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Ability and Proficiency System
This page involves the Abilities and Proficiency system, which is a core part of how combat roleplay and "competitive" roleplay works on MassiveCraft.
To see an explanation of general rules, terminology, and mechanics used on this page, read the Abilities page.
To see a broader explanation of the abilities and rules used on this page, read the Proficiency Page. To see an indexed list of all Abilities, read the Ability List Page.

The Proficiency System is how we regulate characters' skills. It is inspired by role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons and The Elder Scrolls. If you are having trouble understanding or want a personal explanation, please ask for help in our Community Discord.

There are two parts to the system, Proficiency and Point Buy. Proficiency, a simple way to allocate stats to your Character, is mandatory. Point Buy, a more comprehensive ability system, is optional. Finally, there is the Abilities system, which you should read after picking out your Point Buy.

Point Allocation


Proficiencies are useful for direct comparisons when characters compete, and general skill checks, like Constitution to maintain a jog or Strength to hold a door closed. There are seven proficiencies:

  • Strength dictates your Character's strength, or combat experience.
  • Constitution dictates your Character's health, fitness, and physical endurance.
  • Intelligence dictates your Character's knowledge about the world, or technical skills.
  • Wisdom dictates your Character's knowledge of people, and caring for them.
  • Dexterity dictates your Character's agility and general sleight of hand.
  • Faith dictates your Character's religious knowledge and use of blessings.
  • Magic dictates your Character's prowess with and knowledge of Magic.
  • Charisma dictates your Character's social connections and networking.

Having 0 in Constitution does not mean your Character is made of glass. 0 just means Average. Every Proficiency above that is purely added skill.

Allocation Rules

There are two rules that dictate how many points you can spend, and when they max out:

  • Every Character has exactly 14 points to spend between the above Proficiencies.
  • Every Proficiency can only have up to 7 points invested in any of them.
  • To learn how to show allocation, consult the Character Sheet Template on the Forums.

General Proficiency Rules

These rules apply to all Proficiencies and Packs.

  • A Character can only ever have (from any source, free, purchased, etc) one Stance Ability. Only Custom Kits allow for Characters to have multiple Stances, with different rules.
  • If a Pack is listed as "Free" and comes attached to the purchase of another Point Buy Pack, these "Free" Packs can always be removed or re-added without restrictions.
  • If a Pack or Ability is granted for "Free", it does not grant Stats like it would if the player purchased the Pack.
  • If an Ability or Mechanic offers a bonus (ex. +1 CON, +2 STR, etc), this never confers additional Point-Buy Packs.
  • If an Ability or Mechanic offers a bonus (ex. +1 CON, +2 STR, etc), this never exceeds the maximum cap for that proficiency (7), unless it specifically states it does so, or if the Character has another Ability that increases their cap.
  • A character cannot be identified by the Abilities or Mechanics that they use, meaning while someone can know a character is a mage for casting magic, they cannot know someone's specific identity from casting alone.
  • A character can always choose to have an Ability or Mechanic fail if they OOCly want them to. Using or benefitting from Abilities or Mechanics is always optional, but Mechanics that serve as restrictions must always be followed.

Hobbies and Talents

Hobbies and Talents are a number of things characters can do that have some rules, but do not require any Proficiency Point Investment. A character can choose any number of hobbies or talents, as long as they follow the general rules listed in that section. Regardless, a character who does not want to interact with combat roleplay or the ability system can use the hobbies page to help determine what they can do.

Combat Styles

Combat Styles are used by Characters who plan on engaging in Combat Roleplay, or CRP. This section is optional to Characters who don't want to fight, but mandatory for characters who do. A Character's Combat Style dictates their Attack and Defense Stat, and what weapons they use to deal damage. For example, Melee users must always use Melee Weapons, Ranged users must always use Ranged Weapons, and Support users can never make Attack rolls. Although these Weapon requirements are mandatory, the styling of the Weapon is not. For example, Melee Fighters can be a classic warrior using a sword and shield, or a spellblade with an axe made of pure magic, or an engineer who makes their Attacks with robotic limbs, and anything in between. Ranged Styles are just as diverse; bow-wielding rangers, firearms hunter riflemen, spell-slinging mages, and more are all available. Support Characters cannot attack at all but bolster their allies from the rear, with military commander tacticians and battle medic healers providing buffs and protection from their enemies.

