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Aloria is rich in both fauna and flora. This page specifically is dedicated to all recorded, extinct or still living, plants that grow in the world of Aloria. All plants are split into their relevant categories. Keep in mind that this list is not final and will be added to when necessary.  
Aloria is rich in flora, which sprouts and thrives in all sorts of environments. This page specifically is dedicated to the broad range of plant life which grows and thrives across the many continents. Aloria is full of real-world plants and the lack of entries for plantlife like orchids or poison ivy does not discount them from the lore. We trust players to moderate how and where these flora exist, whether that be in their backstory, or in events.

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|title = Flowers
|title = Flowers

|flora1      = [[Black Orchid]]
|flora1      = [[Chrysant Flower]]
|flora1desc  = The Black Orchid is a flower that has long been a part of the island nation of [[Kilarallis]]. It was originally discovered by the [[Elven Empire]], who found the plant distasteful and so spread the negative opinion on to their slaves. After the [[Cataclysm]] however, it became a popular dye ingredient on the island which soon spread offland to the [[Regalian Empire]] due to the rich and dark purples the flower could produce. Kilarallis now guards this source of income zealously, sending agents and spies out after those who steal the plant or who cultivate stolen seeds or specimens. Despite this dark practice, the Black Orchid remains a positive symbol of Kilarallis.  
|flora1desc  = The beautiful Chrysant Flower was once one of the most populous blooms of [[Hadar]], growing plentiful on the region’s many islands and appearing as an important symbol of the [[Slizzar]] to the wider world. By the time the [[Chrysant War]] had come to an end, however, the flower had been transformed into a symbol of victory for the [[Regalian Empire]] and a reminder of the past for the [[Allar]] and Slizzar. To this day, the Regalian Empire proudly uses this flower as a constant reminder of their victory, despite the fact that the [[Regalian]]s nearly drove the flower to extinction. Despite this, the Slizzar cannot let go of this most favored flower due to its key uses and symbolism in their faith and society.

|flora2     = [[Cérá-ac’íon Flower]]
|flora2     = [[Ruby Flower]]
|flora2desc = Cérá-ac’íon Flowers are rare, if not mythical, flowers said to be able to cure [[Vampirism]] simply by orally ingesting it. Unfortunately, this flower exclusively grows in the ruins of the [[Altalar]] city of Antíël’ígӧ, which is straddled by both the Wolond Walds and the Stone Forest, deadly regions of [[Teled Methen]]. It has been years since any have found and tested the supposed major use of the flower, and so it remains largely a myth among the scholars and botanists of the world, even if many Altalar and [[Yanar]] still believe in its existence.
|flora2desc = The Ruby Flower is a familiar sight to many due to its vast spread across [[Aloria]] in various forms from an origin point in [[Altaleï]]. This species of marigold thrives in the wild, and can also be used to decorate a range of spaces due to its brilliant color schemes, but it is probably best known for its medicinal properties. It has a broad range of applications, and is used in many simple remedies, cures and more for simple ailments, or as a first step in treating more serious problems. Thus, it will likely continue to thrive for many centuries to come.

