal to the Cro-Allar. Despite their size and bulky stature, Cro-Allar tend to be very pensive like the Zu-Allar, and equally slow acting. They are terrifying combat opponents, but often prefer to delegate military pursuits to the Mu-Allar that act as their soldiers, and the Sa-Allar that act as their bodyguards. Cro-Allar are frequently surrounded or flanked by Es-Allar as their advisors, but also just because between the two species, they rule the Allar race, and maintain that control due to their unique relation of sage input and brute power. Cro-Allar are proud creatures, often donning themselves in jewelry and gold plating their scales and teeth for appearance. In many ways, their vanity could be compared to that of the Elves, except they can snap bones of anyone who goes out of their way to insult their sense of style. Cro-Allar also fulfill a curious role in Allar society under the umbrella of the Regalian Empire, acting as Allar Nobility to the Ailor. Cro-Allar are seen as representatives of the Allar structure within the Regalian federation, and as such are deferred to with respect within the Regalian capital, even by the Ailor Nobility, as a revered ally and a powerful caste of ruler warriors in and of themselves.  

'''Note:''' Due to the permission requirement for the overbearing strength of the Cro-Allar, in order to play a Cro-Allar, a player will need to possess a Trustee Permission. Furthermore, Cro-Allar need to be registered as a Noble Family as per usual, and due to the complexities of playing a Digmaan, it is recommended to contact a Noble Manager before even considering the creation of a Cro-Allar.
=Core Identity=
===Common Traits===
===Science over Magi===
Allar are described to be a reptilian race with varying subspecies that have scales instead of skin. Their scales usually range from green to brown tones, though some yellow and grayish blue tones have also been observed. The eyes are the same for all species, having regular eye whites and yellow irises. Most Allar have slitted eyes, though many are also born with regular round pupils by no real discernable trend. Cro-Allar, however, all have slitted eyes, while Es-Allar always have round eyes. Allar also have a number of common traits that aid in their survival on Aloria. The most obvious trait that they developed from Sendras is their natural resistance to poison and toxins as well as disease. While they can still be affected by certain diseases, Allar have natural protection against most harmful substances that need to be ingested or applied to skin that could normally prove fatal to Humans. Furthermore, Allar have a set of regenerative capabilities. As long as their head and torso remain attached, they can slowly regrow lost hands, feet, limbs and tails, and also scales, teeth and even eyes over longer periods of time. Scales and teeth are regrown in a matter of days, while hands and feet may take some weeks and tails and limbs may finally take up to two months. These two traits often mean that Allar spend almost no time in healthcare, thus making them able to transfer all their medical knowledge on the other races within the Regalian Empire with great effect. All species of Allar are cold-blooded, meaning the cold is very dangerous to them in the absence of heat. Snow can, if being exposed to for too long, give them frostbite very quickly, and it's very frequent for Allar to lose feet or hands from frost damage. Strong cold in particular slows them down, which makes them very susceptible to Elemental Mages. All Allar possess a certain pattern of scales on their forehead, between their eyes, that is consistent for families. When an Al-Allar couple gives birth, it might, for example, lay four Al-Allar eggs, four Mu-Allar eggs, two Zu-Allar eggs and a single Cro-Allar egg. Due to the societal beliefs of the caste system, eggs that do not belong to the same species of parents are removed, thus leaving the parent with only four Al-Allar eggs. The other eggs are then given to couples of the corresponding species to be raised in their proper caste. Despite being separated from birth, however, all Allar no matter what species can still recognize their birth family by the pattern of scale orientation between their eyes. The top row of scales represents the father, while the lower set of scales represents the mother. The differences are very miniscule, so small in fact that most Ailor won’t be able to tell the difference (though Qadir can, due to their Meticulous Precision), as some scales are angled a few degrees to the left or the right, causing a distinct and unique pattern to form. This pattern is often called the Scale-Bond and gives Allar who share the same parents but grew up in different households an unusual relation of friendship or loyalty to one another. The only species of Allar that does not have this is the Es-Allar, though they hardly ever care about their heritage anyway since they are raised by a set of teachers, not parents, and never form family units.
The Allar are commonly believed the Race with the greatest intellect in scientific matters on [[Aloria]]. While other Races can certainly produce intellectuals, the Allar have a mental pre-disposition to insight, problem-solving, logic, and understanding complex linguistic, mathematical, and medical issues. Allar alchemists are prized around the world with unrivaled skills in identification, experimentation, and mixology, with nearly every alchemy business in the Regalian Empire having at least one Allar working at it. On the flipside of this heavy emphasis of the natural sciences, the Allar find [[Magic]] to be somewhat uncomfortable and incomprehensible, as it upends the laws of physics and reality, and makes everything unpredictable, exactly the way the Allar do not want to see the world. While it is certainly possible to find some Allar [[Mage]]s, they most survive on the edges of a society that favors science over Magic.  
[[File:Crollor.png|260px|thumb|right|Throughout history, the Cro-Allar have led the Allar in military pursuits, for better or for worse.]]
===Everyone their Place===
The earliest records of Allar appearing in [[Aloria]] are through various snippets from Elven Explorers around 1200 BC. At this time, Elven explorers labeled this land dangerous and uninhabitable, mostly due to the unfavorable climate, but also partially due to the frequency of tropical illnesses striking foreigners in the dense jungles of Sendras. As such, there is very minimal historical writing on the Allar in their early days, though what can be told from Elven sources, is that the Allar subspecies all existed around this time in lesser kingdoms. Somewhere around 800 BC, the Allar seem to have unified into one massive spanning Empire, though the exact circumstances that led to this unification remain unknown to this day. Comparatively speaking, the Allar developed a system of writing far later than any other race, and in many ways, what alternative methods of historical recording they did have were lost to time. It is assumed that in many ways, early Sendrassian civilization (while unified) resembled primitive [[Ceardia]] with numerous fledgeling kingdoms and warlords controlling local areas in a very rudimentary pre-feudalism manner.
Allar society is strongly defined by the social castes that they are born in. Allar very much a "planned society", where the upper classes dictate the manpower needs, and new populations are born through the help of a variety of alchemical concoctions. If one leader wishes for more labor forces, the next generation shall be born strong, while another leader might wish for better fishers, thus siring a generation of slender and agile aquatic Allar. An Allar is always born for a specific purpose and a specific role in their society, and it is very hard to break out of it, with much resistance from society at large. The Allar believe they have been able to weather traumatic events and terrible calamities specifically because of the stability afforded to them by their strict societal rules and hierarchy.  
===Surviving Today===
Allar are extremely pragmatic and straightforward in securing their immediate needs. While most other Races seemingly make mistakes and toil with the issues for long periods of time, the Allar are uniquely aware of their immediate pyramid of needs, and will prioritize survival and overcoming, before considering long term thriving and improving of conditions. Allar are incredibly resilient, capable of receiving a great deal of mental anguish and torment over their conditions, knowing that they will above all survive, and that a better day will come where the struggle will have all been worth it. Certainly, the impressive swivels in their fortunes around the world have been evidence of this fact, with Allar quickly rising from one of the most oppressed people in the Regalian Empire, to some of its most respected and well-off people who have overcome levels of poverty that affected the [[Ailor]] for generations, in but a single lifetime.  

Allar civilization did not truly civilize (the way Regalians understand it, with formal writing, governance, and culture) until after the [[Sendrassian Civil War]], an event that has marked the development of the Allar as a whole greatly. The Sendrassian Civil War was an event in Sendras that occurred between 73 BC and 22 BC, making it one of the longest, if not the longest, military conflicts in Alorian history. The civil war started over religious differences as the Allar had long held the faith of the Dragons in high regard, but the growing influence of [[Void Worship]] caused social unrest. Important distinctions should be made in contrasting the rise of Void Worship among the Allar in comparison to the Elves, however. While the general population of the Elves was converted at a steady pace, such a thing did not occur among the Allar. Due to the pyramid structure of Allar society, it took only a few Es- and Cro-Allar to convert, for vast swathes of their population to fall in line without necessarily converting. As such, it was possible for only a handful of leading Allar to convert to Void Worship, while thousands of their subjects remained loyal to the old faith, but simply went along with their rebellion because of their docile attitude to their leaders.  
The Allar have a curious life philosophy called Allteach or Guru in their native language. The idea of this philosophy, is that everything that is claimed, sad, or stated as fact, is at least partially true and must be investigated and should not be dismissed out of hand. It should come as no surprise that the Allar are a nexus of experimentation and trying new doctrines, ideas, plans, and designs. Sometimes, this experimentation and field-testing goes to extremes, like alchemy testing on prisoners, damaging the environment for science, and other unethical practices. Additionally, this philosophy has sometimes led to the rampant existence of conspiracy theories among the Allar, who continue to investigate theories that other Races or societies have rejected as completely nonsensical. The policy remains important however, as it has led to some of the most ingenious discoveries that were originally dismissed as unviable.  

Small skirmishes between loyalists and Void converts eventually broke into open rebellion, which culminated into the civil war which is marked to have started with the Void convert attack on the capital of the Sendrassian Empire, the Golden Soor. From very early on, the Void converts (largely by act of the Es-Allar) engaged in magical terrorism to shock and awe the loyalist Al-Allar into line. The capital of the Sendrassian Empire, led by a strong loyalist Digmaan (Cro-Allar Noble), was completely eradicated when a group of Es-Allar used magic to create a massive acid cloud that killed every living being in the city. The rival Es-Allar and Cro-Allar continued to wage their civil war for decades in a conflict where the death toll has never been fully recorded, though often assumed to be in the hundreds of thousands. Towards the later years of the civil war, the void converts appeared to be losing the war, as the Digmaans of the loyalists and their Mu-Allar armies seemed to be gaining the upper hand. This turn of fortunes caused the Es-Allar who worked for the Void Worshipers to increase their magical terrorism, which would prove the final blow in the Civil War. While the loyalist Digmaan and Mu-Allar were prepared to continue the fight, the civilian Soor-Rassa-Allar (which was entirely comprised of Al-Allar) made plans to flee the continent. Many of the Cro-Allar lineage and Mu-Allar loyalists still resent the Soor-Rassa-Allar to this day for essentially betraying the military castes of the Allar Empire, as they were of the belief that they were winning, but only fled because of the cowardice of the Al-Allar.
===Physical Characteristics===
Simplest put, Allar are a Race of semi-aquatic reptile-like humanoids, though there is a very large range of design freedom within that distinction. Allar have humanoid bodies with two arms and legs, though the legs can be digitigrade and have lizard claws or even raptor claws, while they also have a tail that is either rigid or prehensile and can be so long as to drag behind them. Allar skins are scaled and sometimes even feathered (think raptors), while their heads are distinctly reptile-like (including turtles, crocodiles, lizards, dinosaur, but not snakes or birds). Allar can also have elements of aquatic mammals or fish (including amphibian salamanders) mixed in, for example a shark head, dolphin fins on the arms, or dunkleosteus bone plating. Designs may either disregard aquatic traits altogether, or lean fully into the aquatic design, for example a full-body shark humanoid. Allar use the practice of Kelahiran to infuse their eggs with genetic alterations that suit an Allar child more for one particular task over the other. This is why the Allar are so physiologically varied, because each generation is designed to fulfill a specific role in society, and acquires traits that are useful for this. For example, if Allar society needs more fishers, a batch of eggs may be altered to have crocodile-like snouts useful for catching fish, and shark-like fins and skin to make it easier to swim. If Allar society needs more fighters, a batch of eggs may be altered to have carnotaurus-like heads with broad shoulders and a predisposition to a more muscular frame. As such, there is no commonality in size between Allar, some are as short as [[Dwarves]], while others as large as [[Urlan]]. Allar can grow to be 200 years old, and have less gender-dimorphism than for example Ailor, as they are an egg-laying species. As a result, they are incompatible with all other Races and as such Half-Allar do not exist. Allar can have scales, shark-like skin, feathers, horns, spikes, enlarged claws, short or long snouts, short or long necks, bone plating, club tails, feather tails, or pointed tails. Scale colors can be realistic from real-life animals, or fantasy colorations and patterns. if you need help designing, feel free to make a ticket!

