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Revision as of 18:59, 13 December 2021 by HydraLana (talk | contribs)
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Official Name Silver
Common Nicknames Grey Gold
Origin Aloria
Uses Decorative, Alchemy
Rarity Rare
Accessibility Middle and Upper Classes

Silver is a relatively common material found largely in Essalonia and in scattered smaller deposits across Aloria. The Silbrae Republic once dominated Silver mining and trading, and the material was the base for Regalia’s coinage, making it highly valuable in addition to its uses as a decorative metal. Unfortunately, the Regalian Empire switched to the Gold standard which crashed the price of Silver on the market. The Republic was devastated, and it took almost twenty years for the price to properly recover. Although most old Regalian coins of Silver have been melted down for alternative use, a few coins are still in circulation in scattered areas of Aloria. Despite the crash, Silver retained its decorative value as a jewelry metal and, additionally, as an ingredient in various alchemical mixtures. Today, many eagerly seek Silver to help fuel their fortunes while others remain more cautious, as the economic downturn from old childhoods is still fresh in mind.


Silver has been a mineral highly sought after by various nations for centuries. The Allorn Empire hunted for Silver as much as it did Gold, ultimately expending the large veins once found in Daen and Hadaria. The lack of raw Silver might have been a driving force in their rumored attempts to colonize Essalonia, as the landmass was found to contain large quantities of Silver. In later centuries, following the decline of the Allorn Empire, Silver became a scarce and highly valued commodity up until the Cataclysm. Following that event, a small group of haggard slaves and lower-class Altalar sailed to Essalonia, attempting to reach Solleria but being blown wildly off course. While finding themselves faced with a wilderness, they chose to rebuild their lives in the lands they found themselves in. By 70 AC, a small thriving nation began to form, and they gradually opened up the earth to reveal the treasured Silver underneath. The kingdom that formed from these people, and ultimately took part of its name from the material, and Silbrae became renowned for its Silver mines. In 201 AC, when the Regalian Empire made contact, they showed immediate interest in this mineral wealth. The smaller nation was more than happy to help provide the material for them and was eventually made a client state of the Regalian Empire.

But in 264 AC, the broader Regalian Pessimism inflicted its first major economic casualty: the switch to the Gold standard caused a Silver crash followed shortly by several major Silver mines running dry in Silbrae. The nation was ruined virtually overnight and fell into chaos as the monarchy was forced to abdicate and fled the country as republican ideals took hold. At the same time, Veløya-based nations discovered Silver deposits of their own, and were able to greatly enrich The North Belt's supply of the material (since the Velheim greatly favor the metal). Following the Chrysant War and the re-empowerment of the Regalian Empire, Silver prices increased once more and Silbrae was able to recover by 300 AC. Today, Silver is a significant luxury good traded out from Essalonia and smaller sites across Aloria and will likely remain stable as a commodity with a high price.



Silver is a bright grey metal that gleams even when unrefined and further shines when properly processed. It appears in pockets and veins alongside other materials but rarely appears in large veins, save in Essalonia.

General Uses

Silver serves a variety of purposes, from decorative to alchemical. It is used as a second rank jewelry material as it is gorgeous when paired with gems such as Sapphire, Solacrox, and Diamonds. It most often appears in necklaces and earrings. Silver is also used to decorate various weapons of the Regalian Nobility through plating and intricate carving. In Alchemy, Silver is used in a smattering of expensive but useful concoctions.


  • Some Silver coinage is still out floating in economies of a few minor Nations and States. As it does not have the same value as the Regal, some people instead seek to collect the coinage as memorabilia of the past.

Writers HydraLana
Processors Athelois, WaterDruppel, Dosier
Last Editor HydraLana on 12/13/2021.

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