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{{World Progression
Massivecraft’s Roleplay scene has been intact for over 8 years. In this time, many plot-changing story progressions have taken place (referred to as World Progressions), sometimes making it difficult to understand the recent history of [[Aloria]]. Here is a summary of Massivecraft's World Progressions throughout its history. All events are listed from most recent to oldest, meaning the further down the page you go, the longer ago an event happened. For a more in-depth reading of World Progression Events, please look at our [ Forum Section.]
|title = 302 AC
|date1          = March 15, 302 AC
|event1        = The End of the Senate
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|date2          = April 16, 302 AC
==The Current Time==
|event2        = A Sangiovese Conspiracy Foiled
The year is now 311 AC. The [[Emperor]], [[Alexander I]], remains missing, and despite efforts to locate him, nothing concrete has emerged. The [[Regalian Empire]]'s government has rearranged itself, with the [[Imperial Family]] stepping in to help rule the Empire as a form of imperial leadership, while politics beneath them have also realigned. Affairs in Aloria's north are messy, while elsewhere, [[Demon]]s of all dimensions are beginning to surge in number. The reborn [[Allorn Empire]] appears to be turning its eyes toward [[Regalia]] after focusing on other affairs in recent years. Overall, the dawn of the new year promises much to come across the world.
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|date3          = April 24, 302 AC
==The Bralona Invasion==
|event3        = Death of the Emperor
In the early fall of 310 AC, the [[City of Regalia]] was suddenly invaded and attacked by a [[Race]] previously lost to the wider world, known as the [[Bralona]]. Isolated on a far away island called [[Farsouth|Justinia]], they appeared in the capital. In a dramatic reveal, they sought to kill the Emperor of Regalia, only to discover he had been swapped for a [[Slizzar]]. Despite this set-back, and unaware of the political waves they made at this discovery, the Bralona set about conquering the city and seeking out all possible sources of knowledge. The High Command occupied an array of buildings, emptied libraries, and built bizarre machines to change the weather and more. However, as time went on, some Bralona of their number grew skeptical of their mission, and eventually, rebels from the distant homeland arrived to help instigate an uprising in the Bralona's ranks. This coincided with various groups from across the capital moving on Bralona operations, and in the end, the High Command retreated after a little over a month of controlling the capital. They were not defeated, however, and those Bralona who remained are often viewed with suspicion on possible motivations for them staying put.
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|date4          = June 7, 302 AC
==The Vampire Insurrection==
|event4        = Lo and Anahera Dinner Party
Following a period of political action and conflict between the different Noble Houses of [[Corontium]] in 309 AC, the end of the summer saw the sudden unleashing of [[Vampire]]s and their allies onto the City of Regalia. With barely any warning, many nobles became trapped and on the run, while the government attempted to deny the Vampires as much knowledge as was possible. Over the course of two months, looting, sacrifices, betrayals and conflict raged, ultimately culminating in a huge fight with [[Regalian]] forces who had surrounded the [[Crown Isle]] moving in to help end the [[Void]]-aligned threats. A number of other magical events took place, as deities of several faiths and beings of several dimensions appeared and performed a range of actions. In the end, hundreds died, hundreds more were freshly turned, and there was much to be rebuilt after the Vampire Dreadfort had leveled parts of the city to the ground throughout the occupation.
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|date5        = June 7, 302 AC
==The Sendrassian War==
|event5        = Regalia Goes to War
Affairs in the south called Regalian attention to their [[Allar]] holdings in 308 AC, and held them there until 309 AC. The Sendrassian Allar had finally made larger moves across the straits that divided them from the rest of [[Hadar]] and were now engaged in fierce conflict with the Hadarian Allar, their ancient rivals from a long-passed civil war. The Regalians proceeded to defend the region, but ultimately only found a mixed success rate. Difficulties with the terrain and against an array of strange, exotic beasts or creatures at the command of the Sendrassians proved highly detrimental to the Regalian war effort, while excellent generalship, and continued efforts at innovation staved off some of the worst possibilities of defeat. As the war continued on, disease also became a problem, and a massive conflict where [[Dragon]]s came into play on both sides presented a rare, though not unseen spectacle for many. Ultimately, it was not the Regalians who caused the war to end, but the Sendrassians themselves. Word reached them of the rebirth of the Allorn Empire, an act heralded by the apparent return of Empress [[Talea]], alongside struggles within the Sendrassian Empire's leadership, with many warlords proceeding back to their homeland to reinforce their state, and their own claims to power. The Hadarian Allar then firmly told the Regalians to leave, taking over their role of guarding what were now a string of border islands between Hadarian Allar and Sendrassian Allar control. This conflict is seen as a Regalian defeat, and a civil war amidst the Hadarian Allar soon began between factions with varying opinions on the Regalian Empire.
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:*''For more information on the Sendrassian War, click [[Regalian-Sendrassian War|HERE]]
|desc5  = The Regalian Empire broke the Ranger's Treaty and declared war on the Elven States of Thellassia and Medlem Talar, beginning the incredibly one-sided Elven War.

