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The Abilities page is a useful resource page that standardizes all abilities, counters and mechanics, for ease of reference. Terms from this page are frequently used for pieces of Lore that grant Abilities. Keep in mind that the information on this page is only a base-level categorization and structure. This means that while we have set forward some basic rules that most if not all Abilities obey by, in some cases, minor differences may occur. As such, please be sure to always read the Lore page thoroughly and not just go off the information on this page. It purely explains the mechanical underpinning of the terminology, not the actual usage and rules of the Abilities, which may still differ on the Lore page. An indexed list of all abilities can be found on the [[Ability List]] page.
{{ infobox
==Ability Categories==
| bodystyle = width: 100%; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin: auto; padding-left: 1px; padding-right: 1px; background-color: #EBEBEB;
Abilities are split into two broad "categories."
| headerstyle = background: #D0D3D1; width: 100%; text-align: center; vertical-align:middle; font: 15px georgia; font-weight: bolder; font-variant: small-caps; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;
*'''Powers:''' Are usually magical manifestations and "superpowers."
| datastyle  = text-align: left; font-size: 0.95em;
*'''Techniques:''' Are usually non-magical feats of endurance or strength.
| header1    = The Ability and Proficiency System
*Powers and Techniques are both Abilities.
| data2      =  
{| class="wikitable"
This page involves the [[Abilities]] and [[Proficiency]] system, which is a core part of how Combat Roleplay and "Competitive" Roleplay works on Massivecraft. To see an explanation of general Rules, Terminology, and Mechanics used on this page, read the [[Abilities]] page. To see a broader explanation of the Abilities and Rules used on this page, read the [[Proficiency]] Page. To see an indexed list of all Abilities, read the [[Ability List]] Page.  
! style="text-align: center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Type
! style="text-align: center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Description
The Ability Manual is a resource page to explain common terms, functions, and base-line rules for Ability usage. If you play D&D, this should be as familiar as a Players Handbook. An indexed list of all Abilities can be found on the [[Ability List]] Page.  
! style="text-align: center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Counterable?
! style="text-align: center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#c0c0c0;" | Detectable?
! style="text-align: center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#c0c0c0;" | State
| style="background-color:#eae2cf;" | Constant Passive
| A Power that is permanently active and cannot be turned off, or permanently imparts some effect or ability on the user.
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Permanent
| style="background-color:#eae2cf;" | Toggle Passive
| A Power that can be toggled on and off at will, but is otherwise permanently active when on.
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Usable
| style="background-color:#eae2cf;" | Trigger Passive
| A Power that only activates when certain conditions are met, but will remain active while the conditions are still applicable.
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Triggered
| style="background-color:#e1d1d6;" | Control Power
| A Power that forces some manner of control over the actions or intentions or thoughts of its target.
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Usable
| style="background-color:#c3e6c3;" | Region Enchant
| A Power modifier that puts an effect on a Region in-game, such as Rental Houses, Clandestine Bases, etc. The same Region Enchant Ability can only affect the same region once at any given time.
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Usable
| style="background-color:#d1d1d1;" | Mundane Technique
| A Mundane Technique that manifests as a honed and practiced skill, that is usually combined with weapon implements for use.
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | No
| style="text-align: center;" | Usable
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Summon Power
| A Power that summons or creates something out of nothing, such as weapons or armor.
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Usable
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Buff Power
| A Power that enhances the user or target with some benefit.
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Usable
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Instant Power
| A Power that immediately imparts some effect.
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Usable
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Memory Power
| A Power that alters, removes, or interacts with a person's memories.
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Usable
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Skill Power
| A Power that confers bonus Proficiencies, or alters, enhances, or reduces current Proficiencies.
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Usabe
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Detection Power
| A Power that detects the presence or activation of other Abilities, Afflictions, or abnormalities.
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Usable
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Escape Power
| A Power that allows the user to escape from a situation or specific circumstance.
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Usable
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Healing Power
| A Power that heals the user, or others.
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Usable
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Dimension Power
| A Power that creates, or alters, a pocket Dimension for the user to access and enter/exit.
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Usable
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Morph Power
| A Power that temporarily or permanently alters a certain part (or all) of the User's body, granting them extra capabilities with it.
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Usable
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Vehicle Power
| A Power that only activates when the user is inside of something.
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Triggered
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Movement Power
| A Power that alters the user's movement in some way, or acts as a specific form of movement itself.
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Usable
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Info Power
| A Power that communicates information over long, or short, distances.
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Usable
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Counter Power
| A Power that explicitly counters another Ability or effect. Counter Powers cannot be used on Counter Powers.
| style="text-align: center;" | No
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Usable
| style="background-color:#efefef;" | Link Power
| A Power that connects the target to the user via a 'Link,' imparting some effect on the both of them, or one of them. They can only be broken by Anti Link Abilities, the user willingly ending them (or getting knocked out), or the target leaving Emote Distance.
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Yes
| style="text-align: center;" | Usable
==Power Tags==
As every Power is inherently magical in nature, it is important to distinguish what dimension these Powers pull from for the sake of classification and specific ability mechanics. A Power is able to pull from one of the following four planes. Power Tags are determined by where the person gets the Ability from. For example, a Power gained from Vampirism will always be Void, while a Power gained from Exist Spell Point Buy will always be Exist.
* Primal
* Ordial
* Void
* Exist

