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owo what's this?
{{Info Artifacts
|image          = Rkpick.png
|name            = Sparks of Joy
|origin          = [[Minor Faiths#The Mortis Cult|The Consigner]]
|type            = Accessory
The Ivory Picks were created by the Consigner as a way to learn the tricks of musicians and escape artists for its own nefarious purposes. While a good magician never reveals their tricks, the capabilities of the Ivory Pick are alluring enough for many to exchange knowledge of their acts with the Death God in exchange for one of these Artifacts. However, horror stories circulate around the performing arts communities of escape artists preparing for their death defying final act, only to find that the key component to their survival, the Ivory Pick, has been misfortunately misplaced, giving the Consigner the last laugh.

==Honneurs Codes==
{| class="wikitable"
Ivory Picks are classified as an Accessory Artifact, meaning they cannot be wielded at the same time with other Accessory Artifacts by the same owner. An Ivory Pick is a thin pale instrument, able to fit within the keyhole of any lock or door. Prone to snapping under stress, it’s possible for anyone not careful enough to accidentally break the item under the right circumstance. The material of the Pick is thought to be some kind of polished bone, smooth to the touch with a soft glossy coating around it, although what exactly it's been made from has never truly been confirmed outright.
|- style="font-weight:bold; background-color:#c0c0c0;"
! Core
! Souvereine
! Calemberg
| A noble may never use a nickname as a form of address for another noble, unless they are related by the first degree (married, siblings, children, but not including parents). Using nicknames for commoners is permitted, in an endearing and patronizing sense.
| In addition to the exception of first degree relation, female nobles may use nicknames for their female friends, while male nobles may use nicknames for their male friends, but neither may use nicknames for commoners.
| A noble may never use nicknames ever, period, this includes commoners and those related to the first degree.
| A noble may never touch the base skin of another noble, unless they are related by the first degree (married, siblings, children, but not including parents). This also includes commoners.
| The same.
| The same.
| A noble must always address titled nobles with the correct form of address, even if they are above, or below them, and may never refer to commoners as titles used for titleholders, or neutral terms for nobility.
| The same.
| The same.
| A noble may never look the Emperor in the eye, regardless of their political status or standing with the Emperor, or personability with Him. The correct way is to look at the Emperor’s chest, or neck, never to his side, or facing away from Him.
| The same.
| In addition to the bar on looking the Emperor in the eye, a noble may never turn their back on the Emperor until they leave a room He is in.
| A noble may never exhibit intimacy in public with a spouse, beyond holding hands. This includes inference, innuendos or outright erotic speech with regards to intended, past or current interactions.
| The limitation on inference, innuendos, or outright erotic speech with regards to a spouse is permitted, but all other limitations still apply.
| The same.
| A noble may never make gestures with their tongue or lips to another noble, aside from to wetten one’s lips in between lengthy conversations.
| The same.
| The same.
| A noble is never permitted to remove any articles of clothing in front of another noble save for gloves, or to remove additional items added recently like an overcoat to shield from the rain, or a hat to shield from the sun.
| The same.
| The same.
| A noble may never relieve gaseous substances from their self, or make humor or reference to such commonly deplorable things.
| The same.
| The same.
| A noble should never point, wave, beckon with their hand, or otherwise make gestures with their hands towards another noble, unless this is required, for example during an auction.
| A noble may never make gestures, unless they are female, and make those gestures with a fan.
| The same.
| The most personably permitted greeting is a modest bow of the head while greeting a person stating “Good <time> <Title> <Surname>”, or “Greetings <Title> <Surname>”. Shaking hands is not permitted at all.
| The most personably permitted greeting is air kisses, one on each cheek, though being careful never to physically touch.
| The most personably permitted greeting is a modest bow of the head while greeting a person stating “Good <time> <Title> <Surname>”, or “Greetings <Title> <Surname>”. When greeting a member of a higher social rank, men must always perform an Imperial salute with their greeting, instead of a head bow.
| A noble must endeavor not to bare their teeth during dining or soirees, and avoid allowing other guests to see the food contents of their mouth while eating.
| The same.
| In addition to not baring their teeth, women must endeavor to shield their mouth with their hand for the entire duration of them chewing the food, from when they insert it, until swallowing.
| A noble must endeavor never to eat without utensils, and never to drink clean from bottles, but always use the appropriate tools for food and drinks, as provided by hosts.
| The same.
| The same.
| A noble must never insult either verbally or physically the host of any soiree, or the owner of any particular place where such a soiree would take place, or indeed the place itself.
| A noble may never physically insult the host of any soiree, or the owner of any particular place where such a soiree would take place, or the place itself, but they can do so verbally.
| The same.
| A noble must never speak ill of the comforts provided, for example drinks and foods at a soiree or dining party, or cigarettes or liquor when in closer comforts.