|date6          = June 8, 302 AC
==The Clicker Crisis==
|event6        = Battle of Taure Tinechor
A mysterious meteor fell from the sky to the outskirts of the City of Regalia near the end of 307 AC. Even after its arrival, it remained enigmatic, but it soon unleashed a plague of creatures known as Clickers (due to their vocalizations) on the capital. Invisible at first and tall, with wicked claws and gaping maw, the Clickers spread across Corontium and were barely being held off as it seemed that nothing could defeat them. However, due to magical events within the City of Regalia, the creatures became visible, and a concerted effort by various factions of the capital's citizenry worked to purge the creatures from Aloria. Explosives of an advanced design were armed and used to destroy the vile nest the creatures had been building under the capital of the Empire, but it was still not enough. Users of [[Magic]] had to drain a mysterious crystal at the heart of the city which the Clickers had been defending, while elsewhere a machine entity known as The Conduit activated and temporarily dispatched thousands of robotic drones out to fight the Clickers. The crystal was soon drained, and with that, the Clickers collapsed to dust.
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==The Dread War==
The Regalian Empire was thrown into battle against the [[Dread Empire]] in 307 AC, with a vast united front seeking to push the [[Kathar]] out of [[Teledden]] lands. Aided by [[Eronidas]], Teledden and other forces, Regalian armies marched to protect a region in the south of Allorn territory, though the final battle was one for the ages thanks to the appearance of Rikkira (now known as Renita), also called the Dread Dragon, on the side of the Kathar. She and [[Cedromar I|Cedric Kade]] did battle in their Dragon and humanoid forms, but the battle came to an end when both vanished, and the Kathar lost the initiative. At the same time, the collective push from the Regalian and Teledden forced the Kathar back further. Due to her political failure, the Dread Empress was ousted, forcing many Kathar forces to return home to support the candidate of their choosing. In the aftermath of the conflict, the Regalians failed to win the former Allorn states to their side, and so the Teledden quickly broke away and ignored Regalia’s role in freeing them of their plight.
:*''For more information on the Dread War, click [[Dread War|HERE]]

