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==Heavy Bow Combat==
{{Info Artifacts
Heavy Bow Combat covers the usage of light bows such as Anglian Heavy Bows and other Longbows. These weapons have to be fired from a stationary position and provide very little mobility, though allow the user some close-range defense. Each Technique ([[Abilities]]) must be bought with increasing Proficiency costs, 4 Proficiency per Mundane Technique (all 5 costing 20 in total). Mundane Techniques are purchased from top to bottom. All Techniques ignore armor worn by the target unless specified otherwise. Note, Mundane Techniques of this Category can only be used when the appropriate weapon is being wielded by the Character. It is not possible to duo-wield ranged weapons or a ranged and melee weapon.
|image          = Darkgcoin.png
{| class="wikitable"
|name            = Coins of Greed
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
|origin          = Avarice [[Arken]]
! Points Invested
|type            = Accessory
! Name
! Type
Coins of Greed (Also called Greedcoins) have been present for hundreds of years and have always signified the presence and influence of the Avarice Arken. There are many Coins of Greed present in Aloria; at least one is present in every economic sphere that uses coin-based currency and has magic present in society. Greed Coins can be created by Avarice himself or by powerful Avarice demons. Often conspirators that work with the Arken or worship him possess Greed Coins, but so many exist that it’s not unlikely for somebody to just come across one within a treasure horde, either.
! Range
! Description
Coins of Greed are classified as a Accessory Artifact, meaning they cannot be wielded at the same time with other Accessory Artifacts by the same owner. Coins of Greed appear nearly identical to any coin-type currency in the area it inhabits (such as the Regalian Crown). However, they are often covered with motifs befitting the Avarice Arken, and any faces or people on the coin are replaced with the likeness of the Avarice Arken (who presently appears as a triceratops-esque Allar).
| 4 Points
| Heavy Shot
==Artifact Mechanics==
| Mundane Technique
Artifact Mechanics are split between Permanent Mechanics, Sparked Mechanics and Sparked Combat Mechanics. Permanent Mechanics are always available to the wielder of the Artifact. Sparked Mechanics and Sparked Combat Mechanics are only available if the Artifact has an Artifactspark. Sparked Combat Mechanics are noted separately, because this makes them easier to find, but they are no different from Sparked Mechanics in general. For more information on Artifactsparks, read the [[Resources#Artifacts|Resources]] Page. For Rules on Artifact ownership, see the [[Artifacts]] Page.
| Emote Distance
===Permanent Mechanics===
| Heavy Shot is the default Arrow attack for a Heavy Bow Combat user. This simply involves shooting a Heavy Bow at a target that is not behind cover. Each shot has a 1 minute cooldown and if hit, creates the equivalent of a deep gash like a sword hit would, or a piercing wound in case the enemy is wearing armor. For each shot, the Archer must do a “/dice 0 20”, with any roll above 5 causing a hit to land.
===Sparked Mechanics===
| 8 Points
| Knocking Shot
| Mundane Technique
===Sparked Combat Mechanics===
| Emote Distance
| The Archer shoots a heavy pound arrow, an arrow with a lot of weight and force behind it, but more kinetic than piercing damage. This shot damages about as much as a stab of a dagger does, but forces the target to be knocked back by 6 blocks into the opposite direction of the Archer, or until they hit a solid object, which then causes blunt damage but does not Stun them. This Technique has a 3 minute cooldown. This Technique is a guaranteed hit.
==Collectible Artifact==
| 12 Points
Artifacts are very cool, and make a Character super powerful. That being said, due to circumstances of Roleplay, a Character may end up holding onto an Artifact for months on end. This is generally not a problem, but we believe that Artifacts because of their uniqueness, should never be held onto in perpetuity by one Player. After a few months, it is time for the next player to be able to enjoy the artifact, and for this reason, Collectibles exist. After 120 days of non-consecutive Artifact ownership, an Artifact is automatically confiscated, and the Player who lost it is given a Collectible. Collectibles are thematically and aesthetically similar to the Artifact, meaning the loss of an Artifact does not visually detract from a Character's established design. However, they cannot hold Artifactsparks and only inherit the Permanent Mechanics from the Artifact they were generated from (including the rules limiting their use). On the other hand, Collectibles can never be stolen from their owner, a Collectible is owned forever, and there is no upper limit to the amount of Collectibles a Character can have, or wield/use at the same time. Collectibles may be traded away by their owner if they are unable to use the Permanent Mechanic due to the use limitation. To summarize this Artifact's Collectible properties:
| Marking Shot
*Marty Will Fill This In
| Mundane Technique
*The Avarice Trinket Collectible inherits the Permanent Mechanic of Coins of Greed but can only be used by Evolist Worshippers or Avarice Arkenborn. While there are several Avarice Trinkets, each looks unique, though should be inspired by the appearance of Coins of Greed.
| Emote Distance
