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This is a test page so you really shouldn't talk about this is banter. Yes you know who you are.
{{Info Artifacts
|image          = Rkpick.png
|name            = Sparks of Joy
|origin          = [[Minor Faiths#The Mortis Cult|The Consigner]]
|type            = Accessory
The Ivory Picks were created by the Consigner as a way to learn the tricks of musicians and escape artists for its own nefarious purposes. While a good magician never reveals their tricks, the capabilities of the Ivory Pick are alluring enough for many to exchange knowledge of their acts with the Death God in exchange for one of these Artifacts. However, horror stories circulate around the performing arts communities of escape artists preparing for their death defying final act, only to find that the key component to their survival, the Ivory Pick, has been misfortunately misplaced, giving the Consigner the last laugh.

==State Law==
State Law covers all lands which are considered directly controlled by the Empire, meaning all lands which are not vassal states. Many of the laws however also apply to the Vassal states though can have local moderation and alterations. State Laws can be freely changed by Emperor or the Lord Chancellor. State Laws usually don't lead to Inquisitions or Heresy trials, they simply fall under Civilian Prosecution and as such are merely dealt with as Civilian matters. Punishments can simply be handed out by Regalian Guard Charters, or by the Civilian Courts should such a matter come before the Land’s Justice.
Ivory Picks are classified as an Accessory Artifact, meaning they cannot be wielded at the same time with other Accessory Artifacts by the same owner. An Ivory Pick is a thin pale instrument, able to fit within the keyhole of any lock or door. Prone to snapping under stress, it’s possible for anyone not careful enough to accidentally break the item under the right circumstance. The material of the Pick is thought to be some kind of polished bone, smooth to the touch with a soft glossy coating around it, although what exactly it's been made from has never truly been confirmed outright.

===Regalian Common Law===
==Artifact Mechanics==
#To wear a weapon or armor in public without express permission from the appropriate authorities is illegal.
Artifact Mechanics are split between Permanent Mechanics, Sparked Mechanics and Sparked Combat Mechanics. Permanent Mechanics are always available to the wielder of the Artifact. Sparked Mechanics and Sparked Combat Mechanics are only available if the Artifact has an Artifactspark. Sparked Combat Mechanics are noted separately, because this makes them easier to find, but they are no different from Sparked Mechanics in general. For more information on Artifactsparks, read the [[Resources#Artifacts|Resources]] Page. For Rules on Artifact ownership, see the [[Artifacts]] Page.
#Military Grade weaponry is weaponry designated for artillery usage. These include cannons, explosives and siege weapons.
===Permanent Mechanics===
#To harm another citizen or non-citizen resident is illegal.
#To harm in self-defense is only legal when under self-risk of bodily harm.
===Sparked Mechanics===
##Self-defense is the use of physical force that is less or equal to the threat faced by the defending party.
#To commit to murdering another citizen or non-citizen is illegal.
#To commit to harming one’s self in any mortal way is illegal
===Sparked Combat Mechanics===
#To falsify or otherwise forge your own death or the death of another, is illegal.
#To enslave outside of the confines of Suffran Law is illegal.
#To deprive another Regalian Citizen of their freedom is illegal.
==Collectible Artifact==
#To resist arrest from Regalian Guard Enforcement is illegal.
Artifacts are very cool, and make a Character super powerful. That being said, due to circumstances of Roleplay, a Character may end up holding onto an Artifact for months on end. This is generally not a problem, but we believe that Artifacts because of their uniqueness, should never be held onto in perpetuity by one Player. After a few months, it is time for the next player to be able to enjoy the artifact, and for this reason, Collectibles exist. After 120 days of non-consecutive Artifact ownership, an Artifact is automatically confiscated, and the Player who lost it is given a Collectible. Collectibles are thematically and aesthetically similar to the Artifact, meaning the loss of an Artifact does not visually detract from a Character's established design. However, they cannot hold Artifactsparks and only inherit the Permanent Mechanics from the Artifact they were generated from (including the rules limiting their use). On the other hand, Collectibles can never be stolen from their owner, a Collectible is owned forever, and there is no upper limit to the amount of Collectibles a Character can have, or wield/use at the same time. Collectibles may be traded away by their owner if they are unable to use the Permanent Mechanic due to the use limitation. To summarize this Artifact's Collectible properties:
#To bear false witness to an on-duty Regalian Law Enforcer when the lie has been proven is illegal.
*Marty Will Fill This In
#To attempt to break out of prison is illegal.
*The '''UNIQUE NAME''' Collectible inherits the Permanent Mechanic of Ivory Picks but can only be used by '''WHOEVER MARTY/ALEX WANT TO USE IT'''. While there are several '''UNIQUE NAME''', each looks unique, though should be inspired by the appearance of Ivory Picks.
#To convert away from Unionism is illegal.
#To willingly subject oneself or another to the aberrations of Undeadism, Sanguinism, or Werebeastism is illegal.
#To hide one’s identity or to impersonate another is illegal.
#To indecently disrobe another person in public is illegal.
#To expose private parts of intimate body parts in public is illegal.
#To engage in childbirth in public or other non-such medical places is illegal.
#To commit oneself to a false oath or renounce a lifeguard oath is illegal, and will incur a fine of 100 Regals.
#To commit to vigilantism, or to endeavor to enforce Regalian Law without the legal authority to do so, is illegal.

