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Chem Point Buy
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This page is part of the Ability System, which is part of the Proficiency System for Combat Roleplay.
To see an explanation of general Rules, Terminology, and Mechanics used on this page, read the Abilities page.
To see a broader explanation of the Abilities and Rules used on this page, read the Proficiency Page.
To see an indexed list of all Abilities, read the Ability List Page.
The Chem Point Buy is part of the bigger Proficiency System. Please read the Proficiency Page first before reading this one. Chem Point Buy provides Packs for the Character to become proficient in Alchemy and Chemistry for either combat or utility.
Ability Aesthetics
Chem Point Buy operates under "Open Aesthetics" rules. What this means is, Chem Point Buy can be freely used with the following guidelines and suggestions: alchemical potions, mixing reagents, body-enhancements via alchemy and magic, etc. This list is mostly comprehensive, but we accept suggestions for additions, within reason to the setting. Alternatively, this Proficiency can be re-flavored as Magic. T his Aesthetic Flavor has no effect on Ability functionality, but might alter if your Character is considered Occult or not. You decide when you use the Ability if it is Magic or not, and can choose to use it as Non-Magic, but you cannot choose in the moment if your Character is Occult or not Occult.
Chem Feeding
Chem Feeding does not grant any Abilities, but grants utility for dealing with the Afflicted. The Chemist can produce Magic Aureates, which are apple-sized edible crystals which can satiate the feeding hunger of Vampires or Geists. The same object sates any of their hungers as if they have fed from a real person. Aureates can be produced one of two ways. Firstly, the Chemist must use an attack emote against someone. If they succeed in doing at least 1 HP Damage, they gain 1 Magic Aureate, and only one can be produced per day. The second method, is to take a blood sample of their own, and mix it through a complex alchemical process to become a Magic Aureate. Up to three can be produced this way, but any Afflicted who consumes this Aureate becomes enthralled to the Chemist, meaning they listen to the commands and directives of the chemist against their will (this is all within reason, and with consent, the Chemist should not start acting against the interest of the Afflicted, and any weirdness forces the addiction to be retconned). This mechanic is disabled if the Chemist becomes Afflicted themselves. The only exception to this is if the Chemist has an Invaded or Vested Spirit Affliction. Chem Feeding is gained for free upon Point Buying any Chem Point Buy Pack.
Chem Packs
Chem Hyperfocus Pack
Chem Hyperfocus
Instant Technique
Twice per Combat, Once per Health Stage
You set your Minimum Attack Roll to 4 for your next 3 Attack Rolls. Additionally, when you use your Action to use this Ability, you may refund your Action, but only if you immediately spend it to make a Basic Attack. Once Chem Hyperfocus is over, you apply the Prone Status Effect to yourself, and set your Minimum Attack Roll to -5, for your next 3 Attack Rolls. You cannot use Chem Hyperfocus whilst your Minimum Attack Roll is reduced by Chem Hyperfocus.
Chem Purge Pack
Chem Purge
Counter Technique
Twice per Combat, Once per Health Stage
You can only use Chem Purge when you have a Status Effect applied by an Enemy, remove all Status Effects. Additionally, set your Maximum Defense Roll to 6 (cannot be raised) for a number of Defense Rolls equal to the number of Status Effects removed. Additionally, when you use your Action to use this Ability, you may refund your Action, but only if you immediately spend it to make a Basic Attack.
Chem Berserk Pack
Chem Berserk
Instant Technique
Twice per Combat
Target yourself and increase the Damage dealt on Melee Basic Attacks by +1, but also increase the Damage you take from incoming Attacks by +1 for your next 3 Successful Attack Rolls. Additionally, when you use your Action to use this Ability, you may refund your Action, but only if you immediately spend it to make a Basic Attack. After those 3 Turns, apply the Weakened and Bloody Status Effects to yourself for 2 Turns. You cannot use Chem Berserk whilst you have the Status Effects applied by Chem Berserk.
