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Ivory Picks

From MassiveCraft Wiki
Ivory Picks
NameIvory Picks
OriginThe Consigner

The Ivory Picks were created by the Consigner as a way to learn the tricks of musicians and escape artists for their nefarious purposes. While a good magician never reveals their tricks, the capabilities of the Ivory Pick are alluring enough for many to exchange knowledge of their acts with the Death God in exchange for one of these Artifacts. However, horror stories circulate the performing arts communities of escape artists preparing for their death-defying final act, only to find that the key component to their survival, the Ivory Pick, has been misfortunately misplaced, giving the Consigner the last laugh.


Ivory Picks are classified as an Accessory Artifact, meaning they cannot be wielded at the same time as other Accessory Artifacts by the same owner. An Ivory Pick is a thin pale instrument, able to fit within the keyhole of any lock or door. Prone to snapping under stress, it’s possible for anyone not careful enough to accidentally break the item under the right circumstances. The material of the Pick is thought to be some kind of polished bone, smooth to the touch with a soft glossy coating around it, although what exactly it's been made from has never truly been confirmed outright.

Artifact Mechanics

Artifact Mechanics are split between Permanent Mechanics, Sparked Mechanics, and Sparked Combat Mechanics. Permanent Mechanics are always available to the wielder of the Artifact. Sparked Mechanics and Sparked Combat Mechanics are only available if the Artifact has an Artifactspark. Sparked Combat Mechanics are noted separately, because this makes them easier to find, but they are no different from Sparked Mechanics in general. For more information on Artifactsparks, read the Resources Page. For Rules on Artifact ownership, see the Artifacts Page.

Permanent Mechanics

  • This Artifact can steal the Artifactspark from other defeated Artifactholders and can hold more than one Artifactspark inside of it. Other Mechanics may derive functions from the number of Artifactsparks. Any change in the number of Artifactsparks must always be reported in a Ticket. If this Artifact has more than one Artifactspark, being defeated and having an Artifactspark stolen will only result in the loss of one, rather than all.
  • This Artifact prevents the user's home Region (either a Rental Region, Clandestine Base, or Noble Estate, but only one of them) from being broken into by any Mechanics that allow the lockpicking of Gates and Doors (though during a Raid, Gate-Smashing Mechanics will still work). Additionally, this Region is naturally immune from espionage, no machines can record anything inside, and no outside Mechanic can be used to spy into the Region.

Sparked Mechanics

  • Ivory Pick's wielder can choose 3 Free Packs from any Proficiency Category they can invest in and supplement their Character Application, though these Packs can only be used while the Artifact has an Artifactspark.
  • Ivory Pick's wielder, when making any out of combat Dice Roll with Dexterity, can re-roll an extra time if they happen to fail. Additionally, the wielder gains +2 Attack Stat (breaks cap up to 11) when using Dexterity as their Attack.
  • This Artifact is a key to lock and unlock things. It can be used to unlock any mundane door. If this function is used in a player-owned region like a rental, OOC consent is required to break through their door. However, Clandestine Bases, free Noble Estates, and other Custom-Kit-based properties do not require OOC consent. This Artifact cannot be used to break open small things like lockboxes, only doors and gates.
  • Any crime the wearer of this Artifact commits, becomes untraceable to them. Any criminal records, any memory, and any evidence that would link the crime back to them is changed so that it cannot be remembered, or cannot be accurately read. This even affects Mechanics which would prevent a Character's memories from being tampered with, this Artifact disallows them from recording real memories.
  • Ivory Picks grant the wielder +2 Defense Stat (breaks Cap up to 9) while making Defense Emotes only. Additionally, when defending, the wielder's Defense Dice Roll Minimum is 4. For every additional Artifactspark in the Artifact, this minimum is raised by +1.

Collectible Artifact

Artifacts are very cool, and make a Character super powerful. That being said, due to circumstances of Roleplay, a Character may end up holding onto an Artifact for months on end. This is generally not a problem, but we believe that Artifacts because of their uniqueness, should never be held onto in perpetuity by one Player. After a few months, it is time for the next player to be able to enjoy the artifact, and for this reason, Collectibles exist. After 120 days of non-consecutive Artifact ownership, an Artifact is automatically confiscated, and the Player who lost it is given a Collectible. Collectibles are thematically and aesthetically similar to the Artifact, meaning the loss of an Artifact does not visually detract from a Character's established design. However, they cannot hold Artifactsparks and only inherit the Permanent Mechanics from the Artifact they were generated from (including the rules limiting their use). On the other hand, Collectibles can never be stolen from their owner, a Collectible is owned forever, and there is no upper limit to the amount of Collectibles a Character can have, or wield/use at the same time. Collectibles cannot be traded in, though some Events may ask for their sacrifice, destroying the Collectible. To summarize this Artifact's Collectible properties:

  • When this Artifact is exchanged for a Collectible, the Picks seek a new master in a new place to open new doors, leaving behind a Bonegod Key.
  • The Bonegod Key Collectible inherits the second Permanent Mechanic of the Artifact (not the Artifactspark stealing one).
  • While there are several Bonegod Keys, each looks unique, though should be inspired by the appearance of the Artifact.

WritersDedJok, FireFan96, MantaRey
Last EditorMonMarty on 10/7/2024.

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