| A noble may speak ill of the comforts provided, for example drinks and food at a soiree, or dining party, or cigarettes or liquor when in closer comforts.
| The same.
| After dinner, noble men and women must remain at least 6 feet (2 blocks) separated from one another for at least an hour, though among genders, distances of up to 2 feet is permitted (less than 1 block)
| After dinner, all nobles may mingle in whatever manner they please, with no limitations on distance provided.
| After dinner, noble men and women must separate into two separate drawing rooms, and if only one is provided, women must retreat to the drawing room, while men must stay in the dining room.
| Unmarried men and women are not permitted to stay at the residence of another family after the sun has gone down, or before it has gone up, unless this was under the guidance of their patriarch or matriarch, or when it is required such as during a late-night soiree.
| This rule does not exist.
| Unmarried women are not permitted to stay at the residence of another family without the guidance of a male in their family, period, regardless of time of day. Men may go as they please.
| All nobles must wear clothing as set out by the Court Hotier in terms of how much skin is permitted to be seen, and what styles are banned.
| In addition to the Core rules, all nobles who do not follow the Court Hotier’s monthly high fashion are in violation of this rule.
| The same, however women are not permitted to show any skin below the clavicles ever, period, even if the Court Hotiers says they can. Shoulders and neck may only be exposed during galas and balls, but preferably not even then.
| Those without Princely rank are not permitted to wear a coronet or crown, ever. Those without an Electoral title are not permitted to wear a cape of ermine fur and satin, ever.
| The same.
| The same, however there being one exception: men are permitted to wear a white Calemberger Fox fur cape even when not Electoral, but without the black tassels.
| During or before Courtship, or outside of Courtship, nobles are not permitted to engage in intimacy beyond holding hands or serenading. Intimacy is reserved for marriage.
| During or before Courtship, intimacy is permitted, even the greatest of intimacies beyond holding hands. It must however never become public knowledge.
| The same.
| During a wedding, or the festivities immediately after, everyone must wear white, and may not profess own-family loyalty or dedication, or engage in speech that would imply political or personal distaste for any particular guest or participant.
| The same.
| The same.
| A noble should endeavor not to court or wed with a commoner, unless they were both commoners before ennoblement, or have dispensation from the Emperor personally.
| The same, though an exception is made for nobles to have commoner paramour consorts, as long as they never marry, and are discreet.
| Nobles may never marry commoners, period, ever.
| A noble should retain a professional distance with one’s servants, even if they are lifelong familiar servants that are “as if family”, while in public. Niceties and true feelings can be shared in private.
| The same.
| A noble should never show familiarity with a servant, period, and as soon as one is witnessed to showcase familiarity, the servant ought to be fired by another family member who witnesses it.
| Women must never enter a carriage with another man unless that man is a member of their family or spouse, without a chaperone.
| This rule does not exist.
| The same.
| A noble should always wait to be asked to be seated, and when seating, should always seat in order of importance, with higher nobles sitting first.
| This rule does not exit.
| The same, though men should prefer to remain standing unless they should need to sit, for example to eat.
| Noble men should always come to stand, if seated, if either a higher noble lord, or a noble woman is leaving the room. Those of weak constitution or frailty may remain seated. Women must always remain seated until all plates are removed from the table.
| The same.
| The same.
| Noble men may, per evening, only ask upwards of two women for a dance, regardless of whether they decline or accept. A woman may never ask for a dance, though women may also never reject a dance, unless the partner is deemed unfit by society to dance with her status.
| The same, though women may decline to dance if they don’t want to, and women may also ask for upwards to 2 dances.
| The same.
| Noble women may not dance without gloves on, and may not be on the dancefloor without dance appropriate silk or velvet slippers for dancing. A noble woman must also never lead the dance.
| The same, though women may lead the dance.
| The same.
| A noble woman may never request a courtship directly to a man. If a man chooses to ask a woman, he must bend to a knee, and expect a hand to kiss the top of a gloved hand. If the woman finds the man agreeable, she may remove the glove, and leave him with it, immediately departing, to encourage future approachment.
| The same.
| Both noble men and women may not inquire for a courtship. Men interested in a courtship should inquire with their patriarch or matriarch to engage in negotiations with the other family at their prerogative.
| A noble may never leave the confines of the City or the countryside, and should endeavor never to venture into the seedier places of the city, or indeed the very sewers and lawless areas.
| The same.
| The same.
| A noble should never speak ill of the City Guard or the Military or the Marshal’s Cabinet, unless one of higher political ranking has initiated a conversation with the intent to review their performance, but one must under no circumstance complain about them.
| This rule does not exist.
| Don’t criticize the military or guard period, ever, one may only criticize the offers or generals personally for poor performance.

