The Ability and Proficiency System |
This page involves the Abilities and Proficiency system, which is a core part of how Combat Roleplay and "Competitive" Roleplay works on Massivecraft. To see an explanation of general Rules, Terminology, and Mechanics used on this page, read the Abilities page. To see a broader explanation of the Abilities and Rules used on this page, read the Proficiency Page. To see an indexed list of all Abilities, read the Ability List Page. |
The Shaman Point buy is part of the bigger Proficiency System. Please read the Proficiency Page first before reading this one. Shaman Point Buy provides Packs for a Character to become proficient in a Faith-based defensive style of combat, using holy incantations, rituals and the powers of the Gods to strike back at enemies who harm allies. Shaman Point Buy thrives when outnumbered, but is generally not good on duelists.
Shaman Point Buy Rules
- In order to Point Buy any Packs from Shaman Point Buy, the Character must be a devout worshipper of any Religion.
- Shaman Point Buy derives its power from the Gods, so it is considered God Magic, and not Planar Magic.
- Shaman Point Buy can, however, be treated as Planar Magic, for religions that favor Planar Magic, or for Characters who can't/won't mix God & Planar Magic.
- The above rule is "all or nothing" meaning Shaman Point Buy Packs must be All God Magic, or All Planar Magic.
- Shaman Point Buy should generally have aesthetics of nature/earth, berserkers, and works best with the aesthetics of the following Religions: Fornoss and Pagan Faiths.
Stance Ability
The Shaman Stance Ability is required for all Shaman Point Buy Abilities. This Ability cannot be point bought, but is included for free as long as at least one Shaman Point Buy Pack has been purchased. This Ability does not do much besides enable further Shaman Abilities, while adding some baseline buffs. As a general ground rule. Stances cannot be Countered, Prevented, Cancelled, or interrupted in any way.
Shaman Stance
This pack allows Shamans to use Faith as their Defense Stat.
Ability Name
Ability Type
Ability Range
Ability Description
Shaman Stance
Stance Technique
Grants the user Shaman Stance
Shaman Point Buy Packs
Shaman Aura Pack
This Pack allows the Shamans to become stronger the longer a fight lasts against Spirits.
Ability Name
Ability Type
Ability Range
Ability Description
Shaman Aura
Passive Power
6 Blocks
Grants the user Shaman Aura
Shaman Pounce Pack
This Pack allows the Shaman to get to where they shouldn’t be.
Ability Name
Ability Type
Ability Range
Ability Description
Shaman Pounce
Movement Power
10 Blocks
Grants the user Shaman Pounce
Shaman Exchange Pack
This Pack allows the Shaman to aid allies with their durability and faith.
Ability Name
Ability Type
Ability Range
Ability Description
Shaman Exchange
Passive Power
Emote Range
Grants the user Shaman Exchange
Shaman Darkness Pack
This Pack allows the Shaman to create space between them and enemies.
Ability Name
Ability Type
Ability Range
Ability Description
Shaman Darkness
Movement Power
10 Blocks
Grants the user Shaman Darkness
Shaman Ancestor Pack
This Pack allows the Shaman to summon power from their families.
Ability Name
Ability Type
Ability Range
Ability Description
Shaman Ancestor
Skill Power
Grants the user Shaman Ancestor
Shaman Earth Pack
This Pack allows the Shamans to protect their allies.
Ability Name
Ability Type
Ability Range
Ability Description
Shaman Earth
Instant Power
Emote Range
Grants the user Shaman Earth
Shaman Brutality Pack
This Pack allows a Shaman to hurt someone while they're weak.
Ability Name
Ability Type
Ability Range
Ability Description
Shaman Brutality
Instant Power
Grants the user Shaman Brutality
Shaman Fury Pack
This Pack allows the Shaman to guide their hand in the face of adversity.
Ability Name
Ability Type
Ability Range
Ability Description
Shaman Fury
Passive Power
Grants the user Shaman Fury
| Proficiency | |
| Strength | |
| Constitution | |
| Intelligence | |
| Wisdom | |
| Dexterity | |
| Faith | |
| Magic | |
| |