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This is a test page so you really shouldn't talk about this is banter. Yes you know who you are.
{{Info Artifacts
|image           = Rkpick.png
{{Info magic
|name            = Sparks of Joy
|image     = Copnstruct.png
|origin          = [[Minor Faiths#The Mortis Cult|The Consigner]]
|alignment = [[Binral]]
|type            = Accessory
|origins  = [[Qadir]]
A curious form of magic, Construct Magic makes use of two [[Qadir]] specialties; clockwork engineering, and [[Soul Magic]], making Construct Mages uniquely dependent on their supply of [[Brass]] material and [[Soul Essence]] from Soul Mages. Without their brass, constructs cannot be built, and without the Soul Essence, constructs cannot be powered. Construct Magic is also an almost entirely utilitarian form of Magic, with a somewhat morally dubious twist, enhancing or improving the life of the caster while using the leftover emotions, thoughts, and memories of dead people as fuel. Construct Magic is at its core a [[Binral]] form of [[Magic]], despite using [[Exist Magic]] generated Soul Essence. As such, it cannot be learned in tandem with or after or before other forms of Magic, though it does have 10 spells of its own. With the exception of the final spell, all Construct Spells are legal in Regalia, making most Construct Mages fall under the classification of White Mage. Construct Magic is also very prevalent among the Qadir, being what powers most of their civilization and technology together with Soul Magic. Mages who wield Construct Magic are usually classified as Techmages, setting them apart from regular Exist or [[Void Mages]]. Construct Magic has to be learned in Engram sequence. That is to say, spells are not formally called spells, but Engrams and they are taught in the specific sequence from Engram One to Engram Ten without deviation. Finally, Construct Magic cannot be blocked by conventional Magic blocks like [[Lazurite]], it is powered by Binral Essence and as such has no other means of being blocked aside from disabling the caster or the objects they use. Construct Mages are also immune to the powers of [[Drows]], and the feeding of [[Phantasma|Witchbloods]]. Due to the close relation Qadir have with Construct Magic and Clockwork in general, Qadir have special learning times. While Construct Magic observes the natural progression of skills in terms of learning time, this curve is different for the Qadir, as their total learning time follows a different progression. A Qadir skips the Trainee level and starts at Novice at age 18. They reach Student at 20, Caster at 30, Spellweaver at 40, Mage at 50, High Mage at 60, Mentor at 70, Expert at 80 and Archmage at 100. This progression only counts for Qadir who stay with Qadir parents in a Hadritya until the age of 18 however, as the progression is changed by their upbringing close to clockwork and other Soul Magic installations.
The Ivory Picks were created by the Consigner as a way to learn the tricks of musicians and escape artists for its own nefarious purposes. While a good magician never reveals their tricks, the capabilities of the Ivory Pick are alluring enough for many to exchange knowledge of their acts with the Death God in exchange for one of these Artifacts. However, horror stories circulate around the performing arts communities of escape artists preparing for their death defying final act, only to find that the key component to their survival, the Ivory Pick, has been misfortunately misplaced, giving the Consigner the last laugh.
'''OOC Note:''' Because there is no real system for resource management present in-game, Construct Mages are simply required to create a cooperation with another PC Soul Mage. This Soul Mage has assumed infinite Qatils at their disposal, which makes Qatil usage a non-issue for the Construct Mage, but it is still required for them to maintain a positive contract with an active roleplayer portraying a Soul Mage to function. Additionally, no Combat Schools can ever be learned by Construct Mages.
==Engram One: Soul Range==
Engram One is the first learned Engram in the sequence of learning Construct Magic, and is many ways a preparatory spell that sets the Techmage up, as well as their later exploits. With the first Engram, the Techmage learns how to map their Almash, a mapping of their emotions. This Almash is different for each person, because it represents a drawn figure of their body on paper with arms and legs wide, and a localized glyph on their body where each emotion is represented. Since each person’s emotions are different and with different quantities, these glyphs are always in different places and in different sizes. Furthermore, Techmages can make these Almashes for others, by reading their emotional Soul Essence centers, and drawing them on paper. The last task Techmages engage in for this Engram, is to identify the so-called ‘trouble emotions’. These are as follows: anxiety, distraction, uncertainty, annoyance, and contempt. The trouble emotions are not the standard vice emotions such as pride and envy, but rather emotions that Techmages consider obstructive to their future work, emotions that distract from their ability to focus on their task at hand and see it to completion. This final task becomes more relevant in the second Engram.