|flora3     = [[Chrysant Flower]]
|flora3     = [[Avinla Blossom]]
|flora3desc = The beautiful Chrysant Flower was once one of the most populous flowers of Hadar. The plant commonly grew in southern Hadar and appeared as an important part of [[Nessrassian]] festivals and Allar traditions across the island groups. By the time the [[Chrysant War]] had come to an end however, the flower was transformed into a symbol of victory for the [[Regalian Empire]] and a painful reminder of the past for the Allar and Slizzar. To this day, the Regalian Empire proudly uses the flower as a constant reminder of their victory, despite the fact that the Regalians nearly drove the flower to extinction following the war.
|flora3desc = Avinla Spice is an exotic creation formed by what are commonly said to have been the tears of the [[Estelley]] goddess Avinla. When the droplets fell to the earth, the Spice was born, both with a blend of explosive flavors and the capacity to impart hallucinations of events from the longstanding [[Suvial]]-[[Kathar]] conflict. The plant is heavily guarded and remains enclosed to the site known as Dravinda’s Garden, where an elite group of warriors and mages restricts access. Simultaneously, the nearby city’s leadership has also legislated very harsh restrictions on the plant’s availability and to whom.
|flora4      = [[Dragonflower]]
|flora4desc  = Dragonflowers are a prolific plant that has blossomed across disparate parts of [[Aloria]] for millennia. Known for their fiery colors and lust for water, the plants have been attached to many deities and systems of belief over the years. They are also best known for their uses in spicing culinary creations, but can also form fine, flashy dyes and brighten up any home. The plant’s broad spread has only grown with time, and many have embraced it as a symbol to ignite a passion in cooking, fashion, or one’s home.
|flora5      = [[Dormdir Bulb]]
|flora5desc  = A plant native to [[Essalonia]] with a dense bulb of purple or purple-blue petals, Dormdir Bulb went undiscovered to wider [[Aloria]] for centuries. Only recently has it been discovered, and now grows in popularity as a symbol of the continent. It is only valued for its decorative nature, due to its lack of a strong scent or taste to give it other uses.
|flora6      = [[Fly Orchid]]
|flora6desc  = A delicate and rather unassuming plant, the Fly Orchid was once a common, ordinary piece of flora. When the Cataclysm came, it was granted a strange new ability. Found out in fields, [[Ithanian]] vineyards, and farms across the continent, it releases sweet scents to attract insects to it’s center and away from other plants. It can also be used to create a useful bug poison is broken down.
|flora7    = [[Friblomst]]
|flora7desc = The Friblomst survives and thrives in cold forests across [[The North Belt]] and other northern regions of Aloria. Due to the long war between the [[Kingdom of Nordskag]] and [[Hvitskag Horde]], it has become a symbol of [[Velheim]] independence, though many others see its ability to survive despite the harsh cold as significant. It frequently serves as a decorative feature in the homes of those affluent in the north, but also at regional weddings.
|flora8    = [[Lady’s Shine]]
|flora8desc = Known throughout [[Aloria]] as a miracle herb, the most prominent feature of Lady’s Shine is its ability to counteract most toxins barring the more potent like [[Nightshade]] or [[Jīnyú dú]] which have cures far more specialized. Lady’s Shine is a flower of great renown to the [[Altalar]] as it is a cultural symbol, that of their heritage and lost empire. To the [[Cielothar]], they revere Lady’s Shine as a spiritual flower given to them by Ceá’llë-maenë.
|flora9    = [[Lorwick Thistle]]
|flora9desc = Lorwick Thistles are an invasive species of weed found in eastern [[Daendroc]] and the island of [[Kilarallis]]. They are a particularly large and fast-growing breed of thistle that can be used as a defensive hedge with proper maintenance, but can also become problematic as they have a tendency to grow rapidly and engulf the land around them if left unchecked, pushing out other native species. Lorwick Thistles have vibrant flowers that, along with the rest of their menacing appearance, have earned them some interesting nicknames.
|flora10    = [[Nightshade]]
|flora10desc = Nearly every skilled assassin and well-educated aristocrat has heard of the deadly plant known as Nightshade. Known as the “Death Blossom” among the [[Qadir]], the plant originated on their continent and took on new meaning among the [[Songaskians]] who conquered the [[Sariyd Empire]] after the [[Great Storm]]. To the wider Alorian populace, Nightshade first came into focus after a rash of mysterious assassinations across [[Daen]] in 140 AC, and ever since then, the plant has been viewed as suspicious to own, even if one has no intention of using its dark abilities.
|flora11    = [[Poppy]]
|flora11desc = The Poppy is an old flower tied back to [[Daen]] history and the [[Allorn Empire]]. Poppies are believed to have been discovered by explorers of the Allorn Empire in Daen, centuries before the events of the [[Cataclysm]] took place. The plant was then discovered to be processable into an effective stress and pain relieving drug known as Opium. It came to be used by many cultures, most notably those under the sway of the [[Regalian Empire]], who were introduced to it by the [[Daendroque]] descendants of some of the slaves who originally cared for the plant. The plant is also notable for being the product which helped put [[House Anahera]] on the map.
|flora12    = [[Daisy]]
|flora12desc = The Daisy is the most common flower in [[Aloria]], existing on almost every continent, and has likely existed for as long as life has flourished in this world. There are several varieties, with several different color schemes and minor physical differences, but all can ultimately be called Daisies. Their sole purpose in Aloria today is for decoration, as they rarely taste good in food and their ancient medicinal uses have since been superseded by vastly superior flora and modern techniques.
|flora13    = [[Ruby Flower]]
|flora13desc = The Ruby Flower is a common sight to both [[Nelfin]] and [[Humans]]. It is the most elementary herb used in the healing arts, capable of alleviating a wide variety of illnesses. The flower is a type of marigold with a deep red color, said to be blessed by the [[Altalar]] deity Orelaben. Today, the flower is heavily cultivated and used by all healers.
|flora14    = [[Song Flower]]
|flora14desc = Song Flowers are crystalline musical plants native to the thick forests and mineral-rich mountains of [[Fendarfelle]]. Also known as ''Twilight Flowers,'' they emit a pleasant ringing tone twice a day during dawn and dusk. As a natural curiosity, they have been imported and cultivated as ornamental plants in gardens all over the world.
|flora15    = [[Torsian Rose]]
|flora15desc = The Torsian Rose is native to [[Essalonia]] and was once confined only to the nation of [[Torse]], leading to its name. This pale pink-colored flower grows from shrubs, which also produce red hips that have several uses. The plant is also considered to be a physical representation of good Soldi by the Kingdom of Torse and has long been a symbol for their people of their justness in the face of constant warfare with [[Arlora]]. But that foe is now long dead and so their beliefs are now more general in what the plant represents.
|flora16    = [[Water Lily]]
|flora16desc = Often included in water decoration, the Water Lily is a fast growing aquatic plant that is found throughout Aloria’s still waters. Though pretty, the Water Lily is classified as an invasive species in many areas due to its ability to cover the surface of entire bodies of water. In truth, the plant originated in the [[Daen]] continent, though the flower was artificially spread as people began planting it as decoration, often unaware of its hardiness and viciously fast growth. Today, the Water Lily is seen in most developed parts of Aloria, carefully tended as seemingly delicate decoration.
|flora17    = [[Axford Maiden]]
|flora17desc = Sitting among flower beds all over the [[Regalian Empire]] can be found the Axford Maiden, a petite tulip most commonly heralded by the ladies of nobility, who cultivate the plant for its delicate perfume. It has long been a flower of [[Anglia]] and [[House Kade]], whose center of power gave the flower its current name in [[Common]]. The petals of the bloom can be used to create a delightful perfume commonly worn by young ladies and their attendants, though it has been shown to cause respiratory issues with the more beastial Races of [[Aloria]], such as the [[Url]].
|flora18    = [[Emperor's Pride]]
|flora18desc = Emperor’s Pride is a purple flower that grows across the [[Regalian Empire]] well known for its ties to the Imperial Family and the faith of [[Unionism]]. A simple wildflower, its ascent to importance has also seen it have a wide variety of uses, from a symbol of allegiance to ue as a weaker strain of Opium.
|flora19    = [[Triclone Orchid]]
|flora19desc = For centuries, the Triclone Orchid has been an aid to both healers and commoners alike. With its powerful numbing capabilities, the intricate flower has become a staple in healing clinics and medicine cabinets. It was first discovered in the [[Dorinn]] region of the [[Regalian Archipelago]], where the orchid continues to thrive today. The Triclone Orchid grows high up in the mountains, where it is cultivated by the Dorinn monks which take residence there. Its unique name stems from the fact that the orchid flower branches into three identical buds, creating an odd yet aesthetically unique flower.
|flora20    = [[Saaktus Flower]]
|flora20desc = Saaktus Flowers are unique plants that are ignored by [[Oorl Worms]] to the degree that carrying or wearing a salve of the plant is enough to prevent possible victims of the [[Url]] transformation from turning into the bovine [[Race]]. For this reason, they are loathed by many [[Jorrhildr]]-native Url, and have been a major trade good for the [[Velheim]] [[Ailor]] of Jorrhildr, who sell them to the [[Regalian Empire]] for a tidy profit. The plant allows the Empire to treat with Url relatively safely, and allows for monitors and observers of Oorl Worms involved in the creation of Url Legions for the [[Regalian Military]] to avoid the fate they watch happen to others.
|flora21    = [[Voluun Flower]]
|flora21desc = The Voluun Flower is a relatively common flower that has been known for centuries, though its usage was only recently uncovered by the [[Races]] of the world. A naturally sticky flower, with small hairs trapping insects and more along its surface, the Flower’s processed form can create a putty-like substance when combined with paints. The [[Cult of Order]] makes use of this substance in the worship of one of their deities, [[Do’llah]], though junior potters and children also utilize it to help teach them skills in pottery.
|flora22    = [[Dravinda Spice]]
|flora22desc = Dravinda Spice is an exotic creation formed by the droplets of blue liquid from the hand of an [[Unwritten God]] native to the [[Sundial Isles]] and the [[Suvial Altalar]]. When these droplets fell into her garden, a new species of plant was born, both with a blend of explosive flavors and the capacity to impart hallucinations of events from the longstanding [[Suvial]]-[[Kathar]] conflict. The plant is heavily guarded and remains enclosed to the site known as [[Dravinda’s Garden]], where an elite group of warriors and mages restricts access. Simultaneously, the city’s leadership has also legislated very harsh restrictions on the plant’s availability and to whom.
|flora23    = [[Violet-wing Flower]]
|flora23desc = Violet-wing Flowers are deep purple flowers, sometimes with white edging on their petals, native to the ancient region of [[Solleria]] in the [[Regalian Empire]]. Shaped almost uncannily like an [[Elven]] ear, the plant has grown to be a symbol of [[Sinavaal]], an [[Unwritten God]] of the [[Altalar]] people and a [[Hero of Unionism]]. The flower has also become associated with the same characteristic of Sinavaal, loyalty, and is often used to decorate and signify allegiance to the [[Regalian State]] in [[Nelfin]] across the [[Regalian Archipelago]] and sometimes, the broader Empire.
|flora24    = [[Ullaline]]
|flora24desc = Ullaline is a unique crop grown on plantations across [[Daen]] for the culinary market. The flower and its byproduct became popular as the [[Teledden Altalar]] subrace developed an aversion to salt; the fine white seeds of the Ullaline flower have a similar taste to salt, though without whatever element the Teledden find so abhorrent. As a result, it exploded in popularity and is now a major crop across the Daen continent. This has resulted in normal salt often being disregarded, with it existing in such abundance that it is often a cheaper alternative than the Ullaline byproduct.
|flora25    = [[Rouzhelle]]
|flora25desc = The Rouzhelle is an innocent little flower, native to a land almost as bloody as its petals seem to be. The ruby-red color makes the Rouzhelle popular in dye making and its scent lends itself well to perfumes, both of which the [[Leutz-Vixe]] people take ample pride in. Its discovery is hotly contested, much like the lands the Leutz-Vixe currently live on, as the [[Dvala]] claim to have found the Rouzhelle first. Much like both peoples, though, this little flower has spread across the lands as a common, pretty little flower often found for luck.
|flora26    = [[Lullalys]]
|flora26desc = The Lullalys is known for its colorful annual blooming season that lasts throughout the month of June. It has been used to induce drowsiness for generations by the [[Breizh]] [[Ailor]], and is a visually appealing bloom that is celebrated for its remarkable hues. Boasting a full spectrum of color-changing petals, the Lullalys is not only something many Breizh enjoy in their home through the long-lasting blooming phase but also a significant part of the local medical field as a treatment for restless sleep.
|flora27    = [[Sandlet Blomst]]
|flora27desc = Sandlet Blomst are a species of [[Flora]] native to the continent of [[Farah’deen]], where it thrives in the humid, sandy dunes. Noted for its bitter Sandlet Berries, it is an uncommon plant outside of Farah’deen, though Songaskians have carried it far from home to their new ones abroad. First discovered by a member of the [[Sariyd Empire]], the [[Songaskians]] took the major role in cultivating and using the plant. Its petals are formed into a bowl shape to collect moisture on the rare occasion it rains, and its roots are known to extend up to five feet into the soil.  

