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(Created page with "Materials make up the world of Aloria, from deep in the earth, to in the refined objects used and held by the worlds Races and even Lesser Races. Ancient stonework was carved from minerals hauled from the earth, powerful weapons were often forged from metals refined and beaten into new shapes, while fabric and textiles have been woven from the products of plants and stranger things. This page is dedicated to the broad range of substances able to be used by weavers, a...")
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Revision as of 21:53, 22 October 2023

Materials make up the world of Aloria, from deep in the earth, to in the refined objects used and held by the worlds Races and even Lesser Races. Ancient stonework was carved from minerals hauled from the earth, powerful weapons were often forged from metals refined and beaten into new shapes, while fabric and textiles have been woven from the products of plants and stranger things. This page is dedicated to the broad range of substances able to be used by weavers, artisans, blacksmiths and all sorts of craftspeople to create a range of objects and items. Below are four tables featuring the main four types of Materials which can be used or referenced IG. Crystals and Gemstones ARE still usable, but do not have their own tables. They can instead be located on the main Materials page, and in the infobox at the very bottom of this page. Additionally, a list of special materials, created by players for their characters for In-game Roleplay, is at the bottom of the page as well. Keep in mind that this list is not final and will be added to or edited when necessary.

  • For a list of all Materials pages, click HERE.


The following Metals exist in canon Aloria. All Metals are generally divided between three categories: Light (meaning less durable but lighter) Medium (meaning average) and Heavy (meaning more durable but heavier). Durability does not affect weapon or armor degradation in Abilities that degrade metals, it is purely for flavor and combat roleplay considerations when fighting others with equal matched skills and weapons.

Name Class Special Properties Appearance when forged
Iron Medium None Dull gray
Steel Medium None Dull silver
Blacksteel Heavy None Very dark gray, bordering on black
Brass Medium None Golden with a more yellowish dulling
Bronze Medium None Yellowish brown with a light gold hue
Cinnochra Medium None Deep crimson red
Copper Light None Brown with a sheen or red
Ephamaria Medium None A gold-like metal with an orange hue
Flowerite Light When struck with any other object, produces a harmonious tonal C noise that resonates Hot pink
Galenata Medium None Dark gray silver with sparkle lines in it
Gold Light None Golden
Silver Light None Silver
Laqoria Light Sparkles with a diamond-like brilliance Light blue with marbled streaks of white
Metalitra Heavy None Dark gray with a sheen of dull gold
Dhobrøk-Khor Heavy None Beige almost wood-like color with red lines and cracks in the metal
Khazalitra Heavy None Silver-like with cracks of azure blue marbled in
Mocra Medium None Very light pink like Himalayan salt with an opaline sheen
Nightsilver Medium Produces a dusting of star-like glitter when moving Dark night sky blue
Omnaleya Heavy Produces a deep pitch buzzing noise when moving A deep burgundy red with darker brown cracks running through it
Pattara Light Smells like freshly cut grass and flowers Silver with a rich green hue
Pyrignis Medium None Silver-yellow metal with strong reflective capacity
Zankari Medium When submerged in water, causes it to appear like blood A dull dark brown with a very light red reflective sheen
Umbooru Heavy Produces a rattle-snake like sound when moving Ivory white
Tin Light None Dull gray
Modul Heavy Produces a howling wind noise when moving When forged, Modul looks like actual bone
Hutter Heavy Produces a distinct smell of pine resin and needles A dark gray metal with brown lines in it that resemble the rings of trees
Loon-Solay Light Produces a mist-like dew following its movements Ceramic-like white
Electrum Light Used to conduct and contain the Magic involved in Arctech Varies from warm yellow to a pale grey


The following Woods exist in canon Aloria. All Woods are divided between three categories: Light (meaning less durable but lighter) Medium (meaning average) and Heavy (meaning more durable but heavier). These categories are largely for flavor, though certain properties may specifically indicate greater or lesser strength than other materials. If any plants are not on the list, and have the capacity to give lumber, it can be assumed that they revert to the standard of Royal Oak, with medium strength and no special properties.