==Engram Two: Soul Split==
Engram Two is the next learned Engram in the sequence of learning Construct Magic and is used to also prepare the Techmage for their future work, by clearing their mind. Firstly, the Techmage will construct a clockwork spider of sorts, a simple device that has a lightbulb on its back and small clockwork legs made out of copper or iron. Then, with the help of a Soul Mage and their own Almash, the Techmage will undergo a ritual called the Soul Splitting, where the troublesome parts of the Techmage’s  soul are retrieved and inserted into the clockwork spider. The lightbulb on the spider then lights up, and the device comes to life. It is important to note that removing these aspects of emotions does not make the Techmage entirely immune to them, it just makes them far less likely to inhibit in their mind. Furthermore, these emotions are never truly gone, rather, they are manifested in the clockwork spider that they have created that will from that point onwards be called the [[Clocktik]]. The Clocktik (which Techmages may decide to name) will take on its own personality, made up of whatever emotions the Techmage had purged from their body, and remain near (usually attached to) the body of the Techmage. A Clocktik usually also has a speaking module that produces a raspy, yet a higher pitched version of its’ Techmage’s voice, usually offering background comments on what is going on around the Techmage, with fitting responses based on their emotions. For example, a Clocktik implanted with anxiety and uncertainty may nag at its Techmage about how dangerous what they are doing is. Another example, where a Techmage implanted contempt and annoyance in their Clocktik, it will constantly give off sarcastic and passive aggressive statements. Clocktiks can be killed, either by smashing the lightbulb on their back or by removing them further than 30 feet from the Techmage. When this “death” occurs, the emotions will suddenly rush back into the Techmage, causing an instant and severe panic attack. Clocktiks can be tinkered with over time and customized to the Techmage’s personal tastes, usually as the Techmage learns more engrams. The Clocktik can also be made bigger, though all Clocktiks share a skittish nature that prevents them from ever engaging in combat. Instead, they serve a role much more like an annoying sidekick, offering commentary on their surroundings and ongoing events.
==Engram Three: Soul Spider==
The third Engram teaches the Techmage how to construct Clockwork spiders similar to the Clocktik, though these function far less autonomously, cannot talk and are generally smaller and more simplistic. These Soul Spiders are constructed through the use of clockwork engineering, after which they are imbued with Soul Essence from a [[Qatil]]. When powered, the Clockwork spiders perform simple tasks around the house of the caster, but will never wander away from their residence, going dormant when their Techmage has left their vicinity. They can perform simple tasks like moving paper around, writing a letter from dictation, or watering plants, though they cannot perform complex tasks like playing a game of chess or powering other clockwork devices. Soul Spiders are incredibly fragile, meaning they cannot even be used for combat applications, though they generally make the life of a Techmage easier at home.
==Engram Four: Work Spider==
The fourth Engram teaches the Techmage how to construct a Clockwork Worker. Workers are in design and intent very similar to Clockwork spiders but can operate independently from the Techmage. They are larger than the Soul Spiders, about the size of a child’s head, and can easily climb staircases or even furniture. On the downside, Clockwork Workers can only perform one task for their entire life, for example, to cut hedges around a person’s residence, or to carry a fresh bucket of water up a flight of stairs each morning. Additionally, while two Clockwork Workers can comfortably live together in one residence, a third or more will become territorial and start attacking the other Clockwork Workers. That being said, their territorial nature can be taken advantage of, making them useful guards of properties. Clockwork Workers mounted on a door frame will attack unwanted intruders by pinching and slicing at them with their small spider claws. Clockwork Workers are notoriously sold by Construct Mages as a means of making a profit since many businesses especially enjoy Clockwork Workers tending to their plants and gardens, or even apothecaries making use of their fine motoric precision to harvest alchemical ingredients from a botanical garden. Clockwork Workers can usually remain powered by a single Qatil for a month, but require refills usually when they lose power.