| The Archer shoots a Seraphalo Marking Shot, an arrow with a particularly useful luminescent feather. This arrow always hits (unless there is an obstacle between the Archer and the target) and does no damage, but marks the target (not through invisibility) with very obvious luminescent dust for 5 minutes. After being hit, the next Ability or Ranged Weapon Mundane Technique used on the target ignores all hit chance dice rolls and becomes automatic hit, after which the Mark expires. This Technique has a 5 minute cooldown. This Technique is a guaranteed hit.
| 16 Points
|Artists = MonMarty
| Bow Slam
|Writers = Lizmun, FireFan96
| Mundane Technique
|Processors =
| 3 Blocks
| Bow Slam allows the Archer to slash their heavy bow in a semi circle in front of them (a 180 degree angle) followed by a ground slam. Anyone within 3 blocks of the Archer’s front is knocked back 5 blocks and falls over, but receives no damage. This Technique has a 5 minute cooldown, and can only be used if at least 1 person is within 3 Blocks Range.
| 20 Points
| Power Shot
| Mundane Technique
| Announce Emote
| The Archer kneels, producing a heavy power shot. This Technique requires both calculating and concentration to pull and deliver on mark, thus requiring a full minute to remain stationary and charge. When the charge is complete, the Archer may release at the target, as long as the target is not behind cover. If they are, the Archer may hold this position however long until they leave cover, or until they get knocked over. If the Archer is interrupted, charge will have to re-commence. This arrow is guaranteed to hit, and cannot be blocked or avoided by any Abilities bar Shielding. The Archer must do a “/dice 1 5”, where 1 means the left arm, 2 means the right arm, 3 means the left leg, 4 means the right leg, and 5 means the face. Whatever part of the body this arrow hits, is paralyzed for 1 hour, and if the face is hit, the player must use “/trait add Blindness” for 1 hour that can only be removed by Mundane or Ability Healing. This Technique does not cause maims. This Technique has a 24 hour cooldown.  
==Light Bow Combat==
Light Bow Combat covers the usage of light bows such as recurve bows, hunting bows and other cavalry bows. These weapons can be fired while on the move, and provide ample mobility, but leave a user very weak to close-range attacks. Each Technique ([[Abilities]]) must be bought with increasing Proficiency costs, 4 Proficiency per Technique. Techniques are purchased from top to bottom. All Abilities ignore armor worn by the target unless specified otherwise. Note, Mundane Abilities of this Category can only be used when the appropriate weapon is being wielded by the Character. It is not possible to duo-wield ranged weapons or a ranged and melee weapon.
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Points Invested
! Name
! Type
! Range
! Description
| 4 Points
| Light Shot
| Mundane Technique
| Emote Distance
| Light Shot is the default Arrow attack for a Light Bow Combat user. This simply involves shooting a Light Bow at a target that is not behind cover. Each shot has a 30 second cooldown and if hit, creates the equivalent of a slight cut like a dagger slash would, or a puncture wound in case the enemy is wearing armor. For each shot, the Archer must do a “/dice 0 20”, with any roll above 5 causing a hit to land.
| 8 Points
| Evading Dash
| Mundane Technique
| Emote Distance
| The Archer uses a quick Evading Dash in any direction to reposition within Emote Distance, as long as they can see their intended location and get there in one linear direction without walking into obstacles (such as walls too tall to climb). If obstacles are reasonably climbable for the Archer, this climbing is also included in the dash. While dashing, the Archer is untargetable, and the dash is complete in a matter of seconds. This Technique has a 3 minute cooldown. This Technique cannot be used during a Stun/Disable/Root.
| 12 Points
| Marking Shot
| Mundane Technique
| Emote Distance
| The Archer shoots a Seraphalo Marking Shot, an arrow with a particularly useful luminescent feather. This arrow always hits (unless there is an obstacle between the Archer and the target) and does no damage, but marks the target (not through invisibility) with very obvious luminescent dust for 5 minutes. After being hit, the next Ability or Ranged Weapon Mundane Technique used on the target ignores all hit chance dice rolls and becomes automatic hit, after which the Mark expires. This Technique has a 5 minute cooldown. This Technique is a guaranteed hit.
| 16 Points
| Pinning Flurry
| Mundane Technique
| Emote Distance
| The Archer unleashes a flurry of light shots aimed to pin down the enemy from being able to move, regardless of what armor they are wearing, or whether they are hiding behind an obstacle (with the exception of Ability Shields). This Mundane Technique works like a Channel Ability, meaning it can be upheld for as long as the Archer is not attacked or knocked over, though can at most be performed for up to 5 minutes before they run out of arrows. This Technique never does any damage or cause any knockback, the target is able to do things in their pinned down position (including use Abilities), but simply cannot move from the very point that the Technique started being used from. The Archer can move around at a walking pace, but can only ever target one person, and cannot switch targets, and cannot use other Abilities or attacks during it. This Techniquehas a 30 second cooldown as long as the full 5 minutes was never reached, if it was, this Techniquegoes on a 2 hour cooldown. The moment the Ability channel is interrupted, the target can move. This Technique is a guaranteed hit once commenced.
