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From MassiveCraft Wiki
Andlár, Gatekeeper of Bev and Alu
NameAndlár, Gatekeeper of Bev and Alu

Andlár, Gatekeeper of Bev and Alu, is a greatsword or claymore made of Zenith Silver, an extremely rare metal thought long lost to the world, with ancient Velheim meaning and religious uses for the Old Gods faith. Andlár is believed among the Old Gods worshipers to be the blessed gatekeeper, or key depending on your translation, of the mirror between Alu and Bev, a tool to arbitrate life and death, but more specifically enforce death onto the Undead. Andlár has passed in the hands of a great many Vaarda throughout the centuries, giving many of them legacy and legendary feats in the names of their Gods, eventually landing in the Regalian Archipelago, where an expedition to deep Helbolwen in Irvainvik uncovered it, and it was brought to Regalia proper. The weapon still remains one of the most important artifacts among the Old Gods worshipers, and even though its actual legacy and reputation has waned in the Regalian Archipelago itself, the weapon remains famous outside of the Archipelago, and demands a great deal of worship among those who especially show favor to the Union of Water.


Andlár’s creation is mostly a mystery, and it is commonly believed among the Old Gods worshipers that it was created by the Gods themselves, and given to the Velheim people to do their work, or more specifically the work of Bev and Alu. Yet, the blessings of the other Gods are also believed to be present, as the weapon was forged in Zenith Silver, a metal unique to the Union of Earth, in the fires of Mount Storgud within the raging magma of the Union of Fire, and blessed by the swiftness and skill of the Union of Air, so that no wielder would falter. It was passed from great Vaarda champion to champion, until the Skagger Wars where it was lost for a longer period of time. Eventually, the weapon passed into the hands of those residing in Regalia, after an expedition unearthed it.


Andlár appears fairly simple, but its details are intricate. The weapon itself appears like a greatsword, with a twisted handle that forms into a tree-like shape with engraved grooves, and four branches on the end to represent the four Unions. The blade itself is made of Zenith Silver, a metal that appears Silver at first glance, but has a light blue glow at all times. Additionally, the weapon seems to give off faint sparkles and floating lights, which give off an effect like a gentle snow-fall from the blade itself as it is wielded or moved around. Andlár gives off a glow even when sheathed or covered in cloth, and its presence is made known to especially the Undead who can feel its existence.

Uses and Abilities

As an Artifact, Andlár has several Traits, and several functional Abilities. As these are unique to the Artifact, these will not be represented on the Ability List page, but must still be mentioned when using by including the name of the Ability or Trait.


  • Sturdy: Andlár is immune to any physical or Magical damage. The weapon cannot be damaged or degraded in any way, it cannot acquire rust, and it cannot snap or be melted. Should it be inserted into a different dimension, it will immediately reject that dimension and launch back into Aloria, and it can also not be corrupted, cleansed, cursed, or dimension swapped.
  • Ageless: Andlár is wielded with transitional Proficiency. This means that Greatsword Combat is not needed to wield the blade. Any Combat Proficiency (even Ranged) can be used as a substitute, and said Proficiency will be used with Andlár as if it was Greatsword Combat Proficiency.
  • Deathbane: Andlár produces a passive effect to anyone within Emote Distance of the weapon who is touched by Ordial in any way (Undead, Ordial Mage, Ordial-attuned Ezekiel, Morvali etc.). While in range, these individuals feel an uneasy discomfort in their body, like a cold chill in their bones, something that passively unnerves them.
  • Powerful: Andlár grants the wielder +10 Physical Stat that breaks Physical Stat limit. Additionally, it makes the wielder faster, and able to move as fast as an Asha at all times.
  • Twicegiven: Andlár is a so called Power Artifact, and as such must be registered to two owners. The first owner is the carrier of the Artifact by default when they are online. If the first owner is not online, and the second is, they instead are the carrier of the artifact. If neither are online, the first owner carries it. This effect does not activate if the Artifact is currently in use in Roleplay. (For example, if the second owner is actively using it, and the first owner logs on, it does not immediately pop back to the first owner.)
  • Reputable: Andlár can be used in Progressions to gain more favorable responses among those who worship the Old Gods. There is a drawback however: less honorable sorts might also be inclined to steal the weapon if it is used carelessly in progressions, and the weapon can be lost if used to impress the wrong people.
  • Housebound: If Andlár is owned by a Noble Family, their Estate becomes a Raid-able target. To initiate a Raid, the same Raid-rules have to be followed like that of the Fae Sepulchre: a ticket must be made in Rp Com Discord detailing the time and place and Character Applications for all those participating, and Lore Staff will communicate the impending attack to the owner(s). If the attack is won (by capturing an established location or knocking down all defenders) the weapon is claimed by the attackers. No-one can be arrested or abducted or killed during such a Raid.