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|title = Trees
|title = Trees

|flora1     = [[Allú'tornë]]
|flora1      = [[Drachenwald Nuttree]]
|flora1desc  = An all-around beneficial, if temperamental, tree, the Allú'tornë is a staple in the jungles of [[Daen]], and now those of [[Hadaria]]. Its practical uses are limited to lumber and a form of fabric, but it has been used for these products for centuries by the [[Elves]] and other parties in Daen and Hadaria. Its thorny bark and fragrant flowers represent to many the dichotomous nature of the jungle, equal parts beauty and “danger” though most sentient Races know well enough to not cut themselves on these natural defenses. In the present day, it grows wild in warm, wet climates, waiting to be harvested each spring.
|flora1desc = The Drachenwald Nuttree is a tree not only known for its golden bark in the spring and summer months but also for the highly sought after Drachenwald Nutteggs that grow from its branches. A delicacy for years and primarily enjoyed by the upper class; the [[Drachenwald Crisis]] severely damaged the existing population of Nuttrees. In the years since, the plant has slowly been recovering but remains rare despite the protections it is now given by those who deal its rare nuts across the world.
|flora2      = [[Areu’llei-oná]]
|flora2desc  = The Areu’llei-oná is a tree that appears gnarled, twisted and dead but is actually alive for unknown reasons. Despite their best attempts, not even the [[Yanar]] understand the tree’s ability to appear dead and many regard the tree as being cursed in some form. The fact that these trees most likely did not exist until the [[Wildering]] adds to this unease. Today, the tree is used for lumber or planted as decoration wherever a dead-looking tree is needed, such as during a harvest festival.
|flora3      = [[Dragonet Appletree]]
|flora3desc  = The Dragonet Appletree is a well known plant that can be found growing in the northern areas of the [[Regalian Archipelago]], most commonly in [[Anglia]]. It was originally a wild, uncultivated tree thought to be brought into civilization by a noble family torn apart over a feud. The apples from the tree itself are small, sour fruits with orange skin, and are often utilized in pastries or as the key ingredient in local cider. Since becoming domesticated, the tree has expanded in popularity, location and use to different fruit-related dishes and areas like [[Essalonia]].
|flora4     = [[Drachenwald Nuttree]]
|flora4desc = The Drachenwald Nuttree is a tree not only known for its golden bark in the spring and summer months but also for the highly sought after Drachenwald Nutteggs that grow from its branches. A delicacy for years and primarily enjoyed by the upper class; the [[Drachenwald Crisis]] severely damaged the existing population of Nuttrees. In the years since, the plant has slowly been recovering but remains rare despite the protections it is now given by those who deal its rare nuts across the world.
|flora5      = [[Giving Tree]]
|flora5desc  = The Giving Tree is an evergreen species native to the humid and tropical regions of [[Aloria]]. Likely originating from the Far West, the plant is well known for an extremely fast growing period and rapid, continuous production of fruit over the year of life it possesses. Given Fruit, its bounty, is sweet and aromatic, enjoyed by many in a variety of sweet dishes. The tree is also notable for its ancient ties with the [[Altalar]] goddess [[Cae-Maen, Martyr of Respite]], whose charitable nature it is sometimes seen to emulate.
|flora6      = [[Juniper Tree]]
|flora6desc  = Juniper Trees have a long, deep connection to the northern reaches of [[Aloria]]. Among the [[Velheim]] [[Ailor]], they have long been a plant of great importance both for their wood and their berries, which have been used in the creation of many beverages and foods. However, its growth across Aloria and a wide variety of appearances also make the tree unique as many other [[Cultures]] make use of the plant without a second thought.
|flora7    =  [[Lensanna Tree]]
|flora7desc = Lenasanna Trees are native to [[Essalonia]] and take their name from the [[Old Gods]] deity Lensa, named by the original [[Velheim]] settlers of the continent centuries ago. The trees remained relatively unknown until the arrival of the [[Regalian Empire]] and the tree’s unique fruit, Lensanna’s Hand, became a unique product both eaten raw as well as processed into beauty products. The fruit is also sometimes placed on the altars of the [[Union of Fire]] as an offering to the goddess who inspired its name.
|flora8      = [[Laoyan Tree]]
|flora8desc  = The Laoyan Tree is a unique plant said to be the result of knowledge shared to the [[Sihai]] people by the [[White Loong Dragon]] Laoyan. These trees, once confined to the terrain within and outside his temple, were later transplanted successfully by the scholarly and studious [[Lova]] and can now be found in harmony gardens all across [[Dexai]]. A short species of willow, the Laoyan Tree can still reach impressive sizes and it serves as a reminder of the bond between the Sihai and their great guardians, the Loong. The Tree can also provide wood; often used in special walking sticks and canes for the elderly or disabled members of Sihai society.
|flora9      = [[Reaper]]
|flora9desc  = Reapers are carnivorous, “hostile” trees from the continent of [[Drowda]]. While rarely capable of killing regional fauna and [[Sihndar]] outright, it instead tends to develop symbiotic relationships with Drowda’s predators. In exchange for plenty of dead or remains to feast on, Reapers provide various species a place to sleep and gain respite from the harsh environment. For this reason, these plants are often considered trees of the dead, and their destruction by the Sihndar is seen as a cleansing act to free lost souls.
|flora10    = [[Royal Oak]]
|flora10desc = The Royal Oak is a very common and widespread tree found throughout the temperate regions of [[Aloria]]. The tree does not have any particularly unique or special properties. However, due to the sheer quantity of it, the Royal Oak has been used as the primary source of wood for the miscellaneous empires that have ruled over Aloria. Even today, Royal Oaks are used to craft and construct nearly every wooden object, from toys to buildings to ships.
|flora11    = [[Banasque Tree]]
|flora11desc = Banasque Trees are exotic fruit-bearing plants of unknown origin which have since spread across [[Aloria]] to areas of [[Daen]], [[Corontium]], [[Hadaria]] and even, sparingly, in [[Farah’deen]]. The plant’s fruits are known as Sunspears, Banasques, and several other terms native to the region they exist in. Growing in bunches, and often bright yellow in coloration, they are commonly used in unique dishes both by the regions they come from but also in the [[Regalian Archipelago]]. The most notable region to produce them is the [[Solacian Isles]], and as importing them is a lucrative trade, the [[Tolonne]] and other local [[Ailor]] have grown prosperous off of harvesting the bunches.
|flora13    = [[Wyld Wood]]
|flora13desc = Wyld Wood is an arcane enigma that prompts caution from even the [[Kathar]] of the [[Dread Empire]], as the vast Warpwood Forests are notorious for swallowing up anyone foolish enough to enter. As the result of centuries of magical corruption and [[Void]] Storms, Wyld Wood has a reputation for being both whimsical and uncanny to behold, its forests not necessarily evil but certainly unpredictable, becoming a twisted home for the [[Wolathar]] and [[Wylathar]]. Fascination and fear spread of this tree among both the Kathar and [[Altalar]], with only the more eccentric collectors willing to risk themselves to acquire this magnificent tree.