Name Class Special Properties Appearance when carved
Royal Oak Medium None Range of light to dark browns
Allú'tornë Medium None Pale brown flecked with pale green
Drachenwald Nuttree Light None Shades of beige inlaid with flecks and lines of gold
Loongliu Light Glows when exposed to moonlight Light beige with swirls of pure white
Kashan Dimi Medium None Orange-brown laced with deep red lines
Geolutreo Heavy Turns any breeze running through it warm and pleasant Swirling pattern of yellows and beiges
Wyld Wood Light Aesthetically moves on its own once carved/formed Deep green or purple with a blue sheen
Tee’kratonna Heavy Will bind together with another inert substance naturally, without the need for glue or riveting A pale gray-brown with speckles of pink and pale red
Brass-heart Tree Heavy Highly resistant to fire Black with a sparkling golden gleam under the light
Lightmare Ash Medium Emits pale blue and white glowing particulates White with streaks of pale gray
Flori’nelaya Light None Reddish-brown with white speckles
Ironsonia Heavy Has the strength of Iron, highly resistant to damage Dark gray streaks with light gray and black
Moon-Moth Tree Medium Attracts insects at night, when it also faintly gleams blue Pale brown riddled with solid, deep blue lines
Singing Syprelle Light Produces a beautiful tone when moving Swirls of pale yellow and shades of pink


The following Earthenwares can exist in canon Aloria. All Earthenwares are divided between three categories: Soft (meaning easily pliable), Medium (meaning average) and Hard (meaning dense and difficult to carve). These categories are largely for flavor, though certain properties may specifically indicate greater or lesser strength than other materials. If any materials are not on the list, it can be assumed that they revert to the standard option, with medium strength and no special properties. The table is loosely divided between stones and other building materials at the top, and clays at the bottom.

Name Class Special Properties Appearance when carved/fired
Limestone Soft None White to gray
Marble Medium None White with swirls of gray and black
Granite Medium None Speckled with pinks, whites, blacks, and grays
Sandstone Medium None Pale yellows, reds, and oranges
Slate Soft None Dull gray
Obsidian Hard Extremely sharp edges Glossy black
Achate Soft None Dull red to orange swirled with white
Ankhesep-Ane Hard Can only be cut with Living Metal Brilliant pale green stone
Seraphalo Soft Causes memory loss Pure white filled with shifting patterns of golden imagery
Earthwind Rock Medium Aesthetically moves on its own once carved/formed Deep green or purple with a blue sheen
Eelt-Stone Soft Capable of being heated and cooled, yet retains shape Pale, marble-like tones with pale blue swirls
Common Clay Soft None Dull red-brown
Voluun Putty Soft None Pale yellow flecked with red dots
Diparu-Zal Earth Soft Emits harmless sparks Beige-yellow with bright yellow streaks
Zisha Clay Heavy Used in Sihai Engineering A dark brown tone with a metallic sheen
Baldden Clay Medium Hums vocalizations it detects in a broad vicinity back to subject Dark gray to pale gray with white lines
Sanrasculpt Medium Can be triggered by owner to appear slick with blood or ooze the substance Dark purple with swirls of black
Morr'esse Shaping Substance Medium Appears like the night sky during the daytime A deep blue with multicolored speckles
Savellani Shaping Substance Hard Can be attuned to have the appearance of one of the 8 core elements of the Altalar conception of Magic Pale gray with translucent glittering lines to shimmer a color tone relate to their attuned element
Sumanikel Clay Hard Can resist extreme heats Black or dark brown with a scale-like pattern over the surface
Ashaiwn Soft None White, tan or black cross-patterned with silver lines


The following Fibers exist in canon Aloria. All Fibers possess between one and three Traits. These are: Durable (it tends to last long), Fragile (it is delicate and doesn’t last long), Light (physically weighs less), Heavy (physically weighs more), Soft (self explanatory), Warm (self explanatory), Coarse (self explanatory) and Lustrous (naturally shines and has raw beauty, but is generally thinner). These Traits are largely for flavor and to suggest what sort of creation should be made with them.