Regardless of the circumstances of the loyalists losing the civil war, The Soor-Rassa-Allar organized a massive flight of loyalists out of Sendras, of all subspecies of Allar, fleeing north to the sparse continent of [[Hadaria]] which at the time was barely populated save for a few wandering groups of [[Slizzar]] and some Elven outposts. While the Cro-Allar and Mu-Allar originally resented the flight from their homeland, their overriding protective nature of the other Allar species eventually took the upper hand, and they escorted the flight out of Sendras. To many, after the flight of January 12th 22 BC, Sendras became a dark continent, both in a literal and figurative sense. The Void Worship Allar won the Civil War and shut off the continent from the prying eyes of outsiders. To this day, few adventurers have ventured to the shorelines, and even fewer have returned with tales of abominations and savagery in the dark jungles to the south. The Regalian Empire, in fact, has a general bar on anyone approaching the continent, and likely with good reason, as no state that has allowed to fester in Void Worship for as long as Sendras has, could reasonably maintain normality.  
===Cultural Personalities===
Allar personalities are also very varied because of Kelahiran resulting in fluctuating hormone levels, though their society can generally be defined by 4 major similar cultural outlooks listed below.
<table style="width: 100%;"><tr><td style="vertical-align: top; width: 50%;">
<span style="font-size:130%;><center>'''Kota-Allar'''</center></span>
The Kota-Allar or "City-Allar" are by far the most common Allar to find. Kota-Allar have a predisposition to social engagement, as they live in very densely packed coastal cities or major Regalian cities where space is a premium and most people have to be able to get along with each other. Kota-Allar are very open and hospitable to other Races, and generally approachable people who take pride in their employment and service to society, while bearing the fruits of that labor. Kota-Allar are also politically engaged, with many of the leading Allar politicians coming from this cultural outlook, and mingling with the Regalian Empire's aristocrats and Dukes at court. Kota-Allar are most likely to integrate in Regalian society wearing Ailor clothes.
</td><td style="vertical-align: top; width: 50%;">
<span style="font-size:130%;><center>'''Dibawa-Allar'''</center></span>
The Dibawa-Allar or "Under-Allar" are a less common sight, but still living on the peripheries of Regalian society, largely conforming to a group of Allar who prefer to live in the water, and as such spend more time in the ocean shallows and medium-depths. Dibawa-Allar have cities underwater, though these cities were not built by the Dibawa-Allar, rather they were found to have belonged to a long-gone civilization, yet were sturdy enough to house their expanding need for homes. Dibawa-Allar tend to be more reserved and stoic than other Allar, though capable of ferocious tempers and bursts of energetic behavior when provoked, or pushed into action by outsiders. Dibawa-Allar in general are more distrusting and careful of outsiders.
<table style="width: 100%;"><tr><td style="vertical-align: top; width: 50%;">
<span style="font-size:130%;><center>'''Pelayaran-Allar'''</center></span>
The Pelayaran-Allar or "Sailing-Allar" are fairly common, though are noticed far less than their more gregarious Kota-Allar brethren, as Pelayaran-Allar tend to be more timid, shy, or otherwise lacking the confidence to be open and bold. Pelayaran-Allar mostly consist of those Allar and their families who work for the Perpustakaan Besar, which is a massive Allar Alchemy Guild of sorts that wields a lot of political influence and wealth. The Pelayaran-Allar conventionally travel the world on the backs of giant turtles where their towns are built, so as to sample the alchemical rarities of the world, though this often puts them at risk of the dangers on the high seas, ergo their habit to hide and run rather than stand and fight.
</td><td style="vertical-align: top; width: 50%;">
<span style="font-size:130%;><center>'''Rumah-Allar'''</center></span>
The Rumah-Allar or "Home-Allar" are not common, though might often be mistaken for Kota-Allar. They are energetic, passionate, wild, impulsive and wild, with a streak for cruelty and ridicule of others they deem too weak. Rumah-Allar are those Allar native to Sendrass where the Hadarian Allar fled from centuries ago. Their most important trait, is that while the other cultural outlooks of Allar follow the Guru, the Rumah-Allar are religious, reject the Guru, and follow [[Void Worship]] with an Allar-oriented variant of it. Rumah-Allar can exist in Regalia, but should generally have been smuggled or snuck in, as Sendrass is technically still at war with [[Hadar]], and the Regalian Empire at large, thus making Rumah-Allar enemies of the state. Besides their habit for tribal dress-code however, Rumah-Allar look identical to other Allar. Refugees from the cruelty of Sendrass are also not far-fetched.  

The Allar settling in Hadaria eventually splintered into the lesser kingdoms often called the Chrysant Kingdoms by the Regalians, though they often maintained a unified aspect despite the implication that they were separate kingdoms. The Soor-Rassa-Allar remained an organization that loosely tied the Allar together, even if individual Digmaan would continue to wage war against each other over land squabbles. The move to Hadaria caused the Allar to be more frequently exposed to the rising Regalian Empire and the collapsing Elven Empire. Contact to civilized states in this manner (largely through trade and diplomacy) caused the Allar to rapidly standardize their language, writing, and historical recounting. While much was lost in the flight from Sendras, the Allar who lived in Hadaria quickly recovered and even managed to thrive in their new environment no less than twenty years after arriving.  
==Heritage Traits==
Hadaria, however, was already natively inhabited by the Slizzar. Over decades that turned into centuries, the Slizzar slowly integrated into Allar society and managed to infiltrate every level of politics. From the lowest caste of the Soor-Rassa-Allar, Slizzars seduced the timid Al-Allar, up to the highest ranks where Slizzar became consorts to the Cro-Allar. This slow and steady seduction of Allar leadership is what many today consider the reason why the Allar never fully unified in a way other Empires did. Eventually, this led to one particularly successful Slizzar called [[Miko Missa]] seizing power over all the Chrysant Kingdoms by seducing the strongest Digmaan and using them to force the others in line. This sudden and dangerous skirmishing with the power balance of the region caused aggravation of the Regalian Empire, which would soon declare war on the Essa Empire (the Allar name of their new realm in Hadaria) in 286 AC.
[[File:Hgrwgbrew.png|260px|thumb|right|Many Allar have large Raptor claws.]]
[[File:H43hb423q.jpg|260px|thumb|right|Rama Caste Allar are extremely vain.]]
[[File:H423hb42.jpg|260px|thumb|right|Allar clothing in general is very ornate.]]
[[File:H4b3qb3.png|260px|thumb|right|Some Allar subraces can have large horns that make them look almost Dragon-like.]]
[[File:H3qhb44.jpg|260px|thumb|right|Aquatic Allar look very aggressive, but are actually quite stoic and say very little.]]
[[File:H2h3jk5qw.png|260px|thumb|right|Allar still eat grains and other non-meat dishes.]]
[[File:4hb2b.png|260px|thumb|right|Allar Scars only persist for a few days before they too heal over.]]
[[File:Eher4hjn5er.png|260px|thumb|right|Sang or Nang subrace mixing with other subraces often leads to more aquatic appearances.]]
[[File:H534qhnb3q.png|260px|thumb|right|Size has very little to do with the actual leadership skills or command of a Rama Allar.]]
[[File:Jh3jhn2.png|260px|thumb|right|Comparing an Allar to a non-sentient lizard is a sure-fire way to get one very angry.]]
[[File:Sagwshgerhew.jpg|260px|thumb|right|Feathers are common on Allar bodies, especially the head, arms, shoulders and tail.]]
When designing a Character, Proficiency Points allow for a limited Ability selection with Point Buy Packs. Heritage Traits adds free Packs and Mechanics on top of that to help with cultural themes. Free Packs grant Abilities usually, while Mechanics change the way a character functions in Roleplay through subtle, and usually out of Combat ways. In essence, Mechanics just add aesthetic flair that invest in the niche of each culture. Free Packs never raise Proficiency Points, but the character must be able to purchase them normally. (ex. if a character is a certain Affinity that locks them out of a category, they cannot take that specific free pack and must choose the alternative option.) If a Free Pack grants Magic of some type, that Magic can be of any Alignment the character can normally choose, or limited to a select alignment, which will always be written in the Free Pack description.  

While the Mu-Allar and Cro-Allar proved competent on the field of battle against the inferior Regalian troops, the Ailor were far too numerous and outclassed the Allar navies to a laughable extent. Furthermore, the Ailor were also aided by the aquatic [[Maiar]] in their war against the Allar, and from the jungles, even [[Circci]] (while not related to Regalia or the Maiar) assailed the Allar from behind their supply lines. Attacked from all sides, the Allar military eventually cracked, and the war changed from military conflict to a civilian genocide, fueled by Ailor racism. By the time Fessa Huallo (the new capital) fell, the Allar were completely at the mercy of the Ailor. Surprisingly, however, unlike other races, the Soor-Rassa-Allar quickly subjected itself in a very submissive manner, even if the Cro-Allar and Mu-Allar resisted. This quick submission and docile compliance to Regalian overlordship would later prove to be the greatest boon the Allar could have employed to secure their future.
Mixed Heritage characters (i.e. characters born from two parents of different Cultures) may take one parent's 'Free Packs' and mix and match up to 5 Mechanics from both parents, although some Peoples cannot produce Mixed Heritage children (due to Magical/Fantasy reasons). Allar cannot be included in Mixed Heritage Characters.
* Allar are immune to any (non Magical) disease or illness, such as viruses or bacteria, though they can become asymptomatic carriers.
* Allar bodyparts regrow over the timespan of 24 hours when lost, though scars can be left behind if desired.
* Allar have sensitive taste, their tongue capable of deeply analyzing anything they taste, what the ingredients are, and whether it has alchemical functions.
* Allar have perfect sight at night and in dark environments, capable of seeing in the dark without needing any external light source.
* Allar can breathe underwater without any Abilities, and can also see perfectly underwater without it blurring their vision, allowing them to stay submerged indefinitely.