Technique Parry Pack
This Pack is centered around parrying and deflecting devastating maneuvers.
Technique Parry
Counter Technique
Once per Combat
You can only use this when you would be affected by an Instant or Movement Technique from Melee, Bruiser, Veteran, or Cutthroat Point Buy, ignore all effects from that ability on yourself, including refunded Basic Attacks. Additionally, when you use your Action to use this Ability, you may refund your Action, but only if you immediately spend it to make a Basic Attack.
Chem Bang Pack
Chem Bang
Counter Technique
10 Blocks
Twice per Combat
You can only use this when an Enemy in Range would use a Movement Ability, reduce the range of that Movement Ability by 7 Blocks. Additionally, if the Enemy was Mounted, they cannot gain increased Move Range for 2 Moves after this effect.
Stance Restricted Packs
These Packs can only be Purchased and Used by characters who do not have a Stance Ability, from any source, except for Chem Bolts.
Chem Ignite Pack
Chem Ignite
Instant Technique
Emote Range
Twice per Combat, Once per Health Stage
Target an Ally or Enemy within Range and apply an effect based on which. If an Ally was chosen, grant them +1 Attack and +1 Minimum Attack for their next two Attack Rolls. If an Enemy was chosen, inflict -1 Attack and -1 Minimum Attack for their next two Attack Rolls.
Chem Blight Pack
Chem Blight
Instant Technique
Emote Range
Once per Combat
Target an Ally or Enemy within Range and apply an effect based on which. If an Ally was chosen, grant them +2 Defense for their next two Defense Rolls and remove one Status Effect from them of your choosing. If an Enemy was chosen, inflict -2 Defense for their next two Defense Rolls, and apply the Vulnerable Status Effect.
Chem Freeze Pack
Chem Freeze
Instant Technique
Emote Range
Twice per Combat, Once per Health Stage.
Target an Ally or Enemy within Range and apply an effect based on which. If an Ally was chosen, grant them 1 Block Token, but set the Move Speed of their next Move to 1 Block. If an Enemy was chosen, apply the Snared Status Effect to them and all Characters within 2 Blocks of them. You can only use Chem Freeze on a Target that has one or more Enemies adjacent to them.
Chem Supplier Pack
Chem Supplier
Passive Technique
Once per Combat
Chem Supplier isn’t active until you reach Health Stage 2/1. When it activates in Health Stage 2, you may refresh a Charge of one of your Chem Point Buy Abilities that is currently used. If you do not refresh a Charge in Health Stage 2, it reactivates in Health Stage 1, allowing you to refresh a Charge of two different Chem Point Buy Abilities instead.
Chem Mend Pack
Chem Mend
Instant Technique
Emote Range
Twice per Combat, Once per Health Stage.
Target an Ally within Range on Health Stage 3/2 and heal them +1HP, but reduce their Attack and Defense by 2 for their next 2 Rolls. Additionally, if the Ally does not Move or use Movement Abilities for 2 Turns, heal them an additional +1HP.
Chem Bolts Pack
Please note, if your character has this Stance Ability, they cannot acquire any other Stance Abilities, regardless of their source.
Chem Bolts
20 Minutes once Ended
You can enter Chem Bolts without using an Action, but exiting it requires one. Chem Bolts confers the following benefits and limitations: You cannot use Abilities from Melee or Shielding Point Buy. Your Attacks can be made at Emote Range, but your Max Attack is 9 (dice 19). When you Attack someone more than 5 Blocks away from you, the block distance of your Move or Movement Abilities for that turn is capped at 6. Additionally, when you use a Chem Point Buy Ability except Chem Bolts, the Minimum of your next Attack Roll is increased by +2. This counts as Ranger Stance for the purpose of Enemy Abilities. Chem Bolts has an indefinite duration, until ended by you, or until combat is over, after which it has a 20 minute cooldown.