==General Ability Rules==
==Combat Roleplay==
This comprises a set of general rules that may not be included on specific pages. It is safe to assume that unless the page specifically and explicitly contradicts the following, these rules always apply, even when unwritten.
Combat Roleplay on MassiveCraft is done in two ways: System Combat, and Loose Combat. System Combat is to rules-bound interactions that make Combat Roleplay organized and reduces the risk of Power-Gaming. Everyone wants to win in Combat Roleplay, so System Combat helps assuage OOC frustration by giving everyone a fair chance. Loose Combat without Systemized Abilities and rules can be used to make Characters look cool, especially when both sides do not care about who wins, and is recommended for non-competitive settings. Loose Combat is sometimes also preferred during some Events or Private Roleplay, when the focus is more on the experience rather than the outcome. During System Combat, characters have Turns where they can use [[Proficiency]] based Ability or Attack Emote that do Damage, and everyone has a Health Pool that causes them to lose if they hit 0. Abilities are divided into Powers (always Magical) and Techniques (never Magical). MassiveCraft has a Plugin that allows Abilities to be Linked in Chat, by using (a:Ability Name) in your emote (with parenthesis). For more on System Combat, refer to the [[Proficiency#Optional_Combat_Roleplay_Rules|Proficiency]] Page.
*'''Ability Modifiers''' are alterations to how an Ability functions or looks. They are not optional, and always apply based on the source of that Ability.
==Combat Terms==
*If an Ability or Special offers a +1 to a specific Proficiency Stat, this never confers an additional Point-Buy Pack, and is only a flat Stat Boost. This Stat Boost is relevant for other Abilities that might require a stat threshold, or in the case of fair-use Stat comparison between players.
Combat Terms are Terms that are frequently used in Combat Roleplay (CRP). You will refer back to these terms often so they should be memorized. They are also crucial to know in understanding Ability Descriptions.  
*If an Ability or Special mentions a Character's '''Main Combat Stat,''' this is their highest Proficiency stat that they use for combat, such as Strength, Dexterity, or Magic.
* '''Target:''' A Target is always another Character/Person in a Roleplay Scene. If you can see at least half the Minecraft Character in-Game, and have Line of Sight, you are able to Target the person in question.
*If an Ability or Special '''Grants Bonus HP''' in any form, such as HP counters, or HP pools, these effects cannot stack. A character can only benefit from one single "Bonus HP" effect at any given time, with the first one applied remaining until it is entirely used up.
* '''Line of Sight:''' Line of Sight, or LOS, is an exception for Targeting. Allied Player Characters never block Line of Sight. Enemy Player Characters only block Line of Sight if they are further than 5 Blocks Away.
*If an Ability or Special mentions that it "only works in Progressions," it means that it cannot be used on-server in RP, and can only be used in forum progressions, which are explained [ here]. If an Ability or Special mentions that it "only works in Regalia," it means that it cannot be used in forum progressions, and can only be used on-server in RP.
* '''Cover:''' Cover means your Character is protected from being Targeted, without necessarily being behind physical obstacles. Cover can only ever come from certain Abilities / is Temporary.
*If an Ability or Special offers a boost to something, and that "something" being boosted has a maximum cap (ex, +1 to the Charisma Stat, which is capped at 7), this boost never exceeds the "cap," unless it specifically mentions it can exceed it.
* '''Action:''' Something your Character does that takes up their whole Emote (use an Ability, Attack, etc), that prevents you from using other Actions in the same Emote.
*Custom Kit Documents may conflict with this page regarding the rules of Abilities. If such a situation occurs, the Document will always take precedence.
* '''Reaction:''' Something your Character can do as an immediate reply to someone else's Emote, without needing to wait, but only sometimes taking up an Action. If an Action is taken, delay your next Action Emote.
*'''Ability Created Armor''' is when an Ability allows the user to magically summon, wear, or use armor. It functions the same as normal armor, including the idea that it never makes the user invincible, just delays how long it takes to bring them down.
* '''Movement Abilities:''' Movement Abilities are specific kinds of Abilities: Movement Powers and Movement Techniques. Abilities that move you, but are not one of these two types, do not count.
*In any and all cases, we require specific Proficiency mechanisms for a character to be considered appropriately "Disguised." If a character does not have one of these mechanics, it is always possible for others to identify them based on mannerisms, voice, clothes, etc. Disguise mechanics cannot be combined. Additionally, Disguises do not hide Affliction Tells unless they specifically say they do.
* '''Move:''' A Move is when you Walk/Run in a particular direction during a Turn. This never consumes the whole Turn, you can Move a max of 10 Blocks (But not diagonally), but, it cannot be used in the same Turn as a Movement Ability.
*Link Powers are a two way connection between a caster and a target, requiring a minimum of two people to function. A single character can be part of many link powers, unless an ability specifically blocks this. If a target is affected by a link breaking mechanic, they are removed from every link power they are part of. This does not affect the character on the other end of the link, allowing them to maintain link powers they have established with other targets. For example: Player A uses a link power, linking to Player B and Player C. Player B is hit with a link power breaking mechanic. Player B is no longer part of the link power, but Player A and Player C maintain their link power. If Player A was hit with the link breaking mechanic, Player B and Player C would be removed from the link power.
* '''Splitting Move:''' When a Character Moves, they can optionally spend some of the movement, take their full Action, and then spend the rest of their movement. (ex. move 3, action, then 7) This does not work with Movement Ability.
* '''Move Reaction:''' You cannot move through a Person. While using Move to go around a person, if you go within 2 Blocks of a Person, they get an Attack Emote (never an Ability) on you out of Turn without using an Action. This Attack Emote is known as an "Opportunity Attack."
* '''Attack Emote:''' Attack Emote means using a Turn to perform a Weapon/Magic Attack on a Target. When using an Attack Emote, you cannot also use Abilities in the same Turn unless specified.
* '''Attack Stat:''' Attack Stat is a Number based on Proficiency used for Attack Emotes on Targets. This is determined by the Abilities and Combat Style the Player is using.
* '''Defense Stat:''' Defense Stat is a Number based on Proficiency used for Defending against Attacks. This is determined by the Abilities and Combat Style the Player is using.
* '''Block Token:''' A Block Token is a Resource that, if you take 2HP or more Damage from Enemy Abilities or Attacks, automatically triggers to reduce the Damage by 2HP, and then destroy the Block Token.
* '''Block Rules:''' Block Tokens can Stack, never more than 3 per Person, don't prevent Effects (like Displaced/Status Effects), and must be tracked in Nicknames (/nick use Harry 10 HP 3 BT)
* '''Armored:''' Whether by wearing an Armor Minecraft Skin, or using a Summon Armor Ability, this automatically grants 1 Block Token, which is automatically refreshed when Combat Ends.  
* '''Stagger:''' If you are Staggered, the Ability or Attack Emote you tried to do is interrupted, and has no effect or Damage. This never puts Abilities on Cooldown when used to interrupt.
* '''Dispel:''' Dispel can only be used on Powers. If you are Dispelled, it means your Power (Ability) was interrupted, and no effects or Damage applies. Dispel puts Abilities on Half Cooldown.
* '''Displaced:''' If you are Displaced, it means your Character is forcibly being moved from where they are, to somewhere else, and cannot use Move during the Turn immediately after.
* '''Stance Ability:''' A Stance Ability is a kind of Battle-Mode which grants specific Effects or gives access to new Abilities, they are indefinite and cannot be Dispelled/Staggered.
* '''Stance Rules:''' Only one Stance can be active at any time. Entering a Stance does not use an action, but exiting a stance does consume the user's action, preventing them from doing anything else.
* '''Link Break:''' Link Break is an effect that breaks all links applied to or applied by the specified Target. Link Breaks are always effects of Abilities, never Abilities themselves.
* '''Ability Stacking:''' If an Ability says it "Does Not Stack" this means that the Ability cannot be used multiple times on the same person at the same time, even by different people.
* '''Max HP Reduction:''' If an Ability would reduce a Character's maximum HP, their Current HP would also be reduced by the same amount.