Combat Styles Options

Attack and Defense Stat

Your Attack and Defense Stat are a pair of numbers that determine what you roll for attack and defense. Attack Stat is capped at 7, and Defense Stat is capped at 5. You can choose each one from the list below, but you can never have the same Category count for both Attack and Defense. The only exception to this is Magic, if a Character has invested more than 8 points, and is considered a "True Mage." In this case, they can use Magic for Attack and Defense, but only by splitting their investment, never by duplicating it (ex. 10 Points in Magic is 5 Attack 5 Defense, not 10 Attack 10 Defense). Chosen Attack and Defense Stat should be listed on the Player's Character Application.

  • Attack Options: Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Faith, Magic.
  • Defense Options: Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence, Faith, Magic.

Weapon Types

This section does not have to be recorded on a character app, but just exists to guide players in the direction of where they should invest their points to achieve something specific.

Point Buy

Point Buy is based on a Character's stats. They can have as many Point Buy Packs from a stat as they have points in it. For example, a 6 Strength Character can buy 6 Packs from the Strength category, a 0 Constitution Character cannot buy any Packs from the Constitution category, and a 2 Magic Character can buy 2 Packs from the Magic category. Below are links to each of the Categories. All packs have uses in Roleplay, although some are more useful than others.

Skills that don't exist in Point Buy, like cooking, cleaning, and underwater basket weaving, can just be things a character knows how to do. If it doesn't have a Pack, it can be done for free.










Check the Languages page for what different languages your Character could know. Take as many as you like, but be reasonable. It's hard to learn many languages.

System Combat Rules

Combat Roleplay is common in the city of Regalia, and PvP can take a while. Because of this, players use these System Combat Rules to keep fights manageable.

  • During combat, each character has 10 base HP or Hit Points unless an ability specifies otherwise. For each damaging attack against the character that cannot be dodged or blocked, they lose 2 HP. When a character drops to 0HP, they are ‘downed’ or 'KO'd'. This can mean unconscious, or simply unable to fight, move, or use abilities. Once combat ends, damage is more free-form, and HP resets to full once the character is healed.
  • Any armor worn by characters grants them a single Block Token that refreshes at the start of every combat scene. This can be assumed to be the armor protecting them.
    • When tracking health, any Block Tokens should be counted separately from a character’s HP.
  • If a character is affected by or casting a Link Power, they should add “LINKED” or simply “L” in their /nick, in order to convey that to other players.
  • Basic attacks are decided with in-game rolls. Each attack is decided with competing rolls using the /dice command, with the attacker using their current main combat stat to roll for basic attacks, and the defender using their current main defense stat to roll for defense against them. If the defender loses the roll and cannot block or stagger it, they lose 2 HP. If there is a tie, roll again.
    • Basic attacks are rolled as 1d[10+ the user’s Attack Stat], whether that be Strength, Magic, or Dexterity. Loading rules and ranges of certain weapons or attacks still apply.
    • Defense is rolled as 1d[10+the user’s Defense Stat], whether that be Wisdom, Constitution, or Faith.
    • Attack Stat is capped at a maximum of 7 without Abilities and Mechanics. Stats gained from Proficiencies are never re-added mid combat when the Cap is raised, unless the Ability specifically says it does so.
    • Defense Stat is capped at a maximum of 5 without Abilities and Mechanics. Stats gained from Proficiencies are never re-added mid combat when the Cap is raised, unless the Ability specifically says it does so.
    • Basic Attacks are always Melee Range (1-2 Blocks), unless the Character has an Ability that changes this.
    • For Abilities or Mechanics that state a character is proficient in a weapon without stat investment, their attack roll is set to a flat 1d14 that cannot be changed by further modifiers.
  • In combat, a character can move up to 10 Blocks in a straight line in a cardinal direction, but never horizontally, and not through other characters. This is called a Move, and making a Move does not take up a character's Turn. A character may also make a Splitting Move, where the character uses part of their Move, makes their Action, and then uses the rest, in essence making their Action on the move.
  • A character may not Move in the same Turn they used Movement Ability, and vice versa.
  • When Moving, a character is susceptible to Move Reactions, sometimes called Opportunity Attacks. A Move Reaction occurs when a character making their Move passes within 2 blocks of another character with the intention of moving around them. The stationary character is then allowed to make an Attack Emote (not an Ability) against the Moving character, out of Turn, and without using an action.
  • In combat, Mounts used in-game cannot fly due to balancing purposes. If a character is on a mount that is flying when combat begins, it is immediately grounded, but the user still remains mounted.