|flora14     =  
|flora2     = [[Brass-heart Tree]]
|flora14desc =  
|flora2desc = The Brass-heart Tree was once a symbol of paganism reviled by the [[Unionist]] [[Regalian Empire]] but celebrated among the faith of [[Fornoss]] as a part of an ancient myth. However, with the rise of the cult of [[Unionism|God Empress Elia]], the beliefs in the Tree changed drastically. The Unionist faithful instead connected it to her nickname, the Brass-Fist, eliminating its Fornoss derived names, and it became commonly used in the worship of the Unionist deity. While some of the Fornoss faith still keep to their old ways, ignoring the Unionist co-opting of one of their sacred plants, many others have largely ceased their religious attachment to the Tree.

|flora15     =  
|flora3     = [[Moon-Moth Tree]]
|flora15desc =  
|flora3desc = Moon-Moth Trees are the plant that dominates the forestry of the Hortutor Wildlands in the so-called Moon-Moth Forests found in [[Altaleï]]. Made up of huge specimens which when grown outside of the Wildlands, have a more normal size, they are best known for their glowing sap which also allows their leaves to bioluminescence at night. This trait extends to any harvested wood from the Tree, attracting insects at night while also gleaming a faint blue, though its unique grain often attracts artists seeking to use its properties to accentuate artwork.

|flora16     =  
|flora4     = [[Smecan Tree]]
|flora16desc =  
|flora4desc = Smecan Trees are a species of lumber tree seemingly created to help absorb and filter dangerous chemicals. Whether it was a creation of those [[Eronidas]] from [[Southwynd|Ashaven]], or something dating back to their time in [[Guldar]], remains a mystery. However, the Eronidas plant it near their smog vents and other sources of potentially dangerous chemicals to cleanse the earth and the air. Its wood is black with swirls of pale yellow that can be brought out by artisans to create truly unique-looking items.

|flora17     =  
|flora5     = Håndtre
|flora17desc =  
|flora5desc = *Håndtres are rare, Medium plants with connections to the Old Gods faith. They give sweet, five-knobbed orange fruits that give the tree their name.
*Håndtres are found scattered across Aloria, in sites of former and current Old Gods worship, as well as the ancient trade network of the Proto-Velheim. They are most found in Southwynd and Eastwynd, as cold northern climates are deleterious to their survival.
*Håndtres are considered symbols of fertility and love, with their fruits commonly prepared into sweet treats of the faith, and the small orange blossoms processed into perfumes and oils.
*Håndtres are rare, scattered, and in some areas, dropped in number as overzealous Unionists chop the trees down, or allow them to die, without any care or attention.

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|title = Shrubs
|title = Shrubs

|flora1      = [[Bloodroot]]
|flora1      = [[Falconet's Bush]]
|flora1desc  = With a name as morbid as Bloodroot, some might assume that the plant has a morbid or violent past. This is not the case as Bloodroot’s name is derived from the color of its roots. Although steeped in light superstition, the plant itself finds beneficial use in tattoo ink. Bloodroot has found limited use in the [[Allorn Empire]]. Tattoos made of the plant’s sap remains popular in with the [[Kathar]], [[Maritime Altalar]], [[Daendroque]] [[Ailor]], commoners and [[Avanthar]] tribes even today.
|flora1desc  = The Falconet’s Bush is a low-lying bush from the mountainous [[Montania]] region of the [[Regalian Archipelago]] that produces the bitter-tasting Falconet’s Jewel that only grows in springtime. The berry itself is sought after mainly as a topper or feature to add prestige to a dish because of its short growing season making it rare. Today the berry is protected by the Montanian people from pests and other dangers so that it can flourish wherever possible given its picky growing conditions.
|flora2      = [[Angle Berrybush]]
|flora2desc  = Angle Berrybushes are tall plants, known for their ability to grow year round as well as produce the notable Angle Bushberry. The plant is indigenous to [[Anglia]] and has spread in popularity along with [[House Kade]]. The Bushberry is the main ingredient in many baked goods, drinks, and is used to decorate various areas of [[Unionist]] religious structures. The plant remains a local and national favorite for their abundance, flavor, and simple beauty.
|flora3      = [[Cloudberry]]
|flora3desc  = Native to the mountain ranges of [[Daendroc]], the Cloudberry is an ingredient commonly used by many [[Daendroque]] chefs and culinary specialists. Cloudberry is typically added as a garnish to many meals. While frequently used by those native to the mountain regions of Daendroc, the Cloudberry has begun to be imported by foreign kitchens seeking to add more exotic flavor to their dishes. Due to the Cloudberry’s relatively unknown presence in other areas of Aloria, it makes a delightful surprise to the plates of foreign patrons who visit Daendroque restaurants, especially in the cultural mixing pot of [[Regalia]].