==Engram Five: Dead Breath==
The fifth Engram is perhaps the most macabre of them all, using Soul Essence (which is the leftover remains of dead people’s souls) to substitute a breathing atmosphere for the host. Techmages at this level will have learned how to properly harness the power of Soul Essence to substitute the need for breathing, almost to an indefinite point (though it does require constant Qatil refueling). Techmages can construct a so-called [[Nafsar]], a breathing device that seals with leather around their mouth and neck, usually attached with further belts to ensure the device is completely airtight. These devices only work on Techmages but are very useful when applied in combination with goggles. While somewhat impeding movement freedom (due to the restrictive leather on the face) it makes Techmages completely immune to any airborne harmful materials and gives them the means to breathe even where there is no oxygen. Enabling this device can be quite painful, however. When it is attached to the mage, they must first use up nearly all oxygen inside the mask, causing them to essentially suffocate before inserting the Qatil at the point where it nearly becomes unbearable. When the Qatil is inserted, the device will magically switch the atmosphere, allowing the Techmage to breathe the Qatil undisturbed as if it were oxygen. It is important to note that each Qatil will last roughly three days and that Mages need to re-insert a new Qatil before the last one expires to upkeep the flow of breathable Soul Essence. If they do not and keep the mask on, they will suffocate. Furthermore, removing the mask and re-introducing oxygen to the Mage causes a period of near-suffocation where the lungs have to re-adapt, making removing the mask an unpleasant experience. Dead Breath cannot be used by anyone but the Techmages in question, meaning the mask is effectively useless for others, and will only cause them to suffocate.
==Engram Six: Stopping Power==
Engram Six is the only directly offensively used Engram of Clockwork Mages (if you discount the effects of other Clock devices). With Engram Six, the Techmages learn how to craft a [[Tawaq]], a light crossbow device set on a handle with a very long thin barrel (usually around 4 feet) with a clockwork device both in the handle and at the tip. The Tawaq is a simple yet straightforward device. Loaded with whole Qatils (instead of powered by them, thus being not as effective as the government issue), the device works by ramming the Qatil into a dispersion device at the end of the barrel through a clockwork-powered crossbow wire. When rammed into the tip, the Qatil forcefully ejects all contained Soul Essence at extreme speeds in the barrel’s aim, leaving behind a trail of glowing white dust. The projectile itself is ethereal, meaning it does not have a physical form, though it will stop at the next physical object hit and cause a number of outcomes depending on what it hit. These outcomes are explained below. Tawaq are legal to carry in Regalia, but relatively unwieldy and slow to reload, taking almost 30 seconds to remove the used Qatil holder, and inserting a new one while letting the clockwork wheel string the crossbow wire. Due to their size, the user must be in a crouching position to fire, while the weapon can only be wielded by a Techmage that has the sixth Engram learned, meaning the weapon is useless in the hands of a non-Construct Magic user.
[[File:Constryucgun.png|800px|thumb|center|A Tawaq is a very curious device to outsiders, and surprisingly, fully legal in Regalia on account of it only harming aberrants.]]
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 800px; margin: auto;"
! Target
! Effect
| Mundanes (Non-Mage, Non-Special), Avanthar, Slizzar, Yanar, Maiar
| No Effect at all, the projectile is not even felt
| [[Dragonblood]], Aspect of the Dragon, Dragon Knight, [[Phantasma]](Witchblood)
| Invigoration doubled strength and speed for an hour
| Mages (Except other Binral based Mages)
| Inability to cast magic for an hour
| [[Dulofall]], [[Aleia]], [[Kathar]], [[Vampires]], [[Silven]], [[Void Worshipers]], Possessed Individuals
| Physical weakness, halving their speed and strength for an hour
| Both Mage and one of the above