Name Traits Special Properties Appearance when woven
Fastox Qiviut Durable, Heavy When left undyed and untreated, completely weatherproof to snow and rain Range of natural white, beige, brown, and grey tones. Can be woven into thick or thin fabric
Magni Rabbit Hair Fragile, Soft None Often dyed vibrant colors, with a halo effect of soft fuzz and luxurious softness
Listigsvart Stoat Fur Soft, Lustrous None Almost always pure black unless lightened before dyeing, with a lustrous sheen
Puraanabee Weave/Puraa Fabric/Linen Durable, Light Can bear glowing religious iconography as a constant effect once patterned Due to a somewhat rigid nature, is excellent for embroidery and garment construction
Baadalan Tree Bast/Cotton Durable, Light, Soft None Can be dyed with vibrant colors, naturally light and airy
Sieth'lusia Seagrass Fiber Durable, Heavy, Coarse None A rough, scratchy fiber used in rope and sailing equipment
Nettlestalk Thread Light, Lustrous Always shimmers lightly as if being slightly rippled by a breeze Light and soft like cotton, though with a notable sheen
Royal Oak Bast Durable, Coarse None A favorite substitute for leather, given its rigid and tough quality, and can be dyed or painted
Brass-heart Tree Bast Durable, Lustrous Highly resistant to fire Has a unique golden sheen under firelight
Blåfrakk Goat Wool Durable, Soft, Warm Has an inherent warming effect, and is slightly warm to the touch. Typically left undyed in Modra blues and teals, and often felted into rigid fabric
Anglian Black Breed Sheep Wool Durable, Warm None Naturally dark in color, though can be dyed. Has mildly elastic quality, perfect for warm dresses with a classic drape
Ceardian Wooly Sheep Wool Durable, Warm None The most common wool, takes color well and can be made into thin or thick fiber for weather-resistant clothing
Northern Blackleg Breed Sheep Wool Soft, Warm None A very full and feltable fiber, traditionally used windproof capes, warm blankets, and insulating wall tapestries
Daen Manteu Sheep Wool Soft, Lustrous None A very fine and slightly lustrous wool that can be pure white, or takes dye well. Often used in expensive clothing for its sleek texture
Silk Durable, Light, Lustrous None Commonly used for high class clothing, takes dye very well for bright colors and is durable for daily wear
Elastan Durable, Light Naturally waterproof Appears sleek, gleaming dark blue
Peltastan Durable, Light, Soft None Appears in a wider range of colors, with the same flexibility as Elastan but lacking waterproofing, instead being duller in color tone and softer
Cäll'ashmarën Durable, Lustrous None Appears like golden thread with a smooth appearance, like flowing gold

Special Materials

Character Name Material Special Properties Appearance when used
Example Char Rivatt Sheep Wool Fiber None A soft and lustrous fabric, the tips of the wool shimmer in silver.
Sivrid Sorenvik Helsilke Mushroom Fiber Fiber Glows faintly when underground A pale silk-like fiber with a slightly rigid structure
Sivrid Sorenvik Frode's Hair Lichen Fiber Fiber Organic plant matter can be grafted or woven into the cloth permanently Looks like living or dried moss, with flowers, vines, or leaves integrated into the cloth
Zaeronn Lotus Cashmere Fiber Complete stainlessness, but can't be re-dyed. A thick, warm fabric that has a waxy sheen.
Zaeronn Lumina Silk Fiber Acts as if underwater, faint glow when away from bright lights. A thin silk known with a soft glow and weightless appearance, but immensely fragile.