|flora4      = [[Falconet's Bush]]
|flora2     = [[Ogrebait]]
|flora4desc  = The Falconet’s Bush is a low-lying bush from the mountainous [[Montania]] region of the [[Regalian Archipelago]] that produces the bitter-tasting Falconet’s Jewel that only grows in springtime. The berry itself is sought after mainly as a topper or feature to add prestige to a dish because of its short growing season making it rare. Today the berry is protected by the Montanian people from pests and other dangers so that it can flourish wherever possible given its picky growing conditions.
|flora2desc = Ogrebait is a flowering shrub native to the frigid expanse of [[Ellador]]'s coasts, though has been known to grow in other cold climates as well. Rumored to have first been discovered by the [[Drovv]] of [[Drowda]], its fruit has been enjoyed since the ancient [[Allorn Empire]] for its decadent flavor and medicinal applications. Its modern claim-to-fame is thanks to the [[Velheim]] of southern Ellador, who utilized the seeds of its fruit to develop potent tranquilizers for aggressive [[Ogre]] Truggs threatening their settlements. Foreign profiteers took notice of these properties, and have since refined the process of boiling Ogrebait’s seeds into a special tonic sold as a minor sleeping aid and muscle relaxant.
|flora5      = [[Talea Foil]]
|flora5desc  = Talea Foil is a strange plant with the reputation of smelling like the elderly, and is insultingly named by the [[Ailor]] for the most significant empress of the [[Allorn Empire]]. It is found most commonly in [[Essalonia]], but has spread to [[Corontium]] in recent years as people have purposefully shipped it to their garden for quite the anti-[[Altalar]] statement, and smell. Additionally, the plant is named after it’s long, narrow but extremely rigid leaves that appear like fencing foils.
|flora6     = [[Ogrebait]]
|flora6desc = Ogrebait is a flowering shrub native to the frigid expanse of [[Ellador’s]] coasts, though has been known to grow in other cold climates as well. Rumored to have first been discovered by the [[Drovv]] of [[Drowda]], its fruit has been enjoyed since the ancient [[Allorn Empire]] for its decadent flavor and medicinal applications. Its modern claim-to-fame is thanks to the [[Velheim]] of southern Ellador, who utilized the seeds of its fruit to develop potent tranquilizers for aggressive [[Ogre]] Truggs threatening their settlements. Foreign profiteers took notice of these properties, and have since refined the process of boiling Ogrebait’s seeds into a special tonic sold as a minor sleeping aid and muscle relaxant.
|flora7      = [[Witch’s Fingers]]
|flora7desc  = Witch’s Fingers is a strange plant first native to [[Ceardia]], which has since spread with the [[Ailor]] population. It has no uses, but plenty of mythology and folklore surrounding it, primarily being the actual remains of witches and an indication of where one is buried. They are known for their various unique physical features that allow for these beliefs, as well as berries which are considered inedible to everything but the animals of nature.
|flora8      = [[Shurbakal]]
|flora8desc  = Sometimes called the “king-among-fruit” for the spiked crown of leaves that protrude from the top of the fruit, the Shurbakal is a plant originally cultivated on distant Guldar which has since been transplanted to [[Daen]] by the [[Eronidas]]. Often overlooked at first due to its hard, spiny exterior and deep crimson coloration, the blood-red flesh of a Shurbakal is surprisingly sweet and has been a favorite treat among Eronidas since its domestication. It is difficult to grow, taking plenty of time and care, though the sweet fruit and juice it produces is certainly worth it for many. It has seen rising popularity among [[Ailor]] and [[Nelfin]], resulting in the plant now being farmed across the broad swath of tropical terrain.
|flora9      = [[Saharfaki]]
|flora9desc  = Saharfaki is a unique plant with a variety of uses from [[Farah’deen]], long considered a gift from nature, whether that was referring to desert gods and incomprehensible powers, or in a more metaphorical sense. The plant only produces three fruits once a year but can be harvested before then for use in alchemy or further use in culinary endeavors. With a generally unappealing coloration, it appears dead, but the plant’s unique ability to expand and contract as needed makes it very effective in surviving the arid landscape of Farah’deen.
|flora10      = [[Yuntia Cactus]]
|flora10desc  = The Yuntia Cactus is a padded cactus native to [[Ithania's]] desert. The yellow flowers of this cactus can be used to brew refreshing teas and medicinal infusions that help remove impurities from the lungs and respiratory tracts. The cactus is also considered an icon of ancient [[Asha]] culture, and as such holds great relevance to the present-day Asha who wish to reclaim their identity. Other [[Ithanian]] and [[Daendroque]] people may also use the cactus as a vegetable food source. Yuntia Cacti are highly adaptable succulents, and in the present day have spread to cooler climates abroad.
|flora11    = [[Zereus Cactus]]
|flora11desc = The Zereus Cactus is a large, tree-like succulent native to the deserts of [[Farah’deen]]. This cactus grows as a tight cluster of columns which blossoms vigorously before producing delectable fruits. Despite several disasters striking the plant's native homes, it has continued to survive both in the wild and in cultivation. Farah’deen is currently the largest exporter of Zereus fruits, and holds plantations containing the largest population of Zereus Cacti.
|flora12    = [[Iam Iret]]
|flora12desc = The Iam Iret, or Eyes of Baskarr are a floral shrub unique to the [[Ashal Islands]] that earned its moniker through its flowering buds. While it was originally thought to be nothing more than a decorative shrub, its recent rediscovery by the [[Asha]] has led to its frequent use as a tea. This plant is still commonly seen throughout the terraces of the [[Asha States]], and in the hidden oases of the desert. It has most commonly made an impression upon travelers who find themselves in the hospitality of the Asha and remains an almost iconic beverage of the Asha homeland.
{{Flora Table
|title = Grasses
|flora1      = [[Achin Root]]
|flora1desc  = Achin Root was once local to only [[Etosil]], but has since spread across [[Aloria]], adapting to a variety of temperate and humid climates. The plant is fairly tall, even for a shrub, and finds its only use in the culinary sector as its fruit, leaves, and bulb can all be used in various global cuisines. The plant has a distinct taste that aids in its culinary role and it can be found growing both in the wild and on farms who harvest it for profit, and their own dining tables.
|flora2      = [[Black Grass]]
|flora2desc  = Black Grass is a lesser danger of the Ularen Plains, taking victims by surprise with its inconspicuous look rather than brute strength. The Grass has a glossy appearance and dark coloration which hide its fiery nature, as it is an excellent fire starter. However, it is also healthy for the various herbivores that live within the Plains, which have been eating it for centuries. Today, the [[Avanthar]] make use of both of these properties, as do the [[Cielothar]], though to a lesser extent.
|flora3      = [[Corpse Weed]]
|flora3desc  = With long, slimy tendrils that can reach up to a hundred feet in length, Corpse Weed is most commonly found in colonies in the coastal waters of [[Daendroc]]. Its colonies are often referred to as forests of the sea, due to the thick, long leaves that easily hide obstructions and the sea predators that lurk within. Corpse Weed is most commonly consumed by [[Maiar]] as they are the only race that can ingest the plant raw.
|flora4      = [[Empairina]]
|flora4desc  = Empairina, native to [[Drowda]], is a fern used both for nourishment and dim lighting. Its creation was at the time of the [[Void Invasions]], when magic spilled into the land and corrupted this common plant. Since then, it has flourished on Drowda and has even spread to different parts of the world, grown in places where the sun cannot reach.
|flora5      = [[Fireweed]]
|flora5desc  = Fireweed is the name for a fiery plant that originated on the Daendroc supercontinent which has since been transplanted to regions of [[New Ceardia]] and [[Farah’deen]]. Useful as an antiseptic once distilled, it has been known in the driest points of the year to burst into flames and further spread its seeds out across the area.
|flora9    = [[Tangleweed]]
|flora9desc = Tangleweed is one of the most common plants in all of [[Aloria]]. Made of dense grass blades clumped together, the plant has been known and largely seen as an irritant to lawn and fieldcare for generations. Its near ubiquity across the centuries has also meant it had played no major role in the world beyond being annoying.
|flora10    = [[Anglian Wheat]]
|flora10desc = Anglian Wheat is the staple crop of the [[Anglian]] people of the [[Regalian Archipelago]], and one of the most commonly exported wheats worldwide. Generations ago, they tamed and grew this wild grain until it now stands as one of the most prominent symbols of the Regalian Empire. Sporting a rich, golden color that has been transplanted across the world, the wheat now stands as one of the staple crops of the untold thousands of hard-working farmers across the Empire.
|flora11    = [[Dorinn Rye]]
|flora11desc = Dorinn Rye is the trademark grain of the region of [[Dorinn]] in the [[Regalian Archipelago]]. Used both in baked goods as well as various namesake alcohols, Dorinn Rye has grown in popularity tremendously since it was first harvested back in 50 AC. While it is not as accessible or widely available as [[Anglian Wheat]], Dorinn Rye is grown in both Dorinn and [[Ithania]].
|flora12      = [[Fletcher’s Wheat]]
|flora12desc  = Fletcher’s Wheat has a long history with the Ailor originating from their believed homeland of Old Ceardia. Carried across the world by their migrants and eventually refugees, the Ceardian people were quick to favor this variation of the grain over Anglian Wheat and Dorinn Rye. Today, New Ceardia is blanketed in fields full of Fletcher’s Wheat, and the hardy grain stands as a parallel to its steadfast caretakers.
|flora13      = [[Djew Sheney]]
|flora13desc  = Djew Sheney was once widely spread across the surface of the [[Ashal Islands]], its growth unmitigated, and it was readily available and widely domesticated. However, with the fall of the [[Dewamenet Empire]], the centuries of isolation left the growth on the isles unchecked, allowing more invasive species to overtake and vastly reduce its growth. Now, it has become a relict crop that seems only able to grow safely near the [[Living Metal]] tubes of the Ashal Isles, though with the recent efforts of the Asha, it has slowly begun to reach its former point.