|date7          = June 13, 302 AC
==The Anglian Mist==
|event7        = Regalian-elven Subjegation War: Battle Of Perfwenn
Without warning, as leaders from across the Empire gathered at an important council in [[Anglia]], something awoke. A vast cloud of time-halting mist covered much of that land, trapping many important government officials from [[House Kade]] within. This Mist remained in Anglia for several months, and ultimately ended through mysterious means. Emperor Alexander I re-ascended the throne after this ordeal, though he had to reknit a generally weakened Regalian Empire through various political maneuvers due to the struggles of the past few months.
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|date8          = June 13, 302 AC
==The Second Elven War: Stage 2==
|event8        = Regalian-Elven Subjugation War: Battle Of H'relllen
With Rikkira (nowadays called Renita) gone from the capital city, a new offensive was launched by the Regalian Empire against the [[Elves]]. Unfortunately, this offensive soon produced contact with another enemy; the Kathar. This [[Void Worship]]ing Race, and their Dread Empire, had been invading southern Allorn lands for several months, and their Void Towers helped to spread their corruption outward. Forced to retreat from their offensives, the Regalian push on the front ground to a halt once again. A peace was ultimately concluded to allow both Teledden and Regalian forces to focus on the attacking Kathar.
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:*''For more information on the Second Elven War, click [[Second Elven War|HERE]]
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|date9          = June 14, 302 AC
==The Return of Dragons==
|event9        = Regalian Civil Strife: Anahera And Consortium Plots
While the war against the Elves continued in a stalemate, domestic strife had come to the forefront of Regalian life. The seeming return of the Dragons as a force to be reckoned with had all of the City of Regalia on edge. Rikkira (Renita), a Dragon who could transform into a regally-dressed [[Ailor]] woman, and her many [[Arken]] Lieutenants, seemed intent on enslaving the entire Regalian populace to usher forth a new world order; one seated by the Dragons. Regalia was surprised when a second Dragon shared blows with Rikkira, and it was ultimately revealed to be a newly empowered Emperor Cedromar I. For some reason, Rikkira then vanished, last seen flying away from Corontium while Cedromar I no longer hid his abilities, becoming the Dragon Emperor and rallying Regalia around his new power.
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|date10          = June 15, 302 AC
==The Second Elven War: Stage 1==
|event10        = Various Conflicts: Second Battle Of H'rellen, Pileran Traitor, Red Plottings
The Second Elven War began in 306 AC when xenophobic Regalian officials launched a preemptive attack from [[Daendroque]] territory in an assault on gathering forces of Teledden in a nearby Allorn state. The results were ultimately a slaughter for this Regalian army, and it triggered an aggressive response from many Allorn principalities. To make up for their loss of face, a large Regalian invasion was launched, but it sadly saw cruelties and genocide enacted against the local Elves and the destruction of religious and cultural objects as numorous cities fell to the Regalians. These actions only rallied further Elven support, and the conflict began to bog down into a stalemate as the modern technologies of the Regalians met the ancient Magic of the Teledden and their allies. Ultimately, the Second Elven War continued on without a clear victory in sight.
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:*''For more information on the Second Elven War, click [[Second Elven War|HERE]]
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|date11          = June 15, 302 AC
==The Second Songaskian War==
|event11        = Regalian Civil Strife: Second Battle For The Pileran Lands
The Regalian Empire began their invasion of [[Farahdeen]] in the summer of 305 AC. Much had changed since Regalia’s last war with the [[Songaskia]]ns; they were now led by the uncle of the previous Massya, while Regalia was led by a new Emperor, and affairs like the [[Bone Horror Crisis]] had weakened both parties. Cedromar I Kade led many sieges personally, and often ordered the slaughter of the Songaskian nobility and peasantry before crowds of the military elite to raise war morale and intimidate the enemy. The Songaskia would either surrender, or face unprecedented brutality from the Military Emperor. As a result of the immense destruction wrought by the Regalian Empire, some of the Songaskian Pearl Cities began rising up in rebellion against the usurper Massya, who eventually consolidated his power eastward. In response, the Regalian Empire curiously abandoned their offensives, leaving the territory they had captured and the surviving Songaskian captives to the now returned young Massya, delivered to Farahdeen by the Regalians. The civil war that followed was relatively bloodless, but technically eliminated a Regalian enemy from the playing field, and broke the Magic Covenant. In the years since this action, however, the young Massya has grown into a young man with little to no favoritism for Regalia, while his uncle and the former usurper, still alive, has ironically turned to courting Regalia. It is uncertain if this outcome was ever Cedromar’s intent. Regardless, in the short term, peace came again to the Regalian Empire, though it did not last.
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:*''For more information on the Second Songaskian War, click [[Second Songaskian War|HERE]]
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|date12          = June 16, 302 AC
==The Ascendency of Cedromar Kade and the Crown Alliance==
|event12        = El Acuerdo Glorioso - The Glorious Agreement
When the [[Deathling]] Occupation came to an end, Alexander I began to turn away from the military toward diplomats and cultural figures. In reaction, a conservative coup was launched by former [[Arch Chancellor]] [[House Typhonus|Ulric Typhonus]] and his allies, though their effort was swiftly defeated. In response, Alexander I abdicated the throne, but passed over his own sons to instead bestow the title of Emperor to his younger brother, Cedric Kade, who took the throne as Cedromar I on April 14, 305 AC. Cedromar I reinforced his ties to the military, but those still loyal to Alexander’s way of thinking supported efforts at diplomacy. Cedromar surprisingly allowed this, and Baron Bonace Tylleronde headed the idea of the Crown Alliance: An Ailor-led coalition of Races bent on securing Aloria for the Regalian Empire. Tylleronde immediately wooed the Allar and [[Qadir]], whose scholars sought Regalia’s protection, while he soon also brought the [[Asha]] into the fold. In response, the [[Songaskian Masaya]] and many of the Teledden and [[Fin’ullen]] principalities in the west created the Magic Covenant, united by their use of Magic, ancient heritage but also dislike of Regalia. The Dread Empire immediately made moves for an invasion of their neighbors, rejecting their efforts, while the [[Maquixtl]], [[Yanar]] and their local allies of the Ularen Plains formed the Wild Union to protect against their enemies. New lines were drawn between the nations of Aloria.
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|date13          = June 16, 302 AC
==The Bone Horror Crisis and Deathling Occupation==
|event13        = Fall Of The Would Be Empress
The effects of the Battle of Curag Fields came into full force in 304 AC. The Kingdom of [[Eastwynd|Arlora]], heavily in debt to the Regalian Empire thanks to the purchase of emergency supplies when the Statue appeared, and also furious that their attempt to claim land from their devastated rival [[Eastwynd|Torse]] was being blocked by the Regalian Empire (who Torse had now joined), declared war against the larger state. The Regalians in turn invaded the Arloran position on a cliffed coastline of the [[Eastwynd]] state. The battle was a major victory, with the Arloran king and his royal guard captured, triggering a mass surrender. While [[Isldar]] warriors appeared and tried to reach the king which the Regalians fended off, suddenly, the king performed an unknown act, whispering unheard words and summoning the Statue before himself and his royal guard. The being transformed the royal and his loyal servants into a group later called the Midnight Court, and the Court enacted another ritual which suddenly began to revive the battlefield’s dead as a new unliving threat. Not normal [[Undead]], these Bone Horrors proved impossible to kill, hideous amalgamations of flesh and bone who constantly reformed when struck down.
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|date14          = June 16, 302 AC
The Court and the Statue then vanished, and beams of light arced over the skies of Aloria, with roughly one for each major populated continent. However, a strange purple dome appeared over Corontium and prevented both the beam of light from reaching the region, as well as prevented access by the Bone Horrors. The Regalian forces, meanwhile, evacuated Eastwynd with the fleeing Arlorans, as their nation was just as devastated as their neighbor, and they successfully found safe harbor in the heart of the Regalian Empire. While it took months, a unique technology called the [[Alaru Addir]] created by Qadir collaborating with the Empire allowed the Bone Horrors to be defeated completely from a distance, while a strange purple pulse also washed over the world, originating from the Corontium dome, which meant the Bone Horrors could no longer reform once struck down. Then, after the Regalian Reconquest Armies marched from Corontium to take back their infested lands, the Midnight Court appeared and resurrected Freya Lo as a shade of her prior self in the form of a Deathling. Some aspect of the people they once were, with ashen skin and stark blue eyes, the Deathlings multiplied and spread across the capital city. They were resisted, and in the end, the death of Freya Lo’s risen form caused all Deathlings to also perish. As the dome above Corontium vanished, Regalia slowly restored order to its part of the world while other nations successfully did so as well.
