This page is part of the Ability System, which is part of the Proficiency System for Combat Roleplay.
- To see an explanation of general Rules, Terminology, and Mechanics used on this page, read the Abilities page.
- To see a broader explanation of the Abilities and Rules used on this page, read the Proficiency Page.
- To see an indexed list of all Abilities, read the Ability List Page.
The Puretek Point Buy is part of the bigger Proficiency System. Please read the Proficiency Page first before reading this one. Puretek Point Buy provides Packs for the Character to become proficient in the use of Puretek. Puretek is a special type of weapon made by so-called "Purists" (reactionary fanatics who hate anything to do with Magic or the Occult). Puretek rifles or pistols are not truly firearms with barrels, but rather divinely blessed Purestone (white with golden marbling) decorated with a steel or golden handle and firing trigger.
Ability Aesthetics
Puretek Point Buy operates under "Limited Aesthetics" rules. What this means is, Puretek Point Buy can be freely used with the following guidelines and suggestions: Puretek Rifles, Puretek Pistols, Puretek Sidearms. This list is mostly comprehensive, but we accept suggestions for additions, within reason to the setting. However, this Proficiency is always strictly Mundane and cannot be re-flavored as Magic. This Aesthetic Flavor has no effect on Ability functionality.
Puretek Rules
- Puretek weapons are usually sidearms, as the Abilities provided in this Point Buy Category, expect the Puretek weapon to be a sidearm. Players are free to change the flavor of the Abilities to the main weapon.
- Puretek can also be applied as a main aesthetic for Ranger Point Buy or Deadeye Point Buy, or Paladin Point Buy Attack Emotes, so long as the Character has at least one Pack in Puretek Point Buy, and complies with the rule below.
- Puretek as a weapon does not function in the hands of someone who is Magical and or Occult, meaning Mages, Afflicted, Affinities, or otherwise having any kind of Magical powers past what is available to Heritages by default.
- Puretek references conditions that other Abilities usually do not make note of, such as whether or not a Character is Occult or Mundane. Consult the Abilities Page to see who is considered what.
Puretek Packs
Puretek Blessing Pack
Puretek Blessing
Passive Technique
Twice per Combat, Once per Health Stage
Puretek Blessing isn’t active until you have a Status Effect applied to you by an Occult Character. When it Activates, you may remove that Status Effect and gain +1 Attack against the Character that applied the Status Effect for your next attack only .
Puretek Wrath Pack
Puretek Wrath
Counter Technique
Twice per Combat, Once per Health Stage
You can only use this when an Occult Enemy Damages you with a Basic Attack, apply the Vulnerable Status Effect to them and decrease their next Move by 4 Blocks.
Puretek Sanction Pack
Puretek Sanction
Counter Technique
Once per Combat
You can only use this when an Occult Enemy targets you or an Ally with a Power, apply the Warned Status Effect to that Enemy. Whilst Warned, if the Target uses a Power in their next Action, inflict -2HP Damage to them, if they do not, apply the Silenced Status Effect for 2 turns. Multiple instances of Puretek Sanction do not stack.
Puretek Evade Pack
Puretek Evade
Counter Technique
Once per Combat
You can only use this ability when you are targeted for a Basic Attack by an Occult Enemy within range. You automatically succeed in the Defense Roll for that attack, and Displace yourself up to 10 blocks away from the enemy in a cardinal direction. Additionally, at the end of the displacement, apply the Vulnerable Status Effect to yourself.
Puretek Reload Pack
Puretek Reload
Instant Technique
Once per Combat, Only during Health Stage 1
Target yourself and grant an additional usage of any previously used and currently inactive Puretek, Ranger, or Deadeye Point Buy Ability without using an Action.
Puretek Roulette Pack
Puretek Roulette
Instant Technique
Once per Combat
Target yourself and roll /dice 1 6, apply an effect based on the number rolled. 1: Do Nothing but refund this Use of Puretek Roulette, 2: Grant yourself +1 Attack for your next two Attack Rolls, 3: Increase your Move by 3 Blocks for your next two Move Actions, 4: Grant yourself 1 Block Token, 5: Reroll your next Defense Roll even if you succeed, 6: Apply the Marked Status Effect to two Enemies in Emote Range.
Puretek Burn Pack
Puretek Burn
Link Technique
10 Blocks
Once per Combat
Target an Occult Character within range and apply a Link to them for 4 turns that deals -1HP Damage to them when they use a Power. After this has dealt 2HP Damage, break the Link and inflict the Silenced Status Effect to the target for 2 turns. If Puretek Burn does not deal -2HP Damage to the Target within 5 turns, inflict the Weakened Status Effect on yourself for 2 turns. Multiple instances of Puretek Burn do not stack.
| Proficiency | |
| Strength | |
| Constitution | |
| Intelligence | |
| Wisdom | |
| Dexterity | |
| Faith | |
| Magic | |
| Charisma | |
| |