Immediately following the Chrysant War, Hadaria was divided into numerous Ailor led governorates, subject states and puppet kingdoms that continued to wage war on one another for various reasons. While Allar sovereignty was crushed, they were released from the Slizzar grasp who were eradicated with a much higher degree of efficiency than the Allar were and retreated to the far corners of the world. The subservient attitude of the Soor-Rassa-Allar turned around Regalian attitudes to the Allar in record time. It was their loyalty, their silent public relations struggle, and willful obedience that turned the Allar into a valuable ally. This eventually culminated into the Allar collectively integrating into Ailor society, becoming the first non-Ailor race to become first-class citizens in the Regalian Empire, and even having the Digmaan recognized as non-Human nobility in their own right. Needless to say, out of all races, Allar have suffered the most in terms of setbacks against their race, yet overcome all of them. Furthermore, they are also classified as the second most successful race in Aloria, having created a strong working relation with the Ailor (though racism against them still exists), and being present in nearly all layers of Ailor governance of the Empire.
[[File:Esmular.png|260px|thumb|right|Despite their constantly grumpy appearance, the Es-Allar contribute a valuable service to Allar history and society as the Mages and Arcane specialists.]]
===The Caste System===
Allar society is remarkably complex due to the caste structure that has been observed in practically every era of their existence. Every subrace of Allar exists on a separate caste that grants them specific rights and duties. While there is no real discrimination between the castes, all Allar are expected to fulfill the roles within their casts, and those who refuse to do so become outcasts. The Allar caste system is extremely strict and is mostly centered around occupations and life ambitions. Al-Allar are the general craftsmen and civilian population of the Allar caste system. They are responsible not only for the creation of common goods but also food production and alchemical business. Mu-Allar are the general military population of the Allar caste system. They are almost exclusively soldiers, though in peace time they are permitted to engage in other professions. The Zu-Allar are the historians and bookkeepers of the Allar caste system, also having developed the Allar writing system. During war time, however, they are also called into the military. Sa-Allar (while being a caste of their own) don’t formally have a working expectation since they just attach themselves to whatever employment they can usually. The Es-Allar are the magical caste, covering mages and advisors to the ruling class of the Allar, while finally, the Cro-Allar are the ruling class of nobility. Like some other races, Allar are extremely cooperative within their own race, to the point of having some sort of positive disposition towards even stranger Allar that never met before.
To understand Allar society, one must understand the Caste System and its various layers. To outsiders, the Caste System is suffocatingly restrictive and harsh on those who they consider on the bottom, though the Caste System is not that simple. Outsiders are often to compare the Caste System to their own capitalist poor masses, but because of the general lack of currency and self-reliance in Allar society, their Caste System works radically different. Resources and labor within the System are common good and work towards common interests, meaning the lower castes provide just as crucial of a role as higher castes. Below follows a list of the Castes, with general physical and mental descriptions that can be overlaid onto Cultural Personalities, ordered with most important at the top and least important at the bottom.  
* '''The Rama Caste''' are the leading Allar of Allar society, usually large framed and dangerous looking in an attempt to cower the other Castes in line (think large crocodiles and carnivore dinosaurs), while also intimidating outsiders with their size. Rama are commanders, generals, admirals, task-masters, foremen, governors, and most importantly: Digmaan, the Allar variant of Nobility. Hadar itself is split into thousands of smaller Digmaan (term both used for the territory and the ruler) making most Rama standalone warlords.
Allar politics is dominated by the three pillars of Rassa-Allar (a term used to describe their politics). The first and most obvious pillar, the Soor-Rassa-Allar, has a complex power structure. While formally being the weakest and having no actual say in governance on a local level, the Soor-Rassa-Allar is commonly considered to represent the civilian races of Allar society: The Al-Allar, the Zu-Allar, and the Sa-Allar. The Soor-Rassa-Allar is an intellectual court of twenty-four great alchemists that predict and determine the course of Allar policy in the context of the Great Alchzech, their fallen Dragon Faith, and general logic. Decisions made by the Soor-Rassa-Allar are not legally binding for the entire race, though the ruling classes tend to heed their word carefully, as they represent the Al-Allar, who are still the most numerous subspecies of their race. Above the Soor-Rassa-Allar exist the Digmaan-Rassa-Allar and the Eszul-Rassa-Allar, the former being a collective of great Digmaan Cro-Allar warlords who each have their own Mu-Allar army, and the latter being a general collective of Es-Allar Mages that have unified into a so-called Mage Triangle. The Digmaan-Rassa-Allar barely ever convene and don’t formally even agree on many things. The Cro-Allar frequently engage in conflicts with one another, though in many ways they do tend to agree on foreign military policy. The Digmaan-Rassa-Allar usually elect a representative from among them, either a really powerful Cro-Allar or a really wise and old one that acts as their elected monarch in a way. This elected monarch then decides the future military pursuits of the Cro-Allar and Mu-Allar. The Eszul-Rassa-Allar meanwhile form the advisory body that supports both the Digmaan-Rassa-Allar and the Soor-Rassa-Allar, being entirely comprised of all Es-Allar who are alive at any point in time. The Eszul-Rassa-Allar rarely convenes, as any one of their members can often act as a dignitary with valuable magical advice, or just general sagely advice. In certain emergency situations, however, this group convenes in the hall of Eszul. This hall is normally used to train all the Es-Allar Mages but hosts their conventions in case of an emergency.  
* '''The Kertas Caste''' are the bureaucrats and administrators of Allar society, usually slender and nimble framed with large eyes and dexterous hands to excel at writing and reading. Kertas are authors, poets, writers, bureaucrats, administrators, scribes, historians, book keepers, and data analysts. Wherever there is a single Rama, there are always a dozen or so Kertas always running around them, with the Rama performing the politics, and the Kertas ensuring they have all the necessary paperwork to do their work well.
* '''The Kuat Caste''' are the physical laborers, the personal bodyguards of the Rama Caste, or cattle-herders. The Kuat Caste is bred for their large size, with each being quite beefy or stocky and durable, though having a far more calm and kind temperament than say the Rama, or the Ksat. The Kuat Caste is of higher importance in Allar society, because Allar prize civil service as socially more important than the military, leading to the Kuat having a venerable "protector" role within the Caste System of Allar Society.
Allar culture is all about the natural sciences and [[Alchemy]], especially Alchemy, which dominantly domes over their caste system. Even if an Allar is not knowledgeable in alchemy, they spend most of their time in life gathering alchemical ingredients, plants, liquids, and metals and storing them for later use or at least aiding in the acquisition of such goods as military escorts or other support services. Allar clothe themselves in green, blue, or white colored fabrics, usually made from the finer cloths and furs produced by Regalia, dressing in local styles with comfortable adaptations for their tails and scales. In fact, since the integration of Allar into Ailor society, many Ailor tailor shops have started to produce special clothing fitting for Allar. Most Al-Allar, Zu-Allar, and Es-Allar consume almost exclusively agricultural products, which may often come as a surprise to many other races due to their teeth. The Cro-Allar, Sa-Allar, and Mu-Allar however consume exclusively raw meat. Allar life is very communal, as they often flock together to socialize with one another in awkward ways, though one must always understand that an Allar’s alchemical stash is always private and never shared. In fact, one of the few ways to draw the ire of the Allar is to either impede on their Alchemical stash, or to re-order the ingredients in a non-alphabetical order. An even more dangerous way to aggravate Allar, is by either endangering them (which draws the ire of the Sa-Allar) or by insulting the sense of style of a Cro-Allar (which is considered extremely dangerous).  
* '''The Kyat Caste''' are the crafting-folk, the alchemists, the intellectuals, and the scholars. The Kyat Caste is often much smaller than the others, favoring intellectual development over physical size or brawn, and fulfilling a number of societal occupations like shopkeepers, farmers, alchemists, researchers, scholars, messengers, cleaning service, and other general service sector work. Kyat tend to be nervous and skittish, even around those within Allar society, preferring to stick around other Kyat for comfort.
* '''The Ksat Caste''' are the warrior caste, fiercely competitive, dogmatic, loyal and willing to pick a fight with any foe twice their size. The Ksat Caste tend to be lean and athletic, built for rapid deployment in combat and fierce fighting. Among the Ksat are soldiers, gladiators and ring fighters, assassins, hunters, trainers, and any other occupation that requires a modicum of adrenaline or reckless disregard for self. Ksat often bully Kyat Caste members, despite their higher rank, due to their boisterous nature.
* '''The Nang Caste''' are the mercantile and aquatic Caste, containing fishers, merchants, foreign diplomats, explorers, and aquatic warriors. The Nang Caste is considered lower in the Caste structure despite the value of merchants and diplomats, because they either live underwater (and thus removed from the majority of Allar society), or because they heavily interact with outsiders and currency which the Allar consider unclean, and a corrupting element that aims to upend the Caste System by creating private wealth.
* '''The Paria Caste''' are the untouchables. There is no real other way around it, those that belong to the Paria Caste are Mages generally speaking, as well as [[Arkenborn]] or [[Godborn]], or anything else that isn't fully "normal" in the view of Allar society, even if they aren't strictly Occult. A member of another Caste can also be downgraded to the Paria Caste if they become [[Afflictions|Afflicted]] or Occult somehow, which is why it is exceedingly rare to find a Learned-Mage Allar, and sad to find a Born-Mage Allar. Despite being untouchable, the Paria Caste is still taken care of by the other Castes by given housing (on the edge of town), free food and services, they just can't be touched by non-Paria Caste members for fear of Occult infection. It should be noted that among Rumah-Allar, this is completely inverted, the Paria Caste is directly below the Rama Caste, and instead of being untouchable, they are eagerly accepted, with the Rumah-Allar believing access to the Occult brings good fortune, and they are given a more lavish lifestyle accordingly.  

Another major cultural aspect of the Allar is their glassworking. Allar were, in fact, the first race to use glass for windows of their houses in the early centuries after the Cataclysm. In fact, glass window making was not popular in the Regalian Empire until 220 AC, most houses still using the old traditional wooden shutters. The early Allar immigrants in Regalia did well both due to their Alchemy and their unrivaled glassworking skill. With the power of Alchemy, the Allar developed secret mixtures and acids that colored glass in certain ways. Certain other powders and additives also gave their products superior shine and durability, with added properties like resistance to soot residue or increased transparency brilliance. Allar glass making is highly prized among the nobility of Regalia, and most colored and stained glass windows in all major Regalian buildings have been crafted by Allar. Even the workplace of the Allar themselves where they brew alchemical recipes is often filled with a variety of colorful glass alchemical tools, dispensers, pots, and other containers. To Allar, glass crafting is an art, and it is often also their only manner of artistic expression.  
===The Perpustakaan Besar===
The Perpustakaan Besar sometimes also shortened to Perpusta or just Library, is an guild of highly skilled Alchemists that exists in Allar society as a pseudo government of sorts that regulates scientific experimentation and investigation as well as central houses of learning, and reliable publication sources for scientists. The Perpusta is the only organization of its kind in the world that fact-checks research papers and provides peer-reviews for new theories, meaning it is one of the most reliable centers of learning in the world. It has offices in all the major Allar cities, and several across other places in the Regalian Empire, such as the chapters in [[Westwynd|Ithania]],  [[Regalian Archipelago|The Rim Isles]] in the Regalian Archipelago, the [[City of Regalia]] itself, [[Northbelt|Nordskag]], [[Westwynd|Etosil]], and the [[Westwynd|Silerian Chain]]. Each of these chapter houses has a vast alchemical library, and storage for most known alchemical ingredients under the sun, including samples of mixtures and lessons on how to produce them, not to speak of the traveling guild towns on the backs of giant sea turtles. The Perpusta has soft power in Allar society even over the Digmaan, purely because they control the flow of information and also ensure that no Digmaan hoards any scientific research for their own political purposes. The Perpustakaan Besar also has a very important place in the Imperial Palace and the Scholar’s Court of the Regalian Empire, having integrated into their structure, and frequently seeing members travel in and out of the Palace to discuss scientific matters with the court scholars and the Emperor. Any Character can be a low or high ranking member, though Council members at the top are reserved for NPC's at Staff discretion.  