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|flora2      = [[Ceá’llë's Herb]]
|flora2      = [[Ceá’llë's Herb]]
|flora2desc  = Native to the plains and jungle regions of [[Daen]], Ceá’llë's Herb became a hallmark of [[Altalar]] traditional medicine for its immune system enhancing qualities. It’s frequently used by healers and commoners alike to help fend off the illnesses found deep in the jungles and sometimes as a garnish to foo
|flora2desc  = Native to the plains and jungle regions of [[Westwynd]] and [[Altaleï]], Ceá’llë's Herb is frequently used by healers and commoners alike to help aid in respiratory issues, but also defeat colds once acquired. The plant was discovered at the dawn of the [[Allorn Empire]], but only centuries later were its uses beyond that of a beautiful addition to topiaries uncovered. It has now spread beyond Daen, and is a common plant across several areas of Aloria where it is used both for commercial and decorative reasons.  
|flora3      = [[Avant Leaf]]
|flora3desc  = Avant Leaf is one of the few plants known to exist that grants its user a certain edge in combat. While it doesn’t negate pain like the concoction [[Dansey’s Stride]], the effects of Avant Leaf are often likened to an extra-strong [[Kaffee]] that grants the user increased stamina and vigor. Warriors frequently use Avant Leaf before a battle for the rush of energy it provides, sometimes supplemented by additional ingredients in the enhancement potion [[Thelwen Brew]].
|flora4      = [[Modra Root]]
|flora4desc  = A root that might have gone unnoticed by any other [[Culture]], the ancient [[Velheim]] took Modra Root and implemented it in one of their most well-known forms of cultural expression: tattoos. Modra Root continues to be primarily used in the creation of Velheim tattoo inks, its blue hue watered down, mixed with other pigments, or maintained to decorate a person’s body with their life story or for aesthetic pleasure. The plant is also used in alchemical concoctions that can warm the skin and body, though this secondary use is less publicly known.
|flora5      = [[Shadow Weed]]
|flora5desc  = Native to the tainted and blackened forests of [[Drowda]], Shadow Weed is a violet-colored weed which has a variety of uses. Shadow Weed grows exclusively in dark and dimmed areas, occasionally discovered in underground caverns and caves. Originally reaped by the Elves of Drowda for its healing properties, they soon discovered Shadow Weed’s additional uses.
|flora6      = [[Wormfern]]
|flora6desc  = The small silvery-green swirled plant known as Wormfern has been farmed for years, dating back to the arrival of [[Nelfin]] slavers to [[Ithania]]. Used by the Elves for cooking, the magical uproar of the [[Cataclysm]] altered the plant in such a way that its minty taste wasn’t its only asset. To [[Vampires]], ingesting Wormfern easily causes issues and when made into alcohol, it causes even more problems. This has made the drink very popular in the military sector as well as the commercial.
|flora7    = [[Iceleaf]]
|flora7desc = Iceleaf has a mysterious origin, but is well known as a strange, cold plant that actually shuns the cold. Instead, it can be found both on farms but also in the wild in a variety of humid and temperate regions across [[Daen]], [[Corontium]], and [[Essalonia]]. It is also well known for its similar appearance to [[Mint]], though it is often much larger with a different color scheme.
|flora8    = [[Stoor Root]]
|flora8desc = Stoor Root has a bad reputation across [[Aloria]], often being considered a weed and pest wherever it grows wild. However, to the [[Eronidas]] it is a precious substance given it helps all they eat to taste incredibly savory. But, to all others, the Root and all it is added to ends up being extremely bitter. As a result, while it has spread across Aloria thanks to the travels of the Eronidas, it is rarely cultivated or eaten by those beyond that [[Race]].

|flora9     = [[Dewa’ann]]
|flora3     = [[Modra Root]]
|flora9desc = The Dewa’ann is a plant that sees widespread use in Dexai, both as a medicinal item as well as an indispensable culinary good. It remains as one of the most common trade goods found aboard merchant ships departing from Dexai due to how long it takes to perish. Outside of [[Sihai Culture]], Dewa’ann is known mostly as an exotic medicinal plant, used as an [[Alchemy]] ingredient to alleviate various common ailments.
|flora3desc = A root that might have gone unnoticed by any other [[Culture]], the ancient [[Velheim]] took Modra Root and implemented it in one of their most well-known forms of cultural expression: tattoos. Modra Root continues to be primarily used in the creation of Velheim tattoo inks, its blue hue watered down, mixed with other pigments, or maintained to decorate a person’s body with their life story or for aesthetic pleasure. The plant is also used in alchemical concoctions that can warm the skin and body, though this secondary use is less publicly known.

|flora10      = [[Mint]]
|flora4     = Stoor Root
|flora10desc  = Native to the [[Regalian Archipelago]], but now spread across [[Aloria]] by the [[Ailor]], Mint is an oddity in how many uses it has. Usually found growing in cooler, moist areas and often wherever the [[Regalian Empire]] has made trading contact with, Mint will be found growing sooner or later. The herb has earned a unique reputation as an herb that anyone can have a use for.
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|flora11    = [[Tabacca Leaf]]
|flora11desc = Tabacca Leaf is a unique plant, as despite being originally used by the [[Elves]], the [[Ailor]] have heavily adopted its use, to the point of overreliance within some. The Tabacca products that the Leaf helps produce are various, but all have the same effect, a calming of the nerves which is much liked by physicians. Tabacca Leaf grows in [[Daen]] and only Daen, jealous [[Daendroque]] Ailor heavily protecting one of their major sources of regional income as since 200 AC, the plant has only gained popularity.
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==Vines & Mosses==
{{Flora Table
{{Flora Table
|title = Vines
|title = Vines and Mosses

|flora1      = [[Bloodthorn Vine]]
|flora1      = [[Strangler]]
|flora1desc  = The Bloodthorn Vine found on [[Hadaria]] has served as a minor defense against the unwary to the island chain’s dangers. However, after a [[Slizzar]] alchemist unlocked its hallucinogenic properties, it became an essential plant to the Slizzar people and their worship of the [[Deep Sea Serpents]]. The plant suffered terribly during and in the aftermath of the [[Chrysant War]] but it has begun to find its way back into the ecosystem of the tropical region.
|flora1desc  = An insidious plant populating the jungles of [[Altaleï]], [[Westwynd]], [[Sileria]] and [[Fendarfelle]], Stranglers are carnivorous plants that lure their prey like pitcher plants rather than hunt it in the manner of other hostile plant species with strange origins. However, Stranglers do not just hunt insects but also small birds, reptiles, and mammals, granting them a grim reputation despite their relative harmlessness to the different [[Races]] of [[Aloria]]. This negative reputation began with the [[Teledden]] and has carried into today.