| 20 Points
| Power Shot
| Mundane Technique
| Emote Distance
| The Archer shoots 8 arrows in very rapid succession against a single target. Perform a dice roll for each shot, “/dice 0 20”. For each dice roll above 10, the arrow hits. If Marking Shot was active, the first shot is a guaranteed hit, but all successive shots still need to be dice rolled. For each shot that hits, the target deceives a deep gash somewhere on their body from which they bleed, but none of these shots can ever maim or cripple a person. This technique cannot be blocked or avoided by any Abilities bar Shielding.  Additionally, for each hit shot, the target is knocked back by 1 Block per amount of hits. This Technique has a 24 hour cooldown.
==Crossbow Combat==
Crossbow Combat covers the usage of light bows such as light crossbows and heavy crossbows. These weapons have to be fired from a stationary position and provide little mobility, but have a lot of utility functions. Each Technique ([[Abilities]]) must be bought with increasing Proficiency costs, 4 Proficiency per Technique. Techniques are purchased from top to bottom. All Abilities ignore armor worn by the target unless specified otherwise. Note, Mundane Abilities of this Category can only be used when the appropriate weapon is being wielded by the Character. It is not possible to duo-wield ranged weapons or a ranged and melee weapon.
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Points Invested
! Name
! Type
! Range
! Description
| 4 Points
| Brittle Shot
| Mundane Technique
| Emote Distance
| Brittle Shot is the default Arrow attack for a CrossBow Combat user. This simply involves shooting a Crossbow at a target that is not behind cover. Each shot has to specifically be aimed at a piece of armor, as Brittle Shots do not cause much damage, but instead disable pieces of armor on a target. For each shot, the Archer must do a “/dice 0 20”, with any roll above 5 causing a hit to land. For each landed hit, a piece of armor is disabled (which must always be either an entire left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg, chest, or head piece), while doing minimal brute damage and causing some bruises. This Technique has a 1 minute cooldown, and does not break Artifacts or Mythics. The effect applies the same to Ability Created Armor, unless the Ability armor has a per-hit breaking rule set, in which case it follows that instead.
| 8 Points
| Knocking Shot
| Mundane Technique
| Emote Distance
| The Archer shoots a heavy pound arrow, an arrow with a lot of weight and force behind it, but more kinetic than piercing damage. This shot damages about as much as a stab of a dagger does, but forces the target to be knocked back by 6 blocks into the opposite direction of the Archer, or until they hit a solid object, which then causes blunt damage but does not Stun them. This Technique has a 3 minute cooldown. This Technique is a guaranteed hit.
| 12 Points
| Net Shot
| Mundane Technique
| Emote Distance
| The Archer shoots a Netbolt at a target, causing an exploding canister to throw a net out at the target, which if the target is not behind some form of cover, causes them to be Rooted. In order to determine hit, do a “/dice 1 20”, with any roll above 5 meaning the shot lands. The target is netted for 1 minute, during which they cannot move or use Abilities (unless that Ability gives immunity to Roots or allows them to free themselves from a Root), but can start freeing themselves. If the target is not attacked or knocked out, they can be freed by themselves after the 1 minute is over. If another person helps them, the netting only works for 20 seconds. If the target is attacked while being netted, the first attack instantly breaks the net, but is guaranteed to hit as the netted target cannot defend themselves. This Techniquehas a 24 hour cooldown.
| 16 Points
| Gate Shot
| Mundane Technique
| 3 Blocks
| This Technique allows the Archer to knock down a Mundane Gate or Ability Wall (such as Magewall). The Archer is immobilized, taking 4 separate strategic shots (each separated by 30 seconds for a total of 2 minutes) after which they activate a specialized steamtek winch that pulls both a Purestone core as well as force on all anchor shots. After the emote pulling the winch into action, whatever metal/wooden gate or Ability wall/doorway it was aimed at is destroyed. This Technique can be used twice per day but has no cooldown. The Archer must also be standing within 10 Blocks of whatever they are shooting at, and within clear line of sight.
| 20 Points
| Percussion Shot
| Mundane Technique
| Announce Emote
| This Technique causes the Archer to shoot an explosive Percussion Shot After a quick loading, the shot is fired, is a guaranteed hit, and causes a fire-less explosion at the target person. This technique cannot be blocked or avoided by any Abilities bar Shielding. Any person within 10 blocks of this person is knocked to the ground with shrapnel cuts on any exposed skin. The target themselves are knocked to the ground with one limb of their choice broken as well as cuts and slices all over their body. After Percussion Shot is fired, the Crossbow of the Archer becomes defunct due to the heavy firing mechanism breaking during this shot. This prevents further use of Crossbow Mundane Techniques for 12 hours.