Allar distinguish no difference between gender, and in many cases, they also do not distinguish between age (though some military castes prefer older Allar for experience sake). Allar have romantic relations between castes, there are no specific rules against this, though most Allar stick to their own subspecies due to the impracticality of a bulky male Cro-Allar mating with a small female Al-Allar. Despite the strong relation between Allar mates (which, in their society, makes no distinction between same-sex and opposite-sex relations), parent and child relation is often a bit odd. Any Allar mating pair that can produce offspring are told not to attach themselves to the eggs they lay early on. Female Allar that have completed their carrying period and are ready to lay eggs do so in a specific building where the egg birth is properly recorded. Eggs that do not fit either the caste of the father or the mother are removed from the offspring and placed with another couple to be raised in the proper caste. Fittingly enough, despite the infrequency of birth, Allar couples tend to produce enough eggs never to require an adoption. As such, adopted eggs usually end up in same-sex couple’s care, meaning the Allar are the only race with a functional system for same-sex adoption. Allar still retain a sense of family towards their biological family, however, even if they are of a different subspecies. Throughout their raising, adopted Allar are informed of their parentage and sometimes their biological family is even directly exposed to their upbringing. This in many ways helped foster the very strong bond Allar have with one another, even strangers.
===Language & Names===
The Allar speak a language called [[Pidato]]. Pidato as a language is based on real-world Indonesian, with all loan-words of English included. In lore, this is explained because the Allar deeply integrated with Regalian society, where Common is the first spoken language. As such, many loan-words from Common became established in Pidato, such as for example ‘bisnis’ for business, ‘gosip’ for gossip, ‘sistem’ for system, and ‘komplit’ for complete. Allar naming customs are generally simpler than that of other Races, as Allar don’t have surnames or middle names at all.
When it comes to first names, the Allar use Indonesian names. However, it is important to note that Indonesian names includes a lot of Arabic or Muslim inspired names, which should specifically be dis-included from this list. Allar names are generally non-gendered, and names are more based on the predicted temperament of the child, with children that are more soft and calm having names ending in “a”, while children that are more rowdy and energetic having names ending in “i”, though this is not a strict rule so much as it is a common trend.
* '''Example of Allar names:''' Bayu, Budi, Resa, Aditya, Bintang, Fadhlan, Bagaskoro, Banyu, Candra, Elang, Rimba, Surya, Kartika, Dewi, Aulia, Indah, Putri, Angkasa, Bulan, Merpati, Ndari, Mega
Allar do sometimes use their ancestral name as well, which is called the Namalama, based on the name of their parents. It is important to note that parents here means the people who raised the Allar, not the actual biological parents, because childhood practices will generally result in a child being raised by their non-biological parents. Most Regalian citizenship papers record both the first name and the Namalama, though the Namalama is only used in every-day as a way of formal introduction or as a means of showing deference to someone by including their Namalama in address. Namalama uses the following rules:
* '''If the leading parent was male''', then the Namalama begins with the father’s name, followed by ‘ayah’ (the last vowel of the name may be removed to make it sound better). So for example, if the Allar was called Surya, and their father was called Putri, their name would be Putriayah, which becomes Putrayah to make it sound easier, so Surya Putrayah.
* '''If the leading parent was female''', then the Namalama begins with the mother’s name, followed by ‘ibu’ (the last vowel of the name may be removed to make it sound better). So for example, if the Allar was called Angkasa, and the mother was called Bintang, their name would be Bintangibu, so Angkasa Bintangibu.
* '''If the leading parent was non-binary''', then the Namalama begins with the paren’t name, followed by ‘cinta’ (the last consonant of the name may be removed to make it sound better). So for example, if the Allar was called Resa, and the parent was called Fadhlan, their name would be Fadhlancinta, which becomes Fadhlacinta to make it sound easier, so Resa Fadhlacinta.
Finally to complete the Namalama, a Namasarang is added, which is the name of the ‘nest’ in a crude translation. This name is only given to those who were also parented by their biological parents (which is particularly important among Rama, who without a Namasarang are not taken seriously), as this name is a continuation of blood-line. The Namasarang is usually just a word in Pidato, so for example the Pidato words for sun (matahari), red cliffs (tebing merah), merchant (pedagang) and so forth. In the examples above, in one of the above examples, if Resa Fadhlacinta was of the sun Namasarang, they would be called Resa Fadhlacinta Matahari, but in common day to day activities simply be referred to as Resa.  
Allar don’t formally believe in a god, but rather hold that every being, thing, and an event is a part of a greater mixture that has a certain result - which is existence, itself. They refer to this concept or philosophy as The Great Alchzech. Variables factor into an outcome with a certain weight, and it was up to the alchemists to interpret the value and outcome of these factors. It could be reasoned that, in a way, the Allar believed every god and pantheon ever espoused truly existed, and every belief is right. For example, they believe Ailors are destined to rule over all. They universally accept [[Unionism]] as a true factor in life. They also accept the fact that the sun is divine, as dictated by the Songaskians, and that there is a living Elven goddess statue for the Elves. The Allar factor in all these things and consider reality with the following phrase: “Nothing is untrue, every spoken truth is a variable with a degree of value in life.” This furthermore makes it easy for Allar to integrate into other societies. They have no trouble accepting or adapting to new norms or peoples because they accept their beliefs to be as true as that of others. Allar religion thus is not active, but rather passive. They observe events and reason about them but make very little effort to change them. This does not necessarily mean that Allar religion has always been absent. The Allar recognize their old faith, that of [[Dragon Worship]], as a baseline through which to approach the world. In their version of Dragon Worship, the Allar are seen as the children of the Dragons, each caste fulfilling a certain role. In the recognition of their old faith, they see that each caste (and subspecies subsequently) inherited an aspect of the Dragon’s might and that in many ways, all castes combined represent the Dragons in unity. In many ways, this reinforces their caste system (even without the Cro-Allar enforcing it by military might). Allar still observe reverence of Dragons in a nonreligious sense, even if they believe the Dragons have long gone extinct in the world, they look up to them with great wonder and awe.  
The Allar are [[Draconism|Draconist]] faithful, having enjoyed historical patronage from and focus on the two Dragons Felicula and Umbra, who represent polar opposites on attitudes to life that the Allar believe combine into a more profound truth when observed together. Felicula represents all that is joyful in the world and the desire to enjoy life to its fullest, while Umbra represents the fact that all good things eventually come to an end, but that this is alright, because the ordained end is what makes their existence enjoyable to begin with. Felicula has traditionally resided in Hadar and was found by the Allar when they fled north there, departing the old Empire in Sendras. It is the assistance of her and her Clade of lesser Dragons that enabled their survival, and their slow and unavertable death to a strange (likely Magical) disease in the decades before Cataclysm that is the Allar's greatest trauma, though with the revival of Dragons slowly marching on worldwide, the majority of them have returned. Umbra meanwhile has always existed in Sendras, though the Void Worshiping Sendrassians did not acknowledge him as a God but as more of a primal entity to fear as the bringer of death. While most Hadarian Allar would portray Dragon Worship of Umbra as a continuity from the old way in the homeland, it is more the case that worship of Umbra only kicked off after the Allar fled to Hadar and encountered Felicula, adopting worship of Umbra as the other half of the duality more in hindsight. Though there has been no direct observation of him or his minions since the departure from Sendras, the continued existence of disease and death in the world implies that he is still there. Rumah-Allar, those who stayed behind in Sendras, are all Void Worshipers or rather [[Evolism|Evolist]] worshipers, but with some differences. They have an unusual fear of Ifrit as the gatekeeper to the Void and the closest thing to the Devil, and an unusual view of Eloba, who they see as not benign but a scheming swamp witch who spreads rot, disease and venom to poison the land and anyone who dares stay where her hand has touched. Other than that, they tend to lack the contractual attitude that even the average Kathar has to their relationship with the Void Gods, genuinely believing in their benevolence (except for the two listed). There is additionally a sizeable but new minority of Allar [[Unionism]] worshipers introduced after the mass outflow of missionaries following the Chrysant War as well as the conversion of Allar inside the borders of the Regalian Empire, who have joined following the representation of an Allar god within the faith.
===Combat and Warfare===
Allar combat and warfare is surprisingly similar to Regalia, though their military structure could even be called superior. At the head of an Allar army stands a Cro-Allar general, though they frequently fight on the front lines also. Underneath them is a complex ranking system of Mu-Allar, far more complex than any other army in Aloria. Allar armies are almost entirely made up out of Mu-Allar with supporting shock trooper roles of Sa and Zu-Allar, and with additional Al-Allar alchemical powered artillery units or skirmishers. Es-Allar remain the only subspecies of Allar that do not formally take part in armed conflicts, largely because they are considered too frail to face a battlefield. Even though Mu-Allar armies can sometimes act savage and disorganized on the field due to their bloodlust, they are actually far more disciplined than meets the eye, and these episodes of bloodthirst tend to be referred to as “organized chaos,and entirely intended.  
===Economy and Technology===
Allar fashion is dominated by bright colors and tropical styles, reflecting the extravagant tastes from the Rama aristocracy down to the expressive nature of the Ksat. Within Hadar, many of the Allar go topless (which is also not strictly an issue for modesty since Allar don’t have breasts). Though in present times the Allar start dressing more and more like the Ailor, with full-body outfits, especially in Regalia, where the mild to cold climate can be considered unpleasant to the Allar, especially during winter. Colored glass is also very common both in clothing pieces as well as decorations, even the poorest of Allar has at least one colored glass bead bracelet or necklace. Fabrics are imported from all over the world to Hadar, as the Allar are known to like to experiment with fabrics of all different kinds, and have excellent craftsmen who fix up clothes to fit their proportions and horns or fins. Elastan, the lycra of the [[Asha]], has proven very popular among the Allar, especially the aquatic Allar. Kyat, Rama, Nang, and Sang are the castes most commonly seen wearing jewelry. For Rama, it is a show of opulence and power, with intricately crafted gold piercings and metal perfectly shaped to fit their body and accentuate their features. Kyat usually wear smaller bracelets, rings, and face piercings, with the former being easily remove-able for when they must work with Alchemy. Nang will most commonly wear whatever jewelry is most popular at any given time, and Sang will exclusively wear hand-crafted adornments out of bone or coral they have harvested from the sea, or scavenged parts of jewelry from other Races found at the bottom of the seafloor.
Allar economy and technology is practically entirely centered around Alchemy. Not only does nearly every non-essential employment (such as food production) serve Alchemy one way or another, the Allar have no actual use for many of the medical services they create, thus providing a massive export base. Allar can be found in practically all alchemical organizations everywhere around the world, especially in Regalia. Resource gatherers scour the world for new ingredients that are rigorously tested before the Alchemical organizations release new products onto the global market. Especially in Regalia, Allar medical concoctions are extremely popular and make some Allar exceptionally wealthy.  
