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Roguery Point Buy

From MassiveCraft Wiki
This page is part of the Ability System, which is part of the Proficiency System for Combat Roleplay.

  • To see an explanation of general Rules, Terminology, and Mechanics used on this page, read the Abilities page.
  • To see a broader explanation of the Abilities and Rules used on this page, read the Proficiency Page.
  • To see an indexed list of all Abilities, read the Ability List Page.

Roguery Point Buy is part of the Proficiency System. Its Packs allow a Character to get better at Rogue or Criminal activities. While in theory it is all Mundane Techniques, players can add Magical aesthetics if they like.

Ability Aesthetics

Roguery Point Buy operates under "Open Aesthetics" rules. What this means is, Roguery Point Buy can be freely used with the following guidelines and suggestions: thievery, sleight of hand, illusory magic or smoke bombs, obfuscation, etc. This list is mostly comprehensive, but we accept suggestions for additions, within reason to the setting. Alternatively, this Proficiency can be re-flavored as Magic. This Aesthetic Flavor has no effect on Ability functionality, but might alter if your Character is considered Occult or not. You decide when you use the Ability if it is Magic or not, and can choose to use it as Non-Magic, but you cannot choose in the moment if your Character is Occult or not Occult.

Disguise Pack

The Disguise Pack allows the user to don a mundane disguise that prevents them from being identified in a roleplay scene. The user is able to change any aspect of their appearance such as height or build, but the disguise must always be represented as an evident costume that covers the wearer's body entirely. This disguise is able to conceal things such as Afflictions and Affinities, but if the user is defeated in Combat then the disguise is able to be removed to reveal their identity. Keep in mind that using a Disguise should not be used in anti-RP ways to avoid consequences perpetually. While it can help with Crime RP or keep one step ahead of one's enemies, making a character completely untouchable may result in Staff intervention. Also keep in mind that wearing an obvious disguise may cause characters and NPCs to react differently than if they were in the scene unmasked, and certain places, like the Imperial Palace, will bar Masked/Disguised characters entirely.

Fleet Footed Pack

Name Type Range Cooldown Description
Fleet Footed Passive Technique Self

Twice per Combat, Once per Health Stage Fleet Footed isn’t active until you make a successful Melee Basic Attack against an Enemy, you may Move an additional 4 Blocks after that Attack.

Sharp Reflexes Pack

Name Type Range Cooldown Description
Sharp Reflexes Counter Technique Self

Twice per Combat You can only use this when you are Targeted by a Basic Attack. Sharp Reflexes must be declared before the Defense Roll, which adds +5 to the Final Result of your Defense Roll. This does not take an Action, but cannot be used twice on the same Roll.

Close Save Pack

Name Type Range Cooldown Description
Close Save Counter Technique Self

Once per Combat You can only use this when an ally is targeted by a Basic Attack or an Ability that does -HP damage. Instead of the ally taking Damage, you become the Target and take Damage equal to half the original Damage, rounded up. Close Save only works if you can be a valid Target for the Attack/Ability. Multiple instances of Close Save, even from different people, don’t stack with each other.

Dirty Fighter Pack

Name Type Range Cooldown Description
Dirty Fighter Counter Technique 10 Blocks

Once per Combat You can only use this when an enemy is within Range. Apply the Confused Status Effect to them for 2 turns. Additionally, if the target is within 2 Blocks of you, apply a -2 Defense Reduction for their next two Defense Rolls. Multiple instances of Dirty Fighter, even from different people, don’t stack with each other.

Escape Artist Pack

Name Type Range Cooldown Description
Escape Artist Instant Technique Self

Twice per Combat, once per Health Stage Target yourself and remove the Snared Status Effect, or negate one instance of any Movement Speed reduction currently applied to you. Additionally, outside of Combat, you are able to, while restrained, slip out of ropes, chains, handcuffs, and any other mundane restraints used to hold you down.

Fancy Footwork Pack

Name Type Range Cooldown Description
Fancy Footwork Instant Technique 1 Block

Once per Combat Target an Enemy within 1 Block Range and take the Move action, if possible. Move until you are standing within 1 Block of a different Enemy. Count the number of Blocks moved, and receive a bonus to your next minimum Attack Roll equal to the number of Blocks (max 6). Additionally, when you use your Action to use this Ability, you may refund it, but only if you immediately spend it to make a Basic Attack.

Improvised Attack Pack

Name Type Range Cooldown Description
Improvised Attack Instant Technique Emote Range

Twice per Combat, Once per Health Stage Target an Enemy within Range and roll /dice 1 3. If you roll a 1 or 2, make an Attack at Emote Range with -2 Attack. If you roll a 3, make an Attack at Emote Range with +2 Attack.

Nimble Bola Pack

Name Type Range Cooldown Description
Nimble Bola Instant Technique 10 Blocks

Once per Combat Target an enemy within Range and count the number of blocks between yourselves. If the number of blocks is Even, apply the Prone Status Effect. If the number of blocks is Odd, apply the Snared Status Effect.

Flexible Maneuver Pack

Name Type Range Cooldown Description
Flexible Maneuver Passive Technique Self

Once per Health Stage Flexible Maneuver isn’t active until you make an Attack or Defense Dice Roll at the lowest result. When it activates, you can choose to re-roll your Attack Dice Roll if you have taken a Move action on this turn, or choose to re-roll your Defense Dice Roll if you have not taken a Move action on this turn or the turn before.

Smokescreen Pack

Name Type Range Cooldown Description
Smokescreen Instant Technique 4 Blocks

Once per Combat Target yourself and become untargetable by Abilities used outside of this Range for the next 3 turns. Additionally, any Basic Attacks targeting you outside of this Range have -2 to the Final Result.

Fate’s Wheel Pack

Name Type Range Cooldown Description
Fate’s Wheel Passive Technique Self

Once per Health Stage Fate’s Wheel isn’t active until you make a Dice Roll in Combat Roleplay, that isn’t an Attack Dice roll or Defense Dice roll. When it activates, without using your Action, you may re-roll the dice and choose which result to use.

Venomous Strikes Pack

Name Type Range Cooldown Description
Venomous Strikes Instant Technique Self

Once per Combat. Target yourself and modify your Attack for the next 4 turns. Whenever you deal Damage to an enemy, you can reduce the Damage by any amount (even to 0), and then reduce the enemy’s Attack or Defense Stat by the amount reduced. This Stat reduction lasts until you Damage the affected enemy without reducing the Damage, until this Ability ends, or until you are KO’d. The same enemy can only have their Stats reduced by a maximum of -3 in each Stat, even by multiple uses of Venomous Strikes.

Theft Pack

Name Type Range Cooldown Description
Theft Instant Technique 1 Blocks

Twice per Combat, Once per Health Stage Target an enemy within Range and roll /dice 1 5. If you roll a 1, and the enemy has a Block Token, remove the Block Token and grant it to yourself, and if the enemy has no Block Token, treat this as rolling a 4. If you roll a 2, choose an Ability that is “Twice or Thrice per Combat” and refresh one of its uses. If you roll a 3, you and the Enemy gain the benefit of a 2 roll. If you roll a 4, reduce the enemy’s next Move action by -3 Blocks, and increase your next Move action by +3 Blocks. If you roll a 5, remove any Attack and Defense Stat increases the enemy has for the next 3 turns, and grant them to yourself for the next 3 turns (they are re-applied when this Ability ends).