==Rules for Ability Usage in Conflict Roleplay==
==Combat Rules==
Generally, a combat emote should never have more than 1 actively used Ability in a single emote. Unless a character is given initiative through some effect, an ability specifies it can be used as a combo, or if it is a passive or triggering ability, combat should only ever have one dedicated action and a player’s movement.  
Combat Rules are loose Rules that did not fit in any other section, but dictate some niche situations or circumstances that don't happen often, yet were necessary enough to be recorded on this page. This is still recommended reading.
For example, while a character can use Technique Parry and perform a basic attack in the same emote, as it’s a reactive technique and an active attack, a character cannot use Leaping Charge into a Knockback Sweep, as both techniques are ones intended to be actively used.
* '''Weapon Swapping:''' When entering combat and drawing weapons or activating magic, doing so does not consume a Turn. However, changing Weapons does consume a whole Turn.
* '''Duplicate Abilities:''' Having/Point Buying Abilities with the same name, even from different Packs, does not grant a less Cooldown, or extra uses. It is inefficient Character Creation.
* '''Unwalkable Blocks:''' In any and all circumstances a Character cannot stand the following Blocks: Wool Blocks, Leaf Blocks, Barrier Blocks, Candles, Roots, Chains, Lanterns, Grindstones, Trapdoors without Walkable Blocks beneath them.
* '''Unwalkable Places:''' You can Roleplay anywhere (including roofs) your Minecraft Model can reach either by walking or with the Jump 1 Trait, and without moving on Unwalkable Blocks.
* '''Falling Damage:''' Characters don’t take Fall Damage if they choose to Jump off. Flavor this as Magic, Climbing, or a controlled fall. Characters only take Fall Damage if Displaced off.
* '''Forced Falling:''' Abilities can Displace Characters off of Ledges. If a character is forced off a ledge, and falls more than 6 Blocks, take 2 HP Damage. If more than 15 Blocks, take 4 HP Damage.
* '''Identity Reveal:''' Having or not having Abilities, functioning or not functioning of Abilities, cannot reveal hidden traits like Afflictions or a person's Disguised Identity.
* '''Water Penalty:''' If a Character is fully submerged in water, without an Ability or Mechanic that negates this, they suffer -5 Movement Speed, cannot use Abilities, and -7 Attack Stat.
* '''Water Boundary:''' Abilities that Displace can never force you to fall into or out of Water. If a Knock Back would force you to the water's edge, stop at the nearest land Block.  
* '''Prone Movement:''' While a Character has the Prone Status Effect, they cannot use Movement Abilities, and can only Move up to 5 Blocks. When Prone is removed, this applies for the rest of that Turn.
* '''Ability Use Conflict:''' If two Abilities are used at the same time, that do the same thing or a similar thing, and conflict with each other, an Ability used on Self goes first.
* '''Counter Abilities:''' You cannot use Counter Abilities (Counter Techniques and Dispel Powers) on other Counter Abilities.
* '''Leaf Movement:''' If a leaf block is ground level and has a solid block beneath it, you can move through it at double movement cost. If there are no solid blocks underneath, you fall through. Displacements ignore this rule.
* '''Ranges Plugin:''' Massivecraft has an in-game plugin that allows players to check how far away they are from another player, which is useful for Abilities. /rpa range help offers more detailed commands.
* '''Ability Plugin:''' Massivecraft has an in-game plugin that allows players to reference Abilities in their emotes. Sending (a:AbilityName) or (ability:AbilityName) in any chat will create a hoverable tooltip with the Ability’s full description. This text will always be white, no matter what chat it is in, so it will stand out in emotes. /rpa help offers more detailed commands.
* '''Minecraft Model Mods:''' Massivecraft’s Ability System judges Line of Sight and character models based on default Minecraft models. If a Player has a Mod that makes their Model look larger or wider, this does not count for the purpose of this system.

====Rules for Artifacts====
==Status Effects==
*[[Artifact]] Abilities do not follow the category rules set out on this page. Each Artifact has its own rules and all these rules are clarified on all Artifact pages.  
These Combat Effects stick with a Character between Turns. Some have a time limit, or require additional action. Status Effects of the same type cannot Stack. Additional Rules may be written in the Abilities themselves.
*Your character must always wear your artifact on them, unless there are extenuating circumstances which resulted in your character's artifact being taken from them against their will and disposed of somewhere, after which they enter the rotation for re-distribution. The only exception to this is situations in which your character would be executed for carrying the Artifact (Such as in the Imperial Palace.)
<table style="width: 100%;">
<tr><td style="width: 100%; vertical-align: top; text-align: left;">
<div class = "div-col">
* [[File:Trappedimg.png|22px]] '''Trapped:''' When Trapped, you cannot move, but can still use Abilities and fight on spot.
* [[File:Silencedimg.png|22px]] '''Silenced:''' When Silenced, you cannot use Powers. Dispel & Passive Powers are unaffected.
* [[File:Weakenedimg.png|22px]] '''Weakened:''' When Weakened, you cannot use Instant Techniques and Mount Techniques.
* [[File:Confusedimg.png|22px]] '''Confused:''' When Confused, you cannot Target the person who Confused you.
* [[File:Blindimg.png|22px]] '''Blinded:''' When Blinded, you cannot Target anyone. You can spend a turn to end the Effect.
* [[File:Markedimg.png|22px]] '''Marked:''' When Marked, you will be automatically hit on next Attack, then the Effect ends.  
* [[File:Bloodyimg.png|22px]] '''Bloody:''' When Bloody, any healing you receive is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0.
* [[File:Threatenedimg.png|22px]] '''Warned:''' When Warned, you must choose between two negative outcomes, then the Effect ends.
* [[File:Brittleimg.png|22px]] '''Brittle:''' When Brittle, you take +1 Damage on the next Attack, then the Effect ends.
* [[File:Guardedimg.png|22px]] '''Cursed:''' When Cursed, enemy Healers can target you, and Healing does Damage instead.
* [[File:Proneimg.png|22px]] '''Prone:''' When Prone, any Attack Emote you make has its maximum result reduced by 2. Spend a turn to end the Effect.
* [[File:Levitateimg.png|22px]] '''Fleeting:''' When Fleeting, if using a Movement Ability, become Prone instead, then the Effect ends.  