==Artifact Mechanics==
Artifact Mechanics are split between Permanent Mechanics, Sparked Mechanics and Sparked Combat Mechanics. Permanent Mechanics are always available to the wielder of the Artifact. Sparked Mechanics and Sparked Combat Mechanics are only available if the Artifact has an Artifactspark. Sparked Combat Mechanics are noted separately, because this makes them easier to find, but they are no different from Sparked Mechanics in general. For more information on Artifactsparks, read the [[Resources#Artifacts|Resources]] Page. For Rules on Artifact ownership, see the [[Artifacts]] Page.
===Permanent Mechanics===
===Sparked Mechanics===
===Sparked Combat Mechanics===
==Collectible Artifact==
Artifacts are very cool, and make a Character super powerful. That being said, due to circumstances of Roleplay, a Character may end up holding onto an Artifact for months on end. This is generally not a problem, but we believe that Artifacts because of their uniqueness, should never be held onto in perpetuity by one Player. After a few months, it is time for the next player to be able to enjoy the artifact, and for this reason, Collectibles exist. After 120 days of non-consecutive Artifact ownership, an Artifact is automatically confiscated, and the Player who lost it is given a Collectible. Collectibles are thematically and aesthetically similar to the Artifact, meaning the loss of an Artifact does not visually detract from a Character's established design. However, they cannot hold Artifactsparks and only inherit the Permanent Mechanics from the Artifact they were generated from (including the rules limiting their use). On the other hand, Collectibles can never be stolen from their owner, a Collectible is owned forever, and there is no upper limit to the amount of Collectibles a Character can have, or wield/use at the same time. Collectibles may be traded away by their owner if they are unable to use the Permanent Mechanic due to the use limitation. To summarize this Artifact's Collectible properties:
*Marty Will Fill This In
*The '''UNIQUE NAME''' Collectible inherits the Permanent Mechanic of Ivory Picks but can only be used by '''WHOEVER MARTY/ALEX WANT TO USE IT'''. While there are several '''UNIQUE NAME''', each looks unique, though should be inspired by the appearance of Ivory Picks.