===Regalian Property Law===
#To trespass on the property of a Regalian resident is illegal.
#To drunkenly or disorderly disrupt public peace is illegal.
|Artists = MonMarty
#To steal or damage the belongings of Regalian residents is illegal
|Writers = DedJok, FireFan96
#To rob or mug, a Regalian resident is illegal.
|Processors =  
#To harm or damage a slave property of another is illegal.
#To commit to creating and/or possessing false currency or contraband is illegal.
#To harm or kill animals or livestock of another Regalian resident, save for certain self-defense scenarios, is illegal.
===Regalian City Ordinances===
#Any person caught littering within the Cathedral district shall be fined 40 regals.
#Any person caught participating in a form of bounty hunting without a registered license with the Freisöldner Inspector shall be arrested, their equipment forfeit, and fined 40 regals.
#To moor an airship within the Crown Isle city limits, without government approval, is illegal.
#Anyone who operates a Puretek weapon within the City of Regalia without a Belliard Seal from the Belliard Representative is to have said Puretek weapon forfeit and returned to the Guilds of Saint Belliard.
#Any and all First Civil Status citizens are permitted to request a weapons permit from the Old Guard Charter. A weapons permit allows any man or woman that is of adult age and of law-abiding status to bear a weapon openly in public.
===Regalian Marriage Law===
# To engage in fornication before marriage while there is a patriarch or matriarch bar, is illegal.
# To engage in adultery while actively married with a spouse without the Judicial consent forms, is illegal.
# To neglect, ignore, or fail to provide for a married spouse, is illegal.
# To neglect, ignore or fail to provide for a sired offspring, is illegal.
# Marriage in the Regalian State is only legal between two consenting persons who are permitted by their respective family heads.
# Upon death, unless inheritance bequeathed, possessions pass to next of kin.
# To marry or engage in 1st degree incestuous relations within a family, is illegal.
# To attempt to produce a miscarriage is illegal in any way or form or shape.
# To conspire or engage in marriage under duress of any threat, is illegal.
# Marriage is legal between any and all:
##Human and Nelfin Races of First or Protected Civil Status
##First Civil Status Races of the same Race
##Protected Civil Status Races of the same Race
# Marriage with a First Civil Status citizen does not bequeath Citizenship or First Civil Status.
===Regalian Civil Status===
The Regalian Civil Status Case is divided primarily into four main categories of individual: First Civil Status Races, Protected Civil Status Races, None Civil Status Races and Outsider Civil Status Races.
Races that are First Civil Status enjoy equal protection by the State through its laws and law enforcement chapters and have full access to the Courts of Regalia where the laws permit such.
Races that are Protected Civil Status enjoy somewhat the same protection by the State, however do not have access to the Courts of Regalia and must rely on First Civil Status Races to take their cases for them. In some cases, marriage may also be limited for these races where the laws state so.
Races that are None Civil Status enjoy no rights at all within the Regalian Empire, and thus are not protected by the Regalian law enforcement chapters for some crimes (Save brutalization in public) and have no access to the Regalian Judiciary whatsoever. Marriage may also be restricted for these individuals by law.
Races that are Outsider Civil Status are outcasts to the Regalian populous and can be actively beaten, robbed and treated like animals without impunity. They are not recognised as 'people' within the Regalian Caste System and thus can be enslaved by those that can overpower them (Doing so will then make that Outsider 'property', and subject to laws under the Regalian Property Law category.
# Ailor, Sihai, Dwarves, Qadir, Url, Allar, Orcs, Songaskians, Altalar and Cielothar are First Civil Status Races.
# Yanar, Varran, Avanthar, Sihndar and Manathar, are considered Protected Civil Status.
# Isldar are considered Protected Civil Status (Isldar retain First Civil Status if they are guards)
# Slizzar and Maraya are None Civil Status, thus they are not permitted to defend themselves in Court or marry with First Civil Status individuals. They will however still be protected from physical harm or brutalizing in public.
# Kathar are Outsider Civil Status. Outsider Status have no rights or protections in Regalia.
# Most Half-Races are considered First Civil Status Races as long as both parents are First Civil Status. If they have only one First Civil Status parent, they shall become Protected Civil Status. If they have no First Civil Status parents, they shall be None Civil Status.
# All Regalian Government secretaries and official ministers will enjoy the privileges associated with First Civil Status, regardless of their race, for as long as they hold a position in the Regalian Government. This is to ensure that these individuals can work productively and unimpeded by any restraints which would be otherwise placed upon them by the status of their birth.
===Suffran Law===