==Counter Mechanics & Ability Terms==
==Ability Types==
Countering (or deflecting, or nullifying, or purifying) an Ability is a term used for when one Character is able to prevent another Character's Ability from triggering, being used, or imparting an effect. Additionally, some counters have special rules attached to them, and only apply in certain scenarios. Counter Mechanics are usually well defined in the descriptions of the Abilities on the Lore Page, generally speaking each ability (if it has any counters) will have the counters listed. Alternatively, if an Ability's entire function is to counter other Abilities, it will list what types of Abilities are Countered.
Ability Types are different ways Abilities are called or described that may affect how they interact with other Abilities. This is recommended reading for additional Ability context.
===Unique Ability Terms===
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*'''Exorcism:''' An Exorcism, or Ability that removes "Possessions" is a prolonged ritual. It requires the target to be either willing, or fully restrained. The user must them proceed with a 10 minute long ritual, which must be completed uninterrupted from start to finish. Exorcisms do not target one specific effect, they will cleanse any and all applicable 'debuffs' or effects on the target (even positive ones).
<tr><td style="width: 100%; vertical-align: top; text-align: left;">
*'''Barrier:''' This term describes a magically summoned barrier around a person, that acts as a defined shield that protects the user against things. It can also apply to Techniques that use the term 'Barrier.' This is different than a "shield" Ability, which usually just summons a physical shield for the character to use.
<div class = "div-col">
*'''Mundane Cover:''' This term describes an Ability that creates a non-magical cover or protection for the user. This is different than a "shield" effect, or "barrier" effect, as it is non-magical in nature and has its own unique counter requirements.
* '''Instant Technique:''' An Ability with immediate usage and application of Ability Effects in the Turn. Can be Staggered.
*'''Block Counter:''' A Block Counter is any mechanic that would fully negate the damage of an Ability or basic attack. This cannot be used to block any additional effects, only the damage itself.  
* '''Passive Technique:''' An Ability that applies an effect for every following Turn, and cannot be Staggered unless specified.  
*'''Stagger / Staggered:''' A counter mechanic that interrupts all active casting or utilization of other Abilities, as well as ongoing Mundane attacks and/or charges, but does not put any Abilities on Cooldown.
* '''Counter Technique:''' an Ability that can only be used if certain conditions described are met. This cannot be Staggered.
*'''Displacement / Displaced:''' A mechanic that describes when anyone is forcibly moved from where they are currently standing, or if they are physically displaced against their will, such as knock backs, knock downs, knock overs, pushes, etc.
* '''Movement Technique:''' An Ability that moves the User or Ally a specified amount of Blocks in a direction. Can be Staggered.
* '''Stance Technique:''' An Ability to activate a Stance Ability (described above in Combat Terms). This cannot be Staggered.
* '''Link Technique:''' An Ability that connects two users and confers some benefit to either or both. This cannot be Staggered.
* '''Passive Power:''' An Ability that applies an effect for every following Turn, and cannot be Dispelled unless specified.
* '''Buff Power:''' An Ability that enhances a Target with benefits, like Proficiency/Healing/Block Tokens. Can be Dispelled.
* '''Instant Power:''' An Ability with immediate usage and application of Ability Effects in the Turn. Can be Dispelled.  
* '''Movement Power:''' An Ability that moves the User or Ally a specified amount of Blocks in a direction. Can be Dispelled.
* '''Dispel Power:''' An Ability that Dispels another Power and prevents its Effects and Damage. This cannot be Dispelled.
* '''Link Power:''' An Power that connects two users and confers some benefit to either or both. This cannot be Dispelled.

===Unique Ability Debuffs===
*'''Rooted/Trapped:''' A mechanic that prevents a character from walking, running, or generally moving, keeping them glued to the spot. This does not interfere with their ability to fight, or protect themselves, it just stops them from running away.
*'''Dazed:''' A dazed character can still move and fight normally, they are just incapable of casting and utilizing active Abilities for the duration of the Daze.
*'''Silenced:''' A silenced character can still move, speak, and fight normally, they are just incapable of casting and utilizing active Powers.
*'''Stun/Stunned:''' A stunned character cannot do anything. They cannot move, cannot fight, and cannot use Abilities. This effect is usually extremely short (seconds) for that reason, and therefore tends to exist as an instant interrupt and chance to defend.
*'''Paralyzed:''' A character can only have specific parts of them paralyzed, such as their arms, their legs, etc. If they are paralyzed, they cannot use these limbs to move, attack, or hold things, but can still generally use Powers & Techniques (assuming they can still hold the weapon in a use-able arm.)
*'''Confused:''' A confused character can still use Abilities and fight as normal, but cannot target the person who applied the confused debuff with Powers for the duration of the confusion.
*'''Weakened:''' A weakened character can still move, speak, and fight normally, they are just incapable of utilizing active Mundane Techniques.
*'''Blinded:''' A blinded character cannot target other characters with Abilities or Attacks but can defend themselves if attacked. They can still move, speak, and target themselves with Abilities, but not others.
===Curses and Debuffs===
Negative Effects have two distinct classifications, specified in the ability that uses it. Debuffs are considered weaker effects, able to be cleansed by any outside mechanic. Curses are a unique improved type of Debuff that is stronger in contrast, unable to be broken by an outside party, and only able to be dispelled by certain Curse breaking mechanics or by the effect ending on its own. Even if a Curse and Debuff use the same term effect, a Curse still benefits from being unable to be cleansed while a Debuff does not. Exorcisms can cleanse Debuffs, but not Curses, unless the Curse’s description itself says it works.