Allar have existed in the world for several thousands of years, with first records of Sendrassian Allar appearing in Allorn archives around 5000 BC, with potential existence speculated thousands of years before that, though at this time their civilization was little more than a collection of tribes living in the jungles. The [[Allorn Empire]] tried numerous times to make formal contact with them, though the Allar remained agile in the jungles and were able to always clear away from any Elven ships before they made landfall. As time progressed and the Allar organized into more of a civilization, Allorn attempts to colonize and exploit Sendras became more and more dangerous, with the Void worshiping Allar tribes capturing and sacrificing any [[Elves]] who landed on their shores. How the Allar developed Void Worship centuries or even millennia before the Allorn Elves did, is unclear.
At some point in history, presumed around 1000 BC, some sort of conflict erupted in Sendrassian society, though the exact origins remain unclear. The Rumah-Allar claim that the Kota-Allar showed "betrayal of the Great Ones" (in reference to the Void Gods) while the Kota-Allar claim it was a rebellion against the cruelty and sacrifices of their people to the Void Gods. While it is easy to connect the two, Allorn records indicate that the truth is more complicated than a rebellion against tyranny, and that the Rumah-Allar aren't automatically at fault for being Void-Worshiping cannibalistic sacrifice-practicing tyrants. Allorn records imply some sort of societal calamity was occurring, and the only solution the Sendrassian Empire had was to sacrifice a part of their population, which then rebelled. The rebellion was successful and these Allar fled the Sendrassian Empire in large numbers on ships sailing north, while whatever calamity would occur, happened, and wiped out many Sendrassian cities including the golden capital which turned into an acid-sea.  
History pays little attention to the Sendrassian Allar after this point, because few historical records have anything on them. Sendras was declared a "forbidden continent" by the Allorn Empire millennia before this, and the Allar who fled to Hadar refused to speak on it. The Allar arriving in Hadar found a mostly empty archipelago of tens of thousands of little islands, with only [[Sassrakkand]], the [[Slizzar]] capital, and the [[Maraya]] state known as [[Hadar|Tohsmaaq Venheer]], holding land, with many of the islands uninhabited. This is also where they made first contact with the [[Dragon Worship#Dragon Gods|Yellow Water Dragon]]s, who helped their society quickly recover from the damage of fleeing their homeland with nothing but a few rations, tools, and clothes. Allar society reformed around the Kota-Allar at first, with the Dibawa-Allar and Pelayaran-Allar cultural outlooks developing quickly after as they started creating contacts with the wider world.  
Allar society was again hard hit during [[Cataclysm]], as Hadar was mostly made up of volcanic islands, resulting in mass eruptions all across the continent due to the rampant magics. Many Allar had to flee their homes into the ocean, while for some escape came too late. Following the chaos and complete destruction of several major cities, the Slizzar offered to help rebuild, which turned out to be a Faustian bargain. As the centuries passed after Cataclysm, Allar society became more and more infiltrated by the Slizzar, who had effectively taken control of the top two Castes by either impersonating or seducing them into their service, thus finalizing the Allar into what they then called the [[Essa Empire]], populated by Allar but ruled by the Slizzar. The Essa Empire was the only real Empire to rise from the ashes of Cataclysm, alongside the [[Songaskia#Politics|Songaskian]] and Regalian Empires, starting a game of geo politics between them.
Conflict would eventually erupt between Regalia and the Essa Empire in the 280's, called the Chrysant War, which was more of a genocidal war than a formal one. Regalian navies bombarded civilian targets and committed pogroms on cities that resisted their advance, culminating in the sacking of the capital Fessa Huallo where the Regalians killed tens of thousands of civilians, while most of the Slizzar infiltrators snuck away in the shadows, a fact which still causes a lot of resentment among the Allar who feel their Race was goaded into a conflict with Regalia that they did not want, all for the puppet games of the Slizzar who took none of the damage for it. The Allar in Hadar were effectively reduced to a backwater colony by the Regalian Empire, occupied by their superior weaponry (due to the recent invention of the cannon while the Allar still used bows).  
Allar society however recovered, by quickly ingratiating itself to the Regalian Empire, and proving itself invaluable in a variety of sectors. Instead of being resentful against their new overlords, the Allar managed to overcome their racial stigma, prove their loyalty, and eventually become so crucial to the proper functioning of Regalian society, that they effectively became part of it on equal terms with Ailor. In recent years, Hadar has suffered conflict due to the advances of civil organization, as well as war. The Sendrassian Empire re-emerged in a spectacular way with a full-blown invasion of South-Hadar, in a war that Regalia effectively lost, ceding territory to it (though some will continue to claim it was a stalemate). Then, there are those in Hadar who want to abandon the Caste System and join Regalia's currency-based capitalist standard, and those who want to hold onto the old ways. This conflict caused a civil war, largely between the Kota-Allar led by the Triumvirate of Progress, and the Dibawa-Allar led by the Deep-thought Council who wants to hold onto the old ways. The Pelayaran-Allar have thusfar avoided the conflict and declared neutrality, though the civil war continues to rage on while Allar in Regalia can only watch.  
==World View==
World View is optional content that helps give Allar flavor and depth.
* Allar are a mostly carnivorous Race that eats a combination of fish, meat and insects, either roasted or raw. They are capable of also digesting vegetables, nuts, and roots, but only see these as condiments and additions to their main course.
* Rama, even when each other’s lovers or siblings, will continue to make public appearances of competition. Even if they deeply care for one another, they cannot stand being seen as the inferior partner in public, and will publicly argue and fight for appearances sake.  
* A form of showing subservience, obedience or submission among the Allar is to tip the nose upwards and expose the throat to those who are worthy of being respected as above one’s self. This is to emulate exposing the neck, the most vulnerable spot on an Allar’s body in trust or subservience.
* Engineering has a somewhat complicated place in Allar society. Among the Allar, technology and alchemy constantly compete over what is the superior scientific craft, and the majority of Allar society supports alchemy in this endeavor. Though, Technicians among the Allar have developed Chemtech in an attempt to merge the two.  
* The best gift to be given to an Allar is a basket of rare alchemical ingredients. Save for the most combat or solitary hunter of Allar, alchemical ingredients have a value beyond money. Even if an Allar does not do alchemy themselves, giving them ingredients allows them to give these valuable gifts to someone else, an act in itself that is valuable.  
* A common social gathering among Kyat Allar is to bring a number of small unmarked alchemical vials that they have crafted, usually two to three per Kyat, and play a game of roulette in imbibing or drinking them to witness their effects. Part of the game is determining who made what, based on their skill level, personal tastes, and preferences.
* While it is exceptionally rare for Allar to act outside of the caste system, those who do are usually shunned and completely avoided and ignored by other Allar. If an Allar must ever explain why they do so to a non-Allar, they will usually say something along the lines of “not seeing those who choose to wallow outside of order.”
* Allar highly value second opinions on research and their work, and many Kyat Allar especially will compete with each other by trying to attain the largest peer-review listing to flaunt to others. It is a common saying that an Kyat will only be happy when their list of references circles Aloria.
* Allar society is the only known society in the world that takes mental illnesses, and in fact depression in particular, very seriously. Allar society has developed a number of alchemical mixtures and tinctures to combat the negative effects of such ailments, and has developed a very wide treatment for Allar who suffer from depression by combining medical treatments with therapy. This practice is however very slow to catch on in other societies due to the inherent stigma. Post traumatic stress is for example barely recognized in Regalia, simply referred to as ‘Knight’s Disease’, which is left untreated outside of a whorehouse.
* A combination of their unique biology and the hot, humid climate of Hadar led to the Allar developing a very unique relationship with Music. Allar mostly prefer singing and vocal arts, but uniquely also use an instrument they developed called the “Thermin.” The Thermin uses a combination of freshly mixed alchemy and engineering to create a small wall of alchemical vapor that the Allar can wave their hands through, with the disruptions creating unique sounds. This allows for ‘hands free’ music, and produces a unique set of sounds unheard of by any other instrument. It is usually shaped like a delicate metallic box, with slits at the top, and is propped up waist-height in front of the Allar who is playing it.
* Dragon Worship is frequently picked by Allar within the framework of Keyakinan as their dominant religion, due to the deep folklore of the Yellow Water Dragons. The Allar have many stories of their arrival in Hadar, and how it was mostly inhabited by critters, Slizzar, and more notably, Yellow Water Dragons. They say that the Yellow Water Dragons (who were about the size of dogs) were extremely playful, and helped them establish the first irrigation systems to make their islands green and fertile. The Yellow Water Dragons continued to live alongside the Allar and play with them, until a mysterious disease wiped them out several decades before the Cataclysm. The Allar tried with all their might to cure the disease through alchemy, but failed in the end, and the loss of the Yellow Water Dragons still exists in the psyche of the Allar as a deep social trauma. The Perpustakaan was founded after the Dragons were lost to the Allar, to make up for the shortcomings in communication between the various efforts to cure them, to ensure that in the future there would always be an answer to calamities of this nature.
* The Allar have developed a unique method of communication, based on Sign Language, that they used to communicate with mute or deaf peoples, as a part of their studies. It was originally developed by the Aquatic Allar, who also found it useful for quickly getting messages across while underwater. This is why universal Sign language exists in Aloria. Sign Language is not "buyable" as a Point Buy Pack, any character can just add it into their backstory.
*The Soor-Rassa-Allar is filled with 24 members of varying ages, the only thing they all have in common is that they are considered to be the most skilled alchemists of the Allar race as a whole at any given time. Each member invented a certain alchemical composition that strongly contributed to their wellbeing, either in the Regalian Empire or before.
* Each member of the leading council of the Perpustakaan Besar is one of 24, the 24 brightest and most successful alchemists of the Allar at any given time. Each member invented a great alchemical mixture that advanced the Allar Race as a whole.
*Allar are, racially speaking, distant cousins of the much more different Dakkar, which have since been forced underground forever. They see the Dakkar as little more than alchemical ingredients; however, the difference in intellect between the Allar and the Dakkar results in the Allar denouncing the Dakkar as animals.
* Allar were once badly treated in the Regalian Empire, however their luck swiveled due to the so called Satrillian accords. The rumor goes that Emperor [[Alexander]] named the accords as such, after an Allar he grew familiar with in the times when he was not yet on the throne, called Satril Meray. The story goes that the Emperor was touched by the obedience and loyalty that Satril showed, despite being spat on by Ailor customers of the tavern, and would always clean without complaint, believing that all Allar would be so loyal and dedicated to service in the Empire.
*The Allar were at risk of going extinct in 214 AC due to a terrible contagious disease that no amount of effort could halt. Through the work of one highly skilled Alchemist that made a cure called Eyssrokz, the race was not only saved, but the disease completely eradicated before it claimed more than 30,000 lives, ensuring the future of the Allar as a whole.
* The Allar are the only Race in the Empire that does not have an embassy in the Regalian capital, or some form of consulate. This is because the Allar are so deeply integrated in the Regalian state apparatus, that they are basically considered on the same level as Ailor in terms of civil rights, and have no need for consulates to fight for their rights.  
|Artists = MonMarty
|Artists = MonMarty
|Writers = MonMarty
|Writers = MonMarty, Birdsfoot_Violet
|Processors = Percuriam, Scribbe, Aespair, SupremeCripple, HydraLana
|Processors = Carlit0o, FireFan96
[[category:races]] [[category:Gorr Races]]

