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Prayer Point Buy

From MassiveCraft Wiki
The Ability and Proficiency System
This page involves the Abilities and Proficiency system, which is a core part of how Combat Roleplay and "Competitive" Roleplay works on Massivecraft. To see an explanation of general Rules, Terminology, and Mechanics used on this page, read the Abilities page. To see a broader explanation of the Abilities and Rules used on this page, read the Proficiency Page. To see an indexed list of all Abilities, read the Ability List Page.

The Prayer Point buy is part of the bigger Proficiency System. Please read the Proficiency Page first before reading this one. Prayer Point Buy provides Packs for a Character to become proficient at specific prayer rituals to call upon their Gods to perform certain actions. It is important to stress that unlike the other Faith Point Buy Categories, Prayer Point Buy does not ever involve the user themselves "casting" Abilities, rather the Abilities are purely the call and prayer to appeal to their God, while the actual outcome of the Abilities are performed by the Gods appearing to them or some intangible force of the God appearing to act. Players are encouraged to apply flair to these Abilities when they feel it makes narrative sense and when they aren't as concerned about winning, to let these Abilities fail every once in a while. Not all prayers are answered, and not all Gods want to help all the time, so players are encouraged to sometimes let their prayers go unanswered, and for their Abilities to do nothing, but we will never force this on players. As with many other Faith based Proficiencies, Prayer Point Buy has several rules associated with it.

Prayer Point Buy Rules

  • In order to Point Buy and use Prayer Point Buy Packs, the Character must be Mundane, not be Afflicted, have an Affinity, and not be Planar Aligned in any way.
  • In order to Point Buy and use Prayer Point Buy Packs, the Character cannot have any Magical Abilities (Magic, Faith Category, Magic Adapt), even if those Magical Abilities say they don't count as magic.
  • If at any point the user becomes not-Mundane, they will still have these Abilities, but they no longer function until they become Mundane again or the Abilities are removed from the Character Sheet.
  • Even having God Magic from within the same Religion still makes a Character not-Mundane, and does not allow Point Buying of these Packs. This Point Buy is purely for Mundane Characters.
  • The only exception to the above rules is if the Mechanic specifically mentions that it allows for combination usage with Prayer Point Buy.

Prayer Point Buy Packs

Faithwall Prayer

This pack includes a prayer to the Gods to protect the user from Magic from other Religions.

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Modifiers
Faithwall Prayer Counter Technique Emote Range

Grants the user Faithwall Prayer


Desperate Prayer

This pack includes a prayer to the Gods to fortify the user in their final (and finest) hour.

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Modifiers
Desperate Prayer Instant Technique Self

Grants the user Desperate Prayer


Kneeling Prayer

This pack includes a surprise prayer to the Gods, an unexpected posture change that confuses the opponent.

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Modifiers
Kneeling Prayer Counter Technique Self

Grants the user Kneeling Prayer


Guidance Prayer

This pack includes a prayer for the Gods to guide the user's next attack against their enemies.

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Modifiers
Guidance Prayer Instant Technique Emote Range

Grants the user Guidance Prayer


Disrupt Prayer

This pack includes a prayer for the Gods to disrupt another person's focus and boons.

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Modifiers
Disrupt Prayer Instant Technique Emote Range

Grants the user Disrupt Prayer


Harming Prayer

This pack includes a prayer for the Gods to harm an opponent who stands in the way of the righteous and faithful.

Ability Name Ability Type Ability Range Ability Description Modifiers
Harming Prayer Instant Technique Emote Range

Grants the user Harming Prayer


Unseen Prayer

Unseen Prayer does not grant an Ability, but rather gives the user two new Mechanics to help in the defense against Spirits, Arken, and Gods, and fortitude of the mind:

  • The user can pray to their God to make them invisible to any Spirit, Arken, or God that is not of their Religion. This only works while they do not move from their position (they can still change posture and speak) and so long as they do not address or talk about the entity they are hiding from, or attack it.
  • The user becomes immune to the Persuasion Bonus from Mind Control Pack when used against them, and has a stronger immunity to Persuasion Thralling (from Magic), though they do not become immune to it. It is left up to the player to dictate how strong this protection is, and what Characters would be strong enough to break it.

Safety Prayer

Unseen Prayer does not grant an Ability, but rather gives the user two new Mechanics to help protect the user and others from physical harm by environmental effects:

  • The user can pray to their God to prevent a doorway, gateway, window, or other passageway that is blocked with some kind of obstacle or door from breaking, through for example some kind of Gate Smash mechanic or mechanic that would allow the destruction of barriers. This requires the user to not move from their position as they keep up the prayer for protection, but they can still speak and change posture. This cannot be used during Divinium or Artifactspark Raids.
  • The user can pray to their God to create a shield around themselves and additional people near them to protect them from (Out of Combat) environmental hazards, like Event monsters/beasts, lava, water, crumbling rubble, and so forth. This may also be used to protect from certain Event hazards, but make sure to communicate with the Event Dm to determine if Safety Prayer would work, and how it would work.