|event14        = Regalian Civil Strife: Typhonus-Consortium Battle
:*''For more information on the Bone Horror Crisis, click [[Bone Horror Crisis|HERE]]
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|date15          = June 16, 302 AC
==The Anahera Rebellion==
|event15        = Imperial Decree To Regalia
The victory at the Battle of the Curag Fields wore heavily, not only on the state of Regalia but also upon its people. The [[Wirtem]] Arch Chancellor appointed the year prior resigned, and the younger brother to the office’s prior holder took the position. Andrieu [[Anahera]]’s first act was to execute his brother Alejandro for supposed treason by supporting rebel elements across the [[Daen Governate]], gaining multiple titles but also triggering a small familial civil war. While this went on, an assassination attempt confined the Emperor to his chambers. The conflict in his family now over, Andrieu moved to seize more power, capturing and torturing many high officials of the Empire while proclaiming himself to have a new title; “Lord Protector.” After several weeks of implementing erratic policies; seeking to penalize House Kade for the Settlement Act;, damaging the religious establishment of Regalia, and committing other horrific cruelties, Andrieu was defeated by the joined efforts of commoners and nobles of the realm, and was killed shortly before the end of 303 AC.
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|date16          = June 16, 302 AC
==The Reappearance of "Estel"==
|event16        = Declaration Of War On Regalia
On June 2, 303 AC, in the midst of the [[First Songaskian War]], a light-show known to Aloria as the Northern Dance or Njal’s Dance flashed across the sky, the ripples of distortion followed by green and blue coloration flocking out of the northeast. Nearly two months later, a thick fog began to overcome [[Ellador]], followed by sightings of a gigantic moving statue of a woman covered in glowing runes, accompanied by an army of stag-like humanoids with four arms. This Statue attacked the nation of Torse in Eastwynd, laying the kingdom to waste through immense magical power, and triggering a temporary panic in other states. While the Statue proclaimed itself to be Estel, many Teledden and faithful to [[Estelley]] declared this as false, though the Regalian Empire rapidly attached to this narrative. The Empire also quickly moved to combat this threat, sending an army with [[Mage]] assistance to bait, and then attack, this supernatural force on the Curag Fields of Torse. When the Regalian effort stumbled, mysterious warriors and beings appeared, now largely identified as the [[Arken]], who significantly aided the Regalian side. They soon took to battling the Statue directly, and then pulled her into an immense portal, ending the battle and scattering her bestial army.
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:*''For more information on the Battle of the Curag Fields, click [[Battle of the Curag Fields|HERE]]
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|date17          = June 17, 302 AC
==The First Songaskian War==
|event17        = Regalian Civil Activity: Help From Outer Drachenwald
The end of 302 AC was marked by the invasion of the Regalian Archipelago by the Songaskian Masaya who rapidly gained ground in the south. After a failed counter-offensive, the Regalian Empire lost the capital city to occupation by the Songaskians for a few months. After rebellions in their captured territories, Regalian forces attacking their own homeland, and riots in the capital city which caused a huge fire, the Songaskians departed the City of Regalia in a peaceful withdrawal arranged with Imperial leadership. The war carried on overseas, as with a Regalian army aiding the Qadir in southern Farahdeen, a second Regalian force arrived in the north, and began to push on Masayan territory. Progress halted when Prince Cedric Kade, the future Emperor Cedromar I, was unexpectedly captured in battle. The peace deal saw no territory change hands, but sent the Regalians packing, and weakened the Masaya’s leadership. In the aftermath, the Massya unexpectedly died, and the Massya’s brother, a man favored by the nobility for his military prowess, staged a coup against his nephew, whose post-war methods of appeasing Regalia were seen as weak. The young Massya would then flee to Regalia and remain there until the [[Second Songaskian War]].
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:*''For more information on the First Songaskian War, click [[First Songaskian War|HERE]]
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|date18          = June 21, 302 AC
==The First Elven War and Regalian Civil Strife==
|event18        = Regalian Civil Strife: Discontent In Drangental; Riots In The Vultaro Lands; Imperial Affirmation
Upon taking up the office of Crown Prince, Alexander Kade demanded that the Northern Elven Kingdoms, a cluster of states off the west coast of [[Westwynd]], give their property to their Ailor minorities. Many of the nations rejected this, and war broke out across the land. The conflict, sometimes called the First Elven War or the L’Elvellen War, was a wild success as the Regalian Empire retrieved the lost Crown of the World, the ancient crown of the Allorn Empire unknown to be hidden in the region. The enemy nations were also toppled, and new states emerged in their place. While this conflict occurred, however, conflicts back in Corontium between nobles in the south and north saw a significant disruption to normal affairs. Led by an extremely overambitious noblewoman with loose ties to House Kade, and thus their new Imperial title, a rebel noblewoman named Freya Lo led an army of [[Anglian]] and [[Velheim]] levies into the capital where they quickly lost. Defeated, and after taking her own life, Lo was soon entombed deep beneath the capital city. As the summer came to an end, the plots in the south collapsed when the Daendroque Arch Chancellor was forced from office and replaced by a Wirtem. This Daendroque nobleman, Alejandro Anahera, then departed to take up leadership of the Daen Governate.
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:*''For more information on the L’Elvellen War, click [[L'Elvellen War|HERE]]
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|date19          = June 22, 302 AC
==The Ascendency of Alexander Kade==
|event19        = Regalian Civil Strife: Update - Dragenthal, Vultaro, Defenestrations, And More
The dawn of a new age for the Regalian Empire began with the death of Regalian Emperor [[Justinian II]] on April 24, 302 AC, and the signing of the Kade Settlement Act. Signed by Arch Chancellor Moriarty Kade and Emperor Justinian II at the latter’s deathbed, it dictated that males from female descendants could inherit the throne of the Regalian Empire. Because all of Justinian’s children had died, this allowed the throne to pass through his brother’s eldest daughter, Liliane Ivrae-Kade, who had married [[Moriarty Kade]], and to actualize itself in her first-born son, Alexander Kade. The scholarly man was immediately vested as the Crown Prince of Regalia, but did not ascend to the throne until months later.
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|date20          = June 24, 302 AC
|event20        = Calemberg Processions And The Three Kade Host Battles
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|date21          = June 29, 302 AC
|event21        = Closing Of The Elven War: Lenna Bas
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|date22          = July 2, 302 AC
|event22        = Regalian Town Crier Announcements
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|date23        = July 17, 302 AC
|event23        = Orc Pacifist Decree, 7th Of July 302 A C
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|date24          = July 27, 302 AC
|event24        = The Imperial Decree Of June 16th Lifted
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|date25          = August 3, 302 AC
|event25        = The Two Spymasters In Narlas
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|date26          = August 4, 302 AC
|event26        = Regalian Civil Strife: Riots In The Mountain Isles & Thessalonikon
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|date27          = August 8, 302 AC
|event27        = Regalian Civil Strife: Progressions In The Archipel
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|date28          = August 12, 302 AC
|event28        = Regalian Civil Strife: Continuation Of Riots And Political Progressions In The Arhcipel
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|date29          = October 7, 302 AC
|event29        = Diet Summoned In Regalia
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|date30          = October 12, 302 AC
|event30        = The Spymaster In Ikion
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|date31          = October 17, 302 AC