Revision as of 00:33, 21 September 2024

Coins of Greed
NameCoins of Greed
OriginAvarice Arken

Coins of Greed (Also called Greedcoins) have been present for hundreds of years and have always signified the presence and influence of the Avarice Arken. There are many Coins of Greed present in Aloria; at least one is present in every economic sphere that uses coin-based currency and has magic present in society. Greed Coins can be created by Avarice himself or by powerful Avarice demons. Often conspirators that work with the Arken or worship him possess Greed Coins, but so many exist that it’s not unlikely for somebody to just come across one within a treasure horde, either.


Coins of Greed are classified as a Accessory Artifact, meaning they cannot be wielded at the same time with other Accessory Artifacts by the same owner. Coins of Greed appear nearly identical to any coin-type currency in the area it inhabits (such as the Regalian Crown). However, they are often covered with motifs befitting the Avarice Arken, and any faces or people on the coin are replaced with the likeness of the Avarice Arken (who presently appears as a triceratops-esque Allar).

Artifact Mechanics

Artifact Mechanics are split between Permanent Mechanics, Sparked Mechanics and Sparked Combat Mechanics. Permanent Mechanics are always available to the wielder of the Artifact. Sparked Mechanics and Sparked Combat Mechanics are only available if the Artifact has an Artifactspark. Sparked Combat Mechanics are noted separately, because this makes them easier to find, but they are no different from Sparked Mechanics in general. For more information on Artifactsparks, read the Resources Page. For Rules on Artifact ownership, see the Artifacts Page.

Permanent Mechanics

Sparked Mechanics

Sparked Combat Mechanics

Collectible Artifact

Artifacts are very cool, and make a Character super powerful. That being said, due to circumstances of Roleplay, a Character may end up holding onto an Artifact for months on end. This is generally not a problem, but we believe that Artifacts because of their uniqueness, should never be held onto in perpetuity by one Player. After a few months, it is time for the next player to be able to enjoy the artifact, and for this reason, Collectibles exist. After 120 days of non-consecutive Artifact ownership, an Artifact is automatically confiscated, and the Player who lost it is given a Collectible. Collectibles are thematically and aesthetically similar to the Artifact, meaning the loss of an Artifact does not visually detract from a Character's established design. However, they cannot hold Artifactsparks and only inherit the Permanent Mechanics from the Artifact they were generated from (including the rules limiting their use). On the other hand, Collectibles can never be stolen from their owner, a Collectible is owned forever, and there is no upper limit to the amount of Collectibles a Character can have, or wield/use at the same time. Collectibles may be traded away by their owner if they are unable to use the Permanent Mechanic due to the use limitation. To summarize this Artifact's Collectible properties:

  • Marty Will Fill This In
  • The Avarice Trinket Collectible inherits the Permanent Mechanic of Coins of Greed but can only be used by Evolist Worshippers or Avarice Arkenborn. While there are several Avarice Trinkets, each looks unique, though should be inspired by the appearance of Coins of Greed.

WritersLizmun, FireFan96
Last EditorFirefan96 on 09/21/2024.

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