Latest revision as of 01:21, 10 January 2025

Common Nicknames
  • Slimescales (derogatory)
  • Wisescales (praising)
  • Clawgnashers (Elven)
Naming CustomsIndonesian, not including Muslim/Arab names
Racial Traits
Maximum Age200 years
Eye ColorsSlitted pupil (some also round) with a yellow/orange/blue/green iris and white or dark-gray sclera
Allar make excellent Jungle Warriors.
Ksat Caste Allar are ferocious Ring fighters.

Originating from the mysterious jungles of Sendrass, the Allar are a diverse and varied Heritage of reptilian humanoids known for their societal flexibility and scientific capacity, and their boundless capacity to thrive in the harshest of conditions. The Allar have weathered many setbacks over the centuries, surviving that which would have crushed any other Race into oblivion, and turned detriment to their advantage. The most recent of these setbacks occurred during the Chrysant War, in which the Regalian Empire inflicted massive damage on the Allar and reduced their homeland to a backwater colony. In the fifteen years since, the Allar have not only overcome the losses of that war, but turned public opinion on them around, and became one of the founding Races of the Crown Alliance of the Regalian Empire, being some of its most prized and loyal citizens and filling government positions all the way to the top. Allar alchemists are the leading alchemical inventors of the world, having unrivaled skills in the identification, mixing, and application of alchemical substances. Their politicians remain flexible as ever and unburdened by the rigid Caste System that defines their society, allowing them to aid in their public perception unbothered by other duties of governance.

Core Identity

Science over Magi

The Allar are commonly believed the Race with the greatest intellect in scientific matters on Aloria. While other Races can certainly produce intellectuals, the Allar have a mental pre-disposition to insight, problem-solving, logic, and understanding complex linguistic, mathematical, and medical issues. Allar alchemists are prized around the world with unrivaled skills in identification, experimentation, and mixology, with nearly every alchemy business in the Regalian Empire having at least one Allar working at it. On the flipside of this heavy emphasis of the natural sciences, the Allar find Magic to be somewhat uncomfortable and incomprehensible, as it upends the laws of physics and reality, and makes everything unpredictable, exactly the way the Allar do not want to see the world. While it is certainly possible to find some Allar Mages, they most survive on the edges of a society that favors science over Magic.

Everyone their Place

Allar society is strongly defined by the social castes that they are born in. Allar very much a "planned society", where the upper classes dictate the manpower needs, and new populations are born through the help of a variety of alchemical concoctions. If one leader wishes for more labor forces, the next generation shall be born strong, while another leader might wish for better fishers, thus siring a generation of slender and agile aquatic Allar. An Allar is always born for a specific purpose and a specific role in their society, and it is very hard to break out of it, with much resistance from society at large. The Allar believe they have been able to weather traumatic events and terrible calamities specifically because of the stability afforded to them by their strict societal rules and hierarchy.

Surviving Today

Allar are extremely pragmatic and straightforward in securing their immediate needs. While most other Races seemingly make mistakes and toil with the issues for long periods of time, the Allar are uniquely aware of their immediate pyramid of needs, and will prioritize survival and overcoming, before considering long term thriving and improving of conditions. Allar are incredibly resilient, capable of receiving a great deal of mental anguish and torment over their conditions, knowing that they will above all survive, and that a better day will come where the struggle will have all been worth it. Certainly, the impressive swivels in their fortunes around the world have been evidence of this fact, with Allar quickly rising from one of the most oppressed people in the Regalian Empire, to some of its most respected and well-off people who have overcome levels of poverty that affected the Ailor for generations, in but a single lifetime.


The Allar have a curious life philosophy called Allteach or Guru in their native language. The idea of this philosophy, is that everything that is claimed, sad, or stated as fact, is at least partially true and must be investigated and should not be dismissed out of hand. It should come as no surprise that the Allar are a nexus of experimentation and trying new doctrines, ideas, plans, and designs. Sometimes, this experimentation and field-testing goes to extremes, like alchemy testing on prisoners, damaging the environment for science, and other unethical practices. Additionally, this philosophy has sometimes led to the rampant existence of conspiracy theories among the Allar, who continue to investigate theories that other Races or societies have rejected as completely nonsensical. The policy remains important however, as it has led to some of the most ingenious discoveries that were originally dismissed as unviable.


Physical Characteristics

Simplest put, Allar are a Race of semi-aquatic reptile-like humanoids, though there is a very large range of design freedom within that distinction. Allar have humanoid bodies with two arms and legs, though the legs can be digitigrade and have lizard claws or even raptor claws, while they also have a tail that is either rigid or prehensile and can be so long as to drag behind them. Allar skins are scaled and sometimes even feathered (think raptors), while their heads are distinctly reptile-like (including turtles, crocodiles, lizards, dinosaur, but not snakes or birds). Allar can also have elements of aquatic mammals or fish (including amphibian salamanders) mixed in, for example a shark head, dolphin fins on the arms, or dunkleosteus bone plating. Designs may either disregard aquatic traits altogether, or lean fully into the aquatic design, for example a full-body shark humanoid. Allar use the practice of Kelahiran to infuse their eggs with genetic alterations that suit an Allar child more for one particular task over the other. This is why the Allar are so physiologically varied, because each generation is designed to fulfill a specific role in society, and acquires traits that are useful for this. For example, if Allar society needs more fishers, a batch of eggs may be altered to have crocodile-like snouts useful for catching fish, and shark-like fins and skin to make it easier to swim. If Allar society needs more fighters, a batch of eggs may be altered to have carnotaurus-like heads with broad shoulders and a predisposition to a more muscular frame. As such, there is no commonality in size between Allar, some are as short as Dwarves, while others as large as Urlan. Allar can grow to be 200 years old, and have less gender-dimorphism than for example Ailor, as they are an egg-laying species. As a result, they are incompatible with all other Races and as such Half-Allar do not exist. Allar can have scales, shark-like skin, feathers, horns, spikes, enlarged claws, short or long snouts, short or long necks, bone plating, club tails, feather tails, or pointed tails. Scale colors can be realistic from real-life animals, or fantasy colorations and patterns. if you need help designing, feel free to make a ticket!

Cultural Personalities

Allar personalities are also very varied because of Kelahiran resulting in fluctuating hormone levels, though their society can generally be defined by 4 major similar cultural outlooks listed below.


The Kota-Allar or "City-Allar" are by far the most common Allar to find. Kota-Allar have a predisposition to social engagement, as they live in very densely packed coastal cities or major Regalian cities where space is a premium and most people have to be able to get along with each other. Kota-Allar are very open and hospitable to other Races, and generally approachable people who take pride in their employment and service to society, while bearing the fruits of that labor. Kota-Allar are also politically engaged, with many of the leading Allar politicians coming from this cultural outlook, and mingling with the Regalian Empire's aristocrats and Dukes at court. Kota-Allar are most likely to integrate in Regalian society wearing Ailor clothes.


The Dibawa-Allar or "Under-Allar" are a less common sight, but still living on the peripheries of Regalian society, largely conforming to a group of Allar who prefer to live in the water, and as such spend more time in the ocean shallows and medium-depths. Dibawa-Allar have cities underwater, though these cities were not built by the Dibawa-Allar, rather they were found to have belonged to a long-gone civilization, yet were sturdy enough to house their expanding need for homes. Dibawa-Allar tend to be more reserved and stoic than other Allar, though capable of ferocious tempers and bursts of energetic behavior when provoked, or pushed into action by outsiders. Dibawa-Allar in general are more distrusting and careful of outsiders.


The Pelayaran-Allar or "Sailing-Allar" are fairly common, though are noticed far less than their more gregarious Kota-Allar brethren, as Pelayaran-Allar tend to be more timid, shy, or otherwise lacking the confidence to be open and bold. Pelayaran-Allar mostly consist of those Allar and their families who work for the Perpustakaan Besar, which is a massive Allar Alchemy Guild of sorts that wields a lot of political influence and wealth. The Pelayaran-Allar conventionally travel the world on the backs of giant turtles where their towns are built, so as to sample the alchemical rarities of the world, though this often puts them at risk of the dangers on the high seas, ergo their habit to hide and run rather than stand and fight.


The Rumah-Allar or "Home-Allar" are not common, though might often be mistaken for Kota-Allar. They are energetic, passionate, wild, impulsive and wild, with a streak for cruelty and ridicule of others they deem too weak. Rumah-Allar are those Allar native to Sendrass where the Hadarian Allar fled from centuries ago. Their most important trait, is that while the other cultural outlooks of Allar follow the Guru, the Rumah-Allar are religious, reject the Guru, and follow Void Worship with an Allar-oriented variant of it. Rumah-Allar can exist in Regalia, but should generally have been smuggled or snuck in, as Sendrass is technically still at war with Hadar, and the Regalian Empire at large, thus making Rumah-Allar enemies of the state. Besides their habit for tribal dress-code however, Rumah-Allar look identical to other Allar. Refugees from the cruelty of Sendrass are also not far-fetched.

Heritage Traits

Many Allar have large Raptor claws.
Rama Caste Allar are extremely vain.
Allar clothing in general is very ornate.
Some Allar subraces can have large horns that make them look almost Dragon-like.
Aquatic Allar look very aggressive, but are actually quite stoic and say very little.
Allar still eat grains and other non-meat dishes.
Allar Scars only persist for a few days before they too heal over.
Sang or Nang subrace mixing with other subraces often leads to more aquatic appearances.
Size has very little to do with the actual leadership skills or command of a Rama Allar.
Comparing an Allar to a non-sentient lizard is a sure-fire way to get one very angry.
Feathers are common on Allar bodies, especially the head, arms, shoulders and tail.

When designing a Character, Proficiency Points allow for a limited Ability selection with Point Buy Packs. Heritage Traits adds free Packs and Mechanics on top of that to help with cultural themes. Free Packs grant Abilities usually, while Mechanics change the way a character functions in Roleplay through subtle, and usually out of Combat ways. In essence, Mechanics just add aesthetic flair that invest in the niche of each culture. Free Packs never raise Proficiency Points, but the character must be able to purchase them normally. (ex. if a character is a certain Affinity that locks them out of a category, they cannot take that specific free pack and must choose the alternative option.) If a Free Pack grants Magic of some type, that Magic can be of any Alignment the character can normally choose, or limited to a select alignment, which will always be written in the Free Pack description.

Mixed Heritage characters (i.e. characters born from two parents of different Cultures) may take one parent's 'Free Packs' and mix and match up to 5 Mechanics from both parents, although some Peoples cannot produce Mixed Heritage children (due to Magical/Fantasy reasons). Allar cannot be included in Mixed Heritage Characters.


  • Allar are immune to any (non Magical) disease or illness, such as viruses or bacteria, though they can become asymptomatic carriers.
  • Allar bodyparts regrow over the timespan of 24 hours when lost, though scars can be left behind if desired.
  • Allar have sensitive taste, their tongue capable of deeply analyzing anything they taste, what the ingredients are, and whether it has alchemical functions.
  • Allar have perfect sight at night and in dark environments, capable of seeing in the dark without needing any external light source.
  • Allar can breathe underwater without any Abilities, and can also see perfectly underwater without it blurring their vision, allowing them to stay submerged indefinitely.