|event31        = The Mystery Of The Bay
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|date32          = October 20, 302 AC
|event32        = Vultaro Is Set On Fire
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|date33          = October 22, 302 AC
|event33        = The Anahera Cordon Sanitaire
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|date34          = October 23, 302 AC
|event34        = The Anahera Cordon Sanitaire Ends
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|date35        = November 9, 302 AC
|event35        = The Death Of The Banshee And The Aftermath
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|date36          = November 21, 302 AC
|event36        = State Of Emergency Declared In Regalia
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|date37          = November 26, 302 AC
|event37        = The First Regalian Counter Offensive
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|date38          = December 17, 302 AC
|event38        = Commune Seizes Control In Nottingham
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{{World Progression
|title = 303 AC
|date1          = January, 303 AC
|event1        = Imperial Proclamation: The State Council's Verdict On Nottinghall
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|date2          = January 15, 303 AC
|event2        = The Defense Of Steinberg
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|date3          = January 29, 303 AC
|event3        = Battle Of The Old Rivergrand
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|date4          = February 2, 303 AC
|event4        = The Breakout Of William Coen
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|date5        = February 10, 303 AC
|event5        = Battle Of The Sudlandet Landing
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|date6          = February 11, 303 AC
|event6        = The Three Failed Rescue Attempts
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|date7          = February 13, 303 AC
|event7        = Orcs, A Shipwreck And Eastern Fury Rescue Attempts
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|date8          = February 17, 303 AC
|event8        = The Flight Of The Gold
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|date9          = February 26, 303 AC
|event9        = Even The Crown Jewel Is Not Safe!
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|date10          = March 1, 303 AC
|event10        = Administrative Proclamation Of The Pashawa
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|date11          = March 10, 303 AC
|event11        = The War Rages On
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|date12          = April 9, 303 AC
|event12        = Battle Of The Pointy Black End
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|date13          = April 17, 303 AC
|event13        = The Crownguard Resistance Makes Their Move
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|date14          = April 22, 303 AC
|event14        = The Lichtblick Fire Incident
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|date15          = April 24, 303 AC
|event15        = The Parlay And Departure
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|date16          = April 30, 302 AC
|event16        = The Suffron Order And The War
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|date17          = May 2, 303 AC
|event17        = The Noble Ball And The Hadravian State
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|date18          = May 8, 303 AC
|event18        = Hadravian War: The Battle Of Aslaqqa
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|date19          = May 8, 303 AC
|event19        = Hadravian War: The Siege Of Watif Esballah
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|date20          = May 11, 303 AC
|event20        = Player Quest: The Search For Cedric Kade
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|date21          = May 15, 303 AC
|event21        = Hadravian War: The Counter Siege Of Watif Esballah
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|date22          = May 15, 303 AC
|event22        = Culture Progression: The Brigeaudeaux Fashion Incident
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|date23        = May 24, 303 AC
|event23        = Hadravian War: Prince Isdevli's Failed Counter Attack
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|date24          = June 2, 303 AC
|event24        = World Event: Mershell's Dance
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|date25          = June 3, 303 AC
|event25        = Hadravian War: The Coen Miracle
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|date26          = June 4, 303 AC
|event26        = Hadravian War: The Turning Point
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|date27          = June 19, 303 AC
|event27        = Hadravian War: Peace & Arch Chancellorship
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|date28          = June 27, 303 AC
|event28        = Regalian Politics: The First Election Tally
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|date29          = July 13, 303 AC
|event29        = Regalian Politics: Third Tally For The Elections
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|date30          = July 18, 303 AC
|event30        = Regalian Politics: The State Elections
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|date31          = July 21, 303 AC
|event31        = Player Quest: The Typhonus Burgh Break-in
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|date32          = July 21, 303 AC
|event32        = Player Quest: The Black Carrack Misses Its Mark
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|date33          = July 26, 303 AC
|event33        = Imperial Proclamation: State Council Proceedings On The Violet Commander And The Old Gods Temple
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|date34          = July 30, 303 AC
|event34        = World Event: The Lone Fisher
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|date35        = August 1, 303 AC
|event35        = Player Quest: The Santorski Rallies Support
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|date36          = August 5, 303 AC
|event36        = World Event: The Fall Of The Arizon Brag
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|date37          = August 9, 303 AC
|event37        = Player Quest: The Dance Of The Evil Night
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|date38          = August 10, 303 AC
|event38        = Imperial Proclamation: The Realm Mobilizes
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|date39          = August 17, 303 AC
|event39        = World Event: The Curag Fields
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|date40          = August 20, 303 AC
|event40        = World Event: Battle Of The Curag Fields
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|date41          = September 6, 303 AC
|event41        = Player Quest: The Black Expedition To Jorrhildr
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|date42          = September 10, 303 AC
|event42        = Regalian Politics: The Diet Of Calemberg
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|date43          = September 11, 303 AC
|event43        = Player Quest: The Coen Predator Becomes The Kyanprat Prey
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|date44          = September 13, 303 AC
|event44        = Regalian Politics: The Resignation Of The Arch-Chancellor
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|date45          = September 15, 303 AC
|event45        = Regalian Politics: The Second Arch-Chancellor Election!
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|date46          = October 11, 303 AC
|event46        = World Event: The Eleventh Creed
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|date47          = October 24, 303 AC
|event47        = The Dying Light And The Darkness
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|date48          = November 4, 303 AC
|event48        = Brother Against Brother
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|date49          = November 14, 303 AC
|event49        = Passage Of Law And Armies
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|date50          =November 20 , 303 AC
|event50        = World Event: The Defilée Of Defiling
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|date51          = November 27, 303 AC
|event51        = Player Quest: Scavenging An Elven Ruin By Krakenlord01
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|date52          = December 6, 303 AC
|event52        = From Kinslayer To Stateslayer
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|date53          = December 13, 303 AC
|event53        = The Fracture Of The State Continues
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|date54          = December 23, 303 AC
|event54        = Anahera Victories In The Field
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|date55          = December 25, 303 AC
|event55        = The End Of The Year: Act 1
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|date56          = December 25, 303 AC
|event56        = The End Of The Year: Act 2
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|date57          = December 25, 303 AC
|event57        = The End Of The Year: Act 3
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|date58          = December 25, 303 AC
|event58        = The End Of The Year: Act 4
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Latest revision as of 19:22, 9 July 2024