#Slaves enslaved outside of the Regalian Empire's sphere of influence and brought into the Regalian Empire are permitted.
#The enslavement of any Ailor is not permitted under any circumstances.
##Ailor may voluntarily enter into indentured servitude through a contract.
#The enslavement of any Race that is Outsider Civil Status is permitted.
===Regalian Insult Law===
#Any person calling a woman a harlot, without proof, is fined 30 Regals.
#Any person calling a man a coward, without proof, is fined 20 Regals.
#Any person insulting the sanctity of a Reverend is fined 40 Regals.
#Any person offending the right of nobility is fined 80 Regals, with the fine doubling per offense.
#Any person who defames, discredits, or otherwise embarasses their elder family members towards others is to be fined 30 regals.
===Regalian Political Law===
Political Laws are legislation enacted to deal with offenders who intend to disrupt the functioning of the Regalian Government, the State and in some cases, harm the Emperor himself. These laws generally require long term incarceration outside of Regalia in a High Priority prisoner citadel.
#To create a criminal organization and/or recruit members to its cause is illegal.
#To enter a criminal organization and/or work towards its cause is illegal.
#To support, aid, and/or associate with criminal organizations is illegal.
#To rebel against or disobey the Regalian State and/or Empire is illegal.
# To conspire against the Regalian State and/or Empire is illegal.
#To express or support Jacobinist views or goals, is illegal.
===Regalian Noble Law===
#To actively disrupt or compromise a public Government assembly after warnings, is illegal.
#To deprive a Noble of a vote in any way, is illegal.
#To falsify Noble seals & stamps of other Noble Houses, is illegal.
#When guilty of damage, both a Family House & Offender must compensate.
#Marriages between a titled member of peerage to another of another Titled family, of either sex, which would result in the passing of a landed title from one family to the other, must be brokered and approved by the Imperial Court otherwise the title of the individual taking the name of the dominant family will expire and default back to the Emperor for redistribution.
#To deprive a noble of their vote in the Regalian Noble Assembly, is illegal.
#The Lord Chancellor has full executive power to pass any law regardless of an assembly being held.
#The Noble Assembly may pass any law, provided it is not vetoed by the Lord Chancellor, with 50+1% of the gathered nobility at the sitting assembly.
#The Lord Chancellor may be impeached and removed from office by a 60% majority vote at that sitting assembly.
#Two Noble House leaders may call a noble assembly to be held, but it must be held at least 2 days in advance and the Lord Chancellor must be present.
#The Lord Chancellor must be present at every noble assembly. If the Lord Chancellor is not, the assembly cannot proceed.
===Regalian Knight Law===
#The following Knight Orders may open-carry non-military grade weapons and wear up-to plate armor:
##The Viridian Order​
#Knights are permitted to enter the Imperial Palace without armaments but can be expelled by Imperial Court Officials for poor behavior.
#Knights may enforce Regalian Law when called upon by the Lord Chancellor or any City Guard Charter to do so.
#Knights may engage in honor duels in the Knight’s District or other designated combat areas.
#Knights caught in violation of their Code of Honor, and with adequate presented proof, are liable to fifteen lashings with a whip by their Order’s membership or a City Guard.
===Regalian House Guard Law===
#Nobility may have a House Guard utilizing half plate armor but no helmet and non-military grade weapons.
#The House Guard must defend the lives and keep safe the nobles they serve from harm.
#The House Guard may detain any attackers that attempt to harm the nobles they serve and transfer them to the Regalian Guard Charters.
#The House Guard must act to defend, not to attack others. They may not draw swords for any reason but for defense of their noble patron.
===Regalian Mercenary Law===
#Mercenary Companies must be legally registered with the Mercenary Inspector to operate in the Crown Isle of Regalia.
#Mercenaries may only wear up to half-plate without a helmet, and only while fulfilling a legal contract.
#Mercenaries many only open-carry non-military grade weaponry.
#Mercenaries must adhere to all Regalian Law.
#Mercenaries must obey Regalian Law Enforcement orders from ranks ‘Captain’ and above.
#Mercenary Bands and Private Contractors must pay 20% of their earnings to the Regalian Government to maintain their Mercenary permit on the Crown Isle.