The Caste System

To understand Allar society, one must understand the Caste System and its various layers. To outsiders, the Caste System is suffocatingly restrictive and harsh on those who they consider on the bottom, though the Caste System is not that simple. Outsiders are often to compare the Caste System to their own capitalist poor masses, but because of the general lack of currency and self-reliance in Allar society, their Caste System works radically different. Resources and labor within the System are common good and work towards common interests, meaning the lower castes provide just as crucial of a role as higher castes. Below follows a list of the Castes, with general physical and mental descriptions that can be overlaid onto Cultural Personalities, ordered with most important at the top and least important at the bottom.

  • The Rama Caste are the leading Allar of Allar society, usually large framed and dangerous looking in an attempt to cower the other Castes in line (think large crocodiles and carnivore dinosaurs), while also intimidating outsiders with their size. Rama are commanders, generals, admirals, task-masters, foremen, governors, and most importantly: Digmaan, the Allar variant of Nobility. Hadar itself is split into thousands of smaller Digmaan (term both used for the territory and the ruler) making most Rama standalone warlords.
  • The Kertas Caste are the bureaucrats and administrators of Allar society, usually slender and nimble framed with large eyes and dexterous hands to excel at writing and reading. Kertas are authors, poets, writers, bureaucrats, administrators, scribes, historians, book keepers, and data analysts. Wherever there is a single Rama, there are always a dozen or so Kertas always running around them, with the Rama performing the politics, and the Kertas ensuring they have all the necessary paperwork to do their work well.
  • The Kuat Caste are the physical laborers, the personal bodyguards of the Rama Caste, or cattle-herders. The Kuat Caste is bred for their large size, with each being quite beefy or stocky and durable, though having a far more calm and kind temperament than say the Rama, or the Ksat. The Kuat Caste is of higher importance in Allar society, because Allar prize civil service as socially more important than the military, leading to the Kuat having a venerable "protector" role within the Caste System of Allar Society.
  • The Kyat Caste are the crafting-folk, the alchemists, the intellectuals, and the scholars. The Kyat Caste is often much smaller than the others, favoring intellectual development over physical size or brawn, and fulfilling a number of societal occupations like shopkeepers, farmers, alchemists, researchers, scholars, messengers, cleaning service, and other general service sector work. Kyat tend to be nervous and skittish, even around those within Allar society, preferring to stick around other Kyat for comfort.
  • The Ksat Caste are the warrior caste, fiercely competitive, dogmatic, loyal and willing to pick a fight with any foe twice their size. The Ksat Caste tend to be lean and athletic, built for rapid deployment in combat and fierce fighting. Among the Ksat are soldiers, gladiators and ring fighters, assassins, hunters, trainers, and any other occupation that requires a modicum of adrenaline or reckless disregard for self. Ksat often bully Kyat Caste members, despite their higher rank, due to their boisterous nature.
  • The Nang Caste are the mercantile and aquatic Caste, containing fishers, merchants, foreign diplomats, explorers, and aquatic warriors. The Nang Caste is considered lower in the Caste structure despite the value of merchants and diplomats, because they either live underwater (and thus removed from the majority of Allar society), or because they heavily interact with outsiders and currency which the Allar consider unclean, and a corrupting element that aims to upend the Caste System by creating private wealth.
  • The Paria Caste are the untouchables. There is no real other way around it, those that belong to the Paria Caste are Mages generally speaking, as well as Arkenborn or Godborn, or anything else that isn't fully "normal" in the view of Allar society, even if they aren't strictly Occult. A member of another Caste can also be downgraded to the Paria Caste if they become Afflicted or Occult somehow, which is why it is exceedingly rare to find a Learned-Mage Allar, and sad to find a Born-Mage Allar. Despite being untouchable, the Paria Caste is still taken care of by the other Castes by given housing (on the edge of town), free food and services, they just can't be touched by non-Paria Caste members for fear of Occult infection. It should be noted that among Rumah-Allar, this is completely inverted, the Paria Caste is directly below the Rama Caste, and instead of being untouchable, they are eagerly accepted, with the Rumah-Allar believing access to the Occult brings good fortune, and they are given a more lavish lifestyle accordingly.

The Perpustakaan Besar

The Perpustakaan Besar sometimes also shortened to Perpusta or just Library, is an guild of highly skilled Alchemists that exists in Allar society as a pseudo government of sorts that regulates scientific experimentation and investigation as well as central houses of learning, and reliable publication sources for scientists. The Perpusta is the only organization of its kind in the world that fact-checks research papers and provides peer-reviews for new theories, meaning it is one of the most reliable centers of learning in the world. It has offices in all the major Allar cities, and several across other places in the Regalian Empire, such as the chapters in Ithania, The Rim Isles in the Regalian Archipelago, the City of Regalia itself, Nordskag, Etosil, and the Silerian Chain. Each of these chapter houses has a vast alchemical library, and storage for most known alchemical ingredients under the sun, including samples of mixtures and lessons on how to produce them, not to speak of the traveling guild towns on the backs of giant sea turtles. The Perpusta has soft power in Allar society even over the Digmaan, purely because they control the flow of information and also ensure that no Digmaan hoards any scientific research for their own political purposes. The Perpustakaan Besar also has a very important place in the Imperial Palace and the Scholar’s Court of the Regalian Empire, having integrated into their structure, and frequently seeing members travel in and out of the Palace to discuss scientific matters with the court scholars and the Emperor. Any Character can be a low or high ranking member, though Council members at the top are reserved for NPC's at Staff discretion.

Language & Names

The Allar speak a language called Pidato. Pidato as a language is based on real-world Indonesian, with all loan-words of English included. In lore, this is explained because the Allar deeply integrated with Regalian society, where Common is the first spoken language. As such, many loan-words from Common became established in Pidato, such as for example ‘bisnis’ for business, ‘gosip’ for gossip, ‘sistem’ for system, and ‘komplit’ for complete. Allar naming customs are generally simpler than that of other Races, as Allar don’t have surnames or middle names at all.

When it comes to first names, the Allar use Indonesian names. However, it is important to note that Indonesian names includes a lot of Arabic or Muslim inspired names, which should specifically be dis-included from this list. Allar names are generally non-gendered, and names are more based on the predicted temperament of the child, with children that are more soft and calm having names ending in “a”, while children that are more rowdy and energetic having names ending in “i”, though this is not a strict rule so much as it is a common trend.

  • Example of Allar names: Bayu, Budi, Resa, Aditya, Bintang, Fadhlan, Bagaskoro, Banyu, Candra, Elang, Rimba, Surya, Kartika, Dewi, Aulia, Indah, Putri, Angkasa, Bulan, Merpati, Ndari, Mega

Allar do sometimes use their ancestral name as well, which is called the Namalama, based on the name of their parents. It is important to note that parents here means the people who raised the Allar, not the actual biological parents, because childhood practices will generally result in a child being raised by their non-biological parents. Most Regalian citizenship papers record both the first name and the Namalama, though the Namalama is only used in every-day as a way of formal introduction or as a means of showing deference to someone by including their Namalama in address. Namalama uses the following rules:

  • If the leading parent was male, then the Namalama begins with the father’s name, followed by ‘ayah’ (the last vowel of the name may be removed to make it sound better). So for example, if the Allar was called Surya, and their father was called Putri, their name would be Putriayah, which becomes Putrayah to make it sound easier, so Surya Putrayah.
  • If the leading parent was female, then the Namalama begins with the mother’s name, followed by ‘ibu’ (the last vowel of the name may be removed to make it sound better). So for example, if the Allar was called Angkasa, and the mother was called Bintang, their name would be Bintangibu, so Angkasa Bintangibu.
  • If the leading parent was non-binary, then the Namalama begins with the paren’t name, followed by ‘cinta’ (the last consonant of the name may be removed to make it sound better). So for example, if the Allar was called Resa, and the parent was called Fadhlan, their name would be Fadhlancinta, which becomes Fadhlacinta to make it sound easier, so Resa Fadhlacinta.

Finally to complete the Namalama, a Namasarang is added, which is the name of the ‘nest’ in a crude translation. This name is only given to those who were also parented by their biological parents (which is particularly important among Rama, who without a Namasarang are not taken seriously), as this name is a continuation of blood-line. The Namasarang is usually just a word in Pidato, so for example the Pidato words for sun (matahari), red cliffs (tebing merah), merchant (pedagang) and so forth. In the examples above, in one of the above examples, if Resa Fadhlacinta was of the sun Namasarang, they would be called Resa Fadhlacinta Matahari, but in common day to day activities simply be referred to as Resa.


The Allar are Draconist faithful, having enjoyed historical patronage from and focus on the two Dragons Felicula and Umbra, who represent polar opposites on attitudes to life that the Allar believe combine into a more profound truth when observed together. Felicula represents all that is joyful in the world and the desire to enjoy life to its fullest, while Umbra represents the fact that all good things eventually come to an end, but that this is alright, because the ordained end is what makes their existence enjoyable to begin with. Felicula has traditionally resided in Hadar and was found by the Allar when they fled north there, departing the old Empire in Sendras. It is the assistance of her and her Clade of lesser Dragons that enabled their survival, and their slow and unavertable death to a strange (likely Magical) disease in the decades before Cataclysm that is the Allar's greatest trauma, though with the revival of Dragons slowly marching on worldwide, the majority of them have returned. Umbra meanwhile has always existed in Sendras, though the Void Worshiping Sendrassians did not acknowledge him as a God but as more of a primal entity to fear as the bringer of death. While most Hadarian Allar would portray Dragon Worship of Umbra as a continuity from the old way in the homeland, it is more the case that worship of Umbra only kicked off after the Allar fled to Hadar and encountered Felicula, adopting worship of Umbra as the other half of the duality more in hindsight. Though there has been no direct observation of him or his minions since the departure from Sendras, the continued existence of disease and death in the world implies that he is still there. Rumah-Allar, those who stayed behind in Sendras, are all Void Worshipers or rather Evolist worshipers, but with some differences. They have an unusual fear of Ifrit as the gatekeeper to the Void and the closest thing to the Devil, and an unusual view of Eloba, who they see as not benign but a scheming swamp witch who spreads rot, disease and venom to poison the land and anyone who dares stay where her hand has touched. Other than that, they tend to lack the contractual attitude that even the average Kathar has to their relationship with the Void Gods, genuinely believing in their benevolence (except for the two listed). There is additionally a sizeable but new minority of Allar Unionism worshipers introduced after the mass outflow of missionaries following the Chrysant War as well as the conversion of Allar inside the borders of the Regalian Empire, who have joined following the representation of an Allar god within the faith.