|flora2      = [[Roughvine]]
|flora2      = [[Mew Hesep]]
|flora2desc  = Roughvine is a substance that has been known to those residents of [[Farah’deen]] for untold centuries. Existing along the coastline, it grows above the waves and clings to the walls of the many coastal cities that dot the region, being a particular problem for pearl cities whose pure white beauty is marred by these fast-growing vines every few months. The plants have little purpose, though a medical role as a muscle relaxant is highly prized by those who seek it out. While recent conflicts in the area have greatly damaged the populations of the plants in Farah’deen, it is likely that this will not last long, and the Roughvines will recover quickly.
|flora2desc  = Underneath the rolling waterfalls in the lush gardens of reclaimed [[Dewamenet]] cities, lies the faint green growth of Mew Hesep. The moss has been harvested since its discovery for its cleaning properties, allowing the [[Asha]] to consistently keep their [[Living Metal]] in pristine condition and appearance. It has also been sought after by metalsmiths and swordsmen alike who seek to remove dirt or rust from their weapons or tools. While its ancient history is unknown, it has become a key part of Asha life in the modern day.

|flora3      = [[Stranglers]]
|flora3      = Brightmoss
|flora3desc  = Stranglers are carnivorous plants that emit a strong, sweet scent to attract prey. They have an appearance similar to jellyfish, consisting of a bulbous body with many tendrils hanging down. In ancient times, Stranglers were a popular houseplant during the early days of the [[Elven Empire]]. This popularity faded with the decadence of that empire, but in recent times it has risen again after [[Humans]] started taking notice of the exotic plant. Nowadays, Stranglers are bred in many varieties of colors and sizes and collected as a curiosity.
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|flora4      = [[Poison Ivy]]
|flora4desc  = The bane of many travelers throughout [[Aloria]], not many plants are as ubiquitously reviled by so many as Poison Ivy, also known as the Three-Leafed Ivy. This species of plant is hated for good reason, for even rubbing clothing against it can lead to a nasty rash with an unrelenting itch in the area beneath the clothing. While its origins are unknown, it can be found in the forests of most Alorian continents to this day.
|flora5      = [[Rundre Ash Vine]]
|flora5desc  = Rundre Ash Vines are unique plants which heavily alter their appearance between the seasons. In fall and winter, their dark green leaves and stem blending into the rocky volcanic faces and dense jungle brush around these volcanoes that they dwell in, while in summer these colors are joined by bright red, small flowers. However, all throughout the spring, the plant is a brilliant scarlet red, appearing almost like small lava flows and is lightly bioluminescent, thus dully lighting up the night with red illumination.
|flora6      = [[Shen Itja]]
|flora6desc  = The Shen Itja, or Deceiver Vine can be found around the [[Ashal Isles]], and at first glance, it seems to be no more than an innocuous growth that has withered and died on the trees scattered across the desert. However, those who know the true nature of the vine tend to steer clear of the foliage in question and choose to only to focus on the vine. It has maintained its usefulness for travelers and explorers seeking a replacement for rope in a tight pinch, with the vine being much sturdier than it seems to the untrained eye. 
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{{Flora Table
|title = Moss
|flora1      = [[Brightmoss]]
|flora1desc  = Brightmoss is a dense-growth type of moss that was once confined to [[Ellador]] alone, its glowing light leading the way for many [[Dwarves]] through hazardous and natural areas of their deep underground mines. Following the arrival of the [[Dakkar]], Brightmoss was severely damaged in its sole natural habitat, but then spread in the diaspora of the Dwarven [[Race]] across [[Aloria]]. The substance, whose light is still valued, has since rebounded and now grows in several areas across the world and recovers back in Ellador.
|flora2      = [[Dirtmoss]]
|flora2desc  = Dirtmoss is an extremely common species of moss well known among the cruder [[Cultures]] and peoples of [[Aloria]] for its variety of uses to those lacking the sophisticated materials and supplies of others. It most often grows in forests in temperate regions like [[Essalonia]], but cool, coastal forests in areas of [[The North Belt]] and beyond also allow it to grow well. It has been decreasing in some areas due to logging, but its vast spread means that many foresters, hikers, and more will continue seeing this plant for centuries to follow this one.
|flora3      = [[Duijnnemose]]
|flora3desc  = Duijnnemose is a special moss that has a unique growth rate that helps create a near perfect semicircle or semioval of plant matter in sequence along the surface it is rooted to. The substance originated in [[Anglia]], but has since spread to various parts of [[Aloria]], and with the birth of [[Imperial Culture]], now serves a unique purpose as a tool of Imperial gardeners. Through the careful manipulation of the plant, muscled renditions of the male form can be born, conforming to the artist tenants of Imperial Culture.
|flora4      = [[Skymoss]]
|flora4desc  = Skymoss has long been known to wider [[Aloria]] thanks to its association with the [[Altalar]]. Spreading up from the treetops of [[Teled Methen]], the plant came to be a common substance that afflicted the tops of Altalar towers. While not harmful, it spreads itself rapidly and can grow thick quickly, earning it the view of a pesky plant lacking uses. Among the [[Maraya]] though, it is sparing consumed in supposed emulation of their ancestors. Today most still associate it with the Altalar opinion, and also see that it is a commonly consumed food source of the [[Ciel'lapanna Crane]].
|flora5      = [[Mew Hesep]]
|flora5desc  = In the lush gardens of the reclaimed [[Dewamenet]] cities, underneath the rolling white waterfalls lies the faint green growth of Mew Hesep. The moss itself has been harvested rather consistently throughout its existence for its cleansing properties, allowing the [[Asha]] to consistently keep their [[Living Metal]] in pristine condition and appearance. It has been sought after by many metalsmiths and swordsmen alike seeking to remove the imperfections of their works and weapons.
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{{Flora Table
|title = Reeds
|flora1      = [[Dúllci Cane]]
|flora1desc  = Beginning during the rise of [[Elven]] Civilization, the Dúllci Cane has had a long history as a popular plantation crop. After the Empire fell, the remaining Nelfin took up the reins and continued to farm and process the plant. Primarily grown to be processed into sugar or used in special local Elven drinks, it remains an incredibly important crop for the various nations of Daendroc.
|flora2      = [[Garuda Stalk]]
|flora2desc  = The Garuda Stalk is a unique, bamboo-like plant from [[Dexai]] known for two uses. One is innocent, for sweet and delicious culinary creations, while the other is more malicious. The plant’s “bark” can blind people for periods of time based on how it is ingested, and was a tool used by the [[Sihai]] [[War Dynasty]] in the past to weaken their enemies. Today, the criminal element of wider [[Aloria]] makes use of the plant mostly for this malicious purpose. As such,the more honest denizens of the Sihai community must be wary in who asks about their Stalk. Are they a cuisine-focused friend or a cruel and blinding foe?
|flora3      = [[Farran Cane]]
|flora3desc  = Farran Cane is a species of [[Reed]] that exists in the Ularen Plains, which are the vast plains, steppes and hilled terrain that dominates the central regions of central and southern [[Daen]]. The [[Cielothar]] are the most renowned users on the plant, weaving baskets from the materials it offers, which are commonly traded to the [[Avanthar]] and occasionally outsiders. The plant also has other uses, but these are more sporadic and varied depending on the region.
|flora4      = [[Rundona]]
|flora4desc  = Rundona is a species of cane that grows across [[Aloria]] in swamps, marshes, riverlands, and more that was used by many early societies and [[Cultures]] in a variety of capacities. This tall plant today is used far more sparingly than it once was, save for those “cruder” Cultures and [[Races]] scattered throughout Aloria, in addition to the rural regions of those societies who are sophisticated. However, the plant knows one major use in the civilized world, and that is in the creation of instruments.
|flora5      = [[Seba Iaat]]
|flora5desc  = Across the coasts of the [[Ashal Islands]] lies vast swathes of the Seba Iaat, thin stalks always seem to point toward the rising sun in the east. Often seen as one of the few means of respite from bites of the [[Torat-Nekh]], it serves as an irritation reliever and can severely lessen the pain from the Torat-Nekh bites specifically. While this remedy was lost to time after the fall of the [[Dewamenet Empire]], the return of the [[Asha]] to the Ashal Islands changed these circumstances. With the opening of the Fair-Ports, the Asha who have chosen to engage in a capitalistic lifestyle, have been known to extort quite a fee for this remedy from foolhardy travelers who let their curiosity get the better of them.
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|title = Fungi
|title = Fungi