| Both effects pertinent to Mages and one of the above
| [[Drowdar]]
| Cannot use their Guardian Ability for an hour
| [[Undead]]
| Lose physical cohesion if they have loose limbs, but otherwise also lose consciousness for an hour, the projectile is extremely painful
==Engram Seven: Whistling Pencil==
The seventh Engram is mostly a utilitarian spell, though Techmages have been getting creative with how to wield their pencils in combat situations. Whistling Pencil allows a Techmage to produce so-called [[Qalam]], pencils that act very similarly to the Clockwork Spiders, yet are essentially just clockwork pencils with a Qatil loaded into them. A Techmage may have five of them operational at any time, and they are capable of each writing individually different sentences, copying an existing sheet of paper, or all writing the same letter faster, or even writing multiple letters in tandem. Techmages have often used Whistling Pencil to mass produce written literature as they write much faster than any humanoid could, though in some cases, these pencils have also been known to be used in combat applications. Since the pencils are powered by the motion will of the Mage, they can also be forced into a horizontal position and sent flying towards a target with great speed. While these pencils are obviously made to write and not pierce, their damage is not as inflicting as a crossbow bolt would be, but pen nibs can be wholly inserted into a target, causing severe pain. Furthermore, pencils that miss their intended target can be called back as if powered by magnetism, as long as they stay within 30 feet away from the Techmage, otherwise, they lose functionality.
==Engram Eight: Binral Reader==
The Eight Engram permits the Techmage to produce a [[Doqot]] orr Wha’oo (usually shortened to Wha’o) which appears similar to a simple screwdriver but is actually an advanced piece of clockwork machinery. Being roughly an inch thick and six inches long, they are filled with small cogs that constantly whirr, and a Qatil battery that gives off a white Soul Essence glow around the crescent-shaped tip. A Wha’o can be used by Techmages as a reader of sorts, a device that is used to analyze the magical properties of items in particular. It is able to, for example, detect magical essences left behind by Mind Mages on objects, but also to read the uses and effects of ancient artifacts left behind by Dragons or Artificers. Furthermore, it also grants the Techmages intimate knowledge in the usage and operation of Artificarorums and Binral Essence Gems.
==Engram Nine: Eshraqat==
The Ninth Engram teaches the Techmages how to produce [[Eshraqats]], miniature versions of the Qadir Esrah Alwattah that can be used to project the Soul of the Techmage temporarily into the golem. At this level, the Techmage may also give the Clocktik a humanoid form. Eshraqats are not particularly sturdy vessels, held together by delicate clockwork though offering athletic and acrobatic agility while losing endurance in combat. Eshraqats are extremely expensive to produce, given that their eyes are powered by gems and their body is almost entirely made of expensive brass alloys. That being said, the considerable cost is well worth it; Techmages that project their Soul Essence into the device are able to speak, see, hear, and feel inside the Golem exactly as they do inside their human form. These devices are normally hooked up to a number of Qatil batteries, attached to an Eshraq chair, in which the Mage must remain seated while operating the Golem. Once the transfer is completed, the Mage’s consciousness will be held inside the Golem, though their soul remains within the body, giving Golems functional immunity to Soul Magic. This Golem can be operated for as long and as far from the body as the Mage wants, though it does not remove the need for the Mage to eat and sleep. Furthermore, there is a serious risk imposed when projecting into the Golem. As a Golem, their body will constantly need Qatil batteries, and they cannot cast any of their usual Magic from inside the Golem, rendering their commands for their clockwork devices useless. Furthermore, while destroying the Golem simply awakens the Mage, killing the Mage while they are projecting into the Golem will rip their Soul Essence out of their body and plant it into the Golem, thus killing them and trapping their Soul inside the Golem for better or for worse. Some Construct Mages have been known to become trapped this way, either by neglecting their original body or becoming subject to foul play. Many of them remain as immortal (as long as they are maintained and powered) walking libraries of Construct Magic, teaching new Mages, yet constantly warning them of the dangers of becoming too enamored with Eshraqats.  