Target: Others
Use Time: Instantaneous
Range: 2 Blocks
Duration: Instantaneous
Description: Andlár is thrust towards an Undead person. This attack does not guarantee hitting, hits are still dictated by roleplay logic in CRP and (soft) Kill-Perms. If however the weapon impales an Undead in the chest, they are instantly killed and their Soul is captured in Andlár and their body disintegrated. This works even if Undead are not in a physical form, as Andlár ignores ghostly apparitions and forms. It is possible to revive an Undead with a physical body by bringing Andlár to the Ordial temple, where any Ordial Mage can revive one (or all) of the captured souls.
Cooldown: N/A

Union Gods

Target: N/A
Use Time: N/A
Range: N/A
Duration: N/A
Description: Andlár gives the wearer access to the following Abilities without charge: Element Control 1, Element Control 2, Element Control 3, Element Control 4, however none of these enchantments can ever apply to Andlár.
Cooldown: N/A

Alu’s Gift

Target: Others
Use Time: Instantaneous
Range: 2 Blocks
Duration: Instantaneous
Description: Andlár is thrust towards any non-Undead person. This attack is a guaranteed hit, but is not actually an attack but a healing action. If the Target is on the verge of death, and successfully has their chest impaled by Andlár, they no longer feel pain after the fact, and their death is prevented while their body is put in a state of denied-death. They will require healing to resolve their near-death state after the weapon is removed, and the weapon must remain inside until any healers can be brought, as removing it instantly removes the effect, but removing the sword leaves no wound. This part of the Ability has no Cooldown. The second part of the Ability triggers if Andlár impales the chest of a person who is not near-death and standing upright. Similarly, after the stab they no longer feel pain for up to a minute, while each and every (non-maim) wound is removed from their body and healed by Andlár, after which the sword can also immediately be removed, and the wound it left behind is healed also. If this secondary function is used, that secondary function goes on a 48 Hour Cooldown. Neither functions can be used on Self.
Cooldown: First use N/A, second use 48 Hour cooldown.

Bev’s Deception

Target: Others
Use Time: Instantaneous
Range: 2 Blocks
Duration: Instantaneous
Description: Andlár is thrust towards any non-Undead person. This attack only works on restrained or willingly hit targets. When hit, Andlár fakes their death for example by visibly impaling them or cutting their head off. The death animation and effects are 100% realistic and cannot be seen through, even if it is an illusion (it even cannot be seen through by those with Target Illusion immunity). To any and all inspections, the subject will appear dead, and their consciousness enters a state of non-existence. This causes the sword hilt to become somewhat loosened. Anytime the sword hilt is turned back into place on the sword (it never fully detaches, but is obvious to the wearer to function like a key-in-a-lock scenario), the illusion is reverted and the person regains consciousness, having effectively faked their death.
Cooldown: First use N/A, second use 48 Hour cooldown.

Vaarda’s Call

Target: N/A
Use Time: N/A
Range: N/A
Duration: N/A
Description: Andlár senses peril or an attack on any Helbolwen closest to the weapon at any time. If the Helbolwen is in danger of an attack or intruder who does not belong, the sword begins to vibrate and a flurry of snow begins to form around it. If the sword is unsheathed or picked up during this state, the wielder and anyone within 3 blocks around the wielder will be immediately teleported to the nearest Helbolwen under attack or intrusion, with a blizzard of snow heralding their arrival at the entrance.
Cooldown: N/A

Last EditorBirdsfoot violet on 10/5/2021.

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