==Detection Mechanics==
==Status Identity==
Detection Mechanics exist to allow certain Characters to detect when an Ability is being used, or when they are being affected by an Ability, or just detect things in general. These types of Abilities will specifically mention "Detect" or "Detection" in their description. This is not a classification of identification, just because a Character may know they are being affected by some form of Ability, or that some form of Ability is being used, does not mean they know what this Ability does or how it works. Additionally, having frequently seen an Ability being used does not constitute as absolute knowledge of that Ability. This is considered false-positive Meta-gaming. In reality of lore, Abilities are varied and unpredictable. No matter how many times a person has seen a Vampire use a specific Ability, they should always treat it as if they don't exactly know what is going to happen. The fact that Abilities are attached to rules is not reflective of the lore or canon universe, only of "gameplay rules" to ensure fairness between players.  
Status Identity is how a Character can be identified by specific in-Lore/OOC Terms. Status Identity does not confer moral correctness of any kind. Characters are always defined by their actions not what they are.
====Extra Notes====
* '''Mundane:''' If you are Mundane, you have no Magic or Powers of any kind, not even God Magic. This is what Purists consider Purity.
*If a Character, or Ability has a "Detection Immunity", this Immunity will always override any Detection Mechanisms.
* '''Purists:''' Purists are people who consider Magic or Powers evil, unless they are granted by their own specific God(s).
* '''Attuned:''' If you are Attuned, you have Magic or Powers like God Magic,  but never from another Dimension like the Void, Ordial, or Exist. (Archon, Affinities, Faith PB's, excl Prayer).
* '''Magical/Occult:''' If you are Magical, you have Magic or Powers, specifically from another Dimension like the Void and Exist. (Magic, Afflictions).
* '''Disguised:''' Disguised means that a Character cannot be recognized, even if they look similar. This is always only because of Abilities, and cannot be stacked on top of itself.
* '''Hidden:''' Hidden means that any Abilities or Mechanics a Character uses cannot be recognized, and are totally unnoticeable, or "hidden." Event NPCs, especially the Imperial Palace, Arken, and Gods, ignore this status.
* '''Important Note on Hidden Abilities''' Please remember, that while Abilities themselves may be hidden, using them to have other Characters take actions that are out of the ordinary for them, may still result in suspicion.
* '''Monstrous Transformation:''' A Monstrous Transformation is a specific kind of Shift/Appearance that Characters take on, that make them look notably inhuman and scary. This matters for certain Mechanics and Abiliites.
* '''Statuses with Monstrous Transformations:''' [[Marken]], [[Vampire]], [[Godborn]], [[Arkenborn]], [[Solvaan]], [[Isldar]], [[Mystech]], and some Custom Kits.

==Ability Timing==
==Persuasion Rolls==
Due to the varied nature of both Abilities and the time of Roleplay, in addition to the difference between players speed of emoting, we do not maintain an official "timing" principle across all Abilities. Most Abilities (Specials & Abilities) maintain a strict OOC cooldown timer. However we understand there are cases where this is unfair due to OOC delays in time (such as slow emoting, OOC chatter/disputes, etc.) We believe players should be able to respectfully come to an agreement within the context of the Roleplay Scene as to what a respectable extension or alteration to these times should be. In the case that players cannot come to an agreement, Moderators may be called in via a Ticket to manage the situation.
This is an optional system to simulate Persuasion Dialogue. Persuasion is mostly used on DM Event Characters, but can also be used on Players. OOC Consent is always required for a Persuasion Roll when used on Players, but if OOC consent is provided, then the player must abide by the result of the Persuasion Dice. Persuasion Rolls should be used in good faith not to make Characters do stupid things or harm themselves, but to simulate Charisma and Persuasion, which are hard to emulate in Roleplay. Persuasion Dices follow several rules:
* By default, Persuasion rolls for every Character are at least 3. This can be increased by up to 7, by adding Wisdom or Intelligence Proficiency.
* When doing a "Persuasion Check", the person attempting to persuade uses dialogue first, then Persuasion Roll, then the Target also does a Persuasion Roll.
* NPC/Event Characters/DM Characters do not do a Persuasion Roll, they have a set number (either declared on the Wiki, or hidden during Events).
* If the person attempting the Persuasion rolls equal or higher than the defender, they win. Persuasion Rolls can be used an infinite amount of times.
* Succeeding a Persuasion Roll only applies to a single attempt to sway someone of an opinion or action. Persuasion Rolls cannot be used on Gods in Summonings.
* By default, Persuasion Cap (meaning the maximum Dice Roll) is always 10. This can however be increased by outside sources and effects listed below here.
** [[Adapt Point Buy]] includes a Mind Control Pack which allows users to boost the final Dice result by +2 when used on others, which does not raise the Persuasion Cap.
** [[Adapt Point Buy]] includes a Mind Control Pack which adds +2 to every Dice Roll before results only used by Self, which raises the Persuasion Cap by +2.
** [[Hoterie Order]] members are granted a Mechanic which adds +2 to every Dice Roll before results only used by Self, which raises the Persuasion Cap by +2.
** [[Slizzar]] Always Persuasion Roll at the Persuasion Cap of 14 regardless if they have bonuses, and always gain +2 to the final result of each Dice Roll.  
** [[Aelrrigan Order]], [[Viridian Order]], and [[Lothar Order]] Diplomacy Chapters gain +2 to Persuasion rolls, and raise the Persuasion Cap by +2.
** [[Archon#Phantom|Phantom Archon]] gain +2 to the final Dice result when Persuasion Dice Rolling against non-Mundane Characters, though Cap remains unchanged.
** [[Arkenborn#Pride_Arken|Pride Arkenborn]] can choose to derive Persuasion Dice from Wisdom, or Intelligence, or Magic, instead of just the former two.
** [[Arkenborn#Fury_Arken|Fury Arkenborn]] that defeat someone, gain +5 to the final Dice Result for up to 7 days after having defeated them in Combat.
** [[Arkenborn#Happiness_Arken|Happiness Arkenborn]] that make someone laugh, gain +2 to the next Persuasion Dice and can also gain Persuasion from Dexterity.
** [[Draconism]] Faithful are allowed to Persuasion Dice against Gods, while gaining +2 to Persuasion rolls + raising the Persuasion Cap by +2 on Gods only.
** [[Fin'ullen]] have a Heritage Trait Mechanic that increases their Dice Rolls on Arken, Arkenborn, and Spirits, by +2, and also their Persuasion Cap by +2.
* Whatever combination to increase the Persuasion Cap, the Persuasion Cap can never go over 14. If additional Persuasion Cap bonuses are stacked, they do nothing.
==Disguise Credibility==
A character with a shapeshifting or magical disguise mechanic is able to replicate the appearance of any Affliction or Affinity.  Any attempt to disguise as Knights or Guild Members  would immediately fail however, due to an official registry being kept between each organization. Characters are allowed to be suspicious of a character if they do not act in accordance with the behaviors typical of the group they're disguising as (a character refusing to drink blood whilst disguised as a Vampire, for example). It's possible in some private roleplay scenes for a character to pass off as a Knight or Guild member, but this is only if everyone in the scene grants their OOC consent.  