Allar fashion is dominated by bright colors and tropical styles, reflecting the extravagant tastes from the Rama aristocracy down to the expressive nature of the Ksat. Within Hadar, many of the Allar go topless (which is also not strictly an issue for modesty since Allar don’t have breasts). Though in present times the Allar start dressing more and more like the Ailor, with full-body outfits, especially in Regalia, where the mild to cold climate can be considered unpleasant to the Allar, especially during winter. Colored glass is also very common both in clothing pieces as well as decorations, even the poorest of Allar has at least one colored glass bead bracelet or necklace. Fabrics are imported from all over the world to Hadar, as the Allar are known to like to experiment with fabrics of all different kinds, and have excellent craftsmen who fix up clothes to fit their proportions and horns or fins. Elastan, the lycra of the Asha, has proven very popular among the Allar, especially the aquatic Allar. Kyat, Rama, Nang, and Sang are the castes most commonly seen wearing jewelry. For Rama, it is a show of opulence and power, with intricately crafted gold piercings and metal perfectly shaped to fit their body and accentuate their features. Kyat usually wear smaller bracelets, rings, and face piercings, with the former being easily remove-able for when they must work with Alchemy. Nang will most commonly wear whatever jewelry is most popular at any given time, and Sang will exclusively wear hand-crafted adornments out of bone or coral they have harvested from the sea, or scavenged parts of jewelry from other Races found at the bottom of the seafloor.


Allar have existed in the world for several thousands of years, with first records of Sendrassian Allar appearing in Allorn archives around 5000 BC, with potential existence speculated thousands of years before that, though at this time their civilization was little more than a collection of tribes living in the jungles. The Allorn Empire tried numerous times to make formal contact with them, though the Allar remained agile in the jungles and were able to always clear away from any Elven ships before they made landfall. As time progressed and the Allar organized into more of a civilization, Allorn attempts to colonize and exploit Sendras became more and more dangerous, with the Void worshiping Allar tribes capturing and sacrificing any Elves who landed on their shores. How the Allar developed Void Worship centuries or even millennia before the Allorn Elves did, is unclear.

At some point in history, presumed around 1000 BC, some sort of conflict erupted in Sendrassian society, though the exact origins remain unclear. The Rumah-Allar claim that the Kota-Allar showed "betrayal of the Great Ones" (in reference to the Void Gods) while the Kota-Allar claim it was a rebellion against the cruelty and sacrifices of their people to the Void Gods. While it is easy to connect the two, Allorn records indicate that the truth is more complicated than a rebellion against tyranny, and that the Rumah-Allar aren't automatically at fault for being Void-Worshiping cannibalistic sacrifice-practicing tyrants. Allorn records imply some sort of societal calamity was occurring, and the only solution the Sendrassian Empire had was to sacrifice a part of their population, which then rebelled. The rebellion was successful and these Allar fled the Sendrassian Empire in large numbers on ships sailing north, while whatever calamity would occur, happened, and wiped out many Sendrassian cities including the golden capital which turned into an acid-sea.

History pays little attention to the Sendrassian Allar after this point, because few historical records have anything on them. Sendras was declared a "forbidden continent" by the Allorn Empire millennia before this, and the Allar who fled to Hadar refused to speak on it. The Allar arriving in Hadar found a mostly empty archipelago of tens of thousands of little islands, with only Sassrakkand, the Slizzar capital, and the Maraya state known as Tohsmaaq Venheer, holding land, with many of the islands uninhabited. This is also where they made first contact with the Yellow Water Dragons, who helped their society quickly recover from the damage of fleeing their homeland with nothing but a few rations, tools, and clothes. Allar society reformed around the Kota-Allar at first, with the Dibawa-Allar and Pelayaran-Allar cultural outlooks developing quickly after as they started creating contacts with the wider world.

Allar society was again hard hit during Cataclysm, as Hadar was mostly made up of volcanic islands, resulting in mass eruptions all across the continent due to the rampant magics. Many Allar had to flee their homes into the ocean, while for some escape came too late. Following the chaos and complete destruction of several major cities, the Slizzar offered to help rebuild, which turned out to be a Faustian bargain. As the centuries passed after Cataclysm, Allar society became more and more infiltrated by the Slizzar, who had effectively taken control of the top two Castes by either impersonating or seducing them into their service, thus finalizing the Allar into what they then called the Essa Empire, populated by Allar but ruled by the Slizzar. The Essa Empire was the only real Empire to rise from the ashes of Cataclysm, alongside the Songaskian and Regalian Empires, starting a game of geo politics between them.

Conflict would eventually erupt between Regalia and the Essa Empire in the 280's, called the Chrysant War, which was more of a genocidal war than a formal one. Regalian navies bombarded civilian targets and committed pogroms on cities that resisted their advance, culminating in the sacking of the capital Fessa Huallo where the Regalians killed tens of thousands of civilians, while most of the Slizzar infiltrators snuck away in the shadows, a fact which still causes a lot of resentment among the Allar who feel their Race was goaded into a conflict with Regalia that they did not want, all for the puppet games of the Slizzar who took none of the damage for it. The Allar in Hadar were effectively reduced to a backwater colony by the Regalian Empire, occupied by their superior weaponry (due to the recent invention of the cannon while the Allar still used bows).

Allar society however recovered, by quickly ingratiating itself to the Regalian Empire, and proving itself invaluable in a variety of sectors. Instead of being resentful against their new overlords, the Allar managed to overcome their racial stigma, prove their loyalty, and eventually become so crucial to the proper functioning of Regalian society, that they effectively became part of it on equal terms with Ailor. In recent years, Hadar has suffered conflict due to the advances of civil organization, as well as war. The Sendrassian Empire re-emerged in a spectacular way with a full-blown invasion of South-Hadar, in a war that Regalia effectively lost, ceding territory to it (though some will continue to claim it was a stalemate). Then, there are those in Hadar who want to abandon the Caste System and join Regalia's currency-based capitalist standard, and those who want to hold onto the old ways. This conflict caused a civil war, largely between the Kota-Allar led by the Triumvirate of Progress, and the Dibawa-Allar led by the Deep-thought Council who wants to hold onto the old ways. The Pelayaran-Allar have thusfar avoided the conflict and declared neutrality, though the civil war continues to rage on while Allar in Regalia can only watch.

World View

World View is optional content that helps give Allar flavor and depth.

  • Allar are a mostly carnivorous Race that eats a combination of fish, meat and insects, either roasted or raw. They are capable of also digesting vegetables, nuts, and roots, but only see these as condiments and additions to their main course.
  • Rama, even when each other’s lovers or siblings, will continue to make public appearances of competition. Even if they deeply care for one another, they cannot stand being seen as the inferior partner in public, and will publicly argue and fight for appearances sake.
  • A form of showing subservience, obedience or submission among the Allar is to tip the nose upwards and expose the throat to those who are worthy of being respected as above one’s self. This is to emulate exposing the neck, the most vulnerable spot on an Allar’s body in trust or subservience.
  • Engineering has a somewhat complicated place in Allar society. Among the Allar, technology and alchemy constantly compete over what is the superior scientific craft, and the majority of Allar society supports alchemy in this endeavor. Though, Technicians among the Allar have developed Chemtech in an attempt to merge the two.
  • The best gift to be given to an Allar is a basket of rare alchemical ingredients. Save for the most combat or solitary hunter of Allar, alchemical ingredients have a value beyond money. Even if an Allar does not do alchemy themselves, giving them ingredients allows them to give these valuable gifts to someone else, an act in itself that is valuable.
  • A common social gathering among Kyat Allar is to bring a number of small unmarked alchemical vials that they have crafted, usually two to three per Kyat, and play a game of roulette in imbibing or drinking them to witness their effects. Part of the game is determining who made what, based on their skill level, personal tastes, and preferences.
  • While it is exceptionally rare for Allar to act outside of the caste system, those who do are usually shunned and completely avoided and ignored by other Allar. If an Allar must ever explain why they do so to a non-Allar, they will usually say something along the lines of “not seeing those who choose to wallow outside of order.”
  • Allar highly value second opinions on research and their work, and many Kyat Allar especially will compete with each other by trying to attain the largest peer-review listing to flaunt to others. It is a common saying that an Kyat will only be happy when their list of references circles Aloria.
  • Allar society is the only known society in the world that takes mental illnesses, and in fact depression in particular, very seriously. Allar society has developed a number of alchemical mixtures and tinctures to combat the negative effects of such ailments, and has developed a very wide treatment for Allar who suffer from depression by combining medical treatments with therapy. This practice is however very slow to catch on in other societies due to the inherent stigma. Post traumatic stress is for example barely recognized in Regalia, simply referred to as ‘Knight’s Disease’, which is left untreated outside of a whorehouse.
  • A combination of their unique biology and the hot, humid climate of Hadar led to the Allar developing a very unique relationship with Music. Allar mostly prefer singing and vocal arts, but uniquely also use an instrument they developed called the “Thermin.” The Thermin uses a combination of freshly mixed alchemy and engineering to create a small wall of alchemical vapor that the Allar can wave their hands through, with the disruptions creating unique sounds. This allows for ‘hands free’ music, and produces a unique set of sounds unheard of by any other instrument. It is usually shaped like a delicate metallic box, with slits at the top, and is propped up waist-height in front of the Allar who is playing it.
  • Dragon Worship is frequently picked by Allar within the framework of Keyakinan as their dominant religion, due to the deep folklore of the Yellow Water Dragons. The Allar have many stories of their arrival in Hadar, and how it was mostly inhabited by critters, Slizzar, and more notably, Yellow Water Dragons. They say that the Yellow Water Dragons (who were about the size of dogs) were extremely playful, and helped them establish the first irrigation systems to make their islands green and fertile. The Yellow Water Dragons continued to live alongside the Allar and play with them, until a mysterious disease wiped them out several decades before the Cataclysm. The Allar tried with all their might to cure the disease through alchemy, but failed in the end, and the loss of the Yellow Water Dragons still exists in the psyche of the Allar as a deep social trauma. The Perpustakaan was founded after the Dragons were lost to the Allar, to make up for the shortcomings in communication between the various efforts to cure them, to ensure that in the future there would always be an answer to calamities of this nature.
  • The Allar have developed a unique method of communication, based on Sign Language, that they used to communicate with mute or deaf peoples, as a part of their studies. It was originally developed by the Aquatic Allar, who also found it useful for quickly getting messages across while underwater. This is why universal Sign language exists in Aloria. Sign Language is not "buyable" as a Point Buy Pack, any character can just add it into their backstory.


  • Each member of the leading council of the Perpustakaan Besar is one of 24, the 24 brightest and most successful alchemists of the Allar at any given time. Each member invented a great alchemical mixture that advanced the Allar Race as a whole.
  • Allar were once badly treated in the Regalian Empire, however their luck swiveled due to the so called Satrillian accords. The rumor goes that Emperor Alexander named the accords as such, after an Allar he grew familiar with in the times when he was not yet on the throne, called Satril Meray. The story goes that the Emperor was touched by the obedience and loyalty that Satril showed, despite being spat on by Ailor customers of the tavern, and would always clean without complaint, believing that all Allar would be so loyal and dedicated to service in the Empire.
  • The Allar are the only Race in the Empire that does not have an embassy in the Regalian capital, or some form of consulate. This is because the Allar are so deeply integrated in the Regalian state apparatus, that they are basically considered on the same level as Ailor in terms of civil rights, and have no need for consulates to fight for their rights.

WritersMonMarty, Birdsfoot_Violet
ProcessorsCarlit0o, FireFan96
Last EditorBirdsfoot violet on 01/10/2025.

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