'''OOC Note:''' Clocktiks in humanoid form may be portrayed by other players, so long as they observe the non-combat, non-utility limitations on Clocktiks, as Clocktiks are little more than dialogue vessels. Furthermore, it is not permitted to play an Immortal Golem at this point. It is allowed to become a Golem through IC proceedings, but a Character may not be a Golem by default.
Ivory Picks are classified as an Accessory Artifact, meaning they cannot be wielded at the same time with other Accessory Artifacts by the same owner. An Ivory Pick is a thin pale instrument, able to fit within the keyhole of any lock or door. Prone to snapping under stress, it’s possible for anyone not careful enough to accidentally break the item under the right circumstance. The material of the Pick is thought to be some kind of polished bone, smooth to the touch with a soft glossy coating around it, although what exactly it's been made from has never truly been confirmed outright.

==Engram Ten: Age Stealer==
==Artifact Mechanics==
Engram Ten has always proven an ethically dubious Engram for Construct Mages: the choice between physical enhancement, or a greater duration of life. With the Tenth Engram, Construct Mages essentially learn how to fortify aspects of their body with Soul Essence, the leftover remains of the dead in two distinct ways, either by boosting the efficiency of the bodily form or by boosting the sturdiness of the heart. Choosing one will disable the other, thus meaning the Mage has to choose between the two. The first choice, being the strengthening of limbs, has the Mage perform a great ritual requiring 10 Qatils and various clockwork piercings on their arms and limbs. After this ritual is complete, they will permanently (that is, until their death) have the physical capacity of someone at age 30, regardless of their age (this stacks on top of their Body Shape). It will not cause their wrinkles or other aging factors to disappear (at least, not to a point of completely disappearing, though giving the impression of a healthy 60-year-old Humanoid), but underneath, their muscles and blood circulation will be re-invigorated. This choice is often seen as the more morally acceptable decision, as it simply uses Soul Essence to enhance the body. The second more morally dubious option is to fortify the heart with Soul Essence. This boost essentially turns back time for the host in terms of their body’s expiry date for their internal organs only (thus not changing their appearance at all). When this ritual is performed (similarly to the first option, but with a Clockwork device embedded into their chest), their lifespan is extended by 40 years, regardless of their race. This is seen as the morally darker choice, as it uses the left-over essences of dead people who had no choice over their own time of death to extend one’s own. Neither of these spells can be performed on others, thus being solely effective on the mage. The spell can never be recast, meaning that the Techmage’s decision must be absolutely final before they go through with the ritual.
Artifact Mechanics are split between Permanent Mechanics, Sparked Mechanics and Sparked Combat Mechanics. Permanent Mechanics are always available to the wielder of the Artifact. Sparked Mechanics and Sparked Combat Mechanics are only available if the Artifact has an Artifactspark. Sparked Combat Mechanics are noted separately, because this makes them easier to find, but they are no different from Sparked Mechanics in general. For more information on Artifactsparks, read the [[Resources#Artifacts|Resources]] Page. For Rules on Artifact ownership, see the [[Artifacts]] Page.
===Permanent Mechanics===
===Sparked Mechanics===
===Sparked Combat Mechanics===
==Collectible Artifact==
Artifacts are very cool, and make a Character super powerful. That being said, due to circumstances of Roleplay, a Character may end up holding onto an Artifact for months on end. This is generally not a problem, but we believe that Artifacts because of their uniqueness, should never be held onto in perpetuity by one Player. After a few months, it is time for the next player to be able to enjoy the artifact, and for this reason, Collectibles exist. After 120 days of non-consecutive Artifact ownership, an Artifact is automatically confiscated, and the Player who lost it is given a Collectible. Collectibles are thematically and aesthetically similar to the Artifact, meaning the loss of an Artifact does not visually detract from a Character's established design. However, they cannot hold Artifactsparks and only inherit the Permanent Mechanics from the Artifact they were generated from (including the rules limiting their use). On the other hand, Collectibles can never be stolen from their owner, a Collectible is owned forever, and there is no upper limit to the amount of Collectibles a Character can have, or wield/use at the same time. Collectibles may be traded away by their owner if they are unable to use the Permanent Mechanic due to the use limitation. To summarize this Artifact's Collectible properties:
*Marty Will Fill This In
*The '''UNIQUE NAME''' Collectible inherits the Permanent Mechanic of Ivory Picks but can only be used by '''WHOEVER MARTY/ALEX WANT TO USE IT'''. While there are several '''UNIQUE NAME''', each looks unique, though should be inspired by the appearance of Ivory Picks.