Latest revision as of 15:45, 15 September 2024

The Ability and Proficiency System
This page involves the Abilities and Proficiency system, which is a core part of how Combat Roleplay and "Competitive" Roleplay works on Massivecraft. To see an explanation of general Rules, Terminology, and Mechanics used on this page, read the Abilities page. To see a broader explanation of the Abilities and Rules used on this page, read the Proficiency Page. To see an indexed list of all Abilities, read the Ability List Page.

The Ability Manual is a resource page to explain common terms, functions, and base-line rules for Ability usage. If you play D&D, this should be as familiar as a Players Handbook. An indexed list of all Abilities can be found on the Ability List Page.

Combat Roleplay

Combat Roleplay on MassiveCraft is done in two ways: System Combat, and Loose Combat. System Combat is to rules-bound interactions that make Combat Roleplay organized and reduces the risk of Power-Gaming. Everyone wants to win in Combat Roleplay, so System Combat helps assuage OOC frustration by giving everyone a fair chance. Loose Combat without Systemized Abilities and rules can be used to make Characters look cool, especially when both sides do not care about who wins, and is recommended for non-competitive settings. Loose Combat is sometimes also preferred during some Events or Private Roleplay, when the focus is more on the experience rather than the outcome. During System Combat, characters have Turns where they can use Proficiency based Ability or Attack Emote that do Damage, and everyone has a Health Pool that causes them to lose if they hit 0. Abilities are divided into Powers (always Magical) and Techniques (never Magical). MassiveCraft has a Plugin that allows Abilities to be Linked in Chat, by using (a:Ability Name) in your emote (with parenthesis). For more on System Combat, refer to the Proficiency Page.

Combat Terms

Combat Terms are Terms that are frequently used in Combat Roleplay (CRP). You will refer back to these terms often so they should be memorized. They are also crucial to know in understanding Ability Descriptions.

  • Target: A Target is always another Character/Person in a Roleplay Scene. If you can see at least half the Minecraft Character in-Game, and have Line of Sight, you are able to Target the person in question.
  • Line of Sight: Line of Sight, or LOS, is an exception for Targeting. Allied Player Characters never block Line of Sight. Enemy Player Characters only block Line of Sight if they are further than 5 Blocks Away.
  • Cover: Cover means your Character is protected from being Targeted, without necessarily being behind physical obstacles. Cover can only ever come from certain Abilities / is Temporary.
  • Action: Something your Character does that takes up their whole Emote (use an Ability, Attack, etc), that prevents you from using other Actions in the same Emote.
  • Reaction: Something your Character can do as an immediate reply to someone else's Emote, without needing to wait, but only sometimes taking up an Action. If an Action is taken, delay your next Action Emote.
  • Movement Abilities: Movement Abilities are specific kinds of Abilities: Movement Powers and Movement Techniques. Abilities that move you, but are not one of these two types, do not count.
  • Move: A Move is when you Walk/Run in a particular direction during a Turn. This never consumes the whole Turn, you can Move a max of 10 Blocks (But not diagonally), but, it cannot be used in the same Turn as a Movement Ability.
  • Splitting Move: When a Character Moves, they can optionally spend some of the movement, take their full Action, and then spend the rest of their movement. (ex. move 3, action, then 7) This does not work with Movement Ability.
  • Move Reaction: You cannot move through a Person. While using Move to go around a person, if you go within 2 Blocks of a Person, they get an Attack Emote (never an Ability) on you out of Turn without using an Action. This Attack Emote is known as an "Opportunity Attack."
  • Attack Emote: Attack Emote means using a Turn to perform a Weapon/Magic Attack on a Target. When using an Attack Emote, you cannot also use Abilities in the same Turn unless specified.
  • Attack Stat: Attack Stat is a Number based on Proficiency used for Attack Emotes on Targets. This is determined by the Abilities and Combat Style the Player is using.
  • Defense Stat: Defense Stat is a Number based on Proficiency used for Defending against Attacks. This is determined by the Abilities and Combat Style the Player is using.
  • Block Token: A Block Token is a Resource that, if you take 2HP or more Damage from Enemy Abilities or Attacks, automatically triggers to reduce the Damage by 2HP, and then destroy the Block Token.
  • Block Rules: Block Tokens can Stack, never more than 3 per Person, don't prevent Effects (like Displaced/Status Effects), and must be tracked in Nicknames (/nick use Harry 10 HP 3 BT)
  • Armored: Whether by wearing an Armor Minecraft Skin, or using a Summon Armor Ability, this automatically grants 1 Block Token, which is automatically refreshed when Combat Ends.
  • Stagger: If you are Staggered, the Ability or Attack Emote you tried to do is interrupted, and has no effect or Damage. This never puts Abilities on Cooldown when used to interrupt.
  • Dispel: Dispel can only be used on Powers. If you are Dispelled, it means your Power (Ability) was interrupted, and no effects or Damage applies. Dispel puts Abilities on Half Cooldown.
  • Displaced: If you are Displaced, it means your Character is forcibly being moved from where they are, to somewhere else, and cannot use Move during the Turn immediately after.
  • Stance Ability: A Stance Ability is a kind of Battle-Mode which grants specific Effects or gives access to new Abilities, they are indefinite and cannot be Dispelled/Staggered.
  • Stance Rules: Only one Stance can be active at any time. Entering a Stance does not use an action, but exiting a stance does consume the user's action, preventing them from doing anything else.
  • Link Break: Link Break is an effect that breaks all links applied to or applied by the specified Target. Link Breaks are always effects of Abilities, never Abilities themselves.
  • Ability Stacking: If an Ability says it "Does Not Stack" this means that the Ability cannot be used multiple times on the same person at the same time, even by different people.
  • Max HP Reduction: If an Ability would reduce a Character's maximum HP, their Current HP would also be reduced by the same amount.