Massivecraft’s Roleplay scene has been intact for over 8 years. In this time, many plot-changing story progressions have taken place (referred to as World Progressions), sometimes making it difficult to understand the recent history of Aloria. Here is a summary of Massivecraft's World Progressions throughout its history. All events are listed from most recent to oldest, meaning the further down the page you go, the longer ago an event happened. For a more in-depth reading of World Progression Events, please look at our Forum Section.

The Current Time

The year is now 311 AC. The Emperor, Alexander I, remains missing, and despite efforts to locate him, nothing concrete has emerged. The Regalian Empire's government has rearranged itself, with the Imperial Family stepping in to help rule the Empire as a form of imperial leadership, while politics beneath them have also realigned. Affairs in Aloria's north are messy, while elsewhere, Demons of all dimensions are beginning to surge in number. The reborn Allorn Empire appears to be turning its eyes toward Regalia after focusing on other affairs in recent years. Overall, the dawn of the new year promises much to come across the world.

The Bralona Invasion

In the early fall of 310 AC, the City of Regalia was suddenly invaded and attacked by a Race previously lost to the wider world, known as the Bralona. Isolated on a far away island called Justinia, they appeared in the capital. In a dramatic reveal, they sought to kill the Emperor of Regalia, only to discover he had been swapped for a Slizzar. Despite this set-back, and unaware of the political waves they made at this discovery, the Bralona set about conquering the city and seeking out all possible sources of knowledge. The High Command occupied an array of buildings, emptied libraries, and built bizarre machines to change the weather and more. However, as time went on, some Bralona of their number grew skeptical of their mission, and eventually, rebels from the distant homeland arrived to help instigate an uprising in the Bralona's ranks. This coincided with various groups from across the capital moving on Bralona operations, and in the end, the High Command retreated after a little over a month of controlling the capital. They were not defeated, however, and those Bralona who remained are often viewed with suspicion on possible motivations for them staying put.

The Vampire Insurrection

Following a period of political action and conflict between the different Noble Houses of Corontium in 309 AC, the end of the summer saw the sudden unleashing of Vampires and their allies onto the City of Regalia. With barely any warning, many nobles became trapped and on the run, while the government attempted to deny the Vampires as much knowledge as was possible. Over the course of two months, looting, sacrifices, betrayals and conflict raged, ultimately culminating in a huge fight with Regalian forces who had surrounded the Crown Isle moving in to help end the Void-aligned threats. A number of other magical events took place, as deities of several faiths and beings of several dimensions appeared and performed a range of actions. In the end, hundreds died, hundreds more were freshly turned, and there was much to be rebuilt after the Vampire Dreadfort had leveled parts of the city to the ground throughout the occupation.

The Sendrassian War

Affairs in the south called Regalian attention to their Allar holdings in 308 AC, and held them there until 309 AC. The Sendrassian Allar had finally made larger moves across the straits that divided them from the rest of Hadar and were now engaged in fierce conflict with the Hadarian Allar, their ancient rivals from a long-passed civil war. The Regalians proceeded to defend the region, but ultimately only found a mixed success rate. Difficulties with the terrain and against an array of strange, exotic beasts or creatures at the command of the Sendrassians proved highly detrimental to the Regalian war effort, while excellent generalship, and continued efforts at innovation staved off some of the worst possibilities of defeat. As the war continued on, disease also became a problem, and a massive conflict where Dragons came into play on both sides presented a rare, though not unseen spectacle for many. Ultimately, it was not the Regalians who caused the war to end, but the Sendrassians themselves. Word reached them of the rebirth of the Allorn Empire, an act heralded by the apparent return of Empress Talea, alongside struggles within the Sendrassian Empire's leadership, with many warlords proceeding back to their homeland to reinforce their state, and their own claims to power. The Hadarian Allar then firmly told the Regalians to leave, taking over their role of guarding what were now a string of border islands between Hadarian Allar and Sendrassian Allar control. This conflict is seen as a Regalian defeat, and a civil war amidst the Hadarian Allar soon began between factions with varying opinions on the Regalian Empire.

  • For more information on the Sendrassian War, click HERE

The Clicker Crisis

A mysterious meteor fell from the sky to the outskirts of the City of Regalia near the end of 307 AC. Even after its arrival, it remained enigmatic, but it soon unleashed a plague of creatures known as Clickers (due to their vocalizations) on the capital. Invisible at first and tall, with wicked claws and gaping maw, the Clickers spread across Corontium and were barely being held off as it seemed that nothing could defeat them. However, due to magical events within the City of Regalia, the creatures became visible, and a concerted effort by various factions of the capital's citizenry worked to purge the creatures from Aloria. Explosives of an advanced design were armed and used to destroy the vile nest the creatures had been building under the capital of the Empire, but it was still not enough. Users of Magic had to drain a mysterious crystal at the heart of the city which the Clickers had been defending, while elsewhere a machine entity known as The Conduit activated and temporarily dispatched thousands of robotic drones out to fight the Clickers. The crystal was soon drained, and with that, the Clickers collapsed to dust.

The Dread War

The Regalian Empire was thrown into battle against the Dread Empire in 307 AC, with a vast united front seeking to push the Kathar out of Teledden lands. Aided by Eronidas, Teledden and other forces, Regalian armies marched to protect a region in the south of Allorn territory, though the final battle was one for the ages thanks to the appearance of Rikkira (now known as Renita), also called the Dread Dragon, on the side of the Kathar. She and Cedric Kade did battle in their Dragon and humanoid forms, but the battle came to an end when both vanished, and the Kathar lost the initiative. At the same time, the collective push from the Regalian and Teledden forced the Kathar back further. Due to her political failure, the Dread Empress was ousted, forcing many Kathar forces to return home to support the candidate of their choosing. In the aftermath of the conflict, the Regalians failed to win the former Allorn states to their side, and so the Teledden quickly broke away and ignored Regalia’s role in freeing them of their plight.

  • For more information on the Dread War, click HERE

The Anglian Mist

Without warning, as leaders from across the Empire gathered at an important council in Anglia, something awoke. A vast cloud of time-halting mist covered much of that land, trapping many important government officials from House Kade within. This Mist remained in Anglia for several months, and ultimately ended through mysterious means. Emperor Alexander I re-ascended the throne after this ordeal, though he had to reknit a generally weakened Regalian Empire through various political maneuvers due to the struggles of the past few months.