|Artists = MonMarty
|Artists = MonMarty
|Writers = MonMarty
|Writers = DedJok, FireFan96
|Processors = Scribbe, HydraLana
|Processors =  
[[category:Magic]] [[category:Spells]]

Latest revision as of 03:30, 21 September 2024

Sparks of Joy
NameSparks of Joy
OriginThe Consigner

The Ivory Picks were created by the Consigner as a way to learn the tricks of musicians and escape artists for its own nefarious purposes. While a good magician never reveals their tricks, the capabilities of the Ivory Pick are alluring enough for many to exchange knowledge of their acts with the Death God in exchange for one of these Artifacts. However, horror stories circulate around the performing arts communities of escape artists preparing for their death defying final act, only to find that the key component to their survival, the Ivory Pick, has been misfortunately misplaced, giving the Consigner the last laugh.


Ivory Picks are classified as an Accessory Artifact, meaning they cannot be wielded at the same time with other Accessory Artifacts by the same owner. An Ivory Pick is a thin pale instrument, able to fit within the keyhole of any lock or door. Prone to snapping under stress, it’s possible for anyone not careful enough to accidentally break the item under the right circumstance. The material of the Pick is thought to be some kind of polished bone, smooth to the touch with a soft glossy coating around it, although what exactly it's been made from has never truly been confirmed outright.

Artifact Mechanics

Artifact Mechanics are split between Permanent Mechanics, Sparked Mechanics and Sparked Combat Mechanics. Permanent Mechanics are always available to the wielder of the Artifact. Sparked Mechanics and Sparked Combat Mechanics are only available if the Artifact has an Artifactspark. Sparked Combat Mechanics are noted separately, because this makes them easier to find, but they are no different from Sparked Mechanics in general. For more information on Artifactsparks, read the Resources Page. For Rules on Artifact ownership, see the Artifacts Page.

Permanent Mechanics

Sparked Mechanics

Sparked Combat Mechanics

Collectible Artifact

Artifacts are very cool, and make a Character super powerful. That being said, due to circumstances of Roleplay, a Character may end up holding onto an Artifact for months on end. This is generally not a problem, but we believe that Artifacts because of their uniqueness, should never be held onto in perpetuity by one Player. After a few months, it is time for the next player to be able to enjoy the artifact, and for this reason, Collectibles exist. After 120 days of non-consecutive Artifact ownership, an Artifact is automatically confiscated, and the Player who lost it is given a Collectible. Collectibles are thematically and aesthetically similar to the Artifact, meaning the loss of an Artifact does not visually detract from a Character's established design. However, they cannot hold Artifactsparks and only inherit the Permanent Mechanics from the Artifact they were generated from (including the rules limiting their use). On the other hand, Collectibles can never be stolen from their owner, a Collectible is owned forever, and there is no upper limit to the amount of Collectibles a Character can have, or wield/use at the same time. Collectibles may be traded away by their owner if they are unable to use the Permanent Mechanic due to the use limitation. To summarize this Artifact's Collectible properties:

  • Marty Will Fill This In
  • The UNIQUE NAME Collectible inherits the Permanent Mechanic of Ivory Picks but can only be used by WHOEVER MARTY/ALEX WANT TO USE IT. While there are several UNIQUE NAME, each looks unique, though should be inspired by the appearance of Ivory Picks.

WritersDedJok, FireFan96
Last EditorFirefan96 on 09/21/2024.

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