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Ranger Point Buy

From MassiveCraft Wiki
This page is part of the Ability System, which is part of the Proficiency System for Combat Roleplay.

  • To see an explanation of general Rules, Terminology, and Mechanics used on this page, read the Abilities page.
  • To see a broader explanation of the Abilities and Rules used on this page, read the Proficiency Page.
  • To see an indexed list of all Abilities, read the Ability List Page.

Ranger Point Buy is part of the Proficiency System. Ranger Point Buy specifically is designed to cater to a jack of all trades ranged fighter, using bows or firearms. Ranger Point Buy is a Locked Ability Category, meaning that the Abilities can only be used while the Character is presently in the appropriate Stance: Ranger Stance. Ranger Stance is granted for free as soon as any Ranger Point Buy Packs are chosen.

Ability Aesthetics

Ranger Point Buy operates under "Open Aesthetics" rules. What this means is, Ranger Point Buy can be freely used with the following guidelines and suggestions: bows, crossbows, throwing weapons, the use of familiars and pets, etc. This list is mostly comprehensive, but we accept suggestions for additions, within reason to the setting. Alternatively, this Proficiency can be re-flavored as Magic. This Aesthetic Flavor has no effect on Ability functionality, but might alter if your Character is considered Occult or not. You decide when you use the Ability if it is Magic or not, and can choose to use it as Non-Magic, but you cannot choose in the moment if your Character is Occult or not Occult.

Stance Ability

The Ranger Stance Stance Ability is required for all Ranger Point Buy Abilities. This Ability is granted for free for any Ranger Point Buy Pack chosen. Stances cannot be Staggered. Please note, if your character has this Stance Ability, they cannot acquire any other Stance Abilities, regardless of their source.

Name Type Range Cooldown Description
Ranger Stance Stance Self

20 Minutes, once ended You can enter Ranger Stance without using an Action, but ending it requires one. Ranger Stance confers the following benefits and limitations: You cannot use Abilities from Melee, Shielding. Your Attacks can be made at Emote Range, but your Max Attack is 9 (dice 19). When you Attack someone more than 5 Blocks away from you, the block distance of your Move or Movement Abilities for that turn is capped at 6. Ranger Stance has an indefinite duration, until ended by you, or until combat is over.

Ranger Point Buy Packs

Ranger Tag Pack

Name Type Range Cooldown Description
Ranger Tag Instant Technique Emote

Four Times per Combat, but Twice per Health Stage Target an enemy within Range and apply the Marked Status Effect to them. Additionally, if any Ally within 3 blocks of the target enemy has the Marked Status Effect, remove it and apply it to a second Enemy within range.

Ranger Fan Pack

Name Type Range Cooldown Description
Ranger Fan Instant Technique 4 Blocks

Once per Combat Target two Enemies in front of you within Range, Displace them away from you by 6 blocks. Additionally, if any of the Targets Impact, apply the Fleeting Status Effect to them.

Ranger Viper Pack

Name Type Range Cooldown Description
Ranger Viper Instant Technique Emote

Twice per Combat, but only Once per Health Stage Target an Enemy within Range and make a Basic Attack against them with +2 Attack and +2 to the Minimum Dice Roll. Additionally, you may make this Attack using an Ally’s Line of Sight for targeting.

Ranger Entrapment Pack

Name Type Range Cooldown Description
Ranger Entrapment Instant Technique Emote

Once per Combat Target a Character within Range and apply the Snared Status Effect to them. Additionally, apply the Snared Status Effect to all Enemies within Melee Range of the Target, and deal -1HP Damage to any Enemies who already had the Snared Status Effect. Ranger Entrapment does not Stack.

Ranger Companion Pack

Name Type Range Cooldown Description
Ranger Companion Passive Technique Emote

Triggers Once per Health Stage Ranger Companion isn’t active until the Marked Status Effect triggers on an Enemy within Emote Range, if Marked is triggered by an attack or Ability by you, gain +2 Defense for your next two Defense Rolls. If Marked is triggered by an Attack or Ability used by an Ally, inflict the Bloody Status Effect on that enemy for 2 turns.

Ranger Evade Pack

Name Type Range Cooldown Description
Ranger Evade Movement Technique 10 Blocks

Once Per Combat You can only use this when you are Targeted by a Melee Basic Attack. If that attack succeeds, Displace the Enemy backwards and away from you by 4 blocks. If that attack fails, grant yourself +2 Defense to your next 2 Defense Dice Rolls. In either case, after the Attack, Move in any direction up to 10 Blocks, moving through people and without triggering Move Reactions.

Ranger Cut Pack

Name Type Range Cooldown Description
Ranger Cut Instant Technique Emote

Thrice per Combat, but only during Health Stage 3/2 Target a character who is part of a Link but not the original caster, sever one Link affecting them and grant them +2 Attack for their next 2 Attack Rolls. Additionally, if the Target has a Status Effect, apply Marked to the Link Caster.

Ranger Shower Pack

Name Type Range Cooldown Description
Ranger Shower Instant Technique Emote

Once per Combat Target an Enemy within Range and make an Attack Roll against them, if successful, make an Attack Roll against a different Enemy within Melee Range of the Target. If both Attacks are successful, apply the Vulnerable Status Effect to both Enemies in addition to the Damage. If only the first Attack is successful, it deals -3HP Damage. You must have at least 3 Enemies within Range to use Ranger Shower.