{| class="wikitable"
|Artists = MonMarty
! School Name
|Writers = DedJok, FireFan96
! Location
|Processors =
! State Allegiance
! Entry Requirements
! Duration of Education
! Taught Proficiencies
| State Academy for Officers
| City of Regalia
| Regalian Empire
| Any Ailor at least 14 years old
| 10 Years
| General Command, Rapier Combat
| Lutherstadt Kriegsakademie
| Lutherstadt, Greater Calemberg
| Regalian Empire
| Ailor Men at least 14 years old
| 8 Years
| Rapier Combat, General Command
| Thr-Aenqaal Ellar School of Prefect of War
| Paarthalaar
| Dread Empire
| Kathar at least 14 years old
| 10 Years
| General Command, Magic
| Masayan School of Warfare
| Korbamakora
| Songaskian Masaya
| Songaskia at least 14 years old
| 10 Years
| General Command, Warwhip Combat
| Aestar Military Academy
| City of Axford, Anglia
| Regalian Empire
| Any Ailor at least 14 years old
| 6 Years
| General Command
| Accademia del Tuono Ruggente
| Alabano, Vultaro
| Regalian Empire
| Any Ailor and Orc at least 14 years old
| 4 Years
| General Command, Siege Command, Fortification Arts
| Lycee Fort Taktiker
| Konigsberg, Greater Calemberg
| Regalian Empire
| Ailor Men at least 14 years old
| 4 Years
| Siege Command, Fortification Arts
| Collegio del soffio Infuocato di Polvere da spara
| Lampeporta, Vultaro
| Regalian Empire
| Any Ailor at least 14 years old
| 3 Years
| Siege Command
| Lycee de la Rousette
| Vixhall
| Regalian Empire
| Ailor Men at least 14 years old
| 6 Years
| Frontline Command
| Suvial Academy of the Guardian
| Uttrasamela, Avela Monvarindra
| Suvial Principalities
| Suvial Altalar
| 20 Years
| General Command, Magic

Latest revision as of 03:30, 21 September 2024

Sparks of Joy
NameSparks of Joy
OriginThe Consigner

The Ivory Picks were created by the Consigner as a way to learn the tricks of musicians and escape artists for its own nefarious purposes. While a good magician never reveals their tricks, the capabilities of the Ivory Pick are alluring enough for many to exchange knowledge of their acts with the Death God in exchange for one of these Artifacts. However, horror stories circulate around the performing arts communities of escape artists preparing for their death defying final act, only to find that the key component to their survival, the Ivory Pick, has been misfortunately misplaced, giving the Consigner the last laugh.


Ivory Picks are classified as an Accessory Artifact, meaning they cannot be wielded at the same time with other Accessory Artifacts by the same owner. An Ivory Pick is a thin pale instrument, able to fit within the keyhole of any lock or door. Prone to snapping under stress, it’s possible for anyone not careful enough to accidentally break the item under the right circumstance. The material of the Pick is thought to be some kind of polished bone, smooth to the touch with a soft glossy coating around it, although what exactly it's been made from has never truly been confirmed outright.

Artifact Mechanics

Artifact Mechanics are split between Permanent Mechanics, Sparked Mechanics and Sparked Combat Mechanics. Permanent Mechanics are always available to the wielder of the Artifact. Sparked Mechanics and Sparked Combat Mechanics are only available if the Artifact has an Artifactspark. Sparked Combat Mechanics are noted separately, because this makes them easier to find, but they are no different from Sparked Mechanics in general. For more information on Artifactsparks, read the Resources Page. For Rules on Artifact ownership, see the Artifacts Page.

Permanent Mechanics

Sparked Mechanics

Sparked Combat Mechanics

Collectible Artifact

Artifacts are very cool, and make a Character super powerful. That being said, due to circumstances of Roleplay, a Character may end up holding onto an Artifact for months on end. This is generally not a problem, but we believe that Artifacts because of their uniqueness, should never be held onto in perpetuity by one Player. After a few months, it is time for the next player to be able to enjoy the artifact, and for this reason, Collectibles exist. After 120 days of non-consecutive Artifact ownership, an Artifact is automatically confiscated, and the Player who lost it is given a Collectible. Collectibles are thematically and aesthetically similar to the Artifact, meaning the loss of an Artifact does not visually detract from a Character's established design. However, they cannot hold Artifactsparks and only inherit the Permanent Mechanics from the Artifact they were generated from (including the rules limiting their use). On the other hand, Collectibles can never be stolen from their owner, a Collectible is owned forever, and there is no upper limit to the amount of Collectibles a Character can have, or wield/use at the same time. Collectibles may be traded away by their owner if they are unable to use the Permanent Mechanic due to the use limitation. To summarize this Artifact's Collectible properties:

  • Marty Will Fill This In
  • The UNIQUE NAME Collectible inherits the Permanent Mechanic of Ivory Picks but can only be used by WHOEVER MARTY/ALEX WANT TO USE IT. While there are several UNIQUE NAME, each looks unique, though should be inspired by the appearance of Ivory Picks.

WritersDedJok, FireFan96
Last EditorFirefan96 on 09/21/2024.

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