The Second Elven War: Stage 2

With Rikkira (nowadays called Renita) gone from the capital city, a new offensive was launched by the Regalian Empire against the Elves. Unfortunately, this offensive soon produced contact with another enemy; the Kathar. This Void Worshiping Race, and their Dread Empire, had been invading southern Allorn lands for several months, and their Void Towers helped to spread their corruption outward. Forced to retreat from their offensives, the Regalian push on the front ground to a halt once again. A peace was ultimately concluded to allow both Teledden and Regalian forces to focus on the attacking Kathar.

  • For more information on the Second Elven War, click HERE

The Return of Dragons

While the war against the Elves continued in a stalemate, domestic strife had come to the forefront of Regalian life. The seeming return of the Dragons as a force to be reckoned with had all of the City of Regalia on edge. Rikkira (Renita), a Dragon who could transform into a regally-dressed Ailor woman, and her many Arken Lieutenants, seemed intent on enslaving the entire Regalian populace to usher forth a new world order; one seated by the Dragons. Regalia was surprised when a second Dragon shared blows with Rikkira, and it was ultimately revealed to be a newly empowered Emperor Cedromar I. For some reason, Rikkira then vanished, last seen flying away from Corontium while Cedromar I no longer hid his abilities, becoming the Dragon Emperor and rallying Regalia around his new power.

The Second Elven War: Stage 1

The Second Elven War began in 306 AC when xenophobic Regalian officials launched a preemptive attack from Daendroque territory in an assault on gathering forces of Teledden in a nearby Allorn state. The results were ultimately a slaughter for this Regalian army, and it triggered an aggressive response from many Allorn principalities. To make up for their loss of face, a large Regalian invasion was launched, but it sadly saw cruelties and genocide enacted against the local Elves and the destruction of religious and cultural objects as numorous cities fell to the Regalians. These actions only rallied further Elven support, and the conflict began to bog down into a stalemate as the modern technologies of the Regalians met the ancient Magic of the Teledden and their allies. Ultimately, the Second Elven War continued on without a clear victory in sight.

  • For more information on the Second Elven War, click HERE

The Second Songaskian War

The Regalian Empire began their invasion of Farahdeen in the summer of 305 AC. Much had changed since Regalia’s last war with the Songaskians; they were now led by the uncle of the previous Massya, while Regalia was led by a new Emperor, and affairs like the Bone Horror Crisis had weakened both parties. Cedromar I Kade led many sieges personally, and often ordered the slaughter of the Songaskian nobility and peasantry before crowds of the military elite to raise war morale and intimidate the enemy. The Songaskia would either surrender, or face unprecedented brutality from the Military Emperor. As a result of the immense destruction wrought by the Regalian Empire, some of the Songaskian Pearl Cities began rising up in rebellion against the usurper Massya, who eventually consolidated his power eastward. In response, the Regalian Empire curiously abandoned their offensives, leaving the territory they had captured and the surviving Songaskian captives to the now returned young Massya, delivered to Farahdeen by the Regalians. The civil war that followed was relatively bloodless, but technically eliminated a Regalian enemy from the playing field, and broke the Magic Covenant. In the years since this action, however, the young Massya has grown into a young man with little to no favoritism for Regalia, while his uncle and the former usurper, still alive, has ironically turned to courting Regalia. It is uncertain if this outcome was ever Cedromar’s intent. Regardless, in the short term, peace came again to the Regalian Empire, though it did not last.

  • For more information on the Second Songaskian War, click HERE

The Ascendency of Cedromar Kade and the Crown Alliance

When the Deathling Occupation came to an end, Alexander I began to turn away from the military toward diplomats and cultural figures. In reaction, a conservative coup was launched by former Arch Chancellor Ulric Typhonus and his allies, though their effort was swiftly defeated. In response, Alexander I abdicated the throne, but passed over his own sons to instead bestow the title of Emperor to his younger brother, Cedric Kade, who took the throne as Cedromar I on April 14, 305 AC. Cedromar I reinforced his ties to the military, but those still loyal to Alexander’s way of thinking supported efforts at diplomacy. Cedromar surprisingly allowed this, and Baron Bonace Tylleronde headed the idea of the Crown Alliance: An Ailor-led coalition of Races bent on securing Aloria for the Regalian Empire. Tylleronde immediately wooed the Allar and Qadir, whose scholars sought Regalia’s protection, while he soon also brought the Asha into the fold. In response, the Songaskian Masaya and many of the Teledden and Fin’ullen principalities in the west created the Magic Covenant, united by their use of Magic, ancient heritage but also dislike of Regalia. The Dread Empire immediately made moves for an invasion of their neighbors, rejecting their efforts, while the Maquixtl, Yanar and their local allies of the Ularen Plains formed the Wild Union to protect against their enemies. New lines were drawn between the nations of Aloria.

The Bone Horror Crisis and Deathling Occupation

The effects of the Battle of Curag Fields came into full force in 304 AC. The Kingdom of Arlora, heavily in debt to the Regalian Empire thanks to the purchase of emergency supplies when the Statue appeared, and also furious that their attempt to claim land from their devastated rival Torse was being blocked by the Regalian Empire (who Torse had now joined), declared war against the larger state. The Regalians in turn invaded the Arloran position on a cliffed coastline of the Eastwynd state. The battle was a major victory, with the Arloran king and his royal guard captured, triggering a mass surrender. While Isldar warriors appeared and tried to reach the king which the Regalians fended off, suddenly, the king performed an unknown act, whispering unheard words and summoning the Statue before himself and his royal guard. The being transformed the royal and his loyal servants into a group later called the Midnight Court, and the Court enacted another ritual which suddenly began to revive the battlefield’s dead as a new unliving threat. Not normal Undead, these Bone Horrors proved impossible to kill, hideous amalgamations of flesh and bone who constantly reformed when struck down.