Combat Rules

Combat Rules are loose Rules that did not fit in any other section, but dictate some niche situations or circumstances that don't happen often, yet were necessary enough to be recorded on this page. This is still recommended reading.

  • Weapon Swapping: When entering combat and drawing weapons or activating magic, doing so does not consume a Turn. However, changing Weapons does consume a whole Turn.
  • Duplicate Abilities: Having/Point Buying Abilities with the same name, even from different Packs, does not grant a less Cooldown, or extra uses. It is inefficient Character Creation.
  • Unwalkable Blocks: In any and all circumstances a Character cannot stand the following Blocks: Wool Blocks, Leaf Blocks, Barrier Blocks, Candles, Roots, Chains, Lanterns, Grindstones, Trapdoors without Walkable Blocks beneath them.
  • Unwalkable Places: You can Roleplay anywhere (including roofs) your Minecraft Model can reach either by walking or with the Jump 1 Trait, and without moving on Unwalkable Blocks.
  • Falling Damage: Characters don’t take Fall Damage if they choose to Jump off. Flavor this as Magic, Climbing, or a controlled fall. Characters only take Fall Damage if Displaced off.
  • Forced Falling: Abilities can Displace Characters off of Ledges. If a character is forced off a ledge, and falls more than 6 Blocks, take 2 HP Damage. If more than 15 Blocks, take 4 HP Damage.
  • Identity Reveal: Having or not having Abilities, functioning or not functioning of Abilities, cannot reveal hidden traits like Afflictions or a person's Disguised Identity.
  • Water Penalty: If a Character is fully submerged in water, without an Ability or Mechanic that negates this, they suffer -5 Movement Speed, cannot use Abilities, and -7 Attack Stat.
  • Water Boundary: Abilities that Displace can never force you to fall into or out of Water. If a Knock Back would force you to the water's edge, stop at the nearest land Block.
  • Prone Movement: While a Character has the Prone Status Effect, they cannot use Movement Abilities, and can only Move up to 5 Blocks. When Prone is removed, this applies for the rest of that Turn.
  • Ability Use Conflict: If two Abilities are used at the same time, that do the same thing or a similar thing, and conflict with each other, an Ability used on Self goes first.
  • Counter Abilities: You cannot use Counter Abilities (Counter Techniques and Dispel Powers) on other Counter Abilities.
  • Leaf Movement: If a leaf block is ground level and has a solid block beneath it, you can move through it at double movement cost. If there are no solid blocks underneath, you fall through. Displacements ignore this rule.
  • Ranges Plugin: Massivecraft has an in-game plugin that allows players to check how far away they are from another player, which is useful for Abilities. /rpa range help offers more detailed commands.
  • Ability Plugin: Massivecraft has an in-game plugin that allows players to reference Abilities in their emotes. Sending (a:AbilityName) or (ability:AbilityName) in any chat will create a hoverable tooltip with the Ability’s full description. This text will always be white, no matter what chat it is in, so it will stand out in emotes. /rpa help offers more detailed commands.
  • Minecraft Model Mods: Massivecraft’s Ability System judges Line of Sight and character models based on default Minecraft models. If a Player has a Mod that makes their Model look larger or wider, this does not count for the purpose of this system.

Status Effects

These Combat Effects stick with a Character between Turns. Some have a time limit, or require additional action. Status Effects of the same type cannot Stack. Additional Rules may be written in the Abilities themselves.

  • Trapped: When Trapped, you cannot move, but can still use Abilities and fight on spot.
  • Silenced: When Silenced, you cannot use Powers. Dispel & Passive Powers are unaffected.
  • Weakened: When Weakened, you cannot use Instant Techniques and Mount Techniques.
  • Confused: When Confused, you cannot Target the person who Confused you.
  • Blinded: When Blinded, you cannot Target anyone. You can spend a turn to end the Effect.
  • Marked: When Marked, you will be automatically hit on next Attack, then the Effect ends.
  • Bloody: When Bloody, any healing you receive is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0.
  • Warned: When Warned, you must choose between two negative outcomes, then the Effect ends.
  • Brittle: When Brittle, you take +1 Damage on the next Attack, then the Effect ends.
  • Cursed: When Cursed, enemy Healers can target you, and Healing does Damage instead.
  • Prone: When Prone, any Attack Emote you make has its maximum result reduced by 2. Spend a turn to end the Effect.
  • Fleeting: When Fleeting, if using a Movement Ability, become Prone instead, then the Effect ends.

Ability Types

Ability Types are different ways Abilities are called or described that may affect how they interact with other Abilities. This is recommended reading for additional Ability context.