|flora1     = [[Fingercap]]
|flora1      = [[Honey Ball]]
|flora1desc  = Fingercap is a common species of mushroom that is unfortunately inedible to most [[Alorian]] [[Races]], save the [[Eronidas]] thanks to their stomach constitutions. However, the fungi are well known for being played with by children the world over, and indeed those cheerful among teenagers and adults as well. These games usually involve the mushrooms being picked, and the pointed caps being worn snuggly on small fingers, hence the fungus’ name.
|flora1desc = The Honey Ball is a rare fungus native to [[Drowda]], [[Ellador]], and [[Fendarfelle]] with ancient ties back to the [[Drovv]] [[Race]] of old who valued it as a sweet treat. Following their fall, the [[Sihndar]] were the first to enjoy the curious substance again, soon followed by the [[Isldar]], [[Dwarves]], and [[Ailor]] of the north. Due to its rarity, it has become a delicacy prized by many merchants and often sees its sweet blue “honey” reserved for the upper classes of many decadent societies.
|flora2     = [[Honey Ball]]
|flora2desc = Honey Ball is a rare fungus native to [[Drowda]], [[Ellador]] and [[Fendarfelle]]. The fungus is known for having an alluringly sweet taste despite its strange color. In ancient times, Honey Ball was a tasty mushroom prized by the [[Drovv]] race. After the [[Cataclysm]], the fungus was mutated and became even sweeter. After its discovery by various other races, it became a rare delicacy prized by merchants and reserved for the high class and nobility.
|flora3      = [[Praeter Stew Horn]]
|flora3desc  =  Praeter Stew Horn is a fungus native to [[Drowda]] with an ancient history dating back to the [[Drovv]] of the north, who consumed the fungi as part of their everyday diet. Though the [[Fifth Void Invasion]] took many things away, it instead added one effect to the fungi, the power of aiding digestion. Quick to grow and easy to eat raw, but often used in soup by the ergonomic [[Drowdar]], the Stew Horn has become a key part of their diet. Unfortunately, it is also the crucial part of several other animals’ diets, such as the [[Norlda]], which has brought the two life forms into violent contact more times than can be counted.
|flora4      = [[Sangcap]]
|flora4desc  = Sangcap is a unique fungus, widely consumed across [[Aloria]] in a variety of dishes, but best known for possessing two prominent stages. The first is the Pale Sang, the juvenile stage of the fungus, with the Dark Sang serving as the matured, adult version. The mushroom exists freely in the wild of multiple temperate and humid regions, but is also grown sparsely on unique farms often run by [[Yanar]] due to their deep connection to plants and fungi.
|flora5      = [[Shademarsh Mushroom]]
|flora5desc  = The Shademarsh Mushroom is an unassuming brown-capped mushroom that can be found growing in swamplands on several continents. Once a harmless fungus, the magical energy that came with the [[Cataclysm]] twisted it into a dark poison. When the mushroom is consumed, it causes heart palpitations and feelings of dread; these effects can reach dangerously high levels unless the poison is cured or purged from the body.
|flora6      = [[Theomar’s Fungus]]
|flora6desc  = Named after the larger-than-life [[Theomar the Holy]] of the [[Regalian Empire]], Theomar’s Fungus is a plant commonly used in alleviating the effects of natural poisons and toxins. Naturally found across the [[Regalian Archipelago]], the fungus has spread to other lands through trade for use as a basic resource used by medics and healers. This fungus is difficult to artificially cultivate, leaving wild sources as some of the only reliable places to locate it.
|flora7      = [[Undercity Shroom]]
|flora7desc  = The Undercity Mushroom is a fungus found in the caves and [[Dwarf|Dwarven]] ruins of [[Ellador]]. Due to its flavorful taste, the Undercity Mushroom is considered a staple of Dwarven cuisine, subsequently causing it to spread throughout Dwarven holds, including as a household pest. Additionally, the mushroom has been introduced to the surface as a tasty food as well, though their spores are known to cause breathing problems if not properly washed.

|flora8    = [[Wizard’s Melancholy]]
|flora2      = [[Praeter Stew Horn]]
|flora8desc = Wizard’s Melancholy is a fungus with a past fraught with old folk stories and myths propagated by the superstitious and the uneducated. The mushroom itself, however, is rather innocent, having none of the hallucinogenic or poisonous properties of other fungi. It has been a feature of the [[Ceardian]] landscape since time immemorial, however, since the [[Cataclysm]], the only remaining historical records that mention it are tall tales brought overseas from Ceardian settlers fleeing their ruined country. However, its shocking color and odd pattern of growth fascinates scholars even today.  
|flora2desc  = Praeter Stew Horn is a fungus native to [[Drowda]] with an ancient history dating back to the [[Drovv]] of the north, who consumed the fungi as part of their everyday diet. Though the [[Void Invasion]] took many things away, it also added one effect to this particular type of fungus; the power of aiding digestion. Quick to grow and easy to eat raw, but often used in soup by the ergonomic [[Sihndar]], the Stew Horn has become a key part of their diet. Unfortunately, it is also a crucial part of several other animals’ diets which has brought many creatures into violent contact more times than can be counted.

|flora9     = [[Eluhwa]]
|flora3     = [[Eluhwa]]
|flora9desc = Eluhwa is an extensively farmed and edible mushroom that grows on the tainted land of [[Drowda]]. Eaten by the local wildlife and [[Drowdar]] of the continent, it has a hearty, earthen taste. This unique ingredient is able to be used in [[Praeter Stew]] to negate the effects of the unhealthy fungi, as well as to increase the physical endurance of the consumer.  
|flora3desc = Eluhwa is an edible mushroom that grows on the tainted land of [[Drowda]]. Eaten by the local wildlife and the [[Sihndar]] of the continent, it has a slightly bitter, spongey taste. This unique ingredient is able to be used in Praeter Stew, a dish well-known among the Sihndar for its great nutritional value because of its ingredients. On its own, the fungus also serves as a decongestant, and has been used to create the faintly bioluminescent tattoo ink commonly used by the Sihndar for the adornment of their bodies.
[[category:World Lore]]

Revision as of 15:39, 8 September 2024

Aloria is rich in flora, which sprouts and thrives in all sorts of environments. This page specifically is dedicated to the broad range of plant life which grows and thrives across the many continents. Aloria is full of real-world plants and the lack of entries for plantlife like orchids or poison ivy does not discount them from the lore. We trust players to moderate how and where these flora exist, whether that be in their backstory, or in events.





Vines & Mosses
