This page is part of the Ability System, which is part of the Proficiency System for Combat Roleplay.
To see an explanation of general Rules, Terminology, and Mechanics used on this page, read the Abilities page.
To see a broader explanation of the Abilities and Rules used on this page, read the Proficiency Page.
To see an indexed list of all Abilities, read the Ability List Page.
Prayer Point Buy is part of the Proficiency System. Prayer Point Buy is geared toward Holy Clerics and Priests who call upon Divine Intervention to protect themselves and their Allies in battle. Prayer Point Buy provides Packs for the Character to become proficient in prayers dedicated to providing banes and boons across the battlefield.
Ability Aesthetics
Prayer Point Buy operates under "Limited Aesthetics" rules. What this means is, Prayer Point Buy can be freely used with the following guidelines and suggestions: subtle acts of divine intervention, divine insight/warning, brief blessings from the Gods to empower oneself, etc. The Aesthetics of this Point Buy mostly depend upon which Religion it is gained from, so aesthetic flavor should be derived from that page. This list is mostly comprehensive, but we accept suggestions for additions, within reason to the setting. However, this Proficiency is always Divine Intervention, and cannot be re-flavored as Magic, or as strictly mundane skill. This Aesthetic Flavor has no effect on Ability functionality.
Faith Category Rules
Paladin/Ritualist/Prayer Point Buy requires your Character to have a Religion and be a believer. Any Religion on the Religions page counts (including Minor Faiths). We do not moderate whether your Character is a “good enough” believer of the Religion, all provisions are in good faith that you will be honest about your Character and actions. Suppose you at any point become a heretic, lose your faith, or act against the interests of your Religion. In that case, you can choose to have your Character become a Fallen Paladin/Ritualist/Faithful, which doesn’t remove your Point Buy Packs but makes them fueled by the Demon Gods of Evolism instead (you cannot become a Heretic to Evolism). You can re-earn your previous God’s blessing through some kind of re-connection with the faith that is generally not back-breaking but can’t be as simple as a public apology. Faith Category Proficiencies also have some extra rules associated with them:
Faith Point Buy Category Abilities are always identifiable as being (minor) Divine Intervention from the Gods of that Faith. The presence of it does not inform any validity to the actions of the Character with it, but, it is always identifiable that a Character is gaining blessings from their Religion, and what Religion that is.
Faith Point Buy Category Abilities count for a Character's Main Religion only. Syncretisms are not included in any of the considerations for Ability immunity, or if it can come from those Syncretized Gods.
Faith Point Buy Category Abilities never work on enemy Characters who share a Religion with the User. This means they can’t be targeted, aren’t affected by area of effect functions, and are otherwise completely immune. The Gods do not actively pay attention to the blessings they grant, and therefore do not “pick sides.” This can be linked in game by using (a: Faithful Shield). (Remember, Ability usage such as this never confers IC information that is not already known!)
Faith Point Buy Categories can only be invested in by Characters with a Soul, who can follow a Religion. This means Automata, Homunculi, etc, cannot invest in it. Demons have some exceptions.
Faith Point Buy Categories can be invested in by Demon Characters, but it always only comes from the Demon Gods of the Evolism Pantheon. ((TBA Potential Exception for Bound Demons))
Prayer Point Buy Packs
Sanctity Prayer Pack
Sanctity Prayer does not grant an Ability but gives Mechanical benefits. Firstly, you can beseech your God(s) to hide yourself from any Demon, Arken, God (not of your Religion), or Greater Entity from another Realm. You can move around and speak with others present without that Entity discovering your presence, but initiating combat, talking directly to the Entity, saying the Entity’s name, or attempting to flee the scene will break this effect.
Secondly, while inside a Temple of your Religion and not in combat, you can summon a Divine Sanctity Barrier covering all the windows and doors with 30 HP that must be destroyed with Combat Roleplay to break. When the barrier goes up, enemies, or those you consider blasphemers or desecrators of the Temple are pushed out (without taking damage). Anyone inside the Temple cannot interact with the outside and vice versa. While you hold up the barrier, you have 1 HP and cannot defend yourself. If either you or the barrier reaches 0 HP, or you choose to break the barrier manually, the barrier is removed and you are instantly Knocked Out. You cannot use other Actions while holding up the barrier, but you can move around inside the Temple and speak. This part of the Mechanic cannot be used during Divinium Raids.
Secondwind Prayer Pack
If you or your Ally does something detrimental/stupid/ignorant/mistaken during a Divinium Summoning/Demon Duke Summoning/Other kinds of Greater Entity interactions (like Gods, or Arken), you perform a rapid prayer to your God(s) and force a reversal of actions and intentions by divine will. This Mechanic must be Emoted at the start of any such encounter because DM's will not know your Proficiency spread going into it. This Mechanic can only be used once per Scene/Summoning, even if there are more Unicores/Prayer users present. If you are using it for yourself, there is a 30-day cooldown per DM, even if that DM is playing different Characters in different plotlines, you cannot re-use this Pack on the same DM in that period. If you are using it to save a friend’s error, the cooldown applies both to you and your friend, regardless if they have the Pack or not.
Theological Prayer Pack
An appeal to God is necessarily always more charismatic when used on otherworldly Entities than facts and logic-based debating or appeals to emotion. You can beseech the will of your God(s) to convince any Demon, Arken, God (not of your Religion), or Greater Entity from another Realm. You can use Persuasion as if using it from Speech Point Buy, except using the number of Proficiency Points invested in Prayer Point Buy Packs, instead of proficiency Points invested in Charisma Point Buy Packs, but only on these types of Characters or Entities. All other rules apply normally.
Hushed Prayer Pack
Hushed Prayer
Counter Technique
Emote Range
Twice per Combat, Once per Health Stage
You can only use this when an Enemy Targets you with a Power. Reduce the Duration, Damage, and Displacement Distance of that Power on you by half rounded up. Additionally, apply the Silenced Status Effect for 2 Turns to the Enemy that used the Power on you.
Feeble Prayer Pack
Feeble Prayer
Counter Technique
Emote Range
Twice per Combat, Once per Health Stage
You can only use this when an Enemy Targets you with a Technique. Reduce the Duration, Damage, and Displacement Distance of that Power on you by half rounded up. Additionally, apply the Weakened Status Effect for 2 Turns to the Enemy that used the Technique on you.
Kneeling Prayer Pack
Kneeling Prayer
Counter Technique
Twice per Combat
You can only use this when an Enemy would Damage you with a Basic Attack. Reduce the Damage you would take by -1HP. Additionally, apply the Prone Status Effect to yourself, and you may only remove it by spending your Action, or using an Ability that removes Status Effects.
Guided Prayer Pack
Guided Prayer
Instant Technique
Once per Health Stage
Target yourself and increase the Attack and Minimum Attack of your next Basic Attack by +3. Additionally, when you use your Action to use this Ability, you may refund it, but only if you immediately spend it to make a Basic Attack.
Warding Prayer Pack
Warding Prayer
Instant Technique
5 Blocks
Twice per Combat, Once per Health Stage
Target an Enemy within Range, the next time they take the Move Action, or the next time an Enemy adjacent to the Target takes the Move Action, apply the Snared and Fleeting Status Effect to the Target.
Blinding Prayer Pack
Blinding Prayer
Instant Technique
10 Blocks
Once per Health Stage
Target an Enemy within Range, inflict -1 Attack or Defense for their next 3 Rolls of the chosen Stat. Additionally, apply the Blinded Status Effect, which ends when the Stat Reduction does.