The Court and the Statue then vanished, and beams of light arced over the skies of Aloria, with roughly one for each major populated continent. However, a strange purple dome appeared over Corontium and prevented both the beam of light from reaching the region, as well as prevented access by the Bone Horrors. The Regalian forces, meanwhile, evacuated Eastwynd with the fleeing Arlorans, as their nation was just as devastated as their neighbor, and they successfully found safe harbor in the heart of the Regalian Empire. While it took months, a unique technology called the Alaru Addir created by Qadir collaborating with the Empire allowed the Bone Horrors to be defeated completely from a distance, while a strange purple pulse also washed over the world, originating from the Corontium dome, which meant the Bone Horrors could no longer reform once struck down. Then, after the Regalian Reconquest Armies marched from Corontium to take back their infested lands, the Midnight Court appeared and resurrected Freya Lo as a shade of her prior self in the form of a Deathling. Some aspect of the people they once were, with ashen skin and stark blue eyes, the Deathlings multiplied and spread across the capital city. They were resisted, and in the end, the death of Freya Lo’s risen form caused all Deathlings to also perish. As the dome above Corontium vanished, Regalia slowly restored order to its part of the world while other nations successfully did so as well.

  • For more information on the Bone Horror Crisis, click HERE

The Anahera Rebellion

The victory at the Battle of the Curag Fields wore heavily, not only on the state of Regalia but also upon its people. The Wirtem Arch Chancellor appointed the year prior resigned, and the younger brother to the office’s prior holder took the position. Andrieu Anahera’s first act was to execute his brother Alejandro for supposed treason by supporting rebel elements across the Daen Governate, gaining multiple titles but also triggering a small familial civil war. While this went on, an assassination attempt confined the Emperor to his chambers. The conflict in his family now over, Andrieu moved to seize more power, capturing and torturing many high officials of the Empire while proclaiming himself to have a new title; “Lord Protector.” After several weeks of implementing erratic policies; seeking to penalize House Kade for the Settlement Act;, damaging the religious establishment of Regalia, and committing other horrific cruelties, Andrieu was defeated by the joined efforts of commoners and nobles of the realm, and was killed shortly before the end of 303 AC.

The Reappearance of "Estel"

On June 2, 303 AC, in the midst of the First Songaskian War, a light-show known to Aloria as the Northern Dance or Njal’s Dance flashed across the sky, the ripples of distortion followed by green and blue coloration flocking out of the northeast. Nearly two months later, a thick fog began to overcome Ellador, followed by sightings of a gigantic moving statue of a woman covered in glowing runes, accompanied by an army of stag-like humanoids with four arms. This Statue attacked the nation of Torse in Eastwynd, laying the kingdom to waste through immense magical power, and triggering a temporary panic in other states. While the Statue proclaimed itself to be Estel, many Teledden and faithful to Estelley declared this as false, though the Regalian Empire rapidly attached to this narrative. The Empire also quickly moved to combat this threat, sending an army with Mage assistance to bait, and then attack, this supernatural force on the Curag Fields of Torse. When the Regalian effort stumbled, mysterious warriors and beings appeared, now largely identified as the Arken, who significantly aided the Regalian side. They soon took to battling the Statue directly, and then pulled her into an immense portal, ending the battle and scattering her bestial army.

  • For more information on the Battle of the Curag Fields, click HERE

The First Songaskian War

The end of 302 AC was marked by the invasion of the Regalian Archipelago by the Songaskian Masaya who rapidly gained ground in the south. After a failed counter-offensive, the Regalian Empire lost the capital city to occupation by the Songaskians for a few months. After rebellions in their captured territories, Regalian forces attacking their own homeland, and riots in the capital city which caused a huge fire, the Songaskians departed the City of Regalia in a peaceful withdrawal arranged with Imperial leadership. The war carried on overseas, as with a Regalian army aiding the Qadir in southern Farahdeen, a second Regalian force arrived in the north, and began to push on Masayan territory. Progress halted when Prince Cedric Kade, the future Emperor Cedromar I, was unexpectedly captured in battle. The peace deal saw no territory change hands, but sent the Regalians packing, and weakened the Masaya’s leadership. In the aftermath, the Massya unexpectedly died, and the Massya’s brother, a man favored by the nobility for his military prowess, staged a coup against his nephew, whose post-war methods of appeasing Regalia were seen as weak. The young Massya would then flee to Regalia and remain there until the Second Songaskian War.

  • For more information on the First Songaskian War, click HERE

The First Elven War and Regalian Civil Strife

Upon taking up the office of Crown Prince, Alexander Kade demanded that the Northern Elven Kingdoms, a cluster of states off the west coast of Westwynd, give their property to their Ailor minorities. Many of the nations rejected this, and war broke out across the land. The conflict, sometimes called the First Elven War or the L’Elvellen War, was a wild success as the Regalian Empire retrieved the lost Crown of the World, the ancient crown of the Allorn Empire unknown to be hidden in the region. The enemy nations were also toppled, and new states emerged in their place. While this conflict occurred, however, conflicts back in Corontium between nobles in the south and north saw a significant disruption to normal affairs. Led by an extremely overambitious noblewoman with loose ties to House Kade, and thus their new Imperial title, a rebel noblewoman named Freya Lo led an army of Anglian and Velheim levies into the capital where they quickly lost. Defeated, and after taking her own life, Lo was soon entombed deep beneath the capital city. As the summer came to an end, the plots in the south collapsed when the Daendroque Arch Chancellor was forced from office and replaced by a Wirtem. This Daendroque nobleman, Alejandro Anahera, then departed to take up leadership of the Daen Governate.

  • For more information on the L’Elvellen War, click HERE

The Ascendency of Alexander Kade

The dawn of a new age for the Regalian Empire began with the death of Regalian Emperor Justinian II on April 24, 302 AC, and the signing of the Kade Settlement Act. Signed by Arch Chancellor Moriarty Kade and Emperor Justinian II at the latter’s deathbed, it dictated that males from female descendants could inherit the throne of the Regalian Empire. Because all of Justinian’s children had died, this allowed the throne to pass through his brother’s eldest daughter, Liliane Ivrae-Kade, who had married Moriarty Kade, and to actualize itself in her first-born son, Alexander Kade. The scholarly man was immediately vested as the Crown Prince of Regalia, but did not ascend to the throne until months later.