  • Instant Technique: An Ability with immediate usage and application of Ability Effects in the Turn. Can be Staggered.
  • Passive Technique: An Ability that applies an effect for every following Turn, and cannot be Staggered unless specified.
  • Counter Technique: an Ability that can only be used if certain conditions described are met. This cannot be Staggered.
  • Movement Technique: An Ability that moves the User or Ally a specified amount of Blocks in a direction. Can be Staggered.
  • Stance Technique: An Ability to activate a Stance Ability (described above in Combat Terms). This cannot be Staggered.
  • Link Technique: An Ability that connects two users and confers some benefit to either or both. This cannot be Staggered.
  • Passive Power: An Ability that applies an effect for every following Turn, and cannot be Dispelled unless specified.
  • Buff Power: An Ability that enhances a Target with benefits, like Proficiency/Healing/Block Tokens. Can be Dispelled.
  • Instant Power: An Ability with immediate usage and application of Ability Effects in the Turn. Can be Dispelled.
  • Movement Power: An Ability that moves the User or Ally a specified amount of Blocks in a direction. Can be Dispelled.
  • Dispel Power: An Ability that Dispels another Power and prevents its Effects and Damage. This cannot be Dispelled.
  • Link Power: An Power that connects two users and confers some benefit to either or both. This cannot be Dispelled.

Status Identity

Status Identity is how a Character can be identified by specific in-Lore/OOC Terms. Status Identity does not confer moral correctness of any kind. Characters are always defined by their actions not what they are.

  • Mundane: If you are Mundane, you have no Magic or Powers of any kind, not even God Magic. This is what Purists consider Purity.
  • Purists: Purists are people who consider Magic or Powers evil, unless they are granted by their own specific God(s).
  • Attuned: If you are Attuned, you have Magic or Powers like God Magic, but never from another Dimension like the Void, Ordial, or Exist. (Archon, Affinities, Faith PB's, excl Prayer).
  • Magical/Occult: If you are Magical, you have Magic or Powers, specifically from another Dimension like the Void and Exist. (Magic, Afflictions).
  • Disguised: Disguised means that a Character cannot be recognized, even if they look similar. This is always only because of Abilities, and cannot be stacked on top of itself.
  • Hidden: Hidden means that any Abilities or Mechanics a Character uses cannot be recognized, and are totally unnoticeable, or "hidden." Event NPCs, especially the Imperial Palace, Arken, and Gods, ignore this status.
  • Important Note on Hidden Abilities Please remember, that while Abilities themselves may be hidden, using them to have other Characters take actions that are out of the ordinary for them, may still result in suspicion.
  • Monstrous Transformation: A Monstrous Transformation is a specific kind of Shift/Appearance that Characters take on, that make them look notably inhuman and scary. This matters for certain Mechanics and Abiliites.
  • Statuses with Monstrous Transformations: Marken, Vampire, Godborn, Arkenborn, Solvaan, Isldar, Mystech, and some Custom Kits.

Persuasion Rolls

This is an optional system to simulate Persuasion Dialogue. Persuasion is mostly used on DM Event Characters, but can also be used on Players. OOC Consent is always required for a Persuasion Roll when used on Players, but if OOC consent is provided, then the player must abide by the result of the Persuasion Dice. Persuasion Rolls should be used in good faith not to make Characters do stupid things or harm themselves, but to simulate Charisma and Persuasion, which are hard to emulate in Roleplay. Persuasion Dices follow several rules:

  • By default, Persuasion rolls for every Character are at least 3. This can be increased by up to 7, by adding Wisdom or Intelligence Proficiency.
  • When doing a "Persuasion Check", the person attempting to persuade uses dialogue first, then Persuasion Roll, then the Target also does a Persuasion Roll.
  • NPC/Event Characters/DM Characters do not do a Persuasion Roll, they have a set number (either declared on the Wiki, or hidden during Events).
  • If the person attempting the Persuasion rolls equal or higher than the defender, they win. Persuasion Rolls can be used an infinite amount of times.
  • Succeeding a Persuasion Roll only applies to a single attempt to sway someone of an opinion or action. Persuasion Rolls cannot be used on Gods in Summonings.
  • By default, Persuasion Cap (meaning the maximum Dice Roll) is always 10. This can however be increased by outside sources and effects listed below here.
    • Adapt Point Buy includes a Mind Control Pack which allows users to boost the final Dice result by +2 when used on others, which does not raise the Persuasion Cap.
    • Adapt Point Buy includes a Mind Control Pack which adds +2 to every Dice Roll before results only used by Self, which raises the Persuasion Cap by +2.
    • Hoterie Order members are granted a Mechanic which adds +2 to every Dice Roll before results only used by Self, which raises the Persuasion Cap by +2.
    • Slizzar Always Persuasion Roll at the Persuasion Cap of 14 regardless if they have bonuses, and always gain +2 to the final result of each Dice Roll.
    • Aelrrigan Order, Viridian Order, and Lothar Order Diplomacy Chapters gain +2 to Persuasion rolls, and raise the Persuasion Cap by +2.
    • Phantom Archon gain +2 to the final Dice result when Persuasion Dice Rolling against non-Mundane Characters, though Cap remains unchanged.
    • Pride Arkenborn can choose to derive Persuasion Dice from Wisdom, or Intelligence, or Magic, instead of just the former two.
    • Fury Arkenborn that defeat someone, gain +5 to the final Dice Result for up to 7 days after having defeated them in Combat.
    • Happiness Arkenborn that make someone laugh, gain +2 to the next Persuasion Dice and can also gain Persuasion from Dexterity.
    • Draconism Faithful are allowed to Persuasion Dice against Gods, while gaining +2 to Persuasion rolls + raising the Persuasion Cap by +2 on Gods only.
    • Fin'ullen have a Heritage Trait Mechanic that increases their Dice Rolls on Arken, Arkenborn, and Spirits, by +2, and also their Persuasion Cap by +2.
  • Whatever combination to increase the Persuasion Cap, the Persuasion Cap can never go over 14. If additional Persuasion Cap bonuses are stacked, they do nothing.

Disguise Credibility

A character with a shapeshifting or magical disguise mechanic is able to replicate the appearance of any Affliction or Affinity. Any attempt to disguise as Knights or Guild Members would immediately fail however, due to an official registry being kept between each organization. Characters are allowed to be suspicious of a character if they do not act in accordance with the behaviors typical of the group they're disguising as (a character refusing to drink blood whilst disguised as a Vampire, for example). It's possible in some private roleplay scenes for a character to pass off as a Knight or Guild member, but this is only if everyone in the scene grants their OOC consent.