Latest revision as of 03:30, 21 September 2024

Sparks of Joy
NameSparks of Joy
OriginThe Consigner

The Ivory Picks were created by the Consigner as a way to learn the tricks of musicians and escape artists for its own nefarious purposes. While a good magician never reveals their tricks, the capabilities of the Ivory Pick are alluring enough for many to exchange knowledge of their acts with the Death God in exchange for one of these Artifacts. However, horror stories circulate around the performing arts communities of escape artists preparing for their death defying final act, only to find that the key component to their survival, the Ivory Pick, has been misfortunately misplaced, giving the Consigner the last laugh.


Ivory Picks are classified as an Accessory Artifact, meaning they cannot be wielded at the same time with other Accessory Artifacts by the same owner. An Ivory Pick is a thin pale instrument, able to fit within the keyhole of any lock or door. Prone to snapping under stress, it’s possible for anyone not careful enough to accidentally break the item under the right circumstance. The material of the Pick is thought to be some kind of polished bone, smooth to the touch with a soft glossy coating around it, although what exactly it's been made from has never truly been confirmed outright.

Artifact Mechanics

Artifact Mechanics are split between Permanent Mechanics, Sparked Mechanics and Sparked Combat Mechanics. Permanent Mechanics are always available to the wielder of the Artifact. Sparked Mechanics and Sparked Combat Mechanics are only available if the Artifact has an Artifactspark. Sparked Combat Mechanics are noted separately, because this makes them easier to find, but they are no different from Sparked Mechanics in general. For more information on Artifactsparks, read the Resources Page. For Rules on Artifact ownership, see the Artifacts Page.

Permanent Mechanics

Sparked Mechanics

Sparked Combat Mechanics

Collectible Artifact

Artifacts are very cool, and make a Character super powerful. That being said, due to circumstances of Roleplay, a Character may end up holding onto an Artifact for months on end. This is generally not a problem, but we believe that Artifacts because of their uniqueness, should never be held onto in perpetuity by one Player. After a few months, it is time for the next player to be able to enjoy the artifact, and for this reason, Collectibles exist. After 120 days of non-consecutive Artifact ownership, an Artifact is automatically confiscated, and the Player who lost it is given a Collectible. Collectibles are thematically and aesthetically similar to the Artifact, meaning the loss of an Artifact does not visually detract from a Character's established design. However, they cannot hold Artifactsparks and only inherit the Permanent Mechanics from the Artifact they were generated from (including the rules limiting their use). On the other hand, Collectibles can never be stolen from their owner, a Collectible is owned forever, and there is no upper limit to the amount of Collectibles a Character can have, or wield/use at the same time. Collectibles may be traded away by their owner if they are unable to use the Permanent Mechanic due to the use limitation. To summarize this Artifact's Collectible properties:

  • Marty Will Fill This In
  • The UNIQUE NAME Collectible inherits the Permanent Mechanic of Ivory Picks but can only be used by WHOEVER MARTY/ALEX WANT TO USE IT. While there are several UNIQUE NAME, each looks unique, though should be inspired by the appearance of Ivory Picks.

WritersDedJok, FireFan96
Last EditorFirefan96 on 09/21/2024.

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